Changelog for mesheryctl-0.7.121-430.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Fri Oct 11 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.121:
* General - [CI] Enhance make target for port as an argument AATTleecalcote (#12324)
* Meshery CLI - fix: connections commands description fixed w/signoff AATTrahulrana701 (#11373)
* Documentation - fix: connections commands description fixed w/signoff AATTrahulrana701 (#11373)
* Fri Oct 11 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.120:
* General - bump meshkit w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#12323) - update comps and remove hardcoding w/singoff AATTJougan-0 (#12322) - [Server] Enhance redirection based on release channels. AATTMUzairS15 (#12315)
* Meshery CLI - [CI] Goreleaser upgrade to v2 and cleanup of repo root AATTleecalcote (#12321) - fix: Update golden file causing panic AATTlekaf974 (#12314)
* Fri Oct 11 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.119:
* no CLI-related changes in this release
* Fri Oct 11 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.118:
* Meshery CLI update rels w/singoff AATTJougan-0 (#12302)
* Fri Oct 11 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.117:
* no CLI-related changes in this release
* Fri Oct 11 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.116:
* no CLI-related changes in this release
* Sun Oct 06 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.115:
* no CLI-related changes in this release
* General - [GraphQL] Regenerate graphql AATTMUzairS15 (#12283)
* Sun Oct 06 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.114:
* Meshery CLI - Rename pattern to design in mesheryctl AATTalphaX86 (#11051)
* Documentation - Rename pattern to design in mesheryctl AATTalphaX86 (#11051)
* Sun Oct 06 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.113:
* no CLI-related changes in this release
* Sun Oct 06 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.112:
* no CLI-related changes in this release
* Sun Oct 06 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.111:
* General - remove redudant models and components w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#12225) - [chore] Upgrade meshkit to v0.7.79 AATTMUzairS15 (#12257) - Remove duplicate and mismatch shapes AATTamitamrutiya (#12178) - set Matthieu EVRIN as Independent AATTlekaf974 (#12201)
* Meshery CLI - update only latest version w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#12271) - Relationship generate AATTJougan-0 (#12223)
* Thu Oct 03 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.110:
* no CLI-related changes in this release
* General - [Docs] MAINTAINERS: Update maintainer list AATTVaibhav701161 (#12167) - [chore] Fix failing go static check. AATTMUzairS15 (#12126) - [Docs] Add Field Descriptions Meshery CRDs AATTTomiwaAribisala-git (#11674)
* Mon Sep 30 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.109:
* General - Move to independent maintainer AATTAlero-Awani (#12164) - fix reference to meshmates page AATTcodered-lgtm (#12161) - [Server] Assign unique names for generated declaration. AATTMUzairS15 (#12153) - Fix not able to ping k8s connection in local provider AATTYashsharma1911 (#12148) - Seed design from locally present designs in local provider AATTYashsharma1911 (#12144)
* Meshery CLI - changes in error shown AATTpranjalg1331 (#12141)
* Maintenance - [bugfix] First-timer: Use GH_ACCESS_TOKEN, not GITHUB_TOKEN AATTleecalcote (#12160) - Bump from 0.67.1 to 0.68.0 AATTdependabot (#12100)
* Documentation - [Doc]Fix catalog schema link AATTCalebZoe (#12145)
* Fri Sep 27 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.108:
* General - improve check for export format AATTMUzairS15 (#12109) - To stop seeding sample applications AATTvaishnaviadhau (#11910)
* Meshery CLI - Support Generating Models and Components from Local CSV Files AATTAijeyomah (#12051)
* Maintenance - update if condition AATTvishalvivekm (#12106)
* Documentation - fix the wrong command \'mesheryctl mesh\' AATTJianMinTang (#12084)
* Wed Sep 25 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.107:
* no CLI-related changes in this release
* Sat Sep 21 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.106:
* Meshery CLI - proper error logs and event w/singoff AATTJougan-0 (#11354)
* Documentation - proper error logs and event w/singoff AATTJougan-0 (#11354) - [docs] Overview: Update feature section title to h3 AATThamza-mohd (#12091) - [Docs] Simplify presentation of feature overview AATTjamieplu (#12081)
* Sat Sep 21 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.105:
* no CLI-related changes in this release- update to 0.7.104:
* no CLI-related changes in this release- update to 0.7.103:
* no CLI-related changes in this release- update to 0.7.102:
* no CLI-related changes in this release
* Sat Sep 21 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.101:
* General - Provider interface AATTMUzairS15 (#12043) - initialize usercapabilities persister AATTMUzairS15 (#12031) - [Models] New model: meshery-dev-icons AATTleecalcote (#11984)
* Meshery CLI - Add version flag support on model export command AATTlekaf974 (#11934) - Update model.go AATTvishalvivekm (#11986)
* Documentation - create a empty folder entitled week-of-09-23-2024 w/signoff AATTJianMinTang (#12027) - configure meshery ui before building AATTcodeSafari10 (#12035) - Add version flag support on model export command AATTlekaf974 (#11934)
* Sun Sep 15 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.100:
* General - fix broken schema w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11983)
* Meshery CLI - no CLI-related changes in this release
* Sun Sep 15 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.99 (no releases between 0.7.95 and this):
* General - Chore: Upgrade golang package dependencies AATTleecalcote (#11968) - Revert \"Chore: update golang dependencies\" AATTleecalcote (#11966) - Chore: update golang dependencies AATTleecalcote (#11964)
* Meshery CLI - no CLI-related changes in this release
* Sun Sep 15 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.95:
* General - Bump path-to-regexp and express in /install/docker-extension/ui AATTdependabot (#11954)
* Meshery CLI - Update meshery simple line icons AATTJougan-0 (#11956)
* Sun Sep 15 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.94:
* General - [Relationships] Remove container relationship AATTMUzairS15 (#11946) - [Relationships] Remove relationships between internal K8s resources. AATTMUzairS15 (#11935) - [Model] Simple Line Icons: Add styling capabilities to Doc, Folder, and ArrowUp components AATTleecalcote (#11927) - [Models] Add meshery-simple-line-icons model AATTleecalcote (#11926) - [Fix]: build and release docker extension AATTjerensl (#11924)
* Meshery CLI - update component w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11923)
* Documentation - Change mesheyctl to mesheryctl AATTAlero-Awani (#11948) - [docs] Update the dead link in Contribute to Models page AATTVijaykv5 (#11931)
* Sun Sep 15 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.93:
* General - deprecated version property fix AATTRaghav1783 (#11903) - chore(deps): bump webpack from 5.76.1 to 5.94.0 in /install/docker-extension/ui AATTdependabot (#11815) - Fix handling of connection API response from remote provider AATTMUzairS15 (#11909) - ensure comp schema is not added and id is based on time of eval AATTMUzairS15 (#11901)
* Meshery CLI - [mesheryctl] Return trimmed response for latest mesheryctl version AATTMUzairS15 (#11912) - [meshreyctl] Use central function to determine latest version. AATTMUzairS15 (#11891)
* Sun Sep 15 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.92: no CLI-related changes
* Sun Sep 15 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.91:
* General - [chore] update schemas package to v0.7.31 and meshkit to v0.7.73 AATTMUzairS15 (#11894) - update hierarchical parent relationship AATTMUzairS15 (#11893) - Support addition of nodes during evaluation based on relationship definition AATTMUzairS15 (#11832) - [Models] [Relationships] AWS RDS Controller AATTJougan-0 (#11703) - Add external Link Interceptor for Docker Extension AATTsudhanshutech (#11858) - [Server] Include updated relationships in the design file diff. AATTMUzairS15 (#11856) - Add rule for evaluating deny selectors. AATTMUzairS15 (#11848) - fix handling of capabilities AATTMUzairS15 (#11855) - Remove unneeded test design files. AATTMUzairS15 (#11831) - Corrected the port number of Nighthawk in AATTKunyueXing (#11824) - fix: flowchart component missing attributes AATTrishabhsharma1997 (#11822) - [Server] Fix design drawer not updating with latest design AATTMUzairS15 (#11819) - Change GetK8sContext according to new API response change AATTshubham251972 (#11818) - bump schemas AATTcodeSafari10 (#11803) - [Docs] Readme language regarding star AATTmarblom007 (#11798) - track relationships that are updated by evaluator as trace AATTMUzairS15 (#11796) - Add fallback when mapping model related details for meshery curated models AATTMUzairS15 (#11793) - Update edge-firewall.json AATTJougan-0 (#11789) - bump meshkit w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11786) - bump meshkit w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11780) - add missing transitions w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11779) - [Relationships] ACK S3 AATTJougan-0 (#11706) - Bump micromatch from 4.0.4 to 4.0.8 in /install/docker-extension/ui AATTdependabot (#11767) - chore: Update to v0.7.25 AATTleecalcote (#11772)
* Meshery CLI - [mesheryctl] Chore: point new release version message to AATTleecalcote (#11889) - Update command and fix minor bug w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11791) - Update logs to be right AATTJougan-0 (#11770)
* Documentation - docs: update docs on installing minikube out of clusters AATTjerensl (#11890) - [CI][Docs] Identity prereleases AATTleecalcote (#11888) - [docs]: Document Catalog Publishing Workflow in Meshery AATTKevin222004 (#11680) - Fix [Docs] Sistent Page Bugs - Text and Link errors #11553 AATTkaushiktak19 (#11842) - Fix Duplicated Kubernetes Subheading in home/guides/tutorials of Docs AATTdevbird007 (#11809) - [Docs] Enhance Error Codes reference page with links to Troubleshooting Guides AATTleecalcote (#11570) - docs: Fix extra spacing in AATTChinoUkaegbu (#11790) - remove older docs version from exclude AATTvishalvivekm (#11785) - [Docs]:Edge shape documentation added AATTSAHU-01 (#11701)
* Sun Sep 15 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.90:
* General - add Style w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11769) - Fix config update policy failing to update/resolve refs for some relationships. AATTMUzairS15 (#11768) - Default capability AATTMUzairS15 (#11765) - Fix aggressive matchlabels rels AATTMUzairS15 (#11757) - [Server] Fix design save error for clone operation AATTMUzairS15 (#11748) - Remove%sfromevent log AATTJougan-0 (#11733)
* Meshery CLI - update styles with styleoverides w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11751) - fix: missing metadata error w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11734)
* Documentation - Fixed broken links in \"Meshery Operator, MeshSync, Broker Troubleshooting Guide\" AATTkhabdrick (#11754) - Update AATTa-singh02 (#11746) - Update AATTa-singh02 (#11747)
* Sun Sep 15 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.89:
* General - add source_uri for models whose components have the data w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11730) - remove extra isNamespace w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11732) - add left components w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11731) - Add is namespace AATTJougan-0 (#11723) - use latest kubernetes model version from registry for helm dry run. AATTMUzairS15 (#11720) - [Server] Format the eval results correctly. AATTMUzairS15 (#11719) - [Server] Fix download API returning design in string format. AATTMUzairS15 (#11718) - [chore] update meshkit package to v0.7.66 AATTMUzairS15 (#11711) - bump meshkit w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11699) - [Server] Send componentsUpdated as part of evaluation in the trace. AATTMUzairS15 (#11695) - update rels to contain subType and refractor to lowercase w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11678) - upgrade models and comp AATTMUzairS15 (#11677) - build(deps): bump axios from 1.6.0 to 1.7.4 in /install/docker-extension/ui AATTdependabot (#11634) - Refactor: Add proper event description for design handler AATTsingh1203 (#11548) - [Docker Extension] Make Catalog Items Clickable AATThumblenginr (#11599) - Update the design file in OCI package to design.yml AATTctcarrier (#11595)
* Meshery CLI - remove prerun for subcommands w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11713) - Assign source_uri to model metadata. AATTMUzairS15 (#11709) - [UI] Fix Tab Navigation Issue on Create Modal AATTUtkarshAhuja2003 (#11578) - [Server] Supporting v1beta1 constructs. AATTMUzairS15 (#11583) - [mesheryctl] Rename mesh command to adapter AATTlekaf974 (#11507)
* Documentation - chore: add reusable include for extension guides AATTvishalvivekm (#11707) - [Docs] Build and Release notes on mesheryctl AATTleecalcote (#11608) - [Docs] Deploying WordPress And MySql With Persistent Volumes with Meshery tutorial AATTAlero-Awani (#11100) - [Docs] Adding generic legends AATTSAHU-01 (#11508) - [mesheryctl] Rename mesh command to adapter AATTlekaf974 (#11507) - chore(docs): remove duplicaiton off components command AATTlekaf974 (#11623) - [Docs] Fix broken hyperlink in \"Contributing to Model Relationships\" section AATTrohitsrma (#11614) - [Docs] Fix Getting Started Broken Link AATTrohitsrma (#11582) - added new secrets to the docs AATTrishabhsharma1997 (#11602) - Fix: Close sidebar nav when clicking outside AATTshreyasinghX (#11594)
* Fri Aug 09 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.88:
* General - Upgrade Meshkit and Silence Registration Errors in Console AATThumblenginr (#11584) - fix: missing model.json file for kubernetes w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11576) - Move svg helper functions to meshkit. AATTMUzairS15 (#11575) - Bug: Return environments for each connection in local provider AATTAijeyomah (#11559) - minor: correction of comment AATTKevin222004 (#11544) - Fix unique key constraint error coming on boot AATTshubham251972 (#11542)
* Meshery CLI - Test: Increase Test Coverage of Doc File AATTamitamrutiya (#11579) - Refactor Entity Registration Logic AATThumblenginr (#11385) - [mesheryctl] Enhance User Experience of model export Command AATThumblenginr (#11563)
* Meshery UI - [UI[ Fix k8s icon in the context switcher AATTMUzairS15 (#11577) - fix typo in playwright e2e AATTmanzil-infinity180 (#11551) - fix: registry relationships tree bugs AATTdottharun (#11555) - Refactor Entity Registration Logic AATThumblenginr (#11385) - fix bug of publish filter AATTsudhanshutech (#11564) - Replace all checkboxes with Sistent AATTsudhanshutech (#11556)
* Maintenance - Refactor Entity Registration Logic AATThumblenginr (#11385) - [CI] Chore: upgrade multi-plaform actions AATTleecalcote (#11543)
* Documentation - fix typo in playwright e2e AATTmanzil-infinity180 (#11551) - refactor: the url for catalog page AATTrishabhsharma1997 (#11571) - Refactor Entity Registration Logic AATThumblenginr (#11385) - [mesheryctl] Enhance User Experience of model export Command AATThumblenginr (#11563) - sidebar-menu AATTvaishnaviadhau (#11467) - Working with Tags page added AATTiArchitSharma (#11240)
* Sat Aug 03 2024 Johannes Kastl - udpate to 0.7.87:
* General - upgrade go mod w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11541) - [Server] Boottime: add registrant\'s name for Model registration log AATTalloydm (#11511)
* Sat Aug 03 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.86:
* General - Add workspace support for local provider AATTYashsharma1911 (#11482) - add missing subType w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11481) - Add environment support for local provider AATTYashsharma1911 (#11464) - add missing displayName w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11485)
* Meshery CLI - feat: generate model based on model name w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11498) - fix linting for svg update w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11519) - Updated filter view command docs AATTAviral0702 (#11500) - Meshkit upgrade AATThumblenginr (#11509)
* Meshery UI - Bump AATTmui/styles from 5.15.19 to 5.16.6 in /ui AATTdependabot (#11532) - Bump cypress from 13.8.1 to 13.13.2 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#11534) - Bump eslint-plugin-cypress from 2.13.3 to 3.4.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#11531) - Bump start-server-and-test from 2.0.3 to 2.0.5 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#11533) - Bump eslint-plugin-cypress from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#11537) - Bump AATTemotion/react from 11.11.3 to 11.13.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#11535) - Bump sistent package version AATTsudhanshutech (#11523) - fix typo in schema AATTsudhanshutech (#11524) - schema migrate for environments and workspace to sistent AATTsudhanshutech (#11483) - Meshkit upgrade AATThumblenginr (#11509) - Some UX fix in dashboard tables AATTsudhanshutech (#11449) - fix: Regression Rerendering due to duplicates button AATTdottharun (#11480) - Get Help modal for extensions AATTsudhanshutech (#11004)
* Maintenance - Bump AATTmui/styles from 5.15.19 to 5.16.6 in /ui AATTdependabot (#11532) - Bump cypress from 13.8.1 to 13.13.2 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#11534) - Bump eslint-plugin-cypress from 2.13.3 to 3.4.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#11531) - Bump start-server-and-test from 2.0.3 to 2.0.5 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#11533) - Bump from 1.64.1 to 1.65.0 AATTdependabot (#11528) - Bump from 1.16.0 to 1.17.0 AATTdependabot (#11530) - Bump eslint-plugin-cypress from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#11537) - Bump AATTemotion/react from 11.11.3 to 11.13.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#11535) - [CI] Update Mesheryctl GitHub Actions Workflow to Latest Versions AATTsingh1203 (#11520) - fix: change to proper working directory AATThumblenginr (#11510) - [CI] Pull Changes Before auto-commit Action AATThumblenginr (#11489)
* Documentation - Bump rexml from 3.3.2 to 3.3.3 in /docs AATTdependabot (#11538) - Update AATThumblenginr (#11522) - [Docs] fix pattern rowspan AATTdusdjhyeon (#11491) - [Docs] update custom meshkit code usage in meshery-server docs AATTalloydm (#11492) - [Server] Adding POST Capability to /api/events/ AATTboku13 (#11190)
* Mon Jul 29 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.85:
* General - Enhance Error Handling for Component Configuration in Design Handler AATTsingh1203 (#11340) - update models AATTcodeSafari10 (#11457) - Run regal linter against WASM policy and fix errors AATTctcarrier (#11309) - Fix connection APIs for local provider AATTYashsharma1911 (#11023)
* Meshery CLI - pattern import log statement improved/signoff AATTrahulrana701 (#11438) - fixed filter list logging the endpoint AATTAviral0702 (#11399)
* Meshery UI - UI: fix registry lazy fetch and InfiniteScrolling -v2 AATTdottharun (#11469) - (fix): fixed zIndex of Navbar AATTsenthil-athiban (#11322) - Support redirection to correct UI page after auth instead of landing on home page. AATTMUzairS15 (#11450) - theme for toolbar components AATTsudhanshutech (#11459) - RTK migration: filters AATTdottharun (#11452) - Migrate designs to rtk AATTsudhanshutech (#11413)
* Documentation - Bump rexml from 3.2.8 to 3.3.2 in /docs AATTdependabot (#11435) - fix: [Docs] Link not working AATTShreshthaaa (#11451)
* Tue Jul 23 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.84:
* General - [Relationship] Add edge-annotation relationship for all components AATTMUzairS15 (#11442) - update components AATTcodeSafari10 (#11432) - animate edge relationships AATTcodeSafari10 (#11415) - add type to wasm relationships AATTcodeSafari10 (#11397) - [Relationships]: add istio relationship and fix subType to type in e… AATTinnocentrda (#11272)
* Meshery CLI - mesheryctl: fix relationships view command unmarshall error AATTalloydm (#11387)
* Meshery UI - [chore] Bump sistent AATTdragon-slayer875 (#11448) - Fix registry styles AATTshubham251972 (#11447) - update settings UI AATTMUzairS15 (#11443) - Expose info modal to extension AATTshubham251972 (#11330) - ench: visibility option in info modal AATTrishabhsharma1997 (#11427) - Revert \"fix: rtk warning for hooks field\" AATTdottharun (#11424) - Lifecycle search placeholders modified AATTHackmey (#11409) - add maxwidth property to transferlist modal AATTsudhanshutech (#11403) - Fix and add meaningful notification on toggle of extensions AATTsudhanshutech (#11396) - [fix] Update Design action icon component and replace onClick function AATTdragon-slayer875 (#11400) - fix: rtk warning for hooks field AATTdottharun (#11374) - [UI] add the version in InfoModal AATTKevin222004 (#11378) - UI: fix - settings/registry styles AATTdottharun (#11394)
* Maintenance - add missing pull statemnt w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11436) - Workflow update AATTJougan-0 (#11434) - Update email to contain more detail w/singoff AATTJougan-0 (#11404)
* Documentation - [Docs]: Fix markdown syntax issue AATTinnocentrda (#11440) - [Docs]: Updating Meshery docs AATTinnocentrda (#11426) - [Documentation]: Missing \'help-wanted label\' hyperlink updated AATTSAHU-01 (#11417) - Add contribution docs for sistent in meshery ui AATTsudhanshutech (#11392) - Amended transcription AATTENUMERA8OR (#11391)
* Tue Jul 16 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.83:
* General - add sistent docs AATTcodeSafari10 (#11393) - move dapr relationship to model folder AATTcodeSafari10 (#11388)
* Meshery CLI - Updated filter view command to accept multi-word filters and filter ID AATTAviral0702 (#11336)
* Sat Jul 13 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.82:
* Meshery UI - Revert \"Bump AATTreduxjs/toolkit from 1.9.5 to 2.2.6 in /ui\" AATTYashsharma1911 (#11383)
* Sat Jul 13 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.81:
* General - Replace the repetitive logic with handler pagination AATTsingh1203 (#11255) - fix wasm filter relationships AATTcodeSafari10 (#11375) - fix and add dapr rels for other components AATTcodeSafari10 (#11365) - Init dapr sidecar relationships AATTleecalcote (#11364)
* Meshery UI - [Chore] UI: Upgrade dependent package Sistent to v0.14.65 AATTleecalcote (#11379) - fix: eslint rollback to 8.x.x AATTdottharun (#11372) - remove operator switch AATTMUzairS15 (#11376) - Added end-to-end playwright tests for UI/Connections component AATTDevRish (#11220)
* Maintenance - fix commit issue w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11366) - Added end-to-end playwright tests for UI/Connections component AATTDevRish (#11220)
* Documentation - Update AATTnwanduka (#10621) - Update Secrets list in Build and Release AATTJacobojijo (#11359) - Corrected Spelling Mistakes AATTENUMERA8OR (#11371)
* Thu Jul 11 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.80:
* General - Bump ejs from 3.1.7 to 3.1.10 in /install/docker-extension/ui AATTdependabot (#10830) - [Cert-manager]: Sync upstream master and add cert-manager relationships AATTinnocentrda (#10986) - update go.sum w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11356)
* Meshery CLI - [mesheryctl] consistent mesheryctl pattern list AATTdusdjhyeon (#11264) - fix concurent write error w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11361) - [Feat] mesheryctl model export command AATThumblenginr (#11338) - [Mesheryctl] model import command AATTJougan-0 (#11332) - [Models] Update models to reflect the correct schemaVersion. AATTMUzairS15 (#11344)
* Meshery UI - Bump AATTreduxjs/toolkit from 1.9.5 to 2.2.6 in /ui AATTdependabot (#11290) - Bump eslint from 8.57.0 to 9.6.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#11281) - [chore] Update styles AATTdragon-slayer875 (#11341) - chore: bump sistent AATTdottharun (#11360) - fix width issues of stepper modal AATTsudhanshutech (#11343) - fix: setting registry tree view AATTsurajgjadhav (#11335) - Support for rjsf form in sistent modal and migrate all modals AATTsudhanshutech (#11163)
* Maintenance - Update integrations-updater.yml AATTvishalvivekm (#11362) - Bump AATTreduxjs/toolkit from 1.9.5 to 2.2.6 in /ui AATTdependabot (#11290) - Bump eslint from 8.57.0 to 9.6.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#11281) - Bump from 1.64.0 to 1.64.1 AATTdependabot (#11355)
* Documentation - [mesheryctl] consistent mesheryctl pattern list AATTdusdjhyeon (#11264) - Spelling Mistakes Correction AATTENUMERA8OR (#11347) - [Mesheryctl] model import command AATTJougan-0 (#11332) - docs: added NPM_TOKEN details under secrets section AATTsurajgjadhav (#11350)
* Wed Jul 10 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.79:
* General - [Relationships] Dapr: Add dapr relationships AATTinnocentrda (#11058)
* Meshery CLI - pattern export command for mesheryctl AATTJougan-0 (#11270)
* Meshery UI - remove validation error truncating AATTaabidsofi19 (#11333) - Move prompt component to sistent modal AATTsudhanshutech (#11317) - Bump relay-compiler from 16.2.0 to 17.0.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#11279) - Fix info modal validation issues AATTshubham251972 (#11308)
* Maintenance - Bump relay-compiler from 16.2.0 to 17.0.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#11279) - Bump from 0.169.0 to 0.187.0 AATTdependabot (#11298) - Update cncf-staging-playground-deploy-meshery.yaml AATTMUzairS15 (#11328) - [CI] Pull Request Labeler: Update labeler to include matching of
*.rego files AATTleecalcote (#11327)
