Changelog for dolphin-megasync- :
* Wed Dec 22 2021 Dead Mozay - Update to version * No changelog. * Tue Dec 07 2021 Dead Mozay - Updat to version * Full redesign of settings with a new look and feel. * Multi-currency support added for upgrade options. * Crashes previously detected on Windows, Linux and macOS now fixed. * Other performance improvements and adjustments. * Other UI fixes and adjustments. * Mon Sep 27 2021 Dead Mozay - Update to version * New improvements for the management of the syncs. * Improved user experience when syncs are disabled. * Enhanced system notifications to notify various account events. * Improved user experience while working with huge number of transfers and syncs. * Fixed issues of high CPU usage of gnome-shell. * Fixed detected crashes on Windows and Linux. * Other performance improvements and adjustments. * Other UI fixes and adjustments. * Mon Mar 08 2021 Dead Mozay - Fix requires for thunar * Tue Mar 02 2021 dead_mozayAATTopensuse.org- Update to version * Link crpytopp statically for Debian 10 * Fix for release compiler: specify unique_lock parameter * Always use / path separator with QFile * Use the updated file path in toast notifications, in case it was renamed * Fix saving link to exe when folder from path was missing * Tue Nov 24 2020 dead_mozayAATTopensuse.org- Update to version * Link crpytopp statically for Debian 10 * Fix for release compiler: specify unique_lock parameter * Always use / path separator with QFile * Use the updated file path in toast notifications, in case it was renamed * Fix saving link to exe when folder from path was missing * Call SHChangeNotify() from secondary thread, for paths * Use (propper) delete operator to fix mem leaks * Init symbol handler, to avoid getting garbage in stack trace * Update build script: + Change to use zsh + Change spec option to use macx-clang + Update finder shell project to not include com.apple.security.get-task-allow entitlement * Set minimum version for macOS 10.9 * Disable build of MEGADeprecatedVersion subproject * Update filemacos emergency * Replace changelog for new version * Update filesmacos for autoupdate * Wed Oct 21 2020 dead_mozayAATTopensuse.org- Update to version * fix for older compilers * Add support for Ubuntu 20.10 * Literals require quotes since Fedora 33 * change sys_siglist[] to strsignal() * Bump version to 4.3.5 and SDK to latest v3.7.3c * Update translations * Update translations * Also require win7 in 32 bits installer * Also add a small script to gather all the windows build products for 32/64 installer generation and/or signing * Bump version to RC4 * Update korean string * Change calculation to use number of files instead of nodes * Adjust minimum platform to Windows 7 for Qt build scripts. * update sdk submodule to include minor changes pkgs building * Replace [S] with withespace for Show string * Update source translation file and language files (revert obsolete tag translations) * Update src/MEGASync/control/Utilities.h * Show message box when error and minor fix * Avoid issues with QCheckBox::stateChanged() not emitted * do not let enabling sync when reached ODQ paywall * Support to show reamining hours left when odq * Update translation string and remove ui string * Update calls to new format * Revamp calculations for remaining days * Enable test upgrades to occur from practice configuration * [Fix] Fix upgrade dialog title and description maximum sizes on Windows and Linux as it is on Mac. * [Fix] Remove extra space when printing architecture in changelog. * Add an optional flag `crashable=true` to megasync.staging * [Fix] Fix change log architecture separator character codification on Windows. * Bump version and update SDK to branch 3.7.3a * Updated translations * [Fix] Apply title size calculation adjument in Windows like it is done in Linux for enabling word wrapping when neccesary. * Fix issues with wordwrap on macos * [Fix] Fix storage over quota adding sync alert dialog title. * [Fix] Make password and 2FA code const in the api call. * [Fix] Fix 2FA login in windows. * [Fix] Remove no needed flags when creating Over Quota Dialog window. * Updated translation source file * Updated missing translation context * [Fix] Replace \'Empty transfer quota\' with \'Deplete transfer quota\' on over quota action dialog title. * [Fix] Fix login text size on Windows with 100% zoom. * [Fix] Hide help button in over quota dialog on Windows platform. * [Fix] Clear email field on GuestWidget only after logout and avoid clearing it after cancelling login. * Adjust layout to accommodate larger strings * [Fix] Clear email field in GuestWidget after logging out. * [Fix] Do not clear email edit line after manually cancelling loggin process in windows and mac. * [Fix] Fix transfer circular progress bar in windows. * [Fix] Do not clear email edit line after manually cancelling loggin process. * Update translation source file * [Fix] Update circular progress bar when total size is now unkown anymore even the value is the same as last execution (transition from free to pro user). * send event when adding a sync results in fetchNodes because of API_EACCESS * Update src/MEGASync/gui/translations/translation.source.ts * Add string for ODQ errors * [Refactor] Change architecture format 32/64bit by 32/64-bit in About MegaSync window. * Make qt notice translatable * [Refactor] Replace 32bits and 64bits strings with 32bit and 64bit. * Fix installation of 64 over 32 on Windows 7 * Added DPI Aware setting to installer_win.nsi * SDK submodule update to latest v3.7.3 branch * [Fix] Fix some qfile dialog translations. * [Fix] Fix some qfiledialog translation strings. * also remove styles folder on uninstall * also remove new DLLs on uninstall * Revamp code and protect menu creation * SDK submodule update to latest v3.7.3 branch * Update submodule to latest v3.7.3 release branch * [Translation] Replace some html characters to avoid dupes when exporting translation.source.ts. * Update for installer script for windows 4.3.4 release * update sdk to include fixes in filesystem detection, transfer cancellation & scsn sent too early * SDK submodule update to v3.7.3 * Update translation file with changelog for 4.3.4 * Bump version (needs to update submodule to SDK release) * Updated translation strings * Updated translation source file * Remove unused string and adjust title * Remove ... from translation * Remove ... from translation * Fix string typo * Unlink preferences in case of logged but empty session * [Refactor] Remove unused MesageBox class. * Update src/MEGASync/MegaApplication.cpp * Fix flag issues * Set lower limit to 1 for local clean scheduler * [Fix] Avoid ciclic resize method call in OverQuota dialog after word wrapping. * Make license string translatable * Set wordwrap and increase width for longer translations * [UX] Set correct native resolution (32x32) to dynamic over quota circular progress bar icon. * [Fix] Remove forgotten magic number for testing. * [Fix] Change dynamic transfer quota pop over styleSheet label in order to actually apply the style. * [UX] Error icon updated. * [Refact] Initialize stream from mega last node selected enumeration for preventing future errors. * [UX] Paint dynamic over quota icon instead of hyphen character when circular usage bar total value is unknown. * [Refact] Move member variable construction from MegaApplication initilizer list for consistency. * [Fix] Check the public link is valid after trim it when streaming from mega. * [Refact] Improve streaming dealing with last node selection using enum instead of a boolean variable. * [Fix] Fix over quota dialog cutting title in Linux. * [Fix] Fix transferQuota desconnection with infoDialog after logging out. * [Fix] Reset transferQuota object after a logout. * [Fix] Call synched method when setting uploadLimitKB preference. * [Refact] Remove TODO comment. * [Fix] Avoid updating user states everytime infoDialog is shown. Instead only update them once after transfer over quota wait time has expired. * [Feature] Execute over quota alert after upload action is triggered if storage is in paywall state. * [Feature] Reset streaming status after transfer over quota wait time has expired. * [Refactor] Move InfoDialog creation and signal slots connection to a method to avoid duplicated code. * [Refactor] Rename TransferQuota class member variables to Hungarian notation. * [Refact] Changed variable result name after closing over quota action dialog. * [Feature] Tray icon to show the same icon and tooltip in transfer than in storage over quota. * [UX] Add storage and transfer over quota icon when showing over quota UI alert. * [Feature] Change transfer over quota alerts disable time logic so the over quota functionality can be debugged using the staging file. * [Refact] Remove superfluous assert. * [Fix] Change qt calls order when rising the streaming dialog after an error. * [Refact] Add spaces when using math operators. * [Refact] Refact Preferences and make transfer over quota interval values available for setting them using stage file while debugging. * Fix UI visualization issues at transfer manager item * Set bk color for oq and odq at maindialog * Custom QLabel to adjust