Changelog for
amavisd-new-qmail-2.12.2-227.1.noarch.rpm :
* Fri May 27 2022 Peter Varkoly
- amavis fails to start (bsc#1199755) Add missed requirement
* Thu May 26 2022 Togan Muftuoglu - Remove server:mail/amavisd-new/amavis.service since it results Assignment outside of section warning
* Wed May 04 2022 Peter Varkoly - Starting amavis.service gives Unit var-run.mount not found. var-run.mount is not needed (bsc#1198783)
* Wed Mar 30 2022 Dirk Müller - update to 2.12.2:
* Allow $timestamp_fmt_mysql to be used with the DBD::MariaDB driver.
* Resolve utf8mb4 problems when using DBD-MariaDB.
* Set correct originating flag when using milter/AM.PDP without policy banks.
* Resolve crash on reload with insufficient permissions. Amavis now tests whether it is able read and evaluate its configuration files with dropped privileges. In case it cannot, amavis fails to start and refuses to reload.
* Resolve SSL client connection hangups with broken pipe
* Wed Dec 08 2021 Peter Varkoly - amavisd-new should require packets perl-IO-stringy and perl-Net-LibIDN (bsc#1193291)
* Wed Jul 28 2021 Johannes Segitz - Added hardening to systemd service(s). Modified:
* amavis.service
* Wed Feb 24 2021 Arjen de Korte - Package amavisd-milter in a separate package- Add perl(Convert::BinHex) to required packages- Disable BerkeleyDB in configuration + amavisd-new-no-berkeleydb.patch
* Wed Dec 30 2020 Arjen de Korte - update to version 2.12.1
* Generate DKIM record comment line including the \'s=\' (selector) tag instead of an \'i=\' (identifier) tag when using \"amavisd showkeys\".
* Make sure generated Authentication-Results follow RFC specification.
* Prevent re-encoding of notification templates.
* Compare inode numbers as strings.
* Resolve MySQL invalid utf8mb4 clause.- cleanup spec
* align (Build)Requires and Recommends with upstream
* rework creating vscan user (new system-user in Tumbleweed)
* Mon Oct 26 2020 Arjen de Korte - update to version 2.12.0
* Upstream changed to GitLab
* Introduce Rspamd client extension With this extension, Amavis can use Rspamd either running on the same server or remotely. Connections are made using HTTP/HTTPS depending on configuration, the latter requiring a HTTPS-capable proxy (like NGINX or Apache) for Rspamd, which does not natively support HTTPS. Basic authentication with name/password pairs is also available.
* Treat \"not an OLE file\" as a successful result Amavis supports calling the ripOLE program to extract embedded objects from Microsoft OLE documents. However, not all Microsoft documents contain said objects, and the underlying file format changes when they do. Since Amavis can\'t tell the difference, it passes everything to ripOLE unconditionally. Amavis now treats the \"not an OLE file\" error code of ripOLE as a successful result, proceeds normally and scans the file as a whole.
* Fix unix socket path extraction that has prevented a socket based policy bank to be loaded;
* Fix DKIM signing for outbound messages (remove dkim-signing.diff)
* Fix unescaped left brace regex warning in run_av() subroutine.
* Mention default value for $myprogram_name in minimal amavisd.conf.- cleanup spec
* remove unused rc.amavis SysV initscript
* remove unused /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d
* Wed Jun 10 2020 Peter Conrad - Run in foreground to avoid sd_notify being ignored