Changelog for
python38-tox-3.26.0-104.12.noarch.rpm :
* Thu Jan 19 2023 Michal Suchanek
- Add missing python-tomli dependency.
* Tue Oct 25 2022 Matej Cepl - Remove python2-related parts of the SPEC file.
* Wed Oct 12 2022 Yogalakshmi Arunachalam - Update to version 3.26.0 Bugfixes
* Fix fallback to python environment when isolated_build = true is set – by AATTUnrud #2474
* Fixed SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning about using --global-option – by AATTadamchainz #2478
* Sun Jul 24 2022 Dirk Müller - update to 3.25.1:
* ``sitepackages = true`` will add user\'s site-package to the python path on Windows as expected
* Avoid importing ``pipes`` on Python 3.3+ to avoid ``DeprecationWarning`` on Python 3.11
* Fix ``isolated_build`` when the build process produces stderr at exit.
* Fixed failing isolated_build because setuptools warning was captured in ``build_requires``.
* Avoid potential 30s delay caused by socket.getfqdn().
* Ignore missing commands if they are prefixed by ``-``
* Thu Dec 23 2021 Dominique Leuenberger - Drop definition of python-tox-doc: this subpackage is not being built.
* Sun Sep 26 2021 Matej Cepl - Update to 3.24.4: - Fixed handling of -e ALL in parallel mode by ignoring the ALL in subprocesses -- by :user:`guahki`. #2167 - Prevent tox from using a truncated interpreter when using TOX_LIMITED_SHEBANG -- by :user:`jdknight`. #2208 - Enabled the use of the favicon in the Sphinx docs first introduced in :pull:`764` but not integrated fully -- :user:`webknjaz` #2177 - --parallel reports now show ASCII OK/FAIL/SKIP lines when full Unicode output is not available - by :user:`brettcs` [#1421] - Started enforcing valid references in Sphinx docs -- :user:`webknjaz` #2168 - include LC_ALL to implicit list of passenv variables - by :user:`ssbarnea` #2162 - get_requires_for_build_sdist hook (PEP 517) is assumed to return an empty list if left unimplemented by the backend build system - by :user:`oczkoisse` #2130 - The documentation of install_command now also mentions that you can provide arbitrary commands - by :user:`jugmac00` [#2081] - --devenv no longer modifies the directory in which the .tox environment is provisioned - by :user:`isaac-ped` #2065 - Fix show config when the package names are not in canonical form - by :user:`gaborbernat`. #2103 - Extended environment variables section - by :user:`majiang` [#2036] - tox no longer shows deprecation warnings for distutils.sysconfig on Python 3.10 - by :user:`9999years` [#2100] - Distinguish between normal Windows Python and MSYS2 Python when looking for virtualenv executable path. Adds os.sep to :class:`~tox.interpreters.InterpreterInfo` - by :user:`jschwartzentruber` #1982 - Fix a tox-conda isolation build bug - by :user:`AntoineD`. [#2056] - Update examples in the documentation to use setenv in the [testenv] sections, not wrongly in the [tox] main section. - by :user:`AndreyNautilus` #1999 - Enable building tox with setuptools_scm 6+ by :user:`hroncok` [#1984] - tox can now be invoked with a new --no-provision flag that prevents provision, if :conf:`requires` or :conf:`minversion` are not satisfied, tox will fail; if a path is specified as an argument to the flag (e.g. as tox --no-provision missing.json) and provision is prevented, provision metadata are written as JSON to that path - by :user:`hroncok` #1921 - Unicode support in pyproject.toml - by :user:`domdfcoding` [#1940] - The value of the :conf:`requires` configuration option is now exposed via the :class:`tox.config.Config` object - by :user:`hroncok` #1918 - Adapt tests not to assume the easy_install command exists, as it was removed from setuptools 52.0.0+ - by :user:`hroncok` [#1893] - Fix a killed tox (via SIGTERM) leaving the commands subprocesses running by handling it as if it were a KeyboardInterrupt - by :user:`dajose` #1772 - Newer coverage tools update the COV_CORE_CONTEXT environment variable, add it to the list of environment variables that can change in our pytest plugin - by :user:`gaborbernat`. [#1854]
* Mon Feb 22 2021 Ben Greiner - Fix wheel location when custom installing into test venv.
