Changelog for ruby3.1-rubygem-faker-2.22.0-150400.32.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Thu Aug 04 2022 cooloAATTsuse.comupdated to version 2.22.0 see installed [#]# [v2.22.0]( (2022-07-28) [#]# Bug/Fixes - [PR #2500]( Fix: Duplicate array before concatenating [AATTmattr]( - [PR #2488]( Fixed random selection issue [AATTsudeeptarlekar]( - [PR #2475]( Update regex used for Faker::Vehicle#vin [AATTerayalkis]( [#]# Chores - [PR #2513]( Remove broken docs [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #2502]( Update actions/checkout version in GitHub actions [AATTjdufresne]( - [PR #2501]( Make ReadMe more consise [AATTjenniferdewan]( - [PR #2489]( Change a filename to follow naming conventions [AATTyasuhiron777]( [#]# Feature Request - [PR #2477]( feat: add bot_user_agent method for generate web crawle\'s user agents [AATTa-chacon]( - [PR #2465]( Add a new sports section for mountaineers [AATTLeviLong01]( [#]# Update locales - [PR #2509]( Add all Dota 2 heroes [AATTJCFarrow]( - [PR #2507]( Update dog.yml [AATTKedaruma-Bond]( - [PR #2503]( Update pl.yml [AATTmarek-witkowski]( - [PR #2499]( Fix: Use pattern to define Australian cell phone formats [AATTmattr]( - [PR #2497]( Fix typos in Australia [AATTmattr]( - [PR #2490]( Added Japanese adjective translations [AATTyasuhiron777]( - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Mon Jun 13 2022 updated to version 2.21.0 [#]# Bug/Fixes - [PR #2443]( Fixed error for random in markdown [AATTsudeeptarlekar]( [#]# Feature Request - [PR #2252]( Add Faker::Movies::Tron [AATTcraineum]( [#]# Update locales - [PR #2485]( Add japanese translations for emotion [AATTkenboo0426]( - [PR #2479]( Add japanese translations for naruto [AATTjohnmanjiro13]( - [PR #2478]( Add Japanese translation for relationships [AATTshouichi]( - [PR #2469]( Fix blank row in game.yml [AATTKingYoSun]( - [PR #2467]( French traduction of adjectives [AATTBeygs]( [#]# Update local dependencies - Update rubocop to `1.26.0` - Update timecop to `0.95.0`
* Fri Mar 11 2022 updated to version 2.20.0 [#]# Documentation - [PR #2421]( Add general documentation for Faker::Camera [AATTaleksandrilyin]( [#]# Feature Request - [PR #2457]( add Command & Conquer games [AATTAwilum]( - [PR #2456]( fix heading for faker hobby doc [AATTAwilum]( - [PR #2411]( Add mock data for Auth0 OAuth [AATTNorio4]( - [PR #2396]( Add Brooklyn Nine Nine into tv shows category [AATTfralps]( - [PR #2395]( Add The Kingkiller Chronicle [AATTfblupi]( - [PR #2392]( Update LV locale - cell phone numbers should be 8 symbols [AATTtmikoss]( - [PR #2383]( Add Faker::JapaneseMedia::KamenRider#transformation_device [AATTboardfish]( - [PR #2382]( Add collectible devices [AATTboardfish]( - [PR #2378]( Re-add the Faker::Internet.base64 method [AATTashishra0]( - [PR #2374]( Add Faker::JapaneseMedia::KamenRider [AATTboardfish]( - [PR #1656]( Add bible entries [AATTenowbi]( [#]# Update locales - [PR #2462]( Add Sora and Hollow Bastion to SuperSmashBros yml files [AATTgazayas]( - [PR #2458]( Fix typo on Tom Jobim\'s name [AATTandrerferrer]( - [PR #2452]( updated Timor-Leste in en/addresses.yml [AATTmasukomi]( - [PR #2450]( dividing male and female Arabic names [AATTAlfulayt]( - [PR #2381]( Remove duplicates and clean up Faker::JapaneseMedia::KamenRider [AATTboardfish]( - [PR #2405]( Add countries in Japanese [AATTlawriecate]( - [PR #2403]( add Faker::Animal in pt-BR [AATTthiago-henrique-leite]( - [PR #2377]( Fix non striped coffe blender [AATTngouy]( [#]# Update local dependencies - Update rubocop to `1.25.0` - Update rake to `13.0.6` - Update test-unit to `3.5.3` - Update yard to `0.9.27`
* Wed Aug 25 2021 updated to version 2.19.0 [#]# Bug/Fixes- [PR #2356]( fix broken link for placeholdit [AATTlilisako]( [PR #2351]( Fix spanish organisation number [AATTlaulujan]( [#]# Feature Request- [PR #2371]( Add supernatural TV show [AATTvin1cius]( [PR #2369]( Added more Science examples - science branches, modifiers and tools [AATTitay-grudev]( [PR #2361]( Add ethnic category to the food generator [AATTwolwire]( [PR #2359]( add stock_market to finance Faker::Finance [AATTlilisako]( [PR #2341]( add Hobby to default [AATTrohanphillips]( [PR #2324]( Add Faker::Emotion.word [AATTjayqui]( [PR #2320]( Add Faker::TvShows::TheOffice [AATTsandylcruz]( [PR #2245]( Add Faker::Australia class [AATTastley92]( [PR #1731]( add brand, vendor support to commerce [AATTashishra0]( [#]# Update locales- [PR #2343]( Minor typo fixes to Community quotes [AATTsunny]( [PR #2340]( Add JapaneseMedia StudioGhibli for locals/ja.yml [AATTryogift]( [PR #2339]( Various locale specific and other fixes for faker [AATTpsibi]( [PR #2338]( Add Kazuya to Faker::Games::SuperSmashBros [AATTboardfish]( [PR #2333]( add FR translation for animals [AATTcprodhomme]( [PR #2329]( Fix Faker::Color.color_name for Japanese [AATTyujideveloper]( [PR #2327]( Remove trailing spaces from translations [AATTmichebble]( [PR #2326]( Faker::Address.postcode (locale=ja) should contains hyphen [AATTgongo]( [#]# Update local dependencies- Update rubocop requirement from = 1.18.3 to = 1.18.4 (#2362)- Update rake requirement from = 13.0.3 to = 13.0.6 (#2357)- Update rubocop requirement from = 1.18.1 to = 1.18.3 (#2353)- Update rubocop requirement from = 1.17.0 to = 1.18.1 (#2346)- Update rubocop requirement from = 1.16.0 to = 1.17.0 (#2337)- Update test-unit requirement from = 3.4.2 to = 3.4.4 (#2334)- Update rubocop requirement from = 1.15.0 to = 1.16.0 (#2332)- Update test-unit requirement from = 3.4.1 to = 3.4.2 (#2331)- Update rubocop requirement from = 1.14.0 to = 1.15.0 (#2325)
* Tue Jun 01 2021 updated to version 2.18.0 [#]# Bug/Fixes - [PR #2300]( Fix by adding missing quote [AATTkoic]( - [PR #2044]( Workaround for cc-test-reporter with SimpleCov 0.18 [AATTkoic]( [#]# Chores - [PR #2316]( Fix typo in test method [AATTyujideveloper]( [#]# Documentation - [PR #2290]( Fix typo [AATTd-holbach]( - [PR #2282]( fixed small typo [AATTkoic]( [#]# Feature Request - [PR #2301]( Add Faker::IDNumber.croatian_id method [AATTlovro-bikic]( - [PR #2299]( Add birds [AATTbrotherjack]( - [PR #2295]( Add more methods to the Witcher class [AATTmarcelobarreto]( - [PR #2289]( Increase french entropy [AATTmeuble]( - [PR #2287]( Add Crypto.sha512 [AATTcrondaemon]( - [PR #2190]( Add Faker::Tea [AATTsnood1205]( - [PR #2175]( Add two generators to Faker::Science [AATTRubyHuntsman]( - [PR #1910]( Add Faker::Music#mambo_no_5, a Generator for Random First Names that Appear in Lou Bega\'s Mambo No. 5 [AATTNickyEXE]( [#]# Update locales - [PR #2321]( Canadian area code 226 included in array of US area codes [AATTjgarber623]( - [PR #2317]( Fix ci for es-AR [AATTyujideveloper]( - [PR #2315]( Split JA translation file into one file per class [AATTyujideveloper]( - [PR #2313]( Add Japanese translation for Faker::Subscription [AATTyujideveloper]( - [PR #2311]( add yoda quotes to russian locale [AATTaka-nez]( - [PR #2297]( add Japanese actual zipcodes in locals/ja.yml [AATTPOPPIN-FUMI]( - [PR #2291]( Add Commerce for Japanese [AATTima1zumi]( - [PR #2285]( Fix update Brazilian phone country code [AATTricardopacheco]( - [PR #2154]( Cleanup books. Add Fantasy::Tolkien to README. [AATTmathisto]( [#]# Update local dependencies - Update rubocop requirement from = 1.13.0 to = 1.14.0 (#2314) - Upgrade to GitHub-native Dependabot (#2310) - Update rubocop requirement from = 1.12.1 to = 1.13.0 (#2305) - Update test-unit requirement from = 3.4.0 to = 3.4.1 (#2303) - Update pry requirement from = 0.14.0 to = 0.14.1 (#2298) - Update rubocop requirement from = 1.12.0 to = 1.12.1 (#2294) - Update rubocop requirement from = 1.11.0 to = 1.12.0 (#2288)
