Changelog for sdrangel-7.22.1-93.2.i586.rpm :

* Sun Oct 06 2024 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.22.1
* Removed SyncMessenger from DSPDeviceSourceEngine.
* Fixed threading model for DSPDeviceSourceEngine.
* Removed SyncMessenger from DSPDeviceMIMOEngine.
* RTLSDR: make sure start and stop are effective once only.
* Fixed threading model for DSPDeviceMIMOEngine plus other fixes
* Removed SyncMessenger from DSPDeviceSinkEngine.
* SSBMod, AMMod, NFMMod: revised thread processing.
* Fixed threading model for DSPDeviceSinkEngine plus other fixes
* DeviceSet and DeviceUISet: use delete channel API instead of destroy method.
* BladeRF2Output: removed applySettings from stop method.
* All device plugins: make sure start and stop are effective once only.
* Removed the destroy method from ChannelGUI interface.
* DeviceGUI: removed destroy method.
* Fix SopaySDR library search when system cmake package present.
* Fix compilation with newer ffmpeg libavutil.
* Bump Cmake minimal version to 3.17.
* Use new find_package(CUDA Toolkit).
* Update CMakeLists.txt to allow static libraries to be built, as well as shared...
* Allow plugins to be compiled as static libs,
* Frequency Scanner: initialize pointer to FrequencyScanner.
* Update channel list upon Morse Decoder and Demod Analyzer GUI creation.- Update to version 7.22.0
* New WDSP receiver plugin.
* Added cubehelix based color maps.
* Fix API host address in About dialog and debug message.
* Added shift to channel marker to take RIT into account.
* Added S-meter units to scale engine.
* Some typos fixes.
* Map enhancements and fixes.
* APT Demod: Check filename suffix is specified.
* Frequency Scanner: Fix rounding error.- Update to version 7.21.4
* Do not save the settings twice.
* FreqScanner: Add HF ATC channels preset.
* FreqScanner: Add API action to run scan. Add scan results to channel report.
* FreqScanner: Add scanState to FreqScanner Report.
* Configurations dialog: Fix slot names.
* AIS: Validate message length.
* ILS Demod. Save frequency when switching between LOC and G/S.
* ILS Demod. Set frequency for ident when in G/S mode.
* Heat Map: Handle memory allocation errors.
* Heat Map: Allow selecting which data to be saved to reduce memory requirements.
* ILS Demod: Add DDM/SDM/Deviation to channel report.
* Tue Jun 18 2024 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.21.3
* Update sdrangel-windows-libraries to latest revision.
* SDRplayV3Input: Add SDRPLAY_RSPdxR2_ID support.
* Fix tooltips.
* Fix typo in ILS freq.
* Remove use of deprecated QRegExp.
* Fix memleaks.- Update to version 7.21.2
* Satellite Tracker Settings: add missing help description of Replay tab.
* Satellite Tracker Settings: update help page for new button.
* Satellite Tracker Settings: add a button to reset the list of TLE.
* Move defines to the header so they can be reused elsewhere.
* Factor out the code that updates the widget containing the list of TLEs.
* Use https for all addresses.
* Set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to include ffmpegAATT5.
* CUDAvkFFTEngine: Add required include..
* Fix memleaks.
* Remove extra margins from some dialog.
* SDRPlay v1: fix setting of hardware flavour.
* Audio Input: list plugin as a built in device for multiple times instantiation.
* Do not exit after listing available devices.
* Fix and refactor FindSoapySDR.cmake.
* Morse Decoder: returm to the original GGMorse library
* Fix WFM mod: remove feedback sink.
* Fix ADSB demod: Message length.
* Fix Sigmf Record: overwriting sigmf-data or sigmf-meta.
* Highlight the current workspace and device.
* Web API: Sort some files by name in the resources file.
* Web API: Add missing files to resources file.- Update to version 7.21.1
* Morse Decoder feature: Fix for Qt6.- Update to version 7.21.0
* Morse decoder feature.
* Fix crash quitting sdrangel when the SID window is open.
* SSB demod: apply clamping also when squelch opens.
* Remove unneeded calls to disconnect signals.
* Fix memleaks.
* Do not create objects if there is no message queue to send to
* Do not create a Message if there is no worker to send to.
* Add cmake option to optionally compile with LeakSanitizer.- Update to version 7.20.1
* Fix Qt6 build.
* ADS-B: Fix map centering and station icon for Qt6.
* Fix bug that prevents settings changes updates via reverse API
* SIDAddChannelsDialog: Make columns sortable.
* Fix build failure when Qt Location is not available.
* Fix \"More \'%\' conversions than data arguments\".
* Remove unused includes and use more direct includes.
* Make all include directives identical.
* Fix build of DAB demodulation plugin.
* Update the IPB beacons table only when the dialog is visible.
* Raise the Beacon, IBP Beacons an Radio Time dialogs.
* Close any open dialog when sdrangel quits.
* vkFFT: Fix building with recent Vulkan SDKs.
* Sdrplayv3: use SDRPLAY_MAX_DEVICES in enumOriginDevices().
* AudioCATSISO: fixed CAT worker handling.
* AudioCATSISO: fixed transverter processing.
* AIS: Fix string decoding in safetey messages.
* ValueDial: Fix array being accessed out of range.
* BFM Demod: Delete baseband on stop().