* Sun Jan 17 2021 Benjamin Greiner - Update requirements- Fix the test suite failure introduced by the switch to coinstallable python3 flavors: must be called with plain python name for sys.executable to not detect the minor version as binary extension (python3.8 --> magic.8)
* Wed Jan 13 2021 John Vandenberg - Remove build dependency on pytest-cov- Re-enable test_create_KeyboardInterrupt and spinner tests- Update to v3.21.1
* Fix regression that broke using install_command in config replacements
* Fix regression parsing posargs default containing colon
* Prevent .tox in envlist
* Enable building tox with ``setuptools_scm`` 4 and 5- from v3.21.0
* Fix the false ``congratulations`` message that appears when a ``KeyboardInterrupt`` occurs during package installation
* Fix ``platform`` support for ``install_command``
* Fixed regression in v3.20.0 that caused escaped curly braces in setenv to break usage of the variable elsewhere in tox.ini
* Prevent ``{}`` and require ``{:`` is only followed by ``}``
* Raise ``MissingSubstitution`` on access of broken ini setting
* Allow \\{ and \\} in default of {env:key:default}
* Allow {posargs} in setenv
* Allow {/} to refer to os.sep
* Make parsing [testenv] sections in setup.cfg official
* Relax importlib requirement to allow 3.0.0 or any newer version
* Document more info about using ``platform`` setting
* Replace ``indexserver`` in documentation with environment variables
* Document that the ``passenv`` environment setting is case insensitive- from v3.20.1
* Relax importlib requirement to allow version<3- from v3.20.0
* Allow hyphens and empty factors in generative section name
* Support for PEP517 in-tree build backend-path key in ``get-build-requires``
* Allow escaping curly braces in setenv
* Support for comments within ``setenv`` and environment files via the ``files|`` prefix- from v3.19.0
* skip ``setup.cfg`` if it has no ``tox:tox`` namespace
* Implement support for building projects having pep 517 (in-tree-build-backends) ``backend-path`` setting
* Don\'t require a tox config file for ``tox
* Fixed grammar in top-level documentation- from v3.18.1
* Fix ``TypeError`` when using isolated_build with backends that are not submodules
* Thu Jul 23 2020 Marketa Calabkova - update to 3.18.0
* Add allowlist_externals alias to whitelist_externals (whitelist_externals is now deprecated). - by :user:`dajose`
* Fix tests when the ``HOSTNAME`` environment variable is set, but empty string - by :user:`hroncok`
* The long arguments ``--verbose`` and ``--quiet`` (rather than only their short forms, ``-v`` and ``-q``) are now accepted.
* The ``ResultLog`` now prefers ``HOSTNAME`` environment variable value (if set) over the full qualified domain name of localhost. This makes it possible to disable an undesired DNS lookup, which happened on all ``tox`` invocations, including trivial ones
* by :user:`hroncok`
* Update packaging information for Flit.
* Fixed the support for using ``{temp_dir}`` in ``tox.ini`` - by :user:`webknjaz`
* Allow skipping the package and installation step when passing the ``--skip-pkg-install``.
* Fri Jun 26 2020 Thomas Bechtold - update to 3.15.2: - Add an option to allow a process to suicide before sending the SIGTERM. - PyPy 7.3.1 on Windows uses the \'Script\' folder instead of \'bin\'.
* Wed May 20 2020 Michael Ströder - version update to 3.15.1
* Allow parallel mode without arguments.
* Allow generative section name expansion.
