Changelog for
lmms-vst-1.3.0~git2024.09.21-bp155.154.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Thu Sep 26 2024 Update to git snapshot version 1.3.0~git2024.09.21- Renabled the wine vst build.- Removed patches: lmms-1.2.0-return.patch, lmms-1.2.0-crippled_stk.patch, lmms-rpmalloc-fpic.patch and lmms-1.2.2-carla_defines.patch- Upstream changes:
* Refactor Effect processing (#7484)
* Make the send button and receive arrow occupy the same space in mixer channels (#7503)
* Restore some whitespace to the mixer channel layout (#7507)
* Fix Lb302 silence (#7504)
* Shrink mixer channel strip (#7502)
* SlicerT UI update (#7453)
* Replace Compressor infinite ratio icons (#7501)
* Fix sample clip position when reversing (#7446)
* Process metronome every MIDI tick (#7483)
* Fix: unnecessary space in Update EqControlsDialog.cpp (#7485)
* Wed Mar 15 2023 Dave Plater
- Disable wine vst due to being removed in wine version 8.3 see and
* Thu Dec 29 2022 Christophe Marin - Reenable the VST plugin integration.
* Sat Dec 03 2022 Dave Plater - Disable vst until wine build issue is solved
* Tue Oct 25 2022 Max Lin - Buildrequires libmp3lame-devel instead of pkgconfig(libmp3lame) on SLE15/Leap15
* Fri Oct 14 2022 Christophe Giboudeaux - Add -fno-omit-frame-pointer to compiler flags as suggested in the lmms docs.
* Tue Oct 11 2022 Christophe Giboudeaux - Spec Cleanup- Enable Carla integration again- Remove unneeded build requirements- Don\'t set CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH, disabling rpath completely breaks a couple plugins (carla, ZynAddSubFX, VeSTige...)- Only skip Wine integration on Leap 15.3
* Tue Oct 11 2022 Christophe Giboudeaux - Add patch to fix build with recent carla version:
* lmms-1.2.2-carla_defines.patch
* Wed May 04 2022 Dave Plater - Disable building carla plugins, lmms no longer builds with the latest carla.
* Thu Apr 14 2022 Max Lin - Create the missing symlink for Leap 15.4
* Mon Dec 06 2021 Dave Plater - Allow rpm to find all runtime dependancies by removing the line %global __requires_exclude_from ^%{_libdir}/lmms/.
*\\\\.so$ from the spec file. Reverses \"Require libgig and libstk\"
* Mon Nov 08 2021 Dave Plater - Require libgig and libstk devel packages at runtime to fix boo#1192237
* Mon Nov 08 2021 Dave Plater - Reenable VST build, issue boo#1192413 is fixed.
* Sat Nov 06 2021 Dave Plater - Disable VST build until lmms issue boo#1192413 is fixed
* Tue May 25 2021 Dave Plater - Fix workaround to find the correct libwine directory to fix Factory build.
* Sun Dec 20 2020 Dave Plater - Add workaround for wine 6\'s lack of symlink see: boo#1179734
* Sat Jul 18 2020 Dave Plater - Update to version 1.2.2- Remove incorporated qt5.15 with lmms-qpainterpath.patch- Rebase lmms-1.2.0-crippled_stk.patch and lmms-rpmalloc-fpic.patch- Upstream General improvements
* Stop filtering out valid characters from file name while exporting tracks (#5282)
* Fix Invalid warning about \"dummy-MIDI-client\" (#5509)- Upstream UI improvements
* Note selection: Editing values works in dialog (#5438)- Upstream Bug Fixes
* Piano Roll - Fix retrigger with vol/pan sliders (#5271)
* Fix a rare crash on export (#5293)
* Fix LMMS not launching when AppImage has spaces in name (#5297)
* Fix vertical piano being unresponsive when clicked too fast (#5262)
* Fix crash with Grooove VST (#5300)
* Fix crash on deleting instrument with controller connections on knobs (#5306)
* Fix notes being placed at negative positions on MIDI import (#5343)
* Fix scrolling direction in the song editor due to stuck Ctrl/Shift (#5286)
* Fix stuck notes with Helm VST on tempo automation (#5365)
* Fix file factory delimeter position (#5378)
* Fix controls linking misbehaviors (#5336)
* Fix loading and saving of .fxb/.fxp files on Windows (#5411)
* Fix crashes and hangs on importing some Hydrogen drum kit songs (#5420)
