Changelog for cgal-demo-examples-devel-5.6.1-90.4.noarch.rpm :

* Wed Feb 28 2024 Ben Greiner - Update to 5.6.1
* CGAL-5.6.1 is a bug-fix release. See on Github the list of bugs that were solved since CGAL-5.6. Fix documentation packaging: Tumbleweed uses a different default destination than older distributions now. Force doc subdir.
* Mon Jul 31 2023 Michael Vetter - Update to 5.6:
* See
* Mon Jul 31 2023 Michael Vetter - Update to 5.5.3:
* Sun Apr 02 2023 Carsten Ziepke - Use gcc11-c++ for openSUSE Leap, enables building
* Wed Mar 01 2023 Michael Vetter - Update to 5.5.2:
* Thu Nov 24 2022 Ben Greiner - Update to 5.5.1
* bug fix release compared to 5.5.0
* Release 5.5.0
* The CGAL Open Source Project is pleased to announce the release 5.5 of CGAL, the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library. [#]# 3D Alpha Wrapping (new package)
* This component takes a 3D triangle mesh, soup, or point set as input, and generates a valid (watertight, intersection-free, and combinatorially 2-manifold) surface triangle mesh that contains the input. The algorithm proceeds by shrink-wrapping and refining a 3D Delaunay triangulation, starting from a loose bounding box of the input. Two user-defined parameters, alpha and offset, offer control over the maximum size of cavities where the shrink-wrapping process can enter, and the tightness of the final surface mesh to the input, respectively. Once combined, these parameters provide a means to trade fidelity to the input for complexity of the output.
* See also the announcement page. [#]# 2D Straight Skeleton and Polygon Offsetting (breaking change)
* Fix the output of the function CGAL::create_exterior_skeleton_and_offset_polygons_with_holes_2() to not take into account the offset of the outer frame.
* Fix the computation of the exterior offset of a polygon with holes that was not computing the offset of the holes [#]# 3D Convex Hulls
* Added an overload of the function CGAL::convex_hull_3(), which writes the result in an indexed triangle set. [#]# 2D Polygons
* Add vertex, edge, and hole ranges.
* The concept GeneralPolygonWithHoles_2 now requires the nested type Polygon_2 instead of General_polygon_2. [#]# 2D Regularized Boolean Set-Operations
* The concept GeneralPolygonSetTraits_2 now requires the nested type Construct_polygon_with_holes_2 instead of Construct_general_polygon_with_holes_2. [#]# Combinatorial Maps
* Removed old code deprecated in CGAL 4.9 and 4.10 (global functions, and information associated with darts). [#]# 2D Arrangements
* Fixed the intersect_2, compare_y_at_x_right, and compare_y_at_x_left function objects of the traits class template Arr_geodesic_arc_on_sphere_traits_2 that handles geodesic arcs on sphere and applied a small syntactical fix to the tracing traits. [#]# Tetrahedral Mesh Generation
* Added the function remove_isolated_vertices() as a post-processing step for the tetrahedral mesh generation. [#]# Polygon Mesh Processing
* Added the function CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::orient_triangle_soup_with_reference_triangle_soup(), which enables re-orienting the faces of a triangle soup based on the orientation of the nearest face in a reference triangle soup.
* Added the function CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::compatible_orientations(), which enables to retrieve the (in)compatibility of orientations of faces from different connected components.
* Added the function CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::tangential_relaxation(), which applies an area-based tangential mesh smoothing to the vertices of a surface triangle mesh.
* Added the named parameter visitor to the function triangulate_hole(), which enables to track progress with callbacks.
* Added more functions in the visitor of the corefinement based methods to track progress. [#]# Surface Mesh Simplification
* Introduced four variations of the Garland-Heckbert simplification algorithm based on the probabilistic approach of Trettner and Kobbelt (Fast and Robust QEF Minimization using Probabilistic Quadrics): GarlandHeckbert_plane_policies, GarlandHeckbert_probabilistic_plane_policies, GarlandHeckbert_triangle_policies, and GarlandHeckbert_probabilistic_triangle_policies.
* The class GarlandHeckbert_policies has been deprecated, GarlandHeckbert_plane_policies replaces it. [#]# Point Set Processing
* A new optional named parameter, min_points_per_cell has been added to grid_simplify_point_set(). By adding a minimal number of points in a cell such that a point is retained, one can also filter out low density areas and outliers: in the case of densely sampled point clouds, this yields better results than using grid simplification and then outlier removal, while being very vast. The default value is 1 to keep the previous behavior as default. [#]# dD Spatial Searching
* Added the member function write_graphviz() to the class Kd_tree that writes the tree in a stream in the Graphviz format. [#]# CGAL and the Boost Graph Library (BGL)
* Added the function invert_selection() in the class Face_filtered_graph, which toggles the selected status of a graph: selected faces are deselected, and unselected faces are selected.
