Changelog for sg3_utils-1.43-7.23.x86_64.rpm :

* Fri Apr 06 2018 Update to svn r763:
* More NVMe bugfixes
* sg_vpd: add device constituents vpd
* sg_raw: add --raw option
* sg_turs: add --low option
* sg_ses: decoding dpage fixes; add --quiet option- Fixup syntax error (bsc#1087008)- Use separate repository for SLE15
* Mon Feb 12 2018 dracut.conf: add whitespace at end of line (bsc#1080562)
* Fri Feb 09 2018 Update to svn r751:
* NVMe bugfixes
* sg_seek: new utility
* sg_stream_ctl: new utility program- 54-before-scsi-sg3_id.rules: compability rule for systemd (bsc#1079873)- Add dracut.conf to install new rule with dracut
* Thu Feb 08 2018 Merge local patch with git repository
* Delete sgut-libversioning.diff
* Wed Feb 07 2018 Update to svn r744:
* sg_write_x: new command for normal/atomic/orwrite etc SCSI WRITE variants
* sg_ses: add NVMe support
* sg_inq: decode NVMe controller / NSIDs- Fix manpage for --forcerescan- 55-scsi-sg3_id.rules: fixes for scsi_id compability (bsc#1079873)- 55-scsi-sg3_id.rules: run sg_inq for SPC devices (bsc#1079873)
* Fri Dec 22 2017 sg_inq: check VPD page 0x0 before reading serial number (bsc#1067839)- sg_inq: add option \'-o/--only\' to skip reading VPD pages (bsc#1067839)- Revert \'postun\' rpm spec changes after review
* Mon Dec 18 2017 sg_inq: decode standard INQUIRY for CD-ROMs correctly (bsc#1070431)- new option for ignore rev change- Remove white space- Add \'coreutils\' to Requires (bsc#1072744)- Add \'posttrans\' to rpm spec (bsc#1071972)
* Wed Nov 29 2017 Update to svn r730:
* Move testing utilities to \'testing\' directory
* sg_opcode: check resid and trim response
* sg_rep_zones: expand --help option
* sg_mode: Add Out-of-band management control page
* sg_ses: filer join output on dpage element presence
* documentation cleanup- Add \'--ignore-rev\' option- Supplement SCSI modaliases (bsc#1065212)
* Fri Oct 13 2017 Update to svn r721:
* Merge SUSE-specific patches with upstream svn
* sg_write_atomic: add new program for WRITE ATOMIC
* sg_bg_ctl: new background control command
* sg_ses: Improve output and option handling
* sg_logs: Add --vendor and decode more pages
* sg_get_lba_status: add new program
* Install and scsi_logging_level per default
* Fri Aug 11 2017 Drop patch merged with git repository
* drop add-lunsearch-filter-to-searchexisting.patch- Drop rules included in git repository
* drop 40-usb-blacklist.rules- Update to latest svn snapshot:
* sg_rdac: add sanity checks for -f=lun value
* sg_vpd improvements
* sg_ses: fix uninitialized struct
* sg_luns: resync with SAM and SPC drafts
* sg_vpd: fix struct misalignment introduced by --force
* sg_logs: add --vendor and fixup enumeration- Port patches from SLES:
* Add systemd service files for LUN masking (bsc#954600)
* 55-scsi-sg3_id.rules: handle VPD page 0x80 correctly (bsc#1006469)
* scripts: added udev rules for legacy CCISS (bsc#1006175)
* Add lunsearch filter to findresized() (bsc#1027176)
* Add fc_wwpn_id to generate by-path links for fibrechannel (bsc#1005063)
* 55-scsi-sg3_id.rules: allow to override sysfs inquiry (bsc#1012523)
* sg_inq: export all NAA values (bsc#1050767)
* Silence gcc warnings
* Mon Feb 20 2017 Remove superfluous insserv PreReq.