* Documentation - pattern export command for mesheryctl AATTJougan-0 (#11270) - Updated extension points link in AATTAviral0702 (#11325) - Fix docs build failing AATTshubham251972 (#11326)
* Wed Jul 03 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.78:
* General - [chore] Dep upgrades AATTMUzairS15 (#11323) - bump schemas to v0.7.42 AATTMUzairS15 (#11296) - Fix pattern and filter API for local provider AATTshubham251972 (#11295) - rename wasm folder to policies AATTleecalcote (#11287) - [Fix] Fix makefile test-setup-ui command AATTdragon-slayer875 (#11274) - split Relationship and update schemaVersion w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11266)
* Meshery CLI - [mesheryctl] Support PROVIDER_URLS env in system start, update command AATTMUzairS15 (#11310) - [Integrations] Fallback to model svgs AATTMUzairS15 (#11299) - Warning mesheryctl start AATTJougan-0 (#10997) - [mesheryctl]: fixes the panic issue of mesheryctl filter list AATTbriheet (#11265) - Extentsion to logs AATTJougan-0 (#11267) - fixed upgrade meshery cli broken links w/signoff AATTSTAR-173 (#11269) - [mesheryctl] Addition of relationship search AATTJougan-0 (#10956) - [Docs] Updating the docs for mesheryctl exp command #11204 AATTdusdjhyeon (#11225)
* Meshery UI - Bump AATTbabel/eslint-parser from 7.23.10 to 7.24.7 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#11282) - Bump eslint-config-next from 14.1.4 to 14.2.4 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#11280) - [FIx] Fix PROVIDER_TOKEN fallback logic for e2e tests AATTdragon-slayer875 (#11294) - Extentsion to logs AATTJougan-0 (#11267) - [Docs] Updating the docs for mesheryctl exp command #11204 AATTdusdjhyeon (#11225) - Bump react-countdown-clock from 2.10.0 to 2.11.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#11278) - update styles AATTcodeSafari10 (#11273)
* Maintenance - Bump from 1.5.1 to 1.5.3 AATTdependabot (#11292) - Bump from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 AATTdependabot (#11293) - Bump AATTbabel/eslint-parser from 7.23.10 to 7.24.7 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#11282) - Bump eslint-config-next from 14.1.4 to 14.2.4 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#11280) - Bump from 1.63.5 to 1.65.0 AATTdependabot (#11297) - [FIx] Fix PROVIDER_TOKEN fallback logic for e2e tests AATTdragon-slayer875 (#11294) - [CI] Remove scripts folder and go packages from dependabot config AATTleecalcote (#11288) - Extentsion to logs AATTJougan-0 (#11267) - [Docs] GitHub Issue Template: Add contrib instructions for Meshery Components AATTleecalcote (#11245) - [Docs] Updating the docs for mesheryctl exp command #11204 AATTdusdjhyeon (#11225) - Bump from 1.23.0 to 1.23.1 AATTdependabot (#11276) - Bump react-countdown-clock from 2.10.0 to 2.11.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#11278) - [CI] Enable staging playground workflow AATTcpepper96 (#11285)
* Documentation - fix: the error image in integration AATTrishabhsharma1997 (#11300) - Updated Meshery installation link in AATTAviral0702 (#11301) - Update AATTaabidsofi19 (#11303) - Warning mesheryctl start AATTJougan-0 (#10997) - fixed upgrade meshery cli broken links w/signoff AATTSTAR-173 (#11269) - [Docs] Updating the docs for mesheryctl exp command #11204 AATTdusdjhyeon (#11225) - Updated Meshkit logger docs AATTAviral0702 (#11202) - chore: remove commented out GitHub link in navigation.yml AATTleecalcote (#11259)
* Wed Jul 03 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.77:
* General - delete stuck pods in valid_namespaces AATTMUzairS15 (#10904)
* Meshery CLI - Set source-type flag required AATTlekaf974 (#11020)
* Meshery UI - Deployment lifecycle refactor AATTcodeKraken19 (#11060) - Set source-type flag required AATTlekaf974 (#11020)
* Maintenance - Set source-type flag required AATTlekaf974 (#11020) - workflow fix AATTiArchitSharma (#11054)
* Documentation - Set source-type flag required AATTlekaf974 (#11020)
* Sat Jun 22 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.76:
* Meshery UI - [UI]: Add a new Catalog page and it\'s menu item AATTdottharun (#11050) - fix(ui): InfoModal bug in designs-page DataTable AATTdottharun (#11177) - Fix hover over avatar AATTEleisonC (#11165) - migrated cypress tests to playwright AATTDevRish (#11095)
* Maintenance - chore(deps): Bump from 1.4.0 to 1.6.0 AATTdependabot (#11153) - [CI] Update Staging Playground Workflow AATTcpepper96 (#11213) - fix directory address w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11215) - workflow update for proper logs w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11214)
* Documentation - Bug: Fixed the logic to not show the components when it is empty AATTayushrakesh (#11221)
* Sat Jun 22 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.75:
* General - [chore] migrate /bin/bash shebangs to /usr/bin/env bash AATTaabidsofi19 (#11209) - [Relationships]: Nginx ingress relationships AATTinnocentrda (#11121) - remove Logrus with meshkit logger w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11176)
* Meshery CLI - workflow update to mail error log w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11156) - Aijeyomah/feature/list exp relationship AATTJougan-0 (#11101) - refactor(components): Promote component command AATTlekaf974 (#11135)
* Meshery UI - Registry log dynamic AATTJougan-0 (#11065) - [Chore] Add permission check for reset database AATTdragon-slayer875 (#11193)
* Maintenance - workflow update to mail error log w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11156) - Update build-and-release-edge.yml AATTMUzairS15 (#11199) - Bump from 0.16.0 to 0.20.0 AATTdependabot (#10879)
* Documentation - [chore] migrate /bin/bash shebangs to /usr/bin/env bash AATTaabidsofi19 (#11210) - Update - enhanced /docs/pages/extensibility/ AATTayushrakesh (#11200) - [Docs] Partial: Instructions for Creating a New Component with UI Schema AATTleecalcote (#11201) - Updated mesheryctl command for applying WASM Filter AATTAviral0702 (#11197) - [Docs] Refinement of the description of relationships and models AATTleecalcote (#11195) - refactor(components): Promote component command AATTlekaf974 (#11135)
* Sat Jun 15 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.74:
* General - [Dosc] Revert removal of line return to ensure README hyperlinks show as intended. AATTjameshorton2337 (#11182)
* Meshery CLI - fix: logs to have same current model and extracted model AATTJougan-0 (#11118)
* Meshery UI - fix notistack crash AATTcodeSafari10 (#11186) - fix height of registry section AATTsudhanshutech (#10642) - remove unwanted styling add tooltip for unpublish confirmation AATTsudhanshutech (#11172) - [bug] fix crash of connections page AATTsudhanshutech (#11171) - Revert \"Revert \"Bump and migrate notistack according new version\"\" AATTsudhanshutech (#11160)
* Bug Fixes - add missing action func to infomodal AATTsudhanshutech (#11173) - [bug] fix crash of connections page AATTsudhanshutech (#11171)
* Maintenance - Bump from 2.5.11 to 2.5.14 AATTdependabot (#11167)
* Documentation - Updated the installation link of Meshery by Minikube using Helm AATTAviral0702 (#11181)
* Thu Jun 13 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.73:
* General - [Server] Pkg generation during download of design. AATTMUzairS15 (#11162) - Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 in /install/docker-extension/ui AATTdependabot (#11155)
* Meshery CLI - fix ratelimit artifacthub w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11144) - [mesheryctl] Fix list --count is not returning the total when page flag is present AATTlekaf974 (#11143)
* Meshery UI - Move ProgressBar to useSnackbar and convert to react functional component AATTsudhanshutech (#11159) - Move Schema Validation Actor to WebWorker AATTcodeSafari10 (#11141) - Revert \"Bump and migrate notistack according new version\" AATTaabidsofi19 (#11158) - Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#11154) - Bump and migrate notistack according new version AATTsudhanshutech (#11147) - Fix filters not getting fetched locally AATTshubham251972 (#11150) - fix(ui): dashboard-only responsiveness AATTdottharun (#11152) - Make CASL CAN case insensitive AATTdragon-slayer875 (#11148) - [UI] use connection metadata to get context AATTcodeSafari10 (#11145)
* Maintenance - Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#11154) - added issue/docs-needed AATTmilinddethe15 (#11151)
* Tue Jun 11 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.72:
* General - [Server] Format deployment events AATTMUzairS15 (#11102)
* Meshery UI - fix connections page break AATTsudhanshutech (#11138) - Deployment lifecycle enhancement AATTcodeSafari10 (#11094) - added sistentprovider to components AATTcaptain-Akshay (#11136) - [Chore] UI: Upgrade to 0.14.48 Sistent AATTleecalcote (#11134)
* Documentation - chore(docs): Add model reference documentation AATTlekaf974 (#11132) - Leecalcote/docs/mesheryctl-model AATTleecalcote (#11128)
* Fri Jun 07 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.71:
* General - [Server] Support performing upgrades for existing dependent resources. AATTMUzairS15 (#11127) - us default eval query if no query is specified in rel def AATTMUzairS15 (#11099)
* Meshery CLI - [mesheryctl] Promote model command AATTlekaf974 (#11114)
* Documentation - [mesheryctl] Promote model command AATTlekaf974 (#11114) - chore(deps-dev): Bump actiontext from to in /docs AATTdependabot (#11126) - Add cursor to table rows AATTiArchitSharma (#11111)
* Wed Jun 05 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.70:
* General - [Server] Policy for Hierarchical Parent relationship. AATTMUzairS15 (#11098)
* Meshery UI - Enhance rtk and redux global injection AATTcodeSafari10 (#11108) - fix:offset fix w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11064)
* Maintenance - Create staging playground deploy workflow and other updates AATTcpepper96 (#11079)
* Documentation - Add Key ID & Monikers AATTiArchitSharma (#11074)
* Mon Jun 03 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.69 (.68 does not exist):
* General - [Relationships]: Add kube-prometheus-stack relationships AATTinnocentrda (#11072) - [Server] Remove hardcoded registrant/host AATTMUzairS15 (#11073) - generate view link for the deployed design AATTMUzairS15 (#11071)
* Meshery UI - Revert \"chore(deps-dev): Bump eslint from 8.57.0 to 9.4.0 in /provider-ui\" AATTleecalcote (#11092) - chore(deps-dev): Bump eslint from 8.57.0 to 9.4.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#11085) - chore(deps): Bump cron-time-generator from 1.3.2 to 2.0.3 in /ui AATTdependabot (#11080) - chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTcypress/code-coverage from 3.12.26 to 3.12.39 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#11084) - chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTstorybook/addon-interactions from 6.5.16 to 8.1.5 in /ui AATTdependabot (#11083) - chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTcypress/code-coverage from 3.12.16 to 3.12.39 in /ui AATTdependabot (#11082) - chore(deps-dev): Bump eslint-plugin-cypress from 2.15.1 to 3.3.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#11087) - chore(deps): Bump react-dom from 18.2.0 to 18.3.1 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#11088) - Alignment of Notification Center and backdrop on Open AATTcaptain-Akshay (#11078) - missing permission page AATTcaptain-Akshay (#11076) - Replace tooltips with sistent tooltips AATTdragon-slayer875 (#11067)
* Maintenance - chore(deps): Bump from 0.45.0 to 0.53.0 AATTdependabot (#11090) - chore(deps-dev): Bump eslint from 8.57.0 to 9.4.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#11085) - chore(deps): Bump cron-time-generator from 1.3.2 to 2.0.3 in /ui AATTdependabot (#11080) - chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTcypress/code-coverage from 3.12.26 to 3.12.39 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#11084) - chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTstorybook/addon-interactions from 6.5.16 to 8.1.5 in /ui AATTdependabot (#11083) - chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTcypress/code-coverage from 3.12.16 to 3.12.39 in /ui AATTdependabot (#11082) - chore(deps-dev): Bump eslint-plugin-cypress from 2.15.1 to 3.3.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#11087) - chore(deps): Bump react-dom from 18.2.0 to 18.3.1 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#11088) - chore(deps): Bump from 1.17.0 to 1.18.2 AATTdependabot (#11091)
* Documentation - Categorization of Permissions AATTiArchitSharma (#11053) - [Docs] Meshery Registry AATTleecalcote (#11069)
* Thu May 30 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.67:
* General - delete stuck pods in valid_namespaces AATTMUzairS15 (#10904)
* Meshery CLI - Set source-type flag required AATTlekaf974 (#11020)
* Meshery UI - Deployment lifecycle refactor AATTcodeKraken19 (#11060) - Set source-type flag required AATTlekaf974 (#11020)
* Maintenance - Set source-type flag required AATTlekaf974 (#11020) - workflow fix AATTiArchitSharma (#11054)
* Documentation - Set source-type flag required AATTlekaf974 (#11020)
* Thu May 30 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.66:
* Meshery UI - fix connection states not available AATTMUzairS15 (#11059)
* Thu May 30 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.65:
* General - [Server] Do not perform encode/decode of token when making requests to Provider AATTMUzairS15 (#11057) - [Server] Lazy conversion from design formats to meshery-design AATTMUzairS15 (#11022)
* Meshery CLI - fix:use sprintf to provide proper logs w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11046) - [mesheryctl] registry generate: fix logs AATTleecalcote (#11035) - [Generator] Assign default metadata for newly generated comps. AATTMUzairS15 (#11043)
* Meshery UI - Revert \"Replace tooltips with sistent tooltips\" AATTdragon-slayer875 (#11056) - Replace tooltips with sistent tooltips AATTdragon-slayer875 (#11052) - update rjsf form props AATTcodeKraken19 (#11044)
* Maintenance - Updated label commenter to new docs AATTkrishantt (#11031)
* Documentation - docs: remove application docs w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#11017)
* Fri May 24 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.64:
* Meshery UI - missing state AATTcaptain-Akshay (#11030)
* Thu May 23 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.63:
* Meshery UI - [Extension Point] Disable footer and padding for fullscreen extensions AATTcodeKraken19 (#11027)
* Thu May 23 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.62:
* General - [Argo CD]: Add argocd AppProject-ApplicationSet-Application relationships AATTinnocentrda (#10920)
* Meshery UI - bump sistent package AATTsudhanshutech (#11018)
* Wed May 22 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.61:
* Meshery UI - fix eslint check AATTsudhanshutech (#11014)
* Maintenance - Keys table added AATTiArchitSharma (#10756)
* Documentation - Keys table added AATTiArchitSharma (#10756)
* Wed May 22 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.60:
* General - fix nil pointer dereference AATTcode-sleuth (#10932) - [Server] handling of token and cookies, auth and session middleware AATTMUzairS15 (#11003)
* Meshery CLI - Mesheryctl\'s unit tests fix AATTJougan-0 (#11002) - Revert \"Revert \"[mesheryctl] Bug fixes in mesheryctl system start\"\" AATTMUzairS15 (#10993)
* Meshery UI - [Navigator.js] Equalized the height of Meshery logo container AATTAryakoste (#10982) - bump sistent AATTcaptain-Akshay (#11001) - Convert class to functional component in management/service-mesh AATTJeevaRamanathan (#10981) - Feat: Implement new missing permissions page AATTdragon-slayer875 (#10969)
* Sat May 18 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.59:
* Meshery CLI - Revert \"[mesheryctl] Bug fixes in mesheryctl system start\" AATTleecalcote (#10992)
* Documentation - docs: Replaced mesheryctl app & onboard commands AATTsingh1203 (#10972)
* Sat May 18 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.58:
* General - [Server] Fix k8s manifest to pattern conversion logic AATTMUzairS15 (#10973) - new feature on roadmap AATTcaptain-Akshay (#10964) - [server]fix missing services attribute for empty design AATTMUzairS15 (#10968) - fix: fix provider lint step in make ui-build AATTdragon-slayer875 (#10957)
* Meshery CLI - [mesheryctl] Bug fixes in mesheryctl system start AATTMUzairS15 (#10961)
* Meshery UI - responsive v1 AATTcaptain-Akshay (#10985) - Initialize Playwright testing AATTcodeKraken19 (#10930) - without css baseline AATTcaptain-Akshay (#10955) - fixes#10910: AATTMUzairS15 (#10967) - Bump sistent & cleanup packages AATTsudhanshutech (#10963)
* Maintenance - Initialize Playwright testing AATTcodeKraken19 (#10930)
* Documentation - Bump rexml from 3.2.6 to 3.2.8 in /docs AATTdependabot (#10984) - Initialize Playwright testing AATTcodeKraken19 (#10930) - Eliminate duplication of tutorials listing on homepage AATTvishalvivekm (#10983) - Update AATTleecalcote (#10959)
* Tue May 14 2024 Johannes Kastl - update ot 0.7.57: No changes according to the changelog
* Tue May 14 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.56:
* General - [Server] Add API to convert from multiple design formats to meshery-design AATTMUzairS15 (#10928)
* Meshery CLI - [mesheryctl] support setting of provider with context create and system re/start command. AATTMUzairS15 (#10921) - Mesheryctl: Add interactive pagination for filter list AATTAijeyomah (#10732)
* Meshery UI - Workspace and org AATTcaptain-Akshay (#10884) - Bump AATTopen-policy-agent/opa-wasm from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10838) - [UI] enhance dry run formatting and events . AATTcodeKraken19 (#10952) - [Provider UI] Fix broken Meshery provider logo image AATTdragon-slayer875 (#10944) - [UI] Broken image link in Provider modal. #10909 AATTSparshDusad (#10919) - Remove boolean values from selectablerows prop AATTsudhanshutech (#10912) - add info icon to kubernetes connections AATTsudhanshutech (#10911) - [UI] Use correct pagesize for APIs used to render Configuration charts in Dashboard UI. AATTMUzairS15 (#10906)
* Bug Fixes - Fix seeding default org in \"Local Provider\" AATTYashsharma1911 (#10899)
* Maintenance - Bump AATTopen-policy-agent/opa-wasm from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10838) - Bump from 0.14.0 to 0.15.0 AATTdependabot (#10844)
* Documentation - [Docs] Update AATTleecalcote (#10947) - Bump nokogiri from 1.16.2 to 1.16.5 in /docs AATTdependabot (#10945) - [Docs]: Reduce font size in Meshery REST API page AATTjasonmokk (#10914) - padding fix for mobile view AATTiArchitSharma (#10897) - Add Related models category name AATTiArchitSharma (#10896)
* Thu May 09 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.55:
* General - [CI] Minor updates to playground cleanup AATTcpepper96 (#10802) - fix nil pointer refrernce AATTMUzairS15 (#10892)
* Meshery UI - ui: mention SMIResults has been deprecated AATTdottharun (#10893) - remove unused vars AATTcodeKraken19 (#10882) - Bump AATTemotion/styled from 11.11.0 to 11.11.5 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10840) - Bump AATT4tw/cypress-drag-drop from 2.2.3 to 2.2.5 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10837) - Bump cypress from 13.7.1 to 13.8.1 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10842)
* Maintenance - [CI] Fix .github/labeler.yml upgrade to actions/labelerAATTv5 problem AATTtico88612 (#10817) - Bump AATTemotion/styled from 11.11.0 to 11.11.5 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10840) - Bump AATT4tw/cypress-drag-drop from 2.2.3 to 2.2.5 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10837) - Bump cypress from 13.7.1 to 13.8.1 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10842)
* Documentation - Fix sidebar top AATTabhishekmmgn (#10765) - add: Relationship between pod and other k8s resources[high level] AATTRipulHandoo (#10332) - [] Single line commands formatted. AATTAryakoste (#10866)
* Wed May 08 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.54:
* General - Update AATTMUzairS15 (#10876) - [Server] Feat: Move to v1beta1 AATTMUzairS15 (#10623)
* Meshery UI - Subscribe header component to CASL ability update AATTbetelgeuse-code (#10869) - sistent bump and valid component AATTcaptain-Akshay (#10872) - [UI] fix design configurator AATTMUzairS15 (#10871) - Bump sistent AATTaabidsofi19 (#10870) - [UI] Account Menu Extension Enhancements AATTcodeKraken19 (#10854)
* Documentation - migrate to v1beta1 AATTMUzairS15 (#10623)
* Sun May 05 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.53:
* Meshery UI - fix broken connection path AATTcodeKraken19 (#10858) - Fix pagination issues with registrant tab AATTYashsharma1911 (#10859)
* Maintenance - Update AATTMUzairS15 (#10868)
* Documentation - Model include added in integrations layout AATTiArchitSharma (#10759) - [Docs] Quick Start enhancements; mesheryctl install AATTleecalcote (#10865) - [Docs] Shorten quick start guide AATTleecalcote (#10852) - remove meshery-operator line from docs AATTvishalvivekm (#10850)
* Thu May 02 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.52:
* General - [chore] Bump meshkit to v0.7.25 AATTMUzairS15 (#10829) - [Server] Add support to fetch connection by id. AATTMUzairS15 (#10801) - [Server] fix pagination logic AATTMUzairS15 (#10824) - Bump next_error_code to fix test that failing AATTlekaf974 (#10818)
* Meshery CLI - [Bug] Fix import pattern command AATTbetelgeuse-code (#10847)
* Meshery UI - Add notification for import of design/filter AATTsudhanshutech (#10831) - Update validation modal font weight AATTdragon-slayer875 (#10835) - Bump react from 18.2.0 to 18.3.1 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10841) - Bump AATTmui/icons-material from 5.15.14 to 5.15.16 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10839) - Bump universal-cookie from 4.0.4 to 7.1.4 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10846) - Enhance Deployement Environment Step AATTcodeKraken19 (#10821) - Fix issue of assigning design to workspace AATTsudhanshutech (#10828) - [UI] Fix MeshSync datatable. AATTMUzairS15 (#10823)
* Maintenance - Bump react from 18.2.0 to 18.3.1 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10841) - Bump AATTmui/icons-material from 5.15.14 to 5.15.16 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10839) - Bump from 0.26.2 to 0.28.0 AATTdependabot (#10843) - Bump universal-cookie from 4.0.4 to 7.1.4 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10846)
* Documentation - Updated relationships include file AATTritiksaxena124 (#10833) - Updated relationships docs to include links to designs representing relationships AATTritiksaxena124 (#10827) - add redirect_from AATTdextrot (#10820) - docs: Updated CLI command reference AATTsingh1203 (#10807)
* Tue Apr 30 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.51:
* General - [Server] Fix nil pointer dereference AATTMUzairS15 (#10809) - [Server] Change logs verbosity for design resources AATTMUzairS15 (#10768) - update descriptions for heirarchical relationships AATTcodeKraken19 (#10781) - [Server][Events] Add support to persist events to remote provider. AATTMUzairS15 (#10782)
* Meshery CLI - [Server] Add support for retrieving metrics for designs. AATTMUzairS15 (#10800) - feat: environment command AATTRipulHandoo (#10663)
* Meshery UI - Bump axios from 0.27.2 to 1.6.8 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10813) - fix(WorkspaceCards): fix card background color AATTdragon-slayer875 (#10803) - [UI] remove dead code AATTcodeKraken19 (#10794) - Code kraken modals AATTcodeKraken19 (#10792) - [UI] Fix Styling and add documentation AATTcodeKraken19 (#10790) - [Docs] Add Jsdoc Comments to components AATTcodeKraken19 (#10786) - [UI] Add Jsdoc to data formatters AATTcodeKraken19 (#10788) - [UI] Fix types in connection helpers AATTcodeKraken19 (#10789) - [UI] remove redundant logs AATTcodeKraken19 (#10787) - remove redundant notifications from ui AATTcodeKraken19 (#10785) - Convert environment makestyles with styled components AATTbetelgeuse-code (#10780)
* Maintenance - Bump axios from 0.27.2 to 1.6.8 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10813) - Set overwrite flag to true for the upload-artifact action AATTcode-sleuth (#10811)
* Documentation - [Tutorial] ConfigMaps and Secrets with Meshery AATTsangramrath (#10744) - Fix Editable include AATTiArchitSharma (#10804) - update reading list AATTdextrot (#10779) - [Docs] Typo fixes AATTShivamCoder23 (#10778)
* Wed Apr 24 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.50:
* General - add capabilities to nodegroupwallet AATTaabidsofi19 (#10763) - Fix deployment failures AATTMUzairS15 (#10767)
* Meshery CLI - feat: workspace command AATTRipulHandoo (#10634) - Add proper meshkit sytle error logging for ClearLine function AATTAijeyomah (#10556) - Fix behavior to display helper function AATTlekaf974 (#10685)
* Meshery UI - Fix not able to download design AATTYashsharma1911 (#10766)
* Documentation - [Fix Docs] Tutorial: Exploring Kubernetes CronJobs with Meshery Playground AATTsandramsc (#10107)
* Fri Apr 19 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.49:
* Meshery UI - Disable permission check for now AATTdragon-slayer875 (#10749) - Fix wrong key in permission constant file for preferences AATTYashsharma1911 (#10748)
* Thu Apr 18 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.48:
* Meshery UI - Meshery UI permissions addition/fix AATTdragon-slayer875 (#10728)
* Wed Apr 17 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.47:
* Meshery CLI - Ripul handoo/mesheryctl/args error AATTRipulHandoo (#10726) - [Chore] Update copyright holder in project license AATTleecalcote (#10729) - [CI] fix: Mesheryctl lint checks failing test AATTsingh1203 (#10643) - Revert \"Fix mesheryctl publish to remote provider command\" AATTYashsharma1911 (#10715) - Fix mesheryctl publish to remote provider command AATTYashsharma1911 (#10714)