wordwrap if needed * add a word on silent installation & remove deprecated 64 bits caveat * Update src/MEGASync/gui/CircularUsageProgressBar.cpp * [Refact] Improve readibility of the result of executing upgrade dialog. * [Fix] Fix sending transfer overquota dialog execution event. * [Refactor] Refact timepoint getter and setter in preferences. * [Fix] Send transfer over quota dialog execution event each time not only the first time. * [UX] Show full tray icon menu in Windows even in transfer over quota state. * [UX] Show only one UI overquota info dialog alert instead of one after the other (i.e. only storage over quota instead of storage over quota and the transfer over quota). * [Feature] Change over quota alerts time duration resolution to milliseconds in order to improve testing. * [Refact] Add override keyword and remove extra line. * also add as disabled when blocked or business expired * [Feature] Show error icon when streaming on transfer overquota. * [UX] Update some icon native sizes to fit design requirements. * [Refactor] Remove unused 3x icon in Mac resources. * [UX] Adjust OverquotaDialog design in Linux and Windows after Mac changes. * [UX] Remove both storage and transfer over quota dialog when adding syncs. Only storage dialog will be shown if both storage and transfer are over quota. * [UX] Show transfer error alert in streaming dialog when transfer overquota. * [UX] Set default text colour (black) for values lower than 90% in circular usage bar. * [Fix] Remove forgotten test code. * Fix build issue * [Fix] Rename variable names forgoten to be changed in previous refactor. Change percent text color in Circular Usage Progress Bar according with overquota state (it is now set to default black color). Update sdk submodule. * Fix geometry of circular progress bar for macos * [Fix] Check if sync overquota dialogs need to be shown when adding a sync folder from settings. * [Feature] Show warning tray icon when transfer overquota. * [Fix] Do not cache transfer quota wait time and state in preferences. * [Refact] Add type argument in OverQuotaDialog constructor for allowing creating dialogs using the constructor instead of the static factory. * [Refact] Capitalize constants and enums. Remove unit testing class TimeWrapper and friend references to Mock classes. Change source classes order in CMakeList trying to solve compilation problem with classes overriding QObject. * add sync as temporarily disabled when on storage OQ * [Fix] Allow dismissing over quota dialogs with the X button in addition to the dismiss button. * [Refactor] Refact default timepoint calculation in Preferences. * [Fix] Fix typo and check transferQuota object is created before using it in some critical places. * [Fix] Check correct dialog execution time when deciding if a storage overquota OS notification should be executed. * [Fix] Set the correct image when transfer overquota ui message alert is shown. Set correct icon when transfer overquota sync dialog is shown. * [Refactor] Remove icon file name white spaces to avoid posible errors while loading it. * [Fix] Improve the architecture calculation in change dialog. * Get last 3 warning ts and use comma for separation * Reduce topmargin for larger strings * Rever connection to old style for macos * Fix do not consider oq bandwidth to show initial menu * Update src/MEGASync/gui/QCustomTransfersModel.cpp * Update src/MEGASync/gui/QActiveTransfersModel.cpp * Update src/MEGASync/gui/MegaTransferDelegate.cpp * Use getLastErrorExtended() to get correct value when an error occurs * [Refactor] AddMenu object to be delete only when object is not null in windows. * [Fix] Fix memory leak and recreate menu in windows just after the user clicks add button in transfer manager. * Revamp layout to make adaptative for larger strings Only macOS * Remove html codes for translatable strings * [Fix] Add correct path when escaping filesystem incompatible characters. * Set props for macx and win UI dialogs * Fix typo * [Feature] Add app architecture info in about MEGASync view. * [Fix] Fix transfer manager add menu not focusing correctly in windows when popping up. * Removed unsupported languages for MEGAsync. * Fixes for upgradedialog on macOS * Fix build issues and adapt code to custom popover for macOS * minor compilation fix * [Feature] Add file path argument when using sdk escape/unscape filesystem compatible functionality. * Custom message when reach deadline ts * Update translations * [UX] Reduce font size of circular usage percent figure and push percent sign to translation for change form and style in every language. * [Refactor] Remove unnecessary call to click download checkbox in ImportMegaLinksDialog constructor. * [Refactor] Improve total transferred bytes translation for avoiding problems with spacing characters. * [Fix] Fix add sync action wrong signal slot connection. Fix triggering update user stats logic. * Fix condition to not miss setOverQuotaMode call if data is not ready * Fix bug if state is paywall but userdata is still pending * Revamp code to manage ts for notifications * Revamp code based on feedback * Not hide control if daystoexpire <= 0 * [Fix] \"Remove testing code.\" * [Fix] Add new file entries to CMakeLists.txt. * [UX] Pulish OverQuotaDialog desing in linux and mac forms. * [Refactor] Change transfer over quota related clases and variables naming. * [Refactor] Remove all letter-spacing html subset in forms. * [UX] Improve Overquota full dialog style in windows. * [Fix] Fix qobject connection with Qt version lower than 5.7. * [Fix] Fix showing bandwidth overquota popover with left mouse button and layout in Windows. * [Fix] Fix Time.h name collision and other issues when including mega/types.h under Windows. * improve restoreSync logic * changes in syncs restorations * [Fix] Allow opening links in BandwidthOverquotaPopOver and add forms correctly to windows and mac. * [Refactor] Move bandwidth overquota dismiss actions to BandwidthOverquota. * [Refactor] Move checking bandwidth overquota alerts when downloading, importing links or streaming to BandwidthOverquota. * [Refactor] Create BandwidthOverquota class and move into all bandwidth overquota logic from MegaApplication. * [Feature] Add bandwidth overquota upgrade dialog dynamic transfer help pop over in Mac and Windows platforms. * [Feature] Add bandwidth overquota upgrade dialog dynamic transfer help pop over. * setOverQuotaMode whenever storage state changes & * Fix build issues on macos * fix cmake compilation of megaupdategenerator for !win32 * fix MegaUpdateGenerator issues: - add cmakelists.txt to build only that - fix compilation in windows - do not depend on utils.cpp * Update ui strings and source translation file * Git submodule update to develop * fromSecsSinceEpoch not available on QT 5.6 * Revamp storage logic and paywall management * Add UI support for paywall state * Store preferences to track system notifications for odq * Return default if ts not initialized * Added utilities * [Fix] Check correct storage overquota dialog last execution time. Fix enabling bandwidth overquota alerts logic. * [Fix] Read preferences after being logged. Update infoDialog transfer overquota state after receiving a user usage event. * [UX] Modify transfer overquota dialog design according with new design. * [Fix] Fix checking transfer usage percent for pro users. * [Fix] Show almost transfer overquota for pro users. * [Feature] Show transfer overquota full message on info view when corresponds. * Getter for MegaPricing * Add paywall to enum * Update paywall information at main dialog * Utilities for paywall data management * Update macOS infodialog for paywall states * Update Assets * [Feature] Show bandwidth overquota full OS notification. * [Feature] Show bandwidth overquota dialog only after a specific time after the last execution. * [UX] Notifications date time format simplified. * [UX] Change notifications date time format for matching the current choosen language format. * [UX] Minor layout fixes in Linux and Windows. * [Fix] Initialize login title stacked widget correctly in order to not show errors at start up. * Avoid calling to login page logic in resetFocus if the state is not actually LOGIN. * [Fix] Start timer after animation when hiding 2FA login error. * [Fix] Send parent node url instead of file versioning url to webclient when using \'view on mega\' action in transfer manager finished uploads. * [Feature] Disable importing locally or in the cloud checkboxes at importing links view when no valid links selected. * [Fix] Fix some translation source file typos. * [Fix] Fix transfer manager opening webclient on \'view on mega\' action. * [Refactor] Separate about Mega dialog footer message in two labels so it can be translated in a easier way. * Add translator comments in translation source file. * [Fix] Translate correctly About MEGASync dialog footer message. * Fixed issues with capitalization of errors * Reset focus after setting state * Add missing comments in translation source file. * [Fix] Replace transfer empty icon with one with more resolution. * Rename pushbutton to avoid QT warning when connecting signals * Fix issue with error shown in non-capital