Changelog for gmenudbusmenuproxy-5.24.4-1.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Tue Mar 29 2022 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.24.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.24.4- Changes since 5.24.3: * kcms/users: Adjust for padding in overlay sheet (kde#451031) * [Media Controller] Explicitly set slider \"to\" before setting \"value\" * [Notifications] Fix implicit size propagation in SelectableLabel * applets/kicker: Skip creating KService for non-desktop files or folders (kde#442970) * Fix sleep/suspend sometimes not working ... from ksmserver-logout-greeter, by making the DBus calls synchronous. * kicker/actionlist: Ensure we parse the args for the jumplist actions (kde#451418) * libtaskmanager: recompute active task when a task is removed * sddm/lockscreen: Fix weird behaviour * [Notifications] Limit notification heading line count * Tue Mar 08 2022 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.24.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.24.3- Changes since 5.24.2: * kcms/colors: Implement radio button layouts better * kcms/colors: fix spacing between radio buttons and content * [Battery Monitor] Only show charge threshold hint for power supply batteries (kde#451161) * [Icons KCM] Give measure delegate a text * wallpapers: Sort BackgroundListModel by title * applets/digital-clock: Fix `Qt.formatDateTime` returns different date when minute changes (kde#436796) * applets/systray: align applet labels with differing line counts in hidden view (kde#438347) * Show panel config above other windows (kde#450794) * Use current accent colour to set ColorDialog object in colour picker * SystemDialog: Allow accepting the dialogs with the keyboard (kde#450223) * applets/systemtray: Do not open context menu on mouse pressed for SNI (kde#409768) * Revert \"Fix overdraw on Wayland\" * startkde: Forward stdout/stderr of started processes * SDDM theme: stop eliding people\'s names so aggressively (kde#450673) * applets/digital-clock: Word-wrap date string for desktop representation (kde#450632) * wrap completely the invariants timer in NDEBUG * ScreenPool as the source of truth of QScreen info * Always ensure there is an user selected (kde#450182) * Prevent panel going out of screen boundaries * applets/clipboard: Focus on text area when transition is done * applets/clipboard: Fix highlight after exiting edit mode- Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-startkde-Forward-stdout-stderr-of-started-processes.patch- Restore compatibility with older kf5-filesystem * Mon Mar 07 2022 Christophe Giboudeaux - Replace %_libdir/libexec with %_libexecdir (boo#1174075) * Thu Feb 24 2022 Fabian Vogt - Add patch to fix log output of some processes (boo#1196206): * 0001-startkde-Forward-stdout-stderr-of-started-processes.patch * Tue Feb 22 2022 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.24.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.24.2- Changes since 5.24.1: * applets/clipboard: Focus on the search field for the first time opening the applet * applets/clipboard: Make Up/Down arrow keys work in ClipboardPage (kde#448811,kde#450040) * applets/panelspacer: Fix optimal size calculation (kde#431668) * Fix overdraw on Wayland * PanelView: Do not crash when the state is transitioning (kde#373461) * Fix launch kscreen kcm in font kcm. * Don\'t install two copies of kcm_fontinst * Lock/login themes: stop adjusting shadows based on color scheme (kde#449985) * Top-align lock/login/logout screen action buttons (kde#450238) * [kcms/user] Set interactive auth flag for more calls (kde#450122) * Tue Feb 15 2022 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.24.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.24.1- Changes since 5.24.0: * Move to runtime check of valid font DPI (kde#449918) * applets/battery: adjust show/hide conditions for charge limits (kde#435931) * applets/systemtray: fix SNI context menu usage without libappindicator (kde#449870) * applets/notifications: Increase implicit size of standalone popup (kde#448383) * applets-digital/clock: Add workaround for QTBUG-83890 (kde#448387) * Clean up \"empty\" mimeType containg only whitespaces * dataengines/apps: Use KIO::ApplicationLauncherJob for starting KService * [containmentactions/applauncher] Use ApplicationLauncherJob instead of OpenUrlJob (kde#449900) * Desktop: Still show services with nodisplay=true set (kde#449243) * appstream runner: De-duplicate results from multiple sources (kde#448619) * Fix ksplash always using default theme. (kde#446966) * kcms/users: Fix missing template arguments before reply in FingerprintModel * De-duplicate \'Uninstall or manage addons\' option in the context menu of Kickoff (kde#448564) * Sat Feb 05 2022 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.24.