Changelog for python312-pymdown-extensions-10.7.1-23.2.noarch.rpm :

* Fri Mar 22 2024 Steve Kowalik - Add patch fix-toc-list-check.patch:
* Assert toc_tokens is a superset of what we are looking for.
* Sat Mar 16 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 10.7.1:
* SmartSymbols: Ensure symbols are properly translated in table of content tokens.
* Sun Dec 31 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 10.7:
* NEW: Emoji: Update Twemoji and Gemoji data to latest.
* NEW: Emoji: Due to recent Gemoji update, non-standard emoji are no longer indexed. So emoji such as :octocat: are no longer resolved.
* NEW: Highlight: Added new option default_lang which will cause code blocks with no language specifier to be highlighted with the specified default language instead of plain text. This affects indented code blocks and code blocks defined with SuperFences.
* NEW: InlineHilite: style_plain_text can be specified with a language string (in addition to its previous boolean requirement) to treat inline code blocks with no explicit language specifier with a specific default language.
* NEW: MagicLink: Allow configuring custom repository providers based off the existing providers.
* Thu Dec 14 2023 Elisei Roca - update to 10.5:
* NEW: Blocks: Admonitions and Details now allow configuring custom block classes and default titles.
* FIX: Keys: Ensure that Keys does not parse base64 encoded URLs.- from 10.4:
* NEW: Snippets: Allow PathLike objects for base_path to better support interactions with MkDocs.
* FIX: Block Admonitions: Empty titles should be respected.
* FIX: Block Details: Empty summary should be respected.- from 10.3.1:
* FIX: SuperFences: Fix an issue where braces were not handled properly in attributes.
* Thu Sep 07 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 10.3:
* NEW: Officially support Python 3.12.
* NEW: Drop Python 3.7 support.
* Thu Sep 07 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 10.2.1 (skipping non-existent 10.2.0 release):
* FIX: Tabbed: Fix regression.
* Thu Sep 07 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 10.1.0:
* NEW: Add new combine_header_slug option in legacy Tabbed extension and new Block Tab extension that will prefix a content tab\'s slug with the parent header\'s slug. This allows for content tab slugs that are scoped to the header they are under.
* Thu Sep 07 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 10.0.1:
* FIX: Regression related to snippets nested deeply under specified base path.
* Thu Sep 07 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 10.0:
* Break: Snippets: snippets will restrict snippets to ensure they are under the base_path preventing snippets relative to the base_path but not explicitly under it. restrict_base_path can be set to False for legacy behavior.
* Mon Apr 24 2023 Elisei Roca - require python-PyYAML from requirements/project.txt- recommend python-Pygments from requirements/extra.txt- update to 9.11:
* NEW: Emoji: Update to new CDN and use Twemoji 14.1.2.
* NEW: Snippets: Ignore nested snippet section syntax when including a section.
* Fri Mar 17 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 9.10:
* NEW: Blocks: Add new experimental general purpose blocks that provide a framework for creating fenced block containers for specialized parsing. A number of extensions utilizing general purpose blocks are included and are meant to be an alternative to (and maybe one day replace): Admonitions, Details, Definition Lists, and Tabbed. Also adds a new HTML plugin for quick wrapping of content with arbitrary HTML elements.
* NEW: Highlight: When enabling line spans and/or line anchors, if a code block has an ID associated with it, line ids will be generated using that code ID instead of the code block count.
* NEW: Snippets: Expand section syntax to allow section names with `-` and `_`.
* NEW: Snippets: When check_paths is enabled, and a specified section is not found, raise an error.
* NEW: Snippets: Add new experimental feature dedent_sections that will de-indent (remove any common leading whitespace from every line in text) from that block of text.
* NEW: MagicLink: Update GitLab links to match recent changes and to be more correct.
* NEW: MagicLink: Relax required hash length when performing link shortening.- update to 9.9.2:
* FIX: Snippets syntax can break in XML comments as XML comments do not allow --. Relax Snippets syntax such that - 8<- (single -) are allowed.
* Thu Jan 19 2023 Elisei Roca - Initial commit of pymdown-extensions at version 9.9.1