letters * Change to arrow cursor for macos. Not needed for win & linux * Fix ok & cancel button non clickable when changing password * Clean input 2FA code during initialization * Apply correct css rules * Revamp layout and minor fixes for macOS * [Fix] Fix overquota dialogs when adding syncs. * [Fix] Fix overquota dialog warning timestamp settings not updating cache values. Connect upgrade button to mega pro page in overquota dialogs. * [Feature] Add overquota storage and bandwidth warning dialogs and throw them when trying to do disabled actions like uploads, downloads, import links, etc. * [Fix] Replace KB transfer rate unit by KB/s and set label translatable. * [Refactor] Only translate remaining uploads and downloads message when there is a change from plurar to singular or viceversa. * [UX] Add left and right padding to \'Change password\' settings button in Linux. * [Fix] Force translating copyright message in about megasync dialog when user changes language. * [UX] Improve circular overquotas alert batches design. * Add missing context to source string file * Add missing context and translation field. Remove reference. * Swap place of export and password buttons to better manage long strings * [Refact] Replace some abbreviations with full word. * [Fix] Show alert icon when transfer overquota circular usage progress bar is full. * [Feature] Allow users to access info and settings dialog after transfer overquota reached. [Refactor] Refactoring a few variable and function names. * [UX] Add fadein fadeout animations to login and login2FA errors. * [UX] Replace cloudy background with a plain background in login 2FA guest widget view. * [Fix] Fix login 2FA hiding line edit box when a character is inserted. [UX] Do not clear email edit box when login fail becouse of bad credentials. * [UX] Replace incorrect credentials dialog with a proper message in login view. * [UX] Add fadein transition to loggin error message. * Replace dialog based login form errors with batch messages in order to improve login UX. * Make extensions more Debian compliant and adapt Nautilus for Qt4 and Qt5 * [Fix] Allow clicking next button pushing enter in guest widget login 2FA page. * [Fix] Change shield icon by bigger version in Login2FA dialogs. * [Fix] Add bigger shield icon and spacers to guest widget login 2FA page. * [Feature] Improve login UX by integrating login 2FA dialog into login widget. * [Feature] Add qt based file dialog translations. * [Refact] Replace \'export key\' button text with \'backup recovery key\'. * [Fix] Prevent throwing access denied dialog when canceling logging process. * [Fix] Fix streaming file icon being cut in windows platform. * [Fix] Enable downloading checkbox when importing links even when the import default folder is synced. * [Refact] Refact after-loggin info message in Windows platform. * [Refactor] Change keyword-like operators to symbol-like. * [Feature] Enable ok button in import mega links dialog only when there is at least one valid and selected link. * [Feature] Prevent and warn the user when trying to set a new password that is the same than the old one. * Add space between number and porcentage in circular usage progress bar. * [Feature] Remember email when login error occurs. * Thunar now computes the correct path for MEGASync client sockets. * Nemo now computes the correct path for MEGASync client sockets. * Dolphin now computes correct path for MEGASync client sockets. * [Fix] Fix the way of getting the command to open an app using a mime type in linux. * [Refactor] Make consts some variables. * [Fix] Fix \'Remaining Uploads/Downloads\' translation from transfer manager active transfers view when there is a single transfer in progress. * Always invalidate emblem state on file info update. * Compute correct path for MEGAsync client sockets. * Silence compile warnings. * [Fix] Fix byte unit translation. * [Fix] Fix bandwidth rate limit unit translations in Settings->Bandwith view. * [Fix] Fix transfer manager update transferred bytes translation. * [Fix] Fix changelog copyright language translation. * Mon Jul 27 2020 dead_mozayAATTopensuse.org- Update to version * update Arch linux qt & icu depending versions * fix includes for QPainterPath * remove wrong line * update fileswin.txt with win32 updating hashes * Update 4303 files for macos * Bump version * Git submodule SDK update to v3.7.0b * Update translations * also allow using environment variables for in-app updates * use environment variables to override updater hardcoded URL/pubkey * initialize COM library in case CoInitializeSecurity returned CO_E_NOTINITIALIZED upon uninstall instead of using a QGuiApplication to do it for us * fix emergency updater task installation / desinstallation * Slight adjustment for whether pdfium is dynamically loaded for 32/64 * Use the delay-load for pdfium only for 32 bit, not 64 bit. * Update to new SDK 3.7.0a branch commit for XP backward compatibility * We are supporting windows XP for this release, so enable dynamic pdfium loading again * Update src/MEGASync/MegaApplication.cpp * Update src/MEGASync/MegaApplication.h * Revamp code and requestUserData after unlock account * Bump version * Git submodule update to SDK v3.7.0.a * reset TransferSummary Widget upon logout * Rename vble * Update translations * Tracking failed transfers while block to provide appropiate error in case of fail * fix duplicated tray icons when transition from logged to unlogged in windows 64 bits 5.12.8 * add missing 64 bits conditional * add missing qwindowsvistastyle.dll in installer * Update Qt MEGAUpdater project to use the staticcrt version of cryptopp under vcpkg * Update number of log files correctly * Point the MEGAUpdater at an eupd/wsync64 URL. * Update translations * Update translation source file * Fallback in case of nodeType is not folder or file * Fix typo * Provide context menu if there is no maindialog or OQ bandwidth * Split string for better translation * Fix for more timers being created frequently when only uploading or only downloading. * Bump version 4.3.3 build id 1 * enforce leave event for buttons in FilterAlertWidget (Qt 5.9 & 5.12 seem to never send that event) and css :hover properties are applied when re-showing that widget * Changelog updated to use labels and fix long translations issues * Updated translations * Clickable label * Update translation source file * Updated translations * Manage new transferring state for regular transfers * Updated translations for all languages * Corrections from babel for English strings * Updated translation source file * Disable translation of license text * Revamp code * linux/win changelog dialog revamping * add missing checks in updateTrayIconMenu * move updateTrayIconMenu call to the end of createAppMenus function * remove last reference to setContextMenu & fix updateTrayIconMenu for !WIN * prepare MegaInfoMessage for being translatable (even live) * Revamp changelog to include license requirements * refactor LOGOUT in req finish, renaming, add mising reset_UI_props & revert to non white bLogin color * have email block new flow working for linux & win * Make dialog translatable * Revamp guestwidget to integrate new flows * Fix possible crash if infodialog does not exist * New info message dialog * fix typo that prevented menu to be updated after being unlocked & prevented other potential issues * Don\'t show the Info Dialog on Linux when right-clicking the tray icon. * unify tray icon updates and have it take into account block state and block transitions * Fix incorrect use of QMegaMessagebox * change crash report dialog geometry & fix crash when repositioning with !infodialog * Set maximum if value overpass it * Improve error for failed transfers when locked account and manage syncs * recalculate position after layout regenaration & remove ? from verify dialog * use gnu\'s url for lgpl3 * Use guest menu when account is locked and tweak available setting options * explicitly refer to lgpl 3 and added some links for qt licensing * Update windows installer script for 32 and 64 bit Qt dependencies * Update translations * Fixed incorrect return value * Updated translations * Updated translation source file * Bump version and update SDK to release v3.7.0 * refactor ifdefs * Detect win vista and older and provide warning about cease of updates * Replace placeholder by [Br] and update strings * Revamp code * Remove square bracket from string * Add missing ifdef * Updated translation source file * Fix translation issues and reuse string if possible * Restore ucrtbase.dll in the 64 bit installation which was accidentally combined with vcomp140.dll * Revamp code to always use QMegaMessagebox and custom icons. * add missing keeplogs change in header * keep logs when login failed * Windows uninstaller should remove vcomp140.dll * Warn user if the current account has been disabled by business admin * add app name and other fields at the beginning of the program to avoid issues with applicationDataPath * Add support for Ubuntu 20.04 * Added Qt x11extras to the build dependencies * Add delay between pluginkit commands to avoid issues * Only reload extension if an update is performed * Disable signal handler (registered signals) during exit * Move LoggingThread to class member and avoid crashes on default LoggingThread dtor Handle exception * fix lockpopover glitch in windows * Set string to guestwidget when creating an account * Remove unneeded vble and fix color glitch * Reset flag only if block is sms or email * adjust UI for windows/linux and other adjustments * always regenerate verify UI if available upon EVENT_ACCOUNT_BLOCKED * Avoid reload page if currently page is the target * Fix build issue * Move to page settingup on page_welcome * revert \"Show status ...