* Mon Mar 15 2021 updated to version 2.17.0 [#]# [v2.17.0]( (2020-03-10) [#]# Chores - [PR #2272]( Bump RuboCop to 1.10.0 [AATTkoic]( - [PR #2270]( Generate different values when generating a hash [AATTDaniTheLion]( - [PR #2236]( Move Digest classes to OpenSSL [AATTdbussink]( [#]# Documentation - [PR #2277]( add Hip Hop To Path [AATTJosiassejod1]( - [PR #2276]( Fix syntax highlighting and missing version [AATTghiculescu]( - [PR #2255]( Correct capitalization of RuboCop in text [AATTjdufresne]( - [PR #2204]( update documentation to include Float type [AATTBigBigDoudou]( [#]# Feature Request - [PR #2256]( Add Faker::Educator.primary_school [AATTjdufresne]( - [PR #2248]( Add Bank.iban_country_code [AATTmastermatt]( - [PR #2166]( add binary number faker [AATTgabrielbaldao]( [#]# Update locales - [PR #2275]( Add Japanese for Faker::Games::Orverwatch [AATTmay-solty]( - [PR #2268]( Add Japanese for Faker::Games::SuperMario [AATTk-maekawa]( - [PR #2258]( Add es-AR locale [AATTfcolacilli]( - [PR #2215]( Unify model names to not contain manufacturer name [AATTberkos](
* Mon Feb 15 2021 updated to version 2.16.0 [#]# [v2.16.0]( (2020-02-09) [#]# Chores - [PR #2262]( Workaround build error for ruby-head [AATTkoic]( - [PR #2257]( Trim trailing white space throughout the project [AATTkoic]( - [PR #2229]( Use instead of `Random::DEFAULT` [AATTconnorshea]( - [PR #2226]( Add Ruby 3.0 to CI matrix [AATTconnorshea]( [#]# Documentation - [PR #2247]( 2243 yard doc [AATTsudeeptarlekar]( - [PR #2240]( Updated `` to include example for using song generator [AATTjsca-kwok]( - [PR #2205]( `Faker::Mountain` doc [AATTbipashant]( [#]# Feature Request - [PR #2221]( Added rock band song generator [AATTjsca-kwok]( - [PR #2208]( Feat/add blockchain Tezos keys [AATTakettal]( [AATTPierre-Michard]( - [PR #2197]( Add `Faker::Games::Touhou` [AATTdysnomian]( [#]# Update locales - [PR #2238]( added some data in `fr.yml` and `football.yml` [AATTMathGL92]( - [PR #2222]( Add Japanese for `Faker::Book` [AATTzoshigayan]( - [PR #2217]( Add Sephiroth and Northern Cave to `Faker::Games::SuperSmashBros` [AATTboardfish]( - [PR #2201]( Typo in Lebowski Quote [AATTrgraff]( - [PR #2197]( Add `Faker::Games::Touhou` [AATTdysnomian](
* Fri Dec 11 2020 updated to version 2.15.1 [#]# [v2.15.1]( (2020-11-24) - Rollback PR #2169 and bump 2.15.1 [#2203]( AATTvbrazo - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [#]# [v2.15.0]( (2020-11-24) [#]# Bug/Fixes - Rubocop 1.0 fixes [#2182]( AATTamatsuda - Get rid of broken I18n locales configuration for the tests [#2168]( AATTamatsuda - Fixes a bug when generating a password with min_length eq 1 [#2138]( AATTadrian-rivera AATTZeragamba - Improve Faker::Company.spanish_organisation_number [#2106]( [#]# Chores - Reformat demographic yaml [#2189]( AATTfiteclub - An attempt to load only necessary locales on the fly [#2169]( AATTamatsuda - Faker::Config can be a Module rather than a Class [#2167]( AATTamatsuda - Cleanup games [#2155]( AATTmathisto - Deprecate `celebrity` methods in favor of `actor` [#2133]( AATTvraravam [#]# Documentation - Fix class name in [#2198]( AATTconnorshea - Fix typo in doc/games/ [#2145]( AATTCrysicia - fix typo [#2141]( AATTZeragamba - Updated versions in doc for methods. [#2123]( AATTsudeeptarlekar [#]# Feature Request - Add `Faker::Mountain` [#2196]( AATTbipashant - Add Faker::Volleyball [#2178]( AATTRubyHuntsman - Add artifact generator to Faker::Game::Heroes [#2177]( AATTdroznyk - Add generator to Faker::Games:ElderScrolls [#2171]( AATTRubyHuntsman - Augment opera [#2170]( AATTGaitorius - Add generator to Faker::Games::ElderScrolls [#2164]( AATTRubyHuntsman - Add more generators to Faker::Minecraft [#2162]( AATTRubyHuntsman - I added more programming languages to the source [#2161]( AATTJoaoHenriqueVale - Add Faker:Camera [#2159]( AATTRubyHuntsman - Add how to train your dragon [#2158]( AATTarchbloom - Add Faker::Fantasy::Tolkien [#2152]( AATTmathisto - Feature: Add north dakota driving licence [#2149]( AATTmartinjaimem - Add Final Space to TvShows category [#2147]( - Add finance/stock generators [#2146]( AATTjohnpitchko - Add Clash Of Clans to the Game category [#2143]( AATTjamesmai0512 - Add Conan to the JapaneseMedia category [#2142]( AATTjamesmai0512 - Add Naruto to the JapaneseMedia category [#2139]( AATTjamesmai0512 - Add Doraemon to the JapaneseMedia category [#2137]( AATTjamesmai0512 - Add space force and coast guard to military [#2136]( AATTmathisto - Add Super Mario [#2135]( AATTfblupi - Add The Room (2003) to Movies [#2134]( AATTfiteclub - Faker adjectives [#2130]( AATTloicboset - Add Studio Ghibli to the JapaneseMedia category [#2124]( AATTKadaaran - Created New Method Faker::Quote.fortune_cookie [#2112]( AATTcatonmat - Allow disabling the usage of open compounds in sentences [#2109]( AATTtjozwik - Add faker for hiphop artist [#1923]( AATTJosiassejod1 - Add races and class names to WorldOfWarcraft [#1787]( AATTmathisto - Add planets and races to DragonBall [#1786]( AATTmathisto - Add planets, cities, and quotes to Dune [#1784]( AATTmathisto [#]# Update locales - add japanese gender first name [#2191]( AATTissei126 - Add full_address to Ukrainian locale [#2176]( AATTPtico - Fixed some spelling issues in company.yml [#2173]( AATTcoreymaher - Update Faker::Games::SuperSmashBros [#2164]( AATTboardfish - Add more quotes to Faker::Games::Witcher [#2163]( AATTRubyHuntsman - Add Jack Handey\'s Deep Thoughts to quotes [#2150]( AATTfiteclub - add brazil license plate from mercosul rules [#2144]( AATTgabrielbaldao - Add additional quotes to Studio Ghibli [#2132]( AATTlambda2 - Change \'Nyota Uhuru\' to \'Nyota Uhura\' [#2121]( AATTTrevorA-TrevorA - Add spanish license plates [#2103]( [#]# Update local dependencies - Update rubocop requirement from = 1.0.0 to = 1.1.0 [#2185]( - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.93.1 to = 1.0.0 [#2172]( - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.93.0 to = 0.93.1 [#2156]( - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.92.0 to = 0.93.0 [#2151]( - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.91.1 to = 0.92.0 [#2129]( - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.91.0 to = 0.91.1 [#2126]( - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.90.0 to = 0.91.0 [#2122]( - Update test-unit requirement from = 3.3.6 to = 3.3.7 [#2195]( - Update timecop requirement from = 0.9.1 to = 0.9.2 [#2160](
