Changelog for Herwig-libs-7.3.0-Virt.150400.34.5.x86_64.rpm :

* Sat Jan 06 2024 Stefan BrĂ¼ns - Update to version 7.3.0:
* electroweak radiations added to the default parton shower
* HQET spin hadronization and decay have been implemented to improve the predictions of excited heavy mesons and heavy baryons
* dot-preserving treatment of the default parton shower evolution scale has been implemented
* infrastructure for dynamic hadronization model and dark hadronization added
* kinematic treatment of cluster splitting in cluster fissioner improved
* new global tune implemented
* several bugs fixed- Update to version 7.2.3:
* improved ufo2herwig tool
* improved remnant handling for photon collisions
* improved high-energy behaviour of default parton shower
* Fri Mar 19 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 7.2.2:
* support for python 3 and gcc 10.
* ufo2herwig script is updated to be compatible with python 2 and 3, using --convert option.- Rebase Herwig-disable-repo-install.patch for update.
* Mon Jun 08 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 7.2.1:
* Vertex position fix for taus in dipole shower events.- Add Herwig-type-mismatch-fix.patch to fix data of incorrect type sent to functions, flagged by GCC 10.- Use autosetup instead of individual patch commands.- Use %make_build which automatically uses parallel threads and makes the compilation more verbose.- Remove a spurious .orig file.
* Fri Jan 10 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Switch to python3.
* Sat Jan 04 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to vesion 7.2.0:
* Improvements to the simulation of multiple-parton interactions, including diffractive processes.
* A new model for baryonic colour reconnection.
* Spin correlations in both the dipole and angular-ordered parton showers.
* Improvements to strangeness production.
* An improved choice of evolution variable in the angular-ordered parton shower.
* Support for generic Lorentz structures in BSM models.- Changes from Herwig 7.1.6 release:
* Fix if no W in top in external events.
* Vertex position fix for dip[ole shower events.
* Update boost m4.
* Add max,min, re, im to functions for ufo conversion.
* Comparision operators should be const, issues with C++17.- Update required verion of ThePEG-devel: version 2.2.0 now required.- Fix an env-based hashbang.- Use fdupes also on %{_datadir} to link a pair of duplicated files.- Remove a spurious backup file that gets installed otherwise.
* Wed Jul 17 2019 Atri Bhattacharya - Disable LTO to prevent resulting build failure.
* Thu May 02 2019 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 7.1.5:
* Add option of producing partons on physically mass shell after the parton shower to allow the string model to be used to hadronize events
* Fixes for template issues and compiler warnings for gcc8,9, icc and clang
* Fixes to the calculation of W, Z and h widths if decay modes removed
* Fix typo in FI g to gg dipole.
* Fix to allow 1 parameter to specify the mass of more than one particle in the UFO converter
* Fix to partial width calculation of VSS decays
* Fix the PDF assignment for DIS processes with Matchbox
* Fix for undecayed W bosons in internal POWHEG gauge boson pair code
* Update boost detection in configure script- Changes from version 7.1.4:
* More matrix elements and better handling of BSM physics
* Fix for spin correlations in angular-ordered shower, effects top decays
* Allow fixed target collisions
* various minor fixes
* Mon Apr 30 2018 Update to version 7.1.3:
* Dipole Shower - Changed default phase space limits - g -> gg splitting function asymmetrized - Initial retune supplied, given the visible changes to LEP observables
* Added new Baryonic colour reconnection model (arXiv 1710:10906)
* Added Schuler-Sjostrand Photon PDFs
* Handling of massless taus from external sources
* various minor fixes
* use std::array<> where possible
* Thu Apr 19 2018 Build Herwig only on x86_64 since other archs are not supported
* Sun Nov 05 2017 Update to version 7.1.2:
* Reduction of the default pt cut for QED radiation off leptons.
* Inputfile changes due to new read mode in ThePEG. ThePEG remains in current repo dir when reading input-file/snippet.
* Fix for shower scale variations in qtilde shower.
* All standard input files now use the tuned intrinsic pt.
* Remove obsolete input files for various tunes.
* Fix for Madgraph interface for NLO corrections with recent version.
* Run file size reduction for processes using madgraph/openloops.
* Fix in jacobian for massive dipole kinematics.
* General improvements for UFO model handling.- Fix env based hashbangs (/usr/bin/env python -> /usr/bin/python, etc.).
* Wed Oct 11 2017 Use more fine-grained BuildRequires on boost
* libraries for openSUSE > 1320.
* Sat Sep 02 2017 Build with HepMC2-devel, since Rivet does not compile with HepMC-devel >= 3 yet.
* Wed Aug 02 2017 Update to version 7.1.1:
* Snippets are now all installed
* Fixed broken ufo2herwig output and
* UFO improvements - More robust SLHA file handling - option of creating diagonal mixing matrices, needed for ATLAS simplfied models - Improved warnings about resetting standard model particles - Fixed certain cases where the wrong lorentz structure was picked in VVS vertices
* Improved error message for unhandled beam particles
* Fix for Dipole Shower chain selection
* Fixed crash in double diffractive delta resonances- Changes from version 7.1.0:
* For a more detailed overview and further references please see the release note arXiv:1705.06919
* NLO multijet merging with the dipole shower
* A new soft model
* An interface to EvtGen
* Improved calculation of mass effects in the dipole shower
* Top decays in the dipole shower, and NLO corrections to the decay
* An implementation of the KrkNLO method for simple processes
* Major restructuring and cleanup of default input files
* C++11 is now mandatory and heavily used in the code
* Many smaller bugfixes and improvements- Update filelist for new and dropped binaries.- Disable for %{ix86}: no longer supported.- Rebase Herwig-disable-repo-install.patch for update.
* Mon Feb 13 2017 Rename from libHerWig1 to Herwig-libs as the package does not satisfy the SLPP guideline: there are a number of files.
* Wed Nov 16 2016 Trim history lesson from description
* Tue Nov 15 2016 Rename shared library, adding the so number from; the so numbers of the other shared libraries are expected to be incremented by upstream in step with this.- Move config file to -devel pkg in keeping with shlib packaging policy.- Added obsoletes/provides for Herwig++ which will now be dropped from Factory.
* Fri Nov 11 2016 Initial package.- Add Herwig-disable-repo-install.patch: Disable post-install hooks intended to set up the Herwig repo, this doesn\'t work inside the build script because of missing LHAPDF data that needs to be installed by the user; the install-hook doesn\'t serve any purpose while building the rpm and users can easily set this up on their own.