\" unconditional show * fix assertion & onSetupWizardPageChanged connection * more refactoring & centralize logic after fetch nodes finished in MegaApplication * Use default system font for Verify dialog * UI adjustments of locked popover for macOS. * initial refactoring of FETCH_NODES req finish at MegaApplication * GuestWidget UI alignments and layout for macOS * Change message depending if maindialog is available or n ot * Updated build prerequisites for Qt5. * Added MEGASYNC_ASSUME_TILING_WM knob. * Logic to manage send of email verification to unlock account * InfoDialog is a dialog when run under a tiling window manager. * Resolve overload ambiguity. * Further simplification of logic. * USE_MEGASYNC_AS_REGULAR_WINDOW has precedence over WM detection. * Respect the value of USE_MEGASYNC_AS_REGULAR_WINDOW. * Added convenience methods for retrieving environment variables. * Make logic a little clearer. * InfoDialog should be a regular window on tiling window managers. * LinuxPlatform can now detect when its running under a tiling window manager. * LinuxPlatform can now retrieve the name of the current window manager. * select v141 msvc DLLs for windows x64 installer * Updating 64bit to the latest libraries, VS2017, Qt512 ahead of the next release * Minor build fixes. * remove check packages * Revamp code * review: remove duplicate line * fix win compilation * set max payload size depending on available memory * installer_win.nsi: fix which DLLs are selected for 32/64 installer_win.nsi * remove duplicate line * close Verify dialog upon unlock * set logginStarted as true to have GuestWidget handle fetchnodes after block accordingly * fetch nodes upon unlock (caring no other fetchnodes is no the way) and transition guest widget accordingly * Emergency update file for macos * have log desktop file open before any message is written * add verify sms page to windows & linux too * Bump version * Initial management of sms locks within MEGAsync * Remove default strings from UI files * enforce flushing on desktop log file & stdout * review: improved user message; remove vcpkg DLLs in non-vcpkg install * add new files into cmake building * add border to LockPopOver in windows/linux * Always clean global settings if logout occurs regardless accountState * Fixes based on feedback * have lockedPopOver be white in win too * animate lockedpopover show & minor tweaks * for windows, only delayload pdfium when using the prebuilt libraries * Use bool type for needFetchNodes and return session if fn is needed * redo new alert svg and added to linux installation * have pointing cursors where required in GuestWidget * add locked pop over in linux / windows * Manage event for account block situations and related stuff * Manage transitions between different account states * Lock account when log in reject dialog. * Update guestwidget to manage locks and transitions among different states * GuestWidget revamp to include locked page (only OSX) * Add function to reset global settings * Manage signals and user interaction with dialog * Use hand pointing cursor * New tray icons for locked account states * store session in group at the same time as in general always * forward session from global to user settings * do not remove session key from user group to keep compatibility when moving to older versions * remove misteriously reappeared UpgradeWidget file * update submodule to `develop` head to avoid github conflict * update submodule to develop HEAD to allow for hotfixes to go in `develop` * Qt Build Update * Add template type for getValue & attach aff fields for business * Build sdk with -I (incremental) flag * adjust cmake projects for visual studio after cross-platform work * Add missing assert() * add assert to ensure cached settings are ok * fix double increment on transferIdentifier * cache most of preferences values * move account state to general settings * update sdk submodule to fix compilation * protect copy calls of getRootNode * reset root node after a succesfull fetch nodes * cache root node * use arrays for directMessages instead of std::vector * Revamp code to manage session, preferences and account states * use pdfium by default * unify lasthandle info gathering * Fix use-after-free in InfoDialog destructor * adjust new logging code for warnings etc on windows * Support for custom icons within messageboxes * avoid vector copying * use size received from SimpleLogger * Check if model is valid when returning from exec() * Provide context object to ensure ref to this is valid inside lambda * support direct logging * store session in general settings upon login * Do not set values beyond progress bar limits * reduce progress text size dinamically to fit in the CircularUsageProgressBar * Initial commit: + Support to native popover for macos + Helper functions + UI dialogs * do only upload crash dialog * Support to change bk color of popovers * Update assets * clean logs after logout * Do not limit used storage to 100% * Hide progress bar before showing messagebox (both error or succeed) * Support to send logs from crash report: + Add ts and has fields to report + Manage log rotation, preparation and send to support inbox + Adapt dialog to provide checkbox to send logs * have uninstall run before MegaApplication is constructed * fix lrelease not being done because of non canonical path * Add enforced requirements * Set MEGAsync version to Info.plist file * Update cmake file to support generation of binary translations * Add custom commands to place empty.lproj and PkgInfo files * Add resource icons to specific Resources bundle path * Make USE_QT cache to be used by SDK * further improvements in cmakelists * Revamp code and use automate qt tools for cmake (moc, qrc and ui) * add MOC_INPUTS & RCC_INPUTS as sources of the project (to browse them in qtcreator) * mockup version to have MEGAsync building with cmake * indicate 32/64 bit inside breakpad for windows minidumps * indicate 32/64 bit in crash dumps * Update red arrow for failed transfer at TM * Remove time restriction * Revamp code to simplify * Change dialog titles with new name * Replace menu entries with a more suitable name * Don\'t let the installer install 64 bit on 32 bit windows * updated fileswin64.txt for the first 64 bit test installer * updater config file added for win64 * Update PRO redirection code and unify it * Remove unused code * Record file/folder link info * Helper function to generate a pro url with required fields fro redirection * Tweak preferences to store new type field * SDK submodule update to develop * Make the update URL be wsync64/v.txt * add base SDK paths for vckpkg build 3rdparty for linux * MEGAsync building with vcpkg, debug and release * Update CREDITS.md * update installer script for x64 vcpkg * Option to build against 64 bit vcpkg built libs * Use MEGA_BUILD_ID for extensions * Thu Mar 26 2020 dead_mozayAATTopensuse.org- Update to version * Update 4301 files for macos * update changelog, build id & submodule to not flood the log when symlink check enabled * update version to 4.3.1 & submodule to include fopen removal fix * Wed Mar 04 2020 dead_mozayAATTopensuse.org- Update to version * return QAbstractItemDelegate::editorEvent instead of true when event not processed at MegaAlertDelegate::editorEvent * updated changelogs & version to 4.3.0 * update list of deprecated distros * Updated Qt5 for Centos 7 and reorganized dependencies * add missing return statement to MegaAlertDelegate::editorEvent * Bump Build ID and update SDK submodule * have ub 14.04 build with custom qt * do also log in stdout when --debug passed for linux * minor fix in qt building script * revert svg to manual versions to prevent artifacts (at least in ub 14.04) * have closeLog also eval wait_for predicate as true * avoid unrequired calls to strlen * specify for std::lock_guard for c++11 * report crashes in the log as we flush and close it. * review: handle log OOM, and flush log on crash * fix broken \"program start\" lines & use toStdWString instead of toStdU16String where a wstring or wchar_t * are expected` * flush stdout & desktop log accordingly * Use toutf8 to prevent issues with qt4 * do actually use microseconds (not nanosec) * add stdout logging when compiling in DEBUG and * prevent 2 concurrent compressions * update sdk module to point to release/v3.6.6a HEAD * minor error reporting and differntiated MAX_ROTATE_LOGS & MAX_ROTATE_LOGS_TODELETE * adjustments for mac * restore zlib header include that works for mac in QT * spdlog headers not needed in QT pro file * self review: small tidyups * Log performance and related improvements * from Pablo: have