* Fix freeze when replacing Mallets with another instrument (#5428)
* DrumSynth: ensure correct envelope length in any sample rate (#5467)
* AFP: fix loading start and loop points if the loop point is automated (#5472)
* Select the correct piano key for marking semitones (#5478)
* Ensure consistent use of effect gate (#5475)
* Fix Piano roll crashing when window is vertically scaled too large (#5449)
* Fix some memory errors with JACK audio/MIDI (#5452)
* JackMidi: Remove confusing warnings at shutdown (737fcd3)
* Fix SF2 player crashing when file is not a soundfont, with FluidSynth 2 (#5487)
* BB editor: fix mouse event affecting wrong beats due to the cursor shape (#5489)
* Fix knobs moving too fast on some platforms (#5360)
* Fix notes created in BB editor resizing incorrectly when resizing a selection (#5515)
* Fix some patterns not being saved in project (#5537)
* Fri Jun 05 2020 Dave Plater - Fix build with qt5.15 with lmms-qpainterpath.patch
* Sun Mar 29 2020 Dave Plater - Update to version 1.2.1 and enable wine dependent vst plugins in a seperate subpackage, see boo#1167345.- Added tarballs for two VST specific 3rd party tarballs: rpmalloc b5bdc18051bb74a22f0bde4bcc90b01cf590b496.tar.gz and qt5-x11embed 022b39a1d496d72eb3e5b5188e5559f66afca957.tar.gz- Added lmms-rpmalloc-fpic.patch- Removed incorporated patches: 0001-Better-French-translations-in-the-menu-item-file-471.patch 0001-Fix-invalid-MIDI-Program-Change-decoding-5154.patch 0001-show-BBEditor-on-clicking-the-TrackLabelButton-5060.patch 0001-Make-splash-screen-text-white-5149.patch 0001-Update-.mailmap-5037.patch- Upstream changes:
* Respect OS case sensitivity when check for existing files #4768
* Remove MIDI connections from factory .mmpz files (#5163)
* Make splash screen text white (#5149)
* Show Beat/Bassline Editor on clicking track labels of B/B tracks (#5060)
* Fix building RemoteVstPlugin with Wine >= 4.14 (#5210)
* Fix stuck keys when dragging on the piano view (#5127)
* Fix crash on unmarking octave semitones (#5184)
* Fix invalid MIDI Program Change decoding (#5154)
* Rubberband fix for selecting a large area in the song editor (#5003)
* VeSTige: show icon on \'Turn off all notes\' button (#5237)
* RemoteVstPlugin: fix crashes when failed to open a file (#5235)
* Organic: fix glitch at the beginning of a note (#5252)
* Fix broken audio sample exporting on high sampling rate (#5226)
* Better French translations in the menu item file (#4711)
* Fix too long translations to fix the UI misalignment (#5185)
* Mon Sep 09 2019 Dave Plater - Build vst plugins without wine to fix factory build.- Build position independant executable.- Added patches from git to fix issues after release: 0001-Update-.mailmap-5037.patch 0001-Better-French-translations-in-the-menu-item-file-471.patch 0001-Fix-invalid-MIDI-Program-Change-decoding-5154.patch 0001-Make-splash-screen-text-white-5149.patch 0001-show-BBEditor-on-clicking-the-TrackLabelButton-5060.patch
* Mon Jun 17 2019 rebased and renamed lmms-1.1.0-return.patch to lmms-1.2.0-return.patch- removed lmms-fluidsynth.patch which is now integrated upstream- Update to version 1.2.0:
* fix color profile error (#5019)
* DMG rebranding (#5013)
* Fix German translation
* Fixes #4996: Fix metadata when exporting multiple tracks (#5005)
* updated splash (#5002)
* MP3 export: initialize ID3 tag with id3tag_init
* Travis: fix macOS build due to the old default version of Node.js
* i18n: update template strings
* Bugfix - SampleTrack -> Play: Fix sample track not being played in the right place when it not played from the begining.
* Bugfix - SampleTrack -> Load & Save: Fix recorded sample track not being played correctly after saving and loading a project due to sample rate not getting saved in the project file.
* SampleBuffer -> Use processingSampleRate.
