Changelog for gnuastro-0.22-Virt.150400.31.5.x86_64.rpm :

* Sun Feb 04 2024 Andreas Stieger - GNU Astronomy Utilities 0.22 (library 20.0.0):
* New program \'astscript-color-faint-gray\'
* New options available in all programs to allow customization of which metadata is printed in the 0-th HDU of the FITS output - -outfitsnoconfig, --outfitsnodate, --outfitsnoversions, - -outfitsnocommit
* New --arguments for passing a text file of very long list of arguments
* Many new operators and options for operations, behavioral changes
* Library API removes redundant functions
* Sat Oct 21 2023 Andreas Stieger - GNU Astronomy Utilities 0.21 (library 19.0.0):
* New program \'astscript-pointing-simulate
* More flexibility in using configuration files
* can now write TIFF files
* Multiple new options and operators
* MakeNoise (\'astmknoise\'): feature removed, use mknoise-
* operatiors of Arithmetic
* Many bug fixes and improvements
* Sun Aug 06 2023 Andreas Stieger - GNU Astronomy Utilities 0.20 (library 18.0.0)
* New program: astscript-zeropoint for calibrating the pixel values in one image (finding its \"zero point\") based on a reference catalog or (any number of) reference image(s)
* documentation updates
* A number of added options, operators and functions to multiple commands, along with bug fixes
* Tue Oct 25 2022 Andreas Stieger - GNU Astronomy Utilities 0.19 (library 17.0.0)
* Arithmetic: Added new type operators and physical constants
* ConvertType: It is now possible to draw vector graphics marks from a catalog over the output PDF images. A number of options have been added to ConvertType for doing this
* It is now possible to select the color of the border of images produced in vector graphics outputs (EPS and PDF) with \'--bordercolor\'.
* Additional parameters to the Fits operation
* Statistics: Linear and Polynomial least squares fitting are now available, wrapping the corresponsing calls in the GNU Scientific Library
* Table: It is now possible to customize the format of floating point numbers in the plain-text outputs
* Warp: Can correct distortions (with any standard recognized by WCSLIB) and simultaneously align the image to the coordinate system. When no named linear operation (like \'--rotate\', \'--scale\' or etc) is requested, Warp will go into this mode. A number of customization options were added.
* Statistics: --refcol has been removed
* Warp: --align: has been removed
* Warp: -c is now short for --center, not --centeroncorner
* A number of bug fixes, and documentation updates
* Wed Aug 10 2022 Andreas Stieger - GNU Astronomy Utilities 0.18 (library 16.0.0)
* Arithmetic: New operators stitch, noblank, jy-to-counts, Zeropoint, mag-to-jy, jy-to-mag, load-col-%-from-%-hdu-%, random-from-hist-raw, random-from-hist
* New options to add metadata (standard FITS keywords) to output
* Updates to multiple existing operations and options
* Query: Short name for Gaia\'s DR3 dataset has been added for both ESA\'s Gaia database and VizieR (astquery gaia, astquery vizier)
* A number of bug fixes
* Sun Mar 20 2022 Andreas Stieger - GNU Astronomy Utilities 0.17 (library 15.0.0):
* New program astscript-fits-view: Given any number of FITS files this script will either open SAO DS9 (for 2D images or 3D cubes) or TOPCAT (for tables) to visualize their contents in a graphic user interface (GUI).
* add a set of installed scripts to enable easy estimation and subtraction of the extended PSF (astscript-psf-
* Coordinate-related columns in all programs now also accept sexagesimal values, not just degrees
* Columns of FITS tables can now be read in parallel
* multiple new operations and options
* Some operations and options were renamed
* A number of bug fixes
* Mon Oct 11 2021 Andreas Stieger - GNU Astronomy Utilities 0.16 (library 14.0.0):
* documentation updates
* Arithmetic: New operands + box-around-ellipse: width and height of the box covering an ellipse + au-to-pc: Convert Astronomical Units (AUs) to Parsecs (PCs) + pc-to-au: Convert Parsecs (PCs) to Astronomical Units (AUs) + ly-to-pc: Convert Light-years (LYs) to Parsecs (PCs) + pc-to-ly: Convert Parsecs (PCs) to Light-years (LYs) + ly-to-au: Convert Light-years (LYs) to Astronomical Units (AUs) + au-to-ly: Convert Astronomical Units (AUs) to Light-years (LYs)
* CosmicCalculator: warn if the requested redshift is < 0.007
* MakeCatalog: + --areaerror: spatial resolution of image specified by user, used in estimating the surface brightness error + --sberror: error in measuring the surface brightness (mag/arcsec^2)
* MakeProfiles: New type of profile showing the azimuthal angle (in degrees, along the elliptical circumference of fixed radius) of each pixel.