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.24.0- Too many changes to list here- Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-sddm-theme-Change-wallpaper-extension-so-that-it-poi.patch * 0001-systemdialogs-Remove-leftover-and-broken-components.patch * 0001-Make-SessionManagementScreen-a-FocusScope.patch * 0001-Fix-initial-focus-in-LockScreenUi.patch * Sat Jan 22 2022 Fabian Vogt - Add patch to fix initial focus in SDDM (kde#447817): * 0001-Make-SessionManagementScreen-a-FocusScope.patch- Add patch to fix initial focus in the lockscreen: * 0001-Fix-initial-focus-in-LockScreenUi.patch * Thu Jan 13 2022 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.23.90 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.23.90- Too many changes to list here- Rebase 0001-Use-qdbus-qt5.patch- Replace xprop-kde-full-session.desktop with autostart file: * 0001-Revert-Drop-setupX11-from-startplasma-waylandsession.patch * 0002-Revert-Drop-X11-root-properties-for-KDE-full-session.patch- Add patch to fix the upstream sddm theme background: * 0001-sddm-theme-Change-wallpaper-extension-so-that-it-poi.patch- Add patch to fix screen sharing dialog (kde#448423): * 0001-systemdialogs-Remove-leftover-and-broken-components.patch * Tue Jan 04 2022 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.23.5- Changes since 5.23.4: * applets/systemtray: Follow panel opacity (kde#439025) * [webshortcutsrunner] Fix private browsing with some Firefoxes * [kcms/style] Don\'t call setNeedsSave when style config changes (kde#439297) * digital-clock: fix calendar popup contrast when opened from desktop (kde#446991) * [libnotificationmanager] Fix memory leak * [kcms/lookandfeel] Guard reading invalid first entry (kde#446100) * [Global Menu] Set translation domain * lookandfeel: Add missing check if list of files is empty (kde#439797) * [KSplash] Start with zero opacity * Fix Klipper Actions content truncation (kde#444365) * [klipper] Use full text for DBus return values (kde#446441) * Tue Nov 30 2021 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.23.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.23.4- Changes since 5.23.3: * Lock & login screens: Use RTL-friendly arrows when in RTL mode * [logout-greeter] Set window class name (kde#444898,kde#444899) * systemtray: Connect to StatusNotifierWatcher before initializing QDBusPendingReply * systemtray: Check if a service is already added before processing QDBusReply (kde#443961) * baloosearchruner: Emit DBus error when baloo is disabled (kde#445342) * Tue Nov 09 2021 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.23.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.23.3- Changes since 5.23.2: * fixed size hints to the osd * use implicit size to not cause binding loops (kde#422072) * wayland: don\'t create DesktopView for placeholder screen (kde#438839,kde#444801) * [startplasma] Detect systemd service in linked state * [Notifications] Fix grouping container side line * Disconnect watcher for xdgActivationTokenArrived (kde#444385) * interactiveconsole: Allow specifying mode from command line parameter * Tue Oct 26 2021 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.23.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.23.2- Changes since 5.23.1: * Hide KRunner window when pressing escape (kde#444240) * [applets/clipboard] Fix selecting clipboard entries with Enter * Set Qt.ImhNoPredictiveText for text fields that act as search fields * [shell] Ignore placeholder screens- Add a version to BuildRequires: cmake(Breeze) * Thu Oct 21 2021 Fabian Vogt - Add back X11 root window properties until firefox is adjusted (boo#1191825): * 0001-Revert-Drop-setupX11-from-startplasma-waylandsession.patch * 0002-Revert-Drop-X11-root-properties-for-KDE-full-session.patch * Tue Oct 19 2021 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.23.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.23.1- Changes since 5.23.0: * [freespacenotifier] impr: no notification for ro filesystems * kcms/colors: Don\'t apply header accent colors to non-Header color schemes (kde#443786) * [kcms/colors] Notify global settings change after saving * krdb: Fix removal of Xft.dpi from Xresources (kde#350039) * sddm-theme: fix missing password field on \"Other\" page (kde#443737) * pipewire: Report DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID when no modifiers are offered * [digital-clock] Do not assign undefined when agenda is not visible (kde#443380)- Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-sddm-theme-fix-missing-password-field-on-Other-page.patch * Fri Oct 15 2021 Fabian Vogt - Add patch to show password input on the \"Other\" page in SDDM (kde#443737): * 0001-sddm-theme-fix-missing-password-field-on-Other-page.patch * Thu Oct 07 2021 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.23.