* i18n: update translations from Transifex
* SampleTrack: call requestChangesInModel before unref SampleBuffer (#4982)
* Fixes #4781: Don\'t disconnect LADSPA automation on export
* Extend ProjectJournal docs, thx to AATTDomClark
* Fix controller loading error on loading projects
* Nescaline and Freeboy - Better default sound (#4968)
* Fix race conditions in NotePlayHandleManager (#4966)
* fix hanging mouse in piano roll (#4822) (#4960)
* Fix invisible note editing handles when a note has detuning info
* Use extracted linuxdeployqt directly
* Don\'t draw note detuning info over the volume/panning area (#4965)
* Travis: fix a debootstrap error from missing keyrings
* Make more connections direct for automation (#4942)
* Record chords (#4938)
* Fix notes getting stuck under high CPU conditions (#4908)
* Allow build for Wayland w/o X11Extras, if VST off
* Use local cursor for TrackContentObjectView (#4918)
* Allow sample track TCOs to resize smaller than one bar (#4933)
* Don\'t try to connect to nonexistent controllers (#4939)
* [Equalizer] Bright analyzer colors, opacity increased (#4772)
* Travis: use carla instead of carla-git
* Fix empty editors after closing them and creating a new project (#4891)
* Allow new Zyn bank creation on Linux (#4905)
* TCO drag: Fix Ctrl+Drag crash
* Automation Editor: Don\'t accept drag events when there\'s no pattern
* Fix Blackman-Harris window formula (#4895)
* Fix layout of VstSyncData struct
* Don\'t show error when loading empty VeSTige instance
* Ensure VST windows show properly in taskbar
* Add VST always-on-top config option
* Avoid shallow clones in all Debian sid builds (#4888)
* Fix compilation on Qt4
* Fix zyn pitch on project load/export Closes #3451
* Fix #3926: QCursor in AFP
* Fix MidiJack crash on exit
* Sync Debian version (#4840)
* Blacklist $HOME as VST directory Closes #4854
* Disable soundio on macOS
* Fix AudioFileProcessor tooltip (#4868)
* Add /sbin to AppImage search path Closes #4846
* Fix DrumSynth sscanf (#4869)
* Add missing include
* Move apt_mingw_cache out of build directory (#4842)
* Add needed macOS shortcuts (#4851)
* Test deployment preparation in regular builds (#4847)
* lmms_math: Fix build with musl
* Fix path to the LMMS binary in AppImage build script
* Bump version to 1.2.0-rc8
* AppImage: bundle JACK fallback library correctly
* i18n: pull from Transifex
* Bring back PortAudio support on Windows (#4770)
* Fix Bitinvader waveform cutoff behavior
* Ensure the restore button of a subwindow shows up correctly (#4819)
* Move QT_X11_NO_NATIVE_MENUBAR to code (#4818)
* Fix Linux HiDPI handling
* Follow instructions from cartr/homebrew-qt4 (#4815)
* Don\'t let silent instruments wake up sleeping effects (#4792)
* Fix CI by reverting rpmalloc
* Disable built-in NaN handler through hidden setting (#4787)
* Fixes #4752: Update rpmalloc
* Fix address in doc/AUTHORS
* Fixes #4778: Update mailmap
* Increase forced clipping level
* MIDI import/export: map note volume and MIDI velocity with their full range (#4785)
* Pianoroll - Add checkpoint before moving notes
* Improve handling of nan/inf (#4743)
* Don\'t memcpy null pointer
* Fix file extension list in translations
* Link RemoteZynAddSubFx with -mwindows
* Enable VST sync by default
* Initialize peak controller last sample with base value fix (Stable 1.2) (#4699)
* Do not depend on Git history, use data from 2019-01-07 (#4763)
* Fix before_deploy (#4764)
* Fix left 1px lfo graph
* Fix builds on macOS Mojave 10.14 (#4767)
* Fix infinite MIDI note with VST made in Cabbage (LMMS#4380) (#4766)
* Keep off-grid position of TCOs on group moving (#4262)
* Add source build artifact (#4744)
* Don\'t render Automation tracks in the Beat/Bassline (#4747)
* FX autoquit disabled by default (#4378)
* Add Debian sid Clang build pass (#4735)
* Fix broken FxLine tool tips (#3321)
* Fix lost control links in copied automation patterns (#4723)
* Add Debian sid i386 build pass (#4727)
* Add Debian sid build pass (#4707)
* Support more than 62 simultaneous VST plugins for Qt<5.10
* Make ppqPos in VST sync sample accurate
* Fix occasional Sinnah hang
* Don\'t create MDI subwindow for VSTi without GUI
* New pixmap as per #4519 (#4708)
* Add initial Debian packaging for stable-1.2 (#4697)
* Handle automation on processing thread (#4692)
* Update TimeLineWidget 60 times per second (#4703)
* Fix song editor visualization after maximizing (#4698)
* Fix minor glitches with sample tracks (#4666)
* Allow building SF2 player with FluidSynth 2.x (#4678)
* Fix not saving some automations (#4632) (#4667)
* Don\'t quit CLI rendering when failed to load sample files
* Update name in mailmap
* Fix german locale (\' + Mittelklick\')
* Fix unit tests for automation
* Ensure correct TCOs after cloning tracks into the BB editor
* Don\'t always treat empty long patterns as BB patterns
* Fix VST track cloning in Beat/Bassline editor
* Fix Carla detection in AppImage launcher script