* Match: add support for printing rows that could notbe matched
* Statistics: add --quantofmean: the quantile of the mean of the input dataset
* --stdintimeout: default value changed from 0.1 seconds to 1.5s
* MakeProfiles: The default output suffix is now \'_profiles.fits\'
* many bug fixes- drop gnuastro-cfitsio-version-format-change.patch
* Wed Aug 18 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Add gnuastro-cfitsio-version-format-change.patch -- accounts for 3 number version string for CFITSIO; patch taken from upstream commit.
* Wed Jun 02 2021 Andreas Stieger - GNU Astronomy Utilities 0.15 (library 13.0.0):
* New programs: astscript-ds9-region, astscript-radial-profile
* Recognized FITS files even without a FITS suffix
* --wcslinearmatrix: new option in all programs to select the output WCS linear matrix format
* documentation updates
* New arithmetic operators
* --envseed: new option to get random number generator settings for the new \'mknoise-sigma\' and \'mknoise-poisson\' operators from the environment for reproducibility
* New and updated options to multiple operations
* Extended support for 3d datacubes
* The default end to a \"night\" is set to 11:00a.m
* Bug fixes
* now supports bash completion
* Sat Jan 30 2021 Andreas Stieger - GNU Astronomy Utilities 0.14 (library 12.0.0):
* new program Query (\'astquery\') to query to external datasets and retrieve the resulting datasets from the command-line. The package now recommends curl for this purpose.
* Gnuastro programs will first attempt to write the array in RAM, only when it fails will they use a memory-mapped file. Directory changes from .gnuastro_mmap to gnuastro_mmap
* Various documentation updates, extensions and fixes- remove obsolete texinfo packaging macros
* Sat Sep 12 2020 Andreas Stieger - GNU Astronomy Utilities 0.13 (library 11.0.0):
* more relaxed input format for plain-text tables
* New operations to fill blanks with minimum/maximum of nearest neighbors
* Input can be forced to float by appending \'.\' or \'.0\'.
* New colormap \'sls-inverse\' for inverse printing
* Many new operations to multiple operations, and bug fixes- includes changes from 0.12:
* no longer attempt to write memory-mapped files under .gnuastro to avoid mixing configuration files with processing data
* Many new operations to multiple operations, and bug fixes
* Tue Nov 26 2019 Andreas Stieger - GNU Astronomy Utilities 0.11 (library 9.0.0):
* documentation updates
* Updates and extensions to multiple operations- drop upstreamed patch 0001-Reference-wcslib-by-correct-name-in-gnuastro.pc-pkgc.patch
* Sun Nov 10 2019 Stefan BrĂ¼ns - Fix wrong automatic pkgconfig(wcs) requires, add 0001-Reference-wcslib-by-correct-name-in-gnuastro.pc-pkgc.patch- Drop ghostscript BuildRequires, only needed for running tests (not done), the PDF exporter is built unconditionally. At runtime, the exporter uses a \"gs\" executable in PATH, so add a Recommends.- Add bcond for running tests, keep it disabled by default.
* Sun Nov 03 2019 Andreas Stieger - GNU Astronomy Utilities 0.10 (library 8.0.0):
* Report/warn when using arrays memory-mapped to non-volatile storage. Users should use --minmapsize to allow use of available RAM, --quietmmap\' option to disable the messages
* Various additions and extensions to operators and tools
* crop now supports 3D datasets (data cubes)
* documentation updates and bug fixes- includes changes from 0.9:
* --checkconfig: print the names and values given to options as they are parsed on the command-line or in various configuration files
* Multithreaded operation for many operators
* Add bash scripts for common higher-level usage
* Fri Dec 28 2018 update to 0.8:
* various improvements to input/output handling of all programs
* Various functional updates and fixes to multiple commands
* NoiseChisel: New outlier identification algorithm for quantile thresholds
* Sun Aug 12 2018 Use pkg-config instead of hardcoding the cfitsio path.- Wrap descriptions consistently.- Fix RPM group of shared library subpackage.
* Sat Aug 11 2018 initial package (0.7)