Changelog for libfbclient2-devel- :

* Thu Nov 24 2022 update to upstream version (commit bf1b7d7fb2bf)- rename rpmlintrc to firebird-rpmlintrc and update it to keeep up with latest whims of systemd enforcers
* Tue Apr 27 2021 update to upstream version (commit 74a4ec5c50f6)
* lots of changes in 2.5 years- add rpmlintrc to work around bogus build checks in Factory
* Sun Sep 23 2018 one more attempt to work around >= 15.0 xinetd craziness
* Sat Sep 22 2018 adjust install phase to 15.0 and Factory not installing xinetd (and SLE15 not having it at all)
* Sat Sep 22 2018 apply patch another-workaround-for-ICU-59.patch also in firebird-classic.spec
* Sat Sep 22 2018 update to upstream version (commit 468c0d628d56)
* CORE-5801: fix access rights for BLOBs
* backport access violation fixes
* fix inconsistency in request/transaction state after error
* CORE-5847: \"Malformed string\" instead of key value in PK violation error message
* CORE-5853: forward compatible expressions LOCALTIME and LOCALTIMESTAMP
* CORE-5910: Server crash after kill in EDS manager destructor
* CORE-5823: No permission for SELECT access to blob field in stored procedure
* CORE-5841: No permission for SELECT access to TABLE PLG$SRP in newer snapshot
* Sat Mar 03 2018 update to upstream version (commit 4c24a30ae3a0)
* improve gcc6 compatibility
* CORE-5591: engine hangs soon after some errors during transaction start
* CORE-5640: new connections to database are slow when multiple connects happen at the same moment
* CORE-5641: segfault when exiting classic server with running sweep thread
* CORE-5650: segfault when procedure dropped on classic server
* CORE-5643: message \"Operating system call munmap failed. Error code 12\" can appear in firebird.log under heavy load
* CORE-5629: gstat output does not include datetime of analysis
* CORE-5624: using backslash in alias on linux does not work
* CORE-3596: client library cannot connect to the non-ASCII host name
* improvement CORE-5674: allow unused Common Table Expressions
* CORE-5655: isc_info_sql_relation_alias reports incorrect alias for CTE or nested queries
* CORE-5675: isc_vax_integer() and isc_portable_integer() wrong work with short negative numbers
* CORE-5681: AV when external statement is executed and local transaction is rolled back
* CORE-5684: error \'no current record for fetch operation\' is raised while deleting record from MON using ORDER BY clause
* CORE-5685: sometime it is impossible to cancel/kill connection executing external query
* fix race condition when many attachments creates event session at the same moment
* additional protection for old CORE-3046
* CORE-4565: GDSCODE can have value = 0 in WHEN-section under some concurrent env., only in SC or CS (not in SS)
* fix ISQL plan
* CORE-5014: interrupt of aux connection during TCP setup phase causes unclear error messages in firebird.log (partial)
* CORE-5017: interrupt of aux connection during TCP setup phase causes server exit due to unhandled exception (partial)
* CORE-5757: deadlock with events
* CORE-5762: wrong transaction number in RDB$PAGES relation may cause infinite recusrion in engine and segfault- another-workaround-for-ICU-59.patch: work around ICU 59 changes
* Fri Jul 28 2017 update to upstream version (commit 7ba5ca721da0)
* CORE-5582: Segmentation fault in TRA_detach_request
* CORE-5579: request synchronization error in the GBAK utility (restore)
* Fri Jun 30 2017 update to upstream version (commit b9c18ff20ed5)
* untracked: fix order of call fb_shutdown and global destructors
* CORE-5543: Restore of pre ODS 11.1 database can leave RDB null
* CORE-5566: Server crashes while restoring backup if the shadow file already exists- add a check to fail in prep phase if extern/SfIO wasn\'t removed (bsc#763446)
* Wed May 10 2017 update to upstream version (commit a3bc499d34bc)
* CORE-5521: Race condition between event notification and event registration
* CORE-5522: Engine could freeze up to 2 minutes and raise deadlock error when updating RDB$INDICES if it contains backversions
* CORE-5528: internal Firebird consistency check (limbo impossible (184), file: vio.cpp line: 2379)
* CORE-5530: Random AV at client application using events when connection was broken
* Tue Mar 28 2017 update to upstream version (commit 8f1a9b863ab3)
* CORE-5415: [security3.fdb] wrong page type page 22 is of wrong type (expected pointer, found index root)
* Tue Feb 21 2017 update to upstream version (commit 8972856d2de5)
* CORE-5470: Trace INCLUDE_FILTER with [[:WHITESPACE:]]+ does not work when statement contains newline is issued
* fix write error handling in gbak (gh#79)
* improvement CORE-5475: Provide ability to filter out info and warnings from trace log- explicitely require %insserv_prereq (needed for upcoming rpm)
* Wed Feb 08 2017 update to upstream version (commit 73e5a36f5eb2)
* CORE-5419: Index garbage collection on varchar column causes server to hang
* Add fb_shutdown() call to the isql and gpre. It allows isql_embed and grpe_embed to avoid 3 sec delay on exit.