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.23.0- Changes since 5.22.90: * Revert \"xembed: adapt to changes in KNotifications\" (kde#442758) * sddm-theme: Fix using mouse movements to show the UI * [systemtray] Check for menuItemFactory.object existence (kde#443377) * applets/devicenotifier: Remove applet list item animations * sddm-theme: Fix use of needsPassword and related button layout * [klipper] Fix shortcut of OK button in the clipboard content edit dialog (kde#400623) * Fix Kickoff context menu actions for System Settings results (kde#442522) * klipper: Fix reading from plasma on wayland * Fix build with gpsd 3.23.1 * Unbreak fontinst KCM (kde#442748) * Address regression in VT switching code (kde#442852) * libtaskmanager: Don\'t request dmabuf if not supported (kde#428284) * Port away from Kirigami.Units.devicePixelRatio * lookandfeel: don\'t nuke accent colour (kde#442812) * kcm/colors: Improve some bindings on accent colors * sddm-theme: fix default username font size * PipeWire: Include defines for older PipeWire versions * pipewire: Properly compare pipewire versions using QVersionNumber * [Klipper] Guard against broken data fetches * [Klipper] Handle incoming UTF-8 mime types (kde#424694) * PipeWire: Make sure thumbnails properly use dmabuf again * [shell/panel] Fix ability to type in textfield (kde#442557)- Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-Fix-build-with-gpsd-3.23.1.patch * 0001-SVN_SILENT-made-messages-.desktop-file-always-resolv.patch * 0002-libtaskmanager-Don-t-request-dmabuf-if-not-supported.patch * 0002-shell-panel-Fix-ability-to-type-in-textfield.patch * 0003-SVN_SILENT-made-messages-.desktop-file-always-resolv.patch * 0004-PipeWire-Make-sure-thumbnails-properly-use-dmabuf-ag.patch * 0005-SVN_SILENT-made-messages-.desktop-file-always-resolv.patch * 0006-Klipper-Handle-incoming-UTF-8-mime-types.patch * 0007-Klipper-Guard-against-broken-data-fetches.patch * 0008-pipewire-Properly-compare-pipewire-versions-using-QV.patch * 0009-PipeWire-Include-defines-for-older-PipeWire-versions.patch * 0010-sddm-theme-fix-default-username-font-size.patch * 0011-Revert-xembed-adapt-to-changes-in-KNotifications.patch- Refresh 0001-Ignore-default-sddm-face-icons.patch- Add new key + signature to plasma.keyring * Fri Sep 24 2021 Fabian Vogt - Add patch to fix build with gpsd: * 0001-Fix-build-with-gpsd-3.23.1.patch- Add patch to fix window thumbnails if dmabuf is not supported (kde#428284): * 0002-libtaskmanager-Don-t-request-dmabuf-if-not-supported.patch * Wed Sep 22 2021 Fabian Vogt - Add patches from Plasma/5.23 branch: * 0001-SVN_SILENT-made-messages-.desktop-file-always-resolv.patch * 0002-shell-panel-Fix-ability-to-type-in-textfield.patch * 0003-SVN_SILENT-made-messages-.desktop-file-always-resolv.patch * 0004-PipeWire-Make-sure-thumbnails-properly-use-dmabuf-ag.patch * 0005-SVN_SILENT-made-messages-.desktop-file-always-resolv.patch * 0006-Klipper-Handle-incoming-UTF-8-mime-types.patch * 0007-Klipper-Guard-against-broken-data-fetches.patch * 0008-pipewire-Properly-compare-pipewire-versions-using-QV.patch * 0009-PipeWire-Include-defines-for-older-PipeWire-versions.patch * 0010-sddm-theme-fix-default-username-font-size.patch- Add patch to fix XEmbed context menus (kde#442758) * 0011-Revert-xembed-adapt-to-changes-in-KNotifications.patch * Fri Sep 17 2021 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.22.90 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.22.90- Too many changes to list here- Refresh patches: * 0001-Revert-No-icons-on-the-desktop-by-default.patch * 0001-Use-qdbus-qt5.patch- Drop patches, now upstream: * Call-UnInhibit-with-correct-signature-in-powermanagement-dataengine.patch * Thu Sep 16 2021 Wolfgang Bauer - Add upstream patch to fix a bug that would result in power management remaining inhibited even after un-inhibiting it in the UI: * Call-UnInhibit-with-correct-signature-in-powermanagement-dataengine.patch * Wed Sep 15 2021 Christophe Giboudeaux - Drop the unneeded baselibs.conf. * Tue Aug 31 2021 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.22.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.22.5- Changes since 5.22.4: * [kcms/icons] Fix i18n usage * [kcms/icons] Clip ListView in popup * [applets/digitalclock] Let long timezones list scroll (kde#439147) * [applets/digital-clock] Fix header in RTL mode (kde#438083) * Tue Jul 27 2021 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.22.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.22.4- Changes since 5.22.3: * systemtray: Let plasmashell handle visibility when configuring (kde#440263) * [applets/clipboard] Fix the alignment of delegate buttons (kde#437044) * Allow plasmashell to use both screenshot and screenshot2 * [Notifications] Set Plasma linkColor on notification label (kde#438366) * Add kde-baloo.service to Wants= * Prevent fractional positioning in systray HiddenItemsView * Set GDK scale explictily on wayland (kde#438971) * Tue Jul 06 2021 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.22.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.22.3- Changes since * [Media Player] Skip source if it doesn\'t exist (kde#439309) * Guard calls into layer shell (kde#439356) * xembed-sni-proxy: Add Menu property (kde#439229) * Assing first screen if `screen` is null (kde#438277) * Fri Jun 25 2021 Fabian Vogt - No longer force GDK_BACKEND, kde-gtk-config deals with it meanwhile: * 0001-Set-GTK_BACKEND-x11-in-a-wayland-session.patch- Drop \"Full Wayland\" session, default in libqt5-qtbase changed * Wed Jun 23 2021 Fabian Vogt - Update to * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.22.2- Changes since 5.22.1: * Fix copy-paste error * [Notifications] Strip trailing slash for fallback URL path * [Notifications] Restore \"details\" reference * [Notifications] Avoid showing \"0 seconds remaining\" * Init ShellCorona after KDBusService (kde#408310) * Tue Jun 15 2021 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.22.