* Wed Sep 07 2016 using \"--lun\" now works correctly (bsc#981452), adding patch:
* add-lunsearch-filter-to-searchexisting.patch
* Fri Apr 29 2016 Update to new upstream release 1.43:
* sg_senddiag: add --timeout=SEC option
* sg_sanitize: add --timeout=SEC option
* sg_format: add --timeout=SEC option
* sg_decode sense: add --cdb option
* sg_ses: handle 2 bit EIIOE field in aes dpage - expand join handling of SAS connectors and others - expand join debug code
* sg_logs: fix volume statistics lpage when subpage is zero (ssc5r02a); decode mount history log parameter - decode Requested recovery, TapeAlert response, and Service buffer information lpages for tape - add \'--pdt=DT\' option
* sg_inq: fix potential unbounded loop in --export - update version descriptor list to 20160420
* sg_inq+sg_vpd: update Extended inquiry data vpd page (spc5r09) - add --force option to bypass checking supported vpd pages page and fetch requested page directly
* sg_reassign+sg_write_same: fix ULONG_MAX problem
* sg_turs+sg_requests: make both accept \'--num=NUM\' and \'--number=NUM\' for mutual compatibility
* sg_zone: fix debug cdb naming
* sg_opcode: add \'--enumerate\' and \'--pdt=\' options
* sg_raw: add \'--enumerate\' option
* sg_lib: add SSC maintenance in/out sa names - add read buffer(16) command mode names - add sg_decode_transportid_str()
* sg_lib_data: sync asc/ascq codes with T10 20160425
* harden code
* clang --analyze static checker clean ups
* shellcheck cleanup on scripts
* automake: add AM_PROG_AR to - upgrade to version 1.15- Include patches from upstream:
* sg_inq+sg_vpd: add --force option to bypass checking of supported vpd pages
* sg_lib_data: add Bind and Unbind to service action out(16)- Remove 0001-sg_vpd-sg_inq-Safe-VPD-page-access.patch; merged with upstream.
* Thu Apr 28 2016 sg_inq,sg_vpd: Safe VPD page access (bsc#945094)
* Add 0001-sg_vpd-sg_inq-Safe-VPD-page-access.patch
* Thu Feb 18 2016 Update to new upstream release 1.42:
* sg_timestamp: new, to report or set timestamp
* sg_read_attr: new, supported by tape drives
* sg_stpg: fix truncation of target port field
* sg_inq: cope with unicode strings, udev fixes - update version descriptor list to 20160125 - \'--export\': new entries for UUID descriptor
* sg_ses: add more field acronyms (ses3r11) 8 sg_logs: add Utilization lpage (sbc4r07) - add Background operation lpage - add Pending defects lpage - add LPS misalignment lpage (sbc4r10) - document \'--All\' (\'-A\') option - rework lto tape vendor lpages
* sg_vpd: add Block limits extension VPD page - add Device constituents VPD page - add LB Protection VPD page (ssc 15-296r1) - LB provisioning VPD page: expand LBPRZ, add Minimum and Threshold percentage fields - rework lto tape vendor VPD pages
* sg_inq+sg_vpd+sg_xcopy: add support for locally assigned UUIDs in VPD page 0x83 (15-267r2)
* sg_sanitize: add --znr option (sbc4r07)
* sg_rep_zones: add --partial option (zbc-r04)
* sg_format: add ffmt option (sbc4r10) - add support for FORMAT MEDIUM (for tape)
* sg_raw: document length relationships
* updates from Suse
* sg_lib_data: sync asc/ascq codes with T10 20151126
* sg_lib: add \'sense\' categories for SCSI statuses: condition met, busy, task set full, ACA active and task aborted - add pr2serr() extern - change sg_get_sense_str() and dStrHexStr(), return chars written (returned void previously) - add sg_get_sense_descriptors_str() function - add sg_get_designation_descriptor_str() function - sg_get_desig_type_str()+sg_get_desig_assoc_str() and sg_get_desig_code_set_str() added - sg_get_opcode_sa_name() break out zoning in/out, read attribute and read position service actions
* sg_cmds_extra: add sg_ll_format_unit2() for FFMT
* sg_pr2serr.h: new, to shorten fprintf(stderr, ...)