* CORE-5474: \'Restrict UDF\' is not effective, because is dynamically linked against libc
* Mon Jan 30 2017 update to upstream version (commit 9c327517177f)
* CORE-5428: Rare segfault when preparing request working with a table with triggers
* CORE-5429: Segfault when attachment is abandoned for some reason during sweep thread startup
* CORE-5422: Decompression overran buffer after rollback
* gh#74: don\'t use SONAME for
* Mon Dec 19 2016 update to upstream version (commit 785e8292d3bd)
* CORE-5417 : Engine could hang up if auto-sweep is starting while database is shutting down
* CORE-5418: Inconsistent output when retrieving the server log via Services API
* Fri Nov 25 2016 update to upstream version (commit 2ae6bb411b3f)
* CORE-5387: Memory leak - a lot of 4Kb-sized regions remain mapped till the death of the process
* CORE-5401: High load in touch thread
* Mon Oct 24 2016 update to upstream version (commit 068c16213929)
* CORE-4742: gfix -shut single -force 0 ..... not working as documented with 2.5.3 & 2.5.4
* Mon Sep 05 2016 update to upstream version (commit 579508b9601c)
* CORE-5318: Bug in ESQL applications
* Mon Aug 01 2016 update to upstream version (commit 19003d704a3e)
* additional fix for CORE-4645 (internal Firebird consistency check (cannot find tip page (165), file: tra.cpp line: 2375)
* CORE-5295: Validation could read after the end-of-file when handle multifile database
* CORE-5236: IN/ANY/ALL predicates may cause sub-optimal (late filtering) execution of joins- build with -fno-strict-aliasing
* Fri Jun 24 2016 update to upstream version (commit 0616219ddf0d)
* CORE-4870: Incorrect number of affected rows for UPDATE against VIEW created WITH CHECK OPTION
* CORE-5241: Affected rows are not counted for some update operations with views
* CORE-5240: Restore database with large page buffer - connection lost to database
* CORE-4817: ISQL doesn`t show number of affected rows for \"MERGE ... WHEN MATCHING\" in case when this number surely > 0
* CORE-5275: Expression index may become inconsistent if CREATE INDEX was interrupted after b-tree creation but before commiting- fix gcc6 (factory) build- minor specfile cleanup
* Fri May 13 2016 update to upstream version (commit 6d5e8b4b70d6)
* prevents deadlocks involving the header page and some data pages (due to disabled AST delivery) (follow-up to CORE-5067)
* replace old ChangeLog with URL to GitHub
* CORE-5201: return nonzero result code when restore fails on activating and creating deferred user index
* CORE-5217: ISQL -x may crash while exporting an exception with message text length > 127 bytes
* CORE-5218: explicitly defined names for NOT NULL constraints are not exported into script by ISQL -x
* CORE-5216: provide location context (line/column numbers) for runtime errors raised inside EXECUTE BLOCK
* prevent stack trace (line/column info) from overriding the real error\'s SQLSTATE
* CORE-5226: incorrect result set (missing records) may be returned by the ORDER plan query navigating on a descending index
* CORE-1746: Expression index can be created while doing inserts into table
* Wed Mar 23 2016 update to upstream version (commit 28709e9f975a)
* CORE-5157: Server goes into infinite loop when data is sent from client to the service in small packets
* CORE-5161: Unique index could be created on non-unique data
* Fri Mar 11 2016 update to upstream version
* a follow-up fix for CORE-3024
* CORE-5117: Firebird embedded could crash on unload if was used as pure client only
* CORE-5122: Expression index may not be used by the optimizer if created and used in different connection charsets
* CORE-4645: internal Firebird consistency check (cannot find tip page (165), file: tra.cpp line: 2375)
* Tue Feb 23 2016 update to upstream version
* gcc6 compatibility fix
* CORE-5078: \"Invalid BLOB ID\" error
* CORE-5067: Blocking new connections as a consequence of the too long sweep security2.fdb