* Fri Sep 25 2020 cooloAATTsuse.comupdated to version 2.14.0 see installed [#]# [v2.14.0]( (2020-09-15) [#]# Bug/Fixes - [PR #2119]( Fixed failing spec for phone number [#]# Chores - [PR #2088]( Remove the space in the word \"turtle\" in the Creature::Animals faker - [PR #2081]( Remove redundant condition branch for Ruby 2.4 - [PR #2077]( Rename tests according to the `test
*.rb` pattern so that they run [#]# Documentation - [PR #2095]( Fix a typo for `Games::DnD.species` - [PR #2094]( Correct method name from race to species in DnD doc - [PR #2079]( Add `Music::PearlJam` to Readme - [PR #2058]( Add YARD doc for `Faker::Code` [#]# Feature Request - [PR #2117]( Add Truffleruby head to CI - [PR #2104]( 2097 Added barcodes - [PR #2090]( 1693 USA driving license - [PR #2098]( Update DnD generator - [PR #2096]( 2091 faker drones - [PR #2092]( Add a street fighter generator - [PR #2082]( Enable `Lint/UnifiedInteger` cop [#]# Update locales - [PR #2100]( Remove Gaylord - [PR #2087]( Fix/remove country code from phone numbers - [PR #2086]( removing country code from phone numbers to `fr-CH` - [PR #2084]( removed extra + sign from country codes - [PR #2078]( Removed 07624 from UK mobile numbers - [PR #2073]( Add missing azimuth field for fr locale - [PR #2072]( Remove time formats from file Update local dependencies - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.87.1 to = 0.88.0 (#2080) - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.87.0 to = 0.87.1 (#2075) - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.86.0 to = 0.87.0 (#2074) - Bumps i18n from 1.8.4 to 1.8.5 (#2089) - Bumps i18n from 1.8.3 to 1.8.4 (#2083) - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Thu Jun 25 2020 updated to version 2.13.0
* adds YARD docs for several interface methods
* fixes bugs
* adds improvements to the code base
* updates dependencies
* Mon Apr 27 2020 updated to version 2.11.0 [#]# Bug/Fixes - [PR #1938]( Fix omniauth consistency [AATTDouglasLutz]( [#]# Documentation - [PR #1949]( Add YARD doc for Faker::Cannabis [AATTmashuDuek]( - [PR #1944]( Add YARD docs for Faker::FunnyName [AATTcurriecode]( - [PR #1935]( Add YARD docs for the unique method [AATTconnorshea]( [#]# Feature Request - [PR #1946]( Add Faker::Rajnikanth [AATTwolwire]( - [PR #1940]( Add Faker::Quotes::Chiquito [AATTjantequera]( - [PR #1883]( add Internet#base64 [AATTcyrilchampier]( [#]# Update locales - [PR #1945]( Remove female first name \'Miss\' [AATTags]( - [PR #1929]( Fixed mobile prefixes for en-GB locale [AATTSamHart91]( [#]# Update local dependencies - Update pry requirement from = 0.12.2 to = 0.13.0 (#1951) - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.80.0 to = 0.80.1 (#1941) - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.79.0 to = 0.80.0 (#1937)
* Tue Mar 03 2020 updated to version 2.10.2 [#]# [v2.10.2]( (2020-02-15) This version: - adds a few YARD docs - fixes locales - updates local dependencies [#]# Chores - [PR #1924]( Use ruby\'s `File::Separator` rather than \'/\' as a default for direct [AATTswiknaba]( [#]# Documentation - [PR #1913]( Add YARD docs for Faker::DcComics [AATTash-elangovan]( [#]# Update locales - [PR #1934]( Add street_address for en-nz locale [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1933]( Make id locale consistent. [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1930]( Remove spaces before apostrophes [AATTjrmhaig]( - [PR #1927]( zh-TW locale fix: Avoid double de-reference for name_with_middle [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1922]( zh-CN locale fix: Directly refer to the expected values [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1921]( uk locale fix: Make empty fields consistent [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1920]( pt locale fix: Make city fields consistent with other [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1918]( Make Japanese Lorem sentences look more natural [AATTrastamhadi]( - [PR #1915]( Add yard docs for Faker::Company [AATTkos31de]( - [PR #1914]( Data source fix for ha locale [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1911]( Removed duplicate value [AATTash-elangovan]( - [PR #1908]( Add more colors [AATTtomcol]( - [PR #1903]( fr locale: pokemon\'s root key should be games [AATTconnorshea]( - [PR #1902]( Remove empty string in phone_number formats [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1901]( fr-CA locale fix: pokemon\'s root key should be games [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1900]( Use postcode for en-ZA [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1899]( Locale root name should be en-NEP [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1812]( Add vat number rule for es-MX [AATTarandilopez]( [#]# Update local dependencies - Update test-unit requirement from = 3.3.4 to = 3.3.5 (#1896)
* Mon Jan 27 2020 updated to version 2.10.1 [#]# [v2.10.1]( (2020-01-13) This version: - fixes locales - updates local dependencies - fixes warnings [#]# Bug/Fixes - [PR #1868]( Fix a deprecation warning in unique_generator.rb related to the kwarg [AATTconnorshea]( [#]# Update Locales - [PR #1800]( Update diners_club and jcb test cards since they were updated in String [AATTsantib]( - [PR #1879]( Field changes in da-DK locale [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1878]( Fix name related files in ca locale [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1877]( Fix the path names for bg.yml [AATTpsibi]( [#]# Update local dependencies - Allow all versions of i18n from 1.6 up to 2 (#1894) [AATTorien]( - Update minitest requirement from = 5.13.0 to = 5.14.0 (#1904) - Bump i18n from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2 (#1905) - Bump i18n from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 (#1895) - Update i18n requirement from >= 1.6, < 1.8 to >= 1.6, < 1.9 (#1893) - Update yard requirement from = 0.9.23 to = 0.9.24 (#1892) - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.78.0 to = 0.79.0 (#1890) - Update yard requirement from = 0.9.22 to = 0.9.23 (#1889) - Update yard requirement from = 0.9.20 to = 0.9.22 (#1882)
