Changelog for python311-cmd2-2.4.3-114.28.noarch.rpm :

* Sat Jan 28 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 2.4.3:
* Fixed ValueError caused when passing `Cmd.columnize()` strings wider than `display_width`.
* Renamed `utils.str_to_bool()` -> `utils.to_bool()`.
* Enhanced `utils.to_bool()` so that it accepts and converts `bool`, `int`, and `float` in addition to `str`.
* Thu Aug 18 2022 Ben Greiner - Update to 2.4.2
* Updated argparse decorator to remove annotations when the docstring is used for a command\'s help text.
* Updated unit test to be Python 3.11 compliant.- Clean specfile, remove coverage
* Sat Jun 04 2022 Dirk Müller - update to 2.4.1:
* Fixed value for `ansi.Bg.YELLOW`.
* Fixed unit tests for `ansi.allow_style`.
* `async_alert()` raises a `RuntimeError` if called from the main thread.
* Tue Mar 08 2022 version update to 2.4.0 Bug Fixes Fixed issue in ansi.async_alert_str() which would raise IndexError if prompt was blank. Fixed issue where tab completion was quoting argparse flags in some cases. Enhancements Added broader exception handling when enabling clipboard functionality via pyperclip. Added PassThroughException to imports. cmd2 now uses pyreadline3 when running any version of Python on Windows Improved memory usage in certain use cases of tables (e.g. nested colored tables) Deletions (potentially breaking changes) Deleted cmd2.fg and which were deprecated in 2.3.0. Use cmd2.Fg and cmd2.Bg instead.- python-mock is actually not required for build
* Sat Dec 11 2021 Dirk Müller - update to 2.3.3:
* Added clearer exception handling to `BorderedTable` and `SimpleTable`.
* Mon Dec 06 2021 Dirk Müller - update to 2.3.2:
* Fixed issue where a `ns_provider` could be passed `None` instead of its correct `cmd2.Cmd` or `CommandSet` value.
* Fixed issue introduced in 2.3.0 with `AlternatingTable`, `BorderedTable`, and `SimpleTable` that caused header alignment settings to be overridden by data alignment settings.
* `CompletionItems` now saves the original object from which it creates a string.
* Using `CompletionItems` as argparse choices is fully supported.
* `ArgparseCompleter` now does the following if a list of `CompletionItems` was created with numerical types:
* Fixed `AttributeError` in `rl_get_prompt()` when prompt is `None`.
* Fixed bug where using choices on a Settable didn\'t verify that a valid choice had been entered.
* Fixed bug introduced in cmd2 2.0.0 in which `select()` converts return values to strings.
* Added settings to Column class which prevent a table from overriding existing styles in header and/or data text. This allows for things like nesting an AlternatingTable in another AlternatingTable.
* AlternatingTable no longer automatically applies background color to borders. This was done to improve appearance since the background color extended beyond the borders of the table.
* Added ability to colorize all aspects of `AlternatingTable`, `BorderedTable`, and `SimpleTable`.
* Added support for 8-bit/256-colors with the `cmd2.EightBitFg` and `cmd2.EightBitBg` classes.
* Added support for 24-bit/RGB colors with the `cmd2.RgbFg` and `cmd2.RgbBg` classes.
* Removed dependency on colorama.
* Changed type of `ansi.allow_style` from a string to an `ansi.AllowStyle` Enum class.
* To support the color upgrade, all cmd2 colors now inherit from either `ansi.FgColor` or `ansi.BgColor`. Therefore, `` no longer accepts colors as strings.
* Sat Oct 16 2021 Dirk Müller - update to 2.2.0:
* Fixed extra space appended to each alias by \"alias list\" command
* New function `set_default_ap_completer_type()`
* Added `ArgumentParser.get_ap_completer_type()` and `ArgumentParser.set_ap_completer_type()`.
* Added `ap_completer_type` keyword arg to `Cmd2ArgumentParser.__init__()` which saves a call to `set_ap_completer_type()`. This keyword will also work with `add_parser()` when creating subcommands if the base command\'s parser is a `Cmd2ArgumentParser`.
* New function `register_argparse_argument_parameter()`
* Using `SimpleTable` in the output for the following commands
* Tab completion of `CompletionItems` now includes divider row
* Removed `--verbose` flag from set command since descriptions always show now.
* All cmd2 built-in commands now populate `self.last_result`.
* Argparse tab completer will complete remaining flag names if there are no more positionals to complete.
* Updated `async_alert()` to account for `self.prompt` not matching Readline\'s current prompt.
* Deleted ``set_choices_provider()`` and ``set_completer()`` which were deprecated in 2.1.2
* Fri Jul 16 2021 Dirk Müller - update to 2.1.2:
* Added the following accessor methods for cmd2-specific attributes to the `argparse.Action` class
* `get_choices_callable()`
* `set_choices_provider()`
* `set_completer()`
* `get_descriptive_header()`
* `set_descriptive_header()`
* `get_nargs_range()`
* `set_nargs_range()`
* `get_suppress_tab_hint()`
* `set_suppress_tab_hint()`
* Now that `set_choices_provider()` and `set_completer()` have been added as methods to the `argparse.Action` class, the standalone functions of the same name will be removed in version 2.2.0. To update to the new convention, do the following:
* Change `set_choices_provider(action, provider)` to `action.set_choices_provider(provider)`
* Change `set_completer(action, completer)` to `action.set_completer(completer)`
* Fixed handling of argparse\'s default options group name which was changed in Python 3.10
* Restored `plugins` and `tests_isolated` directories to tarball published to PyPI for `cmd2` release
* Mon Jun 14 2021 Martin Hauke - Udpate to version 2.1.0 Enhancements
* Converted persistent history files from pickle to compressed JSON.
* Mon Jun 07 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 2.0.1 Bug Fixes
* Exclude plugins and tests_isolated directories from tarball published to PyPI for cmd2 release- Update to version 2.0.0 Bug Fixes
* Fixed issue where history indexes could get repeated
* Fixed issue where TableCreator was tossing blank last line
* Corrected help text for alias command Breaking Changes
* cmd2 2.0 supports Python 3.6+ (removed support for Python 3.5)
* Argparse Completion / Settables + Replaced choices_function / choices_method with choices_provider. + Replaced completer_function / completer_method with completer. + ArgparseCompleter now always passes cmd2.Cmd or CommandSet instance as the first positional + argument to choices_provider and completer functions.
* Moved basic_complete from utils into cmd2.Cmd class.
* Moved CompletionError to
* Namespace.__statement__ has been removed. Use Namespace.cmd2_statement.get() instead.
* Removed --silent flag from alias/macro create since startup scripts can be run silently.
* Removed --with_silent flag from alias/macro list since startup scripts can be run silently.
* Removed with_argparser_and_unknown_args since it was deprecated in 1.3.0.
* Renamed silent_startup_script to silence_startup_script for clarity.
* Replaced cmd2.Cmd.completion_header with cmd2.Cmd.formatted_completions.
* Settables now have new initialization parameters. It is now a required parameter to supply the reference to the object that holds the settable attribute. cmd2.Cmd.settables is no longer a public dict attribute - it is now a property that aggregates all Settables across all registered CommandSets.
* Failed transcript testing now sets self.exit_code to 1 instead of -1.
* Renamed use_ipython keyword parameter of cmd2.Cmd.__init__() to include_ipy.
* ipy command is only enabled if include_py parameter is True.
* Removed ability to run Python commands from the command line with py. Now py takes no arguments and just opens an interactive Python shell.
* Changed default behavior of runcmds_plus_hooks() to not stop when Ctrl-C is pressed and instead run the next command in its list.
* Removed cmd2.Cmd.quit_on_sigint flag, which when True, quit the application when Ctrl-C was pressed at the prompt.
* The history bug fix resulted in structure changes to the classes in cmd2.history. Therefore, persistent history files created with versions older than 2.0.0 are not compatible. Enhancements
* Added support for custom tab completion and up-arrow input history to cmd2.Cmd2.read_input.
* Added cmd2.exceptions.PassThroughException to raise unhandled command exceptions instead of printing them.
* Added support for ANSI styles and newlines in tab completion results using cmd2.Cmd.formatted_completions.
* cmd2 provides this capability automatically if you return argparse completion matches as CompletionItems.
* Settables enhancements: + Settables may be optionally scoped to a CommandSet. + Settables added to CommandSets will appear when a CommandSet is registered and disappear when a CommandSet is unregistered. Optionally, scoped Settables may have a prepended prefix. + Settables now allow changes to be applied to any arbitrary object attribute. It no longer needs to match an + attribute added to the cmd2 instance itself. + Raising SystemExit or calling sys.exit() in a command or hook function will set self.exit_code to the exit code used in those calls. It will also result in the command loop stopping. + ipy command now includes all of self.py_locals in the IPython environment + Added include_py keyword parameter to cmd2.Cmd.__init__(). If False, then the py command will not be available. Defaults to False. run_pyscript is not affected by this parameter. + Made the amount of space between columns in a SimpleTable configurable On POSIX systems, shell commands and processes being piped to are now run in the user\'s preferred shell instead of /bin/sh. The preferred shell is obtained by reading the SHELL environment variable. If that doesn\'t exist or is empty, then /bin/sh is used. + Changed cmd2.Cmd._run_editor() to the public method cmd2.Cmd.run_editor()
* Sun Apr 25 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 1.5.0
* Fixed bug where setting always_show_hint=True did not show a hint when completing Settables.
* Fixed bug in editor detection logic on Linux systems that do not have which.
* Fixed bug in table creator where column headers with tabs would result in an incorrect width calculation.
* Fixed FileNotFoundError which occurred when running history - -clear and no history file existed.
* Added silent_startup_script option to cmd2.Cmd.__init__(). If True, then the startup script\'s output will be suppressed. Anything written to stderr will still display.