- Upgrade to upstream tag jdk-13+24
* Fixes: + S6394787: Typos in javadoc of OIS.readObjectOverride and OOS.writeObjectOverride + S6933331: (d3d/ogl) java.lang.IllegalStateException: Buffers have not been created + S8080353: JShell: Better error message on attempting to add default method + S8173196: [REDO] C2 does not optimize redundant memory operations with G1 + S8178982: Javadoc search specification + S8188872: runtime/ErrorHandling/ /TimeoutInErrorHandlingTest.java fails intermittently + S8193255: Root Certificates should be stored in text format and assembled at build time + S8194231: java/net/DatagramSocket/ReuseAddressTest.java failed with java.net.BindException: Address already in use: Cannot bind + S8199623: JShell: corralling not restored on drop + S8211703: JInternalFrame : java.lang.AssertionError: cannot find the internal frame + S8212630: jtreg/gc/logging/TestMetaSpaceLog.java failed with Agent timed out + S8212807: tools/jar/multiRelease/Basic.java times out + S8213516: jck test api/javax_accessibility/AccessibleState/ /fields.html fails intermittent + S8214126: Method signatures not formatted correctly in browser + S8214579: JFrame does not paint content in XVFB / X11vnc environment + S8214702: Wrong text position for whitespaced string in printing Swing text + S8216535: tools/jimage/JImageExtractTest.java timed out + S8217412: deprecate rmic for removal + S8219149: ProcessTools.ProcessBuilder should print timing info for subprocesses + S8219788: Configure recommends JDK 8 + S8219901: Noto fonts for East Asian countries cannot belong to CompositeFont + S8220238: Enhancing j.l.Runtime/System::gc specification with an explicit \'no guarantee\' statement + S8220251: fix headings in java.management + S8221368: Error message when module main class cannot be loaded is missing exception details + S8221481: Reimplement the Legacy Socket API + S8221709: replace use of style blockListLast + S8222091: Javadoc does not handle package annotations correctly on package-info.java + S8222103: [testbug] compiler/compilercontrol/jcmd/ /ClearDirectivesFileStackTest may exceed VM limit + S8222252: Java ergonomics limits heap to 128GB with disabled compressed oops + S8222448: java/lang/reflect/PublicMethods/ /PublicMethodsTest.java times out + S8222468: [TESTBUG] vmTestbase/metaspace/flags/ /maxMetaspaceSize/TestDescription.java fails with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError + S8222917: GraphicsEnvironment for Unix still have an unused dependency on Solaris + S8222936: mlvm/anonloader/stress/randomBytecodes/Test.java fails due to \"ERROR: There were 1 hangups during parsing.\" + S8223162: Improve ergonomics for Sparse PRT entry sizing + S8223213: Implement fast class initialization checks on x86-64 + S8223216: C2: Unify class initialization checks between new, getstatic, and putstatic + S8223271: SplashScreen is still shown if defaulting to headless on MacOS + S8223320: [AOT] jck test api/javax_script/ScriptEngine/ /PutGet.html fails when test classes are AOTed + S8223336: Assert in VirtualMemoryTracker::remove_released_region when running the SharedArchiveConsistency.java test with - XX:NativeMemoryTracking=detail + S8223363: Bad node estimate assertion failure + S8223396: [TESTBUG] several jfr tests do not clean up files created in /tmp + S8223502: Node estimate for loop unswitching is not correct: assert(delta <= 2
* required) failed: Bad node estimate + S8223504: Improve performance of forall loops by better inlining of \"iterator()\" methods + S8223678: Add Visual Studio Code workspace generation support (for native code) + S8223688: JShell: crash on the instantiation of raw anonymous class + S8223693: Memory wastage in size of per-region type buffers in GC + S8223718: Checks in check_slot_type_no_lvt() should be always executed + S8223766: Remains of ancient code in AWT initialization + S8223773: DateTimeFormatter Fails to throw an Exception on Invalid CLOCK_HOUR_OF_AMPM and HOUR_OF_AMPM + S8223777: In posix_spawn mode, failing to exec() jspawnhelper does not result in an error + S8223804: [macos] remove obsoleted reference to security framework in launcher code + S8223805: DocCommentParser should allow for and + S8223937: PIT: java/awt/Window/ShapedAndTranslucentWindows/ /StaticallyShaped.java listed twice in ProblemList + S8224011: Failure handling in ExecuteWithLog fails in run-test-prebuilt + S8224056: Fix some assignments of string literals to LPSTR (instead of LPCSTR) + S8224081: SOCKS v4 doesn\'t work with IPv6 + S8224082: NPE in javadoc Reporter + S8224083: javadoc Reporter generates warning for Kind.NOTE + S8224096: Add relevant bugid to java/awt/Window/ /ShapedAndTranslucentWindows/StaticallyShaped.java in ProblemList + S8224152: [macOS] ProblemList tests that leave rubbish on the screen + S8224172: assert(jfr_is_event_enabled(id)) failed: invariant + S8224181: On child process spawn, child may write to random file descriptor instead of the fail pipe + S8224240: Properties.load fails to throw IAE on malformed unicode in certain circumstances + S8224247: AllocateOldGenAt fires assertion failure + S8224257: fix issues in files generated by pandoc + S8224538: LoadBarrierNode::common_barrier must check address + S8224580: Matcher can cause oop field/array element to be reloaded + S8224600: Provide VM.events command + S8224629: Unnecessary cast in LambdaToMethod + S8224632: testbug: java/awt/dnd/RemoveDropTargetCrashTest/ /RemoveDropTargetCrashTest.java fails on MacOS + S8224648: assert(!exceeding_node_budget()) failed: Too many NODES required! failure with ctw + S8224687: Add clarifying overrides of Element.asType to more specific subinterfaces + S8224692: runtime/appcds tests crash in \"HotSpotJVMCI::compute_offset\" when running in Graal as JIT mode + S8224705: Tests that need to be problem-listed or have printer resources + S8224729: Cleanups in sun/security/provider/certpath/ldap/ /LDAPCertStoreImpl.java + S8224730: java.net.ServerSocket::toString not invoking checkConnect + S8224767: Add String constants for Canonical XML 1.1 URIs + S8224771: backout RemoveDropTargetCrashTest.java fix to re-push with correct bugid + S8224778: test/jdk/demo/jfc/J2Ddemo/J2DdemoTest.java cannot find J2Ddemo.jar + S8224789: Parsing repetition count in regex does not detect numeric overflow + S8224790: Remove Xusage.txt file + S8224793: os::die() does not honor CreateCoredumpOnCrash option + S8224814: Remove dead JNIHandleBlock freelist code + S8224816: Provide os::processor_id() implementation for Mac OS + S8224821: java/awt/Focus/NoAutotransferToDisabledCompTest/ /NoAutotransferToDisabledCompTest.java fails linux-x64 + S8224824: ProblemList java/awt/Color/AlphaColorTest failure in linux_x64 + S8224828: aarch64: rflags is not correct after safepoint poll + S8224830: test/jdk/java/awt/Focus/ /ModalExcludedWindowClickTest/ /ModalExcludedWindowClickTest.java fails on linux-x64 + S8224931: disable JAOTC invokedynamic support until 8223533 is fixed + S8224946: jrtfs URI to Path and Path to URI conversions are wrong + S8224962: ZGC: Strengthen ZHeap::is_oop() + S8224965: ZGC: Strengthen ZHeap::is_in() + S8224973: URLStreamHandler.openConnection(URL,Proxy) - spec and implementation mismatch + S8224978: Shenandoah: Allows root verifier to verify some roots outside safepoints with proper locks + S8224986: (str) optimize StringBuilder.append(CharSequence, int, int) for String arguments + S8224991: Problemlist javax/net/ssl/ServerName/ /SSLEngineExplorerMatchedSNI.java + S8225007: java/awt/print/PrinterJob/ /LandscapeStackOverflow.java may hang + S8225014: Separate ShenandoahRootScanner method for object_iterate + S8225016: Dead code due to VMOperationQueue::add() always returning true + S8225017: [TESTBUG] gc/shenandoah/oom/TestThreadFailure.java takes too long + S8225019: Update JVMCI + S8225020: Problem list some sanity test failures + S8225022: Put compiler/graalunit/JttThreadsTest.java on ProblemList-graal.txt + S8225032: Fix some C++ conformance issues in AWT Windows code + S8225037: java.net.JarURLConnection::getJarEntry() throws NullPointerException + S8225046: Shenandoah metrics logs refactoring + S8225048: Shenandoah x86_32 support + S8225060: java.net.DefaultInterface invokes NetworkInterface::getInetAddresses without doPriv + S8225061: Performance regression in Regex + S8225066: Add missing file + S8225077: fix references to broken link in java.compiler module + S8225084: gc/z/TestHighUsage.java fails with unexpected allocation stall + S8225094: Fix minor HTML issues in jdk.zipfs + S8225104: 32-bit build failures after JDK-8222252 + S8225105: java/awt/Focus/ShowFrameCheckForegroundTest/ /ShowFrameCheckForegroundTest.java fails in Windows 10 + S8225110: IGV build definition uses non-secure transport + S8225111: Make Shenandoah tests work with 32-bit VMs + S8225117: java/math/BigInteger/SymmetricRangeTests.java fails with ParseException + S8225129: Fix minor HTML issues in java.naming + S8225134: Update man-page files + S8225140: Build fails if directory contains \'unix\' + S8225151: JShell API: Fix position of AATTjls tag + S8225171: Remove leftovers in shenandoahBarrierSetC1.cpp + S8225178: [Solaris] os::signal() should call sigaction() with SA_SIGINFO + S8225179: (regex) Minor Pattern cleanup + S8225198: Optimize regex tree for greedy quantifiers of type {N,} + S8225199: [Graal] compiler/jvmci/compilerToVM/ /IsMatureVsReprofileTest.java fails with - XX:CompileThresholdScaling=0.1 + S8225202: Add missing include after JDK-8223320 + S8225207: redundant in Instrumentation.java + S8225208: Re-Problem list jdk/jshell/ExceptionsTest.java fails on windows + S8225212: ProblemList gc/stress/ /TestReclaimStringsLeaksMemory.java + S8225214: Socket.getOption(SocketOption) not returning the expected type for the StandardSocketOptions.SO_LINGER + S8225217: Backout: JDK-8224814: Remove dead JNIHandleBlock freelist code + S8225225: stringStream internal buffer should always be zero terminated + S8225229: Shenandoah: trim down default number of GC threads + S8225305: ProblemList java/lang/invoke/VarHandles tests + S8225306: bad headings in java.sql.rowset SyncProvider.java + S8225307: ProblemList compiler/codegen/TestCharVect2.java and compiler/c2/cr6340864/TestLongVect.java + S8225309: HTML issues in jdk.jdi module + S8225314: broken links in java.base + S8225315: test java/util/ArrayDeque/WhiteBox.java isn\'t part of the jdk_collections test group + S8225324: Bad HTML in jdk.jfr module-info.java + S8225341: Shenandoah: CM::update_thread_roots() needs to handle derived pointers + S8225342: Shenandoah: use COMPILER2_OR_JVMCI macro consistently + S8225346: Convert file to HTML5 + S8225348: serviceability/dcmd/vm/EventsTest.java failed + S8225353: Add AATTjls links to java.lang.Enum
* Fri Jun 14 2019 Fridrich Strba - Upgrade to upstream tag jdk-13+23