* Sat Dec 14 2019 updated to version 2.8.1 [#]# Bug/Fixes - [PR #1846]( Fix internet custom domain with suffix [AATTngouy]( [#]# Documentation - [PR #1852]( Add YARD docs for Faker::Business. [AATTconnorshea]( - [PR #1851]( Add YARD docs for Faker::Crypto. [AATTconnorshea]( - [PR #1850]( Add YARD docs for Faker::Kpop. [AATTconnorshea]( - [PR #1849]( Add YARD docs for Faker::BossaNova. [AATTconnorshea]( - [PR #1848]( Add YARD Docs for Faker::Demographic. [AATTconnorshea]( - [PR #1844]( Fix yard doc in contribution [AATTvikas95prasad]( - [PR #1802]( Add YARD doc for Faker::Food [AATTsap1enza]( - [PR #1766]( Add YARD docs for Faker::Address [AATTconnorshea]( [#]# Refactoring - [PR #1847]( Makes minor refactors on Internet.domain_name method [AATTtiagofsilva]( - [PR #1772]( Refactor Faker::Educator and add docs [AATTconnorshea]( [#]# Update local dependencies - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.76.0 to = 0.77.0 (#1843)
* Tue Nov 12 2019 updated to version 2.7.0 This version: - adds `Faker::IDNumber.chilean_id` - updates some translations/locales - updates local dependencies - adds SemVer badge [#]# Documentation - [PR #1814]( Add Discord link [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1289]( Add SemVer compatibility badge to README [AATTgreysteil]( [#]# Feature Request - [PR #1819]( Adding chilean_id in Faker::IDNumber [AATTcristofer]( [#]# Update locales - [PR #1824]( Added Canadian Country Code [AATTclinch]( - [PR #1817]( Add Japanese animal names [AATTshouichi]( - [PR #1816]( Add Japanese bank names [AATTshouichi]( - [PR #1813]( Translate Canadian provinces for fr-CA [AATTBhacaz]( - [PR #1806]( Add Terry Bogard to Super Smash Bros. options [AATTclinch]( [#]# Update local dependencies - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.75.0 to = 0.75.1 (#1811) - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.75.1 to = 0.76.0 (#1822) - Update minitest requirement from = 5.12.2 to = 5.13.0 (#1823)
* Thu Aug 15 2019 updated to version 2.1.2 [#]# Enhancements - [PR #1495]( Add Brazilian documents generation and documentation [AATTlucasqueiroz]( [#]# Issues We had to use `bundled with 1.7.3` to avoid some issues. [#]# [v2.1.1]( (2019-10-08) [#]# Bug/Fixes - [PR #1685]( Upgrade i18n [AATTEduardoGHdez]( `bundler-audit` has identified that i18 has fix a security vulnerability, that has been fixed in the 0.8 version. - [PR #1683]( Rollback Faker::Time changes [AATTvbrazo]( Rollback Faker::Time changes because we should expect the date format from activesupport\'s en.yml. [#]# Documentation - [PR #1677]( Fix docs for Internet#password generator [AATTur5us](
* Mon Jul 08 2019 updated to version 1.9.6 [#]# [v1.9.6]( (2019-07-05) Fix lib/faker/version.rb [#]################################################## [#]# [v1.9.5]( (2019-07-04) [#]## Bug- [PR #1644]( Revert fakerbot and move to own repository inside new organization [AATTvbrazo]( [#]## Deprecate- [PR #1516]( Deprecate Faker::Number.decimal_part and Faker::Number.leading_zero_number [AATTvbrazo]( [#]## Documentation- [PR #1640]( Add [AATTvbrazo]( [#]## Feature Request- [PR #1361]( Add Faker::File.dir [AATTtylerhunt]( [#]## Update Locales- [PR #1643]( Add 558 Verb ing_forms from Verb base [AATTlightyrs]( [#]################################################## [#]# [v1.9.4]( (2019-06-19) [#]## Bug/Fixes- [PR #1605]( fix shallow_json for frozen_string_literal [AATTcausztic]( [PR #1597]( Fix broken test [AATTvbrazo]( [PR #1578]( Namespaces should inherit Base [AATTvbrazo]( [#]## Chores- [PR #1626]( Update tty tree [AATTZeragamba]( [PR #1559]( Fix name_with_middle field for en-AU [AATTpsibi]( [PR #1548]( Chore/improve pt-BR specs [AATTpaulodiovani]( [PR #1542]( Fixed typos to the [AATTgkunwar]( [PR #1541]( Add new categories to armenian [AATThovikman]( [#]## Deprecation- [PR #1549]( Faker::Movies::GratefulDead => Faker::Music::GratefulDead [AATTbcharna]( [PR #1538]( Add Sports namespace [AATTvbrazo]( - Deprecates `::Football` [#]## Documentation- [PR #1636]( Fix default values for arguments in Lorem doc [AATTmikong]( [PR #1617]( Fix Dota README [AATTTheSmartnik]( [PR #1612]( Update returned example player [AATTncallaway]( [PR #1611]( Documentation error fix [AATTtomlockwood]( [PR #1575]( Add issues templates [AATTvbrazo]( [#]## Feature Request- [PR #1631]( Faker::Tezos: add block faker [AATTakettal]( [PR #1619]( Add Faker::Music::Opera [AATTAdsidera]( [PR #1607]( Add Faker::Game with title, genre, and platform generators. [AATTconnorshea]( [PR #1603]( Add Faker::Internet.uuid [AATTianks]( [PR #1560]( Add Faker::Creature::Horse [AATTwndxlori]( [PR #1507]( Add CLI - Integrate fakerbot 🤖 [AATTakabiru]( [PR #1540]( Add sic_code to company #355 [AATTbruno-b-martins]( [PR #1537]( Adds the Faker::Sports::Basketball generator [AATTecbrodie]( [PR #1520]( Allow subdomains for Internet.domain_name [AATTcianooooo]( [#]## Update/add locales- [PR #1629]( Fix sintax error on game.yml file [AATTricardobsilva]( [PR #1627]( add more data for Faker::Games [AATTBlazingRockStorm]( [PR #1620]( Added Yuumi as a Champion [AATTeddorre]( [PR #1621]( Updated classes to match the changes that Blizzard rolled out late last year. Updated hero pool to add the latest two heroes added to the game. [AATTeddorre]( [PR #1602]( Remove white space, fix minor typos [AATTdarylf]( [PR #1595]( Fix accented French surnames [AATTSamy-Amar]( [PR #1585]( Add Meepo to Dota heroes and quotes [AATTjustinoue]( [PR #1594]( Changed Startrek to Stargate :) [AATTDefoncesko]( [PR #1591]( fix-chinese-city [AATTlocez]( [PR #1592]( Add coffee country for Japanese [AATTschmurfy]( [PR #1593]( removes duplicates in fr-CA and fr-CH [AATTschmurfy]( [PR #1587]( Add ancient god for Japanese [AATTyizknn]( [PR #1582]( Add fighters and DLC to Faker::Games::SuperSmashBros [AATTboardfish]( [PR #1583]( updates to RuPaul [AATTnotactuallypagemcconnell]( [PR #1581]( add latest list of phish tunes from that are by the band and not covers [AATTnotactuallypagemcconnell]( [PR #1573]( Fix data of music albums [AATTsankichi92]( [PR #1567]( Fix name_with_middle in Chinese locales [AATTrockymeza]( [PR #1564]( Update League of legends content [AATTmichebble]( [PR #1558]( remove misspelling of Japanese [AATTmichebble]( [PR #1554]( Extend list of cryptocurrencies [AATTkamilbielawski]( [PR #1552]( Fix subscription: Fix missing double quotes [AATTpsibi]( [PR #1551]( Yaml syntax for stargate.yml: Fix missing double quote [AATTpsibi]( [PR #1550]( Fix kpop - yaml syntax issue. Double quote is missing [AATTpsibi]( [PR #1545]( Remove trailing space from \"kangaroo \" & \"gnu \" translation in animals [AATTspikeheap]( [PR #1543]( Add pt-BR genders [AATTfladson](