* Meshery UI - feat: enhance deployment flow AATTaabidsofi19 (#10733) - expose remote provider capabilities AATTAseem22 (#10575) - ui bugs and enchanment AATTcaptain-Akshay (#10641) - chore(Popup): change primary button color AATTdragon-slayer875 (#10727) - Bump tar from 6.1.15 to 6.2.1 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10718)
* Maintenance - [Chore] Update copyright holder in project license AATTleecalcote (#10729) - change integration output path to `_models` collection AATTvishalvivekm (#10717) - Bump tar from 6.1.15 to 6.2.1 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10718) - [CI] fix: Mesheryctl lint checks failing test AATTsingh1203 (#10643)
* Documentation - Missing \"s\" in hyperlink AATTleecalcote (#10737) - Fix the docs to import designs in meshery AATT11happy (#10676) - [Chore] Update copyright holder in project license AATTleecalcote (#10729) - Reduced font size to 0.9rem in AATTabhishekmmgn (#10722)
* Sat Apr 13 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.46:
* General - [Cleanup] Remove unnecessary files added by publish workflow AATTYashsharma1911 (#10684) - bump meshkit to v0.7.21 AATTMUzairS15 (#10682)
* Meshery CLI - [Bug][Server] Fix nil pointer error when importing Helm chart AATTYashsharma1911 (#10707) - remove extra strings from integration docs body AATTvishalvivekm (#10698) - [CI][CLI] Include Cloud as a Target in the Publish Workflow AATTYashsharma1911 (#10683) - [mesheryctl] Fix publish command failure AATTMUzairS15 (#10681)
* Meshery UI - MeshModelComponent.js Component search fixed AATTAryakoste (#10686) - Make tabs scrollable for mobile screens AATTsudhanshutech (#10689) - fix improper passing and usage of props AATTMUzairS15 (#10674) - [Bug][Server] Fix nil pointer error when importing Helm chart AATTYashsharma1911 (#10707) - fix : Local Provider: Designs fail to load AATTAdarsh-jaiss (#10692) - [CI][CLI] Include Cloud as a Target in the Publish Workflow AATTYashsharma1911 (#10683)
* Maintenance - Update cleanup script to check for \"Terminating\" namespaces and patch finalizers field AATTcpepper96 (#10680) - Fix cloud path in integration workflow AATTYashsharma1911 (#10696) - [CI][CLI] Include Cloud as a Target in the Publish Workflow AATTYashsharma1911 (#10683)
* Documentation - Update to contributing-docs for issue #9976 AATTsangramrath (#10533) - update css for mobile view AATTvishalvivekm (#10706) - Update Relationship documentation. AATTRipulHandoo (#10690) - Revert \"Create enhanced.html\" AATTvishalvivekm (#10697) - update integrations pages to use integration layout AATTvishalvivekm (#10695) - Create enhanced.html AATTvishalvivekm (#10688)
* Sat Apr 06 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.45:
* Meshery CLI - feat: Relationship cmd AATTRipulHandoo (#10640)
* Fri Apr 05 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.44:
* General - Revert \"upgrade alpine from 3.15.3 to 3.18.5 to solve vulnerabilities \" AATTMUzairS15 (#10673)
* Fri Apr 05 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.43:
* General - Add missing space causing bash issue AATTlekaf974 (#10666)
* Meshery UI - Convert MesheryChart and MesheryChartDialog to functional component. AATTAseem22 (#10358)
* Security - upgrade alpine from 3.15.3 to 3.18.5 to solve vulnerabilities AATTdeepak4566 (#10624)
* Wed Apr 03 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.42:
* General - edge annotation arrow head color AATTaabidsofi19 (#10667) - Fix Edge Annotation Relation AATTaabidsofi19 (#10665)
* Meshery CLI - feat: generate relationship docs AATTRipulHandoo (#10670)
* Meshery UI - Bump eslint from 8.52.0 to 8.57.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10654) - upgrade tar from 6.1.15 to 6.2.1 AATTdeepak4566 (#10647) - Bump AATTbabel/traverse from 7.23.9 to 7.24.1 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10656) - Bump cypress from 13.6.4 to 13.7.1 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10659) - chore: replace dashboard popup image AATTdragon-slayer875 (#10668) - fix: dashboard charts AATTaabidsofi19 (#10669)
* Maintenance - Bump eslint from 8.52.0 to 8.57.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10654) - Bump from 1.63.2 to 1.63.5 AATTdependabot (#10653) - Bump from 1.13.1 to 1.14.0 AATTdependabot (#10651) - Bump AATTbabel/traverse from 7.23.9 to 7.24.1 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10656) - Bump cypress from 13.6.4 to 13.7.1 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10659)
* Documentation - Remove meshery-perf references AATTlekaf974 (#10644) - feat: generate relationship docs AATTRipulHandoo (#10670)
* Security - upgrade tar from 6.1.15 to 6.2.1 AATTdeepak4566 (#10647)
* Wed Apr 03 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.41:
* General - update parent child rels AATTaabidsofi19 (#10649)
* Meshery UI - Bump postcss from 8.4.31 to 8.4.38 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10657) - Bump AATTmui/icons-material from 5.14.19 to 5.15.14 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10660) - Bump eslint-config-next from 14.1.3 to 14.1.4 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10661)
* Maintenance - Bump from 1.25.5 to 1.25.9 AATTdependabot (#10655) - Bump postcss from 8.4.31 to 8.4.38 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10657) - Bump AATTmui/icons-material from 5.14.19 to 5.15.14 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10660) - Bump eslint-config-next from 14.1.3 to 14.1.4 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10661)
* Documentation - hide radio buttons on api-ref AATTvishalvivekm (#10664) - fix docs search field AATTvishalvivekm (#10650)
* Sat Mar 30 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.40:
* General - Relationship between AWS FieldExport and k8s resources. AATTRipulHandoo (#10535) - Add meshery-nighthawk helm chart AATTlekaf974 (#10581)
* Meshery CLI - feat: Mesheryctl Connections command AATTRipulHandoo (#10516)
* Meshery UI - Improve some UI elements in dashboard AATTsudhanshutech (#10628) - UI Extension: GitHub Action - Performance Analysis AATTleecalcote (#10625) - [RTK] Migrate User component to rtk AATTdottharun (#10270) - fix(MesheryPatterns): update designs data when updating information through info modal AATTdragon-slayer875 (#10620)
* Documentation - feat(docs): add error code name to search link (#10635) AATTelasticspoon (#10638) - [DOCS] replace backticks with bold formatting AATTiArchitSharma (#10633) - [Docs]: Updating Docs for Contributing to Model Relationships AATTpandeyshubham03 (#10627) - Suggested Reading added in default Layout AATTiArchitSharma (#10611)
* Sat Mar 30 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.39:
* Meshery UI - Revert \"Bump react-dom from 17.0.2 to 18.2.0 in /ui\" AATTYashsharma1911 (#10622)
* Tue Mar 26 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.38:
* General - Bump express from 4.17.3 to 4.19.2 in /install/docker-extension/ui AATTdependabot (#10618) - feat: Relationship between Workspace and other aws-prometheusservice-controller components AATTRipulHandoo (#10493) - Downgrade to MeshKit v0.7.19 AATTleecalcote (#10614) - Update pattern API to support visibility change AATTYashsharma1911 (#10612) - fix edge annotation relationship AATTMUzairS15 (#10609) - Create hierarchical_parent.json AATTMUzairS15 (#10607) - Create edge_annotation.json AATTMUzairS15 (#10608)
* Meshery CLI - consolidate mesheryctl app into pattern AATTRipulHandoo (#10590)
* Meshery UI - Bump express from 4.18.2 to 4.19.2 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10617) - Bump react-dom from 17.0.2 to 18.2.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10466)
* Maintenance - Bump express from 4.18.2 to 4.19.2 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10617) - Bump from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 AATTdependabot (#10471) - Bump react-dom from 17.0.2 to 18.2.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10466) - Upgrade GitHub Action dorny/paths-filterAATTv3 AATTleecalcote (#10613) - Upgrade to MeshKit v0.7.20 AATTleecalcote (#10606)
* Documentation - consolidate mesheryctl app into pattern AATTRipulHandoo (#10590) - Upgrade GitHub Action dorny/paths-filterAATTv3 AATTleecalcote (#10613) - Consolidate Tasks with Guides AATTleecalcote (#10610)
* Sun Mar 24 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.37:
* Documentation - selectors snipeet backing relationships AATTRipulHandoo (#10596)
* Sun Mar 24 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.36:
* General - Bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.1 to 5.3.4 in /install/docker-extension/ui AATTdependabot (#10600) - Remove comment schema from Meshery definitions AATTleecalcote (#10604) - [Add]: Relationship between KubeArmorPolicy and Kubernetes Components AATTpandeyshubham03 (#10534)
* Meshery UI - Upgrade to Sistent v0.14.18 AATTleecalcote (#10605) - fix cancel search button AATTAseem22 (#10528)
* Documentation - [Docs] Commands visibility fix AATTritiksaxena124 (#10601) - Update AATTleecalcote (#10587) - [Docs]: Add a new contrib docs page for Model Relationships AATTpandeyshubham03 (#10540) - [Fix Docs] Improve code formatting for ALL code blocks AATTsandramsc (#10598)
* Wed Mar 20 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.35:
* General - Remove 0.7.1 directory for core models AATTYashsharma1911 (#10589)
* Tue Mar 19 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.34:
* General - fix model registration getting blocked due to error AATTMUzairS15 (#10584)
* Meshery CLI - Feat: Update model generator AATTYashsharma1911 (#10576)
* Mon Mar 18 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.33:
* General - feat: relationship between Limit-range and other components AATTRipulHandoo (#10070) - Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 in /install/docker-extension/ui AATTdependabot (#10571) - [Add]: Relationship between KubeArmorHostPolicy and k8s components AATTpandeyshubham03 (#10553)
* Features - Move all components to sistent single package AATTsudhanshutech (#10548)
* Meshery CLI - Fix exp components cmd bugs AATTalphaX86 (#10337)
* Meshery UI - Move all components to sistent single package AATTsudhanshutech (#10548) - Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10572) - Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10570) - Simplify the Environment assign in connections table AATTsudhanshutech (#10552)
* Maintenance - Bump from 0.17.42 to 0.17.45 AATTdependabot (#10573) - Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10572) - Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10570) - [chore] fix integrations updater workflow AATTMUzairS15 (#10547) - Bump from 1.31.0 to 1.33.0 AATTdependabot (#10561) - Bump from 5.4.3 to 5.5.4 AATTdependabot (#10568)
* Documentation - solves hover effect issue in dark mode AATTayush844 (#10402) - Update jekyll docker image to 4.0 in Makefile AATTsangramrath (#10545)
* Sun Mar 17 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.32:
* General - fix parent child relation with section AATTcodeKraken19 (#10566) - delete core comps generated due to incorrect source url AATTMUzairS15 (#10550) - skip schema validation if schema is empty and comp is an annotation AATTMUzairS15 (#10549)
* Meshery UI - [Fix]: Connections page env assignment bugs AATTcodeKraken19 (#10551)
* Documentation - Rearrange Logging Section AATTyash37158 (#10554) - [Docs] Relationships page update AATTritiksaxena124 (#10524) - Add kubernetes pods tutorial using playground AATTsangramrath (#10456)
* Sun Mar 17 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.31:
* General - bump meshkit to v0.7.18 AATTMUzairS15 (#10532)
* Meshery UI - bump sistent AATTcaptain-Akshay (#10529) - Bump eslint-config-next from 14.1.0 to 14.1.3 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10527)
* Maintenance - Bump eslint-config-next from 14.1.0 to 14.1.3 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10527)
* Sun Mar 17 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.30:
* General - feat: Relationship between Volume attachment and PersistentVolume AATTRipulHandoo (#10481) - Delete unused file: custom.hbs AATTleecalcote (#10475) - Delete unused redocly.yaml file from repo root AATTleecalcote (#10476) - Update AATTleecalcote (#10519) - add make target for using remote provider in staging environment AATTMUzairS15 (#10521) - [Server] Regenerate error codes for meshery server AATTMUzairS15 (#10520)
* Meshery CLI - [mesheryctl] Fix Registry usage error message link AATTtico88612 (#10522) - Fixing the test failure AATTAlthaf66 (#10484)
* Meshery UI - Bump eslint-plugin-prettier from 5.0.0 to 5.1.3 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10467) - Bump AATTcypress/code-coverage from 3.12.19 to 3.12.26 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10462) - Bump AATTmui/icons-material from 5.11.16 to 5.15.11 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10468) - Bump AATTmui/material from 5.15.7 to 5.15.11 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10459) - [chore] Flatten the metadata and update UI. AATTMUzairS15 (#10525)
* Maintenance - Bump eslint-plugin-prettier from 5.0.0 to 5.1.3 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10467) - Bump AATTcypress/code-coverage from 3.12.19 to 3.12.26 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10462) - Bump AATTmui/icons-material from 5.11.16 to 5.15.11 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10468) - Bump AATTmui/material from 5.15.7 to 5.15.11 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10459) - [Models]: Updating Issue Template AATTpandeyshubham03 (#10523)
* Documentation - [Docs] Meshery Docs Contributing summarization AATTleecalcote (#10500) - add id for error codes AATTvishalvivekm (#10526)
* Sun Mar 17 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.29:
* General - [Add]: Relationship between Kubernetes Components AATTpandeyshubham03 (#10482) - [Server] Fix intermodel relationship registration and eval. AATTMUzairS15 (#10517) - Update Makefile AATTMUzairS15 (#10511)
* Meshery CLI - Update reference table in docs AATTalphaX86 (#10518) - [Docs] Mesheryctl Docs Update fixes #10503 AATTwestcalcote (#10505)
* Meshery UI - Fix layout and theme in layout AATTsudhanshutech (#10515)
* Documentation - Update reference table in docs AATTalphaX86 (#10518) - Update AATTvishalvivekm (#10508) - [Docs] Mesheryctl Docs Update fixes #10503 AATTwestcalcote (#10505)
* Sun Mar 17 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.28 (0.7.27 does not exist):
* General - [Server] Fix manifests separated using yaml-separator being not parsed correctly AATTMUzairS15 (#10497)
* Meshery CLI - [mesheryctl] Fix redirection to error page when performing auth AATTMUzairS15 (#10499) - assign model shape to generated comps AATTMUzairS15 (#10496) - [mesheryctl] Update model generator. AATTMUzairS15 (#10487)
* Meshery UI - Show relationship description in models tab AATTYashsharma1911 (#10491) - [chore] fix UI lint issues. AATTMUzairS15 (#10492) - [chore] Bump meshkit to v0.7.16 AATTMUzairS15 (#10489) - Inject Sistent Into remote components AATTcodeKraken19 (#10480) - Bump eslint from 8.55.0 to 8.57.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10463)
* Maintenance - Bump from 1.15.0 to 1.16.0 AATTdependabot (#10473) - Create Bill of Materials and Licenses AATTjameshorton2337 (#10477) - Bump eslint from 8.55.0 to 8.57.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10463)
* Sun Mar 17 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.26:
* General - [GraphQL Plugin] Extract plugin related logic AATTMUzairS15 (#10441) - Revert \"store token and session on domain instead of subdomain\" AATTMUzairS15 (#10448) - Docs :- information regarding a new command. AATTsurajvast1 (#10407) - [Add]: Relationship between PriorityClass and other k8s components AATTpandeyshubham03 (#10376) - fix incorrect design save events AATTMUzairS15 (#10424)
* Meshery CLI - [Chore] Code base cleanup of \"service mesh\" AATTleecalcote (#10429) - append comps at end to ensure core model sourceuri stays the same AATTMUzairS15 (#10447)
* Meshery UI - [Server] Eliminate dead code and Improvements for controllers/dataHandlers. AATTMUzairS15 (#10389) - Migrate registration stepper api to rtk AATTsudhanshutech (#10451) - Add empty state for no result found in Registry AATTYashsharma1911 (#10443) - Inject structured data formatter in Remote Extension AATTcodeKraken19 (#10439) - Support ignoring models in Registry AATTYashsharma1911 (#10171)
* Documentation - [Chore] Code base cleanup of \"service mesh\" AATTleecalcote (#10429) - Bump rails from 7.0.5 to in /docs AATTdependabot (#10428) - Vishalvivekm patch 1 AATTvishalvivekm (#10425) - Tutorials layout AATTvishalvivekm (#9868)
* Sun Mar 17 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.25:
* No changes
* Sun Mar 17 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.24:
* General - store token and session on domain instead of subdomain AATTMUzairS15 (#10419) - [Add]: Relationship between StorageClass and other k8s components AATTpandeyshubham03 (#10357) - [Add]: Relationship between Job and other k8s resources AATTpandeyshubham03 (#10380) - [Docker] Fix failing docker build AATTMUzairS15 (#10397) - Ripul handoo/relationship/pod distribution budget AATTRipulHandoo (#10273) - add: Relationship for IngressClass and other k8s resources AATTRipulHandoo (#10355) - add: Relationship between Controller revision and other k8s resources AATTRipulHandoo (#10299) - Updated the version in meshery-nsm-deployment.yaml AATTanirudh-hegde (#10388)
* Meshery CLI - regenerate error codes for mesheryctl AATTMUzairS15 (#10405) - fix: failing golint-ci test for mesheryctl AATTRipulHandoo (#10384)
* Meshery UI - [bug] Fix patterns filtering AATTsudhanshutech (#10363) - Update theme AATTaabidsofi19 (#10409) - Complete Rtk migration for Connections AATTsudhanshutech (#10362) - [Adapter] Add support for Nighthawk AATTleecalcote (#10361) - [UI] Enhance title and description of Environments #10364 AATTizuca (#10395)
* Bug Fixes - [bug] Fix patterns filtering AATTsudhanshutech (#10363)
* Maintenance - add: defined relationship link AATTRipulHandoo (#10401) - [chore] update golangci-lint action to v4 AATTMUzairS15 (#10400) - [Adapter] Add support for Nighthawk AATTleecalcote (#10361)
* Documentation - Bugs Fix AATTiArchitSharma (#10411) - chore: remove anchor tags from frontmatter variable abstract AATTdextrot (#10403) - [Adapter] Add support for Nighthawk AATTleecalcote (#10361) - [Docs] Enhance Build and Release page with link to test plan AATTleecalcote (#10383) - Update Dockerfile AATTMUzairS15 (#10390)
* Sat Feb 24 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.23:
* General - Bump ip from 1.1.5 to 1.1.9 in /install/docker-extension/ui AATTdependabot (#10368)
* Meshery CLI - [mesheryctl] Add support to update spreadsheet during model generation. AATTMUzairS15 (#10378) - upadte svg string AATTMUzairS15 (#10379) - [chore] mesheryctl: rename registry import to registry generate AATTleecalcote (#10365)
* Maintenance - workflow miss AATTcaptain-Akshay (#10374) - [chore] mesheryctl: rename registry import to registry generate AATTleecalcote (#10365)
* Sat Feb 24 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.22:
* General - add: Add description for relationship AATTRipulHandoo (#10308) - updated kompose version AATTanirudh-hegde (#10354) - [Docs] Initialize logical concepts page for Registry AATTleecalcote (#10349)
* Meshery CLI - Fix more SQL injections AATTgyohuangxin (#10280)
* Meshery UI - fixed the export modal AATTcaptain-Akshay (#10342) - [Rtk] Migrate meshsync section to rtk AATTsudhanshutech (#10243) - [Server] Fix events API. AATTMUzairS15 (#10353)
* Documentation - [Fix Docs] Improve code formatting AATTsandramsc (#9911) - [Docs] Updated FAQ for design invisibility issues in catalog AATTsaurabh100ni (#9704) - Fixed one broken link issue #9957 AATTneerajmanivarnan (#9958) - #9935 changed the link from /guides/configuration-management/creating… AATTmuthu9594 (#9938) - [Docs] fix: Compatibility Matrix test result for Components and typo\'s AATTsingh1203 (#10338) - [Docs] Modify help text for Meshery Catalog AATThamza-mohd (#10341) - [DOCS] Missing Abstract added in pages AATTiArchitSharma (#10336) - [Docs] Contributing: Models and Relationships AATTleecalcote (#10348) - suggested reading cache fix AATTiArchitSharma (#10328) - [Docs] Add abstract to the Extensions page AATTleecalcote (#10322)
* Security - Fix more SQL injections AATTgyohuangxin (#10280)
* Tue Feb 20 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.21:
* General - delete generator and updater scripts AATTMUzairS15 (#10326) - Bump from 3.13.2 to 3.14.1 in /scripts/component_updater AATTdependabot (#10315) - upgrade meshkit to v0.7.13 AATTMUzairS15 (#10317) - fix: rename meshery-flowcharts to meshery-flowchart in relation AATTaabidsofi19 (#10305)
* Meshery UI - [Fix UI] Change menu text AATTsandramsc (#10325)
* Maintenance - Fix server build error coming on boot AATTYashsharma1911 (#10276) - Create AATTleecalcote (#10309)
* Documentation - docs: visualizations for logical relationships AATTleecalcote (#10323) - [Docs] Format - with HTML tag not markdown - Update () - chore: fix-cached-links AATTvishalvivekm (#10319) - Fix head caching issue AATTiArchitSharma (#10313)
* Fri Feb 16 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.20:
* General - [Server] Design upload events. AATTMUzairS15 (#10306)
* Meshery CLI - [chore] fix mesheryctl lint issue AATTMUzairS15 (#10307)
* Thu Feb 15 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.19:
* General - [Server] Fix connection status getting overriden during import of K8s connection. AATTMUzairS15 (#10303) - Ripul handoo/relationships/pod template AATTRipulHandoo (#10271) - add: Relationship between Replication Controller and other k8s resources AATTRipulHandoo (#10274) - add: relationship between k8s lease and other k8s components[high-level] AATTRipulHandoo (#10244) - run component updater AATTMUzairS15 (#10286) - feat: Relationship between HPA and other k8s components. AATTRipulHandoo (#10126) - add: Relationship between csi-driver and other k8s resources AATTRipulHandoo (#10262) - feat: relationship between kubernetes secret and other resources AATTRipulHandoo (#9880)
* Meshery CLI - fix conflicts AATTMUzairS15 (#10285) - Feature/exp components command AATTRipulHandoo (#9726) - [Meshmodel] Update Components AATTaabidsofi19 (#10277)
* Meshery UI - [fix] remove xstate/inspect AATTaabidsofi19 (#10302) - fix hover of hyperlink AATTsudhanshutech (#10288) - [Meshmodel] Update Components AATTaabidsofi19 (#10277) - Fix the React Warnings in Meshery UI Build AATTMeenuyD (#10266) - Testing small change AATTsudhanshutech (#10265)
* Maintenance - Bump from 2.13.1 to 2.15.0 AATTdependabot (#10148)
* Documentation - [Docs] Relationships and Policies AATTMUzairS15 (#10253) - Fixed text color in swagger layout AATTiArchitSharma (#10279) - error table liquid fix AATTiArchitSharma (#10283) - Reference added to error table AATTiArchitSharma (#10281) - [Docs] Remove deprecated adapters from toc sidebar AATTleecalcote (#10257) - [Docs] Enhance enhanced layout with optional suggested-reading list AATTleecalcote (#10256) - Fix missing list AATTiArchitSharma (#10260)
* Sat Feb 10 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.18: no structured changelog, just a list of commits, see
* Thu Feb 08 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.17:
* General - [Meshmodel] Update pod,replicaset,job,cronjob to have genealogy parent AATTaabidsofi19 (#10248) - updated pencil node AATTcaptain-Akshay (#10225) - add: Relationship between Event component and other k8s components AATTRipulHandoo (#10194) - change log severity to debug AATTMUzairS15 (#10221)
* Meshery CLI - [bug] Fix pattern apply AATTtheBeginner86 (#10142) - Fix golangci-lint issues in mesheryctl. AATTgyohuangxin (#10226)
* Meshery UI - Fix icon color AATTsudhanshutech (#10245) - leecalcote/docs/connections delete modal AATTleecalcote (#10236) - [UI] Global Navigation Menu Tooltip Enhancement AATTChetanPatil12 (#10219) - [Enhancement][UI] Reduced font size of Metadata Labels in small viewport AATTcesartheroman (#10222) - [Server] Enhance Design Import Notification AATTASK-03 (#10223) - [UI] Registry UI issues AATTYashsharma1911 (#10208) - Update existing queries and add rtk client for performance-profile api\'s AATTsudhanshutech (#10220)
* Bug Fixes - [bug] Fix pattern apply AATTtheBeginner86 (#10142)
* Maintenance - update: issue_template for model AATTRipulHandoo (#10188)
* Documentation - [Docs] Deleting Environments AATTleecalcote (#10237) - [Docs] Jekyll Build Cache AATTleecalcote (#10239) - suggested reading edit AATTmgurrie (#10213) - #10145 Added two suggeste d reading links to Docs Contributing page AATTsuguslove10 (#10230)
* Security - Fix SQL injection in /api/system/meshsync/resources AATTgyohuangxin (#10207)
* Wed Feb 07 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.16:
* General - [Relationship] Support chaining of inventory items. AATTMUzairS15 (#10218) - [server] Server policy eval improvements. AATTMUzairS15 (#10216) - [Policies] Add support for building incomplete json paths AATTMUzairS15 (#10182) - [Connection] Add Connection definition for Github. AATTMUzairS15 (#10186) - add pencil component AATTaabidsofi19 (#10169)
* Meshery UI - Add rtk client for meshSync api\'s AATTsudhanshutech (#10217) - add info and replace tooltips AATTsudhanshutech (#10214) - [Typo] - Environments and workspaces AATTsenali-d (#10211) - [Extension] Add Info Icon on Export Design Modal AATTAjaxAueleke (#10008) - Migrate dashboard to rtk and cleanups AATTsudhanshutech (#10122)
* Maintenance - Bump from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0 AATTdependabot (#10150) - Bump from 1.60.3 to 1.63.2 AATTdependabot (#10147) - Bump from 0.154.0 to 0.161.0 in /scripts/component_generation AATTdependabot (#10152) - Bump from 1.17.0 to 1.18.0 AATTdependabot (#10149) - Bump from 0.7.2 to 0.7.11 in /scripts/component_generation AATTdependabot (#10154)
* Documentation - [Feat Docs] Added Contributing to docs using Gitpod AATTMonalikaPatnaik (#10196) - docs: fix broken image on models contributing page AATTshravan562 (#10200)