* Fixes: + S6682540: Incorrect SASL DIGEST-MD5 behavior + S7061590: Javadoc issues in Charset and StandardCharsets + S7107615: scalability bloker in javax.crypto.JceSecurity + S8042904: apple.security.KeychainStore.getSalt() calling generateSeed() + S8046018: JVMTI Spec: can_redefine_any_class capability spec is inconsistent + S8202651: Test ComodoCA.java fails + S8213416: Replace some enums with static const members in hotspot/compiler + S8214563: Use {AATTsystemProperty} in specification of system properties in java.nio packages + S8214565: Use {AATTsystemProperty} for definitions of system properties + S8215156: Deprecate the -Xfuture option + S8216553: JrtFIleSystemProvider getPath(URI) omits /modules element from file path + S8217089: JFR: Lazy install os interface components for improved startup + S8219147: Javadoc should expose covariant return type overrides + S8220394: bufferedStream does not honor size limit + S8220449: serviceability/dcmd/compiler/CodelistTest.java failure + S8220478: java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentHashMap/ToArray.java timed out intermittently + S8220688: [TESTBUG] runtime/NMT/MallocStressTest.java timed out + S8220702: compiling in the context of an automatic module disallows --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH + S8221121: applications/microbenchmarks are encountering crashes in tier5 + S8221431: Support for Unicode 12.1 + S8221543: Indify-dependent microbenchmarks are broken + S8221734: Deoptimize with handshakes + S8222318: javadoc does not accept valid HTML5 entity names + S8222414: bring googlemock v1.8.1 + S8223053: [xmldsig] Add KeyValue::EC_TYPE + S8223245: Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2019-06 + S8223379: Clarify ForkJoinPool.getStealCount() javadoc + S8223392: Add missing BitMap comments for JDK-8222986 + S8223482: Unsupported ciphersuites may be offered by a TLS client + S8223553: Fix code constructs that do not compile with the Eclipse Java Compiler + S8223581: C2 compilation failed with assert(!q->is_MergeMem()) + S8223658: Performance regression of XML.validation in 13-b19 + S8223660: jtreg: Decouple Unsafe from RTM tests + S8223814: SA: jhsdb common help needs to be more detailed + S8224012: AnnotatedType implementations of hashCode() lead to StackOverflowError + S8224024: java/util/concurrent/BlockingQueue/ /DrainToFails.java testBounded fails intermittently + S8224035: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 9 + S8224087: Compile C code for at least C99 Standard compliance + S8224115: Shenandoah: Eliminate RWLock that protects recorded nmethod data array + S8224145: Build compare script fails intermittently on test image native libraries + S8224165: [TESTBUG] Docker tests produce excessive output + S8224176: Fix inconsistencies in AATTjls tags in java.util.concurrent + S8224177: Harden annotation processing framework to irregular behavior from processors + S8224185: ZGC: Introduce \"High Usage\" rule + S8224202: Speed up Properties.load + S8224221: add memprotect calls to event log + S8224252: [TESTBUG] hotspot/test/serviceability/sa/sadebugd/ /SADebugDTest.java is timing out again after fix for JDK-8163805 + S8224256: test/jdk/java/security/SecureClassLoader/ /DefineClass.java hardcodes + S8224264: [TESTBUG] HelloDynamicCustom.java test failed on the Windows platform in tiers 6 and 7 testing + S8224477: java.net socket types new-style socket option methods - spec and impl mismatch + S8224496: Shenandoah compilation fails with assert(is_CountedLoopEnd()) failed: invalid node class + S8224539: C2 compilation fails during ArrayCopyNode optimizations with assert(i < _max) failed: oob: i=1, _max=1 + S8224548: [TESTBUG] runtime/appcds/jvmti/ /ClassFileLoadHookTest.java failed: must be shared + S8224558: Fix replicateB encoding + S8224584: Shenandoah: Eliminate forwarding pointer word + S8224603: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 11 + S8224626: Shenandoah: Elide barriers on uncommon traps + S8224628: Note that type parameters are not visited by ElementScanners + S8224635: Revert 8224256 and add back java/security/ /SecureClassLoader/DefineClass.java test + S8224652: 32-bit build failures after JDK-8213084 + S8224656: Problem list java/security/SecureClassLoader/ /DefineClass.java until JDK-8224635 is fixed + S8224667: Shenandoah: Post-LRB cleanup + S8224671: AArch64: mauve System.arraycopy test failure + S8224672: (lib)hsdis-.so search incorrect after JDK-8213084 + S8224677: Dtrace .d files clash with make dependency .d files + S8224679: Shenandoah: Make ShenandoahParallelCodeCacheIterator noncopyable + S8224682: Remove the com.sun.CORBA.ORBIorTypeCheckRegistryFilter security property + S8224689: ProblemList runtime/appcds/ /SharedArchiveConsistency.java + S8224698: ConcurrentSkipListMap.java does not compile with the Eclipse Java Compiler + S8224706: [TESTBUG] problem list failing JDK docker API tests + S8224715: ProblemList compiler/graalunit/HotspotJdk9Test.java + S8224723: [TESTBUG] compiler/arraycopy/ /TestArrayCopyWithBadOffset.java failed + S8224727: Problem list test security/infra/java/security/cert/ /CertPathValidator/certification/ActalisCA.java + S8224742: JLONG_FORMAT_W incompatible with type jlong + S8224750: Display thread once in Internal exceptions event log lines + S8224751: Shenandoah: Shenandoah Verifier should select proper roots according to current GC cycle + S8224761: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 12 + S8224763: Update man pages to show deprecation of - Xverify:none + S8224783: Javadoc of String strip methods uses link where linkplain would be better + S8224795: some runtime/SelectionResolution tests are timing out + S8224796: C code is not compiled correctly due to undefined \"i386\" + S8224836: Backout: JDK-8224626: Shenandoah: Elide barriers on uncommon traps + S8224870: Problemlist compiler/c2/Test8004741.java until JDK-8214904 is fixed + S8224875: Shenandoah: ParallelCleaning code unloading should take lock to protect shared code roots array + S8224880: AArch64: java/javac error with AllocatePrefetchDistance + S8224885: ProblemList sun/security/tools/keytool/ /KeyToolTest.java and WeakAlgTest.java on Solaris + S8224908: Revert: 8216553: JrtFileSystemProvider getPath(URI) omits /modules element from file path + S8224932: Shenandoah: Rename ShenandoahHeapLock, make it general purpose lock + S8224945: googlemock update breaks the build of arm32 and ppc + S8224970: ShenandoahRootScanner::roots_do assert is too strong + S8224981: Problemlist test/jdk/sun/security/pkcs11/tls/tls12/ /FipsModeTLS12.java + S8224982: JDK-8222318 breaks tools/doclint/html/ /EntitiesTest.java + S8224984: Problemlist javax/net/ssl/SSLSocket/ /Tls13PacketSize.java + S8225005: Xerces 2.12.0: License file
* Fri Jun 14 2019 Fridrich Strba - Upgrade to upstream tag jdk-13+22
* Fixes: + S8130017: use _FORTIFY_SOURCE in gcc fastdebug builds + S8160539: Stack frame scanning acquires DerivedPointerTableGC_lock mutex + S8163805: hotspot/test/serviceability/sa/sadebugd/ /SADebugDTest.java failed with timed out + S8183273: Clarify Instrumentation interface should not be implemented outside java.instrument module + S8206879: Currency decimal marker incorrect for Peru + S8207812: Implement Dynamic CDS Archive + S8213084: Rework and enhance Print[Opto]Assembly output + S8214545: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap tests hang in revokeall.exe on Windows + S8215792: AArch64: String.indexOf generates incorrect result + S8218966: AArch64: String.compareTo() can read memory after string + S8218997: Xusage text, man help, etc doesn\'t mention -Xlog option. + S8219313: Support module specific stylesheets + S8219692: DOM and SAX parsers ignore namespace + S8219781: Localized names for Japanese era Reiwa in COMPAT provider + S8220072: GCC 8.3 reports errors in java.base + S8220166: Performance regression in deserialization (4-6% in SPECjbb) + S8220293: Deadlock in JFR string pool + S8220656: ARM32: -XX:MaxVectorSize=16 makes SIGILL + S8220672: [TESTBUG] TestCPUSets should check that cpuset does not exceed available cores + S8221507: Implement JFR Events for Shenandoah + S8221967: InternTest.java timed out + S8222154: upgrade gtest to 1.8.1 + S8222169: java.lang.AssertionError switch expression in ternary operator - ? + S8222276: (zipfs) Refactoring and cleanups to prepare for JDK-8213031 + S8222302: [TESTBUG]test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/intrinsics/ /sha/cli/TestUseSHAOptionOnUnsupportedCPU.java fails on any other CPU + S8222422: vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/ClassLoaderReference/ /definedClasses tests failed with Unexpected Exception: null + S8222482: [Graal] Update java-allocation-instrumenter.jar handling in graalunit README.md + S8222492: G1 unnecessarily scans remembered set cards for regions that already have been evacuated + S8222548: Upgrading JDK 13 with the latest available jQuery 3.4.1 + S8222807: Address iteration with invalid ZIP header entries + S8222825: ARM32 SIGILL issue on single core CPU (not supported PLDW instruction) + S8223214: Inet6AddressImpl.loopbackAddress() should choose loopback address that is available + S8223306: Remove threads linked list (use ThreadsList\'s array in SA) + S8223313: Use handshakes for CountStackFrames. + S8223346: Update Graal + S8223438: add VirtualizationInformation JFR event + S8223442: java/nio/channels/SocketChannel/AdaptorStreams.java testConcurrentTimedReadWrite3(): failure + S8223444: Improve CodeHeap Free Space Management + S8223472: volatile long field corruption on x86_32 + S8223499: Remove two DocuSign root certificates that are expiring + S8223572: ~ThreadInVMForHandshake() should call handle_special_runtime_exit_condition() + S8223585: vmTestbase/runtime/pcl/
* get SEGV in MetadataOnStackClosure::do_metadata(Metadata
