Changelog for ruby3.1-rubygem-concurrent-ruby-1.3.3-45.4.x86_64.rpm :

* Fri Jun 21 2024 Dan Čermák - ## Release v1.3.3 (9 June 2024)
* (#1053) Improve the speed of `Concurrent.physical_processor_count` on Windows. [#]# Release v1.3.2, edge v0.7.1 (7 June 2024) concurrent-ruby:
* (#1051) Remove dependency on `win32ole`. concurrent-ruby-edge:
* (#1052) Fix dependency on `concurrent-ruby` to allow the latest release. [#]# Release v1.3.1 (29 May 2024)
* Release 1.3.0 was broken when pushed to RubyGems. 1.3.1 is a packaging fix. [#]# Release v1.3.0 (28 May 2024)
* (#1042) Align Java Executor Service behavior for `shuttingdown?`, `shutdown?`
* (#1038) Add `Concurrent.available_processor_count` that is cgroups aware.
* Mon Jan 29 2024 Dan Čermák - ## Release v1.2.3 (16 Jan 2024)
* See [the GitHub release]( for details.
* Thu Nov 02 2023 Dan Čermák - 1.2.2: concurrent-ruby 1.2.2:
* (#993) Fix arguments passed to `Concurrent::Map`\'s `default_proc`. 1.2.1: concurrent-ruby 1.2.1:
* (#990) Add missing `require \'fiber\'` for `FiberLocalVar`.
* (#989) Optimize `Concurrent::Map#[]` on CRuby by letting the backing Hash handle the `default_proc`.
* Sun May 15 2022 Manuel Schnitzer - updated to version 1.1.10
* (#951) Set the Ruby compatibility version at 2.2
* (#939, #933) The `caller_runs` fallback policy no longer blocks reads from the job queue by worker threads
* (#938, #761, #652) You can now explicitly `prune_pool` a thread pool (Sylvain Joyeux)
* (#937, #757, #670) We switched the Yahoo stock API for demos to Alpha Vantage (Gustavo Caso)
* (#932, #931) We changed how `SafeTaskExecutor` handles local jump errors (Aaron Jensen)
* (#927) You can use keyword arguments in your initialize when using `Async` (Matt Larraz)
* (#926, #639) We removed timeout from `TimerTask` because it wasn\'t sound, and now it\'s a no-op with a warning (Jacob Atzen)
* (#919) If you double-lock a re-entrant read-write lock, we promote to locked for writing (zp yuan)
* (#915) `monotonic_time` now accepts an optional unit parameter, as Ruby\'s `clock_gettime` (Jean Boussier)
* Thu Jun 24 2021 Stephan Kulow updated to version 1.1.9 see installed [#]# Release v1.1.9 (5 Jun 2021) concurrent-ruby:
* (#866) Child promise state not set to :pending immediately after #execute when parent has completed
* (#905, #872) Fix RubyNonConcurrentPriorityQueue#delete method
* (2df0337d) Make sure locks are not shared on shared when objects are dup/cloned
* (#900, #906, #796, #847, #911) Fix Concurrent::Set tread-safety issues on CRuby
* (#907) Add new ConcurrentMap backend for TruffleRuby
* Wed Jan 20 2021 Stephan Kulow updated to version 1.1.8 see installed [#]# Release v1.1.8 (20 January 2021)
* (#885) Fix race condition in TVar for stale reads
* (#884) RubyThreadLocalVar: Do not iterate over hash which might conflict with new pair addition
* Sat Aug 22 2020 Manuel Schnitzer - updated to version 1.1.7
* Update rake-compiler-dock to add 2.7 build
* Tue Mar 03 2020 Manuel Schnitzer - updated to version 1.1.6 [#]# Release v1.1.6, edge v0.6.0 (10 Feb 2020) concurrent-ruby:
* (#841) Concurrent.disable_at_exit_handlers! is no longer needed and was deprecated.
* (#841) AbstractExecutorService#auto_terminate= was deprecated and has no effect. Set :auto_terminate option instead when executor is initialized. [#]# Release v1.1.6.pre1, edge v0.6.0.pre1 (26 Jan 2020) concurrent-ruby:
* (#828) Allow to name executors, the name is also used to name their threads
* (#838) Implement #dup and #clone for structs
* (#821) Safer finalizers for thread local variables
* Documentation fixes
* (#814) Use Ruby\'s Etc.nprocessors if available
* (#812) Fix directory structure not to mess with packaging tools
* (#840) Fix termination of pools on JRuby concurrent-ruby-edge:
* Add WrappingExecutor (#830)
* Thu Mar 14 2019 Stephan Kulow - updated to version 1.1.5 see installed [#]# Release v1.1.5, edge v0.5.0 (10 mar 2019) concurrent-ruby:
* fix potential leak of context on JRuby and Java 7 concurrent-ruby-edge:
* Add finalized Concurrent::Cancellation
* Add finalized Concurrent::Throttle
* Add finalized Concurrent::Promises::Channel
* Add new Concurrent::ErlangActor
* Wed Dec 19 2018 Stephan Kulow - updated to version 1.1.4 see installed [#]# Release v1.1.4 (14 Dec 2018)
* (#780) Remove java_alias of \'submit\' method of Runnable to let executor service work on java 11
* (#776) Fix NameError on defining a struct with a name which is already taken in an ancestor