Changelog for qt-fsarchiver-1.8.7_0-6.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Sat Jan 21 2023 ecsos - Update to 1.8.6-1 - minor fixes.- Update to 1.8.6-0 - qt-fsarchiver and qt-fsarchiver-terminal were merged into one program. - minor improvements and minor fixes.- Update to 0.8.6-10 - bugfix in the area of cloning/image writing. - minor improvements.- Update to 0.8.6-9 - When writing or restoring a partition, the execution command is recorded in the background. - Under Actions>Order a selected task can be executed without any further input. - When selecting a job, there is no need to select the existing partition, to select the backup directory and to specify the backup file name - and the definition of the backup file name. - All in all a considerable simplification of the operation. - Under Actions>Edit Order List the order list can be edited and existing backup files can be deleted.- Update to 0.8.6-8 - Troubleshooting when writing an image of a disk.- Add qt-fsarchiver-xattr.patch to fix Tumbleweed build error.
* Sat Jan 21 2023 ecsos - Update to - Unintentional closing of the main menu can be prevented by security prompt. - Error correction when backing up and restoring directories. - qt-fsarchiver-terminal must be updated to version 0.8.6-7. - Update is included in the deb and rpm packages and in the launchpad repository.- Update to 0.8.6-6 - Hint file is created when creating an image of a partition.. - Correction of the uninstall program.- Update to 0.8.6-5 - Password for encrypted archive must be entered twice. - variable handling of $HOME. - small optical corrections.- Update to 0.8.6-4 - Important correction for stability and safety- Update to 0.8.6-3 - Corrections in the Liesmich and Readme file. - Translations were partially completed. - Minor improvements and bug fixes. - Fixed incorrect detection of system or home partitions during Live DVD.- Update to 0.8.6-1 und qt-fsarchiver-0.8.6-2 wurden nicht veröffentlicht- Update to 0.8.6-0 - Add support for EXT4 fast_commit feature (Marcos Mello) - Add support for XFS features inobtcount and bigtime (Marcos Mello) - Fix handling of compression options on the command line (Marcos Mello) - Specify device as the last argument in mkfs calls (Marcos Mello) - Save/restore MBR/GPT improvements- Update to 0.8.5-22 - drop /usr/sbin/{findsmb-qt,ccguess,de} from tarball - use standard findsmb directly instead of findsmb-qt - drop use-system-ccrypt.patch (now upstream use /usr/bin/ccrypt) - update translations - Bugfix when writing back the hidden area in MBR.- Update to 0.8.5-21 - Backup of the gpt partition table is checked.- Update to 0.8.5-20 - corrected korean translation. - Error correction: Progress bar when cloning a hard disk or partition with dd again active.- Update to 0.8.5-18 - Error correction: MBR and GPT are saved and written back correctly.- Update to 0.8.5-16 - Partitions with LVM and raid are no longer displayed twice. - Small corrections. - Hungarian translation completed.- Update to 0.8.5-15 - Root password is now encrypted and can no longer be read from RAM. - Root password is checked for correctness. Note on terminating the program if the password is incorrect.- Update to 0.8.5-14 - A password is no longer required in the live DVD. - In the basic settings you can choose whether the root password is displayed or not. - An empty password is detected and a message is displayed.- Update to 0.8.5-12 - International language is recognized at startup. - Lithuanian translation completed.- Drop archinfo.patch because now in upstream.
* Fri Nov 01 2019 Update to qt-fsarchiver and qt-fsarchiver-terminal to 0.8.5-11.
* Tue Jun 25 2019>- qt-fsarchiver 0.8.5-10.- Initial RPM package for openSUSE.