Changelog for julius-1.7.0-19.74.x86_64.rpm :

* Fri Oct 15 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 1.7.0 General improvements
* Touch devices: added the ability to pause the game using an on-screen button
* The game looks more crisp when using scaling on high DPI screens
* File dialog: when typing a name, the list automatically scrolls to the first matching file
* File dialog: input textbox now only suggests \'My Rome\' when saving, not when loading a game
* Population graph on the populator advisor is now usable for populations larger than 51200
* Bridges are now shown on the minimap
* Ships now play the proper phrase when leaving the docks
* Configuration: new option to disable scrolling when the mouse is near the window\'s edge
* Configuration: hotkey config now gives a warning when you try to assign a hotkey that\'s already in use
* Korean: fix money being drawn as \"100 Funds\" instead of \"100 Dn\" Bugfixes
* Fixed possible corruption and linked storages when an earthquake destroys a warehouse
* Fixed the game self-destructing the entire city when a wall/aqueduct blocked the road to Rome
* Fixed build images in the sidebar not showing the correct image when a building was selected for construction
* Fixed being able to construct a building that\'s been disabled in the menu using the \"clone building\" hotkey
* Fixed interest on financial advisor showing last year instead of this year
* Fixed incorrect house devolve text related to food types
* Fixed going back in help jumping to random scroll position
* Fixed static in sound from videos played on low sound volume
* Fixed alternative hotkeys for arrow firing on modifiers
* Fixed corrupt dialog text when language fails to load on configuration screen
* Fixed not being able to type text when using SDL 2.0.16 with the Wayland video driver for Linux
* Mon Mar 22 2021 Ferdinand Thiessen - Update to 1.6.0
* Minimap of the scenario can be displayed when selecting a map to play
* Bridge cost is shown before building the bridge
* Roads lead into the access ramps to indicate that access ramps are part of the road network
* Undo is disabled after certain houses upgrade to prevent visual corruption
* Granary info window shows cart status when it\'s getting food from another granary
* Construction: plaza shows as green when over a road with people on it. Previously it was red but the player could still place it
* Construction: fountain shows as red when over a building or other non-clear tile. It still indicates whether that tile has reservoir access
* Removed config option: \"Fix Emperor change and survival time\"
* Fix entertainer corrupting building memory in certain cases
* Fix people on bridges not having a portrait on right-click
* Fix being able to place disabled buildings in tutorial missions using their hotkey
* Fix small bug with visual feedback on delete
* Fix intro video playback causing skipped videos and unexpected audio on slow devices
* Fix top menu items overlapping with the city funds for more verbose languages
* Fix press effect not showing for image buttons
* Fix \'right-click to close window\' not working when mouse cursor was over a button
* Fix visual bug when undoing deleted houses
* Fix incorrect scaling mode applied when using a custom display scale, which resulted in pixelated graphics
* Sat Dec 26 2020 Matthias Mailänder - Add missing dependencies: zlib and libpng
* Wed Oct 28 2020 Martin Hauke - Update to version 1.5.1 Technical fixes
* When supplying a display scale on the command line, the correct scaling mode is now applied, resulting in less pixelated graphics. General improvements
* Mission victory and intro videos now scale up to fullscreen
* Tue Oct 27 2020 Martin Hauke - Update to version 1.5.0 UI improvements
* Add right-click image to some enemies which were missing images.
* Number of unemployed people has been added to the senate tooltip and Chief advisor.
* Setting hotkeys for construction of common buildings is now possible.
* Setting a hotkey for quickly selecting the building under cursor for construction.
* Changing trade status (import/export) for resources can now be done from the Empire map.
* Some more in-game messages have a button to the relevant advisor. Configuration options
* New option: highlight legion on cursor hover.
* New option: enable military sidebar.
* New option: disable right click to drag the map.
* New command-line option: use --windowed to force the game to start in windowed mode. Language improvements
* Use localized filenames for mission saved games. For example, Citizen.sav will now be called Bürger.sav in the German version of the game.