rotation working when bug report clicked * from Pablo: add rotation capabilities initial version * from Pablo: add flushing mechanism after threshold level or timeout * update sdk to include fix for transition to business account * update translations * have used bandwidth for free users translated * support for thunarx3 extension building for Debian 10 * Attempt to rewrite Thunar extension to GTK3 * Attach uao for repay redirection * Update translation files for all languages * have SIGUSR2 sent to megasync upont transf for all distros * Adjust generic label and source string file * adjust dependencies for Debian 8 & Ub 16.04 to compile with qt 5.12 * update submodule to include libsodium from github * update sdk module to include libsodium updates * Change window modality to avoid issues with user interaction when closing messagebox * use the correct tray icon recration function at startup * Protect invalid index to avoid crashes when hover/click invalid alert items * Updated translation files * Update translation source file * Revert SDK submodule to v3.6.6 * SDK submodule update to branch v3.6.7 * Update translation source file * remove unnecesary if * Only openSettings if !proxyOnly * Revamp code to be more clear * Control percentage limit * update debian.rules to use & install qt for Ubuntu 18.04 * update qt building to 5.12.6 and have Ubuntu 18.04 version use it * review: avoid duplicate createTrayMenu call * remove duplicated openSettings and act seemingly from contextmenu, guestwidget or infodialog * Refactor names for menus * Update cmake project with added .cpp files * prevent SSl cert renewal bombing after multiple correction errors * do not loadsettings completely on every raise, nor when modifying something * do not load settings upong account details received * avoid creating duplicates when uploading recursively to a synced location * Fix for menu not showing from icon when not logged in * Minor code style changes * Change when the local SSL Certs are requested * Fix translator comment * Replace string for unknown folder name * Bump BUILD ID for 4.3.0 version * Fix cursor type for options button at main dialog * Use # separator for files/folders inside a folder link * remove help button in bug reports dialogs * Updated translations * add an extra singleshot for fixing missplaced (not only miss-resized) Info Dialog * Use mutex for loading/storing debug logger on gcc < 5 * workaround qt bug that missplaced infodialog & fix screen corner calculation for negative coordinates screens * fix crashes due to unprotected sendProgress when no attached logs * update submodule to include fix for public link streaming * have infodialog position calculated correctly for screen placed in coordinates below 0 * Remove unused connection * update sdk submodule & commit to include spoonfeeding & serialization fix * workaround to fix missplaced settings and transfermanager add menus * Just restore syncs if preferences are already logged * Fix height issues * restore correct max height for upgradeoverstorage dialog * have BugReportDialog highdpi resized * Make plan widget retranslatable on the fly * Use PlanWidget and support for highdpi changes * Make dialog wider to hold Business plan * Remove upgrade widget from repo * Use a HighDpiResize controler for QMessageBoxes * Fix placeholders * Changed how to process build_id * Changed gcc/g++ version from 4.8 to 5 * update sdk module to release head * use MEGAsync issue type for support tickets * Add missing reset of rotating file sink * Make logger a member of megaapplication * Add missing GZJOIN_PATH_CHAR_T in gzjoin -> gzcopy * Updated changelog and related files * Update translations * Show tooltip for notification heading * Fix min width for heading alert name * SDK submodule update * Fix header of source file * minor ui fixes for linux/win * clear & delete alerts list when objects have been stolen * Update source translatable file * If heading is empty set a default string * Fix top and bottom padding for upgrade button of main dialog * Fix wordwrap prop and other text adjustments * Let checkbox text to wrap if exceeds limits * Update translation files * add a missing deferrerer at MEGASyncDelegateListener::onRequestFinish * Comments reordered * bug report close adjustments: explicity set autoclose & autoreset to false to prevent flickerings, use a 99% while completing transfer * use utf8 encoded long hyphen literal. Also use it in constructor * removed unused variable * have - shown for transfer quota when total is unknown * Fix order of log files * revert log size & count * limit bug description & title * set min height for some buttons in windows * do not hide progress until received sse request finish * properly sort log files when gzjoining them * fix gz join for windows (missing binary flag in output file) * bug report now stops logs & attempted version of gzjoin.h for WIN32 (compiles and works, but compressed file is corrupted) * update win/linux ui to have support for bug reports * Fix several issues with send bug report feature * gzjoin to pack all log files * New asset for successful report message * SDK submodule update to fix/getuploadurlforinboxuploads * reset flag to prevent multiple emits of logReadyForReporting * remove duplicated rotatingFileSink included after merge * remove unrequired flush and added docs * Revert \"Add rotate on shutdown\", that will no longer be required * Add rotate on shutdown * Fix warning on Windows * Simplify rotate code and add some comments * do not use wifstream for lines compression (read non wide utf8 encoded characters) * add convenience functions to pause log rotation while preparing a bug report * Update translation source file * Fix typo * Reuse string * Avoid crash while deleting animations. Let the animation group manage the destruction. * further adjustments in infodialog size&policies to prevent glitches in mac * Remove deletions that are managed by animationgroup * Remove unneeded code * Performance improvement: limit preferences file rewrite/rename to 10 times per second * Fix check for gzip * Pass filename_t to rotate callback * Use spdlog\'s functionality to deal with wide chars * animate blocked error * remove hovering & clicking actions over status widget * SDK submodule update to develop * have a proper behaviour when showing block errors * Initial support to send bug report * Simplify code after switch to utf8 encoded std::string * Use utf8 encoded string in on_rotated * Remove default values as we expect that those are always passed in megasync * Fix file path handling * Compress each rotated log file using zlib * Add on_rotated callback, called on each successfully rotated file * fix missplaced info dialog in windows at first show * update transfer widget assets * have changelog build id replacement idempotent & skip failures * Changed \'-\' to \'+\' as separator of version and build id * Use the ID in the file or defaults to 1 * update status info states and tray icon correspondence * minor readability improvement * have useragent added to business url * Performance tweaks according to our usage of spdlog; Better level names * Have wchar switches only active on Windows * add missing separator in sync menus in Info Dialog * fix compilation and remove resolved comment * Fixated Cryptopp for Ubuntu >= 19.10 * Paths with wide characters would fail (no log created when wide chars in path). This commit informs sdp to use wstrings in paths for windows, fixing that. * prevent possible issue with 6 replacement in upgrade dialog & support for retranslating description * Add NOMINMAX to avoid confusion with Windows min/max macros * Remove unnecessary spdlog include * Add missing atomic include * Add some code doc * Update log pattern * Add Build ID in Preferences.cpp for Arch Linux * Add Build ID to Arch Packages * Add Build ID to RPM packages * Fix issues with hidden wArrow of GuestWidget * Support to include business plan within upgrade dialog + New layout + New PRO card widget * use MEGA_BUILD_ID so set build ID in changelog & user agent * Use unique_ptr for global logger; Reset logger in crash handler * Handle exceptions from construction of rotating file sink * do not enforce max/min heights on infodialog transitions; adjustSize instead * Provide syncs menu to add sync button at main dialog * Remove webaction from main menu * Fix possible int overflows * Update color for elapsed time label * Update color for \"Upload to MEGA\" * SDK submodule updated to develop branch * update notifications and texts regarding business payments * add missing double escape \\ * Avoid showing business plan until UI design is ready * SDK submodule update with develop branch * Better management of public links * renaming, minor performance improvement, add missing !NULL check & reordered if-else to avoid issue when unexpected e->getvalue * fixes compilations(missing includes, qt4 compat, missing ifdef for macos) * Manage oq inshare errors * renaming & use of generic IObserver for observer pattern * always installEventFilter for wStorageUsage * tidy megasync.spec file with indentation * fix issue with SIGUSR1 blocked after one update: * have appToWaitForSignal populated after