Changelog for python312-dill-0.3.8-35.5.noarch.rpm :

* Thu Aug 29 2024 Frantisek Simorda - update to 0.3.8:
* test for qualname in get_typedef_type
* drop formal support for python 3.7
* define html_theme as rtd workaround
* update install doc in tests by
* formal support for 3.12, initial support for 3.13
* add build to rtfd config by
* add guard for math.log in Logger record size calculation by
* updated copyright for 2024 by
* Bump jinja2 from 3.1.1 to 3.1.3 in /docs by
* Import submodule properly when there is an attribute of the module with the same name
* update sphinx to 6.2.1
* Bump readthedocs-sphinx-search from 0.3.1 to 0.3.2 in /docs by
* skip BufferedRandomType on pyodide
* Sat Nov 25 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 0.3.7:
* Fix _is_builtin_module
* minor changes from PR #554
* align LICENSE wording with BSD-3-Clause
* Python 3 Metaclasses [Support ABC and Enums - Part 1]
* Abstract Base Classes [Support ABC and Enums - Part 2]
* fix typo
* Bump requests from 2.27.1 to 2.31.0 in /docs
* Fixed crashed in _dill._is_builtin_module when a module\'s __file__ is None
* Bump pygments from 2.11.2 to 2.15.0 in /docs
* Thu May 04 2023 Dirk Müller - build for python 3.7+ only
* Thu Feb 16 2023 Dirk Müller - restore installation of dbm module on SLE15 and older
* Mon Nov 21 2022 Daniel Garcia - Update the source from github and use the correct folder for setup and tests
* Thu Nov 17 2022 Daniel Garcia - Remove python_module macro definition- Use sources from github, current release doesn\'t have tests- Use autosetup instead of setup- Update how to run tests- More specific python_sitelib in %files- Update to 0.3.6:
* fix: #480 create_code for 3.11.0a7 and 3.11.0b1
* fix: #413, fix: #453, drop 2.7 support
* adjust save_code and _create_code for co_lnotab in PEP626 (#495)
* Lookup qualname instead of name in Python 3 (#486)
* Support PyCapsule (#477)
* Fix `dill._dill` submodule being saved as `GLOBAL \"dill._shims\" \"_dill\"` (#490)
* Create a soft_def shim to combine move_to and Getattr (#473)
* Incidental implementation specific types (#472)
* Fix bug in pickling MappingProxyType in PyPy 3.7+ (#506)
* Bring back old method pickling function (#511)
* protect against sys.modules contents change
* correct failures and succeeds dicts
* correct failures for registered
* unregister SymtableEntryType
* Add detailed trace mode showing saved object size and visual depth level (#471)
* Kickstart support drop for Python < 3.7 (#499)
* fix #521: support develop mode
* Rewrite _create_code() with Structural Pattern Matching (limited to tuples) (#496)
* fix #522: unify README and module doc
* add some no-indent bullets
* Fix load_session() and restrict loading a session in a different module (#507)
* update load_module dump_module docs
* fix dump_module() bugs and rename parameter \'main\' to \'module\' (#526)
* A temporary quick fix for dataclass serialization (#500) (#503)
* fix: #528, test_registered syncs objects w typemap
* print on fail for test_registered
* CLibraryLoader on unix in 3.11
* add logger module to sphinx
* Move session-related code to new session module (#530)
* fix: #517 special handling of typing module
* test special case typing.Any
* more clearly note cpython bug
* Temporary quick fix for getsource() on IPython interpreter (fixes #346) (#531)
* Fix pickling errors thrown when saving some Stdlib modules (#529)
* Fix `pickles()` flagging `__builtins__` as unpickleable due to the `all()` function (#538)
* Use proper SPDX identifier for License (#539)
* Disable logging propagation, use current stderr as output (#541)
* move numpy special register to save
* fix pickling of CLibraryLoaderType
* Optimize the numpy hook (#542)
* patch to dump_module as in #535
* ensure tempfiles are deleted by default
* Mon Oct 03 2022 Dirk Müller - update to
* requires python 3.7
* skip tests with broken stftime
* resolve symlinks when determining if module is builtin
* support python 3.10
* adjust for python 3.11
* Support recursive and empty closure cells
* use CAN_NULL for 3.11a7 and above
* better check for travis in tests
* parse init file for dist meta
* drop rtfd build to 3.8
* Sun Dec 19 2021 Ben Greiner - Update to v0.3.4
* no release notes, works with python310- Drop 07e24913.patch released upstream
* Fri Feb 26 2021 John Vandenberg - Add 07e24913.patch to fix s390x and ppc64
* Fri Feb 26 2021 John Vandenberg - Update to v0.3.3
* See from v0.3.2
* See