* sg_io_linux, sg_pt_linux: drop SUGGEST_
* decoding
* sg_unaligned.h: add 48 bit support and gets for variable length unsigned integers- Delete sg3_utils-sg_inq-blacklist.diff; solved differently- Added 40-usb-blacklist.rules (bsc#840054)- Delete sg3_utils-58-scsi-sg3_symlink-fixup.patch; merged with upstream- Delete sg3_utils-flush-fixup.patch; merged with upstream
* Mon Nov 16 2015 Add sg3_utils-flush-fixup.patch: Fix syntax error when -f (flush failed multipath devices) used in command line.
* Mon Oct 05 2015 Add sg3_utils-58-scsi-sg3_symlink-fixup.patch: Fix broken line in script (boo#940833, boo#940834, boo#947947).
* Wed Jul 08 2015 Update to new upstream release 1.41
* sg_zone: new utility for open, close and finish zone commands introduced in zbc-r02
* sg_rep_zones and sg_reset_wp: change opcodes as indicated in zbc-r02
* sg_read_buffer: add READ BUFFER(16) support (spc5r02)
* sg_logs: add --enumerate and acronyms
* allow decode from hex or binary in file
* decode environmental reporting + limits lpages
* sg_write_buffer: add --timeout=TO option
* sg_lib interface: add sg_lib_pdt_decay(), TPROTO_PCIE plus support for zoning service actions
* sg_lib: in Linux blocked devices yield ENXIO from ioctl(SG_IO), map to SG_LIB_CAT_NOT_READY
* clean up sg_warnings_stream handling
* sg_inq+sg_vpd: fix SCSI name string decoding in device identification VPD page (0x83)
* increase sanity on Unit Serial number VPD page
* improve rdac vpd page reporting (vendor)
* sg_inq: improve NAA handling in dev_id VPD page
* update version descriptor list to 20150126
* Fri Feb 13 2015 Update to ne wupstream release 1.40
* New utilities: sg_write_verify (for WRITE AND VERIFY), sg_ses_microcode, sg_sat_read_gplog.
* sg_senddiag gained the --maxlen= and --page=PG options
* sg_opcodes gained the --compact field
* sg_inq: expand Block limits VPD page output- Drop sg3_utils-fix-missing-rule-for-scsi_serial-partitions.patch, sg3_utils-Fixup-formatting-of-invalid-VPD-page-0x83.patch, sg3_utils-Do-not-export-long-identifiers.patch (merged upstream)- Replace symbol version hack (it forced lockstep updates) by sgut-libversioning.diff (allows parallel installation).
* Sun Jan 04 2015 blacklist some usb controllers that don\'t like sg_inq (bnc#840054) Add: sg3_utils-sg_inq-blacklist.diff
* Wed Sep 03 2014 Fixup formatting of invalid VPD pages (bnc#884779) Add: sg3_utils-Fixup-formatting-of-invalid-VPD-page-0x83.patch- sg_inq: Do not export long identifiers (bnc#884779) Add: sg3_utils-Do-not-export-long-identifiers.patch
* Wed Jun 25 2014 Fix missing rule for generating links for partitions also (bnc#883032) Add: sg3_utils-fix-missing-rule-for-scsi_serial-partitions.patch
* Fri Jun 20 2014 Add symbol versions to library
* Tue Jun 17 2014 Update to new upstream release 1.39
* This release adds some ZBC support in the form of sg_rep_zones and sg_reset_wp.
