Changelog for
balsa-2.6.4-35.6.x86_64.rpm :
* Sun Mar 12 2023 Bjørn Lie
- Add balsa-webkitgtk-bump.patch: Port to build against webkit2gtk-4.1. Following this replace pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.0) with pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.1) BuildRequires, and add libtool BuildRequires and bootstrap the build since the patch touches the buildsystem.
* Fri Oct 21 2022 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.6.4: + Fix display/printout with nondefault HTML preferences. + HTML context meny improments, integration with Webkit HTML privacy filter. + Header edition in GNOME editor fixed. + Some MDN, iCalendar issues fixed. + More informative error messages. + Notification improvements. + Show UI for opening download location after download. + Minor memory leaks plugged. + Code refactoring and cleanup. + Library and build system deprecation cleanups. + Updated translations.- Pass disable static to configure and remove la files in install.- Replace gpgme-devel with pkgconfig(gpgme) BuildRequires following upstreams changes.
* Wed Dec 29 2021 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.6.3: + Improve Autocrypt-related error messages. + Improvements to communication with GnuPG key servers. + Create standard-compatible HTML messages. + Implement sender-dependent HTML message preferences. + Reuse HTTP connections when rendering HTML messages. + Do not send empty Reply-To, Cc, etc headers. + More robust IMAP parser and response handling. + Code cleanups, platform-dependent build fixes.
* Mon Dec 28 2020 Paolo Stivanin - Update to version 2.6.2:
* Webkit widgets are now sandboxed.
* Improved desktop notifications.
* iTIP calendar reply are improved.
* Handling of multiple crypto keys for the same recipient.
* build cleanups and improvements, e.g. application logging.
* code cleanups and simplifications as enabled by moving to more modern libraries.
* bug fixes: draft with message/external-body attachments; do not crash on importing half-broken keys
* Wed Jul 29 2020 Matthias Eliasson - Update to version 2.6.1: + fix server identity verification.- Run spec-cleaner + Remove package groups
* Sun Apr 12 2020 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.6.0: + This release switches to gmime3 library for MIME processing.- Replace pkgconfig(gmime-2.6) with pkgconfig(gmime-3.0) BuildRequires following upstreams port.
* Sun Apr 12 2020 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.5.10: + Set message threading correctly on new mailboxes. + Display S/MIME and TLS certificate chains. + Improve handling of multipart/related message parts. + Display text/calendar parts using ical library. + Multiple bug fixes and code cleanups; remove obsolete command line options.- Changes from version 2.5.9: + Fix HTML message layout issues.- Add pkgconfig(libical) and pkgconfig(libsecret-1) BuildRequires: New dependencies.
* Wed Oct 16 2019 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.5.8: + HTML email improvements; vcal attachment handling.- Changes from version 2.5.7: + encryption, HTML email improvements; bug fixes.- Drop conditional post(un) handling for obsolete versions of openSUSE.- Drop balsa-2.5.6-fix-build-breaker-typo.patch: Fixed upstream.- Drop update-desktop-files BuildRequires and macros as well as balsa-lang Recommends, no longer needed.- Add pkgconfig(fribidi) BuildRequires: New dependency.
* Sun Jul 08 2018 Drop pkgconfig(libnm-glib) BuildRequires: Balsa switched from libnm-glib to GNetworkMonitor in version 2.5.2.- Drop pkgconfig(libsecret-1) BuildRequires: Not used, as we are not passing --with-libsecret to configure (upstream default is not using it).- Stop passing --enable-smime, --with-gtkspell and --with-ssl to configure, no longer recognized.- Replace pkgconfig(gtkspell3-3.0) with pkgconfig(gspell-1) BuildRequires and pass --with-spell-checker=gspell to configure. This also allows for dropping conditionals for pkgconfig(enchant-2) and pkgconfig(enchant) BuildRequires.- Replace openssl-devel with pkgconfig(openssl) BuildRequires, align with what configure checks for.
* Thu Jun 28 2018 Update to version 2.5.6: + Fix scroll on click issue. + Display time stamps of date-only RFC 5545 iCalendar events. + Disable reply-to-group when the message is not from an RFC-2369-compliant mail list. + Mitigate EFail vulnerability for Webkit2.- Fix a typo that breaks build in released version: + Add balsa-2.5.6-fix-build-breaker-typo.patch (picked from upstream).