* Mon Feb 05 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.15:
* Meshery UI - Bump AATTbabel/traverse from 7.23.6 to 7.23.9 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10159) - replace icon in header AATTsudhanshutech (#10168) - Start sourcing icons from Sistent (1st phase) AATTsudhanshutech (#10128) - Bump AATTcypress/code-coverage from 3.12.17 to 3.12.19 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10160) - Bump AATTemotion/react from 11.10.8 to 11.11.3 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10155) - Bump eslint-config-prettier from 9.0.0 to 9.1.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10157) - Bump AATTmui/material from 5.15.2 to 5.15.7 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10162) - Bump eslint-config-next from 14.0.4 to 14.1.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10163) - Bump AATTbabel/eslint-parser from 7.22.15 to 7.23.10 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10161) - Bump cypress from 13.6.2 to 13.6.4 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10164)
* Maintenance - Bump AATTbabel/traverse from 7.23.6 to 7.23.9 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10159) - Bump AATTcypress/code-coverage from 3.12.17 to 3.12.19 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10160) - Bump AATTemotion/react from 11.10.8 to 11.11.3 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10155) - Bump eslint-config-prettier from 9.0.0 to 9.1.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#10157) - Bump AATTmui/material from 5.15.2 to 5.15.7 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10162) - Bump eslint-config-next from 14.0.4 to 14.1.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10163) - Bump AATTbabel/eslint-parser from 7.22.15 to 7.23.10 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10161) - Bump cypress from 13.6.2 to 13.6.4 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#10164)
* Documentation - fix: remove direct link to the source code AATTRipulHandoo (#10166)
* Mon Feb 05 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.14:
* General - [chore] upgrade meshkit to v0.7.11 AATTMUzairS15 (#10144) - [relationships] update selectors to represent correct path AATTMUzairS15 (#10103)
* Meshery CLI - [docs/mesheryctl] Fix annotations of exp command AATTtheBeginner86 (#10113) - [docs] Fix mesheryctl exp AATTtheBeginner86 (#10112) - [mesheryctl] Registry command init AATTtheBeginner86 (#10053)
* Meshery UI - [RTK] Settings - Reset database AATTsenali-d (#10135) - [RTK] Environments and Workspaces AATTsenali-d (#10131) - [chore] upgrade relay-compiler to 16.2.0 AATTMUzairS15 (#10127) - [Bug] Transfer list component AATTsenali-d (#10124) - fix text case style in modal AATTsudhanshutech (#10123) - Alter icon AATTsudhanshutech (#10121) - Descriptive info inside tooltip AATTsudhanshutech (#10120) - Prevent lossing technology in infoModal AATTYashsharma1911 (#10098) - Fix casing for displayName in publish payload AATTYashsharma1911 (#10095)
* Bug Fixes - [Bug] Transfer list component AATTsenali-d (#10124) - [docs/mesheryctl] Fix annotations of exp command AATTtheBeginner86 (#10113)
* Maintenance - Bump from 1.1.9 to 1.1.12 AATTdependabot (#10139) - Update meshmap.yml AATTMUzairS15 (#10136) - [CI] fixes E2E Test workflow. AATTsingh1203 (#10114) - Update integrations-updater.yml AATTtheBeginner86 (#10097) - Update integrations-updater.yml AATTtheBeginner86 (#10096)
* Documentation - [Docs] Components: remove source hyperlink AATTleecalcote (#10140) - Add: Managing Events with Notification Center abstract AATTRipulHandoo (#10134) - [Docs] Concepts: Logical policies AATTleecalcote (#10138) - Redirects AATTvishalvivekm (#10132) - readd-meshmodel-folder AATTvishalvivekm (#10129) - add-redirect AATTvishalvivekm (#10115) - [docs] Fix mesheryctl exp AATTtheBeginner86 (#10112) - docs fix quick start copy to clipboard button AATTranjeetxsingh (#10100) - [Docs] Relocate Contrib-Community location in TOC AATTleecalcote (#10093) - Feature/add selectors documentation AATTRipulHandoo (#10035) - [bug] Fix broken links for /concepts/ to /concept/logical/ AATTtheBeginner86 (#10101)
* Sun Feb 04 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.13:
* General - Add new entry for AYA Innovation Labs as adopter AATTYashsharma1911 (#10092)
* Meshery CLI - [chore] run gofmt on server. AATTMUzairS15 (#10084) - feat: responsive pagination for mesheryctl exp list cmd AATTRipulHandoo (#10069) - [bug/mesheryctl] Fix Import/Onboard AATTtheBeginner86 (#10065)
* Meshery UI - [UI] Update publish catalog request payload AATTYashsharma1911 (#10091) - [General] - Dark mode issue in transfer modal AATTsenali-d (#10088) - add missing tooltip and refactor its styling AATTsudhanshutech (#10086) - Fix CASL typo from actions to action in performance page AATTYashsharma1911 (#10087) - [Components] Improve default field descriptions AATTleecalcote (#10067)
* Bug Fixes - [bug/mesheryctl] Fix Import/Onboard AATTtheBeginner86 (#10065)
* Maintenance - Revert \"Update error-codes-updater.yaml\" AATTMUzairS15 (#10090) - Update error-codes-updater.yaml AATTMUzairS15 (#10089) - add conditional to use token only on master branch for error-code-util AATTMUzairS15 (#10085) - use GitHub PAT for checkoing out repo AATTMUzairS15 (#10083) - Bump Screenshot Service version AATTtheBeginner86 (#10081) - Update generate_keys.yml AATTMUzairS15 (#10064) - Update generate_keys.yml AATTMUzairS15 (#10063) - [CI] Enhance Keys workflow with published CSV AATTleecalcote (#10062)
* Documentation - [Docs] Error Code Reference Layout AATTleecalcote (#10075)
* Security - [CI] Enhance Keys workflow with published CSV AATTleecalcote (#10062)
* Sun Feb 04 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.12:
* General - added capabilities for edges AATTcaptain-Akshay (#10048) - update meshsync crd AATTMUzairS15 (#10057) - [Relationships] Add selectors sets in relationships. AATTMUzairS15 (#9987) - Update grafana_helper.go AATTeltociear (#9981) - [Server] Fix remote pattern upload AATTMUzairS15 (#10014) - [Server] Validate userid and handle remote provider responses on failure correctly. AATTMUzairS15 (#10015) - [bug] Fix Remote Design file upload AATTtheBeginner86 (#10013)
* Meshery UI - Fix developer warnings AATTJyothiSwaroopReddy07 (#10029) - Added new icons for Kubernetes components AATTnwanduka (#9866) - [WIP] Migrate registry page to use RTK AATTYashsharma1911 (#10007) - [NOTIFICATION] Added visual indication for notification center AATTcaptain-Akshay (#10030) - fix grammer issue in popup ui comopnents AATTamitamrutiya2210 (#10028) - [UI] Refactor tooltip and its behaviour in dashboard cards AATTsudhanshutech (#10042) - [RTK] Connections api migrate to rtk AATTsenali-d (#9992) - [UI] Fix publishing design AATTYashsharma1911 (#9990) - [MeshModel Category] Database category icon added AATTritiksaxena124 (#10006)
* Maintenance - Update meshmap.yml AATTtheBeginner86 (#10055) - [chore] Update meshmap.yml AATTMUzairS15 (#10054) - [Bug] Reinitialise models and keys registration on Database reset. AATTMUzairS15 (#10024) - [models] Consolidate Meshery Docs Generator AATTtheBeginner86 (#9941)
* Documentation - broken link fixed w/signoff AATTprathyushmadhu (#9960) - #9935 changed the link from /guides/configuration-management/creating-a-meshrey-design to /guides/creating-a-meshrey-design AATTmuthu9594 (#9982) - [Fixed Docs Cloud Native app Configuration] - Grammar adjustment AATTshourya2002-geek (#10012) - v0.4, v0.5, v0.6 added to excludes AATTiArchitSharma (#10051) - Fix developer warnings AATTJyothiSwaroopReddy07 (#10029) - [DOCS] Suggested Reading bug fix AATTiArchitSharma (#10020) - modified provider urls AATTJyothiSwaroopReddy07 (#10027) - [DOCS] MeshModel to Model fix AATTiArchitSharma (#10031) - [docs] fix \"Managing Events with Notification Center\" link not working properly AATTdottharun (#10044) - [Docs] Relationships: Grammar fix in the \"Design Relationships and Restrictions\" section AATTneerajmanivarnan (#10003) - [Docs Designs] Removed Repeated Phrase #9995 Fixed AATTASK-03 (#10001) - Added mesherycli cheatsheet AATTDhanush0369 (#10022) - [docs] Fix YAML issue in Meshery Docs AATTtheBeginner86 (#10021) - [models] Consolidate Meshery Docs Generator AATTtheBeginner86 (#9941) - Made grammatical changes for the paragraph under \'Importing Applications\'. AATTayushgml (#10018)
* Sun Feb 04 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.11:
* General - Generic Annotation Node AATTaabidsofi19 (#9974) - [chore] fix unwanted warning on save AATTtheBeginner86 (#9977) - update: update AATTRipulHandoo (#9972) - [chore] Fix Failing MeshKit Error Util AATTtheBeginner86 (#9962) - [Docs] New make target for non-incremental serving of site AATTleecalcote (#9945) - [Permission] Update permission spreadsheet AATTYashsharma1911 (#9948) - [bug] Fix Error Message on K8s Manifest Upload AATTtheBeginner86 (#9940) - [Relationships] AWS RDS DBCluster to IAM Role AATTleecalcote (#9666) - [chore] fix models AATTtheBeginner86 (#9921)
* Meshery UI - Fix naming convention AATTsudhanshutech (#9993) - Fix horizontal line alignment in registry tree view AATTYashsharma1911 (#9989) - fixed the dropdown icon bug across modals AATTcaptain-Akshay (#9983) - [UI] Enhance the Meshery UI registry AATTYashsharma1911 (#9939) - fix controller version logic AATTMUzairS15 (#9975) - [Env/Workspace] - Remove org selector from create environment and workspace modal AATTsenali-d (#9961) - Feat: Import/Export Design as OCI Artifact AATTtheBeginner86 (#9861) - [UI] Filter support for Designs and Filters AATTsudhanshutech (#9918) - Fix Id formatter and empty data UX AATTsudhanshutech (#9933) - solved icons cutoff issue AATTAniket-76 (#9907) - [UI] Fix dark mode issues in error component AATTYashsharma1911 (#9924) - [UI] Fix dysfunctional Metrics tab. AATTMUzairS15 (#9915)
* Maintenance - [docs] Enhance Component Docs Updater Script AATTtheBeginner86 (#9934)
* Documentation - [DOCS] Fixed broken links AATTMonalikaPatnaik (#9988) - [Docs] Add GitHub link to main navigation menu AATTleecalcote (#9970) - [Docs] Chore: Additional 404 error messages AATTleecalcote (#9956) - [Docs] Redirects for Adapters AATTleecalcote (#9955) - fixed broken link issue in AATTprathyushmadhu (#9954) - [Docs] Revise integrations on homepage AATTleecalcote (#9946) - fix: integrations link AATTleecalcote (#9944) - Feat: Import/Export Design as OCI Artifact AATTtheBeginner86 (#9861) - solved issue #9913 AATTAkashMeheta (#9927) - [Docs] Enhanced Integrations list AATTleecalcote (#9937) - [Docs] Add menu toggle. Collapsed by default AATTleecalcote (#9902) - [Doc] Extensibility CASL AATTYashsharma1911 (#9898) - Fixed many links including the issue #9892 AATTConqxeror (#9923) - Update AATTchiragbiradar (#9930) - [Docs] Categorization and partial restructure AATTleecalcote (#9920) - [Docs] feat: add google tag manager AATTleecalcote (#9912) - [Docs] Restructure proposal AATTleecalcote (#9887)
* Sun Feb 04 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.10:
* General - chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.3 to 1.15.4 in /install/docker-extension/ui AATTdependabot (#9909)
* Meshery UI - [Bug] - Fix workspace and environment required field validation AATTsenali-d (#9917) - chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.2 to 1.15.4 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9903) - [UI] Fix CASL issues AATTYashsharma1911 (#9904) - chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.2 to 1.15.4 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#9905) - [Enhancement] - Workspace and environments AATTsenali-d (#9890) - fix tooltip styling AATTsudhanshutech (#9906) - resolved label cutoff issue AATTAniket-76 (#9900) - [fix] Some ui fixes in env and workspaces AATTsudhanshutech (#9896)
* Maintenance - chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.2 to 1.15.4 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9903) - chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.2 to 1.15.4 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#9905)
* Documentation - [Docs] Sitemap with URLs AATTleecalcote (#9908) - feat: build a provider AATTleecalcote (#9889) - [Docs] New Suggested Reading layout AATTleecalcote (#9891)
* Sun Feb 04 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.9:
* General - fix: broken \'Security\' category AATTleecalcote (#9884) - Remove schemas from meshery/meshery. AATTMUzairS15 (#9876) - [Models] Update connection transitions and middleware. AATTMUzairS15 (#9881)
* Meshery UI - Reuse tooltip AATTsudhanshutech (#9885) - Bump AATTrjsf/utils from 5.8.1 to 5.15.1 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9803)
* Maintenance - Bump AATTrjsf/utils from 5.8.1 to 5.15.1 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9803) - chore(deps): Bump from 1.3.3 to 1.3.7 AATTdependabot (#9878)
* Documentation - docs: rearrange extensions AATTleecalcote (#9883)
* Sun Feb 04 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.8:
* General - [LocalProvider] Cleanup keys when server is shutdown. AATTMUzairS15 (#9879) - [Models] Rename relationships.reqo_query to relationships.evaluationQuery. AATTMUzairS15 (#9875) - [Server] Auto Register for Connections AATTMUzairS15 (#9785) - [Models] Add support to update component capabilities. AATTMUzairS15 (#9848) - [Docker Extension] chore: update ui deps AATTleecalcote (#9841)
* Meshery CLI - chore: remove mesheryctl unit test assertions AATTleecalcote (#9853)
* Meshery UI - [UI] Fix connection page crash AATTYashsharma1911 (#9871) - Enhance dashboard ui elements AATTsudhanshutech (#9872) - [bug] fix null check for environment AATTsudhanshutech (#9860) - [FIX] Sorting in designs and filters and fix some UI issues AATTsudhanshutech (#9859) - [WIP] Enforced CASL in UI AATTYashsharma1911 (#9778) - [FIX] Routing error in workspace AATTsudhanshutech (#9852)
* Bug Fixes - [bug] fix null check for environment AATTsudhanshutech (#9860)
* Documentation - fix: fixed broken link AATTameeetgaikwad (#9874) - Docs: Relocate Adapters Under Extensibility AATTleecalcote (#9855) - docs: refresh overview and structure AATTleecalcote (#9854)
* Sun Feb 04 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.7:
* General - chore(deps): Bump from 1.7.6 to 1.7.11 in /scripts/component_updater AATTdependabot (#9682) - [relationships] Fix incorrect query in hierarchical_config relationship definition. AATTMUzairS15 (#9837) - [Models] Relationships for Kubernetes ConfigMap using Environment Variables AATTleecalcote (#9816)
* Meshery CLI - Fix experimental model command in mesheryctl AATTLakshyaSatpal (#9813) - add reference link in mesheryctl AATTAlthaf66 (#9707) - fix the grammatical issue #9810 AATTAlthaf66 (#9811)
* Meshery UI - Add Postgres Database Icon AATTAkshun-01 (#9674) - Added icons for Kubernetes Node Metrics component AATTnwanduka (#9760) - Fix connection page issues AATTsudhanshutech (#9838) - Fix Environment options update and undefined bug in connections AATTsudhanshutech (#9831) - [UI] Add info icon to prompt component AATTYashsharma1911 (#9826) - Bump AATTcypress/code-coverage from 3.12.7 to 3.12.17 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#9814) - Bump AATTmui/material from 5.14.19 to 5.15.2 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#9792) - Prevent common modal from rerender AATTYashsharma1911 (#9822)
* Bug Fixes - Fix Environment options update and undefined bug in connections AATTsudhanshutech (#9831)
* Maintenance - [chore] Bump MeshMap Snapshot AATTtheBeginner86 (#9836) - [Server] Seed keys for local provider AATTYashsharma1911 (#9771) - Bump AATTcypress/code-coverage from 3.12.7 to 3.12.17 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#9814) - Bump AATTmui/material from 5.14.19 to 5.15.2 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#9792) - Bump from 1.27.10 to 1.30.0 AATTdependabot (#9799) - Bump from 1.7.0 to 1.8.0 AATTdependabot (#9798) - [Chore] GH Issue Template: Update and rename to AATTleecalcote (#9820)
* Documentation - Fixed mobile search results AATTSavio629 (#9613) - Adding consistent font-weight for list-structure AATTyash37158 (#9759) - fix v0.6 navbar dropdown and details marker in v0.6 meshery docs AATTAniket-76 (#9835) - add reference link in mesheryctl AATTAlthaf66 (#9707) - [Docs] Update docs for configuring logs at runtime. AATTMUzairS15 (#9827) - docs: logical concepts update AATTleecalcote (#9808) - [Docs] Relationships: Missing color for info/tip/note Alerts + Models: Missing color AATTbrandonkylely (#9823)
* Sun Feb 04 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.6:
* General - [Server] Handle connection update events impacting performance. AATTMUzairS15 (#9786) - [bug] Fix Relationships Registration Process AATTtheBeginner86 (#9783) - [server] Revert unneeded changes AATTMUzairS15 (#9784) - [Server] Organise packages and use of mutexes. AATTMUzairS15 (#9779) - [ci] Fix MeshKit Error Utility AATTtheBeginner86 (#9777) - [bug] Fix application type AATTtheBeginner86 (#9765) - [Docs] Fix integration docs updater AATTMUzairS15 (#9756)
* Meshery CLI - [Server] Add support to change log levels at runtime AATTMUzairS15 (#9815) - [mesheryctl] Fix mesheryctl app + unit tests AATTtheBeginner86 (#9776) - Fix app import failure. AATTshanukun (#9738)
* Meshery UI - [Popup.js] fixed popup zindex and spacing issue AATTprabhjeevnijjar (#9767) - Bump AATTemotion/react from 11.11.1 to 11.11.3 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#9793) - Bump eslint-config-next from 14.0.3 to 14.0.4 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#9791) - Bump cypress from 13.6.1 to 13.6.2 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#9795) - Bump AATTcypress/code-coverage from 3.12.5 to 3.12.16 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9796) - Bump AATTmui/styles from 5.14.3 to 5.15.2 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9805) - Bump uuid from 9.0.0 to 9.0.1 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9802) - Bump graphql-ws from 5.11.2 to 5.14.3 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9804) - [UI] fix: Update style for cursor AATTOmAximani0 (#9788) - [Environments/Workspaces] - Scroll loading support for transfer list modal AATTsenali-d (#9806) - Fix issue in registry AATTsudhanshutech (#9774) - [Workspaces] - Workspaces page AATTsenali-d (#9722) - Fix technology not showing in info modal AATTYashsharma1911 (#9763) - [UI] - Environment card button arrow position AATTsenali-d (#9768) - [FIX] k8s icon and connection transition naming AATTaabidsofi19 (#9764) - fix row expansion on selecting env AATTsudhanshutech (#9762) - [UI] Filter support for Meshsync and Connections AATTsudhanshutech (#9717)
* Maintenance - chore(deps): Bump from 1.7.6 to 1.7.11 in /scripts/component_generation AATTdependabot (#9681) - Bump from 0.7.0 to 0.7.2 in /scripts/component_generation AATTdependabot (#9790) - Bump AATTemotion/react from 11.11.1 to 11.11.3 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#9793) - Bump eslint-config-next from 14.0.3 to 14.0.4 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#9791) - Bump cypress from 13.6.1 to 13.6.2 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#9795) - Bump AATTcypress/code-coverage from 3.12.5 to 3.12.16 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9796) - Bump AATTmui/styles from 5.14.3 to 5.15.2 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9805) - Bump from 0.17.39 to 0.17.42 AATTdependabot (#9800) - Bump uuid from 9.0.0 to 9.0.1 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9802) - Bump from 0.152.0 to 0.154.0 in /scripts/component_generation AATTdependabot (#9789) - Bump from 0.26.0 to 0.26.2 AATTdependabot (#9797) - Bump from 0.3.5 to 0.4.0 AATTdependabot (#9801) - Bump graphql-ws from 5.11.2 to 5.14.3 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9804) - [mesheryctl] Fix mesheryctl app + unit tests AATTtheBeginner86 (#9776) - fix-command-to-get-latest-Meshery-release-tag AATTvishalvivekm (#9761) - Bump from 0.3.4 to 0.6.1 AATTdependabot (#9533)
* Documentation - docs: Fix ruby version in contributing-docs page AATTLakshyaSatpal (#9812) - docs: pattern init AATTleecalcote (#9809) - [API/Docs] Support for returning unassigned entities AATTtheBeginner86 (#9780) - fixed details-marker AATTAniket-76 (#9770) - [Docs] Fix integrations docs page. AATTMUzairS15 (#9757)
* Sun Feb 04 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.5:
* General - [HELM] Fix Ingress Resource of Meshery AATTtheBeginner86 (#9755) - preload kubernetes_resource_object_meta AATTMUzairS15 (#9753)
* Meshery UI - [Connection Register] - Register MeshSync data as a connection AATTsenali-d (#9548)
* Bug Fixes - [bug] Fix Searching + Preloading Issue AATTtheBeginner86 (#9754)
* Documentation - [Docs] enhance: Customizing Meshery\'s Installation with values.yaml AATTleecalcote (#9747)
* Sun Feb 04 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.4:
* General - chore: version: 0.7.0 AATTleecalcote (#9748) - [bug] Fix searching in MeshSync resources AATTtheBeginner86 (#9737) - [Server] Added filters in connections API AATTYashsharma1911 (#9729) - Fix nil pointer errors and updated the keys new URL path AATTYashsharma1911 (#9731) - [typo] Update sibling_matchlabels.rego AATTtheBeginner86 (#9734) - chore(deps): Bump from 0.14.0 to 0.17.0 in /scripts/component_updater AATTdependabot (#9669) - [server][chore]: drop dead code AATTVihasMakwana (#9609) - [MeshSync API]add API to delete resources by ID AATTMUzairS15 (#9728) - update schemas and structs AATTMUzairS15 (#9723) - fix meshkit error utiltiy AATTMUzairS15 (#9724) - [Server] Handle database conflicts when persisting MeshSync data. AATTMUzairS15 (#9718) - [bug/rego] Fixes Tag Set Relationship Evaluation AATTtheBeginner86 (#9714) - [Relationships] Add Environment Hierarchical Parent Relationship AATTtheBeginner86 (#9677)
* Features - Add Routing To Dashboard tabs AATTaabidsofi19 (#9687)
* Meshery CLI - [CI] Remove mesheryctl dependency for Helm Chart release AATTleecalcote (#9746)
* Meshery UI - Bump lint-staged from 13.2.3 to 15.1.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9530) - Enhancements and fixes in Registry AATTsudhanshutech (#9732) - [ci] Fix Eslint AATTtheBeginner86 (#9742) - Fix routing issue in settings page AATTsenali-d (#9736) - [UI] Feat: Assign Connection to Envs AATTtheBeginner86 (#9637) - fix name in expansion row AATTsudhanshutech (#9720) - [Environments] - Dark mode support and RTK migration AATTsenali-d (#9705) - Fix cols and add resizeable support AATTsudhanshutech (#9713) - Prevent expansion on chip AATTsudhanshutech (#9703) - Added logic of HTML entity encoding in RJSF Text fields widget AATTYashsharma1911 (#9702) - Enhancements in RJSF select widget AATTYashsharma1911 (#9699) - [UI] fix kubernetes icon AATTaabidsofi19 (#9690) - Add Routing To Dashboard tabs AATTaabidsofi19 (#9687)
* Maintenance - Bump lint-staged from 13.2.3 to 15.1.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9530) - Bump from 5.9.0 to 5.11.0 AATTdependabot (#9733) - [CI] Remove mesheryctl dependency for Helm Chart release AATTleecalcote (#9746) - [Helm] chore: dependency upgrade to Ingress v1 AATTleecalcote (#9745) - chore(deps): Bump from 0.15.0 to 0.17.0 AATTdependabot (#9668) - chore(deps): Bump from 0.16.0 to 0.17.0 in /scripts/component_generation AATTdependabot (#9667) - Update build-and-release-stable.yml AATTtheBeginner86 (#9711) - Bump meshkit to v0.7.1 AATTYashsharma1911 (#9709) - [snapshot] Update meshmap.yml AATTtheBeginner86 (#9701) - Update meshmap.yml AATTtheBeginner86 (#9700) - [snapshot] Update meshmap.yml AATTtheBeginner86 (#9698) - [CI] Update meshmap.yml to v0.1.3 AATTleecalcote (#9697) - chore(deps): Bump from 1.7.6 to 1.7.11 AATTdependabot (#9683)
* Documentation - [Docs] Updated the width of the single column in responsive view AATTAniumbott (#9727) - [Docs] Added Meshery CLI to the list of architectural components AATTPrathumP (#9629) - [Docs] Events Management: Remove duplicate page title (h1) AATTleecalcote (#9743) - Add OpenAPI Schema Links to concepts on docs AATTLakshyaSatpal (#9708) - Adding consistent color to list-structure AATTyash37158 (#9740) - sidebar-list-restructure AATTvishalvivekm (#9710) - [meshsync] GET MeshSync Resources Kinds AATTtheBeginner86 (#9730) - [UI] Feat: Assign Connection to Envs AATTtheBeginner86 (#9637) - [CI] feat: Dedicated URL for latest Meshery release tag AATTleecalcote (#9725) - Feat: Workspaces AATTtheBeginner86 (#9654) - Sidebar Unordered Lists Restructure AATTyash37158 (#9611) - [bug] Fix support for exporting designs AATTtheBeginner86 (#9692) - [Docs] Update for each page\'s abstract AATTleecalcote (#9685)
* Sun Feb 04 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.3:
* Meshery UI - [bug] Fix Unnecessary re-rendering of Dashboard AATTtheBeginner86 (#9684) - Use rtk query in environments page AATTaabidsofi19 (#9679) - fix connection status duplication and hide workspaces allocation AATTaabidsofi19 (#9678) - update route for service-mesh AATTaabidsofi19 (#9675) - Fix Lifecycle routing AATTaabidsofi19 (#9673) - Add Postgres Autoscalar Icon AATTAkshun-01 (#9672) - fix broken imports in environments AATTaabidsofi19 (#9671)
* Bug Fixes - [bug] Fix Unnecessary re-rendering of Dashboard AATTtheBeginner86 (#9684)
* Sun Feb 04 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.2:
* General - [bug] Fix env component AATTtheBeginner86 (#9659) - [server][meshmodel] chore: add aws controllers AATTVihasMakwana (#9650) - [Model] AWS EKS: Model and Component metadata AATTleecalcote (#9649) - chore: add aws eks controller statically AATTVihasMakwana (#9638)
* Meshery UI - [Environments] Environments page AATTsenali-d (#9647) - [UI] Correct indicators for context switcher. AATTMUzairS15 (#9645) - Upgrade Performance table to sistent table AATTsudhanshutech (#9648) - update mdeditor AATTaabidsofi19 (#9646) - [UI] - Prompt Component button color AATTsenali-d (#9644)