* Users running the Korean or Chinese version of the game can now save files using Korean/Chinese characters.
* Add Italian, Polish and Swedish translations for the configuration screen.
* Add support for the Simplified Chinese version of the game.
* Tweaks to make texts in more verbose languages fit in their dialogs. UI/Gameplay fixes
* Fix aqueduct tile turning into gatehouse image on a certain aqueduct configuration.
* Fix graphic glitch in road tile caused by plaza.
* Fix visual bugs when visual feedback is active.
* Fix Religion being shown as Health on chief advisor.
* Fix warehouses/granaries getting linked during delete/undo.
* Fix combat short and long music being swapped.
* Fix population advisor showing the wrong end date for the history graph.
* Fix education advisor always saying that people want more libraries.
* Fix displayed price for clear land being double the actual amount.
* Fix right-clicking the buttons on the sidebar going to the wrong help page.
* Fix game speed being way too fast on the higher speed settings on >60Hz monitors.
* Fix columns on damage overlay being too tall.
* Fix minimap not immediately jumping to the right location when \"go to problem\" button is used.
* Fix minimap not immediately updating when placing a building. Technical fixes
* Fix crash/memory corruption on difficulty dialog.
* Mon Jun 01 2020 Martin Hauke - Update to version 1.4.0 Improvements
* Price is now shown in localized currency for game languages other than English
* Added Russian translation for the configuration screen Bugfixes
* reservoir range was not displaying properly for orientations other than north
* filenames were not displaying properly when using the Chinese version of the game
* building ghost flickered after scrolling
* aqueduct ghost was showing green on curved roads and plazas
* scroll speed calculations were incorrect for monitors not running at 60Hz
* the select folder dialog crashed on certain Linux systems
* mouse double-click was not working properly
* Korean message about missing fonts was not displaying due to missing fonts
* escape button was not working in the city when using touch
* Sun May 10 2020 Martin Hauke - Update to version 1.4.0 General improvements
* New hotkeys: + Ctrl+O / Ctrl+S for loading and saving games + Alt+Enter for toggling full screen + Numeric keypad 0-9 for going to the advisors
* Changed hotkey behavior: Escape now closes dialogs instead of exiting the game
* Configurable hotkeys: you can now assign your own keys for the hotkey actions. This means that existing hotkeys may no longer work if you use a non-US keyboard layout. Go to Options -> Configure hotkeys in the game to set them.
* Support for language packs. If you have multiple language versions of the game you can easily switch between them.
* Support for Korean and Swedish versions of the game
* Configuration option screen has been translated to French, German, Korean, Portuguese and Spanish Gameplay improvements
* Building a fort no longer triggers a message that the city needs workers
* Right-click info for fountain and mission post now shows workers
* Tooltip on the religion overlay now shows to which gods the house has access
* New config option: fix emperor change events and survival time win criteria - more details User interface enhancements
* New config option: show reservoir, fountain and well range when constructing
* New config option: show size when constructing draggable buildings
* Right-clicking and dragging when in the city will now move the map
* Double-click can be used to load files
* Make certain elements more color blind friendly
* Tweaks to the interface to fit languages with longer texts Bugfixes
* Fix graphic artifacts while building draggable reservoirs
* Fix amphitheater right click not playing the corresponding sound file
* Fix walls destroyed by enemies showing \"nowhere\" when right-clicking the rubble
* Fix map not scrolling properly when using certain custom display scales Technical improvements
* Screen no longer turns black when resizing the window when a dialog is showing
* Fix bugs when using touch
* Fix missing audio for certain sound driver/OS combinations
* Disable setting windowed mode on platforms that do not support it
* Add runtime version checks for SDL, allowing the use of older SDL libraries
* Sun Mar 08 2020 Martin Hauke - Package license file and readme- Run testsuite
* Sun Mar 08 2020 Martin Hauke - Package release, version 1.3.1
* Sun Mar 08 2020 Martin Hauke - Use %cmake macros- Specfile cleanup