Changelog for python3-trimesh-3.23.5-ill15500.7.2.x86_64.rpm :

* Wed Nov 08 2023 Tuukka Pasanen - Update to trimesh 3.23.5
* Fri Jan 24 2020 Stefan Brüns - Update to trimesh 3.5.15, changes since 3.5.0 inclusive: + bump to release + Scene Fixes And Numpydoc + DXF Exports and Broken Faces + Make sure unicode is stripped from DXF exports + Allow kwargs in Path objects + #680 Vectorized And Merge Updates + SVG Segments, Python 3.8, Vertex Normal Merging + move apply_obb up to base class + Scipy 1.4 Qhull options + add force_immutable to Cache + Add return_index to segment resampling and overload __copy__ + Apply `metallicFactor` property to `pbrMetallicRoughness` object on glTF export + Widget And Path Updates- Update to trimesh 3.4.10, changes since 3.4.0 inclusive: + export full graph from GLTF + allow vertex properties with one element + GLTF Nodes, SVG IO Changes, README updates, raytrace fix + Make materials hashable + #622 implement transforms for scenes + Better face_normals setter check and rename get_resources + Replace reversing case of align_vectors + Merge a number of PR\'s and bump version.- Update to trimesh 3.3.9, changes since 3.3.0 inclusive: + Fix Typo In test_scene + filter degenerate triangles from face_adjacency + Add __repr__ and cache Extrusion.direction + resource caching, remove_close improvements, and GLTF fix from #588- Update to trimesh 3.2.39, changes since 3.2.25: + skip concat in quaternion_matrix + bump and remove duplicate code + fix issues with new extrude logic + remove pkg_resource requirement- Make it actually build: + Add python-scipy dependency (runtime, and build for tests) + Add several other optional dependencies to avoid runtime errors + Fix several python singlespec errors- Remove pyembree build dependency for now, as it is x86_64 only.
* Fri Oct 11 2019 Adrian Schröter - initial package 3.2.25
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