* default to passing the env var PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL
* some bug fixes
* Fri Apr 17 2020 version update to 3.14.6 - Exclude virtualenv depencency versions with known regressions (20.0.[0-7]) - by :user:`webknjaz`. `#1537 `_ - Fix ``tox -h`` and ``tox --hi`` shows an error when run outside a directory with tox support files by :user:`nkpro2000sr`. `#1539 `_
* Fri Mar 20 2020 Tomáš Chvátal - Disable spinner tests as the monkeypatch changed behaviour in pytest
* Wed Mar 11 2020 version update to 3.14.5 - Add ``--discover`` (fallback to ``TOX_DISCOVER`` environment variable via path separator) to inject python executables to try as first step of a discovery - note the executable still needs to match the environment by :user:`gaborbernat`. `#1526 `_ - Bump minimal six version needed to avoid using one incompatible with newer virtualenv. - by :user:`ssbarnea` `#1519 `_ - Avoid pypy test failure due to undefined printout var. - by :user:`ssbarnea` `#1521 `_
* Fri Feb 07 2020 Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 3.14.3 bsc#1163043:
* Relax importlib requirement to allow either version 0 or 1 - by :user:`chyzzqo2` #1476
* Sun Nov 17 2019 Hans-Peter Jansen - Disable another failing test
* Mon Sep 16 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 3.14.0:
* Fix PythonSpec detection of python3.10
* Fix regression failing to detect future and past py## factors
* Fix current_tox_py for pypy / pypy3
* Add support for minor versions with multiple digits
* Remove dependence on md5 hashing algorithm
* on venv cleanup: add explicit check for pypy venv to make it possible to recreate it
* Fix isolated build double-requirement
* Replace pkg_resources with importlib_metadata for speed
* Fri May 24 2019 Matej Cepl - Update to 3.12.1: - Ensure TOX_WORK_DIR is a native string in os.environ - Fix import and usage of winreg for python2.7 on windows - Fix Windows selects incorrect spec on first discovery - When using --parallel with --result-json the test results are now included the same way as with serial runs - Turns out the output of the py -0p is not stable yet and varies depending on various edge cases. Instead now we read the interpreter values directly from registry via PEP-514 - Adding TOX_PARALLEL_NO_SPINNER environment variable to disable the spinner in parallel mode for the purposes of clean output when using CI tools
* Thu May 16 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 3.11.1:
* When creating virtual environments we no longer ask the python to tell its path, but rather use the discovered path.
* Wed May 15 2019 Jonathan Harker - Update to 3.11.0:
* --showconfig overhaul
* Mon May 13 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 3.10.0:
* Please see changelog.rst
* Thu Mar 28 2019 Matej Cepl - Update to 3.8.1: - Bugfixes - The -eALL command line argument now expands the envlist key and includes all its environment. #1155 - Isolated build environment dependency overrides were not taken in consideration (and such it inherited the deps from the testenv section) - --result-json puts the command into setup section instead of test (pre and post commands are now also correctly put into the commands section) - Set setup.cfg encoding to UTF-8 as it contains Unicode characters. #1212 - Fix tox CI, better error reporting when locating via the py fails - In a posix shell, setting the PATH environment variable to an empty value is equivalent to not setting it at all; therefore we no longer if the user sets PYTHONPATH an empty string on python 3.4 or later - Fixed bug of children process calls logs clashing (log already exists) - Interpreter discovery and virtualenv creation process calls that failed will now print out on the screen their output (via the logfile we automatically save) - Using py2 and py3 with a specific basepython will no longer raise a warning unless the major version conflicts - Fix missing error for tox -e unknown when tox.ini declares envlist. - Resolve symlinks with toxworkdir. - Interrupting a tox call (e.g. via CTRL+C) now will ensure that spawn child processes (test calls, interpreter discovery, parallel sub-instances, provisioned hosts) are correctly stopped before exiting (via the pattern of INTERRUPT - 300 ms, TERMINATE - 200 ms, KILL signals) - Fix a ResourceWarning: unclosed file in Action - Fix deadlock when using --parallel and having environments with lots of output - Removed code that sometimes caused a difference in results between --parallel and -p when using posargs - Features - tox now auto-provisions itself if needed (see :ref:`auto-provision`). Plugins or minimum version of tox no longer need to be manually satisfied by the user, increasing their ease of use. - tox will inject the TOX_PARALLEL_ENV environment variable, set to the current running tox environment name, only when running in parallel mode. - Parallel children now save their output to a disk logfile - Parallel children now are added to --result-json - Display pattern and sys.platform with platform mismatch - Setting the environment variable TOX_REPORTER_TIMESTAMP to 1 will enable showing for each output line its delta since the tox startup. This can be especially handy when debugging parallel runs. - Documentation - Add a poetry examples to packaging- Switch build macros to PEP-518 compatible ones
* Tue Mar 12 2019 Matej Cepl - Update to 3.7.0: - Parallel mode added (alternative to detox which is being deprecated), for more details see `parallel_mode` - Added command line shortcut -s for - -skip-missing-interpreters - Whitelisting of externals will be mandatory in tox 4: issue a deprecation warning as part of the already existing warning - Clarify explanations in examples and avoid unsupported end line comments - Set to use relative instead of absolute URLs - if the packaging phase successfully builds a package set it as environment variable under TOX_PACKAGE (useful to make assertions on the built package itself, instead of just how it ends up after installation) - On windows, check sys.executable before others for interpreter version lookup. This matches what happens on non-windows. - Don\'t rewrite {posargs} substitution for absolute paths. - Correctly fail tox --notest when setup fails. - Link to related projects (Invoke and Nox) from the documentation- Obsoletes python-detox.