* Tue Jun 07 2022 Michael Vetter - Update to 5.4.1: See
* Mon Feb 28 2022 Michael Vetter - Update to 5.4: See
* Wed Aug 18 2021 Michael Vetter - Update to 5.3: General changes:
* The support for the compiled version of CGAL is dropped. Only the header-only version is supported. Quadtrees, Octrees, and Orthtrees (new package):
* This package implements a tree data structure in which each node encloses a hypercubic section of space and each non-leave node has hypercubic children whose edge lengths are half its edge length. Such a data structure is known as a quadtree in 2D, an octree in 3D, and is generalized as an \"orthtree\" in higher dimensions. Triangulations on the Sphere (new package):
* This package enables the construction and manipulation of Delaunay triangulations on the 2-sphere. Triangulations are built incrementally and can be modified by insertion or removal of vertices. Point location querying and primitives to build the dual Voronoi diagram are provided. File Input / Output:
* Point set, polygon soup, and polygon mesh file I/O functions have been harmonized and documented:
* Point set I/O functions can be found in the packages Point_set_processing_3, and Point_set_3.
* Polygon mesh I/O functions can be found in the package BGL.
* Polygon soup I/O can be found in the package Stream_support.
* A comprehensive list of the supported file formats is available in the Stream_support package here; inversely, the following page can be used to find out which CGAL data structures can be used given a specific file format. 2D and 3D Linear Geometry Kernel:
* Added is_translation(), is_scaling(), is_reflection(), and is_rotation() to the classes Aff_transformation_2 and Aff_transformation_3, which enable determining if the transformations use a specialized representation internally. 2D Regularized Boolean Set-Operations:
* Added documentation for the free functions oriented_side(const Point_2& p, ....) that accept a point and a polygon.
* Documentation has been improved across the whole package. Polygon Mesh Processing:
* Added the class CGAL::Polyhedral_envelope, providing a way to quickly check if a primitive (point, segment, or triangle) is within a polyhedral envelope around a set of triangles. It is based on the work of Bolun Wang, Teseo Schneider, Yixin Hu, Marco Attene, and Daniele Panozzo. \"Exact and efficient polyhedral envelope containment check.\" (ACM Trans. Graph., 39-4, July 2020).
* Added more functions in the visitor of the corefinement based methods to track all edge creations. Surface Mesh Topology:
* Added the function CGAL::Surface_mesh_topology::Curves_on_surface_topology:: is_homotopic_to_simple_cycle(), which can be used to determine whehter a closed path on a surface mesh can be continously transformed to a cycle without self intersection. Surface Mesh Simplification:
* Added a filtering mechanism so that costly tests get only applied to the next candidate for the edge collapse.
* Added the class Polyhedral_envelope_filter, which enables to perform mesh simplification inside a polyhedral envelope of the input mesh. 2D Polyline Simplification:
* When polylines have common subsequences of vertices, these subsequences may now be simplifified simultaneously. dD Triangulations:
* Added the function insert_if_in_star() to the class CGAL::Regular_triangulation, which enables users to insert a point p in a regular triangulation on the condition that p appears post-insertion in the star of a user-specified, existing vertex. 2D and 3D Alpha Shapes:
* Breaking change: The following deprecated classes have been removed: Alpha_shape_euclidean_traits_2, Weighted_alpha_shape_euclidean_traits_2, Alpha_shape_euclidean_traits_3, and Weighted_alpha_shape_euclidean_traits_3. All CGAL kernel can be used directly as models of the concepts of the 2D and 3D Alpha Shape packages. Classification:
* Breaking change: the support for TensorFlow has been dropped; the classifier CGAL::TensorFlow::Neural_network_classifier has been removed.
* Wed Aug 18 2021 Michael Vetter - Update to 5.2.3: See
* Wed Jun 30 2021 Ferdinand Thiessen - Update to 5.2.2
* See
* Tue Apr 13 2021 Ferdinand Thiessen - Update to 5.2.1
* See Update to 5.2.0
* Fixed multiple code execution vulnerabilities: boo#1184975 ( CVE-2020-35636 ), boo#1184977 ( CVE-2020-28636 ), boo#1184973 ( CVE-2020-28601 ) and boo#1184978 ( CVE-2020-35628 )
* For full list of other changes, see: