Changelog for obs-studio-30.2.3-lp155.27.2.x86_64.rpm :

* Wed Aug 28 2024 ecsos - Update to 30.2.3 - Fixed a possible deadlock when using Hybrid MP4 - Fixed a possible deadlock when closing OBS while outputs are active - Fixed a possible crash when connecting to an RTMP server - Fixed a possible RTMP disconnect/timeout on Windows systems without IPv6 connectivity when connecting to a dual-stack RTMP server - Fixed browser source custom CSS injection for sites with \'require-trusted-types-for\' CSP (e.g., YouTube) - Adjusted IPv4/IPv6 address selection to be stricter - Fixed a memory leak with the volume sliders
* Tue Jul 23 2024 ecsos - Update to 30.2.2 - Fixed an issue that caused the Windows updater to repeatedly notify users that an update was available even after updating to 30.2.1- Changes from 30.2.1 - Fixed a possible crash when loading scene data - Fixed an issue with CoreAudio AAC timestamps causing a stream to fail - Fixed an issue with obs-websocket not reading Virtual Camera availability correctly - Fixed an issue with obs-websocket settings not saving correctly - Fixed an issue causing the legacy AMF encoder to no longer be available after updating OBS - Fixed an issue where attempting to run OBS with the OpenGL renderer on Windows would fail - Note: The OpenGL renderer is unsupported on Windows. When running OBS on Windows, the Direct3D 11 renderer is faster and more efficient than the OpenGL renderer. The OBS renderer can be changed to Direct3D 11 in Settings → Advanced → Video. - Fixed read-only QTextEdit background color - Fixed source tree icon spacing - Adjusted sizing of Classic audio meter elements
* Sat Jul 13 2024 ecsos - Update to 30.2.0
* New Features - Added support for Multitrack Video streaming [palana] - On Twitch, this is known as Enhanced Broadcasting. For more information, see: - The supported audio channel configurations are stereo or mono. - This feature is currently only available on Windows and requires an NVIDIA GTX 900, GTX 10, or RTX 20 series GPU or newer or an AMD RX 6000 series GPU or newer. Support for other operating systems and GPU vendors is planned. - When this feature is enabled, the following data about your system will be sent to the streaming service when starting a stream: - OBS version and audio/video settings (Resolution, framerate, audio channels/tracks) - CPU info (Name, speed, core counts) - GPU info (Model, memory, driver version, device ID, vendor ID) - Memory info (Free, total) - OS info (name, version, arch, emulation) - Windows info (Gaming feature status: Game Bar, Game DVR, Game Mode, Hardware-accelerated GPU Scheduling) - Multitrack Video settings (Maximum streaming bandwidth, maximum video tracks) - Added support for Enhanced RTMP/FLV multi-track audio and video [palana/kc5nra] - Replaces the old metadata-based \"VOD Track\" - Added \"Hybrid MP4\" output format (BETA) [derrod] - Combines fault-tolerance of fragmented MP4 with wide compatibility and faster access times of regular MP4. For more information, see: - Supports inserting chapter markers into the file via a hotkey or API. These markers are supported by most video players and editing software, such as DaVinci Resolve - Added Linux support to the native NVENC encoder [derrod] - NVENC AV1 is now supported on Linux - Added Linux shared texture support to the NVENC encoder [derrod] - Added Linux shared texture support to the QuickSync encoder [kkartaltepe] - Added Linux shared texture support to the VA-API encoder [nowrep] - Added HEVC support to WebRTC output [murillo128] - Added Composable Themes system to simplify theme creation, maintenance, and enable future customization options [derrod/Warchamp7] - Themes now consist of a base theme and variants that can be switched between in the new \"Appearance\" settings tab - Old themes will no longer work and will need to be updated to the new system. See the wiki page for details: - The legacy System theme is no longer available. If it was used for accessibility reasons with high contrast, enable high contrast in your operating system settings to re-enable the OBS System Theme. OBS can only detect high contrast on Windows and macOS at this time.
* Changes - Various UI and Theme tweaks [Warchamp7] - Audio of multiple instances of a source in a scene/group is now deduplicated [derrod] - Deduplication is recursive, but does not apply on groups or nested scenes that are currently playing show/hide transitions, this may be fixed in the future - Scene Collection specific plugin data is now retained for plugins that are not currently loaded [derrod] - Closed-captions are now supported for HEVC and AV1 [jhnbwrs] - Qt Fusion style is now always enforced on Linux [tytan652] - Combined PipeWire window/display capture into unified \"Screen Capture\" source to align with other platforms [tytan652] - Renamed \"Screen Capture (XSHM)\" as \"Display Capture (XSHM)\" for consistency with other capture sources [tytan652] - Set default recording format on macOS to fragmented MOV [gxalpha] - Improved freetype2 text source performance [kkartaltepe] - File open dialogs now start in the directory of the currently selected file, rather than the default [Warchamp7] - Moved warnings in advanced output to bottom of settings window for better visibility [GPattenden] - Various performance improvements for texture encoding [kkartaltepe] - Prioritize NVDEC decoder on NVIDIA systems [moocowsheep] - Support NVDEC decoder for encoded DirectShow sources [moocowsheep] - Replaced non-texture NVENC FFmpeg fallback with native implementation [derrod] - Log now includes all available encoders [Penwy] - Reset duration of scene item show/hide transitions when removing the transitions [Warchamp7] - Adjusted appearance of volume meters [Warchamp7] - Adjusted appearance of multiview borders and labels [Warchamp7] - Added support for audio-only and video-only WHIP outputs [tt2468] - Changed default container in non-macOS OBS Beta builds from Fragmented MP4 to Hybrid MP4 [derrod]
* Bug Fixes - Fixed packet priority not being set for some AV1 encoders, resulting in outputs never recovering from dropping frames [derrod] - Fixed various issues with audio channel layouts in (remuxed) recordings [pkv/derrod] - Fixed various issues with the native FLV muxer [palana] - Fixed various issues with the RTMP protocol implementation [palana] - Fixed minor errors in HEVC and AVC decoder configuration records [derrod] - Fixed change discard confirmation dialog popping up twice when closing source properties [tytan652] - Fixed QSV AV1 on multi-GPU systems [thyintel/derrod] - Fixed FFmpeg output erroneously checking disk space when not writing to a file [RytoEX] - Fixed auto-config wizard not working without a stream key [mar10iana] - Fixed text alignment with extents [exeldro] - Fixed encoder properties having nested scroll areas in output settings [derrod] - Fixed crash if input video resolution changes when using hardware-accelerated decoding [tt2468] - Fixed button text being cut off in controls dock [powersagitar] - Fixed undo action for filters showing UUID instead of name [derrod] - Fixed not all eligible Patreon supporters being shown in the \"About\" dialogue [Warchamp7] - Fixed copy-pasting show/hide transitions not including duration [Warchamp7] - Fixed settings dialog being cut off on low-resolution screens [tytan652/Warchamp7/derrod/RytoEX] (Yes, this one took four people to figure out) - Fixed paused indicator text stacking [Aleksbgbg] - Fixed disabled audio sources showing up in advanced audio properties [Penwy] - Fixed Grid Mode setting not being persisted when enabled through the View menu [RytoEX] - Fixed CoreAudio not handling encoder delay, resulting in audio being 44-48 ms late [derrod] - Fixed OBS not handling negative audio timestamps at the start of an output correctly, resulting in Opus and CoreAudio AAC audio being delayed by a few ms [derrod] - Fixed VA-API AV1 encoder being unavailable if H.264 is unsupported [kkartaltepe] - Fixed WebRTC buffer size being too small for recovery with high-bitrate video [Sean-Der] - Fixed renaming multiple scenes when hitting Tab key while renaming [howellrl]