* It tracks changes made by since April 2014.- Remove 0001-Split-59-scsi-sg_utils.rules-for-multipath-support.patch, 0003-sg_inq-compability-links-for-ata_id.patch, 0004-sg_inq-suppress-warning-messages-for-export.patch, sginfo-inq-fields-strip-blank.patch (merged upstream).
* Thu May 15 2014 Create compability links for ATA devices (bnc#876344) Add: 0003-sg_inq-compability-links-for-ata_id.patch- Suppress warnings for sg_inq --export (bnc#876454) Add: 0004-sg_inq-suppress-warning-messages-for-export.patch
* Tue Apr 15 2014 added patch sginfo-inq-fields-strip-blank.patch sg3_utils: Strip out trailing info from vendor info products fields in inq bnc#863357- added patches:
* sginfo-inq-fields-strip-blank.patch
* Fri Apr 11 2014 Split off 59-scsi-sg_utils.rules to properly support multipathing (bnc#873151) Remove: 0001-59-scsi-sg_utils.rules-skip-symlinks-for-multipath-d.patch Add: 0001-Split-59-scsi-sg_utils.rules-for-multipath-support.patch
* Thu Apr 10 2014 Update to official release 1.38
* Update documentation
* Update to latest SPC
* Minor fixes
* Add: sg3_utils-1.38.tar.xz
* Remove: sg3_utils-1.38b7r538.tar.xz
* Remove: sg3_utils-1.38r546.patch
* Remove: sg3_utils-1.38b12r556.patch- Use 59-scsi-sg3_utils from the rpm Remove: 59-scsi-sg3_utils.rules- Fixup 59-scsi-sg3_utils.rules to not provide symlinks on multipath device paths (bnc#872929) Add: 0001-59-scsi-sg_utils.rules-skip-symlinks-for-multipath-d.patch
* Fri Mar 07 2014 Fixup 59-scsi_sg3_utils.rules to provide compability links for ata_id (bnc#866933)
* Fri Feb 28 2014 Add 59-scsi-sg3_utils.rules (bnc#865494)
* Tue Feb 25 2014 Update to inofficial release 1.38b12r556 (bnc#865494)
* Add --inhex parameter to sg_inq
* sg_inq: decode ASCII information vpd page
* sg_inq: allow page=-1 to force std INQUIRY decoding
* sg_inq: improve unit serial number display
* sg_vpd: Add LTO and DDS vendor pages
* sg_persist: add SOP transport ID
* sg_lib_data: sync asc/ascq code with T10
* check if FC driver exports issue_lip
* Add man page for Remove sg3_utils-check-if-hba-supports-issue-lip.patch, has been merged with upstream
* Thu Jan 23 2014 Update to inofficial release 1.38r546 (bnc#831778)
* sg_ses: error and warning message cleanup - fix --data=- problem with large buffers - new --data=AATTFN to read hex data from file FN - add --maxlen= option
* sg_inq: - add LU_CONG to standard inquiry response - sync version descriptors dated 20131126 - fix overflow in encode_whitespaces
* sg_vpd: add LU_CONG to standard inquiry response output - decode Third Party Copy (tpc) page
* sg_persist: add PROUT: Replace Lost Reservation (spc4r36)
* sg_readcap: for --16 show physical block size if
* sg_xcopy: - environment variables: XCOPY_TO_SRC and XCOPY_TO_DST indicate where xcopy command is sent - change default to send xcopy to dst (was src) - improve CL handling of short options (e.g. \'-vv\')
* sg_write_same: repeat if unit attention
* sg_rtpg: fix indexing bug with --extended option
* sg_lib_data: sync asc/ascq codes with T10 dated 20131110
* sg_cmds_extra: fix sa bug in sg_ll_3party_copy_out()- Update tarball to 1.38b7r537- Add sg3_utils-1.38r546.patch
* Mon Nov 04 2013 Update to new upstream release 1.37
* sg_compare_and_write: add --quiet option to suppress miscompare report
* sg_persist: fix core dump on -Q option
* sg_unmap: fix core dump on -g option
* sg_ses: add --nickname and --nickid options- Remove sg3_utils-Fixup-T10-Vendor-designator-display.patch (merged upstream)
