Changelog for
libfastbit1-2.0.3-lp155.1.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Tue Aug 30 2016 Update to 2.0.3
* include a patch from Petr Velan to deal with include files related to
* util.h and pwd.h
* make interpretation of internally generated column names of the form
* __xx in src/part.cpp
* lock accesses to values in sharedInt32 and sharedInt64 when atomic
* operations are not available
* rename select clause keyword distinct to countdistinct
* address the problem with query evaluation cost reported by Petr Velan
* on 05/07/2015
* add guards to called to strcmp to prevent nil pointer from being used
* allocate sufficient space before calling ibis::fileManger::doRead to
* avoid recursive invocation of mutex locks (i.e., avoid a deadlock
* situation)
* per suggestion from Jon Strabala, change all string read/write
* functions from unbuffered versions (read/write) to buffered versions
* (fread/fwrite)
* replace std::binder1st and std::binder2nd with std::bind1st and
* std::bind2nd
* rename ibis::util::cleanDatasets to be ibis::util::emptyCache
* Sat Jul 04 2015 update to version 2.0.2- removed patch: fastbit-headers-in-separate-dir.diff (fixed upstream)
* Thu Jan 01 2015 initial package, version 2.0.1