* avoid crashing in TRA_update_counters() with not initialized Database object
* CORE-5087: Database shutdown can cause server crash if multiple attachments run EXECUTE STATEMENT
* fix for very old bug in clumplets processing code
* unwind the cache if checkCancelState(true) is called directly
* CORE-5110: False PK\\FK violation could be reported when attachment used isc_dpb_no_garbage_collect flag
* corrected an old commit re. optimization of the system requests
* Wed Jan 13 2016 update to upstream version
* CORE-5068: gbak with invalid parameter crashes FB
* CORE-3024: Error \"no current record for fetch operation\" after ALTER VIEW
* Sat Dec 26 2015 update to upstream version
* CORE-4983: Server crashes during execution of unprepared statement
* fix processing of asynchronous errors if they\'re thrown directly via checkCancelState()
* fix request leakage caused by modified indices
* Sun Nov 15 2015 update to upstream version
* fix recent regression in optimizer (untracked)
* CORE-4978: Improved validation and fix of lost data pages
* CORE-4680: Possible deadlock in firebird connect
* mark port as disconnecting to avoid reporting (expected) network errors
* CORE-4982: Server crashes during select
* CORE-4656: Server could hang during chasing dead record version
* feature CORE-1999: add TimeStamp in the every line output gbak utility
* Forward compatibility with ODS12 - don\'t put into backup relation constraints of system relations (which was introduced by ODS12). It allows to backup fb3 database using gbak v2.5 and later restore such backup by v3 engine
* Tue Sep 29 2015 update to upstream version
* CORE-4908: Firebird 2.5.3 hangs on simultaneous connection to the Services API and database
* CORE-4917: ALTER DOMAIN ... TO allows to specify matching to \'RDB$[[:DIGIT:]]
* CORE-4921: Predicate IS [NOT] DISTINCT FROM is not pushed into unions/aggregates thus causing sub-optimal plans
* follow-up fix for CORE-4904
* CORE-4927: IIF function prevents the condition from being pushed into the union for better optimization
* CORE-4909: MERGE / HASH JOINs produce incorrect results when VARCHAR join keys differ only by trailing spaces
* CORE-4937: View/subselect with \"union\" does not use computed index (partial fix)
* CORE-4943: Dialect 1 casting date to string breaks when in the presence a domain with a check constraint
* Mon Aug 17 2015 update to upstream version
* CORE-4876: fbsvcmgr shows wrong options for some Trace API services in help screen
* CORE-4904: Index corruption when add data in long-key-indexed field
* CORE-4905 - Invalid internal BLR filter conversion
* Fri Jul 24 2015 update to upstream version
* reworked fix for CORE-4615: Classic Server could hung with (near) 100% CPU load
* CORE-4276: Error on create table with \"CHARACTER SET DOS775\" field
* CORE-4865: Online validation could wrongly report double allocated pages
* CORE-4867: Server crash when preparing a query with PLAN clause at some CTE
* CORE-4869: Segfault when cleaning metadata cache
* CORE-3548: GFIX returns an error after correctly shutting down a database
* Tue Jun 09 2015 update to upstream version
* CORE-4786: Problematic key value (when attempt to insert duplicate in PK/UK) is not shown where length of key >= 127 characters
* CORE-4788: Superclassic server hangs when receiving network packet
* CORE-4785: Bad packet of op_execute kills the server
* CORE-4789: Prohibit ability to cast timestamps that out of valid range to varchar
* Fixed -s(tandalone) switch in posix server
* CORE-4822: MERGE JOIN cannot be used for DBKEY based expressions
* CORE-4809: HASH/MERGE JOIN is not used for more than two streams if they are joined via USING/NATURAL clauses and join is based on DBKEY concatenations
* CORE-214: Count ( DISTINCT ... ) is too slow
* C++11 compilation fixes from LibreOffice
* CORE-4830: Memory leak in SuperServer
* Mon Apr 27 2015 update to upstream version