* Bring BFM demod closer to AM demod design.
* Don\'t call start() in Demod\'s constructors.
* SSDDemodGUI: Disable AGC widgets when AGC disable.
* Fix saving configurations after deleting some entries.
* Interferometer: added channel B gain control.
* Interferometer: implement gain and phase in API.
* LocalSink: update local input device list at construction time.
* Interferometer: list local input devices and make update settings atomic.
* Interferometer: added possibility to send correlated IQ to a Local Input device.
* Interferometer: added localDeviceIndex and play to API.
* LocalSink: refactored getLocalDevice method.
* Metis MISO: added lock all Rx frequencies option.
* Mon Apr 15 2024 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.20.0 Hilights since 7.17.2
* New SID Feature Plugin.
* New Channel power plugin.
* New End Of Train plugin.
* New SkyMap feature.
* Lots of Bugfixes.
* Tue Dec 05 2023 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.17.2
* Freq Scanner: Add per-frequency settings. Fix freq > 2GHz.
* DSD demod: Upgrade dsdcc to 1.9.5.
* Scope: Added derivative of magnitude squared to the list of projections.
* SSB demod: mitigate AGC steep transitions causing audio clicks
* SSB demod: tie AGC steep transition correction to AGC clamping
* Fix AirspyHF instant replay.
* Add dialog positioner for audio select dialog.
* Display FIFO size on overflow.
* Freq scanner: Stop scanning when Tune menu selected.- Update to version 7.17.1
* AM demod: channel/frequency entry modes.
* SSB demod noise reduction.
* Radiosonde: Added more columns.
* DSD Demod - Fix loss of constellation..
* Remote TCP - Fix FIFO size adjustment.
* Indicate audio FIFO underflow/overflow.
* Fix resize cursor not being cleared when mouse moves over child widgets.
* Prevent popup menu when scrolling tables.
* Use custom save/restore geometry for MDI sub=windows.
* Use MDI restore when loading config.
* M17: Reverse byte ordering of CRC in packet mode.
* M17: Update packet format to comply with current spec.
* More M17 fixes.
* Frequency scanner: Add FRS-GMRS presets.
* Add instant replay for RTL SDR, SDR Play V3, USRP and Airspy HF RXes.
* Scope trigger fix.
* Sun Oct 29 2023 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.17.0
* Add frequency scanner channel plugin.
* Change down and up channelizers filter chain strategy.
* Fix race condition that can result in a crash or hang.
* DSC Demod: initialise m_scopeSink.
* Fix FFT Overlap for spectrum view.
* Various ADS-B enhancements.
* Use channel sample rate of 48k in RTTY and PSK31 mods.
* Mon Sep 25 2023 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.16.0
* New RTTY and PSK31 modulators Other changes and fixes
* Flush log stream after write, so data is available immediately.
* Remote TCP improvements.
* Add command line options to start Remote TCP Sink on a specified device.
* Sun Sep 03 2023 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.15.4
* Add support for plugin presets.
* Map feature updates.
* Fix RTLSDR E4000 gain and bandwidth settings. Add tuner type to GUI.
* Add support for RTLSDRBlog V4 with HF upsampler.
* Update RTLSDR driver to include RTLSDRBlog V4 support.
* Add rotator az/el and offset to table.
* Optmize redrawing of charts in Star Tracker.
* Initialise PhaseDiscriminators state, to avoid outputting huge values.
* Sun Aug 27 2023 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.15.3
* Tue Jul 11 2023 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.15.1
* Fri Apr 07 2023 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.13.0
* New Aaronia input (Rx) plugin.
* Channel analyzer: engage rational down sampler also when no channel decimation takes place.
* Display rotator on Star Tracker and Satellite Tracker polar charts for #1641.
* AFC and Demod Analyzer: fixed message queue disconnect.
* Fixed ValueDial value settings when it is equal to previous value.
* DATV demod: GUI: set RF bandwidth with standard SR.
* Airspy: corrected transverter frequency and mode setting from GUI.- Update to version 7.12.0
* New ILS demod plugin.
* Heatmap: added 10 MS/s and fixed bandwidth limit.
* Correct settings keys for Satellite Tracker settings dialog.
* Add UTC data time in radiometerand more.
* DATV demod: processing optimizations.
* Add missing setting ket in Rotator Controller.
* Fix missing GUI connections in Radio Astronomy plugin. Scan for features on startup.
* Fix settings keys in Star Tracker.
* Sat Mar 18 2023 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.11.0
* New RTTY and Navtex demods.
* Noise figure: Fix saving of power on command.
* Disable MSAA for 2D maps by default.
* Fix Heat Map Display Chart Seg Fault.
* Prevent MDI scrolling when trying to zoom in on spectrum.
* VOR Demod: Improve filtering for voice over ident.
* Fix DSD Demod crash on exit.
* Fix updateVORs so it doesn\'t delete selected VORs.
* Audio inout: added DC block and IQ imbalance.
* Audio input: Added Fc control.
* MainWindow: disconnect prior to connect in device re-numeration
* Fixing errors when compiling using qt6.
* Thu Feb 23 2023 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.10.0
* Removed unncecessary call to updateChannels in VORLocalizer and DemodAnalyzer.
* TestSource: use queued connection for connecting worker\'s deleteLater. Fixes possible crash on exit.
