Changelog for
perl-Geo-IP-1.51-150300.1.2.x86_64.rpm :
* Wed Feb 07 2018 updated to 1.51 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Geo-IP/Changes
* Fri Sep 19 2014 jweberhoferAATTweberhofer.atUpdate to version 1.43. This version requires libGeoIP-devel 1.5 at least
* Changes in version 1.43 - Update FIPS codes - Fix test case - Update time zones
* Changes in version 1.42 - Fix testcase any CAPI >= 1.5.0 should work - Add new pure perl region code TH 81 Bueng Kan
* Changes in version 1.41 - Add South Sudan - Doc fixes - Update FIPS Codes - Update PurePerl country list.
* Changes in version 1.40 - Add new CAPI method region_name_by_code - Add support for GEOIP_NETSPEED_EDITION_REV1 - Add new CAPI method record_by_ipnum_v6 - Add new CAPI glue methods to use GeoIPCityv6 databases record_by_addr_v6 record_by_name_v6
* Changes in version 1.39 - Upd Docs - Add glue for the CAPI lib_version method - Add CAPI glue for the methods enable_teredo and teredo. currently only avail in conjunction with the CAPI - Add example/ and example/ - Add name_by_name and name_by_addr - Add org_by_name_v6 and org_by_addr_v6 only XS - Add name_by_ipnum_v6, name_by_name_v6 and name_by_addr_v6 XS glue - Add sub Geo::IP::CLONE_SKIP {1} in conjunction with .xs Avoid thread issues - Export GEOIP_DOMAIN_EDITION by default - Update region codes 20100810 - Fix some PP 3letter country codes - Fix PP continent codes - Add PP continent_code_by_country_code - Add PP Geo::IP->time_zone - Update region codes 20100420 - Link at least to CAPI 1.4.7 - Add example/ to download maxmind databases - Update region codes - Update timezones - Add isp_by_name and isp_by_addr if the CAPI is used - Add isp_by_addr and org_by_addr to the PurePerl API - Add api method, so users know if they use the PurePerl or CAPI glue print Geo::IP->api - Silence redefined warning, when perl is started with -w and the PurePerl API is used - Export GEOIP_CITYCONFIDENCE_EDITION, GEOIP_LOCATIONA_EDITION, GEOIP_ACCURACYRADIUS_EDITION and GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION_V6 - Add some more v6 XS glue. IPv6 support require the CAPI to work. GeoIP_country_code_by_addr_v6 GeoIP_country_code_by_name_v6 GeoIP_country_code3_by_addr_v6 GeoIP_country_code3_by_name_v6 ! Change RU\'s continent code from AS to EU ! Change Turkey\'s continent code from AS to EU ! org_by_
* and friends return UTF8 scalars, if the charset is set to GEOIP_CHARSET_UTF8 - Add PP ASNum support - Add XS glue for time_zone and continent_code_by_country_code - Add glue for database_edition - Workaround centos/mod_perl issue when the PP fallback is used and Sys::Mmap is not installed - Update PurePerl region names 20090723 - Add XS glue for GeoIP_country_code_by_ipnum_v6
* Changes in version 1.38 - PurePerl region_by_addr and region_by_name return \'00\' for unknown regions, like the CAPI does - Update to latest FIPS codes from 20090401 - Fix Pureperl handling of GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV0 - Fix segfault when undef is supplied as filename to open - Fix PP GEOIP_ISP_EDITION handling - Add PP support for GEOIP_DOMAIN_EDITION - Handle database types in the same way, as the CAPI does - Remove Australia double timezones entries.
* Changes in version 1.37 - Document region_by_addr and region_by_name - region_by_addr and region_by_name return undef for unknown countries and regions. Instead of \"\\0\" and \'000\' - Add PP function region_by_addr - Change the default values of Geo::IP::Record fields for metro_code and area_code to 0 instead of \'\' PurePerl only - Change the default values of Geo::IP::Record fields for region, postal_code and region_name to undef instead of \'\' - Force the output of Geo::IP::Record::longitude and ::latitude to four decimal places - Fix PurePerl three letter code for Romania - Update PurePerl regionnames 20090201 - Update PurePerl timezones 20090201 - Update timezones for Australia ! Fix: PurePerl\'s get_city_record_as_hash, record_by_addr and record_by_name to return undef for private and unknown IP\'s. Former we returned a Geo::IP::Record object with everything undef. The PurePerl code and the CAPI wrapper are now behave the same. - Update region codes from Dec 17th, 2008
* Changes in version 1.36 - Add the methods charset and set_charset to the pureperl fallback - Fix: We require CAPI 1.4.5 not 1.4.4 for range_by_ip - Add isp_by_addr and org_by_addr to the pureperl fallback
* Changes in version 1.35 - Add GEOIP_DOMAIN_EDITION for the PurePerl - Add open_type method to the PurePerl fallback - Add CAPI Version detection, for the case, where a outdated CAPI is installed. - Add metro_code, a replacement for the depreciated dma_code method. - Add range_by_ip, netmask and last_netmask to the PurePerl API - Add range_by_ip to the C API wrapper
* Changes in version 1.34 - Add Geo::IP::Record::region_name to the PurePerl API - Add missing record_by_name function to the PurePerl API - Add missing country/country code \'Other\' for the pureperl fallback - Fix trash of $_ in Geo::Mirror - Geo::Mirror die, if open failed - Fix pureperl time_zone for countries with region codes, but only one time_zone - Add continent_code to the pureperl and C API - minimum perl version is 5.6 now
* Changes in version 1.33 - make cpantesters happy exit 0 early, if libGeoIP is not found.
* Changes in version 1.32 - make Geo::IP::Record::time_zone work for the pure perl part of Geo::IP - BEGIN{$Geo::IP::GEOIP_PP_ONLY=1} use Geo::IP; disable the C API, even if it is installed. ! rename $Geo::IP::TESTING_PERL_ONLY to $Geo::IP::GEOIP_PP_ONLY. - Fix Geo::IP::Record to use the C API, only, when Geo::IP use it
* Mon Nov 29 2010 remove /var/adm/perl-modules
* Mon Nov 29 2010 called spec2changelog
* Mon Apr 28 2008 new package