* CORE-4700: Mistake in GDS_DROP_DATABASE
* CORE-4671: Release internal temporary blobs early to free some memory/disk space
* CORE-4713: \"BLOB not found\" error at rollback after insert into table with expression index
* CORE-4747: Error \"invalid BLOB ID\" can occur when retrieving MON$STATEMENTS.MON$SQL_TEXT using ES/EDS and db_connect argument is not specified
* CORE-4753: Firebird hangs in embed mode
* CORE-4754: Manipulations with GTT from several attachments (using ES/EDS and different roles) leads to: \"internal Firebird consistency check (invalid SEND request (167), file: JrdStatement.cpp line: 325)
* CORE-4759: request synchronization error when build expression index
* CORE-4761: Db on connect triggers fail to execute some time
* CORE-4752: EXECUTE STATEMENT using BLOB parameters results in \"Invalid BLOB ID\" error
* Minor adjustments to the join order selection
* Feature CORE-4707: Implement ability to validate tables and indices online
* Sat Feb 21 2015 update to upstream version
* CORE-4558: SuperServer dies when client is disconnected abnormally during the index navigational scan
* CORE-4384: Problems when a table grows beyond 65535 pointer pages
* CORE-4670: Constraint violation error may be swallowed in some cases
* CORE-4671: Release internal temporary blobs early to free some memory / disk space
* CORE-4673: Computed index based on a computed column stores NULL for all its keys
* CORE-4676: Crash on unexpected client disconnection with opened transaction
* CORE-4075: Server bugchecks or crashes on exception in calculated index
* CORE-4624: Firebird handles \':\' characters in mount table entries invalid
* CORE-4644: Get open database errors under heavy concurrent load
* CORE-4690: DISTINCT vs non-DISTINCT affects the result of IN subquery
* CORE-4383: Index and BLOBs garbage collection doesn\'t work for update_in_place()
* CORE-4382: User savepoints are not released on commit
* fixed DBKEY retrieval after implicit CHAR<->VARCHAR conversions
* Sun Dec 07 2014 recognize-also-__aarch64__-for-64-bit-ARM.patch: removed (not actually needed)
* Sun Dec 07 2014 update to upstream version
* update changelog
* CORE-3305: \"BLOB not found\" error after creation/altering of the invalid trigger
* Wed Dec 03 2014 update to upstream version
* CORE-4630: Segfault in server caused by bad packet (bnc#908127)
* CORE-4631: Lock manager \"out of room\" error hides the real cause of this problem
* Mon Dec 01 2014 update to upstream version
* CORE-4615: Classic Server could hung with (near) 100% CPU load
* CORE-4616: Server crashes while accessing context variables concurrently
* CORE-4627: Deadlock with TIP page lock and monitoring lock
* CORE-4618: Rollback doesn`t undo changes when MERGE statement updates the same target rows multiple times and PLAN MERGE is used- recognize-also-__aarch64__-for-64-bit-ARM.patch: fix (#ifdef vs. #if)- add-pkgconfig-files.patch: refresh- remove commit id line from all patches
* Sat Nov 15 2014 update to upstream version
* CORE-4595: fbguard lock file permission
* CORE-4599: REPLACE function works incorrectly with multibyte charsets
* CORE-4604: EXECUTE STATEMENT rise varchar char_length() size
* add support for powerpc64le platform
* add some patches from SUSE packages- add-support-for-aarch64-platform-64-bit-ARM.patch: removed (in upstream now)- don-t-start-firebird-in-runlevel-2-on-SuSE.patch: removed (in upstream now)- fix-build-on-architectures-where-char-is-unsigned.patch: removed (in upstream now)- fix-libdir-on-ppc64-architecture.patch: removed (in upstream now)- recognize-also-__aarch64__-for-64-bit-ARM.patch: check for __aarch64__ in addition to ARM64 (not sure if needed)- refresh the rest of the patches
* Sat Oct 18 2014 update to upstream version
* CORE-4566: Incorrect size of the output parameter/argument when execute block, procedure or function use system field in metadata charset
* CORE-4578: INPUT file not properly closed