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.22.1- Changes since 5.22.0: * [applets/devicenotifier] Don\'t show empty header most of the time (kde#438351) * [kcms/autostart] Avoid empty application icon * [libtaskmanager/x11] Fix transient windows bug (kde#438222) * krunerglobalshortcuts: Fix migration from old component * Recent Documents: Fix missing actions for results (kde#437462) * [kcms/autostart] Keep capitalization of desktop file names (kde#438406) * Point bbcukmet to new location API BUG: 430643 (kde#430643) * krunnerglobalshortcuts: Prevent actions from becoming inactive * Fix kcmfontinst install destination (kde#436306)- Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-krunnerglobalshortcuts-Prevent-actions-from-becoming.patch * 0001-krunerglobalshortcuts-Fix-migration-from-old-compone.patch * 0001-Fix-kcmfontinst-install-destination.patch * Fri Jun 11 2021 Fabian Vogt - Add another patch to fix migration of krunner shortcuts from Plasma < 5.17 (boo#1187204): * 0001-krunerglobalshortcuts-Fix-migration-from-old-compone.patch * Wed Jun 09 2021 Fabian Vogt - Add patch to fix migration of krunner shortcuts (kde#437364): * 0001-krunnerglobalshortcuts-Prevent-actions-from-becoming.patch * Tue Jun 08 2021 Fabian Vogt - Add back patch which was mistakenly not part of the tarball: * 0001-Fix-kcmfontinst-install-destination.patch * Tue Jun 08 2021 Fabian Vogt - Update to new 5.22.0 tarball: * [System Tray] Fix typo breaking sorting notification applet first (kde#438146) * Thu Jun 03 2021 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.22.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.22.0- Too many changes to list here- Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-Fix-kcmfontinst-install-destination.patch * Mon May 31 2021 Fabian Vogt - Add patch to fix the font management KCM (kde#436306): * 0001-Fix-kcmfontinst-install-destination.patch * Thu May 13 2021 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.21.90 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.21.90- Too many changes to list here- Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-startkde-Reset-systemd-failed-units-on-login.patch * Wed May 12 2021 Fabian Vogt - Add patch to unbreak some services after login (kde#429415): * 0001-startkde-Reset-systemd-failed-units-on-login.patch * Tue May 04 2021 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.21.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.21.5- Changes since 5.21.4: * [applets/digital-clock] Fix \"both pointSize and pixelSize defined\" warning * [applets/digitalclock] Fix timezone filter * Add a -1 to make the mouse input not redirect to a margin pixel. (kde#413736) * Fix crash on drag-and-drop over panel (kde#398440) * [Notifications] Don\'t generate previews of zero size * krunner: Always set cursor position to end when focusing search field (kde#435604) * Don\'t extract QML as Java * Tue Apr 06 2021 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.21.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.21.4- Changes since 5.21.3: * Make sure that *m_twinSpacer is iniitialized in panelspacer (kde#422914) * Comment was interpreted as part of Restart * [applets/digital-clock] Fix timezone placeholder message positioning * icons kcm: Clear pending deletions when Defaults button is clicked * Remove pointless widget (kde#434910) * krunner: Restore history related property and methods for compatibility with third party themes (kde#433173) * Make bottom frame again visible (kde#434645) * Fix color scheme preview (kde#434493) * save layout when corona startup is completed (kde#433799) * Klipper Waylandclipboard: force offer of specific mimetype to fix pasting to gtk applications * Tue Mar 16 2021 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.21.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.21.3- Changes since 5.21.2: * [Image wallpaper] Make the Positioning combobox as equally wide as the other comboboxes * [Notifications] Emit dataChanged in setData call * [applets/devicenotifier] Manually bind width of list item * Re-add Force Font DPI spinbox on Wayland (kde#433115) * proper form factor filtering (kde#433983) * Pass Qt::MatchExactly when calling QAbstractItemModel::match for strings * Adapt more KCMs to using Kirigami.ActionToolbar for their footer actions * Fix query of StartPlasma::hasSystemdService (kde#433333) * [lookandfeel/ActionButton] Fix broken focus effect (kde#433755) * Use separate face controller for appearance config (kde#424458) * Tue Mar 02 2021 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.21.