*)+0x0 + S8223593: Refactor code for reallocating storage + S8223595: Consider updating jdk.jshell module description + S8223663: Update links for tool guides + S8223665: SA: debugd options should follow jhsdb style + S8223723: j.l.c.MethodTypeDesc.dropParameterTypes throws the undocumented exception: IllegalArgumentException + S8223725: j.l.c.MethodHandleDesc::of throws undocumented exception IllegalArgumentException + S8223726: j.l.c.MethodTypeDesc spec should contain precise assertions for one parameter\'s methods + S8223733: \"Detail\" in headings should be \"Details\" + S8223770: code_size2 still too small in some compressed oops configurations + S8223774: Shenandoah: Refactor ShenandoahRootProcessor and family + S8223803: j.l.c.MethodTypeDesc::insertParameterTypes doesn\'t control type of parameters + S8223856: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 8 + S8223910: TestFloatJNIArgs and TestTrichotomyExpressions time out with Graal as JIT + S8223914: specification of j.l.c.MethodTypeDesc::of should document better the exceptions thrown + S8223944: fix zlib related building docu and comments + S8223951: Shenandoah: Only need to update thread roots during final update refs + S8223956: Make SymbolTable and StringTable AllStatic + S8223961: ZGC: Unexpected behaviour due to ZMetronome::wait_for_tick() oversleeping + S8224010: Incorrect string interning + S8224014: Don\'t run test/jdk/java/net/NetworkInterface/ /IPv4Only.java in IPv6 only environment + S8224017: [Graal] gc/z/TestUncommit.java fails with Graal + S8224018: test/jdk/java/net/ipv6tests/{Tcp,Udp}Test.java assume IPv4 is available + S8224019: test/jdk/java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/ /BasicMulticastTests.java assumes IPv4 is always available + S8224020: AsyncGetCallTrace test should not run on PPC64 or IA64 + S8224023: Redo the fix for ErrorFile option does not handle pre-existing error files of the same name + S8224028: loop initial declarations introduced by JDK-8184770 + S8224031: Cannot parse switch expressions after type cast + S8224033: os::snprintf should be used in virtualizationSupport.cpp + S8224034: [TESTBUG] runtime/ErrorHandlerTest/ErrorHandler fails intermittently for case 13 on Windows + S8224038: Fix remaining InCSetState mentions + S8224042: Add private alignDown method to MappedByteBuffer + S8224043: Shenandoah: Remove clear_claimed_marks() from start of concurrent_traversal() + S8224105: Cannot parse JapaneseDate string on some specified locales + S8224119: Safepoint cleanup logging logs times for things it doesn\'t do + S8224160: Move G1RemSetScanClosure into g1RemSet.cpp file + S8224166: Create a taglet to better handle AATTjls and AATTjvms tags + S8224167: Refactor PtrQueue completed buffer processing + S8224170: Build failures after JDK-8207812 (Implement Dynamic CDS Archive) + S8224174: java.lang.Number has a default constructor + S8224175: Fix inconsistencies in AATTjls and AATTjvms tags + S8224179: Shenandoah: CTW test failures with traversal GC + S8224187: Refactor arraycopy_prologue to allow ZGC read barriers on arraycopy + S8224193: stringStream should not use Resouce Area + S8224201: Simplify JVM flag macro expansions + S8224203: Remove need to specify type when using FLAG_SET macros + S8224204: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 10 + S8224210: Shenandoah: Refactor ShenandoahRootScanner to support scanning CSet codecache roots + S8224230: [PPC64, s390] Support AsyncGetCallTrace + S8224248: test/jdk/java/net/InetAddress/CheckJNI.java assumes is available + S8224487: outputStream should not be copyable + S8224495: Shenandoah: Do not rescan code roots in final mark pause if it is not degenerated GC + S8224500: Put HeapMonitorStatArrayCorrectnessTest in the problem list + S8224508: Shenandoah: Need to update thread roots in final mark for piggyback ref update cycle + S8224522: Shenandoah should apply barriers on deoptimization + S8224525: Shenandoah: Eliminate shenandoah verifier\'s side-effects + S8224529: [TESTBUG] JFR TestShenandoahHeapRegion
* tests fail on build w/o Shenandoah + S8224568: minimal and zero build fails after JDK-8213084 + S8224570: Update ProblemList-graal.txt + S8224573: Fix windows build after JDK-8221507 + S8224579: ResourceMark not declared in shenandoahRootProcessor.inline.hpp with - -disable-precompiled-headers + S8224589: Improve startup behavior of SecurityProperties
* Tue May 21 2019 Fridrich Strba - Upgrade to upstream tag jdk-13+21
* Fixes: + S7141393: [macosx] CARemoteLayer code refactoring and unit test + S8042215: javax/management/remote/mandatory/connection/ /ReconnectTest.java NoSuchObjectException no such object in table + S8130266: Change the mechanism by which JDK loads the platform-specific GraphicsEnvironment class + S8144125: [macOS] ava/awt/event/ComponentEvent/ /MovedResizedTwiceTest/MovedResizedTwiceTest.java failed automatically + S8184770: JDWP support for IPv6 + S8189208: Cleanup ancient argument processing code + S8191808: Configurable read timeout for CRLs + S8200400: Restrict Sasl mechanisms + S8200545: Improve filter for enqueued deferred cards + S8208179: Devanagari not shown with logical fonts on Windows after removal of Lucida Sans from JDK + S8211826: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException happens via GetStringUTFRegion() + S8212676: AWT SystemColor setting on CDE + S8212700: Change the mechanism by which JDK loads the platform-specific AWT Toolkit + S8212701: remove sun.desktop property from launcher code + S8213232: Unix/X11 setCompositionEnableNative issue + S8214046: [macosx] Undecorated Frame does not Iconify when set to + S8214796: Create a jlink plugin for stripping debug info symbols from native libraries + S8215470: Bad EnclosingMethod attribute on classes declared in lambdas + S8216008: -Djavax.accessibility.assistive_technologies empty list leads to exception + S8218917: KeyEvent.getModifiers() returns inconsistent values for ALT keys + S8219023: Investigate syncing JVMTI spec version with JDK version + S8219060: -linksource broken with modules + S8219459: oopDesc::is_valid() is broken + S8219914: Change the environment variable for Java Access Bridge logging to have a directory. + S8220673: Add test library support for determining platform IP support + S8221253: TLSv1.3 may generate TLSInnerPlainText longer than 2^14+1 bytes + S8221340: [TESTBUG] TestCgroupMetrics.java fails after fix for JDK-8219562 + S8221432: Upgrade CLDR to Version 35.1 + S8221478: Disable VerifySharedSpaces by default + S8221569: JFR tool produces incorrect output when both - -categories and --events are specified + S8221696: MappedByteBuffer.force method to specify range + S8221738: ErrorFile option does not handle pre-existing error files of the same name + S8221759: Crash when completing \\\"java.io.File.path\\\" + S8222015: Small VM.metaspace improvements + S8222136: Remove two Comodo root CA certificates that are expiring + S8222251: preflow visitor is not visiting lambda expressions + S8222292: runtime/exceptionMsgs/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException/ /ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionTest.java timeout but test passed + S8222362: Upgrade to Freetype 2.10.0 + S8222438: Drop of outdated logging in the com.sun.media.sound package + S8222480: Implementation: JEP 351: ZGC: Uncommit Unused Memory + S8222519: ButtonDemoScreenshotTest fails randomly with \"still state to be reached\" + S8222533: jtreg test jdk/internal/platform/cgroup/ /TestCgroupMetrics.java fails on SLES12.3 linux ppc64le machine + S8222720: Provide extended VMWare/vSphere virtualization related info in the hs_error file on linux/windows x86_64 + S8222789: Replace the usage of \"Sun\'s Xinerama API\" by the \"XFree86\'s Xinerama API\" on Solaris + S8222799: java.beans.Introspector uses an obsolete methods cache + S8222819: Remove setting of headless property on MacOS from launcher code. + S8222830: PIT: java/awt/Window/AlwaysOnTop/AutoTestOnTop.java listed twice in ProblemList + S8222841: Incorrect static call stub interactions with class unloading + S8222969: Migrate RuleBasedCollatorTest to JDK Repo + S8222987: sun/security/tools/keytool/PSS.java times out on Solaris-SPARC + S8222991: Xerces 2.12.0: Validation + S8223018: Rename G1RemSet::
*oops_into_collection_set_do methods + S8223040: Add a AsyncGetCallTrace test + S8223063: Support CNG RSA keys + S8223136: Move compressed oops functions to CompressedOops class + S8223186: HotSpot compile warnings from GCC 9 + S8223215: Shenandoah: Support verifying subset of roots + S8223235: [Graal] compiler/jsr292/NonInlinedCall/ /InvokeTest.java failed time out + S8223237: Replace use of string.equals(\"\") with isEmpty() in java.desktop + S8223307: enable the Stack Execution Disable flag for JDK binaries on AIX + S8223380: [Graal] compiler/c2/Test8062950.java failed with time out. + S8223427: [TESTBUG] Disable JTReg Shenandoah tests when Graal is enabled + S8223441: HeapMonitorStatArrayCorrectnessTest fails due to sampling determinism + S8223454: Reduce String concatenation shapes by folding initialLengthCoder into last mixer + S8223465: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 3 + S8223531: [Graal] assert(type() == T_INT) failed: type check + S8223532: Don\'t try creating IPv4 sockets in NetworkInterface.c if IPv4 is not supported + S8223537: testlibrary_tests/ctw/ClassesListTest.java fails with Agent timeout frequently + S8223539: compiler/graalunit/HotspotTest.java hotspot.test.CheckGraalIntrinsics AssertionError: found plugins for intrinsics + S8223555: Cleanups in cacerts tests + S8223573: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 4 + S8223574: add more thread-related system settings info to hs_error file on AIX + S8223583: Build failure after JDK-8223567 (Rename ShenandoahBrooksPointer to ShenandoahForwarding) + S8223589: Build failures after JDK-8223534 (add back fixed test_markOop.cpp) + S8223597: jdk/nio/zipfs/ZipFSTester.java RuntimeException: CHECK_FAILED! (getAttribute.crc failed 6af4413c vs 0 ...) + S8223599: minimal build fails after JDK-8185525 + S8223617: code_size2 needs adjustments + S8223619: Move VerifyOption out of Universe + S8223620: Move IsGCActiveMark implementation out of header + S8223621: Move Universe usage out of oopRecorder.hpp + S8223622: Move Universe usage out of memAllocator.hpp + S8223623: Move oopFactory function definitions out of oopFactory.hpp + S8223624: Cleanup includes of universe.hpp + S8223626: move print() functions to cpp files + S8223627: jdk-13+20 bundle name contains null instead of ea + S8223632: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 5 + S8223637: Fix build breakage after 8223136 + S8223638: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 6 + S8223639: [JVMCI] jvmciCompiler.cpp needs to include \"oops/objArrayOop.inline.hpp\"\" + S8223645: AArch64 build broken by fix for 8223136 + S8223651: Build fails with --with-jvm-features=-jfr and - -disable-precompiled-headers + S8223652: Rename IPSupport.skipIfCurrentConfigurationIsInvalid() to IPSupport.throwSkippedExceptionIfNonOperational() + S8223654: Clean up AATTjls references in com.sun.source + S8223657: Remove unused THREAD argument from SymbolTable functions + S8223667: ASAN build broken + S8223675: arm32 build failure after 8223136 (Move compressed oops functions to CompressedOops class) + S8223676: Minimal VM build failure after 8223136 (Move compressed oops functions to CompressedOops class) + S8223685: used bundled zlib on AIX by default + S8223716: sun/net/www/http/HttpClient/MultiThreadTest.java should be more resilient to unexpected traffic + S8223730: URLClassLoader.findClass() can throw IndexOutOfBoundsException + S8223737: Fix HostsFileNameService for IPv6 literal addresses + S8223759: Shenandoah should allow arbitrarily low initial heap size + S8223762: Shenandoah: overflows in calculations involving heap capacity + S8223767: Shenandoah fails to build on Solaris x86_64 + S8223779: Build failure after 8223040 (Add a AsyncGetCallTrace test) + S8223798: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 7 + S8223810: HotSpot compile warnings from VS2017 + S8223822: Add gc IDs in the log of gc verification + S8223880: Update sun/net/ftp/FtpURL.java and sun/net/ftp/FtpURLConnectionLeak.java to work with IPv6 addresses + S8223885: hs_err and replay file may contain garbage when overwriting existing file + S8223911: Disable bad node budget verification until the fix + S8223917: Problemlist compiler/ciReplay/TestServerVM.java + S8223921: Update SocketReadWrite benchmark + S8223980: Shenandoah: Refactor and fix ObjArrayChunkedTask verification
* Tue May 21 2019 Fridrich Strba - Upgrade to upstream tag jdk-13+20