* Sun Oct 28 2018 Edgar Aichinger - add lmms-fluidsynth.patch: backport upstream fix for fluidsynth API change- remove lmms-1.2.0-undefined_ref.patch, already applied upstream in this release- add lmms-1.2.0-libdir.patch: upstream patch to find plugin dir (use absolute paths in CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR)- change lmms-1.2.0-crippled_stk.patch to match current upstream source (tiny datatype change)- install bash completions, by hand ATM until upstream finds a way to make DESTDIR work
* Thu Oct 25 2018 Update to version 1.2.0rc7+git20180925.a2685c1cc:
* Bump version to 1.2.0-rc7
* Update the LMMS logo and mimetypes (#4519)
* Add bash completion (#4534) (#4604)
* Specify infinte timeout in tryLock on export
* Update UI 60 times per second (#4570)
* Add Carla support for MacOS (#4558)
* Fallback to default audio/MIDI backends if invalid one is set
* Validate audio/MIDI backend when opening setup dialog
* Restructure help
* Fix decimal separator handling (#4547)
* Set VST program first when restoring settings
* Initialise OLE in RemoteVstPlugin
* Link RemoteVstPlugin with -mwindows
* Fix VST windows resizing a little incorrectly
* Fix kVstTransportChanged flag usage in VST sync
* Fix hang when updateInOutCount called from processReplacing
* Suspend plugin when changing sample rate/buffer size
* Fix invisible editors on project load by validating size (#4502)
* Allow building with sndio support on more systems than just OpenBSD (#4486)
* Remove Qt temporary files after loading ZynAddSubFX settings (#4551)
* Don\'t try to clear null buffer in NotePlayHandle::play (#4545)
* Make the oscilloscope colors available as properties
* Fix Freeboy noise channel playback (#4538)
* Add CMake 2 support (#4530)
* Fix AppImage shim launcher
* Don\'t use dummy controllers for connections if not loading projects (#4493)
* Fix some formatting issues in translations (#4482)
* Setup Dialog - Fix bottom of letters cut off (#4483)
* Fix broken MIDI import
* Some demo project license fixes (#4481)
* Use tryLock in audio threads for VST/ZynAddSubFX (#4460)
* Always show sample track panning knobs (#4477)
* Fix occasional audio interface deadlock (#4450)
* Fix fwrite parameter ordering
* Improve STK rawwave path encoding handling
* Fix MIDI import encoding issue on Windows
* Fix WAV exporting on Windows
* Fix sample file loading on Windows
* Fix file name encoding issues with ZynAddSubFX on Windows
* Fix file name encoding issues with VST on Windows
* Fix project URL for some files
* Fix hang on exit from specific MIDI devices + WinMM (#4451)
* CMake: Fix FindSndio module
* CMake: Fix errors when path contains spaces
* Quit exit if failing to save project (#4428)
* LADSPA: Fix undefined reference due to vectorization (#4434)
* Fixup 1bae047b98558981c20c85edc44550f4aa9714d9
* Fix wrong accelerator character in sv.ts
* Fix crash when loading project with missing peak controller effect (#4391)
* Piano roll: reset editing mode when lost focus (#4393)
* Piano roll: Fix some crashes when no pattern is open (#4392)
* Deselect FX channel\'s name text when losing focus (#4293)
* Initialize peak controller last sample with base value (#4382)
* Fix automation processing priority
* Thu Oct 25 2018 Edgar Aichinger - update to version 1.2.0rc7
* Mon Aug 20 2018 Run spec-cleaner- Simplify conditions- Use cmake macros- Drop unused dependencies- Drop obsolete macros- Adjust changelog to follow patch guidelines- Fix changelog formatting
* Wed Aug 15 2018 further cleanups and corrections in specfile:
* BuildRequire just git-core, not git
* rewrite BuildRequires: to use pkgconfig() for all the devel packages that support it
* reenable use of %{_smp_mflags} in make call
* remove unneeded static library libqx11embedcontainer.a from package
* comment out BuildRequires: to some 32bit devel packages for now (from an upstream list of build requirements)- Drop not needed patches:
* lmms-fix.patch
* lmms-code-min.patch
* lmms-code-macro.patch
* lmms-carla.patch
* lmms-code-indent.patch
* lmms-1.1.3-fix-wrong-comparison-logic.patch
* lmms-1.2.0-undefined_ref.patch
* lmms-no-Werror.patch
* Sun Aug 12 2018 update to 1.2.0rc6 using obs_scm source service, reworked patches and spec
* rc6 release tarball misses some external submodule sources and doesn\'t compile, so use obs_scm
* workaround the illegal \"-\" char in official version string (1.2.0-rc6)
* modify/add BuildRequires to work for a Qt5 build
* update and rename lmms-1.0.0-crippled_stk.patch to lmms-1.2.0-crippled_stk.patch
* remove obsolete patches (applied upstream, problem fixed otherwise or pointing at now non-existing code)
* build against Qt5
* backport an upstream patch for upcoming rc7 to fix undefined references due to vectorization (gh#LMMS/lmms#4434)
* Fri Jul 06 2018 Fix build error due to various false-positive gcc warnings: lmms-no-Werror.patch
* Thu Nov 30 2017 Fix Factory build failure with addition to lmms-carla.patch.- Build position independent executables.