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.21.2- Changes since 5.21.1: * KRunner: Handle escape key in history view more gracefully (kde#433723) * [Notifications] Don\'t change tooltip when paused * locations runner: Fix empty list on invalid shell quotes * [applets/devicenotifier] Add placeholder icon when no device icon exists (kde#433534) * [kcms/icons] Collapse buttons if the row is too wide for the display * Do not start faulty coronas- Drop patches, now actually upstream: * 0001-locations-runner-Fix-empty-list-on-invalid-shell-quo.patch * Fri Feb 26 2021 Fabian Vogt - Add back patch for fix which didn\'t make it into 5.21.1: * 0001-locations-runner-Fix-empty-list-on-invalid-shell-quo.patch * Tue Feb 23 2021 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.21.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.21.1- Changes since 5.21.0: * Fix case in logout applet config key (kde#433320) * calculatorrunner: Fix mixed hex+decimal calculations (kde#431362) * Fix font installation * locations runner: Fix absolute filepath + arguments (kde#433053) * Enforce SESSION_MANAGER is exported before plasmashell is started * libtaskmanager: Allow to launch executables (kde#433148) * Move ksmserver\'s ksplash notifying to ksmserver (kde#432364) * Handle closeSession being called concurrently * [libkworkspace] Interim fix for the logout issue (kde#432460) * fixup! [keyboard applet] fix TypeError garbage in log- Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-locations-runner-Fix-absolute-filepath-arguments.patch * 0001-locations-runner-Fix-empty-list-on-invalid-shell-quo.patch * 0001-libkworkspace-Interim-fix-for-the-logout-issue.patch- Drop workaround, no longer needed: * 0001-ksmserver-Enable-debug-output-by-default.patch * Mon Feb 22 2021 Fabian Vogt - Add patch to fix krunner crash caused by mismatched quotes: * 0001-locations-runner-Fix-empty-list-on-invalid-shell-quo.patch * Thu Feb 18 2021 Fabian Vogt - Add patch to fix starting applications with arguments from krunner (kde#433053): * 0001-locations-runner-Fix-absolute-filepath-arguments.patch * Wed Feb 17 2021 Fabian Vogt - Add patch to fix race on logout (kde#432460): * 0001-libkworkspace-Interim-fix-for-the-logout-issue.patch * Thu Feb 11 2021 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.21.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.21.0- Changes since 5.20.90: * fix restore size when float is used * show colors,icons and plasma style in plamo * [Notifications] Escape HTML in destUrl and fileName * [Notifications] When application responds to cancel request, stop kill timer * Fix condition for executable folders (kde#432653) * ksmserver: Filter out services with NoDisplay=true * Fix wallpaper paths in org.kde.slideshow package * Revert \"Use subseq matching for service runner\" (kde#431609,kde#432339) * [Notifications] Property is supposed to be \"ProcessedItems\" * remove phone specific wallpaper config ui * [applets/digital clock] Unbreak the time zone config dialog * Set add panel as an explicit menu of a panel action (kde#432250) * Wallpaper config: fix property imageModel that was missing in delegate (kde#431961) * Make ksmserver\'s lock screen detection automatic * [systemd] Move kwin to \"wants\" * [applets/systemmonitor] fix not hiding the title on vertical panels * [applets/digital clock] Restore scroll-to-change-displayed-timezone (kde#431977) * Don\'t crash if the panelview is not ready * [Notifications] Re-evaluate unread count when a notification is \"read\" * [keyboard applet] fix TypeError garbage in log * Fix condition for windowed widgets standalone mode (kde#432032)- Add patch to either get more info or work around logout not working sometimes (kde#432460): * 0001-ksmserver-Enable-debug-output-by-default.patch * Thu Jan 21 2021 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.20.90 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/20.90/- Too many changes to list here- Refresh patches: * 0001-Revert-No-icons-on-the-desktop-by-default.patch * 0001-Set-GTK_BACKEND-x11-in-a-wayland-session.patch * 0001-Use-qdbus-qt5.patch * Fri Jan 15 2021 Michel Normand - Add _constraints with min 4GB disk space to avoid build failure * Tue Jan 05 2021 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.20.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.20.5- Changes since 5.20.4: * Recent Documents Runner: Strip trailing slash in subtext * [applets/systemtray] Fix missing expander arrow (kde#430569) * [Notifications] Check popup being null * move keyboard positioning in the keyboard itself (kde#427934) * Wed Dec 30 2020 Fabian Vogt - RPM got fixed, so use %fdupes on TW again * Wed Dec 30 2020 Fabian Vogt - Add compatibility with qml-autoreqprov * Tue Dec 01 2020 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.20.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.20.4- Changes since 5.20.3: * Fix Environment Canada weather domain. * Fix build with newer Qt * fix: Font files, kfontview and thumbnailer crash on Wayland (kde#401031) * Readd searching for breeze decoration (kde#429298) * [Notifications] Check pause button when job is paused * The cursor previews are in a layout * Revert \"Use new simpler way to disable session management in services\" * [Tab switcher] Fix binding loop that spams the log (kde#410984) * Wed Nov 11 2020 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.20.