* Fixes: + S8146726: Improve AbstractProcessor to issue warnings for repeated information + S8185525: Add JFR event for DictionarySizes + S8198505: Remove CollectorPolicy and its subclasses + S8204203: Many pkcs11 tests failed in Provider initialization, after compiler on Windows changed + S8216137: assert failed: Live node limit exceeded. + S8216978: Drop support for pre JDK 1.4 SocketImpl implementations + S8217364: Custom URLStreamHandler for jrt or file protocol can override default handler + S8217846: [Graal] vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/VirtualMachine/ /instanceCounts/instancecounts003/instancecounts003.java crash + S8218700: infinite loop in HotSpotJVMCIMetaAccessContext.fromClass after OutOfMemoryError + S8218875: Add new FileSystems.newFileSystem methods + S8219013: Update Apache Santuario (XML Signature) to version 2.1.3 + S8219138: Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2019-05 + S8219202: Use Unsynchronized StringBuilder in sun.net.www.ParseUtil + S8219483: j.l.c.ClassDesc::nested(String, String...) doesn\'t throw NPE if any arg is null + S8219520: assert failed: Live node limit exceeded. + S8219902: C2: MemNode::can_see_stored_value() ignores casts which carry control dependency + S8219991: New fix of the deadlock in sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl + S8220037: Inconsistencies of generated timezone files between Windows and Linux + S8220248: fix headings in java.util.concurrent + S8220724: TestBiasedLockRevocationEvents fails while matching revoke events to VMOperation events + S8220793: (fs) No support for changing modification time of symlink + S8221120: CopyOnWriteArrayList.set should always have volatile write semantics + S8221359: Eliminate SATBMarkQueueSet::filter_thread_buffers + S8221509: Refactor assert( G1CollectedHeap::used() == recalculate_used() ) with better message + S8221542: ~15% performance degradation due to less optimized inline decision + S8221892: ThreadPoolExecutor: Thread.isAlive() is not equivalent to not being startable + S8222074: Enhance auto vectorization for x86 + S8222500: runtime/8176717/TestInheritFD.java failed with java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /tmp/communication7071713601211876892.txt + S8222534: VerifyBeforeExit is not honored when System.exit is called + S8222665: Update Graal + S8222667: vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/ThreadStartRequest/ /addThreadFilter/addthreadfilter002/TestDescription.java failed with \"event IS NOT a breakpoint\" + S8222670: pathological case of JIT recompilation and code cache bloat + S8222738: Shenandoah: assert(is_Proj()) failed when running cometd benchmarks + S8222893: markOopDesc::print_on() is a bit confused + S8222895: StackOverflowError in custom security manager that relies on ClassSpecializer + S8222926: Shenandoah build fails with - -with-jvm-features=-compiler1 + S8222930: ConcurrentSkipListMap.clone() shares size variable between original and clone + S8222949: add condy support to javac\'s pool API + S8222955: Optimize String.replace(CharSequence, CharSequence) for common cases + S8222986: Add parameter to skip clearing CHeapBitMaps when resizing + S8222992: Shenandoah: Pre-evacuate all roots + S8223044: Add back exception checking in tests + S8223052: Cleanup: NodeSortRecord + S8223054: [TESTBUG] Put graalJarsCP before existing classpath in GraalUnitTestLauncher + S8223064: Minor cleanups in ResolvedMethodTable + S8223137: Rename predicate \'do_unroll_only()\' to \'is_unroll_only()\'. + S8223138: Small clean-up in loop-tree support. + S8223139: Rename mandatory policy-do routines. + S8223140: Clean-up in \'ok_to_convert()\'. + S8223141: Change (count) suffix _ct into _cnt. + S8223142: Clean-up WS and CB. + S8223143: Restructure/clean-up for \'loopexit_or_null()\'. + S8223145: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 1 + S8223171: Redundant nmethod dependencies for effectively final methods + S8223174: Pattern.compile() can throw confusing NegativeArraySizeException + S8223177: Data race on JvmtiEnvBase::_tag_map in double-checked locking + S8223178: Improve FileSystems.newFileSystem example with map factory methods + S8223194: runtime/Shutdown/ShutdownTest.java due to \"OutOfMemoryError: Java heap too small\" + S8223227: Rename acquire_tag_map() to tag_map_acquire() in jvmtiEnvBase + S8223244: Fix usage of ARRAYCOPY_DISJOINT decorator + S8223248: [AIX] Remove old xlC 10 workaround for load acquire + S8223254: DataOutputStream/WriteUTF.java fails due to \"OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space\" + S8223258: Shenandoah: SRP::process_all_roots_slow processes JvmtiExport weak oops twice + S8223262: [AOT] jaotc crashes with assert(!(((ThreadShadow
*)__the_thread__)->has_pending_exception())) failed: Should not allocate with exception pending + S8223265: Clarify operational semantics of java.util.Objects.equals() + S8223267: Fix incorrect usage of GCTraceTime in g1FullCollector and g1CollectedHeap + S8223308: ZGC: Remove ZGranuleMap::size() + S8223309: test failing due to self-assign-overloaded + S8223319: Add copyright footer to specs and man pages + S8223332: Update JVMCI + S8223335: Compare baseline builds on linux are failing + S8223353: (ch) Change channel close implementation to not wait for I/O threads + S8223359: JDK-8221359 breaks TestG1ParallelPhases.java + S8223389: Shenandoah optimizations fail with assert(!phase->exceeding_node_budget()) + S8223391: Unsynchronized iteration of ClassLoaderDataGraph + S8223395: PPC64: Improve comments in the JVM signal handler to match ISA text + S8223397: gc+promotion log lines are missing the GC id + S8223412: tier1 build failure after 8222893 + S8223414: ProblemList java/lang/ref/ReachabilityFenceTest.java when running in Graal as JIT mode + S8223416: Exclude javax/management/monitor/ /DerivedGaugeMonitorTest.java until JDK-8042211 is fixed. + S8223422: [Graal] assert(!m->can_be_statically_bound(InstanceKlass::cast(ctxk))) failed: redundant + S8223437: Backout JDK-8219974 Restore static callsite resolution for the current class + S8223445: compiler/intrinsics/mathexact/ /LongMulOverflowTest.java java timeout + S8223446: Shenandoah breaks alignment with some HumongousThreshold values + S8223447: Stabilize gc/shenandoah/TestStringDedupStress test + S8223448: Shenandoah disabled barriers blocks omit LRB + S8223449: Unprotected UseCompressedOops block in gc/shenandoah/shenandoahBarrierSetC1_x86.cpp + S8223450: Disable Shenandoah C2 barriers verification for x86_32 + S8223457: java.net.ServerSocket protected constructor should throw NPE if impl null + S8223463: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 2 + S8223464: Improve version string for Oracle CI builds + S8223481: gtest/GTestWrapper.java failed due to \"assert(ret == 0) failed: sem_post failed; error=\'Invalid argument\' (errno=EINVAL)\" + S8223534: add back fixed test_markOop.cpp + S8223567: Rename ShenandoahBrooksPointer to ShenandoahForwarding + S8223570: Shenandoah needs to acquire lock before CLDG::clear_claimed_marks
* Tue May 21 2019 Fridrich Strba - Upgrade to upstream tag jdk-13+19
* Fixes: + S8036608: Key.getAlgorithm link to standard algorithm names needs to be updated + S8074355: make MutexLocker smarter about non-JavaThreads + S8129315: java/net/Socket/LingerTest.java and java/net/Socket/ShutdownBoth.java timeout intermittently + S8139965: Hang seen when using com.sun.jndi.ldap.search.replyQueueSize + S8202414: Unsafe write after primitive array creation may result in array length change + S8213399: DecoderLocker is unused + S8215113: Sampling interval not always correct + S8216577: Add GlobalSign\'s R6 Root certificate + S8218152: [javac] fails and exits with no error if a bad annotation processor provided + S8218280: LineNumberReader throws \"Mark invalid\" exception if CRLF straddles buffer. + S8219403: JVMCIRuntime::adjust_comp_level should be replaced + S8219487: j.l.c.ClassDesc spec should contain precise assertions for one parameter\'s methods + S8219807: C2 crash in IfNode::up_one_dom(Node
*, bool) + S8220388: Increase -inlinehint-threshold for Clang to avoid G1 pause time regression + S8220497: Improve Javadoc search feature and add test coverage + S8220623: [JVMCI] Update JVMCI to support JVMCI based Compiler compiled into shared library + S8220795: Rework naked_short_nanosleep on Windows to improve time-to-safepoint + S8220813: update hotspot tier1_gc tests depending on GC to use AATTrequires vm.gc.X + S8220818: Validator does not find missing match for keyref error + S8221267: Document the jdk.net.URLClassPath .showIgnoredClassPathEntries system property + S8221592: C2 compilation failed with assert(!q->is_MergeMem()) + S8221639: [i386] expand_exec_shield_cs_limit workaround is undefined code after JDK-8199717 + S8221786: ZGC: Increase max heap size to 16TB + S8221988: add possibility to build with Visual Studio 2019 + S8221991: Improve the HTML for the inheritance tree for a type + S8222137: Remove T-Systems root CA certificate + S8222440: (zipfs) JarFileSystem does not correctly handle versioned entries if no root entry is present + S8222462: Introduce CollectedHeap::unused() + S8222469: ZGC: Generalize ZPageCache::flush() + S8222518: Remove unnecessary caching of Parker object in java.lang.Thread + S8222529: sun.jdwp.listenerAddress agent property uses wrong encoding + S8222562: Don\'t set IPV6_V6ONLY when IPv4 is not available + S8222637: Obsolete NeedsDeoptSuspend + S8222664: runtime/appcds/sharedStrings/ /SharedStringsStress.java assert GC active during NoGCVerifier + S8222743: Xerces 2.12.0: DOM Implementation + S8222744: add support for generating method handles from a variable symbol + S8222749: vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/ThreadStartRequest/ /addThreadFilter/addthreadfilter001/TestDescription.java failed with \"eventSet1.size() != 3 :: 2\" + S8222769: [TESTBUG] TestJFRNetworkEvents should not rely on hostname command + S8222774: (ch) Replace uses of stateLock and blockingLock with j.u.c. locks + S8222811: Consolidate MutexLockerEx and MutexLocker + S8222821: com/sun/jdi/ExceptionEvents.java failed + S8222852: Reduce String concat combinator tree shapes by folding constants into prependers + S8222888: [TESTBUG] docker/TestJFREvents.java fails due to \"RuntimeException: JAVA_MAIN_CLASS_ is not defined\" + S8222913: Add Jib support for VERSION_EXTRA
* + S8222934: mark new VM option AllowRedefinitionToAddOrDeleteMethods as deprecated + S8222935: Fix ExceptionCheckingJniEnv system + S8222952: Typo in test/hotspot/jtreg/TEST.groups is causing test harness failures + S8222970: Update ProblemList for vmTestbase/nsk/jdb/eval/ /eval001/eval001.java + S8222977: Fix shenandoah broken with JDK-8222811 + S8222980: Upgrade IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2019-04-03 + S8222988: Use MonitorLocker rather than MutexLocker when wait/notify used + S8223003: SunMSCAPI keys are not cleaned up + S8223015: Cleanups for zipfs tests + S8223016: ZGC: Fix misaligned statistics printout + S8223020: aarch64: expand minI_rReg and maxI_rReg patterns into separate instructions + S8223026: [BACKOUT] Typo in test/hotspot/jtreg/TEST.groups is causing test harness failures + S8223078: Add microbenchmark for array copying/clearing/resizing + S8223146: [TESTBUG] new test vmTestbase/nsk/share/ /ExceptionCheckingJniEnv/exceptionjni001/ fails on Windows + S8223184: Shenandoah: Missing roots in SRP::process_all_roots_slow + S8223190: Test gc/arguments/TestShrinkHeapInSteps.java breaks with change for JDK-8074355