* Sat Mar 02 2019 updated to version 1.9.3 see installed [#]## Bug/Fixes [#]## Chores [#]## Deprecation [#]## Documentation [#]## Feature Request [#]## Suggestion [#]## Update/add locales - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [#]# [v1.9.3]( (2019-02-12) [Full Changelog]( [#]## Bug/Fixes - [PR #1535]( Fix I18n bug [AATTvbrazo]( - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [#]# [v1.9.2]( (2019-02-11) [Full Changelog]( [#]## Bug/Fixes - [PR #1512]( Fix numerical part of Dutch postcode [AATTtilsammans]( - [PR #1477]( Fixed bank account length [AATTjguthrie100]( - [PR #1494]( Fix Faker::Internet.ip_v4_address to include all IP ranges [AATTlucasqueiroz]( - [PR #1456]( fix: omit . from slug [AATTivanoblomov]( - [PR #1436]( Fix regex and add magic string to pass rubocop check [AATTjakrzus]( - [PR #1425]( NHS: fix occasional bad numbers [AATTChaoticBoredom]( - [PR #1421]( Faker::Internet.user_name can\'t handle UTF-8 arguments [AATTivanoblomov]( - [PR #1423]( Add missing locale tests - Part II [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1389]( Load faker I18n using custom backend chaining [AATTpjohnmeyer]( - [PR #1384]( Quick number method bugfix [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1377]( Fallback translation without available locales enforcement [AATTdeivid-rodriguez]( - [PR #1368]( Don\'t force enforce_available_locales [AATTdeivid-rodriguez]( - [PR #1355]( Fix global clear of unique values for Faker::UniqueGenerator [AATTkolasss]( - [PR #1335]( Fix Company.luhn_algorithm and add missing tests [AATT01max]( - [PR #1334]( Faker::Number.leading_zero_number should always start with 0 [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1317]( Change Faker::Lorem.multibyte logic [AATTShabelnikM]( - [PR #527]( Fix time period test that could result in a flake test within 15 days [AATTmelonhead901]( - [PR #1310]( Add alias for middle_name and remove locale [AATTvbrazo]( [#]## Chores - [PR #1496]( Update yaml format in docs [AATTSpyMaster356]( - [PR #1508]( Changes before release [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1490]( Add missing Faker::HeroesOfTheStorm tests [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1457]( Add tests for new Faker::Internet.slug glue [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1434]( Add keyword argument to Faker::Games::Dota.quote [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1420]( Add Faker::JapaneseMedia namespace [AATTboardfish]( - [PR #1411]( Add several missing locales [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1403]( Faker::SouthPark => Faker::Movies::SouthPark [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1401]( Faker::GratefulDead => Faker::Movies::GratefulDead [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1362]( Faker::Types minor cleanup [AATTstephengroat]( - [PR #1347]( Remove launchy dependency [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1311]( Target Ruby 2.3 [AATTtagliala]( - [PR #372]( Add test_password_could_achieve_max_length [AATToleksii-ti]( [#]## Deprecation - [PR #1504]( Add Quotes namespace [AATTvbrazo]( - Deprecates `::FamousLastWords`, `::Matz`, `::MostInterestingManInTheWorld`, `::Robin`, `::Shakespeare`, `::SingularSiegler`, `::Yoda` - [PR #1503]( Add Books namespace [AATTvbrazo]( - Deprecates `::Dune`, `Lovecraft` - [PR #1480]( Add Music, Movies and TvShows namespaces [AATTvbrazo]( - Deprecates `::Hobbit`, `HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy`, `::HarryPotter`, `::RockBand`, `::MichaelScott`, `::RuPaul` - [PR #1481]( Add Blockchain namespace [AATTvbrazo]( - Deprecates `::Bitcoin`, `::Ethereum`, `::Tezos` - [PR #1471]( Add music and movies namespace [AATTvbrazo]( - Deprecates `::BackToTheFuture`, `::Lebowski`, `::LordOfTheRings`, `::PrincessBride`, `::StarWars`, `::UmphreysMcgee`, `::VForVendetta` - [PR #1469]( Deprecate Faker::Hobbit and reorganize unreleased docs and tests [AATTvbrazo]( - Deprecates `::Hobbit` - [PR #1431]( Add Faker::TvShows namespace [AATTSpyMaster356]( - Deprecates `::AquaTeenHungerForce`, `::BojackHorseman`, `::BreakingBad`, `::Buffy`, `::Community`, `::DrWho`, `::DumbAndDumber`, `::FamilyGuy`, `::Friends`, `::GameOfThrones`, `::HeyArnold`, `::HowIMetYourMother`, `::NewGirl`, `::ParksAndRec`, `::RickAndMorty`, `::Seinfeld`, `::SiliconValley`, `::Simpsons`, `::SouthPark`, `::StarTrek`, `::Stargate`, `::StrangerThings`, `::TheFreshPrinceOfBelAir`, `::TheITCrowd`, `::TheThickOfIt`, `::TwinPeaks`, `::VentureBros` - [PR #1412]( Add Faker::Games namespace [AATTChaoticBoredom]( - Deprecates `::Dota`, `::ElderScrolls`, `::Fallout`, `::LeagueOfLegends`, `::Myst`, `::Overwatch`, `::Pokemon`, `::Witcher`, `::WorldOfWarcraft` and `::Zelda` - [PR #1424]( Add Faker::Creature namespace [AATTChaoticBoredom]( - Deprecates `::Cat` and `::Dog` - [PR #1420]( Add Faker::JapaneseMedia namespace [AATTboardfish]( - Deprecates `::DragonBall`, `::OnePiece` and `::SwordArtOnline` - [PR #803]( Modify Faker::Educator, Fix #576 [AATTghbooth12]( [#]## Documentation - [PR #1513]( Fix typo in Faker::Code documentation [AATTiox]( - [PR #1497]( add TV Shows to table of contents [AATTSpyMaster356]( - [PR #1488]( Fix unreleased docs [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1462]( Fix documentation on Faker::Avatar [AATTmrstebo]( - [PR #1445]( Separate unreleased and latest version [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1243]( Add image file method to placeholdit [AATTnicolas-brousse]( - [PR #1419]( Update [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1414]( Fixing spelling mistake in Docs for Vehicle [AATTsnoozins]( - [PR #1408]( Add Verbs example to README [AATTmatheusteixeira]( - [PR #1380]( Update year in License.txt [AATTdnamsons]( - [PR #1364]( Update readme for Faker::Code to fix typo [AATTmatt297]( - [PR #1360]( added sushi and sorted by word [AATTyizknn]( - [PR #1357]( Fix South Africa documentation [AATTbradleymarques]( - [PR #1354]( Update docs for Lorem [AATTsoftwaregravy]( - [PR #1353]( Update documentation for Faker::Number [AATTsoftwaregravy]( - [PR #1329]( Update docs on behavior of price [AATTsoftwaregravy]( [#]## Feature Request - [PR #1493]( Add Faker::Books::CultureSeries [AATTrichardbulger]( - [PR #1489]( Format brazilian_company_number and brazilian_citizen_number [AATTjpkarvonen]( - [PR #1487]( Add Faker::TvShows::TheExpanse [AATTjpkarvonen]( - [PR #1475]( Adds Faker::Nation.flag [AATTJonathanWThom]( - [PR #1387]( Add Faker::Music::Phish [AATTnbolser]( - [PR #1430]( Adding Faker::Company.brazilian_company_number [AATTgabteles]( - [PR #1449]( Add Faker::Coin [AATTjerryskye]( - [PR #1466]( Add Faker::Address.country_name_to_code(name: \'united_states\') [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1465]( Add nil) [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1460]( Add Faker::Marketing [AATTsusiirwin]( - [PR #1451]( Add first name \'Simão\' and title prefix to \'Eng.