Changelog for indimail-mini-3.0.2-26.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Mon Nov 14 2022 14:30:50 +0000 Manvendra Bhangui 3.0.2-1.1suseRelease 3.0.2-1.1 Start 08/09/2022- First change- maildir_deliver.c: added comments- use uininstaller only for ucspi-tcp- INPUT, ETC: renamed DIR to DIRS- svctool: added scram, salted, TIMESTAMP column to indimail table- create_services: run ischema -u to update indimail schema to current- qmail-send: added feature to disconnect from todo-proc- todo-proc: added feature to disconnect from qmail-send- qmail-send.c, slowq-send.c: auto attach to todo-processor when there are no pending delivery jobs- svctool: added --todo-proc option to create TODO_PROCESSOR env variable for external todo processor in slowq-send service-, create_services, debian-postinst: Create slowq-send service with todo processor turned on- dk-filter: remove \'%\' from filename if dkim key file not found- set owner to root for important directories- refactored code- don\'t treat missng private key as error when DKIMSIGN has %.- qmail-dk.c: fixed \'Private key file does not exist\' for DKSIGN with \'%\'- qmail-dkim.c: fixed \'Private key file does not exist\' for DKIMSIGN with \'%\'- qscanq.c, qmail-dk.c, qmail-dkim.c: fixed return exit codes- qmail.c, qmail.h: set ERROR_FD to -1 to disable custom error- qmail-queue.c: prefix qhpsi error messages with \'qhpsi: \'- smtpd.c: fixed length of BATV signkey- smtpd.c: Set SPFRESULT env variable for qmail-queue frontend and qfilters- smtpd.c, qmail-inject.c: removed include wildmat.h- sqlmatch.c: renamed check_db() to query_db().- qmail-local.c: fixed localdomains restricted delivery feature- renamed qmail-control to indimail-control, qmail-srs to indimail-srs- srs.c: return -1 in setup() for control file open failure- srs.c: added documentation- smtpd.c: added SRS code to decode SRS addresses- srs.c: added feature to set SRS parameters using environment variables- batv.h: added header to define constants for batv functions for use in qmail-smtpd, qmail-remote, batv frontent- qmail-remote.c: refactored batv code- qmail-smtpd.c: refactored batv code- qmail-smtpd, qmail-remote: use batv prefix for batv control files- qmail-smtpd, qmail-remote: allow batv parameters to be set via env variables- renamed batv control files: signkey - batvkey, signkeystale, batvkeystale, nonsignhosts - batvnosignremote, nosignmyvdoms - batvnosignlocals- smtpd.c: corrected helocheck- smtpd.c: display auth method used in logs when SECURE_AUTH is set- spf.c, smtpd.c, spfquery.c: renamed variable for localhost from local to localhost- qmail-smtpd.c: updated control file list and env variable list- smtpd.c: reorganized opening of control files in to functions - open_control_files1() and open_control_files2()- qmail-dkim.c, qmail-dk.c: replace all \'%\' characters with domain- qmail.c, qmail.h: use exit code defines from qmail.h- qmulti.c, qmail-spamfilter.c, qmail-queue.c, qmail-qfilter.c, qmail-multi.c, qmail-dkim.c, qmail-dk.c, mailfilter.c: use exit code defines from qmail.h- ofmipd.c: authorize mails using RELAYCLIENT- qmail-queue.c: treat auto_uidd as another uid for Received header- smtpd.c, qmail-qmqpd.c, qmail-qmtpd.c, mini-smtpd.c: added program identifier to Received header- smtpd.c: removed skip setting STOREDKEY, SERVERKEY using GSASL_PASSWORD env variable- sys-checkpwd.c: display auth method in logs if DEBUG is set- qmail-daned.c, qmail-greyd.c, qmail-remote.c: replaced cdb_match() with cdb_matchaddr() in cdb_match.c- cdb_match.c, cdb_match.h: added cdb_match(), cdb_matchaddr()- ctrlenv.c: added -c option to clear existing env variables- ctrlenv.c: moved cdb_match() function to cdb_match.c- qmail-remote.c: fetch username password for authenticated smtp from remote_auth.cdb- cdb-database.c, ctrlenv.c: look at last colon when parsing data- qmail-smtpd: do chdir /etc/indimail as default cwd- svctool: PLUGIN0_dir - use /etc/indimail as cwd for smtpd plugin- remove qmail-newmrh. Use qmail-cdb instead of qmail-newmrh- qmail-cdb.c: added feature to create recipient.cdb from users/recipients making recipient-cdb redundant- recipients.c: use control/recipients insead of user/recipients- recipients.c: fix for SRS rewritten addresses.- added test-recipients, make-recipients programs- qmail-showctl.c: added remote_auth, recipients control file- svctool: added --enablecram option to enable CRAM authentication using encrypted password- sys-checkpwd.c: Use ENABLE_CRAM env variable to enable CRAM authentication using encrypted password- create_services: removed domainkeys setup for new installations- qmail-remote.c: clear input buffer when trying next MX (Franz Sirl)-,, replaced deprecated egrep with grep -E- smtpd.c: set DISABLE_EXTRA_GREET environment variable to disable extra information in greeting- when importing variables don\'t treat existing variables as error