* Tue May 21 2019 Fridrich Strba - Upgrade to upstream tag jdk-13+18
* Fixes: + S8192936: RI does not follow the JVMTI RedefineClasses spec that is too strict in the definition + S8213501: Deploy ExceptionJniWrapper for a few tests + S8215017: Improve String::equals warmup characteristics + S8215580: Remove support for `--no-module-directories` + S8217338: [Containers] Improve systemd slice memory limit support + S8218994: Consolidate indy and condy JVM information within a BootstrapInfo data structure + S8219566: JFR did not collect call stacks when MaxJavaStackTraceDepth is set to zero + S8219998: Eliminate inherently singleton lists + S8220231: Cache HarfBuzz face object for same font\'s text layout calls + S8220513: Wrapper Key may get deleted when closing sessions in SunPKCS11 crypto provider + S8221271: sun/security/pkcs11/tls/tls12/TestTLS12.java test failed + S8221598: Update Graal + S8221685: -XX:BytecodeVerificationRemote and - XX:BytecodeVerificationLocal should be diagnostic options + S8222280: Provide virtualization related info in the hs_error file on AIX + S8222295: more baseline cleanups from Async Monitor Deflation project + S8222332: PIT: Problemlist tests that times out consistently + S8222379: JFR TestClassLoadEvent.java failed due to EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION + S8222391: javax/net/ssl/compatibility/Compatibility.java should be more flexible + S8222502: Replace 19,20 case alternatives with JVM_CONSTANT_Module/Package names + S8222526: Use of no longer existing jquery directory in script.js + S8222527: HttpClient doesn\'t send HOST header when tunelling HTTP/1.1 through http proxy + S8222532: (zipfs) Performance regression when writing ZipFileSystem entries in parallel + S8222550: runtime/MemberName/MemberNameLeak.java times out + S8222558: Rework ResolvedMethodTable verification + S8222668: Add AATTsince tag to JapaneseEra.REIWA + S8222669: Create and use new html.Entity class + S8222713: Add OutputAnalyzer(Path) constructor + S8222735: Update doc/building.md with current Oracle build platforms and compilers + S8222741: jdi/EventQueue/remove/remove004 fails due to VMDisconnectedException + S8222747: [Graal] mx_subprocess files miss testing VM flags + S8222753: AAarch64: Add CPU implementer code for Ampere + S8222785: aarch64: add necessary masking for immediate shift counts + S8222786: Shenandoah get_barrier_strength should accept all shapes of (Weak)CAS reference barriers + S8222805: sun/security/pkcs11/tls/tls12/TestTLS12.java fails with Unsupported signature algorithm: rsa_pss_rsae_sha256 + S8222817: Refactor printing processor to use streams + S8222838: Shenandoah: SEGV on accessing cset bitmap for NULL ptr + S8222843: Print Shenandoah cset map addresses in hs_err
* Tue May 21 2019 Fridrich Strba - Upgrade to upstream tag jdk-13+17 (April 2019 CPU)
* Security fixes + S8211936, CVE-2019-2602, bsc#1132728: Better String parsing + S8214809: CDS storage improvements + S8218453, CVE-2019-2684, bsc#1132732: More dynamic RMI interactions
* Fixes: + S6684386: ElementIterator javadoc bug + S8163363: AArch64: Stack size in tools/launcher/Settings.java needs to be adjusted + S8180573: Refactor sun/security/tools shell tests to plain java tests + S8208066: compiler/graalunit/JttThreadsTest.java failed with org.junit.runners.model.TestTimedOutException: test timed out after 20 seconds + S8215407: javac should reject class files with bad EnclosingMethod attributes + S8216326: SSLSocket stream close() does not close the associated socket + S8217013: javadoc generates references to missing file overview-frame.html + S8217047: Provide a way to inject missing parameter names + S8217405: rmic should reject class files with preview features enabled + S8218147: make_walkable asserts on multiple calls + S8218468: Load barrier slow path node should be MachTypeNode + S8219718: ZGC: Make nmethod entry barriers and nmethod::is_unloading use ZNMethodDataOops + S8220349: The fix done for JDK-8214253 have caused issues in JTree behaviour + S8220382: Cleanup doclet instantiation + S8220477: Channels.newWriter() does not close if underlying channel throws an IOException + S8220625: tools/javac/classreader/8171132/ /BadConstantValue.java failed with \"did not see expected error\" + S8220743: [TESTBUG] Review Runtime tests recently migrated from JDK subdirs + S8221263: [TEST_BUG] RemotePrinterStatusRefresh test is hard to use + S8221393: ResolvedMethodTable too small for StackWalking applications + S8221397: Support implementation-defined Map Modes + S8221445: FastSysexMessage constructor crashes MIDI reception thread + S8221644: jquery directory should be renamed + S8221661: javax.swing.text.View.getPreferredSpan(int axis) + S8221711: [TESTBUG] create more tests for JFR in container environment + S8221857: Collect code coverage for a subset of code + S8221885: Add intermittent test in the JavaSound to the ProblemList + S8221913: Add GC.selected() jtreg-ext function + S8221915: cleanup ticks related coding in os_perf_aix.cpp [aix] + S8221979: Cleanups for building Windows resources + S8222034: Thread-SMR functions should be updated to remove work around + S8222035: minimal inference context optimization is forcing resolution with incomplete constraints + S8222072: JVMTI GenerateEvents() sends CompiledMethodLoad events to wrong jvmtiEnv + S8222090: Add Hygon Dhyana processor support + S8222097: ProblemList tests that are failing recurringly and intermittently in PIT + S8222151: refactoring: enhancements to java.lang.Class::methodToString and java.lang.Class::getTypeName + S8222188: Shenandoah: Adjust Shenandoah work gang types + S8222224: vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/SingleStep/singlestep001/ /TestDescription.java fails + S8222231: Clean up interfaceSupport.inline.hpp duplicated code + S8222271: [s390] optimize register usage in C2 instruction forms for clearing arrays + S8222275: sun/security/tools/keytool/Serial64.java: assertTrue: expected true, was false + S8222289: Overhaul logic for reading/writing constant pool entries + S8222297: IRT_ENTRY/IRT_LEAF etc are the same as JRT + S8222299: [TESTBUG] move hotspot container tests to hotspot/containers + S8222300: Zero build broken after JDK-8222231 + S8222327: java_lang_Thread _thread_status_offset, remove pre 1.5 code paths + S8222333: fastdebug build broken after JDK-8221393 (phase_mapping[] doesn\'t match enum Phase in WeakProcessorPhases) + S8222334: java -Xss0 triggers StackOverflowError + S8222378: Provide mechanism to query preview feature status for annotation processors + S8222387: Out-of-bounds access to CPU _family_id_xxx array + S8222395: Refactor the abstract classes of package and module index writer + S8222397: x86_32 tests with UseSHA1Intrinsics SEGV due to garbled registers + S8222403: Shenandoah: Remove ShenandoahAlwaysTrueClosure, use AlwaysTrueClosure instead + S8222410: java/nio/file/attribute/BasicFileAttributeView/ /UnixSocketFile hangs when \"nc\" does not accept \"-U\" + S8222415: Xerces 2.12.0: Parsing Configuration + S8222417: compiler/loopopts/TestOverunrolling.java times out + S8222418: compiler/arguments/TestScavengeRootsInCode.java times out + S8222419: Shenandoah: Remove unused _par_state_string in ShenandoahRootProcessor + S8222425: Shenandoah: Move commonly used closures to separate files + S8222430: Add tests for ElementKind predicates + S8222444: Add a suggestion for non-US locale in the test doc + S8222484: Specialize generation of simple String concatenation expressions + S8222490: Shenandoah: Remove unused _par_state_string in ShenandoahRootEvacuator + S8222491: jcmd can fail converting UTF8 output to strings + S8222501: [TESTBUG] Docker support is always set to true in jtreg-ext/requires/VMProps.java + S8222510: Small cleanup for JDK launcher\'s make file + S8222522: Add configure options for Mac Bundle creation + S8222528: Fix javadoc headers in Nashorn sources + S8222627: Remove sneaky token \'Name\' in jdk-version.m4
* Tue May 21 2019 Fridrich Strba - Upgreade to upstream tag jdk-13+16
* Fixes: + S8020637: Permissions.readObject doesn\'t enforce proper Class to PermissionCollection mappings + S8163326: Update the default enabled cipher suites preference + S8203364: Some serviceability/sa/ tests intermittently fail with java.io.IOException: LingeredApp terminated with non-zero exit code 3 + S8216039: TLS with BC and RSASSA-PSS breaks ECDHServerKeyExchange + S8216551: GraalUnitTestLauncher should be executed as \'AATTrun driver\' + S8217610: TLSv1.3 fail with ClassException when EC keys are stored in PKCS11 + S8217728: Speed up incremental rerun of \"make hotspot\" + S8218049: Survivor MemoryMXBean used() size granularity is region based + S8218458: [TESTBUG] runtime/NMT/ /CheckForProperDetailStackTrace.java fails with Expected stack trace missing from output + S8218483: Crash in \"assert(_daemon_threads_count->get_value() > daemon_count) failed: thread count mismatch 5 : 5\" + S8218547: Simplify JLI_Open on Windows in native code (libjli) + S8218668: Clean up evacuation of optional collection set + S8219241: Provide basic virtualization related info in the hs_error file on linux/windows x86_64 + S8219861: Add new keytool -showinfo -tls command for displaying TLS configuration information + S8219918: ProblemList hotspot tests failing in SAP testing. + S8219993: AArch64: Compiled CI stubs are unsafely modified + S8220282: Add MethodHandle tests on accessing final fields + S8221325: Add information about swap space to print_memory_info() on MacOS + S8221430: StringBuffer(CharSequence) constructor truncates when -XX:-CompactStrings specified + S8221470: Print methods in exception messages in java-like Syntax. + S8221477: Inject os/cpu-specific constants into Unsafe from JVM + S8221529: [TESTBUG] Docker tests use old/deprecated image on AArch64 + S8221530: Caller sensitive methods not handling caller = null when invoked by JNI code with no java frames on stack + S8221535: add steal tick related information to hs_error file [linux] + S8221539: [metaspace] Improve MetaspaceObj::is_metaspace_obj() and friends + S8221584: SIGSEGV in os::PlatformEvent::unpark() in JvmtiRawMonitor::raw_exit while posting method exit event + S8221597: A typo in the Java API doc for File.getUsableSpace() + S8221658: aarch64: add necessary predicate for ubfx patterns + S8221710: [TESTBUG] more configurable parameters for docker testing + S8221730: jcmd process name matching broken + S8221764: Reduce make Init.gmk logging overhead + S8221766: Load-reference barriers for Shenandoah + S8221833: Readability check in Symbol::is_valid not performed for some addresses + S8221836: Avoid recalculating String.hash when zero + S8221848: Shenandoah: ArrayCopy post-barrier improvements + S8221851: Use of THIS_FILE in hotspot invalidates precompiled header on Linux/GCC + S8221852: SYMBOLIC_LINK_FLAG_ALLOW_UNPRIVILEGED_CREATE