\' [AATTjellyfunk]( - [PR #1433]( Add Faker::DrivingLicence [AATTjellyfunk]( - [PR #1440]( Add Faker::Subscription [AATTfabersky]( - [PR #1438]( Add Faker::Football.position [AATTfblupi]( - [PR #1426]( Add Faker::PhoneNumber.country_code [AATTAmrAdelKhalil]( - [PR #1427]( Add Faker::Games::SuperSmashBros [AATTboardfish]( - [PR #1410]( Add Faker::Vehicle.singapore_license_plate [AATTanonoz]( - [PR #1422]( Add Faker::Games::SonicTheHedgehog [AATTboardfish]( - [PR #1413]( Add Faker::Games::Heroes [AATTtangens]( - [PR #1409]( Add DC Comics titles [AATTmatheusteixeira]( - [PR #1400]( Add Faker::Movies::Ghostbusters [AATTeddorre]( - [PR #1399]( Add Faker::Games::HeroesOfTheStorm [AATTillsism]( - [PR #1396]( Add Faker::Creature::Animal [AATTmolbrown]( - [PR #1382]( Adding Faker::IDNumber.brazilian_citizen_number [AATTbschettino]( - [PR #1062]( Markdown exclude method [AATTrussellschmidt]( - [PR #1381]( Add Faker::Games::HalfLife [AATTjthomp]( - [PR #1374]( Add Faker::Beer.brand [AATTthalesap]( - [PR #1302]( Add Faker::Alphanumeric [AATTmtancoigne]( - [PR #1156]( Add Faker::Json [AATTthe-wendell]( - [PR #1359]( Add Faker::Tezos [AATTPierre-Michard]( - [PR #1366]( Add [AATTdsgraham]( - [PR #1358]( Add cat breed for Japanese [AATTyizknn]( - [PR #1365]( Add Faker::Number.within [AATTQuantumWaver]( - [PR #1336]( Implements and tests South African business registration numbers [AATTbradleymarques]( - [PR #1346]( Add Faker::Relationship [AATTQuantumWaver]( - [PR #1348]( Add Faker::Finance.vat_number [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1342]( Added Faker::CryptoCoin scope [AATTjacksonpires]( - [PR #1338]( Add new translations to the en-ZA locale [AATTbradleymarques]( - [PR #1341]( Add Faker::Construction [AATTbenwyrosdick]( - [PR #1130]( Faker::Vehicle API updates [AATTlucasqueiroz]( - [PR #1324]( Add Faker::SouthAfrica [AATTbradleymarques]( - [PR #1319]( Added Faker::DC Comics [AATTJoelLindow]( - [PR #1320]( Add Faker::Buffy [AATTinveterateliterate]( - [PR #1148]( Adding Industry Segments Class [AATTcdesch]( - [PR #893]( Add Faker::ChileRut [AATToxfist]( - [PR #1315]( Add Faker::GratefulDead [AATTwileybaba]( - [PR #1314]( Add Faker::SouthPark [AATTsaurabhudaniya200]( - [PR #1313]( Add Faker::Restaurant [AATTdwhitlow]( - [PR #1307]( Add \"exclude\" method to UniqueGenerator [AATTmtancoigne]( - [PR #1115]( Add Faker::Cosmere [AATTJauntyJames]( - [PR #801]( Add Faker::NHS - Support for the British National Health Service [AATTsubstrakt-health]( [#]## Suggestion - [PR #1246]( Store list of generators with enabled uniqueness for faster clear [AATTMarcPer]( [#]## Update/add locales - [PR #1514]( Distinguish between \'brand\' and \'name\' [AATTiwaim]( - [PR #1509]( Fix Faker::Address.country_by_code [AATTIlyasValiullov]( - [PR #1492]( Fix abbreviation for Osten [AATTsonOfRa]( - [PR #1499]( Adds some items on pt-BR locales seniority and education levels. And removes duplicated items from cities list. [AATTramonlg]( - [PR #1501]( fix asajj_ventress alternate name [AATTethan-dowler]( - [PR #1502]( Add support for Armenian language [AATThovikman]( - [PR #1486]( Added some professions in company.yml [AATTReneIvanov]( - [PR #1474]( Fr format and translation [AATTmaxime-lenne]( - [PR #1468]( Update \"Black Pink\" to \"Blackpink\" [AATTagungyuliaji]( - [PR #1464]( Add dog breed for Japanese [AATTyizknn]( - [PR #1461]( Add Orphea to heroes of the storm locale file. [AATTeddorre]( - [PR #1458]( Update Faker::DragonBall.characters locales [AATTJoaoHenriqueVale]( - [PR #1450]( Update device list and serial codes [AATTraresabr]( - [PR #1443]( Add new array of cities from brazil [AATTWilliamCSA04]( - [PR #1447]( Add Maroon 5 and Paramore to music [AATTJcambass]( - [PR #1446]( fix: Remove deplicate \'color\' from ja.yml [AATTyizknn]( - [PR #1441]( Add Faker::Job pt-BR locales [AATTwellingtongvs]( - [PR #1428]( Add [AATTboardfish]( - [PR #1415]( Add new Overwatch items [AATTlucasqueiroz]( - [PR #1407]( Add more data for Faker::Friends [AATTJIntrocaso]( - [PR #1402]( Update heroes_of_the_storm.yml [AATTeddorre]( - [PR #1398]( Fix female_first_name and male_first_name [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1395]( Add middle_name to other locales [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1394]( Add name_with_middle - es locale and missing tests [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1393]( Add missing pt-BR methods and locale tests [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1392]( Add missing locales/methods for Faker::Name pt-BR [AATTheitorado]( - [PR #1391]( Add state abbr for Sergipe and Tocatins [AATTVSPPedro]( - [PR #1390]( Add more Dutch names [AATTEhsanZ]( - [PR #1386]( Add locale file for Arabic language and test it [AATTEhsanZ]( - [PR #1385]( Updated license plate by state for Brazil [AATTedgardmessias]( - [PR #1373]( 📝 Correct some minor spelling errors [AATTmermop]( - [PR #1372]( Add space planet and galaxy for Japanese [AATTyizknn]( - [PR #1370]( Add missed comma [AATT7up4]( - [PR #1352]( Add Japanese Food Sushi for Japanese and English [AATTyizknn]( - [PR #1343]( Update cell phone format to be phonelib compatible for Vietnam locale [AATTLooooong]( - [PR #1340]( Fix typos and additions for Faker::Esport [AATTMayurifag]( - [PR #1332]( Fix typo in buffy.big_bads [AATTtragiclifestories]( - [PR #1327]( fixed 2 quotes [AATTMinimumViablePerson]( - [PR #1316]( Add more dishes to the menu [AATTbjacquet]( - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Wed Jul 11 2018 updated to version 1.9.1 see installed [#]# HEAD Unreleased [#]# [v1.9.1]( (2018-07-11) [Full Changelog]( [#]## Feature Request - [PR #1308]( Add Faker::BojackHorseman [AATTsaurabhudaniya200]( - [PR #1292]( Add Faker::Bank - account_number and routing_number [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1300]( Add Faker::GreekPhilosophers [AATT15ngburton]( - [PR #1004]( Add Faker::Ethereum [AATTkaizenx]( - [PR #551]( Add gender to name generator [AATTMaicolben]( - [PR #1283]( Add Faker::Military [AATTjjasghar]( - [PR #1279]( Add Faker::HarryPotter.spell [AATTA9u]( - [PR #799]( Faker::ElectricalComponents [AATTbheim6]( - [PR #1050]( Add Faker::Invoice to generate valid bank slip references [AATTonnimonni]( - [PR #817]( Faker::Lorem.multibyte for multibyte chars [AATTfrankywahl]( - [PR #877]( Add Canada SIN generator in Faker::Code [AATTgkunwar]( - [PR #1268]( Add Faker::Nation.national_sport [AATTgkunwar]( - [PR #1273]( Add Faker::Device [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1272]( Add [AATTtimcustard]( - [PR #1270]( Add Faker::Name.middle_name [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1266]( Add Faker::Science.element_symbol [AATTtimcustard]( - [PR #1101]( Add Faker::Company.czech_organisation_number [AATTjindrichskupa]( - [PR #1265]( Add Faker::WorldCup [AATTsnayrouz]( - [PR #1141]( Add Faker::Coffee.intensifier [AATToyeanuj]( - [PR #1260]( Add Faker::Auto features to Faker::Vehicle [AATTmrstebo]( - [PR #1259]( Add the ability to add separators to emails. [AATTaamarill]( - [PR #1064]( Add Faker::Markdown.sandwich [AATTrussellschmidt]( - [PR #1222]( Add paragraph_by_chars functionality [AATTjguthrie100]( - [PR #1107]( Add tokens to Faker::Stripe [AATTwecohere]( - [PR #1258]( Remove simplecov-console and add coverage_report rake task [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1247]( Generate capital city of random Nation [AATTgkunwar]( - [PR #1250]( House appliances [AATTrafaelcpalmeida]( - [PR #1239]( Update Faker::Food to separate out Fruits and Veggies [AATTsusiirwin]( - [PR #1221]( Updated the Readme file with the new logo [AATTtobaloidee]( - [PR #1109]( Added Princess Bride [AATTjayphodges]( - [PR #987]( Add Faker::Cannabis class [AATTGhostGroup]( - [PR #1199]( Add Faker::StrangerThings [AATTConnerh92]( - [PR #1129]( Added SingularSiegler quotes [AATTsplashinn]( - [PR #1235]( Added Faker::Community [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1144]( Added polish_register_of_national_economy and polish_taxpayer_identification_number [AATTrafalpetryka]( - [PR #1201]( Adding Currency Symbol to Faker [AATTSaimonL]( - [PR #1230]( Add Faker::SwordArtOnline [AATTlnchambers]( - [PR #792]( Add Faker::FamousLastWords [AATTsusiirwin]( - [PR #1174]( Dota API: Str Heroes, heroes quotes, Items, Teams, Players [AATTfelipesousafs]( - [PR #1220]( Updates for Faker::Myst [AATTSpyMaster356]( - [PR #1218]( Add Faker::Myst [AATTSpyMaster356]( - [PR #818]( LoremFlickr support [AATTmrstebo]( - [PR #1192]( Space: Added space launch vehicule [AATTgauth-ier]( - [PR #1211]( Add bands, genres, and albums to Music [AATTjmkoni]( - [PR #1215]( Added Nato Phonetic Alphabet [AATTtimcustard]( - [PR #1209]( Add Faker::Source [AATTgraciano]( - [PR #1147]( Add Spanish citizen id and docs [AATTPuZZleDucK]( - [PR #1189]( Add Faker::Football [AATTAlexGascon]( - [PR #1202]( adds both inclusive and binary gender option [AATTjmkoni]( - [PR #1193]( Add Faker::MichaelScott API [AATTsnayrouz]( - [PR #1179]( Random color with Placeholdit [AATTnicolas-brousse]( - [PR #1190]( Add Nation object, its specs and docs [AATTgkunwar]( - [PR #1210]( Add coveralls [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #924]( Rubocop + fixes [AATTstephengroat]( - [PR #900]( Add Japanese lorem words to locale [AATTvietqhoang]( [#]## Update/add locales - [PR #1297]( Faker::WorldCup updates [AATTJoaoHenriqueVale]( - [PR #616]( add german commerce translations [AATTweh]( - [PR #1281]( Some competitions were in the coaches array [AATTEusebiotrigo]( - [PR #1103]( Fix inconsistent capitalization in dishes, ingredients and spices, and some other small issues under \'food\' [AATTevrimfeyyaz]( - [PR #1262]( Add fr_CH locale [AATTelentras]( - [PR #1261]( Add fr_CA locale [AATTelentras]( - [PR #1275]( Fix typo; RedWine should be two words [AATTjohnmuhl]( - [PR #1269]( Update locales [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1140]( Add Estonian and Latvian locales [AATTmaciej-szlosarczyk]( - [PR #1249]( Update list of name prefixes for sv locale. [kamilbielawski]( - [PR #1228]( Added Japanese color to yml [AATTkatao]( - [PR #1106]( Adds turkish phone number formats [AATTzasman]( - [PR #794]( Adding country code + minor locale updates [AATTvveliev]( - [PR #439]( Remove Eichmann surname [AATTjonahwh]( - [PR #1203]( Finnish locale has 50 most common male, female, and last names [AATTGlenf]( - [PR #1183]( Correct the spelling of Gringotts [AATTrhoen]( - [PR #1236]( Updates dessert faker [AATTsusiirwin]( - [PR #1229]( sv.yml: Typos [AATTolleolleolle]( - [PR #1108]( Update Faker::Dessert [AATTnatalietate]( - [PR #1122]( Fix formatting for Brazilian phone and cell phone numbers [AATTlucasqueiroz]( - [PR #1138]( Update locales - Faker::Overwatch [AATTtanner0101]( - [PR #1117]( Added Ukrainian entries to yml [AATTRomanIsko]( [#]## Bug/Fixes - [PR #1305]( Fix YAML syntax - single quote escape (on vehicle.yml) [AATTYumaInaura]( - [PR #1196]( Fix PhoneNumber in es-MX [AATTdrewish]( - [PR #1133]( Fix I18n 0.9.3 compatibility [AATTtagliala]( - [PR #1292]( Fix flexible keys crashing when current locale does not provide them [AATTdeivid-rodriguez]( - [PR #1274]( Allow Faker::Address.zip_code to have leading zero [AATTigor-starostenko]( - [PR #1241]( Add missing tests reported by SimpleCov [AATTaamarill]( - [PR #1240]( Add some tests [AATTaamarill]( - [PR #1238]( pluralized file to match link name in the readme [AATTConnerh92]( - [PR #1232]( Fix file permissions [AATTtagliala]( - [PR #1205]( Show the type of field that violated a uniqueness constraint [AATTAndrewRayCode]( - [PR #1227]( Update RuboCop to 0.56.0 [AATTtagliala]( - [PR #1225]( Test against latest Ruby versions [AATTtagliala]( - [PR #1134]( Test against latest Ruby versions [AATTtagliala]( - [PR #1223]( Fix minitest warnings [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1198]( Rename methods on Faker::Types to avoid shadowing ruby standard methods [AATTMarcPer]( - [PR #1142]( Missing i18n jobs fix [AATTPuZZleDucK]( - [PR #1213]( Add missing tests after adding Coveralls [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1212]( Coveralls should ignore test folder [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1181]( Fix: Moved the Google Omniauth key id_info from root into extra [AATTSirRawlins]( - [PR #1207]( use default rake task [AATTstephengroat]( - [PR #1136]( Modify Faker::Internet.slug [AATTphilduffen]( - [PR #1170]( First_name and last_name should use the parse method - :ru locale [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1197]( Fixes NL postcode [AATTJonathanWThom]( - [PR #1172]( Fix Fixnum reference warning [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1173]( Fix tests warning [AATTvbrazo]( [#]## Chores - [PR #1304]( Fix Faker::Source ruby language examples [AATTYumaInaura]( - [PR #1306]( Rename Internet#user_name to #username [AATTtylerhunt]( - [PR #1293]( Update RuboCop to 0.57.2 [AATTtagliala]( - [PR #1294]( Simpler requiring of test helper [AATTdeivid-rodriguez]( - [PR #1288]( rake console changes - description and [AATTMarcPer]( - [PR #719]( Random words to add should be 0 [AATTswapsCAPS]( [#]## Documentation - [PR #1121]( Better docs for Faker::Food.description [AATTjujulisan]( - [PR #1257]( Fix method name in Faker::SingularSiegler [AATTmrstebo]( - [PR #1256]( Fixing documentation - Faker::Name to Faker::Zelda [AATTmrstebo]( - [PR #1254]( Added missing documentation. [AATTmrstebo]( - [PR #1252]( Add missing documentation - Faker::Address to Faker::Myst [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1248]( Remove duplications from [AATTvrinek]( - [PR #1146]( Update company docs [AATTPuZZleDucK]( - [PR #974]( Specify version number each class was introduced [AATTdarylf]( - [PR #1128]( Use ruby syntax highlighting in Omniauth doc [AATTswrobel]( - [PR #1204]( Update sample output of `Faker::App.version` [AATTjoshuapinter]( - [PR #1135]( Added documentation for dumb and dumber [AATTcnharris10]( - [PR #1177]( Update Faker::Number.between docs [AATTSpyMaster356]( - [PR #1124]( Fix ranges for Brazilian zip codes [AATTlucasqueiroz]( - New collaborator - Vitor Oliveira [AATTvbrazo]( [#]## Deprecation - [PR #1264]( Prepare Faker::Name.job_titles and Faker::Name.title for deprecation - Removing these methods as they are available in `Faker::Job`