MegaApplication is created * added template for pull requests * Initial approach to notify through Storage observers * have transfer summary only animated on the first show or when size is changed * fix alert content for share removal * Fix color of date and font style properties #13426 * Update tooltip style for the whole app #13426 * Integrate failed arrow asset for failed transfers * Fix width issues * Update transfer type assets and other related issues * Used cached pixmap for completed transfer type icons * align StatusInfo icon * Replace notification icons for new ones with padding * Reduce space between clock and remaining time #13426 * fix missplaced separator in InfoDialog & missmatched heights/widths * fix clock image alignment * #13404 Fix issues with wrong height for wContainerBottom * review: megasync.show path variable, ensure we open dialog if anything goes wrong trying to read the file. * greyed out show transfer actions when icon not hovered * have transfer manager widget greyed out when not over * Modifed the megasync.show logic so that we don\'t end up starting megasync if the original instance showed the dialog. * add missing new debian.prerm file * final code to have megasync restarted after updated in RPM,DEB & Arch linux * Avoid wayland after Qt 5.12 * Add support for Ubuntu 19.10 * fix buttons logic for sync transfers * fix transparent glinch * Remove \"form\" title * Remove api call * Fix image asset * have guest widget rounded with border in linux & windows * Border radius for guest widget macOS * minor duplicated stuff in .pri * do not allow retry for failed sync transfers * have sync also restored when transitioning from BUSINESS_STATUS_EXPIRED to BUSINESS_STATUS_GRACE_PERIOD * Disable & Restore syncs depending on business user status * Rewording business warning messages * review: remove unused variable * Fix width of dialog * Management of warnings for business accounts * Remove unused code in case of error * add support for translation in custom progress dialog * fixes & tweaks for windows * have progress dialog with a custom ui * mockup code to add SIGUSR handles to keep app dormant and reboot it * Initial support for business errors managed through events * Disable only if GLIBC is defined and >=2.30 * Remove checks for \"You have new or updated files in your account\" notification which were inefficient and will be replaced by useralerts * Use getMegaApiLock to get a lot of synchronous MegaApi work done quickly * Only lock the sdkMutex once during transfer view painting * Speedups for storage per node/inshare, and transfer finished style. * have icon cache used for non extensions too * Use extension cache for all extension icons * review: move small icon cache to Utilities, use more widely * allow show in folder for foreign nodes != public links (icon on the right) * support centos8 build * add missing pdfium dependency * Initial support to interact with user alerts * Fix alert title css prop * Update asset * performance improvements * Add spdlog version 1.4.1 * Several UI fixes: + Adjust layout usage stats widget of main dialog + Fix color for quota circular progress bar * Double declaration of tgkill * Update transfer quota usage when showing main dialog * Changed flags to detect x86_64 * UI fixes and adjustments for alert widget * Delay emit of signal onHideEvent for seen notifications * UI fixes for alert filter widget * Use forward declaration in header * Register/deregister is safer to do in constructor/destructor * It\'s safe not to check whether we\'re still running * Fix race condition when accessing the debug logger * Ensure we finish flushing when a signal is handled * Store logs in dedicated directory * No need to flush every three seconds * use sdk\'s getTransferUsed instead of summing transfer quota usage manually * set used bandwidth taking into account 3rdparty+own+free uses * Adjust log pattern to be more terse * Use dedicated thread pool instance; clean up logging configuration * Remove spdlog (will treat as third-party instead) * Use unambiguous names for constants; fix warnings on Win * Revert changes to submodule reference * Ensure LOG_TO_FILE define is retained * Ensure a basic file sync for debug mode * Minor fixes * Revamp code to integrate new widget within main dialog * New alert filter widget for notifications * New folder icon for removed shares at notifications section * Upgrade css props for dismiss button (PSAwidget) * Update css props for upgrade button * Reduce precision for usage stats * Show main dialog when transfer from webclient is added * Log error when handling signal which flushes the log * Adjust sizes to avoid possible issues with bottom widget of main dialog * Update translation source file * Enable verbose logging * Use spdlog for async logging to rotating file and stdout * Several fixes to prepare source translation file * removed unused members && minor UI changes in cutomtransferitem * do not require preferences->logged() to process alerts * Fix source sting * remove overlayshown unrequired flag * do not allow values < 0 in circulassusageprogressbar * Support for file links inside folder links for old and new format * Initial support to manage new format link * Fix layout issues when dialog lost focus * Use folder name for sync menu instead of MEGA for full sync mode * Avoid creation of folder with unsupported chars * Remove PRO references and fix some translation tags for Babel import * Comment added to the changelog. Date fix. * Version 1.1.0 in changelog * Change current path * fix issue with scrolling notifications * use a 5 sec delay to hide the transfer summary widget upon completion * re-added overlay with upload to mega functionality * show 0 percent in circular progress * fix compilation adding pseudo random generator * Fixes for custom transfer rows + Remove grouping transfers + Adjust progress bar. + Add separator for completed state + Right align ETA + Other layout adjustments * Disable alternative color for transfers view * Update bg color for header and bottom of main dialog * Add space to place upper-arrow for macOS systems * fix transition between guestwidget & infodialog. removed some unnecesary code * Updated cmake file for revamped main dialog additions * fix initializations in transferssummary that occasionally hide it * add minimum size to wInfoDialogIn in windows to try & avoid 0 size * minor adjustments * Set temporal identifier for beta version * SDK submodule update * fix issues after merge * have status widget interact only when actually hover * Minor adjustments * ensure stylesheets are applied before using fontmetrics to calculate elided texts * Set tooltip for notification settings * Use Lato font along the whole app * do not use WA_TranslucentBackground when using custom scale factors in windows & fix minor gui glitches * Fix size issue * Manage interactions with show in folder option of transfer rows and state icons * Add new option to show in folder for transfer UI rows * Fix issues with style of tooltips * New assets for errors and succesful transfers * Update css properties for oq UI components * New asset and replace old ones * Minor fixes and adjustments * Support to update UI elements if there are no notifications * Style PSA widget * Support for default notifications * Update UI resources * control max alerts & other fixes and adjustments * Support to set unseen notifications per type * Fix UI issues * Support for user alerts inside MEGAsync * fix single->multi line psa * Format code * support avatars with variable size * Minor fixes after review * Protect model indexes in case of errors * Do filter unknown type if filter is applied * UI fixes for notifications view * fix extra space in notifications tree view scrolling * support transparencies in linux in info dialog with a container widget * fix non-hiding poup in linux * Remove unused event filter * do not install infodialog event filter for !linux * filter show/hide events to ack alerts in !linux too * minor code protection * add extra checks before acknowledging alerts * fix compilation * changes in style and sizes for # unseen notifications * have NEW label with rounded borders * embedded notifications in infodialog * update notifications view lively * removed useless code * have notifications populated & updated * Several model fixes and adjustments * Notifications model + Added base model and filter/sort model + Added custom alert UI items + Fill alert info within alert UI items + Other UI fixes and related adjustments * Include new assets * Fix possible css issues using double quotes * fix minor glitches in transfers widget and wrong initial values upon starting * Fix animation issues * Ensure up/dl ellipses are hidden after all transfers complete * update transfer widget to show progress of completion in circles * transfers summary widget for windows & other adjustments * add interactions to transfers widget & elide status info text * update ui with latests changes for macos after merge * add signals to areas clicked * Revamp name to notifications * Update layout to integrate page for notifications tab * Fix asset size props * Update assets and UI dialogs * expand transfers widget upon