should be selected at runtime, not build time + S8221853: Data race in compile broker (set_last_compile) + S8221871: javadoc should not set role=region on elements + S8221872: Remove uses of ClassLoaderWeakHandle typedef in protection domain table + S8221880: Better customization for Windows RC properties FileDescription and ProductName + S8221882: Use fiber-friendly java.util.concurrent.locks in JSSE + S8221894: Add comments for docker tests in the test doc + S8221907: make reconfigure breaks when configured with relative paths + S8221917: serviceability/sa/TestPrintMdo.java fails on 32-bit platforms + S8221918: runtime/SharedArchiveFile/serviceability/ /ReplaceCriticalClasses.java fails: Shared archive not found + S8221921: Implement size() / isEmpty() in immutable collections + S8221924: get(null) on single-entry unmodifiable Map returns null instead of throwing NPE + S8221980: Simplify Optional implementation + S8221981: Simplify Map/List/Set.of() implementation + S8221984: ZGC: Clean up ZOop + S8221992: Fix old method replacement in ResolvedMethodTable + S8221995: AARCH64: problems with CAS instructions encoding + S8221996: Bootcycle build broken + S8221997: fix headings in jdk.javadoc + S8222027: java/util/logging/LogManager/TestLoggerNames.java generates intermittent ClassCastException + S8222029: Optimize Math.floorMod + S8222032: x86_32 fails with \"wrong size of mach node\" on AVX-512 machine + S8222078: test/jdk/java/lang/reflect/exeCallerAccessTest/ /exeCallerAccessTest.c build fails after 8221530 + S8222082: Build of test/jdk/java/lang/reflect/ /exeCallerAccessTest/exeCallerAccessTest.c still failing on Windows + S8222086: CodeCache::UnloadingScope needs to preserve and restore previous IsUnloadingBehavior + S8222089: [TESTBUG] sun/security/lib/cacerts/ /VerifyCACerts.java fails due to cert within 90-day expiry window + S8222105: Add \"use_\" prefix to G1Policy::adaptive_young_list_length + S8222111: exeCallerAccessTest.c fails to build: control reaches end of non-void function + S8222125: Shenandoah: Crash when running with ShenandoahParallelSafepointThreads=1 + S8222129: Shenandoah: Missing CompareAndSwapP/N case in get_barrier_strength() + S8222130: Shenandoah should verify roots after pre-evacuation + S8222133: Add temporary exceptions for root certs that are due to expire soon + S8222144: BuiltinClassLoader should create the CodeSource for jrt URLs lazily + S8222180: ZGC: ZForwarding::verify() failing when checking for duplicates + S8222185: Shenandoah should report \"committed\" as capacity + S8222186: Shenandoah should not uncommit below minimum heap size + S8222227: Shenandoah: Fix Traversal GC weak roots handling in final-traversal pause + S8222229: ProblemList compiler/jsr292/InvokerSignatureMismatch.java + S8222259: Shenandoah: Pre-evacuate string-dedup roots in Traversal GC + S8222264: Windows incremental build is broken with JDK-8217728
* Tue May 21 2019 Fridrich Strba - Upgrade to upstream tag jdk-13+15
* Fixes: + S8157372: C2: Node::cmp() should return bool + S8157404: Unable to read certain PKCS12 keystores from SequenceInputStream + S8168261: Use server cipher suites preference by default + S8174268: Declare a public field in JapaneseEra for the era starting May 2019 + S8177960: Deprecate the Swing Motif Look and Feel and document it as unsupported on macOS + S8178335: fake pass: jdk/internal/ref/Cleaner/ExitOnThrow.java + S8189861: Refactor CacheFind + S8205432: Replace the placeholder Japanese era name + S8205934: Define jdk -source/-target version in version-numbers file + S8212627: [TESTBUG] runtime/CreateMirror/ArraysNewInstanceBug.java timed out + S8212904: JTextArea line wrapping incorrect when using UI scale + S8215105: java/awt/Robot/HiDPIScreenCapture/ /ScreenCaptureTest.java: Wrong Pixel Color + S8215599: Remove support for javadoc \"frames\" mode + S8216539: tools/jar/modularJar/Basic.java times out + S8216971: [macosx swing] For JCheckBoxMenuItem actionPerformed() is called twice, when apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true and modifier is InputEvent.META_DOWN_MASK + S8217707: JNICALL declaration breaks Splash screen functions + S8217735: awt_image_GifImageDecoder_parseImage() \"interlace\" param has the wrong type + S8218418: (fs) Files.createSymbolicLink should use SYMBOLIC_LINK_FLAG_ALLOW_UNPRIVILEGED_CREATE (win) + S8218727: vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/scenarios/events/EM04/em04t001/ /TestDescription.java crash in native library + S8219733: Restore javadoc header styles + S8220016: Clean up redundant RSA services in the SunJSSE provider + S8220250: fix headings in java.desktop + S8220254: fix headings in java.xml + S8220320: Remove unused old code in GraphicsEnvironment on unix + S8220351: Cross-modifying code + S8220495: Update GIFlib library to the 5.1.8 + S8220530: Build compare script does not compare the contents of the test image + S8220602: Shenandoah-SA: Enable best-effort implementation of heap walk + S8220610: Make CollectedHeap nmethod functions pure virtual + S8220632: Suggest recompiling with a larger value of - Xmaxerrs/-Xmaxwarns if diagnostics were suppressed + S8220664: Simplify ShenandoahUpdateHeapRefsClosure + S8220671: Initialization race for non-JavaThread PtrQueues + S8220707: [TESTBUG] serviceability/sa/TestHeapDumpForLargeArray.java fails with jtreg -vmoption:-Xmx < 8g + S8220786: Create new switch to redirect error reporting output to stdout or stderr + S8220792: Performance bottleneck in JavacFileManager.list() + S8221102: Allow GC threads to participate in threads claiming protocol + S8221118: Avoid eagerly creating JCDiagnostic for CompletionFailures + S8221146: ZGC: Reports too much relocated + S8221149: os::malloc checks MallocCatchPtr outside of ifdef ASSERT block + S8221153: ZGC: Heap iteration and verification pollutes GC statistics + S8221183: Avoid code cache walk in MetadataOnStackMark + S8221244: Unexpected behavior of PropertyDescription.getReadMethod for boolean properties + S8221257: Improve serial number generation mechanism for keytool -gencert + S8221304: Problem list java/awt/FontMetrics/MaxAdvanceIsMax.java + S8221341: Update Graal + S8221351: Crash in KlassFactory::check_shared_class_file_load_hook + S8221366: Search box tries to search for \"Search\" + S8221394: Clean up ConcurrentGCThread + S8221395: HttpClient leaving connections in CLOSE_WAIT state until Java process ends + S8221398: Move test NoClassDefFoundMsg.java to subdir exceptionMsgs/ + S8221405: Fix Windows 32bit awt build + S8221408: Windows 32bit build build errors/warnings in hotspot + S8221411: NullPointerException in RasterPrinterJob without PrinterResolution + S8221412: lookupPrintServices() does not always update the list of Windows remote printers + S8221413: javac does not recognize variable assigned in switch expression as DA + S8221435: Shenandoah should not mark through weak roots + S8221436: Incorrect check of package in Line.Info.toString() + S8221437: assert(java_lang_invoke_ResolvedMethodName:: vmtarget(resolved_method()) == m()) failed: Should not change after link resolution + S8221480: jcmd VM.metaspace shall print limits in basic mode + S8221482: Initialize VMRegImpl::regName[] earlier to prevent assert during PrintStubCode + S8221517: G1: Reserved page size for heap can be wrong + S8221532: Incorrect copyright header in FileSystemSupport_md.c + S8221533: Incorrect copyright header in DurationDayTimeImpl.java, DurationYearMonthImpl.java and XMLStreamException.java + S8221540: ZGC: Reduce width of zForwardingEntry::from_index field + S8221541: clean up functions in CompilerOracle + S8221558: Remove obsolete uses of OopStorage::ParState<\'false, false> _par_state + S8221568: DataOutputStream/WriteUTF.java fails due to \"OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space\" + S8221596: test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/containers/docker/ /TestCPUSets.java failed with FileAlreadyExistsException + S8221610: Resurrect (legacy) JRE bundle target + S8221621: FindTests.gmk cannot handle \"=\" in TEST.groups comments + S8221629: Shenandoah: Cleanup class unloading logic + S8221643: Tighten up assert(_keep_alive >= 0) in CLD::inc_keep_alive + S8221648: Remove CollectedHeap::is_in_closed_subset() + S8221687: Deprecated j.u.jar.Attributes.Name attributes accidentally set to null + S8221688: Quarantine Shenandoah string dedup tests + S8221694: jstatLineCounts1 needs to be NaN resilient + S8221698: Remove redundant includes from popular header files + S8221701: Archive constant BaseLocales + S8221703: Rmic build for java.management.api has bad incremental behavior + S8221723: Avoid storing zero to String.hash + S8221724: Enable archiving of Strings with hash 0 + S8221725: AArch64 build failures after JDK-8221408 (Windows 32bit build build errors/warnings in hotspot) + S8221726: Multiple build failures after JDK-8221698 (Remove redundant includes from popular header files) + S8221731: Fix doclint handling of accessibility heading in java.desktop + S8221732: Introduce CollectedHeap::hash_oop() + S8221735: Shenandoah fails ctw/modules/ /jdk_management_agent.java with Traversal + S8221748: Remove unused oopDesc::is_unlocked_oop() + S8221750: Shenandoah: Enable ThreadLocalHandshake by default + S8221751: Shenandoah: Improve SATB enqueueing + S8221762: Improve Main.gmk/FindTests.gmk bootstrap time + S8221763: Build fails when using - -with-jvm-features=-g1gc,-jfr,-shenandoahgc + S8221782: [Graal] Module jdk.internal.vm.compiler.management has not been granted accessClassInPackage.jdk.vm.ci.services + S8221801: Update src/java.base/share/legal/public_suffix.md + S8221824: Build failure with MSVS 2013 after JDK-8218418 + S8221870: use driver to run CtwRunner in applications/ctw tests + S8221875: Unquarantine Shenandoah string dedup tests
* Tue May 21 2019 Fridrich Strba - Upgrade to upstream tag jdk-13+14