* FT8 support: corrected possible code glitch.
* DSD demod: disable audio for YSF wide mode if AMBE feature is active.
* Fix SDRplay RSPdx LNA table, to have correct number of entries.
* Heat Map Rx channel plugin. Changes to Map.
* Autostack: Fix channel windows being made to wide when SDRangel starts.
* SSB demod GUI: display channel marker in correct stream if connected to a MIMO device.- Update to version 7.9.0
* FT8 demodulator.
* SDRPlay: increase LO ppm range.
* Initialize m_running to fix crash.
* Map feature: added MIMO devices when scanning for channels.
* Spectrum: Keep frequency displayed while channel is being dragged.
* LimeRFE: save Rx/Tx mode in m_rfeBoardState.
* Audio Input: Make sure audio device name corresponds to GUI setting.
* Audio Input: Set start/stop button background colour according to device status.
* Add reset measurements button to Spectrum GUI.
* Speed up enumeration / opening USRP B210 by using hardcoded values.
* Sat Jan 14 2023 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.8.6
* SSB demod: corrected DSB filter.
* Add icons for arranging windows.
* Scale splash screen to size of screen.
* Support touchscreen tap and hold to be used instead of right mouse.
* Add DialogPositioner to ensure dialogs are fully on screen and remain on.
* Add gesture support to maps.
* Add popups for dials.
* Add pinch gesture to GraphicsViewZoom.
* GLSpectrum touchscreen updates.
* Add buttons to stack MDI windows vertically and put in tabs.
* Allow maximize button to make window full screen, if already maximized.
* Allow sampling devices to be refreshed while SDRangel is running.
* Change map provider from osm to mapboxgl on Linux, to avoid crash.
* Call processEvents to try to avoid not responding warning on Linux.
* Avoid divide by zero when no fixed windows.
* Support relative satellite image URLs.
* Check for errors when writing to log.
* Fix crash when no logger implemented. Add additional error reporting...
* Reenable 3D Map.
* Fix #1559. Update protocol before calling setAzimuthElevation.
* BladeRF v1: fixed VGA controls in GUI.
* FT8 demod library support.
* Sat Dec 17 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.8.5
* Local Sink: enhanced functionnality.
* BladeRF v1: fixed XB-200 support in GUI.
* RadioSonde: Fix plotting of heading.
* Metis MISO GUI: fixed frequency limits.
* Thu Dec 01 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.8.4
* Adapt code to Qt6.
* Rotator controller: Fix initialisation of serial port.
* device dependent log2 decimation.
* Feature plugins: Make settings assignments atomic.
* KiwiSDR: implement variable sample rate.
* Tue Nov 15 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.8.3
* DemodAnalyzer: record audio.
* APT decoder: use latest libsgp4.
* Audio output device recording.
* Add maximize button to MainSpectrum and expandible Channels and Features.
* Device GUIs: Constain window size via minimumSize/maximumSize.
* Set window width to account for miniumum width required for visible rollups.
* 3D spectrum: Allow = to be used for +. Fix array delete.
* RTL-SDR: set max frequency limit to 2.4 GHz.
* Perseus: set frequency dial to 5 digits when not in transverter mode.
* GLSpectrum: separate waterfall and histogram resizing conditions.
* HackRF input: fixed sample rate setting from GUI.
* Arrange rollups after restore geometry to mitigate issue.
* Remote TCP: 8-bit IQ data is unsigned.
* Fri Nov 04 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.8.2
* Make settings assigments atomic for most device plugins.
* Fixed format time to next event.
* Check for existing pipes after GUI is created.
* Fix support for using Serial or TCP for either protocol.
* Save column sort as a setting. Fix deserialize of target satellite.
* Fix sorting of next column.
* Wed Oct 19 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.8.1 Enhancements and fixes
* Update to latest airspy drivers to fix #1372.
* Update of threading model on some Rx channels.
* Radioastronomy Sat tracker: disable table sorting when adding a new row.
* Center frequency dials up to 9 digits and transverter delta frequency dial up to 12 digits.
* Have full frequency dials digit range only if transverter is engaged.
* DATV plugin: added dial to flip through DATV standard symbol rates.
* Spectrum frequency ticks MSB truncation.
* Fri Oct 07 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.8
* HackRF: use software LO ppm correction since hardware correction does not work.
* Add occupied bandwidth and 3dB bandwidth measurements.
* Align spectrum with frequency scale.
* Rollupwidgets: Handle child layout requests.
* Size spectrum measurements table.
* Updated calibration button icon and documentation.
* Move GLSpectrum to GLSpectrumView and create new GLSpectrum with SpectrumMeasurements.
* Spectrum: Add Channel Power and SNR measurements.
* Spectrum: Add peak power and frequency in info bar.
* Spectrum markers peaks option
* communicate from spectrum GUI to markers dialog and fixed some warning issues
* Open spectrum markers dialog at current mouse position
* Make markers dialog non modal
* Save spectrum as CSV file with frequency and header.
* Spectrum GUI: Add button to save spectrum data to text file.
* Airspy: Update threading model.
* Update threading model in Simple PTT feature.
* Update threading model in Demod Analyzer feature.
* AirspyHF: Update threading model.
* Update threading model in AFC feature.
* AFC feature corrections
* Frequency tracker: fixed GUI callbacks
* Update threading model in Simple VOR localizer feature.
