Changelog for
eccodes-2.36.0-1.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Mon Jun 24 2024 Manfred Schwarb
- update to version 2.36.0:
* several new features and fixes, see
* Mon Apr 22 2024 Manfred Schwarb - update to version 2.35.0:
* several new features and fixes, see
* Wed Feb 28 2024 Manfred Schwarb - Add -fno-strict-aliasing to compiler flags as suggested by compiler warnings- update to version 2.34.1:
* several fixes, see
* Thu Feb 08 2024 Manfred Schwarb - update to version 2.34.0:
* Support for sub-hourly data in GRIB edition 2. For more details, see
* several new features and fixes, see
* for parameter changes see
* Fri Dec 15 2023 Manfred Schwarb - update to version 2.33.0:
* several new features and fixes, see
* Thu Oct 26 2023 Manfred Schwarb - update to version 2.32.1:
* several fixes, see
* Mon Oct 23 2023 Manfred Schwarb - compatibility symlinks to support grib_api have been removed, nobody is using or testing this api any more- update to version 2.32.0:
* script grib1to2 has been removed
* several new features and fixes, see
* Tue Jul 11 2023 Manfred Schwarb - update to version 2.31.0:
* update to GRIB2 version 31 and BUFR version 40
* a lot of modifications of legacy and custom parameters
* several new features and fixes, see
* Mon Jun 05 2023 Manfred Schwarb - update to version 2.30.2:
* bug fix: [ECC-1579] - Fortran: grib_get_real4_array (single-precision mode) not bit-identical
* bug fix: [ECC-1586] - grib_get_data: Invalid latitude values printed
* Fri May 05 2023 Manfred Schwarb - update to version 2.30.0:
* 32-bit platforms are no longer supported
* several new features and fixes, see update to version 2.29.0:
* Set project language to be C++
* Remove the Python2 interface
* Fri Feb 24 2023 Manfred Schwarb - update to version 2.28.0:
* update to GRIB2 version 30 and BUFR version 39
* deletion of several unused parameters
* drop support for python2 in scripts
* several new features and fixes, see
* Mon Dec 05 2022 Manfred Schwarb - update to version 2.27.1:
* bug fix: [ECC-1448] - MARS ORIGIN keyword is wrongly overwritten for class = gw, stream = mmsf
* bug fix: [ECC-1451] - GRIB: key \'level\' not equal to \'mars.levelist\' for soil levels
* bug fix: [ECC-1477] - Compilation fails with libjasper v4.x.x
* bug fix: [ECC-1484] - GRIB: New MARS class for Greenhouse Gases dataset
* bug fix: [ECC-1449] - GRIB2: New urban and wetland/vegetation parameters
* bug fix: [ECC-1456] - MARS: Create 2 new classes EF (for EFAS) and GF (for GLOFAS)
* bug fix: [ECC-1462] - MARS: Ocean layer correct mapping for mars \'levelist\'
* bug fix: [ECC-1475] - Check return size of md5 keys- update to version 2.27.0: Performance enhancements
* feature: [ECC-1403] - GRIB: codes_grib_nearest_find too slow
* feature: [ECC-1427] - GRIB Performance: Improve decoding speed of CCSDS packing
* feature: [ECC-1422] - BUFR performance: Reduce number of dynamic memory allocations
* feature: [ECC-1405] - Add new function: codes_handle_new_from_samples
* feature: [ECC-1413] - GRIB2: add iteration key in the MARS namespace for stream=elda, type=4i
* feature: [ECC-1212] - MARS key mapping for local time templates
* feature: [ECC-1393] - CMake: Add option to build ecCodes with C++ (Experimental)
* feature: [ECC-1399] - GRIB2: Add parameters for additional precipitation type severity and frequency
* feature: [ECC-1400] - GRIB2: Change shortnames of 260318 - 260321
* feature: [ECC-1411] - GRIB: Add CAMS physical quantities
* feature: [ECC-1412] - BUFR: Code table 020063 is missing the option with value 12
* feature: [ECC-1417] - GRIB2: Replace key aerosolType with constituentType
* feature: [ECC-1423] - GRIB2: Add wet-bulb potential temperature
* feature: [ECC-1425] - GRIB2: Add mars keyword FCMonth for C3S seasonal
* feature: [ECC-1435] - GRIB2: Add correct MARS level mapping for sea ice and snow layer
* feature: [ECC-1440] - GRIB2: ECMWF local definition 300 should be for decoding only (no encoding)
* feature: [ECC-1419] - C API: codes_fieldset_new_from_files: The \'filenames\' argument should be const
* feature: [ECC-1424] - Allow accessor from_scale_factor_scaled_value to operate on an array of scaled values
* feature: [ECC-1430] - GRIB2: Add extra values for stepType: \'severity\' and \'mode\'
* feature: [ECC-1436] - GRIB2: Duplicated WMO/192 definitions in localConcepts/ecmf
* feature: [ECC-1439] - GRIB2: concept \"units\" should be read-only as it does not make sense to set it explicitly
* feature: [ECC-1441] - GRIB: Add support for OpenJPEG v2.5
* feature: [ECC-1442] - BUFR: bufr_dump should insert a question mark instead of dot for non-printable characters
* feature: [ECC-1404] - Python3 bindings: Add the grib_get_gaussian_latitudes() function
* feature: [ECC-1405] - Python3 bindings: Add new function: codes_handle_new_from_samples
* feature: [ECC-1415] - Python3 bindings: Implement a higher-level Python interface (Experimental)
* feature: [ECC-1429] - Python3 bindings: Remove the file \"eccodes/\"
* bug fix: [ECC-762] - GRIB2: find nearest functionality not working for MIR reduced grid sub-areas
* bug fix: [ECC-1054] - bufr_dump error with unsupported operator 54
* bug fix: [ECC-1388] - GRIB2 CCSDS: Unpacked values different from simple packing
* bug fix: [ECC-1392] - Fortran interface: codes_open_file fails if the filename has spaces
* bug fix: [ECC-1395] - BUFR: Encoding should fail if attempting to encode message with an undefined element descriptor
* bug fix: [ECC-1396] - Clang -fsanitize=undefined: runtime errors during tests
* bug fix: [ECC-1397] - Tools: grib_ls nearest neighbour with JSON output
* bug fix: [ECC-1401] - BUFR: bufr_dump generates invalid JSON
* bug fix: [ECC-1402] - GRIB1: Nearest point incorrect for second order boustrophedonic
* bug fix: [ECC-1406] - GRIB: grib_ls -l reports last grid point is out of area
* bug fix: [ECC-1407] - grib_set -r -s packingType=grid_simple does not preserve accuracy on input packingType=grid_ieee
* bug fix: [ECC-1410] - GRIB: C API: keys iterator name is NULL
* bug fix: [ECC-1414] - GRIB: Nearest neighbour does not work for PNG packing
* bug fix: [ECC-1416] - GRIB: Setting computed key firstSize to 3e-8 sets wrong coded keys
* bug fix: [ECC-1428] - GRIB2: No error when setting invalid marsType on S2S/TIGGE/UERRA
* bug fix: [ECC-1431] - GRIB2: CCSDS encoding failure AEC_STREAM_ERROR
* bug fix: [ECC-1432] - GRIB: Segmentation fault: nearest point on reduced Gaussian grid subarea
* bug fix: [ECC-1434] - Testing: tests/grib_md5 does not execute on osx on conda-forge