* Sun Aug 25 2013 Fixup T10 Vendor designator display (bnc#805059) sg3_utils-Fixup-T10-Vendor-designator-display.patch- In, check if the HBA driver exports issue_lip in sysfs before using it (bnc#780946) sg3_utils-check-if-hba-supports-issue-lip.patch
* Thu Jun 13 2013 Implement shlib packaging guidelines; rename sg3_utils-devel to libsgutils-devel (upstream recommendation)- More robust make install call; remove redundant %clean section; simplify file lists
* Tue Jun 11 2013 Update to version 1.36 - sg_vpd: Protocol-specific port information VPD page for SAS SSP, persistent connection (spl3r2), power disable (spl3r3) - block device characteristics: add FUAB bit - sg_xcopy: handle more descriptor types; handle zero maximum segment length; allow list IDs to be disabled; improve skip/seek handling; allow xcopy on destination - sg_reset: and --no-esc option to stop reset escalation - clean up cli, add long option names - sg_luns: add --test=ALUN option for decoding LUNs - decoded luns output in decimal or hex (if -HH given) - add \'--linux\' option to show Linux LUN after T10 representation, can map one to the other - sg_inq: add --vendor option to show standard inquiry\'s vendor specific fields in ASCII - take resid into account with response output - sg_sync: add --16 (for 16 byte command) and --timeout= - sg_logs: add data compression page (ssc4) - sg_sat_set_features: increase --lba from 1 to 4 bytes - sg_write_same: add --ndob option (sbc3r35d) - sg_map: mark as deprecated - sginfo: mark as deprecated, especially -l (list) - sg_lib: improve snprintf handling - sg_lib_data: sync asc/ascq codes with T10 20130117 - sg_cmds (lib): if noisy given, give more UA info - make code more C++ friendly
* Tue Mar 12 2013 Update to version 1.35 - sg_compare_and_write: new utility - sg_inq+sg_vpd: block device characteristics VPD page: add product_type, WABEREQ, WACEREQ and VBULS fields - sg_inq: more --export option changes for udev - sg_vpd: add more rdac vendor specific vpd pages - sg_verify: add --ebytchk option for sbc3r34 changes - sg_stpg: --offline option: fix \'Invalid state 0xe\' - sg_ses: Door Lock element changed to Door element and abbreviation changed from \'dl\' to \'do\' (ses3r05) - archive/ upgrade to version 1.53hr - move to scripts directory - sync to sbc3r34 - sg_lib: sg_ll_verify10+16 expand BYTCHK to 2 bit field - sg_pt_win32, sg_scan(win32): changes for cygwin 1.7.17 - clean up man page summary lines - sg_xcopy: new dd like utility for extended copy command - sg_copy_results: new utility for receive copy results - sg_verify: add 16 byte cdb, bytchk (data-out buffer) and group number support - sync to spc4r36 and sbc3r32 - sg_inq: add --export so sg_inq can replace udev\'s scsi_id - decode old EMC Symmetrix abuse of VPD page 0x83 - sg_vpd: decode old EMC Symmetrix abuse of VPD page 0x83 - sg_ses: increase max dpage response size to 64 KB - allow ident,locate on enclosure controller - more sanity for additional element status descriptor - sg_sanitize: add --ause, --fail and --test= - sg_luns: add long extended flat space addressing format - sg_logs: add ATA pass-through results lpage (SAT-2) - sg_rtpg: add --extended option - sg_senddiag: list rebuild assist diag page name - sg_pt_linux: expand DID_ (host_byte) codes - cope with a transport error plus sense data - prefer major() over MAJOR() macro - sg_lib: fix sg_get_command_name() service actions - report sdat_ovfl bit (if set) in sense data - decode extended_copy and receive_copy service actions - decode read_buffer and write_buffer modes - decode ATA PT fixed format sense (SAT-2) - sg_cmds_extra: add sg_ll_report_tgt_prt_grp2() - ./configure options: - change --enable-no-linux-bsg to --disable-linuxbsg - add --disable-scsistrings to reduce utility sizes