* Part of #1346 Update threading model in Star Tracker, PER Tester and APRS features.
* Update threading in Rotator Controller.
* Sat tracker: Use new threading model. Part of #1346.
* More descriptive error for broken/unsupported WAV files.
* APT Demod: Update to latest aptdec. Remove reference to obsolete zenith variable.
* APT Demod: Add support for visible calibration.
* Maps: Use mapboxgl as default map on Linux, as osm hangs in many cases.
* ADSB: Handle double quoted arguments in commands.
* Fix #1287 Fix ADS-B crash when My Position changed.
* Satellite Tracker: Implement variable substitution for commands and add additional variables.
* Sat Tracker: Fix restoring LOS speech.
* Satellite Tracker: Signal AOS/LOS when non real time.
* Fix crash when sat specific AOS command specified.
* Fixed GUI vs core plugin load order when loading a preset.
* Radio Astronomy: Add filtered power series.
* SoapySDR: make sure device open is successful before starting.
* Sun Sep 18 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.7.0
* Remote control feature plugin.
* Stop status timer, so updateTimer isn\'t called on deleted objects.
* APRS feature: Detect Packet Demods in MIMO device sets.
* Fixed some cmake warnings.
* Replace deprecated QMutex(Recursive) in Qt 5.14 with QRecursiveMutex.
* Sat Sep 10 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.6.4 Bugfix release
* Use grey text for disabled widgets.
* Stack workspace: Use full width for spectrum when no channels.
* Wed Sep 07 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.6.3 Enhancements and fixes
* NFM modulator: try to improve audio input.
* Simple PTT: fixed status indicator.
* LimeRFE feature: fixed settings API.
* ScriptsAPI: fixed and to match v7 requirements
* ScriptsAPI: removed obsolete -I option.
* ScriptsAPI: new based on PTT amd LimeRFE features replacing .
* LimeSDR: reduced LimeSDR stream FIFO size to 256k to improve latency.
* LimeSDR: better handle calibration errors.
* LimeSDR: Set Lime minimum frequency in GUI to 30MHz+NCO freq.
* LimeSDR: Set minimum calibration bandwidth to 2.5MHz.
* LimeSDR: Report calibration errors in GUI.
* LimeSDR: Check LPF is reasonable for up/downconversion.
* ADS-B: Add support for decoding Comm-B replies in Mode-S frames. This adds TAS, IAS, Mach, Selelected Alt, Selected Heading, Turn rate, Roll angle, Autopilot enabled, Vertical and lateral navigation modes, Baro setting, Headwind, OAT, Wind speed and direction, Pressure, Static air temperature, Humidity.
* ADS-B: Check ICAO in sink worker, so CRC can be checked.
* Add start/stop all devices of workspace button in workspace toolbar.
* Add device stateChanged signal. Use in RTL SDR GUI.
* Remove ? in Window\'s title bar.- Update to version 7.6.2
* ChannelAnalyzer: apply fix for #892 only if the current trace mode is live.
* M17 mod: removed unwanted method declaration.
* RemoteTCPInput: Use input frequency offset when calculating local centre frequency.
* WFM mod: fixed bug in WFMGUI::applySettings.
* SimplePTT: fixed list of audio devices for VOX displaying output instead of input devices.
* Removed stray comma in CmakeLists.txt.
* Wed Aug 03 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.6.1
* Fix map feature 5.15.4 check.
* M17 library some code rework
* DATV demod: allocate DATVDemodSink dynamically
* New threading model for some plugins: DSD demod, NFM demod, SSB demod, FileSink, SigMFFileSink
* DSD demod GUI: fixes for non existent AMBE feature.
* Corrected order of deletion of feature vs feature GUI.
* Some OpenGL fixes.
* Sun Jul 24 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.6.0
* Remote TCP Input and Remote TCP Sink Plugins.
* Externals: Update rtlsdr to latest version.
* Map: Add support for Ionosonde stations.
* Tue Jul 19 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.5.1
* M17 is for Linux only- Update to version 7.5.0
* M17 mode implementation (mod and demod plugins).
* AIS: NMEA sentences must end with CR/LF.
* Darken ValueDials when disabled.
* Map: Fix capitalisation of Radiosonde so settings are found.
* USRP: Catch all exceptions from set_rx_agc.
* GLScope and GLSpectrum removed extraneous call to cleanup method.
* Sun Jun 26 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.4.0
* 3D Spectrogram and OpenGL code fixes.
* USRP: fixed possible KeyError exception.
* Add support for Broadcast FM Demod audio in Demod Analyzer.
* Spectrum: Prevent null texture warning when only histogram is displayed.
* External libraries: removed unnecessary SerialDV dependency to fix MSVC builds
* Spectrum: And fill and gradient styles.
* Allow 2D waterfall color map to be changed.
* Change frequency zoom so that frequency under cursor remains the same.
* Spectrum markers dialog: Fix show field in CSV export.
* Value dial: Check for completed animation before using m_value
* Reworked spectrum GUI controls.
* Spectrum: Fix mouse wheel to zoom in waterfall.
* Spectrum: Allow frequency scolling with mouse.
* Spectrum markers: Allow all to be displayed.
* SpectrumGUI: Go to combo to set center frequency from annotation marker.