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.20.3- Changes since 5.20.2: * Fix missing \"Switch User\" button on lockscreen with systemd 246 (kde#427777) * [applets/devicenotifier] Fix regression with expand (kde#428379) * Fix edge case for tilde and ENV command * [lookandfeel] Fix switching to a different user session * [libkworkspace] Fix if getCurrentSeat needs to fallback to old approach (kde#423526) * Fix SystemEntries not updating correctly (kde#427779) * [applets/icon] Handle non-Applications URLs again (kde#427797) * [System Tray] Fall back to tool tip title if no title is set * Tue Oct 27 2020 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.20.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.20.2- Changes since 5.20.1: * [plasma-session] Fix application lifespan (kde#422948) * Sync OSD properties (kde#425908) * [applets/systemtray] Fixes for vertical and huge panel (kde#428158,kde#428127,kde#428198) * [applets/systemtray] Make highlight wider (kde#427638) * Fix tile expansion in ShellRunner (kde#427824) * Sun Oct 25 2020 Fabian Vogt - Require pipewire in plasma5-session-wayland * Thu Oct 22 2020 Fabian Vogt - Drop workaround for old powerdevil- is actually still 5.20.1, set the macro that way * Tue Oct 20 2020 Fabian Vogt - Update to * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.20.1- Changes since 5.20.0: * [applets/devicenotifier] Don\'t offer to unmount non-removable devices (kde#427176) * [applets/systemtray] Fix icon size for 24px panels (kde#427690) * Make Prison a required dependency * [notifications] Fix margins of close button timeout indicator (kde#425911) * [Notifications] Also check transient parent for whether it\'s a dialog * Revert \"krdb: Call xrdb with -nocpp\" to fix gitk runtime errors- Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-Revert-krdb-Call-xrdb-with-nocpp-to-fix-gitk-runtime.patch * Wed Oct 14 2020 Fabian Vogt - Generate plasmafullwayland.desktop by editing plasmawayland.desktop- Make plasma5-session-wayland arch-dependent as it contains %{_libdir}- Add BuildRequires for pipewire and libdrm * Wed Oct 14 2020 Fabian Vogt - Don\'t use %fdupes -s, kpackage doesn\'t like it and so this broke the slideshow wallpaper * Tue Oct 13 2020 Fabian Vogt - Add patch to fix startup of some applications (mostly Tk): * 0001-Revert-krdb-Call-xrdb-with-nocpp-to-fix-gitk-runtime.patch * Thu Oct 08 2020 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.20.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.20.0- Too many changes to list here- Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-applets-devicenotifier-Don-t-open-popup-for-already-.patch * 0001-Improve-handling-of-lifecycle-methods-in-retain-prio.patch * Sat Oct 03 2020 Fabian Vogt - Add patch to avoid popup on login (kde#426990): * 0001-applets-devicenotifier-Don-t-open-popup-for-already-.patch * Mon Sep 28 2020 Fabian Vogt - Mark powerdevil 5.19.0 as recent enough as workaround for boo#1176474 * Wed Sep 23 2020 Fabian Vogt - Add patch to fix krunner on wayland: * 0001-Improve-handling-of-lifecycle-methods-in-retain-prio.patch * Mon Sep 21 2020 Fabian Vogt - Copy icon for org.kde.kcolorschemeeditor.desktop- Clean up .spec file and remove obsolete workarounds * Thu Sep 17 2020 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.19.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.19.90- Too many changes to list here- Refresh patches: * 0001-Ignore-default-sddm-face-icons.patch * 0001-Use-qdbus-qt5.patch- Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-Port-applets-to-use-PlasmaExtras.PlaceholderMessage.patch * 0001-ksmserver-Use-UpdateLaunchEnvJob-to-sync-SESSION_MAN.patch * 0001-sddm-theme-lockscreen-Fix-login-button-size.patch * Wed Sep 16 2020 Fabian Vogt - Add patch to fix login button appearance with KF 5.74: * 0001-sddm-theme-lockscreen-Fix-login-button-size.patch * Fri Sep 04 2020 Hans-Peter Jansen - apply 0001-ksmserver-Use-UpdateLaunchEnvJob-to-sync-SESSION_MAN.patch, that fixes the broken session restore * Tue Sep 01 2020 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.19.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.19.5- Changes since 5.19.4: * [logout screen] Set implicit widths on OK and Cancel buttons * KDisplayManager: Work without $DISPLAY set * Tue Jul 28 2020 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.19.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.19.4- Changes since 5.19.3: * emit countChanged when we get a new source model * [wallpaper] Avoid using pluginId for indexing package indexes (kde#423987) * Revert \"Fix broken ENV variables for detailed settings\" (kde#423995) * [applet/systemtray] Regression: all applets in config are shown as disabled * hide face config button if the face can\'t config * Only open KCM in systemsettings if it can be displayed (kde#423612) * Tue Jul 07 2020 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.19.