infodialog activation * Update usage stats for different account types * add download/uploads texts and setting functionality * Update color of used amounts according to state (oq, almost oq, normal) * Update asset to colourful one * Tidy css props and use Lato as default font * Update font family for StatusInfo widget * Load fonts to be used * Add lato fonts * Show last quota used by FREE user at dashboard * animate shrink & expand of transfers summary * add TransfersSummaryWidget initial mockup * update linux InfoDialog * Update assets and fix square avatar issue * Shortcut access to Account settings through avatar * Remove usage balloon and update usage stats * Update style of pb for zero values * Update layout + Add tab support + Adjust size for different components (PSA and blocked file) + Other UI tweaks * Swap colors for header and bottom * Remove overlay and add tabs * new approach to folder uploads with recursive copies * avoid recursivity when uploading into a self contained folder using a directory symlink * avoid recursive problems when optimizing recursive copy upon upload * minor changes after review * Second attempt to have local recursive copy with exclusions * initial tentative (and failed) code to implement recursive copy with filtering * Update header and bottom of main dialog * Add new resources * SDK submodule update * Make Info dialog bottom corners rounded * Make InfoDialog upper corners rounded * Add option to open Cloud drive within menu * Update assets for menu items, resource files for all platforms and revamp paint management * Update red color * Custom Usage circular progress bar for new dialog * fixes and adjustments in transfersstatuswidget and updated image * added new widget to show circular transfer status * Wed Sep 18 2019 dead_mozayAATTopensuse.org- Update to version * Incremented level of signature trust required for Arch packages. * Incremented level of signature trust required. * Update filesmacos to 4.2.5 * update fileswin to 4.2.5 * use another key for storage state cache and set default as unknown * Remove trailing dot * Bump version * SDK submodule update to branch v3.6.2b * fix spec * fix wrong spec for opensuses * minor typo in changelog & updated sdk to include fix in node serialization * Remove event * Add event to track undesired situations * Update SDK submodule and change log * update win installer to 4.2.4, STATE_REFRESH_INTERVAL_MS to debuggable vars * Bump preferences version * do not store storageState in preferences (read/written from settings directly) * store storage state to manage OQ upon session resumption * avoid exit SetupWizard on Esc key * Raspbian 10 included * update Arch linux dependencies & improve checking script * update fileswin to 4.2.3 version * fix changelog parsing * update linux changelogs and bump version file to 4.2.3 * fix extra %endif * Show errors when folder transfers fail with context API_EC_UPLOAD * fix typo * support RHEL 8.0 * Thu Aug 29 2019 dead_mozayAATTopensuse.org- Update to version * SDK submodule update to branch release/v3.6.1a * fix compilation of dolphin extension for debian10 * have debian 10 properly handled in postinst script * update public key * Enable required entitlement to fix issues with Finder extension during signing of app bundle * Update README.md * do only react upon WindowDeactivate after a \"Leave\" event * Update translation source files and exported * review: storageChanged declared as non-slot * review: only request uq on settings dialog open if logged() * Fix borderless NodeSelector * fix incorrect type * Add timer to ask for uq after pro expiration time expires * Update used storage within ACCOUNT_DETAILS callback * fix bug: missused getErrorCode instead of getValue * show Transfer quota exceeded when out of bw quota * Send `uq` on opening settings dialog, keep versions storage up to date. * Only show the storage count of file versions in the user\'s account * re-enable flags to use pdfium on windows * update sdk to include pdfium load for windows * for normal loggedIn(), don\'t get `uq` storage but do get the other uq items * Bump version and update translations file * Fix typo * do not reset inflights & other flags when loggedin * do force update userstats upon account update (no longer circunvent after showinfo dialog) * Clean up * Prevent excess uq requests from startup. * CMakeLists updated for removed cpp, and release QT libs * typo * Remove cursor from source code and update macOS UI dialog * mem leak * get storage from fingerprints * Update translation strings * also show info dialog when visible but minimized * further improvements related to non systray * use flag to prevent online isSystemTrayAvailable changes * do not ignore event when close button clicked & some code clean up * Update translation tag * do not use a frameless window when no systray available * Do not remove transfer caches when the app crashed * add sync button to main dialog in linux too * Update InfoDialog for windows * Update language source file and translations * Managemente of Add sync option within main dialog * Add new resources and replace old ones * add suppor for dolphin extension for Ubuntu 19.04 * Wed Jul 10 2019 dead_mozayAATTopensuse.org- Update to version * require gcc-libs >= 9.1.0 to fix GLIBCXX_.... not found * release arch linux debug symbols & update sdk submodule to include curl 7.59 * removed non important and yet untraslated line in changelog * update sdk submodule * revamp version to 4.2.0 * reset queuedStorageUserStatsReason where corresponding * Send the request reason with `uq` * Make size strings locale based * Disable option to create new folders when downlading/streaming from MEGA * Make filename translatable for recovery key file * Fixes after review * Normalize paths to fix show in folder issues (drive letter) * Add CFBundleShortVersionString prop and get current version from preferences * Support for notarization within build script * Enabling the Hardened Runtime option that is mandatory for notarization * Avoid creation of APFS dmg volume because it causes unmount issues * Check to avoid possible crashes * Fix UI glitch with unaligned borders * Update translation tags according babel review * Fri Jun 21 2019 dead_mozayAATTopensuse.org- Update to version * prevent issue with typeof when building with c++11 also for 32 bits * move -lstdc++fs removal after `sdk.pri` inclusion * libstdc++fs seems to be not required explicitly in old compilers * prevent compilation failure for unsupported singleShot for qt < 5 * Update list of files for macos update ver 4.1.1 * update version code to match the one (misscalculated) in Preferences.cpp * update fileswin.txt for ver 4.1.1 * do not queue rebootApplication for Mac (no OK button in settings) * Wed Jun 19 2019 dead_mozayAATTopensuse.org- Update to version * prevent issue with typeof when building with c++11 also for 32 bits * move -lstdc++fs removal after `sdk.pri` inclusion * libstdc++fs seems to be not required explicitly in old compilers * prevent compilation failure for unsupported singleShot for qt < 5 * Update list of files for macos update ver 4.1.1 * update version code to match the one (misscalculated) in Preferences.cpp * update fileswin.txt for ver 4.1.1 * do not queue rebootApplication for Mac (no OK button in settings) * Enqueue reboot Application call to prevent crash when saving exclusions & restarting megasync * Remove old fixing-resize code, now that a much more elegant solution has been found * Forward release event to avoid undesired drag effects with rows * update minimum glibc version to 2.29 in Arch Linux * have exclude horizontal bar appear as needed * Compilation fix for macOS * remove UNC prefix for webclient transfers to fix show in folder * Fix assets with transparent background * workarounds to fix wrong scaling after screen reconfigured without recreating InfoDialog * Fix incorrect usage of setAvatar if there is no preferences available * Apply usage and account type if preferences are available * prevent crash closing folder binder dialog * Fix build issue * Revamp code * Several fixes for issues detected during recreation: + Fixed possible issues with PSA widget not show + Fixed usage discrepancies + Fixed configuration of account type + Fixed visualization of OQ + Other UI fixes * review: more specific name for ifdef * For now, disable only recreating InfoDialog on screen config difference * setupTransfers instead of simply reseting model * reuse model to keep transfers in info dialog after recreation * Updated translation strings from Babel * allow adjusting startup delay times via .staging file * Improve dealy time situations for speedy system boots * Disable AA_EnableHighDpiScaling when scale factors already set in windows * Prevent the opening of multiple modal dialog boxes via the InfoDialog * Fix build issue with qualified name * Delay sync load at boot time up to 120s * Updated translations for all languages * Keep any filled in fields when regenerating InfoDialog, and set avatar. * static flag should be per-instance * Git submodule update to SDK branch v3.5.3 * reuse item pointer * Modify source string for SSL errors and update translation file * allow