Changelog for
libSoundTouch1-2.3.2-lp154.53.4.x86_64.rpm :
* Mon Jan 02 2023 Dirk Müller
- update to 2.3.2:
* autotools improvements
* Sun Sep 11 2022 Dirk Müller - add disable-ffast-math.patch
* Sun Dec 05 2021 Dirk Müller - update to 2.3.1:
* Adjusted cmake build settings and header files that cmake installs
* Disable setting \"SOUNDTOUCH_ALLOW_NONEXACT_SIMD_OPTIMIZATION\" by default. The original purpose of this setting was to avoid performance penalty due to unaligned SIMD memory accesses in old CPUs, but that is not any more issue in concurrent CPU SIMD implementations and having this setting enabled can cause slight compromise in result quality.
* soundtouch.clear() to really clear whole processing pipeline state. Earlier individual variables were left uncleared, which caused slightly different result if the same audio stream were processed again after calling clear().
* TDstretch to align initial offset position to be in middle of correlation search window. This ensures that with zero tempo change the output will be same as input.
* Fix a bug in TDstrectch with too small initial skipFract value that occurred with certain processing parameter settings: Replace assert with assignment that corrects the situation.
* Remove OpenMP \"_init_threading\" workaround from Android build as it\'s not needed with concurrent Android SDKs any more.
* Sun Jan 24 2021 Dirk Müller - update to 2.2.0:
* Improvements to help compiler autovectorization
* Bugfix in integer version of calcCrossCorrAccumulate()
* Compensate initial buffering of anti-alias filter and intepolator.
* Tuning for ARM NEON
* BPMDetect: Make conversion from size_t to int explicit
* BPM PeakFinder: Fix possible reading past end of array.
* Change correlation loop \'sum\' variable type from double to float
* Wed Aug 14 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Use dos2unix insted of tr and friends
* Fri Dec 07 2018 Marketa Calabkova - Update to version 2.1.2
* Bugfixes: Fixed potential buffer overwrite bugs in WavFile routines. Replaced asserts with runtime exceptions. (CVE-2018-17097, bsc#1108632)
* Automake: unset ACLOCAL in bootstrap script to avoid error in case earlier build script has set it
* Mon Oct 29 2018 Marketa Calabkova - Update to version 2.1.0
* Disable anti-alias filter when switch SOUNDTOUCH_PREVENT_CLICK_AT_RATE_CROSSOVER defined
* Added script for building SoundTouchDll dynamic-link-library for GNU platforms
* Rewrote Beats-per-Minute analysis algorithm for more reliable BPM detection
* Added BPM functions to SoundTouchDll API
* Migrated Visual Studio project files to MSVC 201x format
* Replaced function parameter value asserts with runtime exceptions- Fixed bugs:
* CVE-2018-17098 (bsc#1108632) -- remote denial of service
* CVE-2018-17097 (bsc#1108631) -- remote denial of service (double free)
* CVE-2018-17096 (bsc#1108630) -- remote denial of service in BPMDetect.cpp
* boo#1113134 -- out of date package- Removed obsolete patch fix-buffer-overflow.patch
* Thu Sep 06 2018 Marketa Calabkova - bsc #1103676: CVE-2018-1000223: soundtouch: Heap-based buffer overflow added patch fix-buffer-overflow.patch
* Tue Mar 13 2018 Trim marketing and old statistics (Pentium) from description, and ensure neutrality.
* Sun Feb 18 2018 Update to version 2.0.0
* Added functions to get initial processing latency, duration ratio between the original input and processed output tracks, and clarified reporting of input/output batch sizes
* Fixed issue that added brief sequence of silence to beginning of output audio
* Adjusted algorithm parameters to reduce reverberating effect at tempo slowdown
* Bugfix: Fixed a glitch that could cause negative array indexing in quick seek algorithm
* Bugfix: flush() didn\'t properly flush final samples from the pipeline on 2nd time in case that soundtouch object instance was recycled and used for processing a second audio stream.
* Bugfix: Pi value had incorrect 9th/10th decimals
* Added C# example application that uses SoundTouch dll library for processing MP3 files- includes 1.9.2:
* Fix in GNU package configuration- includes 1.9.1:
* Improved SoundTouch::flush() function so that it returns precisely the desired amount of samples for exact output duration control
* Redesigned quickseek algorithm for improved sound quality when using the quickseek mode. The new quickseek algorithm can find 99% as good results as the default full-scan mode, while the quickseek algorithm is remarkable less CPU intensive.
* Added adaptive integer divider scaling for improved sound quality when using integer processing algorithm- includes 1.9:
* Added support for parallel computation support via OpenMP primitives for better performance in multicore systems. Benchmarks show that achieved parallel processing speedup improvement typically range from +30% (x86 dual-core) to +180% (ARM quad-core). The OpenMP optimizations are disabled by default, see OpenMP notes above in this readme file how to enabled these optimizations.
* Android: Added support for Android devices featuring X86 and MIPS CPUs, in addition to ARM CPUs.
* Android: More versatile Android example application that processes WAV audio files with SoundTouch library
* Replaced Windows-like \'BOOL\' types with native \'bool\'
* Changed documentation token to \"dist_doc_DATA\" in
* Miscellaneous small fixes and improvements- cleanup with spec-cleaner- other spec fixes:
* switch to https
* link directly to man page taken from debian, and refresh it
* macroify sover, bump from 0 to 1
* Sun Apr 05 2015 Add baselibs.conf in sources list; fix for Factory
* Wed Mar 25 2015 Update to version 1.8.0
* Added support for multi-channel audio processing
* Added support for cubic and shannon interpolation for rate and pitch shift effects besides the original linear interpolation, to reduce aliasing at high frequencies due to interpolation. Cubic interpolation is used as default for floating point processing, and linear interpolation for integer processing.
* Fixed bug in anti-alias filtering that limited stop-band attenuation to -10 dB instead of <-50dB, and increased filter length from 32 to 64 taps to further reduce aliasing due to frequency folding.
* Performance improvements in cross-correlation algorithm
* Other bug and compatibility fixes- Remove obsolete AUTHORS and %clean sections