* Thu Aug 10 2017 ExclusiveArch x86_64 until carla-i386 is fixed
* Tue May 30 2017 lmms-fix.patch: Fixed potential 1 byte sprintf overflow. (bsc#1041293)
* Tue Mar 28 2017 ExclusiveArch Intel
* Thu Feb 09 2017 Build unconditionally with carla because it is in Tumbleweed
* Tue Oct 25 2016 Added __requires_exclude_from to prevent RPM from adding a requirement for a library that only exists during build time (bsc#997249)
* Sat Jun 18 2016 Adjust indent to allow compile with gcc6 (bnc#985248) lmms-code-indent.patch lmms-code-macro.patch lmms-code-min.patch
* Thu Feb 25 2016 Use carla-standalone instead of Carla in pkgconfig
* Sat Jan 16 2016 added support for internal Carla LV2/DSSI/VST plugin host
* lmms-carla.patch: backported an upstream patch to implement NATIVE_HOST_OPCODE_HOST_IDLE
* added falkTX\'s fix for lib/lib64 in the hardcoded carla plugin resource path so that they will find their GUIs
* Fri Jul 03 2015 Add versioned BuildRequires, adjust wine BuildRequires
* Wed Jun 24 2015 Fix compilation with GCC 5:
* Add lmms-1.1.3-fix-wrong-comparison-logic.patch from upstream.
* Add fgnu89-inline to CFLAGS.
* Fri Mar 27 2015 Reverted Source0 tag to the real download location
* Mon Mar 09 2015 Update to version 1.1.3 from 1.1.0 Upstream changes: - Fix pops and clicks introduced with new mixer (Bug #1662) - Fix 0% export bug affecting certain languages/locales (Bug #1496) - Fix Watsyn shows wrong selection after switching instruments (Bug #1526) - Fix Nescaline crash when playing very high notes (Bug #1492) - Fix AudioFileProcessor wave display bug (Bug #929) - Fix various memory leaks
* Sun Feb 15 2015 Change URL project link and some spec file changes
* Sat Feb 14 2015 Use real 1.1.0 tarball The previous commit used a random git commit, even if it said 1.1.0- Revert back to lmms-1.0.0-crippled_stk.patch- Remove and related The real 1.1.0 tarball doesn\'t contain the problematic file anymore- Update the Source tag with the new download URL- lmms-1.1.0-return.patch keeps substituting lmms-1.0.0-return.patch Just to make the factory-auto script happy
* Fri Dec 26 2014 Rebased crippled_stk.patch lmms-1.1.0-crippled_stk.patch- Added more output to Fixed lmms-1.1.0-return.patch. Only file location changed.- Update to version 1.1.0 Most interesting upstream changes:
* New FX Mixer
* New Instruments: + Nescaline - Nintendo Entertainment System(R) sound emulator + Watsyn - Advanced wavetable synth + Monstro - Advanced triple oscillator synth + Carla - Audio plugin host (Linux only)
* Instrument Enhancements: + AudioFileProcessor - Adjustable loop points + Kicker - Temposyncable envelope, higher max; distortion enhancements + LB302 - Fix note sticking, playback bugs
* UI Improvements + Piano Roll: Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow keys now moves selected notes by one bar Shift + Up/Down now moves selected notes by one semitone
* Enabled toggling of knob scale in context menu (Linear/Logarithmic)
* Added ability to record automations
* Added support for undo/redo in Piano Roll
* Bug Fixes