* Maintenance - chore(build-and-release-stable): ignore rc releases AATTchenrui333 (#9642) - chore(ci/cd): Update e2e tests with newer k8s versions AATTwebstradev (#9665) - [environments] Add API to Get Connections for Environment AATTtheBeginner86 (#9651)
* Documentation - [environments] Add API to Get Connections for Environment AATTtheBeginner86 (#9651)
* Mon Dec 18 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.1:
* General - Bump axios from 0.26.1 to 1.6.0 in /install/docker-extension/ui AATTdependabot (#9340) - [chore] upgrade to meshkit v0.7.0 AATTMUzairS15 (#9606)
* Meshery CLI - [feat] add enhancements, fix latency while searching models AATTVihasMakwana (#9573)
* Meshery UI - [UI] Changed User.js from class based component to functional component AATTMohith234 (#8918) - [feat] add enhancements, fix latency while searching models AATTVihasMakwana (#9573)
* Bug Fixes - [server][fix]: don\'t exit in case of context is persisted AATTVihasMakwana (#9608)
* Mon Dec 18 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.7.0:
* General - fix gcp icons AATTaabidsofi19 (#9605) - [Meshmodel] Update Annotations and add capabities AATTaabidsofi19 (#9603) - [Relationships] Update relationships definitions to include RoleBinding to Service Account mapping. AATTMUzairS15 (#9601) - add capabilities to flow chart shapes AATTaabidsofi19 (#9596) - chore: relocate and rename conn and cred AATTleecalcote (#9559) - [Model] Flowchart Shapes: Document, MultipleDocuments, Process, StoredData AATTleecalcote (#9563) - [server][meshsync] hard reset database AATTVihasMakwana (#9545)
* Meshery UI - [UI] Fix K8s formatter for meshery controller statuses. AATTMUzairS15 (#9597) - Fix Issue #9590 in component \"DashboardComponent\" in UI. AATTDananjay996 (#9594) - Bump AATTbabel/types from 7.23.0 to 7.23.5 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9528) - [Fixes - Documentation] update the with Issues & Pull Requests sections AATTsandramsc (#9579) - Bump cypress from 13.4.0 to 13.6.1 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#9591) - [UI] Dashboard: Styling for details view in grids AATTleecalcote (#9593) - [UI] Dashboard enhancement AATTtheBeginner86 (#9589) - fix: fix bug where node name is empty AATTVihasMakwana (#9511) - [UI] Fixes eslint warnings/errors in Provider UI AATTPushkarm029 (#9576)
* Maintenance - Bump from 1.16.0 to 1.17.0 AATTdependabot (#9534) - Bump AATTbabel/types from 7.23.0 to 7.23.5 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9528) - Bump cypress from 13.4.0 to 13.6.1 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#9591)
* Documentation - Added about uninstalling meshery using a Docker Extension platform AATTSrishtihere (#8638) - [Docs] Add code for additional alert types and eliminate duplicate entries AATTcoder12git (#9225) - Updated AATTnwanduka (#9507) - Add setup instructions for using WSL2 on contributing UI page w/signoff AATTgyancodes (#9585)
* Thu Nov 30 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.185:
* General - updated polygons AATTaabidsofi19 (#9500) - update comp generator AATTMUzairS15 (#9492) - Delete binding.rego AATTMUzairS15 (#9491)
* Meshery CLI - [cli][system][fix]: return error if detected while creating manifests folder AATTVihasMakwana (#9469)
* Meshery UI - [MeshSync] Fix Sorting MeshSync table AATTsenali-d (#9498) - [bug] Resolve connections bug and UI AATTsudhanshutech (#9488)
* Documentation - Docs Meshsync CRD AATTKiptoonKipkurui (#9463) - Remove broken links in project/ AATTdmarcoux (#9499) - [Docs] Meshery Operator, MeshSync, Broker Troubleshooting Guide AATTleecalcote (#9479)
* Thu Nov 30 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.184:
* Meshery UI - [bug] Update config.js AATTtheBeginner86 (#9486)
* Bug Fixes - [bug] Update config.js AATTtheBeginner86 (#9486)
* Thu Nov 30 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.183:
* Meshery UI - fix node tab crash ( missing null checks) AATTaabidsofi19 (#9483) - [fix] missing dashboard overview charts AATTaabidsofi19 (#9482)
* Thu Nov 30 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.182:
* What\'s Changed - [CI] fix eslint issue failing lint check by AATTsudhanshutech in [#9454] - [dashboard] fix opacity for view all span by AATTsudhanshutech in #9455 - [UI] Add hide/unhide support in search for mobile compatible by AATTsudhanshutech in #9456 - [UI] fix zindex issues by AATTsudhanshutech in #9462 - [Server] Update MeshModel components API. by AATTMUzairS15 in [#9464] - [UI] Enhance Meshmodel Registry UI by AATTsudhanshutech in #9465 - [Server] MeshSync fingerprinting support. by AATTMUzairS15 in [#9442] - [utility] Custom infiniteScroll utility function by AATTsudhanshutech in #9466 - [FIXED] mesheryctl golangci_lint failure by AATTzakisk in #9468 - Added feature: mesheryctl exp model search [query-text] command by AATTzakisk in #9436 - [Feature] Model: aws shape components by AATTleecalcote in #9457 - Add Config Map Icon by AATTShatilKhan in #8829 - Add pod metrics icons by AATTAkshun-01 in #9330 - add list item hover in theme by AATTaabidsofi19 in #9475 - [Meshmodel] Use capabilites by AATTaabidsofi19 in #9474 - [UI] FIx UI Dashboard Crash by AATTMUzairS15 in #9477 - Meshmodel capabilites by AATTaabidsofi19 in #9478 - [Meshmodel] meshery operator by AATTaabidsofi19 in #9480 - [Meshmodel] remove ellipse and roundbarrel by AATTaabidsofi19 in [#9481]
* Mon Nov 27 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.181:
* General - [policy] Add Sibling Policy AATTtheBeginner86 (#9410) - [Helm] Update MeshSync chart AATTMUzairS15 (#9421) - [Playground] Add troubleshooting steps for playground environment. AATTMUzairS15 (#9422)
* Meshery CLI - [ADDED] system model command AATTzakisk (#8284) - fix: Prevent Manually Added Content in CLI Docs to be Overwritten AATTaboobakersiddiqr63 (#9125)
* Meshery UI - Meshmodel Postgres & Kubernetes Component AATTptdatta (#8767) - Enhance dashboard UI AATTsudhanshutech (#9428) - [Connections] - Enhancements to connections AATTsenali-d (#9441) - Fix registry models sorting AATTptdatta (#9420) - Analytics logo added AATTritiksaxena124 (#9425) - [Icon] Analytics Category AATTleecalcote (#9424) - [UI] Fixed registry not sorting models alphabetically AATTShiva953 (#9406) - Add icons for whoAmI AATTAkshun-01 (#9329) - [Connections] Status transitions AATTsenali-d (#9405) - [bug] Add missing optional chaining in Dashboard AATTtheBeginner86 (#9411)
* Bug Fixes - [bug] Add missing optional chaining in Dashboard AATTtheBeginner86 (#9411)
* Maintenance - Chore: Remove kuttl library AATTleecalcote (#9450)
* Documentation - Fixed a typo AATTvikram-kangotra (#9447) - [Server] Add annotations as query param to meshmodel APIs. AATTMUzairS15 (#9443) - fix: Prevent Manually Added Content in CLI Docs to be Overwritten AATTaboobakersiddiqr63 (#9125) - [Docs] Architecture update AATTleecalcote (#9419) - update AATTleecalcote (#9417) - [Docs] WASM Filter Mgmt update AATTleecalcote (#9416) - [Docs] SMI Removal AATTleecalcote (#9415) - [Docs] Managing Events with Notification Center AATTleecalcote (#9414) - [Docs] Models uplift AATTleecalcote (#9412)
* Mon Nov 27 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.180:
* General - [Connection] Add connection & credential definitions for Meshery model. AATTMUzairS15 (#9409) - [Server] Perform transitions in a separate routine AATTMUzairS15 (#9407)
* Meshery CLI - [chore] Run gofmt. AATTMUzairS15 (#9408)
* Meshery UI - [chore] rm comments AATTtheBeginner86 (#9404)
* Mon Nov 27 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.179:
* General - [Server] update status at the end of the final state AATTMUzairS15 (#9402) - [Server] Handle events emitted by Execute funcs properly. AATTMUzairS15 (#9397) - Add New shapes (Polygons) AATTaabidsofi19 (#9374)
* Meshery UI - Enhance Dashboard AATTtheBeginner86 (#9352) - fix ui bug in dark mode of modal AATTvaibhavpnimkar (#9389) - Registryui AATTptdatta (#9370) - [Connections] Connection State Management AATTMUzairS15 (#9383)
* Maintenance - Bump from 0.12.0 to 0.14.0 AATTdependabot (#9341)
* Documentation - [Docs] Managing infrastructure with Meshery. AATTMUzairS15 (#9391)
* Security - Filter \"order by\" parameter to fix sql inject vuln AATTphant0ms (#9372)
* Mon Nov 27 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.178:
* General - [Model] Add connection definition for kubernetes model AATTMUzairS15 (#9368) - [chore] Bump MeshKit v0.6.85 AATTtheBeginner86 (#9380) - Added AATTankushbhardwaj408 (#9365) - make isAnnotation update dynamic AATTMUzairS15 (#9366) - [Extensions] Enhance Meshery Docker Extension UI AATTsenali-d (#9377)
* Meshery UI - fix width of connection chip AATTsudhanshutech (#9386) - Reuse connections chip AATTsudhanshutech (#9382) - Color of FavIcon in the footer is changed to keppel green AATTVivekBaldha0712 (#9039) - fixed prettier error AATTcaptain-Akshay (#9381) - [bug] Fix URL import AATTtheBeginner86 (#9378) - Bump the npm_and_yarn at /ui security update group in /ui with 1 update AATTdependabot (#9234)
* Maintenance - Bump the npm_and_yarn at /ui security update group in /ui with 1 update AATTdependabot (#9234)
* Documentation - [Docs] Update AATTleecalcote (#9373)
* Mon Nov 27 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.177:
* General - [Model] Add connection definition for kubernetes model AATTMUzairS15 (#9368) - [chore] Bump MeshKit v0.6.85 AATTtheBeginner86 (#9380) - Added AATTankushbhardwaj408 (#9365) - make isAnnotation update dynamic AATTMUzairS15 (#9366)
* Meshery UI - fix width of connection chip AATTsudhanshutech (#9386) - Reuse connections chip AATTsudhanshutech (#9382) - Color of FavIcon in the footer is changed to keppel green AATTVivekBaldha0712 (#9039) - fixed prettier error AATTcaptain-Akshay (#9381) - [bug] Fix URL import AATTtheBeginner86 (#9378) - Bump the npm_and_yarn at /ui security update group in /ui with 1 update AATTdependabot (#9234)
* Maintenance - Bump the npm_and_yarn at /ui security update group in /ui with 1 update AATTdependabot (#9234)
* Documentation - [Docs] Update AATTleecalcote (#9373)
* Thu Nov 16 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.176:
* General - [Models] Update Component Updater to use new Spreadsheet column PublishToRegistry. AATTMUzairS15 (#9362) - add mehsery components back AATTaabidsofi19 (#9359)
* Meshery CLI - [mesheryctl] cleanup golden response files AATTleecalcote (#9237)
* Meshery UI - info modal opening issue fixed in table view AATTvaibhavpnimkar (#9361) - [connections] use default connection chip and fix bugs AATTsudhanshutech (#9356) - [UI] Connections Table enhancements and refactor AATTaabidsofi19 (#9360) - Use Sistent components and packages AATTsudhanshutech (#9313) - [UI] Fix technology and type not showing in Info modal AATTYashsharma1911 (#9337) - [Server] Clean applications from configuration subscription i AATTaabidsofi19 (#9354)
* Maintenance - Bump from 0.4.5 to 0.4.6 AATTdependabot (#9253)
* Documentation - [DOCS] Build REST API docs AATTMUzairS15 (#9355)
* Tue Nov 14 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.175:
* General - [Docker-Compose] Update playground docker-compose to include cilium adapter AATTMUzairS15 (#9342)
* Meshery UI - Fix Setting page crash when adapter is deployed. AATTMUzairS15 (#9353) - [connections] - UI enhancements AATTsenali-d (#9349) - [Connections] Fix events for K8S context receipt AATTMUzairS15 (#9345)
* Documentation - [docs] Update Application Management AATTtheBeginner86 (#9335)
* Mon Nov 13 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.174:
* General - [chore] bump meshkit to v0.6.83 AATTtheBeginner86 (#9338) - [Server] Fix K8S subscription repeated reinitialization issue AATTMUzairS15 (#9336) - [Extensions] Enhance Meshery Docker Extension UI AATTsenali-d (#9323) - fix go.sum issue arisen due to conflicts AATTMUzairS15 (#9326) - Upgrade meshkit which also fixes comp generation. AATTMUzairS15 (#9324)
* Meshery CLI - removed requirements for k8s connections AATTEraKin575 (#8854)
* Meshery UI - [pattern] Support for pattern_id in Deploy handler AATTtheBeginner86 (#9334) - [UI] Add Formatted Kubernetes metadata to connections AATTaabidsofi19 (#9321) - [UI] Fix Registry Treeview AATTaabidsofi19 (#9331) - Fix RJSF form expanding on selecting multiple technologies in info modal AATTYashsharma1911 (#9266) - Fix contrast issue AATTptdatta (#9328) - Bump react-relay from 14.1.0 to 16.0.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9268)
* Maintenance - Update meshmodel-generators.yml AATTJougan-0 (#9327) - Generator AATTJougan-0 (#9309) - Bump react-relay from 14.1.0 to 16.0.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9268) - Bump from 1.4.2 to 1.5.1 AATTdependabot (#9270) - Bump from 0.143.0 to 0.149.0 in /scripts/component_generation AATTdependabot (#9275)
* Thu Nov 09 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.173:
* Meshery UI - Fix Dark mode AATTptdatta (#9318) - Enable status col in connection and add ping check AATTsudhanshutech (#9317) - [bug] Fix broken UI AATTsudhanshutech (#9315)
* Bug Fixes - [bug] Fix broken UI AATTsudhanshutech (#9315)
* Documentation - [docs] Fix Redirection /platforms/page -> /page AATTtheBeginner86 (#9316) - [bug/docs] Fix redirect from /platforms AATTtheBeginner86 (#9314)
* Thu Nov 09 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.172:
* Meshery UI - [Server] K8s connection management AATTMUzairS15 (#9170) - Meshmodel new UI AATTptdatta (#9184) - Bump billboard.js from 3.9.0 to 3.10.2 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9269) - Bump eslint-config-next from 13.5.3 to 14.0.1 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#9277) - Bump cypress from 13.3.0 to 13.4.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#9279) - Add sidecar icon AATTShatilKhan (#9291) - [UI] Expose generic RJSF modal to meshery extension AATTYashsharma1911 (#9304)
* Maintenance - Bump billboard.js from 3.9.0 to 3.10.2 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9269) - Bump from 1.57.5 to 1.60.3 AATTdependabot (#9272) - Bump eslint-config-next from 13.5.3 to 14.0.1 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#9277) - Bump cypress from 13.3.0 to 13.4.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#9279)
* Documentation - added some svgs in docs AATTiArchitSharma (#9312) - [Docs] Exclude old versions from rendering in local builds AATTleecalcote (#9310) - Added description of Docs capability for \"alerts\" AATTDebaditya-Som (#9226) - [docs] Add docs for notification center AATTaabidsofi19 (#9303)
* Fri Nov 03 2023 Johannes Kastl - skip non-existent release 0.6.170- update to 0.6.171: No nicely formatted changelog available Changes:
* Bump AATTbabel/eslint-parser from 7.22.11 to 7.22.15 in /provider-ui
* Bump AATTcypress/code-coverage from 3.12.5 to 3.12.7 in /provider-ui
* Bump AATTmui/material from 5.14.7 to 5.14.16 in /provider-ui
* Merge pull request #9276 from meshery/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/provider-ui/mui/material-5.14.16
* Merge pull request #9278 from meshery/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/provider-ui/babel/eslint-parser-7.22.15
* Merge pull request #9280 from meshery/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/provider-ui/cypress/code-coverage-3.12.7
* Merge pull request #9281 from theBeginner86/theBeginner86/chore/53
* Merge pull request #9296 from meshery/leecalcote/docs/integration-formatting
* Merge pull request #9297 from ritiksaxena124/ritiksaxena124/docs-logo
* Merge pull request #9298 from meshery/chore
* Merge pull request #9302 from meshery/revert-9243-resources
* Merge remote-tracking branch \'upstream/master\' into theBeginner86/chore/53
* Meshmodel components updated
* Revert \"fix: Dashboard card missing title and background\"
* Update error-codes-updater.yaml
* [Docs] Integrations page formatting
* [Docs] Release Notes for Meshery
* add events for publishing
* add new catalog request construct
* fix filters publish/unpublish
* fix unpublish
* update action
* update go-testing-ci workflow
* update message for patterns
* updated meshery docs logo
* Fri Nov 03 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.169:
* General - [Server] Pattern API response AATTMUzairS15 (#9292)
* Meshery UI - [UI] Fixed styling of Unauthenticated Modal AATTcaptain-Akshay (#9290) - Fixes in Connections/MeshSync tables AATTsudhanshutech (#9265) - [UI] Make the eventActors avatar overlapping stack AATTaabidsofi19 (#9264) - fix: Dashboard card missing title and background AATTMeenuyD (#9243)
* Fri Nov 03 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.168:
* no changelog for this release
* Fri Nov 03 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.166:
* no changes in this release- update to 0.6.167:
* General - Update go base image version in Dockerfile AATTMUzairS15 (#9239)
* Fri Nov 03 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.165:
* General - Bump from 1.54.0 to 1.56.3 in /scripts/component_updater AATTdependabot (#9207) - Fix links (kubernetes) in AATTadityadeshpande09 (#9229) - Add Section Component and Relationships AATTaabidsofi19 (#9231) - [bug] update AATTtheBeginner86 (#9232) - feat: Update several packages in Meshery AATTnebula-aac (#9137)
* Meshery CLI - [FIXED] mesheryctl app source type comparison bug is fixed AATTzakisk (#9230)
* Meshery UI - [bug/CI] fix provider-lint AATTtheBeginner86 (#9233)
* Bug Fixes - [bug/CI] fix provider-lint AATTtheBeginner86 (#9233)
* Maintenance - Bump from 1.57.0 to 1.57.1 in /scripts/component_generation AATTdependabot (#9205) - Bump from 0.15.1 to 0.16.3 AATTdependabot (#9223)
* Documentation - Added New Script for Generating integration docs AATTaboobakersiddiqr63 (#9219)
* Fri Nov 03 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.164:
* General - [Server] Fix MeshMap snapshot service AATTMUzairS15 (#9222) - [server] update styleoverrides to include default data and polygon-points AATTaabidsofi19 (#9217) - Broken link of kubernetes-minikube fixed in README AATTKaushik080 (#9211) - add new relationship from pod to pod via networkpolicy AATTMUzairS15 (#9209) - [CI] fixed meshkit error util failure AATTzakisk (#9194) - Docker broken link fixed in README AATTAtharv0003 (#9202) - [Relationships] Update mount relationship. AATTMUzairS15 (#9197) - Broken link of SMP fixed in README AATTniranjan-kurhade (#9193) - Updated AATTaboobakersiddiqr63 (#9180) - [bug] Fix env component AATTtheBeginner86 (#9186)
* Meshery CLI - [mesheryctl] system start command bug of deployment of config components adapters AATTzakisk (#9188) - [CI] fixed golangci lint failure AATTzakisk (#9208)
* Meshery UI - Bump browserify-sign from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9218) - Sort data in connections AATTsenali-d (#8902) - [CI] update dockerfile and set code-coverage cy plugin to devDep AATTMarioArriaga92 (#9191) - Fix Console error in Meshery cloud AATTcoder12git (#9154)
* Maintenance - Bump from 1.58.2 to 1.58.3 AATTdependabot (#9206) - Bump browserify-sign from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9218)
* Documentation - [Docs] v0.6 snapshot AATTleecalcote (#9215) - [docs] Update Workspaces/Environment AATTtheBeginner86 (#9216) - [Docs] Final FAQ uplift AATTleecalcote (#9213) - [Docs]- Fix Flickering in Links AATTcoder12git (#9198) - [Docs] Init Integrations Collection AATTleecalcote (#9212) - Standardization of AATTaboobakersiddiqr63 (#9201) - fix: updtate twitter logo to x AATTakagami-harsh (#9155) - [Docs] Site index update; Projects section update AATTleecalcote (#9178) - Standardization of AATTaboobakersiddiqr63 (#9187)
* Wed Oct 25 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.163:
* General - Add new component text-box AATTaabidsofi19 (#9167) - [bug] fetch namespace GraphQL Query AATTtheBeginner86 (#9144)
* Meshery CLI - [mesheryctl] fixed meshery start command bug with adapter components AATTzakisk (#9160) - mesheryctl mesh tests AATTPhilip-21 (#9063)
* Meshery UI - [Meshery Performance] fixed one small bug AATTcaptain-Akshay (#9163) - [UI] Converted MesheryPerformanceComponent from class-based to functional component AATTcaptain-Akshay (#9075) - [UI] Dashboard workload chart AATTaabidsofi19 (#9159) - [UI] Disable credential in settings AATTYashsharma1911 (#9152)
* Bug Fixes - [docs/bug] Update AATTtheBeginner86 (#9164)
* Maintenance - [Docs] discuss integration reinstatement AATTleecalcote (#9174) - Component genrator AATTJougan-0 (#9153) - Component generator AATTJougan-0 (#9151)
* Documentation - Standaridization of gke installation docs AATTaboobakersiddiqr63 (#9177) - Minor typo and format changes in Supported docs AATTaboobakersiddiqr63 (#9176) - [Docs] discuss integration reinstatement AATTleecalcote (#9174) - [Docs] Mesheryctl page: Eliminate cycical redirection / flicker AATTleecalcote (#9171) - Updated and added AATTaboobakersiddiqr63 (#9141) - Updated AATTaboobakersiddiqr63 (#9140) - [Docs]: Add section describing the use of children and grandchildren AATTcoder12git (#9168) - [chore] Support for Visibility in Content APIs | CU-85ztrgw1z AATTtheBeginner86 (#9157) - [docs/bug] Update AATTtheBeginner86 (#9164) - [DOCS] added sending events section in docs AATTzakisk (#9064) - Fix Meshery Docs search AATTcoder12git (#9148) - [WIP] Add docs for connection states AATTMUzairS15 (#9065) - [Docs] Restructure, Menu and TOC massage AATTleecalcote (#9147) - [MeshSync] Expose MeshSync Discovered Resources AATTtheBeginner86 (#9143) - Added contents in AATTZubiii333 (#9126) - [Docs] Rewrite of Quick Start Guide AATTleecalcote (#9139)
* Wed Oct 25 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.162:
* General - [MeshSync] Update MeshSync Tables + GO pkgs AATTtheBeginner86 (#9127) - Bump AATTbabel/traverse from 7.17.3 to 7.23.2 in /install/docker-extension/ui AATTdependabot (#9132) - Update kubernetes components styles AATTaabidsofi19 (#9066) - Update Dockerfile AATTleecalcote (#9120)
* Meshery UI - Bump AATTbabel/traverse from 7.20.13 to 7.23.2 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#9131) - [UI] Add ordering in metadata AATTaabidsofi19 (#9121) - Bump AATTbabel/traverse from 7.21.3 to 7.23.2 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9133)
* Maintenance - Bump AATTbabel/traverse from 7.20.13 to 7.23.2 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#9131) - Bump AATTbabel/traverse from 7.21.3 to 7.23.2 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9133)
* Documentation - Update AATTValGrace (#9116) - feat:New endpoint for registrants w/signoff AATTJougan-0 (#9040)
* Wed Oct 25 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.161:
* 29425b6 Merge branch \'master\' into theBeginner86/chore/41
* 7a4ef2f Merge pull request #9118 from theBeginner86/theBeginner86/chore/40
* f4a050d Merge pull request #9119 from theBeginner86/theBeginner86/chore/41
* 220592c [Docs] Release Notes for Meshery
* e2088d3 fix lock.json
* 74f9dea rever react-redux
* 7343f92 update package-lock.json
* Wed Oct 25 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.160:
* Meshery UI - [bug] fix confirmation modal export AATTtheBeginner86 (#9117)
* Wed Oct 25 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.159:
* General - Revert to \"notistack\": \"^1.0.10\"
* Wed Oct 25 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.158:
* General - Adjust link to attach properly to the \'catalog of curated design templates\' text AATTMeenuyD (#9051) - meshery-operator v0.6.13 AATTleecalcote (#9099) - Upgrade asaskevich/govalidator AATTleecalcote (#9101) - v0.6.0 AATTleecalcote (#9097) - Bump from 0.9.0 to 0.17.0 in /scripts/component_updater AATTdependabot (#9081) - Upgrade lib/pq AATTleecalcote (#9102) - [Deps] Golang: upgrade AATTleecalcote (#9110) - [Dependency] Component Updater: AATTleecalcote (#9109) - meshkit v0.6.72 AATTleecalcote (#9098)
* Meshery UI - change k8s context switch background color AATTAkashKumar7902 (#8727) - [UI] Upgrade to notistack v3 w/no MUI v5 dependency AATTleecalcote (#9112) - [UI] Deps: \"react-redux\": \"^8.1.3\", AATTleecalcote (#9111)
* Wed Oct 25 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.157:
* General - [Docs] MeshSync AATTleecalcote (#9087) - Include doc link in K8s component registration event AATTleecalcote (#9009) - [meshmodel] Add Environment Component Def AATTtheBeginner86 (#9070)
* Meshery UI - Added-icon-for-meshmodel-prometheus-component-Alertmanager AATTAyush9026 (#9069) - Uploaded Icon for Kubernetes Component - Ingress AATTcsengineer1990 (#9016) - Added Flow Schema Icons AATTnwanduka (#9083) - [UI]fix incorrect error message description AATTShiva953 (#9071) - Bump graphql from 16.6.0 to 16.8.1 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8862) - chore: Remove lint-staged in package.json AATTnebula-aac (#9062) - Disable edit and create action button in credential and fix all lint warning and errors AATTYashsharma1911 (#9074)
* Maintenance - Bump from 1.58.0 to 1.60.2 AATTdependabot (#8976) - Bump graphql from 16.6.0 to 16.8.1 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8862) - Bump from 0.15.0 to 0.17.0 in /scripts/component_generation AATTdependabot (#9079)
* Documentation - [Docs] CSS removal and alert info background AATTleecalcote (#9092) - Updated EKS Docs AATTaboobakersiddiqr63 (#9089) - [Docs] MeshSync inclusion of component id label AATTleecalcote (#9090) - Add docs for Bulk Operations and Metadata Renderers AATTptdatta (#9086)
* Tue Oct 10 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.156:
* General - Revert commits added by mistake AATTMUzairS15 (#9068)
* Meshery UI - [UI] Added helm connection Wizard AATTYashsharma1911 (#8965) - Bulk Operations and Metadata Renderers AATTaabidsofi19 (#9018)
* Documentation - [] bold styling not applied to text AATTxiangpingjiang (#9054) - added links in MeshMap Documentation AATTATREAY (#9059)
* Tue Oct 10 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.155:
* Meshery CLI - tests for mesheryctl system package AATTPhilip-21 (#8585) - [FIXED] mesheryctl error code conflicts solved AATTzakisk (#9014)