* Fixes: + S7106851: Test should not use System.exit + S8059357: ClassVerifier redundantly checks constant pool entries multiple times + S8061381: [macosx] Accelerators does not spelled for JMenuItems by Voice Over + S8078860: (spec) InputStream.read(byte[] b, int off, int len) claims to not affect element b[off] + S8146986: JDI: Signature lookups for unprepared classes can take a long time + S8170494: JNI exception pending in PlainDatagramSocketImpl.c + S8172695: (scanner) java/util/Scanner/ScanTest.java fails + S8200286: (testbug) MOptionTest test fails with java.lang.AssertionError: Classfiles too old! + S8203026: java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException: no such object in table + S8204552: NMT: Separate thread stack tracking from virtual memory tracking + S8210782: Upgrade HarfBuzz to the latest 2.3.1 + S8211322: Reduce the timeout of tooltip in SwingSet2DemoTest + S8211941: Enable checking/ignoring of non-conforming Class-Path entries + S8213110: Remove the use of applets in automatic tests + S8214109: XToolkit is not correctly displayed color on 16-bit high color setting + S8214112: The whole text in target JPasswordField image are not selected + S8214253: Tooltip is transparent rather than having a black background + S8214712: Archive Attributes$Name.KNOWN_NAMES + S8215396: JTabbedPane preferred size calculation is wrong for SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT + S8216353: Use utility APIs introduced in org/netbeans/jemmy/util/LookAndFeel class in client sanity test cases + S8216558: Lookup.unreflectSetter(Field) fails to throw IllegalAccessException for final fields + S8216989: CardTableBarrierSetAssembler:: gen_write_ref_array_post_barrier() does not check for zero length on AARCH64 + S8217347: [TESTBUG] runtime/appcds/jvmti/InstrumentationTest.java timed out + S8217362: Emergency dump does not work when disk=false is set + S8217564: idempotent protection missing in crc32c.h + S8217690: Update public suffix version + S8217827: [Graal] Some vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/ResourceExhausted tests failing + S8218128: vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/ResourceExhausted/ /resexhausted003 and 004 use wrong path to test classes + S8218399: runtime/RedefineObject/TestRedefineObject.java timeout + S8218401: WRONG_PHASE: vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti test crash + S8218446: SuspendAtExit hangs + S8218674: HTML Tooltip with \"img=src\" on component doesn\'t show + S8218854: FontMetrics.getMaxAdvance may be less than the maximum FontMetrics.charWidth + S8218889: Improperly use of the Optional API + S8218914: Support fonts installed per-user on Windows 10 + S8219100: Improve do_collection_pause_at_safepoint + S8219196: DataOutputStream.writeUTF may throw unexpected exceptions + S8219446: Specify behaviour of timeout accepting methods of Socket and ServerSocket if timeout is negative + S8219504: Test for JDK-8211435 can be run on all platforms + S8219552: bump jtreg requiredVersion to b14 in test/jdk/sanity/client/ + S8219612: compiler.codecache.stress.Helper.TestCaseImpl can\'t be defined in different runtime package as its nest host + S8220095: Assertion failure when symlink (with different name) is used for lib/modules file + S8220198: Lots of com/sun/crypto/provider/Cipher tests fail on x86_32 due to missing SHA512 stubs + S8220224: With CLDR provider, NumberFormat.format could not handle locale with number extension correctly. + S8220240: Refactor shared dirty card queue + S8220249: fix headings in java.compiler + S8220295: sun/tools/jps/TestJps.java still timing out + S8220389: Update Graal + S8220445: Support for side by side MSVC Toolset versions + S8220451: jdi/EventQueue/remove/remove004 failed due to \"ERROR: thread2 is not alive\" + S8220456: jdi/EventQueue/remove_l/remove_l004 failed due to \"TIMEOUT while waiting for event\" + S8220528: [AIX] Fix basic Xinerama and Xrender functionality + S8220570: Additonal trace when native thread creation fails + S8220575: Replace hardcoded in URLs with new URI builder + S8220633: Optimize CacheFSInfo + S8220658: Improve the readability of container information in the error log + S8220674: [TESTBUG] MetricsMemoryTester failcount test in docker container only works with debug JVMs + S8220682: Heap dumping and inspection fails with JDK-8214712 + S8220687: Add StandardJavaFileManager.getJavaFileObjectsFromPaths overload + S8220714: C2 Compilation failure when accessing off-heap memory using Unsafe + S8220753: Re-introduce the test case for TLS 1.2 algorithms in SunPKCS11 crypto provider + S8220774: Add HandshakeALot diag option + S8220784: hsdis cannot be built with MinGW64 + S8220794: PPC64: Fix signal handler for SIGSEGV on branch to illegal address + S8221083: [ppc64] Wrong oop compare in C1-generated code + S8221096: Description of -XX:+PrintFlagsRanges is incorrect + S8221164: jstatLineCounts tests need to be more resilient for NaN outputs + S8221172: SunEC specific test is not limited to SunEC + S8221175: Fix bad function case for controlled JVM crash on PPC64 big-endian + S8221179: Zero builds fail when linking with gold and bundling libffi.so + S8221180: Deprecate AllowJNIEnvProxy + S8221207: Redo JDK-8218446 - SuspendAtExit hangs + S8221208: Backout JDK-8218446 + S8221212: ZGC: Command-line flags should be marked experimental + S8221219: ZGC: Remove ZStallOnOutOfMemory option + S8221220: AArch64: Add StoreStore membar explicitly for Volatile Writes in TemplateTable + S8221252: (sc) SocketChannel and its socket adaptor need to handle connection reset + S8221259: New tests for java.net.Socket to exercise long standing behavior + S8221260: Initialize more class members on construction, remove some unused ones + S8221262: Cleanups in UnixFileSystem/WinNTFileSystem implementation classes + S8221264: Refactor and update SourceVersion.latestSupported + S8221270: Duplicated synchronized keywords in SSLSocketImpl + S8221273: put sun/security/pkcs11/tls/tls12/TestTLS12.java on ProblemList.txt + S8221278: Shenandoah should not enqueue string dedup candidates during root scan + S8221342: [TESTBUG] Generate Dockerfile for docker testing + S8221343: x86_32 crashes on startup with \"_hwm out of range\" + S8221350: more monitor logging updates from Async Monitor Deflation project + S8221357: Update test documentation by deleting \"cd test && make\" + S8221363: Build failure after JDK-8220240 (Refactor shared dirty card queue) + S8221392: Reduce ConcurrentGCThreads spinning during start up + S8221396: Clean up serviceability/sa/TestUniverse.java + S8221400: java/lang/String/StringRepeat.java test requests too much heap + S8221401: java/math/BigInteger/LargeValueExceptions.java test should be disabled on 32-bit platforms + S8221406: Windows 32bit build error in NetworkInterface_winXP.c + S8221407: Windows 32bit build error in libsunmscapi/security.cpp + S8221414: Bump required boot jdk version to 12 + S8221434: Fix typo in lib-x11 autoconf error message about missing headers + S8221456: nmethod::make_unloaded() clears _method member too early + S8221472: Fix HandshakeSuspendExitTest + S8221473: Configuration::reads can use Set.copyOf + S8221479: Fix JFR profiling on s390 + S8221483: TestOopCmp.java fails due to \"Multiple garbage collectors selected\" + S8221513: Add vmTestbase/nsk/jdb/eval/eval001/eval001.java to ProblemList.txt + S8221524: java/util/Base64/TestEncodingDecodingLength.java test should be disabled on 32-bit platforms + S8221527: [TESTBUG] DockerBasicTest.java contains hard-coded reference to JDK 10 + S8221531: Incorrect copyright header in src/java.base/windows/native/libnio/ch/FileChannelImpl.c + S8221537: ZGC: Fix incorrect comment in zNMethod table entry layout
* Tue May 21 2019 Fridrich Strba - Upgrade to upstream tag jdk-13+13
* Fixes: + S6307456: UnixFileSystem_md.c use of chmod() and access() should handle EINTR signal appropriately (unix) + S8147502: Digest is incorrectly truncated for ECDSA signatures when the bit length of n is less than the field size + S8153508: ContentHandler API contains link to private contentPathProp + S8170705: sun/net/www/protocol/http/StackTraceTest.java fails intermittently with Invalid Http response + S8179549: Typo in network properties documentation + S8193277: SimpleFileObject inconsistency between getName and getShortName + S8211100: hotspot C1 issue with comparing long numbers on x86 32-bit + S8212528: Wrong cgroup subsystem being used for some CPU Container Metrics + S8213912: Semantic typo in HttpExchange.java + S8217766: Container Support doesn\'t work for some Join Controllers combinations + S8218166: com/sun/jdi/SimulResumerTest.java failure + S8218723: Use SunJCE Mac in SecretKeyFactory PBKDF2 implementation + S8218812: vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/GetAllThreads/allthr001/ /TestDescription.java failed + S8218975: Bug in macOSX kernel\'s pthread support + S8219139: move hotspot tests from test/jdk/vm + S8219197: ThreadGroup.enumerate() may return wrong value + S8219562: Line of code in osContainer_linux.cpp L102 appears unreachable + S8219579: Remove redundant signature parsing from the verifier + S8219585: [TESTBUG] sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ /JMXInterfaceBindingTest.java passes trivially when it shouldn\'t + S8219628: [TESTBUG] javadoc/doclet/InheritDocForUserTags fails with -othervm + S8219691: method summary table head should be enclosed in + S8219876: (bf) Improve IndexOutOfBoundsException messages in $Type$Buffer classes + S8219882: [AOT] Develop regression test for 8218859 + S8219958: Automatically load taglets from a jar file + S8220093: Change to GCC 8.2 for building on Linux at Oracle + S8220249: fix headings in java.compiler + S8220252: Fix Headings in java.naming + S8220281: IBM-858 alias name is missing on IBM00858 charset + S8220301: Remove jbyte use in CardTable + S8220342: Remove scavenge_root_nmethods_do from VM_HeapWalkOperation::collect_simple_roots + S8220343: Move scavenge_root_nmethods from shared code + S8220345: Use appropriate type for G1RemSetScanState::IsDirtyRegionState + S8220352: Crash with assert(external_guard || result != __null) failed: Invalid JNI handle + S8220355: Improve assertion texts and exception messages in eventHandlerVMInit + S8220366: Optimize Symbol handling in ClassVerifier and SignatureStream + S8220374: C2: LoopStripMining doesn\'t strip as expected + S8220378: Unused Names constants + S8220379: Fix doclint handling of headings + S8220410: sun/security/tools/jarsigner/warnings/ /NoTimestampTest.java failed with missing expected output + S8220411: Remove ScavengeRootsInCode=0 code + S8220493: Prepare Socket/ServerSocket for alternative platform SocketImpl + S8220502: Inefficient pre-sizing of PhiResolverState arrays in c1_LIRGenerator + S8220512: Deoptimize redefinition functions that have dirty ICs + S8220555: JFR tool shows potentially misleading message when it cannot access a file + S8220566: AArch64: Set default vm features for Ampere eMAG CPUs + S8220569: ZGC: Rename and rework ZUnmapBadViews to ZVerifyViews + S8220579: [Containers] SubSystem.java out of sync with osContainer_linux.cpp + S8220586: ZGC: Move relocation logic from ZPage to ZRelocate + S8220587: ZGC: Break out forwarding information from ZPage + S8220588: ZGC: Convert ZRelocationSet to hold ZForwardings instead of ZPages + S8220589: ZGC: Remove superfluous ZPageTableEntry + S8220590: ZGC: Remove ZPages from ZPageTable when freed + S8220591: ZGC: Don\'t delay reclaimation of ZVirtualMemory + S8220592: ZGC: Move destruction of detached ZPages into ZPageAllocator + S8220593: ZGC: Remove superfluous ZPage::is_detached() + S8220594: ZGC: Remove superfluous ZPage::is_active() + S8220595: ZGC: Introduce ZAttachedArray + S8220596: ZGC: Convert ZNMethodData to use ZAttachedArray + S8220597: ZGC: Convert ZForwarding to use ZAttachedArray + S8220598: Malformed copyright year range in a few files in java.base + S8220599: ZGC: Introduce ZSafeDelete + S8220600: ZGC: Delete ZPages using ZSafeDelete + S8220601: ZGC: Delete ZNMethodTableEntry arrays using ZSafeDelete + S8220606: Move ScavengableNMethods unlinking to unregister_nmethod + S8220609: Cleanups in ScavengableNMethods + S8220611: compiler/classUnloading/methodUnloading/ /TestOverloadCompileQueues.java timeout + S8220613: java/util/Arrays/TimSortStackSize2.java times out with fastdebug build + S8220614: (bf) Buffer absolute