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.19.3- Changes since 5.19.2: * [wallpaper] Save the package name in configuration not a URL * Theme shouldn\'t inherit (kde#423747) * [applet/systemtray] Load config defaults from main.xml (kde#423561) * [applets/systemtray] Fix context menu misplaced (kde#421275) * [startkde] Block plasma-session exiting until startup sound completes (kde#422948) * [mediacontroller] Use half the samples for better performance with swrast * [applets/mediaplayer] Make size of the standalone plasmoid similar to that of the system tray (kde#422736) * Fix broken ENV variables for detailed settings (kde#417070,kde#176650) * set proper formFactors to faces * better propagate size hints * Fix DBus service used in shutdown interface (kde#423391)- Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-mediacontroller-Use-half-the-samples-for-better-perf.patch * 0001-Fix-DBus-service-used-in-shutdown-interface.patch * Sat Jun 27 2020 Fabian Vogt - Add patch to speed up artwork shader compilation in VMs (boo#1172763): * 0001-mediacontroller-Use-half-the-samples-for-better-perf.patch * Tue Jun 23 2020 Fabian Vogt - Add patch to fix power actions (kde#423391): * 0001-Fix-DBus-service-used-in-shutdown-interface.patch * Tue Jun 23 2020 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.19.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.19.2- Changes since 5.19.1: * [Notifications] Support description where only a value is set (kde#423218) * Fix case of monitored service in startplasma\'s shutdown (kde#422870) * Fix faint outline for notification timeout indicator with newer charts (kde#423079) * [applets/appmenu] Listen to more signals to ensure that appmenu applet can reliably catch the active window changing (kde#422786,kde#422260) * Fix KRunner positioning on X11 with High DPI and Qt scaling on Plasma (kde#422578) * [lock screen] Stop timer when interacting with media controls (kde#422707) * Sat Jun 20 2020 Fabian Vogt - Add patch to fix label appearance (kde#422684): * 0001-Port-applets-to-use-PlasmaExtras.PlaceholderMessage.patch * Tue Jun 16 2020 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.19.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.19.1.php- Changes since 5.19.0: * Fix race in loading DBus activatable applets * [applets/systemtray] Fix SNI \"Always shown\" restore (kde#422837) * center align battery icon in compact representation (kde#421038) * Fix actions for application search results * Fix desktop actions for recently used applications * Fix absolute icon paths * Make hidden plasmoids vertically centered in the System Tray popup applet (kde#422685) * Make KRunner KCM open in System Settings (kde#421427) * Guard QQmldebuggingEnabled by an env var (kde#422228) * fix confirmLogout setting for SessionManagement * Thu Jun 04 2020 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.19.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.19.0.php- Changes since 5.18.90: * appstreamrunner: do case insensitive comparisons * Fix many results when query starts with = * [notifications] don\'t widen the notifications on the mobile * Kicker fix KRunner prepare/teardown method calls * Bookmarks Runner: Fix extraction of firefox profile (kde#418526) * [applets/systemtray] Fix configuraiton read on Plasma start * [applets/systemtray] Consistent name/icon in System Tray settings (kde#421561) * [applets/systemtray] Lazy initialize SystemTray model (kde#420993) * [applets/mediacontroller] Icon for Playing/Paused * [applets/mediacontroller] Don\'t use Album Art for icon (kde#420197) * Remove useless double line * Make system tray impossible to resize again * Revert \"[applets/batterymonitor] Collapse inhibitions list properly\" * [Battery Monitor] Fix ScrollView anchoring * [Notifications] Restore item spacing * [Notifications] Don\'t take updated time into account for sorting * [Kicker] Fix jump list actions in RunnerMatchesModel * Thu May 14 2020 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.18.90 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.18.90.php- Too many changes to list here- Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-Stop-multiplying-duration-values.patch * Mon May 11 2020 Fabian Vogt - Add patch to fix animations with Frameworks 5.70: * 0001-Stop-multiplying-duration-values.patch * Tue May 05 2020 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.18.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.18.5.php- Changes since * [Notifications] Don\'t show do not disturb end date beyond 100 days * [systemtray] Fix SNI icon not rendering (kde#419305) * [KRunner] Watch config with KConfigWatcher * [Notifications] Have checkIndex check if the index is valid * [Notifications] Fix typo * Fix warning about connecting to a null sender, favoritesModel can be null * Fix variable assignment * [Notifications] Don\'t reverse() Array * use the decoded url for launcherPosition (kde#418483) * Tue Mar 31 2020 Fabian Vogt - Update to * Version fixed * Tue Mar 31 2020 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.18.