Changelog for molecule-plugins-23.5.3-24.9.noarch.rpm :

* Mon May 20 2024 Johannes Kastl - fix builds by remove dependency pytest-ansible and ignoring 4 test failures
* Thu Feb 08 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 23.5.3:
* Bugfixes - update docker collection (#217) AATTzhan9san - Use v6-alpha1 molecule version for tests by AATTaudgirka in #180 - Prevent empty destroy from deleting other EC2 instances by AATTThomas-McKanna in #170 - fix duplicate test names by AATTalicekaerast in #197 - pass vpc_subnet_id explicitly to avoid error by AATTdanielpodwysocki in #199 - Fixes destroy playbook failure if vpc lookup is required by AATTtkimball83 in #184 - podman: remove ansible_async_dir setting logic by AATTgrcancelliere in #182 - Add Python 3.12 to test matrix by AATTcristianonicolai in #207 - Remove dependency to molecule.test by AATTcristianonicolai in [#206] - Disable registry login when registry.url is empty by AATTdometto in #214 - Support the shm_size docker configuration option by AATTzleinweber in #216 - Fixes podman always remove existing containers by AATTjuanvalino in #187 - Handle Docker errors correctly by AATTalicekaerast in #196 - Plugin openstack (2) by AATTjuanlufont in #219
* Mon Jan 15 2024 Johannes Kastl - update to 23.5.2:
* Use v6-alpha1 molecule version for tests by AATTajinkyau in #180
* Prevent empty destroy from deleting other EC2 instances by AATTThomas-McKanna in #170
* fix duplicate test names by AATTalicekaerast in #197
* pass vpc_subnet_id explicitly to avoid error by AATTdanielpodwysocki in #199
* Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 by AATTdependabot in #189
* [] pre-commit autoupdate by AATTpre-commit-ci in #185
* docker/create.yml: create network before building local image by AATTpbjhelmert in #195
* [] pre-commit autoupdate by AATTpre-commit-ci in #201
* Fixes destroy playbook failure if vpc lookup is required by AATTtkimball83 in #184
* podman: remove ansible_async_dir setting logic by AATTgrcancelliere in #182
* Fix lint execution on osx and ignore generate roles files by AATTcristianonicolai in #205
* Add Python 3.12 to test matrix by AATTcristianonicolai in #207
* Remove dependency to molecule.test by AATTcristianonicolai in #206
* Disable registry login when registry.url is empty by AATTdometto in #214
* [] pre-commit autoupdate by AATTpre-commit-ci in #210
* Support the shm_size docker configuration option by AATTzleinweber in #216
* Fixes podman always remove existing containers by AATTjuanvalino in #187
* Handle Docker errors correctly by AATTalicekaerast in #196
* Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 by AATTdependabot in #221
* [] pre-commit autoupdate by AATTpre-commit-ci in #218
* Plugin openstack (2) by AATTjuanlufont in #219- remove patch fix_duplicate_test_names.patch
* Mon Nov 13 2023 Johannes Kastl - add patch fix_duplicate_test_names.patch based on this commit: to fix the \"duplicate test names\" error
* Thu Sep 07 2023 Johannes Kastl - BuildRequire python-pytest-ansible package to fix failing tests
* Tue Aug 08 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 23.5.0:
* Minor Changes - podman: change ansible_async_dir only when $HOME is redefined (#173) AATTgrcancelliere - Fix ansible-lint errors (#169) AATTapatard - Add support for vmware_esxi plugin (#163) AATTTualua - Allow for setting EC2 instance profile (#164) AATTThomas-McKanna - enhancement: Including files in source distributions with (#156) AATThswong3i - src/molecule_plugins/vagrant/modules/ Get rid of molecule dependency (#142) AATTapatard - feat: Add runtime entry on docker create playbook (#154) AATTpjrm - Enhancement: Generate cookie cutter templates and apply linting on them (#123) AATTwadhah101 - Update documentation according to new plugin name (#149) AATTTcharl
* Bugfixes - Revert \"Update tests to use v6-alpha1 molecule version\" (#178) AATTajinkyau - Update tests to use v6-alpha1 molecule version (#177) AATTajinkyau - enhancement: add fqcn to cookicutter files of ec2, containers and docker (#168) AATTbernd-mueller-1 - src/molecule_plugins/vagrant/modules/ Get rid of molecule dependency (#142) AATTapatard - lint tests (#159) AATTkonstruktoid - Add additional \"safe\" filters to entries in Vagrantfile (#153) AATTsamiam - fix: Ensure SSH wait polls proper async variable in ec2 create (#147) AATTisuftin
* Deprecations - deprecated(azure): replace VM type (#151) AATTwadhah101
* Thu May 18 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 23.4.1:
* Bugfixes - Add safe filter for raw args (vagrant) (#141) AATTapatard - Adding python-vagrant as dep to vagrant plugin (#133) AATTcarlosmmatos- update to 23.4.0:
* Minor Changes - Require molecule v5 or newer (#130) AATTssbarnea - Require py39 or newer (#129) AATTssbarnea - Docker playbooks are also running when tags are set (#120) AATTsparsick - enhancement: Add pacman support to vagrant plugin (#117) AATTYethal - feature(Docker): Add support for platform parameter (#95) AATTdankow - Make selinux an optional extra (#89) AATTssbarnea
* Bugfixes - Install rsync as dependency (#85) AATTtruestory1 - enhancement: update azure cookie cutter template to support a more recent ansible syntax (#105) AATTwadhah101 - Fix race condition in obtaining the public IP for ec2 (#43) (#70) AATTdanielpodwysocki - Make selinux an optional extra (#89) AATTssbarnea - install python3 only when ansible_system == Linux (#110) AATTkonstruktoid - Update plugin list (#91) AATTapatard
* Tue May 16 2023 Johannes Kastl - modify %if-condition to allow building for python3.10 or python3.11 on SLES15
* Mon May 08 2023 Johannes Kastl - add macro definitions to allow building for SLES15 with python3.11 instead of python3
* Wed Feb 01 2023 Lukas Müller - Create initial package with version 23.0.0.