Changelog for
ruby3.3-rubygem-test-kitchen-1.17-1.17.0-3.82.i586.rpm :
* Thu Feb 20 2020 Johannes Kastl
- added license Apache-2.0 to gem2rpm.yml, recreated spec file
* Thu Feb 20 2020 Johannes Kastl - change to versioned package: updated gem2rpm.yml, added version suffix to gem2rpm.yml, recreated spec file
* Mon Aug 28 2017 updated to version 1.17.0 see installed [#]# [v1.17.0]( (2017-08-11) [Full Changelog](
*Fixed bugs:
* - Fix Dir.glob usage [\\#1258]( ([jaym](
* Sat Mar 04 2017 updated to version 1.16.0 see installed [#]# [v1.16.0]( (2017-03-03) [Full Changelog](
*Implemented enhancements:
* - Enforce suite idempotency [\\#874]( - Export no\\_proxy from kitchen config [\\#1178]( ([itmustbejj]( - Adding transport option \"ssh\\_key\\_only\". [\\#1141]( ([cliles]( - Run chef-client twice in chef-zero provisioner [\\#875]( ([kamaradclimber](
*Fixed bugs:
* - Pinning thor to match berks [\\#1189]( ([cheeseplus](
*Closed issues:
* - Message: Could not load the \'ansible\\_playbook\' provisioner from the load path [\\#1197]( - pull or push in a docker registry with kitchen [\\#1186]( - Compat issues with net-ssh 4.x [\\#1184]( - Changelog was not updated for the 1.15.0 release [\\#1183]( - Could not load or activate Berkshelf [\\#1172]( - WinRm - I/O Operation Aborted [\\#1142]( - Guest hostname does not get set if converge times out during vagrant VM boot [\\#1128]( - I\'m trying to run kitchen converge but getting the converge IO error [\\#1075]( - Documentation for support for Encrypted Data Bags [\\#384]( [#]# [v1.15.0]( (2017-01-12) [Full Changelog](
*Implemented enhancements:
* - Display the last action\'s success [\\#1124]( - Relax dependencies to bring in newer gem versions [\\#1176]( ([lamont-granquist]( - Make RakeTask\\#config public. [\\#1069]( ([gregsymons](
*Fixed bugs:
* - Fix busser trying to run bats when bats tests don\'t exist [\\#1133]( ([amontalban](
*Closed issues:
* - \"incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT\" when using cyrillic letters in cookbook [\\#1170]( - ssh\\_key is not read and sent to the args for ssh transport [\\#1169](
* Thu Jan 19 2017 updated to version 1.15.0 see installed
* Wed Dec 21 2016 updated to version 1.14.2 see installed [#]# [v1.14.2]( (2016-12-09) [Full Changelog](
*Merged pull requests:
* - Replace finstyle in favor of chefstyle [\\#1166]( ([afiune](
* Fri Dec 09 2016 updated to version 1.14.1 see installed [#]# [v1.14.1]( (2016-12-08) [Full Changelog](
*Closed issues:
* - Getting message: \"Expected array default value for \'--driver\'; got \"kitchen-vagrant\" \\(string\\)\" with every operation [\\#1163]( - Possible to specify a custom bootstrap template? [\\#1162]( - Deployment of cookbooks do differ from berks package [\\#1158]( - Failed to complete \\#create action: \\[undefined method \'\\[\\]\' for nil:NilClass\\] [\\#1157]( - inspec works, but kitchen verify fails [\\#1154](
*Merged pull requests:
* - Fix typo in berkshelf chef provisioner. [\\#1160]( ([thommay]( - Update [\\#1156]( ([afiune]( - Fix to work with Thor 0.19.2 [\\#1155]( ([coderanger](
* Wed Nov 23 2016 updated to version 1.14.0 see installed [#]# [v1.14.0]( (2016-11-22) [Full Changelog](
*Implemented enhancements:
* - Test Kitchen should use omnitruck\'s -d option by default [\\#809](
*Closed issues:
* - Kitchen converge fails, doesn\'t install omnibus, \\[\\[WinRM::FS::Core::FileTransporter\\] Upload failed [\\#1150]( - Re-Enable Code Climate [\\#1146]( - kitchen + berkshelf don\'t work together with the latest versions of gems [\\#1144]( - Vagrant drivers brings up virtualbox machine with \'cable connected\' disabled option [\\#1143]( - kitchen converge throws Berkshelf::LockfileNotFound on Windows [\\#1140]( - Inspect tests is an empty value when using the kitchen\\_ec2 driver [\\#1136]( - kitchen test or verify with --parallel option fails [\\#1125](
*Merged pull requests:
* - Added `cache` interface for Drivers so that provisioners can leverage [\\#1149]( ([afiune]( - Ensure that we only berks update with a lockfile [\\#1145]( ([thommay]( - Added `last\\_error` and `--json` to `kitchen list` [\\#1135]( ([BackSlasher]( - Allow the user to make deprecations errors [\\#1117]( ([thommay](
* Sat Oct 08 2016 updated to version 1.13.2 see installed [#]# [v1.13.2]( (2016-09-26) [Full Changelog](
*Fixed bugs:
* - fix broken path on nano so shell out works [\\#1129]( ([mwrock]( [#]# [v1.13.1]( (2016-09-22) [Full Changelog](
*Implemented enhancements:
* - Allow mixlib-install 2.0 [\\#1126]( ([jkeis er](
* Sat Sep 17 2016 updated to version 1.13.0 see installed [#]# [v1.13.0]( (2016-09-16) [Full Changelog](
*Implemented enhancements:
* - Add `kitchen status` command [\\#87]( - Add support for Windows Nano installs via chef provisioners [\\#1119]( ([mwrock]( - Add package driver command [\\#1074]( ([neillturner](
*Fixed bugs:
* - SSH Transport: Bastion proxy results in broken pipe error [\\#1079](