modification of FIRST_SYNC_DELAY_S in exec time for debugging * Delay sync resumption up to 30s * add check to prevent crash * Fix build issues macOS * Fix Info window scaling, and better popup responsiveness on Windows. * align crest icon to the left in windows * Correct screen scale by screen in windows too * update changelog & version in linux * revamp version to 4.1.1 & update SDK submodule * Fix scale issues for pushbuttons * Fix scale factor issues for menus, filedialog, messageboxes & tooltips * prevent duplicated lines for changelogs in packages building * minor change in log * support notifications with actions in linux * Disable Pdfium for windows for now, for XP compatibility for this release * Remove focus of UI element * Remove focus for MEGA logo to avoid undesired UI effects * SDK submodule update * Update SDK id reference * SDK submodule update * add 100% limit to settings & bandwidth percentages * Limit storage percentage to 100% * fix remaining time label in transfer items * minor code improvements * Add several UI adjusements to fix artifacts when enforcing QT_SCALE_FACTOR due to zoom settings don\'t give room for MEGAsync GUI * Fix installing to a unicode username * enclose between corresponding preprocessor directives * renewed scale factor calculation * Use QString directly for scale_factors; use const-correctness * prevent issue with systems whose LC_NUMERIC locale uses commas * bump version to 4.1.0 & added changelog * move trayicon->show after possible QMessageBox (that somehow broken tray menu in ubuntu 18.04) * Revamp code * add a log message to indicate if a preference has been overriden * allow custom values for some preferences * Only update preferences with the account details actually fetched by getSpecificAccountDetails * Compute correct scaling factor per screen on linux * SDK submodule update * Allow arbitrary apiURL & baseURL * Adjust member of the request to check for account details * Fix language tag * Revert language tag * Update translations * fix compilation & minor update in package checks * add checksum control & code cleaning * onGlobalSyncStateChanged performance: start timer * have custom qt stuff used only for Ubuntu 16.04 when building * do not pass parent to Login2FA constructors to prevent issue with non typeable dialog in Fedora * fix compilation * add required libfontconfig1 to ub 16.04 dependencies * getAccountDetails: get transfer quota only on overquotaDialogFinished * add required libgl1-mesa-dev & allow qt-mega in debian.control * add missing exec permission * added contrib files to build qt with correct flags * Show inbox usage for non business accounts * Update translation source file * Remove business string from translations * Provide translation context for import errors * SDK submodule update * open external link for terms of service in macOS * Fix issues with show in mega and getlinkg menu options * Remove Turkish language from MEGAsync * Remove inbox and available for business accounts * Tweak title style * Update business crest * retrieve user stats when opening settings for !macos * add support for Debian 10 & Fedora 30 * cmake: turn on USE_QT * Fix high dpi on linux * review update * enforce QT_SCALE_FACTOR when screen too small * prevent debug heap memory assert on icon sizelist use * prevent size flickering in setup wizard * do also open external link for terms of service in windows * handle terms of service clickage in setup wizard * do actually check ownership in order to offer link available * fix broken combobox for high dpi in windows (QTBUG-68194). should be reverted for qt 5.11 * fix borderless NodeSelector by enforcing ApplicationModal & passing adecuate parent * WIP * fix cut checkbox in node selector in windows * fix missing button in Download From MEGA dialog * SDK submodule update * fix texts sizes in login & setup wizard * Remove obsolete assets and its references * adjust margins in folderBinder * Replace outdated button images for regular ones * Git submodule update * enforce 24x24 setup wizard help button * use default file browser for show in folder in linux * update sdk submodule to include contextualized errors support * add missing icons & replaced with oldstyle * Open transfer path if exits, otherwise open parent folder * update help icon and morphed into button * unifications between lin & win resources and add some missing ones * add ubuntu 19.04 related code * remplazed some assets to match new 3x, removed UsageProgressBar & removal & fix dl dialog in hdpi * add 3x assets, remove some unused resources & update some with lighter ones * Adjust HDPI attributes for old Qt versions * Fix wrong size for Plan widget assets * formatting * passes context to error string retrived for transfer items && updated sdk module * code beautify * Support for new command \"sf\" (show in folder) * add miinor check in contrib scripts * New slot for \"show in folder\" feature * have scale factor be a multiple of 1/6 to alleviate scaling artifacts * review changes: additional ifdefs to prevent any build issues * also use hidpi pixmaps for linux * fixes & adjusements for hdpi in linux & windows * fix xrdbdpi read (to be aware of floating points) * remove empty line * use 2x images in linux (improves quality at least in qt5.9) * delete images not listed in any qrc * removed several unused resources & TransferProgressBar widget * add pdfium.dll to windows installer * define alpha channel in % (at least linux-qt4.8 wouldn\'t understand 0.1 as 10%) * User percentage for compatibility among platforms * Enable label to open external links * Fix outer border for buttons * Update mouse cursor for Linux and Win * Update arrow assets * Improvements to window redraw when dragged to a screen with a different scaling factor on WINDOWSPLATFORM.ipch * ensure gBandwdithQuota is always shown for business account * fix hand cursor shown in info dialog for business accounts over storage/bandwidth progress bars containers * do not adjust settings sizes for business accounts if !MAC * add minor comment * Added HiDpiResize object to each dialog * Restyling of Info Wizard + Revamp UI layouts for all platforms + New asset integration + UI fixes and improvements * Update resource files and remove unused assets * Update assets * updates from review * Call resize() after the dialog moves to a monitor with different scaling * Update assets for new feature * Initialize accountType * Revamp code * Set account type once logged * Support of account tab for business account * Adapt settings dialog to Business accounts + Auto adapt bandwidth tab + Force UI reload of account type if needed + Manage UI controls and heights for account types * Load account type from preferences * Provide default account type for settings * Manifest from Pablo * Adjust UI elements for different account types * Management of business accounts within InfoDialog + Set account type when account details finishes to adapt UI + Adapt UI style control according current account type + Adjust ui files for different platforms * prevent issue with typeof when building with c++11 * Add a post-build step to set a manifest with Per Monitor High Dpi Aware setting. * Added HiRes png files to the windows resources * cmake script: add rule to set manifest with Per Monitor High DPI Aware * CMAKE script to build MEGAsync * Only show in folder if transfers are succesfully completed * Provide \"cauth\" parameter if available * Git submodule update * Remove qt dep from update generator * Fix retry for failed transfers * Only show in folder for non-failed transfers (completed) * consider i686 arch when (not) depending on pdfium-mega * add pdfium-mega requirement for debian based !32 bits * have pdfium included except for !64 bits linux * Manage business account at details view * Add business account type * Remove sample labels * Update CREDITS file * Delete associated data if show notifications is disabled * Control finished transfer notification through user setting * SDK submodule update * Enable thumb support for PDF * fix leak * Update translations * Update translation source file * Make root node translatable * Make storage units translatables * Add root node name to translation system * Set flag when transfer finishes to indicate if transfer row is able to generate link + Check if node is public or within user\'s account * Customize context menu depending on different situations * Show link or retry icon if link is available or error * Add bool to manage if a transfer row is able to generate a link * Update terms of service for windows installer * fix mem leak * prevent //bin surpassing restrictions * Not allow to sync nodes inside Rubbish bin for sp command * Fri Apr 19 2019 dead_mozayAATTopensuse.org- Update to version * add missing 18.10 dsc for megasync * fix nemo for mints (different extension path than in ubuntu) * modify `\\` to `/` in fileswin.txt * update windows files * Regenerate list of files for maos update 4002 * Updated translation strings * added linux changelogs & udpate version file * Updated translation strings * updated sdk commit in preferences * Fix permissions for MEGADeprecatedVersion executable * Fri Apr 19 2019 Dead Mozay - Initial package