* Added minimal default cmake preset.
* Added cmake enablers for all non sampling device plugins.
* Wed Jun 15 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.3.2
* NFM mod: make pre-emphasis and CTCSS highpass filter optional.
* ADS-B: Add support for displaying airport weather (METARs) from CheckWX.
* ADS-B: Add mapboxgl support, as osm maps do not work in Qt 5.15.3.
* ADS-B: Support different map types for mapboxgl.
* Map: Default to mapboxgl for Qt 5.15.3, as osm doesn\'t work.
* Disable NAN and INF optimisations, as NANs are used in some code.
* VOR Localizer: Add support for DVORs.
* Add DVORs to ADS-B.
* USRP: Check if device supports automatic clock rate.
* Radio Clock: fixed common channel settings menu trigger.
* Features: fixed common settings menu placement.- Update to version 7.3.1
* DOA2 plugin: various fixes.
* XTRX MIMO GUI: fixed GUI window size.
* AMBR feature: fixed TTY devices search to limit conflicts.
* NoiseFigure plugin.
* USRP: Add support for non-discoverable devices and user arguments.
* Sun May 29 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.3.0
* New Direction Of Arrival with 2 sources MI plugin.
* FreeDV mod: improved output power.
* FreeDV plugins: fixed spanLog2 GUI connection.
* Fixed Interferometer and BeamSteeringCW absolute center frequency display.
* Fixed Interferometer and BeamSteeringCW MIMO channel plugins.
* Thu May 26 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.2.1
* AMBE feature: fixed many errors preventing build on Windows and MacOS.- Update to version 7.2.0
* Support hardware AMBE decoding wih a new feature plugin.
* Mon May 23 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.1.0
* Support LimeRFE wtih a new feature plugin.
* Fixed auto stack workspaces status save/restore.
* Thu May 19 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.0.1
* Warn if OpenGL is < 2.1, rather than 3.0, as it runs fine with 2.1.
* Added 3 term Blackman and 7 term Blackman-Harris FFT windows.
* SSB Demod: added control of FFT filter window.
* SSB Demod: implement switchable filter bank.
* Main Window: create empty workspace if none in default configuration.
* Save/restore auto-stack function in workspaces.
* Fixed ButtonSwitch background color with stylesheets
* Wed May 18 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.0.0 - New Top level UI - Lots of Bugfixes
* Thu Mar 31 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.20.2
* MainCore: signals to notify changes in devices channels and features.
* Implement signal when main preferences are changed.
* Moved device and feature sets add and remove signals where appropriate.
* Added signals to SampleSinkFifo including samples timings.
* VOR localizer feature: use added channel signal for automatic update.
* Add FeatureLayout - to try to better use space in Feature window.
* Replace obsolete QGLWidget by QOpenGLWidget.
* Fixed cleanup method on shader classes.
* GLSpectrum GUI: use a custom flow layout for the 3 main horizontal layouts.
* ADS-B: Use QSplitter for table and map.
* Update station icon on map when My Position preference changes.
* ADS-B: Remove device set refresh button, as now automatic. Fix possible crash on close.
* Fixed some signal/slot connects. Removed unnecessary m_channelMessageQueue in ChannelAPI.
* Demod analyzer feature: change addRollupWidget placement to fix
* Implement new message pipes.
* Fix satellite tracks when timezone isn\'t UTC.
* Sun Mar 13 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.20.1
* Removed internal hidapi code Other fixes
* ADSB demod: do not process channel sample rate when it is zero.
* Fixed spectrum markers dynamic values.- Update to version 6.20.0
* Add Radiosonde demodulator and feature Other changes and fixes
* Message pipes rework. Partially implements #1154
* Lime SDR inout: fix antenna names in GUI combobox.
* HttpDownloadManager - Fix Google Drive downloads.
* Rotator controller: Open/close serial ports in worker thread.
* SDRPlayV3 and USRP: Ensure decimation length is power of two.
* ValueDialZ: fix find exponent.
* Thu Feb 24 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.19.1
* Fix stereo sound in DAB demod.
* Make Channel API inherit from QObject.
* Channel Analyzer: fixed reverse API handling and a few other things.
* Metis MISO: set spectrum sink input back in GUI.
* DATV Demod - Increase max RF bandwidth in GUI to 50MHz.
* DATV Mod - Increase RF bandwidth slider to 50M.
* Spectrum markers update.
* Pager demod: fixed typo in POCSAG.
* Metis MISO: save stream and spectrum stream indices in settings.
* Map feature, ADSB and AIS demods updates.
* Do not write tail audio samples and write to sample buffer only if necessary.
* ValueDialZ: fixed compilation warning.
* Tue Feb 08 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.19.0
* Map: added 3D to map feature.
* APT demod: many updates see PR #1127
* ADS-B demod: many updates see PR #1127
* AIS: many updates see PR #1127
* AIS: remove vessels afer some idle time.
* Satellite tracker: many updates see PR #1127
* Satellite tracker: export data via API.
* Spectrum calibration.
* SDRPlayV3: added transverter feature.
* Spectrum markers: save .csv in Qt default writable location.
* Fixed removing all feature sets causing segfault.
* BFM demod: added readme and link to help button.
* Fixed LIB_SUFFIX for Fedora and lib64 systems.
* DATV Demod: Make AVCodecs cons.