* Wed Jul 04 2012 license update: GPL-2.0+ and BSD-3-Clause Show aggregation and make compatible with Fedora declaration
* Sun Apr 22 2012 Update to version 1.33 - sg_ses: major rework of indexes (again), now two level - sg_write_buffer: new --specific option for mode specific field; new mode 13 (spc4r32) - sg_vpd: add hp3par volume info vendor VPD page - fix \'scsi ports\' [0x88] page problem - add \'sinq\' pseudo page for standard inquiry response - add power consumption page - sg_format: add --poll= option for request sense polling - improve handling of disks > 2 TB and DIF (protection) - sg_logs: LB provision lpage extra (sbc3r28) - sg_modes: application tag mpage subcode 0xf0->0x2 - sg_write_same: no prot fields when wrprotect=0 - sg_get_lba_status: reflect change in sbc3r25 to Parameter Data Length response field (offset reduced from 8 to 4) - sg_inq, sg_vpd: sync with spc4r33 - win32: change DataBufferOffset type per MSDN; caused problem with 64 bit machines (with buffered interface) - sg_luns: tweak documentation for vendor specific reports - add man pages for scsi_loging_level, scsi_mandat, scsi_satl and scsi_temperature
* Mon Jan 16 2012 Update to version 1.32 + sg_sanitize: new utility for command added in sb3r27 + sg_sat_identify: add \'--ident\' to output WWN + sg_ses: major rework of descriptor output + add --index, --descriptor, --join, --clear, --get, and --set options + sg_raw: exit status corrections + sg_decode_sense: add --nospace and --hex options + sg_logs: fix bug with large --maxlen + zero response length when resid implies it is invalid + add scope field to lb provisioning lpage (sb3r27) + sg_inq: sync version descriptors with spc4r31 + sb_lib_data: sync asc/ascq codes with spc4r31 + sg_vpd: add LBPRZ field in LP provisioning VPD page + sg_format: allow format of pdt 7 (some MO drives) + sg_cmd_basic: sg_cmds_process_resp() handle status good with a sense key other than no_sense (e.g. completed) + add README.iscsi- Updated to v1.56
* Thu Mar 10 2011 fix file list
* Fri Feb 18 2011 Update to version 1.31: + sg_decode_sense: new utility to decode sense data + sg_vpd: LB provisioning + Block limits pages (sbc3r26) + sync asc/ascq and version descriptors with spc4r28 + sg_get_config, sg_rmsn, sg_verify: add --readonly option + sg_lib: implement forwarded sense data descriptor - decode user data segment referral sense data descriptor + sg_lib, sg_turs, sg_format: more precision for progress indication (two places after decimal point) + sg_lib(win32): add runtime selection of SPT direct or indirect interface - sg_read_buffer+sg_write_buffer: set SPT direct + add examples/forwarded_sense.txt + examples/ref_sense.txt- Changes from version 1.30: + sg_referrals: new utility for REPORT REFERRALS + sbc3r25 renames \'thin\' provisioning\' to \'logical block provisioning\': changes in sg_format, sg_inq, sg_logs, sg_modes, sg_readcap, sg_vpd + sg_inq: update version descriptor list to spc4r27 - extended inquiry vpd page add extended self test completion minutes field + sg_lib: sync asc/ascq list to spc4r27 - dStrHex(): trim excess trailing spaces + sg_read_long: add --readonly option (open() is rw) + sg_raw: add --readonly option (open() is rw) - allow bidirectional commands + sg_vpd: rdac vendor page [0xc8] parse corrections - extended inquiry vpd page add extended self test - completion minutes field + sg_ses: expand --data (in) buffer to 2048 bytes + sg_opcodes: add extended parameter data for TMFs (spc4r26) + sg_dd: clean count calculation, document nocache flag - treat bsg devices as implicit sg_io + sg_write_same: if READ CAPACITY(16) fails try 10 byte variant - anticipate approval of proposal to allow UNMAP and ANCHOR bits to be set on WRITE SAME(10) with \'--10\' option + sg3_utils man page: sections added for OS device names
