Changelog for
skrooge-lang-2.33.0-55.2.noarch.rpm :
* Wed Sep 25 2024 Christophe Marin
- Update to 2.33:
* Correction bug 485366: Differnce in different Report-Selections (kde#485366)
* Correction bug 484156: \"Monthly Report\" Last month grahic failure (kde#484156)
* Correction bug 489784: Importing a QIF the account type is changed (kde#489784)
* Correction bug 492287: Skrooge 2.32.0 freezes while opening existing .skg files, but import is fast (kde#492287)
* Correction bug 493062: Another Problem with QIF and Character \"/\" (kde#493062)
* Correction bug: Fix mimetype of .sta file
* Correction bug: Remove dependency on QCA. So, old password protected files are no more supported.
* Correction bug: Fix translation issue in \"Incomes vs Expenditures\" dashboard widget
* Tue Apr 09 2024 Garret Wassermann - Update to 2.32.0
* Correction kde#475294: Import file dialog show file://
* Correction kde#475037: Dashboard: the font in \"Income & Expenditure\" is too small and has a bad contrast
* Correction kde#478389: doc says pointed operations display a half-filled square, but it\'s 3 horizontal dots
* Correction kde#477688: Problem with precision when doing internal transfer of bitcoin
* Correction kde#480113: Skrooge: bookmarking a page adds a & to the bookmark name
* Correction kde#481144: import tracker impossible, neither from homebank (TAG / ETIQUETTE)
* Correction kde#481226: Improve compliance with messages HIG
* Correction kde#483212: Can\'t add links in properties
* Correction kde#482053: Difference in different Report-Selections
* Sun Oct 15 2023 Garret Wassermann - Update to 2.31.0
* Correction: Cannot import more than one ISO 20022 XML (kde#472392)
* Correction: Importing ISO 20022 XML creates bogus accounts (kde#472390)
* Correction: In Merge imported operations, prefer fields with values over blank fields (kde#474391)
* Correction: The tool to align the category of operations with their payees\' always fills in the category of the first payee it found (kde#474759)
* Correction: AppData missing in 2.30.0 tarball (kde#472061)
* Correction: Dashboard: the font in \"Income & Expenditure\" is too small and has a bad contrast (kde#475037)
* Correction: Failure in some cases in import qif
* Thu Aug 31 2023 Garret Wassermann - Update to 2.30.0
* Correction: Income&Expenditure widget don\'t match with Income&Expense report (kde#435762)
* Correction: Stats plugin should use XDG_STATE_HOME rather than the hardcoded .skrooge path to store files (kde#454965)
* Correction: Skrooge crash opening dashboard, after QML dashboard only introduced (kde#467153)
* Correction: Issue with reconciliation of portfolio accounts (kde#467599)
* Correction: Import via woob 3.5 (kde#468329)
* Correction: Remove all dashboard to keep only the qml version- Fixes to spec file due to changes in qt plugin directories
* Thu Apr 13 2023 Garret Wassermann - Update to 2.29.0
* Correction: User must be able to unlink the current account connected with a credit card account (kde#459775)
* Correction: Merging imported operation with an existing one fails when both have the same property (kde#459378)
* Correction: Skrooge seems to work better under Wayland, so remove broken Wayland override (kde#456895)
* Correction: Allow to add operations to a scheduled operation (kde#455427)
* Correction: Add category adds as subcategory of selected, which doesn\'t match the Name line (kde#409705)
* Correction: Exchange rates converter no longer works (kde#463245)
* Correction: Skrooge v2.28.0 AppImage Icons Don\'t show (kde#465335)
* Correction: When a document is open, settings stored in the document (underligned) must be reload
* Correction: Remove deprecated api for loading plugins
* Feature: Change of XML export and addition of XML import (this will facilitate some other XML import like ISO 20022)
* Feature: Import ISO 20022
* Feature: Align the category of all single operations with the category of their payee (quality check + view + auto correction)
* Mon Aug 01 2022 Christophe Giboudeaux - Update to 2.28.0
* Correction: document the settings icon in a table\'s header to bring up its context menu
* Correction: field pop-ups located weirdly, \"##WARNING: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate()\", sometimes hangs (kde#446352)
* Correction: Skrooge report (Line) having issues with values above several millions (kde#452695)
* Feature: The \"Debug\" page allows to execute multi sql orders
* Feature: Import .sta file as MT940
* Tue Jan 25 2022 Wolfgang Bauer - Update to 2.27.0
* Correction: 2.26.1 still installs skrooge_unit.knsrc to depreciated /etc/xdg/ location (kde#440271)
* Correction: you can\'t tab to the number and duration fields in Operations \"Show\" table filter (kde#446353)
* Correction: Import from Woob using Ofx (kde#446915)
* Correction: Weeks without operation are missing in reports
* Correction: Crash when the dashboard is closed during animation
* Feature: New release process for appimage
* Feature: Unit values can be negative now (see
* Feature: Skrooge uses now the LC_MONETARY environment variable to use the specific locale for currency format- Drop redundant recommendation of the -lang package- Add signature file and keyring
* Wed Aug 18 2021 Christophe Giboudeaux - Drop the QtWebKit dependency for all archs.
* Sat Jul 24 2021 Wolfgang Bauer - Update to 2.26.1
* Correction: import not working with woob bank 3.0 (kde#436006)
* Correction: Help text needs to be escaped (kde#436081)
* Correction: there\'s no word \"reconciliate\" in English, should be reconcile (kde#436328)
* Correction: Downloading currency using fails with UnicodeDecodeError (kde#439494)
* Correction: Small fix for FEC monthly report
* Correction: Migration on new APIs. Need a API key now
* Correction: Fix deprecated knsrc file location
* Feature: Add confirmation message when an import is triggered by a double click on an imported file
* Sun Apr 18 2021 Wolfgang Bauer - Update to 2.25.0
* Correction: Please make qtwebengine dependency optional (kde#429356)
* Correction: % increase calculation in dashboard account widgets (kde#430535)
* Correction: changing filter criteria while grouping Operations by Category expands a different set of categories (kde#430242)
* Correction: Skrooge crashes when copying tables in categories with subcategories unfold (kde#432423)
* Correction: Currency download from Yahoo uses \"low\" instead of \"close\" (kde#433514)
* Correction: Sub operations view\'s tab confusingly looks identical to just \"Operations\" (kde#435330)
* Correction: Bookmarks are not created with tab name and icon (kde#435847)
* Correction: strange appearance of Skrooge bank icon pop-up menu if no scrollbar (kde#422273)
* Correction: Column combo box not visible in report in dashboard
* Feature: opt-out accounts from the \"accounts\" widget in the Dashboard (see
* Feature: New dashboard layouts: by columns and with layouts in layouts