* Mon Jan 24 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.18.1
* APRS: implemented Mic-E decoding.
* Spectrum: implemented annotation markers.
* BFM Demod: fixed RDS text clearscreen.
* BFM Demod: keep last message on a second line.
* BFM demod: make rds active setting persistent
* BFM demopd: clear BAS area when clearing RDS fields.
* Metis: set output FIFO size to size policy.
* Removed unused symbol synchronization object and irrelevant references to liquidsdr.
* API: added histogram and waterfall markers to spectrum settings.
* Sun Jan 09 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.18.0
* New Jogdial Control feature.
* RollupWidget: make rollup state a Serializable object
* Mon Jan 03 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.17.7
* Simple PTT: added vox system Other changes and fixes
* Fix FileInput API report of absolute time following.
* Support compilation with Boost >= 1.77.
* Fixed some compiler warnings with Qt 5.15 and GCC 11
* Sun Dec 26 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.17.6
* Added capability to choose sample size during transmission between 1, 2 and 4 bytes per I or Q sample (8, 16, 24 bits).
* Remote input: added controls of the remote instance in GUI.
* Remote Input: fixed read pointer initialization. Fixes segfault when stream sample rate is lowered
* Fri Dec 17 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.17.5
* ADSB demod and VOR feature: Always use C locale for parsing coords in airport database.
* Implement serialize and deserialize to/from API in Serializable interface.
* SDRplay v1: fixed frequency boundaries in report.
* Ubuntu build: added qm-module dependencies in the Depend section.
* Map feature: Add IBP beacons and GRAVES. Display locator not location.
* Implemented Channel Marker settings in API.
* RemoteInput: set system UDP buffer length for 250 ms of samples. RemoteSink: removed UDP Tx delay. Implements.
* Increase FIFO size in Remote Sink according to baseband sample rate.
* GUI flavor: save and restore the device item index for the initial set up (R0).
* MainWindow: use pop_back() to remove last element of vector.
* Remote source and output: changes and fixes implementing.
* Rotator controller - Don\'t round az/el received from Sat Tracker.
* Display warnings in ADS-B and DAB if sample rate is too low.
* Display OpenGL version in status bar. Displayed in red if less than version 3.
* Replaced frequency dials by labels for unmodifiable frequency displays.
* Fri Nov 26 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.17.4
* Basic instance save and restore wihth scripts and config,py
* API: fixes in features processing
* Use dark theme for APRS charts.
* Move Feature workers to thread.
* Make Sat Tracker GUI expanding.
* Add links to documentation in channel and feature GUIs.
* Save/restore rollup state in channel plugins.
* Remove sorting of channels and features when saving presets in GUI.
* ChirpChat demod: API changes and fixes.
* Add better Map API key support.
* Save/restore rollup state in features.
* GS232 Rotator Controller updates.
* IEEE 802.15.4 modulator: API and GUI changes.
* Packet modulator: API changes.
* Remote Input: prevent nullptr.
* Center ADS-B map on My Location when map is first opened.
* ADS-B Updates. Fix positioning of Home antenna.
* Add support for POWER architecture.
* ADSB demod: added auto target checkbox in notifications table.
* Sat Nov 06 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.17.3
* Noise Figure: add support for sweeping gain and other device settings.
* ADSB updates.
* Support for vertically expanding widgets to RollupWidget.
* Remote inpput: allow API to bind to any address.
* RTLSDR: Report biasT widget state in displaySettings.
* RemoteInput GUI - Use editingFinished not returnPressed.
* ADSB updates: log and memory leak.
* FFTW wisdom enhancements.
* Add Logging to .csv file for some plugins.
* Remote sink: fixed socket deletion.
* Sun Oct 24 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.17.2
* API Updates
* Sun Oct 17 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.17.1 Maintenance release
* MainWindow: Change Feature UI set when feature tab changes.
* Metis MISO: set absolute maximum frequency to 500 MHz.
* Wed Oct 13 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.17.0
* Add Radioastronomy plugin Other changes and fixes
* FileSink API updates
* SigMFFileSink API updates
* StarTracker updates for Radioastronomy plugin
* ValueDialZ: when setting range fix zero display initial value. Fixes bug introduced by fix of #1004.
* Thu Oct 07 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.16.7
* Antenna Tools update.
* GS232 Controller Updates fixing data pipe.
* ValueDialZ: more fixes.
* Only copy file if different to avoid unnecessary rebuilds.
* Mon Oct 04 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.16.6 API: features complements
* GS232 Controller API: added serial devices to report + fixes.
* SatelliteTracker: API: added rotator data.
* SatelliteTracker: use device set index. API: fixed doppler channels.
* AIS Feature: fixed feature set index and feature index in API.
* API: Features: correct feature set and feature indexes.
* API: added index in FeatureSet structure. Other changes and fixes
* DeviceSet: Fixed pointer initialization.
* ValueDialZ: removed set value to 0 code if value is in range.
* Mon Sep 06 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.16.5 API: completed features support
* Added GET /sdrangel/featurepresets.
* Added DELETE /sdrangel/featurepreset.
* Added PUT, PATCH, POST /sdrangel/featureset/{featureSetIndex}/preset
* Added feature sets in the instance summary.
* Added /sdrangel/features (GET) to get the list of available feature plugins. Other changes and fixes
* SDRplay V3: fixes for API.