* Meshery UI - fix lint error issue AATTsudhanshutech (#9056) - fixed the filter-dropdown component AATTcaptain-Akshay (#9021) - [UI] rename MeshModel Summary to Registry in Settings AATTAdaminite (#9046) - [UI] Add Menu colors to theme AATTaabidsofi19 (#9041) - Fix Hover AATTptdatta (#8989) - Bump zod and next in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#9037) - Bump postcss and next in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#9038) - Fix ui issues AATTsudhanshutech (#9024) - Bump postcss from 8.4.21 to 8.4.31 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9035) - [UI] Fix darkmode issue in extentions AATTaabidsofi19 (#9025) - fix: Swap Table and Grid icons on Activity Toolbar AATTakhilender-bongirwar (#9028)
* Maintenance - tests for mesheryctl system package AATTPhilip-21 (#8585) - Bump zod and next in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#9037) - Bump postcss and next in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#9038) - Bump postcss from 8.4.21 to 8.4.31 in /ui AATTdependabot (#9035)
* Documentation - Update Artifacts sub-section in documentation AATTValGrace (#8997) - Deleted Duplicate line in Docs #9017 AATTaadityadike (#9047)
* Thu Oct 05 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.154:
* General - [Server] Fix race cond in k8s comp registration AATTMUzairS15 (#9015)
* Meshery UI - [Server] Add APIs for bulk operations on events AATTMUzairS15 (#8999) - Bump eslint-config-next from 13.4.19 to 13.5.3 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8987) - UI enhancements and Standardized Data Tables AATTsudhanshutech (#8939) - Bump eslint-plugin-cypress from 2.14.0 to 2.15.1 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8986) - Bump cypress from 13.1.0 to 13.3.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8984) - Bump AATTfortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core from 6.2.0 to 6.4.2 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8983) - Bump AATTcypress/code-coverage from 3.11.0 to 3.12.1 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8985) - Bump next from 13.4.12 to 13.5.3 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8988)
* Maintenance - refactor(server): remove redundant len check AATTJuneezee (#8992) - Bump eslint-config-next from 13.4.19 to 13.5.3 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8987) - Bump eslint-plugin-cypress from 2.14.0 to 2.15.1 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8986) - Bump cypress from 13.1.0 to 13.3.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8984) - Bump AATTfortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core from 6.2.0 to 6.4.2 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8983) - Bump AATTcypress/code-coverage from 3.11.0 to 3.12.1 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8985) - Bump next from 13.4.12 to 13.5.3 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8988)
* Mon Oct 02 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.153:
* Meshery UI - Added info modal in meshery AATTYashsharma1911 (#8912)
* Maintenance - Revert \"Bump from 20.10.21+incompatible to 24.0.6+incompatible\" AATTtheBeginner86 (#8990) - Bump from 0.128.0 to 0.143.0 in /scripts/component_generation AATTdependabot (#8982) - Bump from 0.6.52 to 0.6.69 in /scripts/component_generation AATTdependabot (#8981) - Bump from 0.9.0 to 0.12.0 in /scripts/component_generation AATTdependabot (#8980) - Bump from 20.10.21+incompatible to 24.0.6+incompatible AATTdependabot (#8978)
* Mon Oct 02 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.152:
* General - [Extension] Docker: Update docker-compose.yaml AATTleecalcote (#8969)
* Meshery UI - fix: Updated format script to escape quotes AATTnebula-aac (#8967) - [UI] Integrating CASL into Meshery UI AATTMohith234 (#8945)
* Maintenance - Fix Failing End to End Meshctl test AATTKiptoonKipkurui (#8973) - [chore] Fix MeshModel models reterival AATTtheBeginner86 (#8941) - [CI] Upgrade docker/setup-buildx-action and docker/setup-qemu-action AATTleecalcote (#8960)
* Documentation - [Docs] Control the display of the intra-page navigator toolbar AATTleecalcote (#8947) - [Docs] Enhance docs for /api/user/token AATTcoder12git (#8968) - Update URL with #anchor AATTgoldfishdolphin (#8952) - [Docs] Preparation for moving from Apps to Designs AATTleecalcote (#8953) - [Docs] Added link for discussion forum AATTGLADI8R (#8955)
* Fri Sep 29 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.151:
* Meshery CLI - comment out docker group check AATTleecalcote (#8958)
* Meshery UI - equality changes AATTaabidsofi19 (#8959)- update to 0.6.150:
* Meshery UI - Revert \"fix: select all button issue meshery\" AATTaabidsofi19 (#8957)
* Thu Sep 28 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.149:
* Meshery UI - fix: Remove useTheme from emotion react, and call theme as props AATTnebula-aac (#8948)
* Thu Sep 28 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.148:
* General - [Helm] Values descriptions AATTleecalcote (#8935) - [Docs] Update Helm Chart docs. AATTMUzairS15 (#8934) - [Playground] Increase max file upload size. AATTleecalcote (#8765) - [Server] Do not refresh token when status code returned is 403. AATTMUzairS15 (#8900)
* Meshery UI - Fix Dashboard Component AATTaabidsofi19 (#8888) - fix useeffect and fetching AATTaabidsofi19 (#8943) - fix: select all button issue meshery AATTcaptain-Akshay (#8933) - Add a nullish check AATTaabidsofi19 (#8937) - fix: Change prettier to error, and added eol to be LF AATTnebula-aac (#8916) - [extensions] Fix Collaborator Extension Point Re-rendering AATTtheBeginner86 (#8904) - Fix for Navigation AATTJougan-0 (#8877) - [UI] feat: Setup prettier and moved lint-staged to its own file AATTnebula-aac (#8827) - Revert \"[extensions] Fix Collaborator Extension Point Re-rendering\" AATTtheBeginner86 (#8903) - [extensions] Fix Collaborator Extension Point Re-rendering AATTtheBeginner86 (#8893)
* Bug Fixes - [extensions] Fix Collaborator Extension Point Re-rendering AATTtheBeginner86 (#8904) - add functionality to dynamically update the URL AATTgoldfishdolphin (#8899)
* Maintenance - fix useeffect and fetching AATTaabidsofi19 (#8943) - fix: Change prettier to error, and added eol to be LF AATTnebula-aac (#8916)
* Documentation - fix: #8911 AATTSumit21kumar (#8914) - Changed “pertainting” to “pertaining” AATTnwanduka (#8920) - Updated docs regarding linting/formatting in ui AATTakhilender-bongirwar (#8926) - fix: Typo in Contributing to Meshery Server documentation [#8924] AATTSAF2k (#8927) - Typo in Contributing to Meshery Server/signoff AATTAyush9026 (#8928) - [DOC] fix: all the typos AATTcaptain-Akshay (#8930) - add functionality to dynamically update the URL AATTgoldfishdolphin (#8899)
* Sun Sep 24 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.147:
* Meshery UI - Revert \"[Fix] k8s-switcher select-all\" AATTtheBeginner86 (#8898)
* Sun Sep 24 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.146:
* General - MeshKit v0.6.67 AATTleecalcote (#8897)
* Meshery UI - [UI] Notification Center: Increase size of unread indicator AATTleecalcote (#8891) - [extensions] fix error msg AATTtheBeginner86 (#8892) - changed smi_results.js AATTEraKin575 (#8868) - Connections row expand data with styling AATTsenali-d (#8840) - [Fix] k8s-switcher select-all AATTaabidsofi19 (#8876) - [CI] e2e test job improvements AATTMarioArriaga92 (#8643)
* Maintenance - updating node versions workflow actions AATTPhilip-21 (#8856) - [CI] e2e test job improvements AATTMarioArriaga92 (#8643)
* Sun Sep 24 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.145: no changes apparently
* Sun Sep 24 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.144:
* General - add docs for component generation and updater scripts AATTMUzairS15 (#8860) - Fixed Meshary Integration Updater AATTptdatta (#8774)
* Meshery UI - [Designs] Fixes And Enhancements AATTaabidsofi19 (#8861) - Fix Notification center bell icon toggle btn AATTaabidsofi19 (#8875) - [UI] Enhancements :Notification center AATTaabidsofi19 (#8872) - [UI] Fix cluster resources dashboard not getting populated with data AATTMUzairS15 (#8873) - [chore] Improve events for Server AATTMUzairS15 (#8864) - [UI] Notification inverse read indicator AATTaabidsofi19 (#8865) - [UI] Remove old store for notification center AATTaabidsofi19 (#8858) - Fix typo in `component-svg/_.txt` AATTeltociear (#8830) - [UI] Enhance Error Handling AATTaabidsofi19 (#8851)
* Bug Fixes - [bug] Fix API docs build AATTtheBeginner86 (#8852)
* Documentation - [bug] Fix API docs build AATTtheBeginner86 (#8852)
* Thu Sep 21 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.143:
* General - Update messages and logs to designs from patterns AATTChadha93 (#8800) - handle nil checks AATTMUzairS15 (#8844) - watchtower label is added AATTzakisk (#8789)
* Meshery CLI - run error util for mesheryctl error codes replacement AATTMUzairS15 (#8846)
* Meshery UI - [chore] Make MeshSyncEvents GraphQL Subscription Configurable AATTtheBeginner86 (#8841) - [Servre] Graphql/directives AATTMUzairS15 (#8836) - [UI] Add Validation and Error Boundaries AATTaabidsofi19 (#8833) - Added Debug log for extension component AATTsenali-d (#8845) - fix pagination in meshmodel browser AATTsudhanshutech (#8838) - converted class based dashboard component to functional component AATTEraKin575 (#8724)
* Bug Fixes - [bug] Fix failing API docs build AATTtheBeginner86 (#8850)
* Documentation - [bug] Fix failing API docs build AATTtheBeginner86 (#8850) - [Server] Added environments in Meshery AATTYashsharma1911 (#8723)
* Wed Sep 20 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.142:
* General - Remove adapter references in default env vars AATTleecalcote (#8810) - [Docker Extension] Remove adapters from default configuration AATTleecalcote (#8811)
* Meshery UI - [chore] fix color undefined AATTtheBeginner86 (#8832) - [UI] Notification Center: Update color of \"No notifications to show\" AATTleecalcote (#8828) - Fix repetitive api calls and UI issues in connections page AATTsudhanshutech (#8825) - changed LoadTestTimerConfig and MeshAdapterConfigComponent to functional component AATTEraKin575 (#8781)
* Bug Fixes - [chore] fix color undefined AATTtheBeginner86 (#8832) - Fix repetitive api calls and UI issues in connections page AATTsudhanshutech (#8825)
* Maintenance - Meshery End-to-End Tests with mesheryctl AATTKiptoonKipkurui (#8808)
* Documentation - Update \"Meshery Deployment Incompatible\" error docs AATTMohith234 (#8824)
* Tue Sep 19 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.141:
* Meshery CLI - [bug] Update healthcheck.go AATTtheBeginner86 (#8770)
* Meshery UI - [chore] Fix lint AATTtheBeginner86 (#8821) - [UI] Added Connect Helm Repo button in connections page AATTYashsharma1911 (#8816) - Format k8s response AATTMUzairS15 (#8775) - Notification Center AATTaabidsofi19 (#8733) - Bump AATTcypress/request and cypress in /ui AATTdependabot (#8792) - [UI] Prevent rjsf modal rerendering AATTYashsharma1911 (#8787)
* Bug Fixes - [bug] Update healthcheck.go AATTtheBeginner86 (#8770)
* Maintenance - [chore] Fix lint AATTtheBeginner86 (#8821) - Bump AATTcypress/request and cypress in /ui AATTdependabot (#8792)
* Documentation - Notification Center AATTaabidsofi19 (#8733) - Fixes the issue in Docs Search: Unwanted display of search result on separate line from bullet point in safari browser(7402) AATTphanithinks (#8690) - meshmodel docs AATTparth721 (#8656)
* Mon Sep 18 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.140:
* Meshery UI - [UI] Convert Index.js and settings.js from class-based component to functional component AATTShatilKhan (#8705) - Fix crash on saving applications AATTsudhanshutech (#8776) - updated filter.js to functional component AATTabhijeetgauravm (#8785) - Updated PromptComponent to support checkbox AATTYashsharma1911 (#8672) - chore: sort the technology list in alphabetical order AATTYana-Gupta (#8708) - Refactor /management/index.js to functional component AATTdhiraj0911 (#8703) - [UI] Transparent \"WA\" Filter Icon AATTChadha93 (#8793) - Fix infinite publish requests AATTaabidsofi19 (#8769)
* Bug Fixes - Fix crash on saving applications AATTsudhanshutech (#8776)
* Maintenance - Fix failing updater test AATTKiptoonKipkurui (#8791)
* Thu Sep 14 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.139:
* General - [MeshModel] New shapes AATTleecalcote (#8762) - Remove Firewall Policy AATTleecalcote (#8759) - [server]Fix Index Out of Range Error Handling in Meshery Component Handler AATTShiva953 (#8709) - Update events_persister.go AATTMUzairS15 (#8719) - [Events] Add API to return available event category and action. AATTMUzairS15 (#8715)
* Features - Improve search functionality using debounce AATTsudhanshutech (#8720)
* Meshery CLI - FIXED: adapter deployment permission denied error on docker platform AATTzakisk (#8694)
* Meshery UI - Show duplicates meshmodels on toggle AATTsudhanshutech (#8704) - Improve search functionality using debounce AATTsudhanshutech (#8720) - created a folder AATTritiksaxena124 (#8726) - change sort order from asc to desc as default AATTMUzairS15 (#8725) - [UI] Converted UserPreferences and preferences form class-based to fun… AATTmukeshkuiry (#8707)
* Mon Sep 11 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.138:
* Meshery UI - Revert \"chore: Sort the technology list in alphabetical order\" AATTYashsharma1911 (#8706)
* Mon Sep 11 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.137:
* General - [Enhancement] Add ability to docs updater to push to AATTBoombag0607 (#8521)
* Meshery CLI - More Mesheryctl Error Wrappers AATTPhilip-21 (#8588)
* Meshery UI - chore: Sort the technology list in alphabetical order AATTYana-Gupta (#8697) - Reduce unnecessary queries to remote provider. AATTMUzairS15 (#8691)
* Maintenance - [CI] Upgrade to Golang 1.21 AATTleecalcote (#8700) - Bump from 1.19.0 to 1.23.0 AATTdependabot (#8538)
* Fri Sep 08 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.136:
* General - Aggregate events by status. AATTMUzairS15 (#8669)
* Meshery UI - Aabidsofi/k8s switcher AATTaabidsofi19 (#8663) - K8s context switcher ping redirected notify to useNotification. AATTShailikaS (#8681) - Standard Toolbar and flexible Mui Data-tables AATTsudhanshutech (#8618) - [UI] Connections: Status | #8657 AATTsenali-d (#8660)
* Bug Fixes - Aabidsofi/k8s switcher AATTaabidsofi19 (#8663) - K8s context switcher ping redirected notify to useNotification. AATTShailikaS (#8681) - [UI] Connections: Status | #8657 AATTsenali-d (#8660)
* Maintenance - Bump from 0.2.3 to 0.2.4 AATTdependabot (#8684) - Email will not be sent without any failure AATTVaibhavMalik4187 (#8665) - [CI] Fix for failing meshkit error utility workflow AATTsuhail34 (#8659)
* Documentation - [Docs] Logical Concepts: workspaces, env, designs AATTleecalcote (#8679) - Leecalcote/docs/mesh AATTleecalcote (#8678)
* Thu Sep 07 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.135:
* General - REST APIs for events. AATTMUzairS15 (#8655) - Bump Meshkit version from 0.6.63 to 0.6.64 AATTYashsharma1911 (#8658)
* Meshery CLI - [mesheryctl] handling default port in mesheryctl AATTsuhail34 (#8579)
* Meshery UI - Update package.json AATTMUzairS15 (#8651) - Bump uuid from 8.3.2 to 9.0.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8532) - [Events] Notification / Operation Center AATTMUzairS15 (#8644) - [UI] Fix credential Icon color in settings AATTYashsharma1911 (#8646)
* Maintenance - [CI] Playground: --remove-orphans in Meshery deployments AATTleecalcote (#8652) - Bump uuid from 8.3.2 to 9.0.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8532) - Bump from 1.25.3 to 1.25.4 AATTdependabot (#8630) - [CI] Meskit Error Utility Workflow Does not fails for duplicacy AATTsuhail34 (#8649) - Update MeshModel Issue Template AATTBoombag0607 (#8637)
* Documentation - [Docs] Added how to use token for Meshery API in postman AATTFreedisch (#8122)- update to 0.6.134:
* General - Add visibility query param to the /api/filter endpoint AATTAritra8438 (#8555)
* Meshery CLI - [CI] MeshKit Error Util: duplicate errors causing failures AATTsuhail34 (#8450)
* Meshery UI - disable cypress fail on uncaught exception or unhandled promise rejec… AATTMarioArriaga92 (#8641) - Display notification according access of role on publish designs/filters AATTsudhanshutech (#8480) - [UI] Connections: External Link and Light Mode Issue AATTsenali-d (#8540) - feat: added icon to show the current status of adapter deployement AATTYana-Gupta (#8586) - Export RJSFWrapper to Extension Point AATTYashsharma1911 (#8639) - fix: hide navbar and sidebar in fullscreen mode AATTUdit-takkar (#8611) - Bump cypress from 12.17.4 to 13.1.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8631) - Bump AATTmui/material from 5.14.3 to 5.14.7 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8634)
* Maintenance - Bump cypress from 12.17.4 to 13.1.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8631) - Bump AATTmui/material from 5.14.3 to 5.14.7 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8634)- update to 0.6.133:
* General - [Server] Fix meshery server bottleneck issues AATTMUzairS15 (#8622) - Bump from 3.0.0-20210107192922-496545a6307b to 3.0.0 in /install/docker-extension AATTdependabot (#8616)
* Meshery UI - Bump AATTbabel/eslint-parser from 7.19.1 to 7.22.11 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8626) - Bump AATTmui/icons-material from 5.14.3 to 5.14.7 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8632) - Bump eslint from 8.47.0 to 8.48.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8633) - Bump AATTbabel/eslint-parser from 7.22.7 to 7.22.11 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8635) - fix: Fixed the misspelling in connections page AATTtushh-codes (#8621) - Changed CustomTableFooter from class-based to functional component AATTRajdip019 (#8610) - [RJSF][UI] Fixed type error and removed publish schema from Meshery UI AATTYashsharma1911 (#8608) - Moved CustomToolbarSelect.js from class-based component to functional component AATTRajdip019 (#8582)
* Maintenance - Bump from 0.6.11 to 0.6.14 AATTdependabot (#8628) - Bump AATTbabel/eslint-parser from 7.19.1 to 7.22.11 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8626) - Bump AATTmui/icons-material from 5.14.3 to 5.14.7 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8632) - Bump eslint from 8.47.0 to 8.48.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8633) - Bump AATTbabel/eslint-parser from 7.22.7 to 7.22.11 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8635) - Bump from 0.12.0 to 0.14.0 AATTdependabot (#8583) - Prevent MeshMap from running on forked repo AATTVaibhavMalik4187 (#8598) - Updated email-on-failure job AATTVaibhavMalik4187 (#8578)
* Documentation - Kuma dark mode logo resolve AATTlanzkrish (#8596)- update to 0.6.132:
* General - Enhanced error messages for kubeconfig access AATTabdullah1308 (#8594) - [Server] Annotate comp with design file data. AATTMUzairS15 (#8584) - update gqlgen and regenerated AATTnebula-aac (#8575) - [chore] removed storybook, and moved to sistent repo AATTnebula-aac (#8568)
* Features - [Docs] Ensuring that all commands has usage examples AATTsuhail34 (#8462)
* Meshery CLI - adjusting all unit tests for mesheryctl to increase coverage AATTPhilip-21 (#8501) - [Docs] Ensuring that all commands has usage examples AATTsuhail34 (#8462) - [CI] Mesheryctl Meshkit error duplicacy AATTsuhail34 (#8580)
* Meshery UI - Error handling for collaborators extension point AATTsenali-d (#8603) - Changed all the download notification from Success to info AATTRajdip019 (#8600) - Fix webpack HMR websocket connection AATTMarioArriaga92 (#8498) - Add support for persistence AATTaabidsofi19 (#8573) - Convert patterns/applications file to functional components AATTsudhanshutech (#8574) - Convert class to function in performance profile pages AATTsudhanshutech (#8571) - converted 404.js to functional component AATTnebula-aac (#8569) - Change all Snackbars to notify in whole codebase AATTRajdip019 (#8516) - Bump eslint-config-next from 13.4.9 to 13.4.19 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8559)
* Maintenance - Fix webpack HMR websocket connection AATTMarioArriaga92 (#8498) - Bump eslint-config-next from 13.4.9 to 13.4.19 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8559)
* Documentation - [Docs] Fix spelling errors AATTFirePing32 (#8605) - [Docs] Ensuring that all commands has usage examples AATTsuhail34 (#8462) - [Docs] Add Component Shape Guide AATTBoombag0607 (#8570)- update to 0.6.131:
* General - change the location where binded node info is captured AATTMUzairS15 (#8562) - [CI] Swagger docs build failing AATTsuhail34 (#8551)
* Meshery CLI - [Lifecycle] mesheryctl: slim profile with no adapters by default AATTleecalcote (#8566)
* Meshery UI - [UI] Fix issue with button alignment AATTabhinandanudupa (#8539) - [connections] Migrate K8sCtx to Connections AATTtheBeginner86 (#8321) - Bump eslint from 8.46.0 to 8.47.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8525) - Refactor drawer links AATTaabidsofi19 (#8558) - Bump cypress from 12.17.1 to 12.17.4 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8529) - Bump eslint-plugin-cypress from 2.13.3 to 2.14.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8523) - Meshmodel Browser AATTUsmanDev09 (#8466) - Fixed height consistency in design cards AATTEraKin575 (#8492) - [Notification Center] Refactor EVENT_TYPES and Icons AATTaabidsofi19 (#8546)
* Bug Fixes - [Notification Center] Refactor EVENT_TYPES and Icons AATTaabidsofi19 (#8546)
* Maintenance - Bump eslint from 8.46.0 to 8.47.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8525) - Bump cypress from 12.17.1 to 12.17.4 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8529) - Bump eslint-plugin-cypress from 2.13.3 to 2.14.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8523) - Fixed email-on-failure job in stable release AATTVaibhavMalik4187 (#8554)
* Documentation - Scrolling error in meshery docs for small screen fixed AATTAayush987 (#8550) - Fixing Documentation issues AATTthisiskaransgit (#8128)- there is no release 0.6.130- update to 0.6.129:
* General - MeshKit v0.6.59 AATTleecalcote (#8541) - Enhance policies endpoints AATTFreedisch (#8491)
* Meshery UI - fix: fixed background color in meshmodel relationships tab AATTYana-Gupta (#8549) - fix validation and deployment issue for comps marked isAnnotaion true AATTMUzairS15 (#8520)
* Maintenance - Bump from 1.25.2 to 1.25.3 AATTdependabot (#8536)
* Documentation - [Docs] Remove unncessary file - Kuma.svg AATTabhinandanudupa (#8522) - Adding Customization of MeshMap Snapshot in docs AATTyash37158 (#8452)- update to 0.6.128:
* Meshery CLI - Update errorutil in CI to looks for the right server directory AATTnebula-aac (#8517)
* Maintenance - Update errorutil in CI to looks for the right server directory AATTnebula-aac (#8517)- update to 0.6.127:
* General - [Policies] Evaluation of OPA policies in server. AATTMUzairS15 (#8416)
* Meshery CLI - introduce pagination and search by filter name for filter list command AATTnarharim (#8258)
* Meshery UI - [UI][Schema] Change comment schema | Fix ImportModal crash in extension AATTYashsharma1911 (#8514)
* Documentation - [Server] Add server support to share WASM Filters AATTChadha93 (#8274)- update to 0.6.126:
* Meshery UI - [Notification Center] Add Support for Meshmap and little Ui changes AATTaabidsofi19 (#8510) - [UI] Send toaster informational notification upon save of design and send to notification center AATTChadha93 (#8509) - Revert \"[UI] Add Qanelas Soft as Global Font\" AATTleecalcote (#8504)- update to 0.6.125:
* Meshery UI - Revert \"[UI] Send toaster informational notification upon save of design\" AATTleecalcote (#8499)- update to 0.6.124:
* General - updated link for contributor\'s journey map AATTabhijeetgauravm (#8476) - Add api/system/database/reset endpoint to reset database AATTAritra8438 (#8433) - lastest enhance after meshkit release AATTFreedisch (#8437) - feat: updated smp link in readme and fixed typo infrastructure AATTabhijeetgauravm (#8474) - [chore] Update Playground Docker Compose AATTtheBeginner86 (#8459)
* Meshery CLI - fix: test for delete filter command AATTYana-Gupta (#8396)
* Meshery UI - [UI] Send toaster informational notification upon save of design AATTChadha93 (#8486) - [UI] Enhance Notification Center AATTaabidsofi19 (#8483) - import resources from schema, import filters from schema AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#8097) - fix crash due to empty response of filter_resource file AATTsudhanshutech (#8494) - [UI] Add Qanelas Soft as Global Font AATTChadha93 (#8481) - [UI] Connections AATTsenali-d (#8316) - [UI] Use name instead of component in service mesh dashboard AATTYashsharma1911 (#8484) - fixed inconsistency in meshery ui AATTEraKin575 (#8461) - Added Connection Stats Charts AATTaabidsofi19 (#8472) - Dry Run Support in Designs And Applications AATTaabidsofi19 (#8471) - Add mesh version support in Lifecycle management. AATTMUzairS15 (#8477) - [Extensions] Collaborators: Remove spinner AATTsenali-d (#8464)
* Maintenance - [CI] Update swagger docs workflow for rest api failing in edge and stable release AATTsuhail34 (#8488) - Updated go mod sync workflow AATTabdullah1308 (#8489) - [CI] Meshkit error workflow committing on pull request AATTsuhail34 (#8458)
* Documentation - feat :removed duplication and fixed typo AATTGhat0tkach (#8248) - Designs docs : meshmodel user guide AATTparth721 (#8353) - endpoints for user\'s keys AATTFreedisch (#8267)- update to 0.6.123:
* Meshery UI - Loader component for collaborators AATTsenali-d (#8457)- update to 0.6.122:
* Meshery UI - [Extension] Add Collaborator Extension Point AATTsenali-d (#8323) - Update logs.svg AATTritiksaxena124 (#8448) - [Performance profile]- fix label on new certificate upload AATTsudhanshutech (#8421)
* Bug Fixes - [bug] Fix cancelled ctx AATTtheBeginner86 (#8453)
* Maintenance - [CI] Workflow update of meshkit error docs AATTsuhail34 (#8451) - Added new job to send emails on job failure AATTVaibhavMalik4187 (#8449) - Update build-and-release-stable.yml AATTtheBeginner86 #8455
* Documentation - [CI] Workflow update of meshkit error docs AATTsuhail34 (#8451) - [Extension] Add Collaborator Extension Point AATTsenali-d (#8323)- update to 0.6.121:
* Meshery UI - [Extension] Add Collaborator Extension Point AATTsenali-d (#8323) - Update logs.svg AATTritiksaxena124 (#8448) - [Performance profile]- fix label on new certificate upload AATTsudhanshutech (#8421)
* Bug Fixes - [bug] Fix cancelled ctx AATTtheBeginner86 (#8453)
* Maintenance - [CI] Workflow update of meshkit error docs AATTsuhail34 (#8451) - Added new job to send emails on job failure AATTVaibhavMalik4187 (#8449)
* Documentation - [CI] Workflow update of meshkit error docs AATTsuhail34 (#8451) - [Extension] Add Collaborator Extension Point AATTsenali-d (#8323)- update to 0.6.120:
* General - Revert \"Revert \"Add endpoint to update connection by Id\"\" AATTleecalcote (#8446) - Revert \"Add endpoint to update connection by Id\" AATTleecalcote (#8444) - Add endpoint to update connection by Id AATTabdullah1308 (#8434) - add core comp AATTMUzairS15 (#8435) - Update policy_relationship_handler.go AATTMUzairS15 (#8415)
* Meshery CLI - Show menu in subcommands under mesheryctl system AATTnebula-aac (#8374) - Revert \"[CI] MeshKit Error Util: duplicate errors causing failures\" AATTleecalcote (#8445) - Removed extra single quotes from make commands AATTVaibhavMalik4187 (#8383) - [CI] MeshKit Error Util: duplicate errors causing failures AATTsuhail34 (#8402) - [mesheryctl] perf apply docs fix AATTsuhail34 (#8428) - Pattern Unit test AATTPhilip-21 (#8324)
* Meshery UI - [lifecycle] Manage Un/Deployment of Meshery Adapters AATTtheBeginner86 (#8393) - Revert \"Leecalcote/templates/go-meshkit\" AATTleecalcote (#8443) - Leecalcote/templates/go-meshkit AATTleecalcote (#8442) - fix validate modal light/dark mode color issues AATTsudhanshutech (#8438)
* Maintenance - Revert \"Leecalcote/templates/go-meshkit\" AATTleecalcote (#8443) - Leecalcote/templates/go-meshkit AATTleecalcote (#8442)
* Documentation - Revert \"Leecalcote/templates/go-meshkit\" AATTleecalcote (#8443) - Leecalcote/templates/go-meshkit AATTleecalcote (#8442) - feat: typo fixed \'tags\' AATTabhijeetgauravm (#8431) - [mesheryctl] perf apply docs fix AATTsuhail34 (#8428)- update to 0.6.119:
* General - update comp_updater script AATTMUzairS15 (#8411) - Fix /api/integrations/connections/{connectionKind} AATTabdullah1308 (#8397) - Update meshmodel search by name AATTabdullah1308 (#8249) - fix relationships AATTMUzairS15 (#8409)
* Meshery CLI - fixed context switching abort AATTEraKin575 (#8392) - Shortened the User ID in app list AATTgopivaibhav (#8395) - Add load generator options flag to mesheryctl perf AATTabdullah1308 (#8403)
* Meshery UI - Implement conditional rendering of Model Selector based on selected category AATTShravaniAK (#8407) - Bump tough-cookie and AATTcypress/request in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8404) - [UI] - Handled configuration pages responsiveness AATTUsmanDev09 (#8408) - Bump tough-cookie and AATTcypress/request in /ui AATTdependabot (#8405) - Revert \"[UI] Add Connection Stats Chart\" AATTMUzairS15 (#8410) - [UI] Add Connection Stats Chart AATTaabidsofi19 (#8171)
* Maintenance - Bump tough-cookie and AATTcypress/request in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8404) - Bump tough-cookie and AATTcypress/request in /ui AATTdependabot (#8405)
* Documentation - solved the issue of unresponsiveness of header AATTAdityaRaimec22 (#8352) - Bump commonmarker from 0.23.9 to 0.23.10 in /docs AATTdependabot (#8413)- update to 0.6.118:
* General - Remove old components dir AATTMUzairS15 (#8398)
* Meshery CLI - filter Unit test AATTPhilip-21 (#8111)
* Meshery UI - [UI] Fix MeshModel Chart empty when one of the contructs count is 0 AATTaabidsofi19 (#8388)
* Bug Fixes - [UI] Fix MeshModel Chart empty when one of the contructs count is 0 AATTaabidsofi19 (#8388)
* Maintenance - [chore] bump meshkit to v0.6.52 AATTMUzairS15 (#8386)- update to 0.6.117:
* General - [Meshmodel] Restructure file system for meshmodels. AATTMUzairS15 (#8372) - [helm] revert to \"namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}\" AATTleecalcote (#8382) - Add endpoint for all connections AATTabdullah1308 (#8356)
* Features - [feat] Add Support for Comments AATTtheBeginner86 (#8315)
* Meshery CLI - [chore] Removed OSM AATTnebula-aac (#8375) - [chore] Fix Filter Upload AATTtheBeginner86 (#8370)
* Meshery UI - [chore] Removed OSM AATTnebula-aac (#8375) - Speed dial color update AATTShivam-AfA (#8380) - [chore] Fix Filter Upload AATTtheBeginner86 (#8370) - Downgrade react-dom to 17.0.2 AATTaabidsofi19 (#8369) - [UI] Added new colors in Theme AATTYashsharma1911 (#8366)
* Documentation - Remove multiple instances of Layer5 and fix indentation of bulleted list AATTAritra8438 (#8361) - feat: images are aligned now AATTabhijeetgauravm (#8326) - [Docs] Add Integrations List Docs AATTBoombag0607 (#8373)
* Thu Sep 07 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.116:
* Meshery CLI - Revert \"Specify additional specific load generator options in mesheryctl perf\" AATTleecalcote (#8363)
* Thu Sep 07 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.115:
* General - Update AATTtheBeginner86 (#8358) - Fix connection status endpoint AATTabdullah1308 (#8354) - Bump from 20.10.21+incompatible to 20.10.24+incompatible in /scripts/component_updater AATTdependabot (#8153) - update relationship def and policy AATTMUzairS15 (#8327) - [MeshSync] Package update v0.6.11 AATTleecalcote (#8325)
* Meshery CLI - Specify additional specific load generator options in mesheryctl perf AATTabdullah1308 (#8148)
* Meshery UI - [Performance Profile] - Specify flags in performance profile AATTUsmanDev09 (#8219) - [bug] Fix broken filters page AATTtheBeginner86 (#8359) - [Meshmodels] - Displaying duplicate components and models AATTUsmanDev09 (#8275) - [Responsiveness] - Made Configurations design page responsive AATTUsmanDev09 (#8357) - [UI] Added required prop in Publish Modal to publish catalog from MeshMap AATTYashsharma1911 (#8349) - Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8213) - Bump AATTmui/material from 5.13.7 to 5.14.3 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8336) - Bump react-dom from 17.0.2 to 18.2.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8329) - Bump eslint from 8.45.0 to 8.46.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8337) - Bump AATTcypress/code-coverage from 3.10.7 to 3.11.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8334) - Bump AATTbabel/types from 7.21.3 to 7.22.5 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8330) - Bump tar from 6.1.12 to 6.1.15 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8328) - Bump next from 13.4.7 to 13.4.12 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8333) - Bump AATTmui/styles from 5.12.0 to 5.14.3 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8331) - Bump AATTmui/icons-material from 5.11.16 to 5.14.3 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8335) - Update MeshMap Snapshot Service AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#8332)
* Bug Fixes - [bug] Fix broken filters page AATTtheBeginner86 (#8359) - [CI] Update Meshery Helm Chart AATTtheBeginner86 (#8355)
* Maintenance - Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8213) - Bump AATTmui/material from 5.13.7 to 5.14.3 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8336) - Bump react-dom from 17.0.2 to 18.2.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8329) - Bump eslint from 8.45.0 to 8.46.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8337) - Bump AATTcypress/code-coverage from 3.10.7 to 3.11.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8334) - Bump from 0.3.4 to 0.6.1 AATTdependabot (#8338) - Bump AATTbabel/types from 7.21.3 to 7.22.5 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8330) - Bump tar from 6.1.12 to 6.1.15 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8328) - Bump next from 13.4.7 to 13.4.12 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8333) - Bump AATTmui/styles from 5.12.0 to 5.14.3 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8331) - Bump AATTmui/icons-material from 5.11.16 to 5.14.3 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8335) - Bump from 2.9.5 to 2.11.0 AATTdependabot (#8341) - Update MeshMap Snapshot Service AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#8332)
* Documentation - [CI] Enhance Edge Release Channel with Versioning AATTvaibhav-xt (#8259) - Update MeshMap Snapshot Service AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#8332)
* Tue Aug 01 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.114:
* General - Removed smi section in file AATTModern-artist (#8280) - [README] Swap star charts AATTjamieplu (#8308) - add logic to treat some comps special AATTMUzairS15 (#8306)
* Meshery CLI - [Unit test] delete_test in filter package AATTPhilip-21 (#8220) - Added instructions to update error codes AATTabdullah1308 (#8251) - Removed system checks before login AATTEraKin575 (#8297)
* Meshery UI - [bug] Fix K8s Ctx Selector AATTtheBeginner86 (#8314) - fix display config on row click in filters AATTsudhanshutech (#8281) - Remove Meshery Adapter for Meshery Octarine entry from adaptersList AATTsupzi-del (#8302)
* Patterns, Filters, Applications - fix display config on row click in filters AATTsudhanshutech (#8281)
* Bug Fixes - [bug] Fix K8s Ctx Selector AATTtheBeginner86 (#8314)
* Maintenance - feat: Removed \"above\" from label-commenter-config.yml AATTabhijeetgauravm (#8317) - [Readme] Swap Slack image AATTjamieplu (#8309)
* Documentation - description added using CURL AATTspacemc2 (#8265) - [Docs] Update Relationship Screenshots AATTBoombag0607 (#8320) - updated the video with the new one AATTDebjyoti0404 (#8322)
* Tue Aug 01 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.113:
* General - Add endpoint for connections status AATTabdullah1308 (#8277) - [component-updater-script] update paths for icons for remote-provider AATTtheBeginner86 (#8304) - Update affiliation on MAINTAINERS table AATTalphaX86 (#8290)
* Features - [UI] Change switch paradigm for grid and table view AATTduckling69 (#8300)
* Meshery CLI - Refactor/diviz11/mesheryctl-filter-import-update AATTdiviz11 (#8254) - [mesheryctl] Shortened USER ID in mesheryctl filter list AATTkunxl-gg (#8282)
* Meshery UI - [UI] Fix publish modal for meshmap and added type as enum in publish modal schema AATTYashsharma1911 (#8273) - [UI] Change switch paradigm for grid and table view AATTduckling69 (#8300) - fix filter update and filter name provided not being respected AATTMUzairS15 (#8283) - Fix: remove wildcard check by
*, and use full string AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#8296) - [MeshModels] Add support for wildcard versions AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#8285) - Enhancement: Dont crash the UI on RJSF Form Errors AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#8288)
* Documentation - [MeshModel][Docs] Add supported relationships screenshots AATTBoombag0607 (#8287)
* Thu Jul 27 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.112:
* Meshery CLI - FIXED: [mesheryctl] mesheryctl system check checks wrong platform AATTzakisk (#8272)
* Meshery UI - Add support to provision CRDs/operators. AATTMUzairS15 (#8255) - [OPA] Add namespace-hierarchichal policy AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#7897)
* Wed Jul 26 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.111:
* General - [scripts] fix svgs paths for remote provider components generation AATTtheBeginner86 (#8266)
* Meshery UI - [Filters] A quick dirty fix for uploading filters config AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#7993) - [UI] Memoized Charts And Graph Components AATTaabidsofi19 (#8217)
* Documentation - Adding [Docs] Meshery Cloud Team Management and Notifications AATTyash37158 (#8212)
* Wed Jul 26 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.110:
* General - update wasm filter metdata AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#8252) - [chore] Fix go.sum entry AATTMUzairS15 (#8243) - Update hierarchical_inv_wasm_filters.json AATTMUzairS15 (#8239) - remove hardcoded filter name AATTMUzairS15 (#8236) - Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 in /storybook AATTdependabot (#8230)
* Documentation - [Docs] reverting lockfile update AATTthisiskaransgit (#8237) - docs: updated command reference for mesheryctl filter AATTYana-Gupta (#8235)
* Fri Jul 21 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.109:
* General - [chore] Fix missing remote provider prefs AATTtheBeginner86 (#8234) - [chore] bump meshkit to v0.6.49 AATTMUzairS15 (#8233) - Update go.mod AATTtheBeginner86 (#8231) - Use meshkit function AATTMUzairS15 (#8215) - Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 in /install/docker-extension/ui AATTdependabot (#8218) - Add duplicate count for meshmodel model, component AATTabdullah1308 (#8168) - Changed server request for Publishing Catalog Content AATTPlayer256 (#8197) - Bump meshery-operator version to the latest(v0.6.10) AATTAisuko (#8187) - [Playground] Use Nginx daemon not container AATTleecalcote (#8201) - Fix core component not getting updated by component_updater script. AATTMUzairS15 (#8192)
* Features - Common search view for grid and data-table AATTsudhanshutech (#8157)
* Meshery CLI - [mesheryctl] Pattern Subcommand dysfunctional AATTsuhail34 (#8177) - [CI] Adding a make target for mesheryctl docs and add in the worflow file AATTsuhail34 (#8185)
* Meshery UI - [CI] fix eslint AATTtheBeginner86 (#8232) - Fix visibility bug in catalog AATTsudhanshutech (#8214) - Apply default icon style to all the mui icons AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#8229) - [chore] fix the checkboxes label capitalization in dark mode AATTharkiratsm (#8222) - [RJSF] UI enhancement in publish to catalog modal AATTYashsharma1911 (#8141) - Common search view for grid and data-table AATTsudhanshutech (#8157) - Updated Performance icon in Meshery UI AATTvednp (#8189) - [Deps]ui and provider ui AATTleecalcote (#8186) - [chore] fix the usage of publish modal AATTharkiratsm (#8180)
* Bug Fixes - [CI] fix eslint AATTtheBeginner86 (#8232)
* Maintenance - [CI] Send out email in case of meshmodel component generation/updater failure. AATTsuhail34 (#8216) - [CI] Update script AATTtheBeginner86 (#8209) - [CI] Job to update REST and GraphQL docs #7956 AATTsuhail34 (#8076) - [CI] Adding a make target for mesheryctl docs and add in the worflow file AATTsuhail34 (#8185)
* Documentation - [Docs] Minor MeshModel Changes AATTBoombag0607 (#8183) - Added Build and Release Meeting time and minutes link AATTranjanmangla1 (#8114) - Update meshmodel docs AATTabdullah1308 (#8206) - Bring search bar back AATTvishalvivekm (#8210) - [Docs] Kubernetes installations AATTleecalcote (#8190) - Add Concept Docs for MeshModel AATTBoombag0607 (#8182)
* Mon Jul 17 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.108:
* General - [Server] API for dynamic component registration AATTMUzairS15 (#8132) - Fix: the schema doesn\'t have model name correctly depicted AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#8155)
* Meshery CLI - Remove mesheryctl filter from experimental AATTabdullah1308 (#8169)
* Meshery UI - [chore] custom annotations to grid differently , rjsf custom select widget AATTharkiratsm (#8165)
* Maintenance - chore: update link to wireframes and designs for Meshery UI in Figma AATTrupeshshandilya (#8166) - Add SVG in meshmodel docs AATTBoombag0607 (#8160) - [CI] Update workflow usage of component_updater script AATTtheBeginner86 (#8152)
* Documentation - Fixing intra-page anchor issue in meshery docs AATTyash37158 (#8151) - [mesheryctl] Docs: Remove apply, add import, promote from experimental AATTleecalcote (#8170) - Add SVG in meshmodel docs AATTBoombag0607 (#8160)
* Thu Jul 13 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.107:
* General - Bump semver from 6.3.0 to 6.3.1 in /install/docker-extension/ui AATTdependabot (#8131) - [Extensions] Remote Provider: Model and Category Registration AATTtheBeginner86 (#8145) - Bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 in /storybook AATTdependabot (#8140) - Add unique count to meshmodel models, components AATTabdullah1308 (#8139) - Update hierarchical-wallet.rego AATTMUzairS15 (#8136) - fix user prefs AATTMUzairS15 (#8121) - Update package-lock.json AATTRitish134 (#8113) - fix
* available as version AATTMUzairS15 (#8123)
* Meshery CLI - Created mesheryctl filter import and mesheryctl filter audit AATTabdullah1308 (#8063) - [mesheryctl] App subcommand list and view dysfunctional AATTsuhail34 (#8118) - Fix/filter logs AATTjinronga (#8067)
* Meshery UI - Bump AATTmui/lab from 5.0.0-alpha.128 to 5.0.0-alpha.135 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8102) - Bump AATTstorybook/react from 7.0.7 to 7.0.26 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8100) - Bump semver from 6.3.0 to 6.3.1 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8135) - [UI] Filters Table : Add Save Button To Filter Edit Modal AATTaabidsofi19 (#8146) - Fix recursive API calls when multiple page changes immediately in configurations AATTHarshDobariya79 (#8032) - Fix public tag filter in dark mode AATTVishwaRaval247 (#8134) - Bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8133) - [UI] Fixed pagination issue in database overview AATTMeyazhagan (#8064) - fixed extension infinite loading issue AATTvaibhav135 (#8058) - [UI] Added filter config | CU-#85ztdxf0d AATTvaibhav135 (#8107) - [UI] Navigator : Remove Conformance and fix extentions indentation AATTaabidsofi19 (#8127) - removing unwanted console from rjsf #85zteqydm AATTduckling69 (#8120) - [UI] Add MeshModel Charts in Dashboard AATTaabidsofi19 (#8110) - Bump AATTmui/material from 5.11.15 to 5.13.7 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8112) - Fix/filter logs AATTjinronga (#8067) - [UI] MesheryFilters/FilterCard : Add Download Button to Filter Card AATTaabidsofi19 (#8073)
* Maintenance - Bump AATTmui/lab from 5.0.0-alpha.128 to 5.0.0-alpha.135 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8102) - Bump from 0.8.0 to 0.10.0 AATTdependabot (#8089) - Bump AATTstorybook/react from 7.0.7 to 7.0.26 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8100) - Bump semver from 6.3.0 to 6.3.1 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8135) - [Docs][WIP] Add contribution docs for MeshModel AATTBoombag0607 (#8119) - Bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8133) - Bump AATTmui/material from 5.11.15 to 5.13.7 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8112)
* Documentation - Add Details/Summary for General Contribution Flow AATTankur0904 (#7838) - [Docs] Fixed responsiveness AATTGhat0tkach (#8117) - Table display issue resolved AATTjayeshuk (#8068) - [Docs][WIP] Add contribution docs for MeshModel AATTBoombag0607 (#8119) - Fixed [UI] table in meshery docs AATTyash37158 (#8060) - Update AATTabdellani (#8116) - Closes #8050 Added Build and Release: Stable Release Channel now includes automate… AATTranjanmangla1 (#8115)
* Sun Jul 09 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.106:
* Meshery UI - [chore] fix import error AATTtheBeginner86 (#8106)
* Maintenance - [chore] fix import error AATTtheBeginner86 (#8106)
* Sun Jul 09 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.105:
* General - Bump tough-cookie from 4.0.0 to 4.1.3 in /install/docker-extension/ui AATTdependabot (#8099) - Helm Chart to have the \"meshery\" namespace AATTFreedisch (#8044) - [Server] Fix published filters not appearing AATTMeyazhagan (#8083) - [Meshmodel] Update WASMFilter component AATTMUzairS15 (#8085) - [Meshmodel] Add support for x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields AATTMUzairS15 (#8081) - [Meshmodel] Add new relationship inventory_wallet. AATTMUzairS15 (#8088) - Revert \"[Maintenance] Component Updater: Go package upgrades\" AATTMUzairS15 (#8036) - Revert \"[Maintenance] Go package upgrades\" AATTleecalcote (#8030) - Storybook drawer component AATTsenali-d (#7967)
* Meshery CLI - Remove apply subcommand from mesheryctl exp filter AATTBoombag0607 (#8012) - [mesheryctl] Filter: View not accepting name; requiring ID? AATTsuhail34 (#8061) - [mesheryctl] Filter: List subcommand dysfunctional AATTsuhail34 (#8033)
* Meshery UI - [UI] Filter publish, unpublish, clone AATTChadha93 (#8035) - Bump eslint-config-next from 13.2.4 to 13.4.9 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8101) - [chore] fix grid view action btns AATTtheBeginner86 (#8103) - Bump AATTbabel/eslint-parser from 7.21.8 to 7.22.7 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8075) - Bump cypress from 12.15.0 to 12.16.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8018) - [e2e Tests] error in github workflow by increasing the timeout in the test AATTcodingmickey (#8082) - Fix: Use Publish Modal and send it to extensions AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#8098) - Fix filter page crash on publishing filter AATTYashsharma1911 (#8094) - [fix] add custom textarea to have uniformity of textfield across rjsf AATTharkiratsm (#8086) - Add Support for Credentials AATTharkiratsm (#7634) - Bump AATTemotion/react from 11.11.0 to 11.11.1 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8014) - [UI] Settings: Added white background in Metrics AATTYashsharma1911 (#8062) - [Performance] Add support to use SSL certs for load testing. AATTMUzairS15 (#8023) - [UI] - Added count to tabs for meshmodel browser AATTUsmanDev09 (#8053) - [chore] Fix eslint Err AATTtheBeginner86 (#8057) - Bump lint-staged from 13.1.0 to 13.2.3 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8025) - feat: add a custom native select widget in rjsf AATTharkiratsm (#7930) - added adapters in extensions AATTvaibhav135 (#8013) - Bump autoprefixer from 10.4.13 to 10.4.14 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8026) - Bump AATTfortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons from 6.2.0 to 6.4.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8027)
* Patterns, Filters, Applications - update core wasm filter svg with height and width AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#8096) - [Filters] Store filter as comp instance AATTMUzairS15 (#7963) - [chore] Fix Download of Filters AATTtheBeginner86 (#8055)
* Maintenance - Bump eslint-config-next from 13.2.4 to 13.4.9 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8101) - Update meshmodel issue template with label AATTleecalcote (#8105) - [chore] fix grid view action btns AATTtheBeginner86 (#8103) - Bump AATTbabel/eslint-parser from 7.21.8 to 7.22.7 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8075) - Bump cypress from 12.15.0 to 12.16.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8018) - Bump AATTemotion/react from 11.11.0 to 11.11.1 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#8014) - [chore] Fix Download of Filters AATTtheBeginner86 (#8055) - [chore] Fix eslint Err AATTtheBeginner86 (#8057) - Bump lint-staged from 13.1.0 to 13.2.3 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8025) - Bump from 1.55.0 to 1.56.1 AATTdependabot (#8020) - Bump from 1.15.1 to 1.16.0 AATTdependabot (#8021) - Bump autoprefixer from 10.4.13 to 10.4.14 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8026) - Bump AATTfortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons from 6.2.0 to 6.4.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#8027) - [CI] Stable Release Channel: Reference Git Tag Name AATTleecalcote (#8011)
* Documentation - changes in elements.scss AATTRajivkumawat3 (#8065) - [Docs] Remove Ruby version mandate AATTleecalcote (#8046) - DOCS: update contributing guide with one addition of error while running make server AATTsamyakshah3008 (#7961)
* Mon Jul 03 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.104:
* General - [Maintenance] Component Updater: Go package upgrades AATTleecalcote (#8008) - [Maintenance] Go package upgrades AATTleecalcote (#8007)
* Features - [CI] Stable Release Channel: Release Notes Mailer AATTleecalcote (#8010)
* Meshery CLI - added tests for healthcheck AATTFreedisch (#7896)
* Meshery UI - Reusable Tooltip and added missing tooltips AATTsudhanshutech (#7615) - Added a white helm logo for dark mode AATTsouravpy (#7598) - Bump AATTpaciolan/remote-component from 2.12.1 to 2.13.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#7244) - Published icon fix in design card AATTduckling69 (#7808) - fix-rows-per-page-in-mesh-model-summary AATTHarshDobariya79 (#7988) - Fix: crash of Form on ui:widget checkbox AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#7997)
* Maintenance - [CI] Stable Release Channel: Release Notes Mailer AATTleecalcote (#8010) - Bump AATTpaciolan/remote-component from 2.12.1 to 2.13.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#7244) - [CI] Move Goreleaser to latest version - Update build-and-release-stable.yml AATTleecalcote (#8006) - Using conditions to control job execution [Fixes #7754] AATTanshgoyalevil (#7787) - [chore] feat: add test plan sheets AATTGhat0tkach (#7836) - [Governance] Document update to include role descriptions AATTleecalcote (#7968)
* Documentation - [Docs] Fix position of buttons in the code snippets on quick start page. AATTchinu-anand (#7264) - [Docs] Documentation Enhancement AATTthisiskaransgit (#7914)
* Mon Jul 03 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.103 (skipping .101 and .102, that do not exist):
* General - [CI] mesheryctl: replace goreleaser deprecations AATTleecalcote (#8004)
* Meshery UI - [chore] Add save button in edit modal for filters AATTtheBeginner86 (#7992) - [UI] Remove deploy/undeploy from UI AATTtheBeginner86 (#7991) - [UI] Add support to download, publish, unpublish, and clone wasm support AATTChadha93 (#7969)
* Maintenance - Fix: goreleaser halting the release process AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#8003) - Bump from 0.0.0-20190924061706-b57f9002281a to 0.3.5 AATTdependabot (#7942)
* Fri Jun 30 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.10a:
* Meshery CLI - Fix operator check in system check AATTalphaX86 (#7977) - [Filters] Fix wasm filter binary upload issues AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#7975)
* Meshery UI - [bug] Fix GraphQL Query for Catalog content AATTtheBeginner86 (#7985) - [UI] Dark mode toggle switch text fix in user preferences section AATTHarshDobariya79 (#7962)
* Patterns, Filters, Applications - [Filters] Add Support For Unpublish Filters in Server AATTtheBeginner86 (#7970)
* Bug Fixes - [bug] Fix GraphQL Query for Catalog content AATTtheBeginner86 (#7985)
* Maintenance - [CI] Update build-ui-and-server.yml AATTtheBeginner86 (#7987) - [CI] Update build-ui-and-server.yml AATTtheBeginner86 (#7986)
* Documentation - [Docs] Meshery Operator Update AATTleecalcote (#7983) - [Filters] Add Support For Unpublish Filters in Server AATTtheBeginner86 (#7970)
* Thu Jun 29 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.99:
* General - [MeshModel] Update relationship schema AATTMUzairS15 (#7966) - Added tabs component to storybook AATTsenali-d (#7860) - [Filters] Change filter file download endpoint AATTMUzairS15 (#7964) - [Remote Provider] Support for pagesize and count AATTabdullah1308 (#7892) - Update WASMFilter.json AATTMUzairS15 (#7959) - [MeshModel] Add WASM Filter component AATTMUzairS15 (#7955) - [MeshModel] Add WASM Filter as a core component. AATTMUzairS15 (#7929)
* Meshery CLI - Resource endpoints audit AATTabdullah1308 (#7917) - Parsing the relative path correctly AATTsuhail34 (#7951)
* Meshery UI - Resource endpoints audit AATTabdullah1308 (#7917) - Bump relay-compiler from 14.1.0 to 15.0.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#7945) - Fix dropdown input border color in dark mode AATTHarshDobariya79 (#7923) - Bump AATTcypress/code-coverage from 3.10.1 to 3.10.7 in /ui AATTdependabot (#7935) - Bump cypress from 12.9.0 to 12.15.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#7941) - Bump AATTemotion/server from 11.10.0 to 11.11.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#7936) - Bump webpack-cli from 5.0.1 to 5.1.4 in /ui AATTdependabot (#7937) - Bump next from 13.3.4 to 13.4.7 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#7938) - Bump eslint-plugin-cypress from 2.13.2 to 2.13.3 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#7944) - Bump eslint from 8.39.0 to 8.43.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#7934)
* Maintenance - Bump relay-compiler from 14.1.0 to 15.0.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#7945) - Bump AATTcypress/code-coverage from 3.10.1 to 3.10.7 in /ui AATTdependabot (#7935) - Bump cypress from 12.9.0 to 12.15.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#7941) - Updated redocly workflow to update swagger files AATTabdullah1308 (#7957) - Bump AATTemotion/server from 11.10.0 to 11.11.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#7936) - Bump webpack-cli from 5.0.1 to 5.1.4 in /ui AATTdependabot (#7937) - Bump from 1.15.0 to 1.16.0 AATTdependabot (#7940) - Bump next from 13.3.4 to 13.4.7 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#7938) - Bump eslint-plugin-cypress from 2.13.2 to 2.13.3 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#7944) - Bump from 0.0.0-20221014153046-6fdb5e3db783 to 0.9.0 in /scripts/component_generation AATTdependabot (#7947) - Bump eslint from 8.39.0 to 8.43.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#7934) - Bump from 0.103.0 to 0.128.0 in /scripts/component_generation AATTdependabot (#7948) - Bump from 0.6.37 to 0.6.46 in /scripts/component_generation AATTdependabot (#7949) - Bump from 0.6.38 to 0.6.46 in /scripts/component_updation AATTdependabot (#7946) - Change ruby version and Adapter Documentation AATTBoombag0607 (#7933)
* Documentation - Resource endpoints audit AATTabdullah1308 (#7917) - Change ruby version and Adapter Documentation AATTBoombag0607 (#7933)
* Thu Jun 29 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.98:
* General - Add config attribute to meshery filter AATTMUzairS15 (#7910)
* Meshery UI - [UI]: style fix of few components in dark theme AATTsamyakshah3008 (#7907) - Bump AATTrjsf/material-ui from 5.8.1 to 5.8.2 in /ui AATTdependabot (#7906) - Refactor/dashboard Remove Connection Status Section AATTaabidsofi19 (#7881) - Extentions/GitHub/meshmap : Add GitHub Action for MeshMap Snapshot AATTaabidsofi19 (#7888) - Fix bug in flipcard for filters AATTsudhanshutech (#7911) - upgrade rjsf -> 5.8.1 AATTharkiratsm (#7901) - [UI]: Fix responsiveness of profile card for mobile view AATTsamyakshah3008 (#7895) - [UI] RJSF Fixes styles for \"name\" and \"namespace\" input fields labels AATTChadha93 (#7889) - refactor: replaced CreateTable with CreateSelect AATTvaibhav135 (#7884) - [UI] Fixes Notification Center Sneak Peak Behavior onClick AATTChadha93 (#7886) - Database summary - Add table size/record count to System Reset screen AATTMeyazhagan (#7686) - fix: remove mapping navigator AATTUdit-takkar (#7806)
* Patterns, Filters, Applications - Fix Cytoscape-to-design conversion process AATTMUzairS15 (#7922)
* Bug Fixes - Fix bug in flipcard for filters AATTsudhanshutech (#7911)
* Maintenance - [CI] Update build-and-release-edge.yml AATTtheBeginner86 (#7927) - [CI] Update build-and-release-edge.yml AATTtheBeginner86 (#7926) - [CI] Update build-and-release-edge.yml AATTtheBeginner86 (#7925) - Bump AATTrjsf/material-ui from 5.8.1 to 5.8.2 in /ui AATTdependabot (#7906) - [CI] Support Edge Releases with Remote Provider AATTtheBeginner86 (#7913) - Update MeshMap-Snapshot workflow to v0.0.5 AATTMUzairS15 (#7899) - fix: remove mapping navigator AATTUdit-takkar (#7806) - [Update Dockerfile] Add comment for future reference AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#7876)
* Documentation - Adding Catalog page in docs AATTyash37158 (#7732) - [CI] GraphQL: Docs Build Target AATTleecalcote (#7924) - Server.go file missing #7887 AATTvaibhav-xt (#7902) - fixed: meshery-docs hover tabs and focus on sidebar option AATTvaibhav135 (#7831) - [Docs] Initialize Extension\'s user facing documentation | CU-85zrzt5fg AATTChadha93 (#7807)
* Thu Jun 29 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.97:
* General - Changed docs for catalog APIs AATTabdullah1308 (#7882) - Fixed unmarshal error due to catalog API change AATTabdullah1308 (#7875) - fix: Return error instead of nil client connection in gRPC err AATTRevolyssup (#7878) - fix crash in docker env due to GLIBC_2.34 not found AATTMUzairS15 (#7873)
* Maintenance - add workflow dispatch for edge-release action AATTMUzairS15 (#7874)
* Thu Jun 29 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.96:
* General - Update nighthawk binary verison AATTMUzairS15 (#7872)
* toolbox Maintenance - Update cncf-playground-deploy-meshery.yaml AATTleecalcote (#7871)
* Thu Jun 29 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.95:
* General - [performance] add support for labels AATTMUzairS15 (#7870) - policies: Fix the detection of the relationship in existing policy AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#7864)
* Meshery CLI - [Mesheryctl] Support tailing logs in Kubernetes platform AATTMeyazhagan (#7801) - Change adapter API callback argument for mesheryctl check AATTalphaX86 (#7862)
* Meshery UI - [Catalog] make all the fields required in the RJSF form while submitting the catalog request AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#7868) - [UI] - disable deploy and undeploy AATTUsmanDev09 (#7858)
* Maintenance - Bump from 1.2.0 to 1.3.0 AATTdependabot (#7776) - [CI] Only release when called by stable release workflow AATTleecalcote (#7855)
* Documentation - updated architecture page AATTthisiskaransgit (#7842)
* Wed Jun 28 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.94:
* Meshery UI - [Fix GQL] add the gql subscriptions AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#7857)
* Wed Jun 28 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 0.6.93:
* General - [Docker Extension] Contributor instructions AATTleecalcote (#7837) - [Server] Enhance Kubernetes missing context error message AATTleecalcote (#7852)
* Meshery UI - Bump relay-runtime from 14.1.0 to 15.0.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#7773) - [Performance] revert the subscription delete change AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#7853) - fix settings page title is not updating AATTMeyazhagan (#7793)
* Maintenance - Bump relay-runtime from 14.1.0 to 15.0.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#7773) - Update cncf-playground-deploy-meshery.yaml AATTleecalcote (#7854)
* Wed Jun 28 2023 Update to version 0.6.92:
* General - [performance] Final changes for nighthawk AATTMUzairS15 (#7847) - [Performance] fix nighthawk AATTMUzairS15 (#7846) - [chore] Update API for auto archive meshery server AATTtheBeginner86 (#7719) - [chore] Error codes cleanup AATTnebula-aac (#7789)
* Meshery CLI - Add golden files back, because they are required by the other pakcages\' test cases AATTAisuko (#7834)
* Meshery UI - [Performance] Fix issues with Performance profiles AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#7830) - [Catalog] Support Unpublish Catalog Content AATTtheBeginner86 (#7753)
* Bug Fixes - [bug] Remove False check for ValidPatternfile AATTtheBeginner86 (#7835)
* Maintenance - [chore] Update APIs AATTtheBeginner86 (#7844) - trigger workflow run on Pull request AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#7841) - change permission to test the action yaml AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#7840) - [Snapshot] test on pull_request target AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#7839) - [Snapshot Action] Update MeshMap Snapshot github action AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#7833) - Bump from 0.42.0 to 0.44.0 AATTdependabot (#7780) - [playground] Adding workflow to Update K8s Cleanup Script AATTsuhail34 (#7825)
* Documentation - [Catalog] Support Unpublish Catalog Content AATTtheBeginner86 (#7753) - [chore] Update APIs AATTtheBeginner86 (#7844)
* Wed Jun 28 2023 Update to version 0.6.91:
* General - Added status to connection AATTabdullah1308 (#7814) - [Performance] Fix NightHawk load generator AATTMUzairS15 (#7832) - [events] Track SystemID AATTtheBeginner86 (#7802) - [Performance] Nighthawk: Upgrade to v0.7.0 AATTleecalcote (#7826) - Remove core model reference from the relationship json AATTAbhishek-kumar09 (#7822) - fix golang-ci lint test AATTayushthe1 (#7810) - Add Paper component to storybook AATTsenali-d (#7809) - [playground] Update docker based deployment AATTtheBeginner86 (#7757) - [Devops] Updated the nginx.conf AATTkunal-gg (#7747) - fix: check if the pattern upload, is valid AATTharkiratsm (#7784) - Add PITS Global Data Recovery Services in the list of adopters AATTghost (#7785)
* Meshery CLI - Update filter usage in docs AATTalphaX86 (#7824) - [mesheryctl] Fix Preflight Check for Remote Endpoints AATTPiyushRaj927 (#7737) - feat: make test cases in for utils more simple and effectively AATTAisuko (#7783)
* Meshery UI - [CI] Fix ESOCKETTIMEDOUT intermittent CI run cypress settings and user pref integration tests failures AATTMarioArriaga92 (#7829) - Bump AATTstorybook/addon-styling from 0.3.2 to 1.0.8 in /ui AATTdependabot (#7772) - Bump AATTbabel/eslint-parser from 7.19.1 to 7.21.8 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#7771) - [bug] Fix Dereferencing bug AATTtheBeginner86 (#7819) - Bump AATTemotion/react from 11.10.8 to 11.11.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#7774) - Bump AATTcypress/code-coverage from 3.10.0 to 3.10.7 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#7777) - Meshery Management Page: Fixes Dark Mode Dialog Bug AATTciradu2204 (#7707) - Removing one extra closing bracket from the AATTyuvrajrathva (#7786) - Bump AATTemotion/styled from 11.10.6 to 11.11.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#7778) - Bump start-server-and-test from 1.15.3 to 2.0.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#7779) - Bump AATTemotion/styled from 11.10.5 to 11.11.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#7782)
* Bug Fixes - [bug] Fix Dereferencing bug AATTtheBeginner86 (#7819)
* Maintenance - Bump AATTstorybook/addon-styling from 0.3.2 to 1.0.8 in /ui AATTdependabot (#7772) - Bump AATTbabel/eslint-parser from 7.19.1 to 7.21.8 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#7771) - [CI] Add golangci.yml for ignore file AATTAisuko (#7820) - Update cncf-playground-reset.yaml AATTRevolyssup (#7813) - Update meshmodel issue template AATTleecalcote (#7812) - Fix failing cluster cleanup workflow AATTRevolyssup (#7799) - [MeshModel] add references to Meshmodel template AATTMUzairS15 (#7811) - Bump from 1.23.0 to 1.27.7 AATTdependabot (#7781) - Bump AATTemotion/react from 11.10.8 to 11.11.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#7774) - Bump AATTcypress/code-coverage from 3.10.0 to 3.10.7 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#7777) - Bump AATTemotion/styled from 11.10.6 to 11.11.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#7778) - Bump start-server-and-test from 1.15.3 to 2.0.0 in /provider-ui AATTdependabot (#7779) - Bump AATTemotion/styled from 11.10.5 to 11.11.0 in /ui AATTdependabot (#7782) - feat: make test cases in for utils more simple and effectively AATTAisuko (#7783)
* Documentation - Update filter usage in docs AATTalphaX86 (#7824) - Playground page AATTgoldfishdolphin (#7763) - [Docs] Broaden description of managed infra AATTjamieplu (#7798) - Connections crud AATTAzanul (#7581)
* Wed Jun 28 2023 Update to version 0.6.90:
* Adapters Component added
* Add Meshery Extensions Issue_Template
* Add test cases for closest_arg
* Add two test cases for meshery auth
* Added a helper function to debounce when searching
* Added a tab to display relationships
* Added an endpoint for fetching relationships
* Added constants for referencing components, models, relationships
* Change Contributor Reference
* Delete a file accidentally pushed to the PR
* Fix eslint warning typeof warning
* Fix no-useful test case
* Inplemented search functionality and a tab to display relationships
* New Meshmodel components generated
* Remove no useful test cases and add new testcase
* Update config.yml
* Update docs/pages/concepts/architecture/
* Update install/playground/docker/nginx.conf
* [Docs] Release Notes for Meshery
* [Docs] Test status of adapter
* add endpoint to download the application with :id
* add endpoint to download the patterns
* add theme color reference
* added service for playground using metallb
* chore: fix desc
* feat: add Beta badge on meshmap title
* fix incorrect API for user prefs
* fix the content-type and add support to download for design
* fix the key-spacing error
* latest discussion data files added
* meshsync update documented
* move dark mode under preferences
* no error from platform detection
* platform detection independent of DOCKER_HOST
* rm console.log
* styling changes
* unused 2nd var
* update app.js in meshery/ui/themes/
* update defaultTheme to dark
* update nginx.conf to upgrade http to https
* update theme colors
* use the download endpoint to mesheryUI
* Thu May 25 2023 Update to version 0.6.89:
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* skip some e2e tests until fixed
* remove unused comments
* fix: publish dashboard component
* add missing restart policy
* add policies in docker images
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* Update server/internal/graphql/resolver/schema.resolvers.go
* save and delete for grid view
* Fixed import path
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* [Docs] Test status of adapter
* [Docs] Test status of adapter
* Add subsection for index
* new topo
* adding docker-compose file for 01 server
* display topology
* update for single node k8s cluster
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* [Docs] Test status of adapter
* [Docs] Test status of adapter
* updated file
* feat: updated fille
* feat: added sidebar menu image
* [Docs] Test status of adapter
* [Docs] Test status of adapter
* [Docs] Test status of adapter
* [Docs] Test status of adapter
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* remove some dubugging logs
* lock and unlock struct map using mutex
* Fix GrapqhQL subscription memory leak
* Modify CLI guide for docs
* nginx config
* fix lint
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* lifecycle graphql req alias, more mesh adapter url data-cy and anon user stats retries
* fix 3
* add support for query param in remote provider
* emfore query param in default local provider
* enfore query params in server handler
* add support for query param to fetch all users
* remove unused
* enhanc-2
* enhancements
* Update ui/components/MesheryApplications/ApplicationsCard.js
* added dark mode enhancements
* Updated go.mod and go.sum
* Added padding to the options
* Update
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* feat:Added new page in Docs
* add network policy as a relationship
* Removed config file accidently pushed to this PR
* Removed config file accidently pushed to this PR
* Added a margin
* Added a z-index value to the selector so that it does not push the content
* Removed button
* Changed button position
* Added a margin
* latest discussion data files added
* Fixed pagination issue in meshery design page
* Update meshkit version
* Fixed swagger docs for meshmodel api
* [Docs] Release Notes for Meshery
* timeouts
* add data-cy for mesh adapter url element
* update
* updated pref route
* removed consol
* e2e test
* Updated meshkit version
* Update comments for handlers returning total_count
* Fix linting in server/handlers
* Fix search and add counts to meshmodel APIs
* fix build failure
* Update ui/components/MesherySettings.js
* Update ui/components/MesherySettings.js
* Update ui/components/MesherySettings.js
* Removed comments
* Removed console.log and renamed constructs
* Implemented the logic for rendering components and models
* Commented the code that is no longer used
* Added 2 new endpoints
* fix 2
* fix 1
* Changed patternServiceForm header background
* fixed eslint errors
* Fix dark mode issue in create pattern setting accordion
* Made performance card text dark mode suportable
* Tabs of notification now supports dark mode
* Update .github/workflows/label-tweet.yml
* Update .github/workflows/label-tweet.yml
* Updated the status and token names
* consumer-key and consumer-secret added to org
* Updated CI for PR and maintainers
* Restricted action to members
* Action to tweet when labeled
* Thu May 18 2023 Update to version 0.6.88:
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* minor change
* fix: mui datatables warning for scrollMaxHeight
* fix gloang ci lint
* update go mod and sum
* use latest meshkit
* Updated the application icon with the one from figma files
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* lint fix golang
* fix UI lint
* fix eslint
* lint fix
* New Meshmodel components generated
* rm harcoding of remote provider API, instead use capability
* gen docs
* add missing API summary
* gen docs
* add support for query param in docs
* latest discussion data files added
* gen docs
* add annotation and create modal for docs
* add support for remote_provider and define capabilities const
* add new /api/identity/users API
* removed
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* combine workflows
* meshery-playground-reset
* Update
* Bump
* helm logo dark mode
* [Docs] Test status of adapter
* [Docs] Test status of adapter
* Adapters Component added
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* redoc html
* added custom template
* Bump in /scripts/component_updation
* Bump in /scripts/component_generation
* push the swagger changes
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* [Docs] Update mesheryctl docs
* dark-mode-color-extensions-ref
* Deleted previous stories in ui directory
* Deleted previous Avatar components inside ui directory
* Added Avatar Component inside stories
* Created an Avatar component for storybook
* fix table view
* use text/plain for fitlers
* pass type of config
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* mionr: rename handler function
* Update as per review
* move the policy handler logic to backend, pick the directory, add meshkit error code
* Update node version in
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* Created an Avatar component for storybook
* add id to meshmap traits
* application-to-design-conversion: add ID to each component
* comments: add more comments to go funcs
* handlers: refactor json marshalling response obj
* handlers: refactor to throw error on response header
* correct opa policy logic
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* Refactor operator disabling in meshconfig
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* add api policy in the server router
* put service port in network policy
* put service port in network policy
* Policy handler returning the list of policies together
* crash-fix
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* update rego policy, use not has_key, add more comments
* Update the rego policy to be more accurate to establish relationships based on port mapping
* Update mesheryctl/internal/cli/root/root.go
* Fix evaluation engine and show evaluation result as o/p
* Duplicate cypress tag FIX
* OPA: draft: initialise OPA policy evaluation engine
* [Docs] Test status of adapter
* [Docs] Test status of adapter
* Adapters Component added
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* created code editor story
* Fix concurrent map writes #7386
* removed console.log
* Tooltip added for each adapter in settings#meshmodel-summary
* Revert \"uncomment include files\"
* uncomment include files
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* [Docs] Release Notes for Meshery
* update Maintainer.MD
* Removed Storybook from ui directory, and created new storybook project in root project
* Update .github/config.yml
* resolved requested changes
* resolved changes
* feat: updated docs instances
* feat: updated description
* feat: updated description instances
* docker extension user profile section refactored
* Update main logo with srcset
* Update README with picture element and srcset
* fixed table header and updated overview link
* Update config.yml
* updating header for mobile view
* Server work is done
* Corrected blunder
* Made Server ready to return Error messages on k8s configurations failures
* Update the broken link and Change Meshery logo
* Replace Meshery logo
* Add Meshery logos
* update workflow
* added redocly config file
* redocly docs generation
* [feat] : smooth notification modal appearance
* fix errors
* Fixed bug in config_test.go
* Rename config to meshConfigCtx in config_test.go
* Update mesheryctl/pkg/utils/helpers.go
* Added ok pattern to check if operator is disabled
* Update server/models/remote_provider.go
* Update server/models/remote_provider.go
* fix lint issue
* fix error
* fix skipped nil checks
* Add ability to disable operator through meshconfig
* Thu May 04 2023 Update to version 0.6.87:
* Bump AATTemotion/react from 11.10.5 to 11.10.8 in /ui
* Bump next from 13.1.5 to 13.3.4 in /provider-ui
* Bump AATTmui/icons-material from 5.11.11 to 5.11.16 in /provider-ui
* Bump eslint-plugin-cypress from 2.12.1 to 2.13.3 in /ui
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* faqs
* diminish service mesh centric focus
* Update
* Bump from 0.6.6 to 0.6.8
* Bump AATTstorybook/react from 6.5.16 to 7.0.7 in /ui
* Bump eslint from 8.32.0 to 8.39.0 in /provider-ui
* Bump AATTemotion/react from 11.10.6 to 11.10.8 in /provider-ui
* remove traits
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* rjsf more code cleanup
* pluralize, checkboxes dark mode, cleanup
* Increase testing coverage and fix defer error
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* Adapters Component added
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* fix typo in summary
* [Docs] Release Notes for Meshery
* add ingress to service relationship
* Increase test coverage for mesheryctl
* Update ui/remote-component.config.js
* Update ui/components/NavigatorExtension.js
* add-publish-feature-forextensions
* Tue May 02 2023 Update to version 0.6.86:
* Add instruction to reinstall Meshery in playground
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* [Docs] Test status of adapter
* [Docs] Test status of adapter
* [Docs] Test status of adapter
* [Docs] Test status of adapter
* [Docs] Test status of adapter
* [Docs] Test status of adapter
* [Docs] Test status of adapter
* Flatten kubeconfig for E2E tests
* Update test_adaptersv2.yaml
* Update test_adaptersv2.yaml
* Upgrade minikube version and fix meshconfig in E2E workflow
* meshkit error ADD
* extra removed
* docker client init update
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* rename playground workflows
* workflow rename
* Update docs/v0.5/index.html
* enforce
* lints
* fix the fetching
* Minor tweak in description of make-link command
* udate
* dark
* update
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* update
* [Docs] Release Notes for Meshery
* remove the log
* updated slack and discuss link
* query the userDetails from remoteProvider /api/user
* Tue Apr 25 2023 Update to version 0.6.85:
* Update config.yml
* [Docs] Update mesheryctl docs
* updated opengraph image\'s address
* updated opengraph image
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* Update
* [Docs] Generated documentation for GraphQL API
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* New Meshmodel components generated
* latest discussion data files added
* Update .github/workflows/reboot-playground-machines.yaml
* Adapters Component added
* Add workflow to reboot equinix metal servers every 20 hours
* fix logic for kubernetes version
* Adapters Component added
* Adapters Component added
* latest discussion data files added
* [Docs] Release Notes for Meshery
* Enable toggling of theme in Meshery-extensions
* fix:remove unwanted codes
* fix: adding support for operator health check
* Sat Apr 22 2023 Johannes Kastl - new package mesheryctl: CLI for meshery, the cloud native manager