Changelog for libfltk1-1.3.4-3.25.x86_64.rpm :

* Mon Jan 29 2018 added xcursor dependency [bsc#1077881]
* Tue Jul 25 2017 Trim description, drop TM/R marks according to guidelines.
* Mon Jul 17 2017 Drop patch fltk-1.3.2-do_not_add_unneeded_extra_dependencies.patch as upstream closed the ticked stating it is wrong- Add patch fltk-1.3.4-fltk_config.patch
* Thu Feb 09 2017 Explicitly package %{_docdir}/fltk-devel in order to fix build with RPM 4.13.0.
* Mon Nov 21 2016 updated to 1.3.4: see CHANGES- remove fltk-1.3.3-do-not-use-internal-ABI.patch (upstreamed)
* Mon Jan 26 2015 Add fltk-1.3.3-do-not-use-internal-ABI.patch: do not use internal function Fl_XFont_On_Demand::value(), which changes ABI based on the configuration. Add a fl_core_font() getter for the same.
* Tue Jan 13 2015 Update to version 1.3.3 +Very much changes; please have a look on CHANGES file- Remove fltk-1.3.2-underlinking.patch; merged upstream
* Sat Oct 25 2014 Correct -devel package dependencies
* /usr/include/FL/x
*.H needs x11 headers
* /usr/include/FL/gl
*.H needs gl headers.
* Tue Mar 05 2013 added a fltk-devel-static subpackage to transport libfltk
*.a as needed by Documentation:Tools/flpsed.
* Fri Jan 25 2013 by previous change, files of fltk maint package was moved to fltk-devel, keeping fltk empty; thus:
* libfltk1 obsoletes fltk
* fltk-devel provides fltk
* Thu Jan 10 2013 updated to 1.3.2: - Removed unnecessary drawing calls (STR #2898) - Fixed regression in FLTK 1.3.1 for unbundled Mac OS FLTK applications that did not appear in dock nor have a menu bar (STR #2890). - Fl_Table::clear() now calls table->clear() for consistency. (STR #2889) - Fixed Fl_Scroll widget that fails under Mac OS X 10.8 and retina display (STR #2887). - Prevents scrollbars from drawing when widget is sized too small to be visible (STR #2886). - Documented how to make a Mac OS X FLTK application launchable by dropping files on its icon. - Fixed a Mac-specific issue appeared with OS 10.8 (Mountain Lion): long delay before opening when the application is started by dragging a file on the application icon. - Fixed use of PNG image from im-memory data (STR #2884). - Added static Fl_RGB_Image::max_size(size_t) to limit the maximum memory size allowed to RGB images (STR #2881).- add fltk-1.3.2-do_not_add_unneeded_extra_dependencies.patch to avoid adding unneeded libraries to the link command of dependent packages. Those libraries didn\'t even need to be installed.- remove automake BuildRequire- substitute %if crazyness for pkgconfig() style BuildRequires- correct libfltk1 group- get rid of the fltk package which only contained duplicated doc files, probably by a packaging accident- add fltk-1.3.2-verbose_build.patch- add fltk-1.3.2-underlinking-patch- remove fltk-as-needed.patch (integrated into fltk-1.3.2-underlinking-patch)- don\'t add -fno-strict-aliasing to CFLAGS. Upstream already does that- don\'t set glflags and fltkflags for make. I don\'t see it doing anything useful
* Tue Nov 20 2012 updated to 1.3.1: - Fixed utf_strncasecmp and utf_strcasecmp - Moved all inline constructors into source file to avoid bad DLLs - Fixed Fl_Widget::copy_label() and Fl_Window::copy_label() when called with the old label() (STR #2836) - Fixed Fl_Input_::maximum_size() documentation and replace() method to honor maximum_size() as number of allowed characters (STR #2747). - Fixed a potential crash if Fl_Double_Window::flush() was called before show() - Fixed regression (in FLTK 1.3.0) that could clear a radio button by using the keyboard (space or shortcut) (STR #2748) - Fixed fl_pie() drawing too small on X11 (STR #2703) - Fixed Fl_Menu issue with unusual menu flags (STR #2680) - Fixed Windows DLL import of fl_xid() (STR #2670) - Added Fl::screen_work_area() functions that compute the work area of a screen. These functions improve the positioning of menus. Changed Fl::x(), Fl::y(), Fl::w(), Fl::h() functions to return the origin and size of the work area of the main screen (STR #2695 + 2697) - Created the FL_SCREEN_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED event that is triggered when a screen is added, removed, moved or when resolution is changed (STR #2600) - Improved the description of page size and orientation by Fl_PostScript_File_Device. - Added support for horizontal wheel movement under X11 and MSWindows Vista and above (STR #2644). 1.3.1 ABI FEATURES (To enable the following ABI features, put: #define FLTK_ABI_VERSION 10301 at the top of your FL/Enumerations.H and rebuild FLTK and your app) - Fl_Tree optimized to support large trees (eg. 100k items): Added _next_sibling and _prev_sibling to Fl_Tree_Item class, and support methods.
* Thu Jul 26 2012 buildrequires on specific library sonames is breaking build
* Mon Feb 20 2012 let the devel package buildrequire xorg-x11-devel
* Thu Dec 22 2011 buildrequires automake
* Wed Dec 21 2011 fixed linking library with as-needed [bnc#736410]
* as-needed.patch
* Sun Sep 18 2011 Apply packaging guidelines (remove redundant/obsolete tags/sections from specfile, etc.)- Implement baselibs config
* Mon Jul 11 2011 updated to 1.3.0:
* Added UTF-8 Unicode support throughout FLTK and Fluid
* Added Fl_Tree widget for hierarchical views
* Added Fl_Table widget for widget layout
* Added Fl_Native_Filechooser as a widget and global options
* etc., see CHANGES
* removed upstreamed and unneeded patches
* Thu Aug 26 2010 update to 1.1.10 changes since rc3 - Widgets now remove stale entries from the default callback queue when they are deleted (STR #2302) - Fixed selection bug in Fl_Int_Input (STR #2292) for all changes see the /usr/share/doc/packages/fltk/CHANGES
* Wed Mar 31 2010 Added support for building on Fedora, RHEL 5/CentOS 5 and Mandriva.- Added patch for use of printf-style varags functions.- \"cast\" patch disabled for many build targets, as it caused the builds to fail.
* Fri Dec 18 2009 enable parallel building
* Tue Dec 01 2009 update to version 1.1.10rc3- splitted out libfltk1- some specfile cleanups
* Tue Aug 04 2009 fixed link_gl.patch to build package
* Sat Jun 20 2009 add missing DT_NEEDEDs, fixes alsa-tools build with --as-needed
* Mon Jun 08 2009 fixed build with new g++