* Satellite Tracker: fixed compilation in server mode.
* Satellite Tracker: various enhancements.
* Moved sdrangel-windows-libraries repository to sdrangel-windows-libraries-lfs with LFS support.
* Sun Aug 22 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.16.4
* API: implemented POST and DELETE /sdrangel/featureset
* Sat Aug 21 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.16.3
* Metis scan: scan all network interfaces.
* GLScopeGUI: fixed UI.
* Fixed rescuesdriq with milliseconds timestamps.
* Tue Aug 17 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.16.2
* Spectrum markers enhancements
* Pager demod: Add support for character set mapping.
* Pager demod: Add extra Hebrew charaters.
* Radio Clock: Add support for WWVB and display daylight saving.
* Antenna Tools: various additions and enhancements.
* Satellite Tracker: LOS handling fixes.
* File record. timestamp resolution to milliseconds.
* Thu Jul 22 2021 Wojciech Kazubski - Fix for build on architectures other than intel.
* Sat Jul 17 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.16.1
* AIS: fixed window size when scope is visible.
* Other fixes in AIS demod.
* ScopeVis: allow Projection cache only if in single stream mode.
* Scope GUI: reworked serialize and deserialize.
* AIS, IEEE 802.15.4, Pager, Radio Clock: scope and spectrum feed optimization.
* Thu Jul 15 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.16.0
* New Pager demodulator.
* AIS feature: use course if heading is not available.
* Satellite Tracker: fix table to accomodate Doppler tracking.
* SDRPlayV3: wait for some commands completion.
* Spectrum Markers: make them stick to frequency, power and time distance.
* Fix handling of Satellite Tracker device settings.
* Channel Analyzer / Scope: fixed sample rate handling.
* ScopeVis: added missing mutex locks in message handling.
* ScopeVis: do not save / restore time offset in the settings.
* ScopeVis: fixed multiple stream input.
* RadioClock and Pager: some optimizations.
* SSB demod: fixed bandwidth setting.
* Sun Jul 04 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.15.1
* Demod Analyzer: fixed sample rate handling.
* Demod Analyzer: allow complex input.
* Noise Figure: compile only if Boost >= 1.70.0.
* Update airspyhf library to latest version to fix.
* Save and restore position and size of main window.
* SatelliteTracker: Web API fixes.
* Fixes to web API request mapper.
* Web API doc: added missing doc swagger yaml files.- Remove patch (included upstream):
* 0001-Compile-Noise-Figure-plugin-only-if-Boost-version-is.patch
* Thu Jul 01 2021 Martin Hauke - Add patch:
* 0001-Compile-Noise-Figure-plugin-only-if-Boost-version-is.patch
* Mon Jun 28 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.15.0
* New Radio Clock plugin.
* Add image zooming to APT demodulator.
* Add Star Tracker galactic line of sight plot.
* Improved packet demod performance.
* Scope GUI: refactor of amplitude scale and offset.
* Scope: allow complex float possibly unscaled input.
* Fixed SWGModelFactory so that init() is invoked on complex objects. Fixes #899
* Fixed multiple streams input. Fixes #925
* Upgraded libairspy to v1.0.10
* Sun Jun 13 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.14.0
* New noise figure Rx channel plugin.
* GLscope rework featuring a multiple I/Q stream input.
* ADS-B demod: Delete m_worker after removing sink from DSP.
* ADS-B demod: ADSBDemodWorker: check running state before actual start/stop.
* GS232: SPID rotator fixes.
* Fri Jun 04 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.13.0 Antenna tools feature This plugin contributed by Jon srcejon shows a calculator for various types of antennas depending on the center frequency of reception or transmission. Although not related directly to SDR functionality it is handy to have this sort of calculator directly available in the software. Other changes and fixes
* Sat tracker: fix rotator max azimuth and elevation settings in GUI.
* GS232: support SPID MD-02 controller.
* File Output: make file name persistent.
* PlutoSDR MIMO: fixed wrong reference to BladeRF library in CMakeLists.txt.
* Add .wav file support to File Input File Source and File Record plugins.
* Star Tracker: Add Custom Az/El target and drift scan plot.
* Thu May 13 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.12.1
* AIS: Fix decoding of AIS class B messages.
* AIS: Add display of ship type from class B messages.
* AIS: Fix name decode in AIS Static Data Reports.- Update to version 6.12.0
* New AIS mod, demod and feature plugins.
* PlutoSDR MIMO. Fixes in REST API
* Sat Tracker: catch TLE exception to avoid crash.
* Sat May 08 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.11.0
* New PlutoSDR MIMO plugin for Pluto+. Implements #869.
* Fixed center interpolator by 64. Fixs #884.
* Sat May 01 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.10.3
* Satellite tracker plugin: Fixed memory leaks.
* More memory leak fixes. PR #879: Star tracker, Packet demod, IEEE 802.15.4 modulator, DATV modulator.
* Revision of mutex locks in FIFOs.
* DAB/DAB+ demod: Use UTF-8 rather than latin encoding for program names.
* DAB/DAB+ demod: Use latest DAB lib API. Don\'t write MOT data to files.
* Mon Apr 26 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.10.2
* Satellite and Star tracker plugins: dark theme option for charts as default
* Spectrum: increase maximum FFT size to 32k
* Change delete order of channel and GUI. Fixes #860
* APT demod: moved processPixels process to a separate thread.