slice methods should use Objects.checkFromIndexSize() + S8220628: Move the HeapMonitor library to C++ + S8220634: SymLinkArchiveTest should handle not being able to create symlinks + S8220644: Align required/found pairs in diagnostics + S8220660: [s390]: debug build broken after JDK-8220301 + S8220663: Incorrect handling of IPv6 addresses in Socket(Proxy.HTTP) + S8220676: [TESTBUG] ProblemList TestCPUSets until the test issue is resolved + S8220678: unquarantine nsk/jdi/ThreadReference/setEnabled/ /setenabled003 + S8220684: Process.waitFor(long, TimeUnit) can return false for a process that exited within the timeout + S8220689: problem list RandomCommandsTest in graal runs + S8220690: ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED requires GNU extensions enabled + S8220693: jdk/javadoc/doclet/MetaTag/MetaTag.java with unexpected date + S8220704: ZGC: gc tests complain Java heap too small + S8220712: [TESTBUG] gc/shenandoah/compiler/ /TestMaybeNullUnsafeAccess should run with Shenandoah enabled + S8220719: Allow other named NetPermissions to be used + S8220737: Jib based 32 bit windows builds fail + S8220738: (sc) Move ServerSocketChannelImpl remaining native method to Net + S8220741: ZGC: Move CPU agnostic files from linux_x86 to linux + S8220744: Move RedefineTests to from runtime to serviceability + S8220745: Fix problemlist entry to refer to 8220613 + S8220780: ShenandoahBS::AccessBarrier::oop_store_in_heap ignores AS_NO_KEEPALIVE + S8220781: linux-s390 : os::get_summary_cpu_info gives bad output + S8220812: gc/shenandoah/options/TestLoopMiningArguments.java fails if default GC is serial/parallel/cms + S8221098: Run java/net/URL/HandlerLoop.java in othervm mode
* Tue May 21 2019 Fridrich Strba - Upgrade to upstream tag jdk-13+12
* Fixes: + S6504660: HPI panic callback is dead code + S8013728: nsk/jdi/BScenarios/hotswap/tc10x001 Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 0: recv failed + S8074817: Resolve disabled warnings for libverify + S8160247: Mark deprecated javax.security.cert APIs with forRemoval=true + S8163511: Allocation of compile task fails with assert: \"Leaking compilation tasks?\" + S8170639: [Linux] jsig is limited to a maximum of 64 signals + S8184315: Typo in java.net.JarURLConnection.getCertificates() method documentation + S8201252: unquarantine nsk/jdi/ThreadReference/resume/resume001 + S8212206: Refactor AdaptiveSizePolicy to separate out code related to GC overhead + S8213008: Cipher with UNWRAP_MODE should support the generation of an AES key type + S8213448: [TESTBUG] enhance jfr/jvm/TestDumpOnCrash + S8214922: Add vectorization support for fmin/fmax + S8215221: Serial GC misreports young GC time + S8217216: Launcher does not defend itself against LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 (Solaris) + S8217254: CompactNumberFormat::CompactNumberFormat() constructor does not comply with spec. + S8217417: Decorator name typo: C2_TIGHLY_COUPLED_ALLOC + S8217561: X86: Add floating-point Math.min/max intrinsics + S8217576: C1 atomic access handlers use incorrect decorators + S8217721: CompactNumberFormat::format() method spec for IAEx is not complaint + S8218074: Update Graal + S8218201: Failures when vmIntrinsics::_getClass is not inlined + S8218464: vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/VirtualMachine/allThreads/ /allthreads001/TestDescription.java failed + S8218618: Program fails when using JDK addressed by UNC path and using Security Manager + S8218948: SimpleDateFormat :: format - Zone Names are not reflected correctly during run time + S8219448: split-if update_uses accesses stale idom data + S8219517: assert(false) failed: infinite loop in PhaseIterGVN::optimize + S8219584: Try to dump error file by thread which causes safepoint timeout + S8219597: (bf) Heap buffer state changes could provoke unexpected exceptions + S8219632: Remove reference to com.sun.javadoc API in RemoveOldDoclet test + S8219633: ZGC: Rename ZPageSizeMin to ZGranuleSize + S8219634: ZGC: Rename ZAddressRangeMap to ZGranuleMap + S8219642: ciReplay loads wrong data when MethodData size changes + S8219651: compiler/ciReplay/TestServerVM.java is failing on windows + S8219685: Startup failure: assert(!Universe::is_module_initialized()) failed: Incorrect java.lang.Module pre module system initialization + S8219705: Wrong media-type for a given serialization method + S8219713: Reduce work in DefaultMethods::generate_default_methods + S8219721: jcmd from earlier release will hang attaching to VM with JDK-8215622 applied + S8219816: Add IsArray/RemoveExtent type traits utilities + S8219817: Remove unused CollectedHeap::block_size() + S8219860: Cleanup ClassFileParser::parse_linenumber_table + S8219997: [TESTBUG] Create test for JFR events in Docker container: CPU, Memory and Process Info + S8220005: java/util/Arrays/TimSortStackSize2.java times out + S8220050: Deprecate -XX:-ThreadLocalHandshakes + S8220083: Use InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress() in place of for some tests + S8220085: runtime/CompressedOops/UseCompressedOops.java times out on Windows intermittently + S8220087: Remove remnants of HTML4 support + S8220153: Shenandoah does not work with TransparentHugePages properly + S8220159: Optimize various RegMask operations by introducing watermarks + S8220162: Shenandoah should not commit HugeTLBFS memory + S8220165: Encryption using GCM results in RuntimeException- input length out of bound + S8220173: assert(_handle_mark_nesting > 1) failed: memory leak: allocating handle outside HandleMark + S8220202: Simplify/standardize method naming for HtmlTree + S8220227: Host Locale Provider getDisplayCountry returns error message under non-English Win10 + S8220228: Improve Shenandoah pacing histogram message + S8220237: ProcessBuilder API documentation typo + S8220244: vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/scenarios/sampling/SP06/ /sp06t003 hasn\'t been un-problemlisted + S8220253: Fix Headings in java.sql.rowset + S8220256: fix headings in java.security.sasl + S8220257: fix headings in java.instrument + S8220258: fix headings in java.smartcardio + S8220262: fix headings in java.logging + S8220283: ZGC fails to build on GCC 4.4.7: ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED compatibility issue + S8220290: gc/arguments/TestSurvivorRatioFlag.java fails after JDK-8215221 with CMS + S8220294: ZGC fails to build on GCC 4.4.7: Type parameter issue + S8220313: [TESTBUG] Update base image for Docker testing to OL 7.6 + S8220323: Fix copyright header text + S8220331: Remove extra spaces in copyright header + S8220334: Fix copyright header text + S8220341: Class redefinition fails with assert(!is_unloaded()) failed: unloaded method on the stack + S8220344: Build failures when using - -with-jvm-features=-g1gc,-jfr + S8220346: Refactor java.lang.Throwable to use Objects.requireNonNull + S8220350: Refactor ShenandoahHeap::initialize + S8220353: [TESTBUG] TestRegisterRestoring uses SafepointALot without UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions + S8220363: hotspot-ide project fails + S8220368: Update String.indexOf to test all the C2 intrinsics + S8220377: Unused field SourceFileObject.flatname + S8220383: Incremental build is broken and inefficient + S8220407: compiler/intrinsics/math/TestFpMinMaxIntrinsics.java timedout + S8220409: jdk/modules/scenarios/overlappingpackages/ /OverlappingPackagesTest.java - testOverlapWithBaseModule tests the wrong thing + S8220414: Correct copyright headers in Norm2AllModes.java and Normalizer2.java + S8220420: Cleanup c1_LinearScan + S8220441: [PPC64] Clobber memory effect missing for memory barriers in atomics + S8220444: Shenandoah should use parallel version of WeakProcessor in root processor for weak roots + S8220474: Incorrect GPL header in src/java.instrument/share/ /classes/java/lang/instrument/package-info.java + S8220475: Malformed copyright header in LinuxSocketOptions.java, MacOSXSocketOptions.java and MacOSXSocketOptions.c + S8220480: Typo in java.net.http.HttpResponse.BodySubscriber documentation + S8220496: Race in java_lang_String::length() when deduplicating + S8220501: Improve c1_ValueStack locks handling + S8220504: Move definition of JAVA_VERSION_INFO_RESOURCE to Launcher-java.base.gmk + S8220515: Revert removal of for_each_lock_value removal + S8220529: JDK-8220383 broke test image build + S8220546: Shenandoah Reports timing details for weak root processing + S8220585: Incorrect code in MulticastSocket sample code
* Tue May 21 2019 Fridrich Strba - Upgrade to upstream tag jdk-13+11
* Fixes + S4903717: nsk/jdi/ThreadReference/isSuspended/issuspended002 failing + S5071718: (bf) Add ByteBuffer.slice(int offset, int length) + S8207367: 10 vmTestbase/nsk/jdi tests timed out when running with jtreg + S8209413: AArch64: NPE in clhsdb jstack command + S8212932: [TESTBUG] Clean up TestVirtualSpaceNode test + S8214854: JDWP: Unforseen output truncation in logging + S8215430: Remove the internal package com.sun.net.ssl + S8216259: AArch64: Vectorize Adler32 intrinsics + S8216580: Fix generation of VNNI vector code by allowing adjacent LoadS nodes to be isomorphic + S8217868: Crash for overlap between source path and patch module path + S8217878: ENVELOPING XML signature no longer works in JDK 11 + S8218167: nsk/jvmti/scenarios/sampling/SP02/sp02t003 fails + S8218228: The constructor StringBuffer(CharSequence) violates spec for negatively sized argument + S8218266: G1 crash in AccessInternal::PostRuntimeDispatch + S8218629: XML Digital Signature throws NAMESPACE_ERR exception on OpenJDK 11, works 8/9/10 + S8218880: G1 crashes when issuing a periodic GC while the GCLocker is held + S8218988: Improve metaspace verifications + S8219214: Infinite Loop in CodeSection::dump() + S8219369: Add named constants for iterating ExtRootScan phases + S8219492: Restore static callsite resolution for the current class + S8219513: compiler/codegen/aes/ /TestCipherBlockChainingEncrypt.java timeout on Solaris-sparc + S8219519: Remove linux_sparc.ad and linux_aarch64.ad + S8219565: [deadcode] remove share/utilities/intHisto.
* + S8219582: PPC: Crash after C1 checkcast patched and GC + S8219613: Use NonJavaThread PtrQueues + S8219619: Remove UseFakeTimers and related code + S8219650: [Testbug] Fix potential crashes in new test hotspot gtest \"test_print_hex_dump\" + S8219658: Deadlock in sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl + S8219712: code_size2 (defined in stub_routines_x86.hpp) is too small on new Skylake CPUs + S8219714: [testbug] com/sun/jdi/RedefineNestmateAttr/ /TestNestmateAttr.java must pass classpath to subprocess + S8219723: javax/net/ssl/compatibility/Compatibility.java failed on some SNI cases + S8219746: Provide virtualization related info in the hs_error file on linux ppc64 / ppc64le + S8219747: Remove g1_ prefix to g1_remset and g1_policy members in G1CollectedHeap + S8219748: Add and use getter for the timing object in G1 + S8219789: [TESTBUG] TestOptionsWithRanges.java produces hs_err_pidXXXXX.log file for VMThreadStackSize=9007199254740991 + S8219798: [deadcode] remove src/hotspot/share/prims/evmCompat.cpp + S8219801: Pages do not have