* Fri Aug 13 2010 Update to version 1.29: + sg_rtpg: new logical block dependent state and bit (spc4r23) + sg_start: add \'--readonly\' option for ATA disks + sg_lib: update asc/ascq list to spc4r23 + sg_inq: update version descriptor list to spc4r23 + sg_vpd: block device characteristics page: fix form factor - update Extended Inquiry VPD page to spc4r23 - update Block Limits VPD page to sbc3r22 - update Thin Provisioning VPD page to sbc3r22 - Automation device serial number and Data transfer device element VPD pages (ssc4r01) - add Referrals VPD page (sbc3r22) + sg_logs: add thin provisioning and solid state media log pages - addition of IBM LTO specific log pages + sg_modes: new page names from ssc4r01 + sg_ses: sync with ses3r02 (SAS-2.1 connector types) + sg_unmap: add \'--anchor\' option (sbc3r22) + sg_write_same: add \'--anchor\' option (sbc3r22) + sg_pt interface: add set_scsi_pt_flags() to permit passing through SCSI_PT_FLAGS_QUEUE_AT_TAIL and AT_HEAD flags + add examples/sg_queue_tst+bsg_queue_tst for SG_FLAG_Q_AT_TAIL + add AM_MAINTAINER_MODE to to lessen build issues + add BSD_LICENSE file to this and lib directories, refer to it from source and header files. Some source has GPL license- Changes from version 1.28: + sg_unmap: new utility for thin provisioning - add examples/sg_unmap_example.txt + sg_get_lba_status: new utility for thin provisioning + sg_read_block_limits: new utility for tape drives + sg_logs: add cache memory statistics log (sub)page + sg_vpd, sg_inq: extend Block limits VPD page (sbc3r19) + sg_vpd: add Thin provisioning VPD page (sbc3r20) and TapeAlert supported flags VPD page + sg_inq: note VPD page support better in sg_vpd + sg_persist: add transport specific transportID format - allow transportIDs to be read from named file + sg_opcodes: allow --opcode= option to take OP and SA values (comma seperated) - tweak print format, remove test code + sg_requests: remove test code in progress calculation + sg_reset: add target reset option + sg_luns: reduce default maxlen to 8192 (for FreeBSD) + sg_raw: extend max cdb length from 16 to 256 bytes - align heap allocs to page boundaries + sg_lib: sg_set_binary_mode() needs config.h included - add progress indication sense data descriptor (0xa) - change SG3_UTILS_
* constants to SG_LIB_
* - decode service actions within persistent reserve in/out - sync with spc4r21 + sg_cmds_extra: add sg_ll_unmap() and sg_ll_get_lba_status() + sg_pt_linux: fix check condition but empty sense buffer; - major() macro grief, if present include and use MAJOR() instead + scripts/sas_disk_blink: moved from this package to sdparm + utils/hxascdmp: in Windows set binary mode on read files + examples/ add PRIN read full status command + sg_raw,sg_write_buffer,sg_write_long,sg_write_same: in Windows set binary mode on read files + sg_pt_win32: default to non-direct variant of SPT interface - use \'./configure --enable-win32-spt-direct\' to override - non-direct data length set to 16 KB, extended if required + debian: incorporate patch from debian sid
* Mon Jun 28 2010 use %_smp_mflags
* Tue Jul 21 2009 Clean up spec file and remove obsolete cruft
* Fri Apr 17 2009 remove static libraries and \"la\" files