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.18.4.php- Changes since 5.18.3: * [runners/recentdocuments] disable executables or .desktop files (kde#419310) * [applets/digital-clock] Fix inappropriately high QtQuick version * [applets/systemtray] Clear item from shown/hidden list when disabling entry (kde#419197) * [applets/digital-clock] Fix date sizing in vertical panel (kde#417852) * [VirtualDesktopInfo] Connect to rowsChanged singal (kde#408783) * Fix systemtray configuration * Tue Mar 10 2020 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.18.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.18.3.php- Changes since 5.18.2: * [gmenu-dbusmenu-proxy] Fix radio button state detection * [gmenu-dbusmenu-proxy] Pass action \"target\" in invocation * Degrade qCInfo to qCDebug * Demote jump list actions to PossibleMatches * ItemContainer: disconnect signals in destructor (kde#417603) * Tue Feb 25 2020 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.18.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.18.2.php- Changes since 5.18.1: * Use appropriate icon for unconfigured applets\' \"Configure...\" buttons * [applets/systemtray] Clip ListView in config * [kcms/feedback] Increase default window height a bit more (kde#417747) * fix activity runner- Build the KUserFeedback KCM * Tue Feb 18 2020 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.18.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.18.1.php- Changes since 5.18.0: * [kcms/feedback] Improve default kcmshell window size (kde#417747) * Extract messages from header files as well (Thanks to Victor Ryzhykh) * Remove downloadNewWhat usage * Don\'t delay ksplash until the entire slideshow is loaded * [Notifications] Only let details label grow, never shrink (kde#417489) * [libtaskmanager] Fix shared VirtualDesktopInfo::Private tied to the 1st creator (kde#415200) * [Background Finder] Create a valid invocation token * Replace plasma.kde.org with kde.org/plasma-desktop * Tue Feb 11 2020 Fabian Vogt - Update tarball, now with updated preview images * Thu Feb 06 2020 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.18.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.18.0.php- Changes since 5.17.90: * tooltips always have normal color group * Fix typo * [Notifications] Don\'t dodge notification popups * [Notifications] Fixup setSourceModel * [SNI] Fix race condition in item registration (kde#416652) * [Notifications] Fix typo * Shut up * [System Tray] Initially set correct category for plasmoids (kde#416947) * [Task Manager] Remove strict URL handling (kde#385727) * [context menu] Remove last traces of \"Lock Widgets\" action from UI (kde#416578) * Remove unused includes * Port plasma-workspace to autoconfig.kde.org * [sddm-theme] Fix broken wallpaper loading * [Notifications] Fix action button size * search for a default wallpaper in lookandfeel * [startkde] Export LC_TIME again (kde#416670) * [Notifications] Set transient parent for file menu (kde#387597) * [SystemTray] Fix model update in settings (missing icon) (kde#416400) * [SystemTray] Remove scrollbar paddings * Runner/Windows make the window finding more reliable (kde#414804) * Kicker/RecentDocuments display place\'s icon when resource matches one * [Notifications] When there is only a reply action, show reply field right away * [Notifications] Send reply text as targeted signal * Also disable automatic scaling on Qt >= 5.14 (kde#415421) * add includes needed for compiling with qt 5.13- Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-Set-QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR-0-for-Qt-5.14-as-wel.patch * Thu Jan 23 2020 Christophe Giboudeaux - Replace %make_jobs with %cmake_build * Tue Jan 21 2020 Fabian Vogt - knewstuff-imports is needed for several KCMs * Thu Jan 16 2020 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.17.90 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.17.90.php- Too many changes to list here- Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-Add-suffix-to-the-wayland-session-s-name.patch * lazy-sddm-theme.patch- Refresh patches: * 0001-Use-qdbus-qt5.patch * Tue Jan 14 2020 Fabian Vogt - Add patch to fix/workaround scaling issues Qt 5.14.0 (kde#415421, boo#1160624): * 0001-Set-QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR-0-for-Qt-5.14-as-wel.patch * Tue Jan 07 2020 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.17.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.17.5.php- Changes since 5.17.4: * Fix build with gpsd 3.20 (kde#425939) * [Notifications] Don\'t show DrKonqi notifications in history * Revert \"Add Meta+Space as a default shortcut to activate KRunner\" * [Notifications] Release all cookies when service unregisters * Revert \"[sddm-theme] Fix initial focus after SDDM QQC2 Port\" (kde#414875) * Keep at least one system monitor alive * Use the right value of EnableMagicMimeActions * [sddm-theme] Fix initial focus after SDDM QQC2 Port