* APT demod optimization: do a full image process only every 20 lines
* DAB/DAB+ demod: added images in GUI and various fixes.
* DAB/DAB+ demod: fixed right-click audio selection.
* SampleSinkFIFO: read/write return immediately if size is zero.
* Wed Apr 21 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.10.1
* DSD Demodulator: set fixed 48kS/s for requested channel SR.
* Mon Apr 19 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.10.0
* New DAB/DAB+ demodulator plugin.
* DATV modulator: avoid SR=0.
* NFM demod: implemented DCS squelch. Finalizes #792
* Fixed webapi adapters.
* Package builds: upgrade DSDcc to 1.9.2 contains FEC fixes
* ADSB and VOR: Fix assertion when removing all elements from model.
* Tue Apr 13 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.9.0
* New SDRPlay v3 source plugin.
* NFM modulator. Implemented DCS.
* DATV demod: option to enable/disable the video player
* DATV demod: stop player before initializing DATV framework
* Thu Apr 08 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.8.0
* Packet Error Tester feature plugin This plugin can be used to measure the packet error rate over digital, packet based protcols such as AX.25 (Packet mod/demod), LoRa (ChipChat mod/demod) and 802.15.4.
* DVB-S2 support in DATV modulator brings DVB-S2 support for the modulator. DVB-S2 is increasingly popular over DVB-S and the standard on QO-100 wideband transponder. Other changes and fixes
* DATV demodulator: various fixes mostly in the internal player. The plugin is not 100% stable but these changes improve it significantly.
* \"My position\" setting: fixed station position altitude setting.
* APRS feature: choose between metric and imperial units.
* AudioOutput plugin: fixed REST API device settings PUT. PATCH.
* Mon Mar 29 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.7.0
* DATV modulator plugin Another great plugin from Jon srcejon that implements a DATV DVB-S modulator (DVB-S2 may come later). Other changes and fixes
* FileInput: Sample rate fixes.
* Set depending objects to nullptr before deleting GUI.
* SSB demod: increase audio volume range to -10 to +40 dB.
* Fix impulse response of FIR filter.
* HackRF: auto baseband filter and hardware LO correction.
* DATV demod: many fixes to improve stabilty of DVB-S2.
* ChirpChat demod: LoRa APRS support.
* SatTracker: Fixed Doppler timing interval.
* DemodAnalyzer: Support Packer demod.
* Sun Mar 07 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.6.2
* FileSink: File name handling in settings and API.
* FileRecord: cut file only if sample rate changes.
* ChannelAnalyzer: Added Costas Loop PLL and more controls.
* DATV: implemented soft LDPC external tool.
* Spectrum: removed FPS no limit setting.
* Thu Mar 04 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.6.1
* GS-232 Controller feature: added ERC-M controller support.
* Added missing swagger files from recent updates.
* Spectrum Vis: initialize pointer to GUI.
* Reapply audio sample on effective channel sample rate change.
* Mon Mar 01 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.6.0
* New APT demodulator for NOAA satellites.
* New Satellite tracker feature plugin.
* DATV: display MER and CNR.
* DATV: new control for LDPC bit flips maximum corrections.
* RTL-SDR: increase LO ppm range to +/-200.
* FileSink: enable record button only when plugin is running.
* SigMFFileSink: enable record button only when plugin is running.
* Sat Feb 20 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.5.5
* Spectrum frequency zooming.
* Spectrum time and power zomming.
* DeviceUISet: fixed channel instance registrations element deletion.
* FileSink: fixed spectrum GUI center frequency setting (baseband to GUI communication)
* FileSink: give .sdriq extension to provided file name automatically.
* SigMFFileSink: give .sigmf-meta extension to provided file name automatically.
* SigMFFileSink: append data if file exists and has been recorded with SDRangel.
* Sat Feb 13 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.5.4
* More Star Tracker updates.
* AirspyHF: added decimation by 128 and 256.
* SSB demod: use log (dB) for volume setting.
* CW keyer: revised the WPM calculation.
* SoapySDR: a few fixes.
* RTLSDR: changed BW setting limits.
* Various changes in build and compiler warning fixes.
* NFM demod: cosmetic changes.
* Removed FPS limitation in WSSpectrum.
* Sun Feb 07 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.5.3
* More Star Tracker updates.
* AirspyHF: added decimation by 128 and 256.
* SSB demod: use log (dB) for volume setting.
* CW keyer: revised the WPM calculation.
* SoapySDR: a few fixes.
* RTLSDR: changed BW setting limits.
* Various changes in build and compiler warning fixes.
* NFM demod: cosmetic changes.
* Removed FPS limitation in WSSpectrum.
* Sat Jan 30 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.5.2
* StarTracker feature: more updates.
* SigMFFileSink: fixed spectrum GUI.
* Sat Jan 23 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.5.1
* StarTracker feature: many enhancements.
* Packet demod: Fixed issue #750. PR #756
* Map feature: many enhancements.
* FileSink: fixes and enhancements.
* PTT feature: fixed copy paste typos.
* Fri Jan 15 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 6.5.0
* New PacketDemod Rx channel plugin.
* New APRS feature plugin.
* New Map feature plugin.
* Star tracker plugin.