* Tue Jan 02 2018 Updated to version 1.8.7 Additions Faker::Company.type Faker::Job.education_level and Faker::Job.employment_type More characters and quotes for Seinfeld Fixes Revert a change in 1.8.5 that caused Star Wars methods to return a single string rather than an array (#1093)
* Fri Dec 22 2017 Updated to version 1.8.6 From the changelog: Additions Faker::App.semantic_version Faker::Types New methods in Faker::StarWars: call_squadron, call_sign, call_number Other changes Changed i18n depedency from ~> 0.9.1 to >= 0.7
* Thu Dec 14 2017 updated to version 1.8.5 see installed
* Thu Aug 03 2017 updated to version 1.8.4 see installed
* Sun Feb 05 2017 updated to version 1.7.3 see installed [#]# [v1.7.3]( (2017-02-04) [Full Changelog](
*Closed issues:
* - Creates invalid UK postcodes [\\#790]( - remove first name Adolf [\\#788]( - Config for adding format restriction. [\\#695]( - How to avoid special characters in faker string field [\\#615]( - Add Demographic Data [\\#585]( - OmniAuth ready responses [\\#507]( - US Zip Codes Sometimes Returns Non-Actual Zip Codes [\\#275](
*Merged pull requests:
* - Harry Potter [\\#820]( ([jaclynjessup]( - Update readme [\\#819]( ([ktrant84]( - en.yml: Typo Golum -\\> Gollum [\\#816]( ([jtibbertsma]( - Add Faker::Twitter [\\#815]( ([abraham]( - Fixed Validity of UK postcodes [\\#814]( ([darkstego]( - Fixed russian locale [\\#813]( ([fobo66]( - Allow unique values to be cleared [\\#810]( ([dslh]( - Friends info [\\#808]( ([ktrant84]( - Update [\\#805]( ([Frylock13]( - adds Zelda [\\#800]( ([audy]( - Remove the word \'fap\' [\\#798]( ([probablycorey]( - en.yml: fix typo in demographic race [\\#797]( ([PascalSchumacher]( - Adds Faker::Demographic [\\#796]( ([baron816]( - Typofix: nfinite -\\> Infinite [\\#795]( ([mgold]( - Update output for zip functions [\\#787]( ([yovasx2]( - doc fix [\\#786]( ([ieldanr]( - Refactors code in some Faker basic classes [\\#785]( ([tiagofsilva](
* Sat Jan 14 2017 updated to version 1.7.2 see installed [#]# [v1.7.2]( (2017-01-03) [Full Changelog](
*Closed issues:
* - Faker::Avatar error: read server certificate B: certificate verify failed [\\#763]( - assert\\(/.+AATT\\[^.\\].+\\.\\w+/\\) fails randomly [\\#737]( - Incorrect HSL color format [\\#728]( - Can we add the \\#Hacktoberfest label for pull requests this month [\\#717]( - Faker::Boolean.boolean error [\\#714]( - Faker::Food not found [\\#688]( - Fix seed for random values [\\#684]( - README alphabetical order of Usage [\\#660]( - At which point do we break off functionality? [\\#653]( - Time zone abbreviation [\\#631]( - ruby 2.3.1 rails 5 [\\#627]( - Faker::Time::between doesn\'t respect requested period [\\#526](
*Merged pull requests:
* - IPv4: private and reserved [\\#784]( ([randoum]( - Update bank method [\\#783]( ([swapnilchincholkar]( - Refactors code in some base classes [\\#782]( ([tiagofsilva]( - Refactors code in some base classes [\\#781]( ([tiagofsilva]( - Refute blank [\\#707]( ([SherSpock]( [#]# [v1.7.1]( (2016-12-25) [Full Changelog](
*Closed issues:
* - Getting \"Segmentation fault: 11\" when I upgrade last 3 repos to faker 1.7.0 [\\#780]( - New release? [\\#767](
*Merged pull requests:
* - Added Faker::Fillmurray hotlink to usages list [\\#779]( ([Jedeu](
* Sun Dec 25 2016 updated to version 1.7.0 History.txt removed upstream
* Tue Jul 26 2016 updated to version 1.6.6 see installed History.txt == 1.6.6 2016-07-25
* Added Faker::GameOfThrones, Faker::Pokemon
* Fixes for, Faker::Hacker.say_something_smart
* Sun Jul 10 2016 updated to version 1.6.5 see installed History.txt == 1.6.5 2016-07-08
* Removed
* Thu Jul 07 2016 updated to version 1.6.4 see installed History.txt == 1.6.4 2016-07-06
* Removed support for Ruby 1.9.3
* Added Faker::ChuckNorris, Faker::Crypto, Faker::Educator, Faker::File, Faker::Music, Faker::Space, Faker::Vehicle, and Faker::Yoda
* Fixed bug with credit card types
* DST fixes in Faker::Time
* Added Faker::Name.name_with_middle
* Added Faker::Code.imei
* Added Faker::Code.asin
* Added Faker::Lorem.question and Faker::Lorem.questions
* Added Faker::Internet.private_ip_v4_address
* Added Faker::Company.australian_business_number
* Other miscellaneous fixes and locale updates
* Wed Mar 02 2016 updated to version 1.6.3 see installed History.txt == 1.6.3 2016-02-23
* Fix for UTF problem in Ruby 1.9.3
* Fix for Faker::StarWars.character
* Updated sv locale
* Sun Feb 21 2016 updated to version 1.6.2 see installed History.txt == 1.6.2 2016-02-20
* Fix for locale-switching (Russian email addresses)
* Added Faker::Beer, Faker::Boolean, Faker::Cat, Faker::StarWars, and Faker::Superhero
* Added Faker::Color.color_name
* Added Faker::Date.between_except
* Fixed Faker::Internet.ip_v4_cidr and Faker::Internet.ip_v6_cidr
* Added locales: ca, ca-CAT, da-DK, fi-FI, and pt
* Tue Nov 24 2015 updated to version 1.6.1 see installed History.txt == 1.6.1 2015-11-23
* Fix for locale issues in tests == 1.6.0 2015-11-23
* Lots of bug fixes -- most notably, a fix for email addresses and domains in non-en locales
* Updated locales: de, en-AU, en-NZ, en-SG, en-US, en-au-ocker, en, es, fr, he, it, ja, nb-NO, pl, pt-BR, sk, and zh-CN
* Updated classes: Address, Avatar, Book, Code, Commerce, Company, Hipster, IDNumber, Internet, Number, Placeholdit, Shakespeare, and Time
* Tue Aug 18 2015 updated to version 1.5.0 see installed History.txt == 1.5.0 2015-08-17
* Added logos
* Added Slack Emoji
* Updated image generators
* Updated Dutch Locale
* Added support for generating RGB values, HSL colors, alpha channel, and HSLA colors
* Added locale for Uganda
* Added basic Ukrainian support
* Added university name generator
* Updated documentation
* Updated a variety of locales
* Various fixes
* Wed Oct 15 2014 updated to version 1.4.3
* Updated Russian locale
* Added EIN generator
* Fixed Swedish locale
* Added birthday to Faker::Date
* Added Faker::App == 1.4.2 2014-07-15
* Added Swedish locale
* README update == 1.4.1 2014-07-04
* Bugfix and cleanup == 1.4.0 2014-07-03
* Many enhancements and bugfixes