* Tue May 07 2024 ecsos - Update to 30.1.2 - Fixed NVENC failing with old drivers/devices [RytoEX] - Reverted: Changed default recording format to fMP4/fMOV for stable releases [RytoEX]- Changes from 30.1.1 - Fixed a crash on macOS 11 when starting OBS [PatTheMav/RytoEX] - Fixed missing HDR metadata for certain encoders [derrod] - Fixed broken hardware decoding of remote streams in Media Sources [pkviet] - Fixed broken file output from remuxing a file with PCM audio [derrod] - Fixed an issue where macOS Audio Capture or macOS Screen Capture sources could stop capturing [jcm93] - Fixed an issue on Windows causing Virtual Camera and 32-bit Game Capture to fail [PatTheMav] - Fixed an issue on Linux which caused QSV encoders to be enabled on systems with no Intel GPUs [kkartaltepe] - Backported xdg-data metadata updates [GeorgesStavracas]- Changes from 30.1.0
* New Features - Enabled HDR for HEVC over RTMP [nquah] - AV1 HDR is not currently supported by YouTube. - Reworked the Image Slideshow source [Lain-B] - The reworked Image Slideshow source loads files asynchronously and fixes an issue where the slideshow would loop before showing all images. To change existing Image Slideshow sources to the new version, you must recreate them. Existing Image Slideshow sources will continue functioning as before. - Added Capture Audio option to window/game capture on Windows [derrod] - Added Premultiplied Alpha option for game capture on Windows [jpark37] - Added option for automatic cropping to bounding box [derrod] - Added maxRGB tonemapper for SDR in HDR Tone Mapping filter [jpark37] - Added GPU rescaling options for streaming and recording outputs [derrod] - Added channel selection for CoreAudio input devices [PatTheMav] - Added Capture Card Device source type on macOS [PatTheMav] - Enabled multi-track audio support for mpegts [pkviet] - Added AV1 support for VA-API [nowrep] - Added AV1 support for WebRTC/WHIP output [Sean-Der] - Added Video Capture Device (PipeWire) source type [GeorgesStavracas]
* Changes - Added HDR support for the Elgato HD60 X Rev.2 [FBirth] - Added theme data search paths [derrod] - Added Lua script location to search path for Lua native libraries [Smartkin] - Added Python 3.11 support for macOS [PatTheMav] - Updated obs-websocket to version 5.4.2 [tt2468/Lain-B] - Release notes for addition in 5.4.0 are here: - Improved simple mode replay buffer settings [gxalpha] - Switched to bigger units in the UI for high bitrate/large recordings [derrod] - Disabled Paste Transform on locked scene items [cg2121] - Disabled Edit Transform if scene item is locked [cg2121] - Removed Windows 7 and Ubuntu 20.04 NVENC fallbacks [derrod] - PCM audio in (fragmented) MP4/MOV is now supported [derrod] - Changed default recording format to fMP4/fMOV for stable releases [derrod]
* Bug Fixes - Fixed crashes with the Virtual Camera on Windows when apps consumed it as YUY2 [vico-shang] - Fixed crash when loading Python at runtime on Windows [PatTheMav] - Fixed crash in Image Slideshow when adding a directory with no files in it [notr1ch] - Fixed crash on macOS when attempting to stream to a WHIP servers with certain configurations [RytoEX/Sean-Der] - Fixed crash when trying to stream with WebRTC/WHIP [CrackThrough] - Fixed a possible crash in Lua scripts when switching scene collections [exeldro] - Fixed a possible crash with WHIP output [Aleksbgbg] - Fixed deadlock when adding a macOS Screen Capture source [PatTheMav] - Fixed issue where OBS could be closed by docked browser panels [WizardCM] - Fixed high CPU usage with Virtual Camera on macOS [jcm93] - Fixed checkbox misalignment on macOS in properties view [nikola3211] - Fixed audio track 1 audio being offset/desynced with other tracks [derrod] - Fixed incorrect VST window size on HiDPI display [xlinshan] - Fixed editable list UI element having incorrect background-color [tuduweb] - Fixed the resize cursor with respecting the item transformation [BGM99] - Fixed disk space reporting for attached network drives on macOS [PatTheMav] - Fixed Safe Mode removing third-party transitions from scene collection [derrod] - Fixed being unable to use QSV in the Flatpak package [twelho] - Fixed audio track titles not being set in Custom FFmpeg Output [tuduweb] - Fixed an issue with free disk space calculation on ExFAT and FAT32 volumes on macOS [PatTheMav] - Fixed an issue with free disk space calculation on macOS not matching values in Finder [jcm] - Fixed an issue where a removed source\'s scene would not be correctly logged [exeldro] - Clarified the macOS microphone permissions prompt [jcm] - Fixed a regression causing a missing tooltip for Fragmented MOV/MP4 [shiina424] - Fixed an issue with the background of audio meters being transparent causing visual artifacts [fzwoch] - Fixed an issue with Yes/No buttons on the Reset Docks confirmation message box not being translated [shiina424] - Fixed an issue preventing the Remux dialog from being used multiple times [RytoEX]
* Mon Dec 11 2023 ecsos - Update to 30.0.2 - Fixed a CEF-related crash on macOS due to application bundle naming
* Sun Dec 10 2023 ecsos - Update to 30.0.1 - Fixed a crash with PipeWire Screen Capture [kkartaltepe] - Fixed a crash when removing scene items [tt2468] - Fixed a crash on shutdown in obs-websocket [tt2468] - Fixed macOS Sonoma capture indicator lingering on screen [jcm93] - Fixed a memory leak on first run after updating OBS [norihiro] - Fixed Safe Mode activating when using multiple OBS instances [derrod] - Fixed Stats Dock reporting incorrect free disk space on macOS [PatTheMav] - Fixed menu bar application title issues on macOS [PatTheMav] - Fixed issues with the shader cache feature causing OBS to be unable to run on Windows [notr1ch/derrod] - Fixed an issue causing browser docks to close OBS [WizardCM] - Fixed handling frontend JS events in browser sources [RytoEX] - Fixed audio devices resetting when encountering timestamp errors on Windows [prgmitchell]
* Sun Nov 12 2023 ecsos - Update to 30.0.0 Note: As previously announced, this release removes support for Qt 5, and FFmpeg versions prior to 4.4.
* New Features - Added WHIP/WebRTC output [Sean-Der / kc5nra / DDRBoxman / tt2468] - With the introduction of WHIP, FTL is slated for removal in a release after May 2024 - Redesigned the status bar [cg2121 / GeorgesStavracas / Warchamp7] - The redesigned status bar now provides the same information in a more organized and well structured way, with more representative and recognizable icons. - Added option for Full-Height docks to the \"Docks\" menu [ujifgc] - When enabled, a dock such as chat can take up the entire height of the OBS window - Added support for Intel QSV H264, HEVC, AV1 on Linux [kkartaltepe] - Added a shader cache to improve OBS startup time on Windows [notr1ch] - Added application audio capture on macOS [jcm93] - Added a \"Safe Mode\" that runs OBS without third-party plugins, scripting, and websockets [derrod] - When OBS detects that it was not shut down properly it will offer the user the option to launch in Safe Mode for troubleshooting purposes. It can also be manually activated via the \"Help\" menu. - Reworked the virtual camera on macOS to work with all applications (on macOS 13 and newer) [gxalpha/PatTheMav] - Added a YouTube Live Control Room Panel when streaming to YouTube [yuriy-chunak] - Added 10-bit capture support for Decklink devices [jpark37] - Added HDR playback support for Decklink output [jpark37] - Added an option to hide OBS windows from macOS Screen Capture\'s \"Display Capture\" [PatTheMav]
* Changes - Changed audio/video encoder dropdowns to be sorted by name [gxalpha] - Changed the list of applications in the macOS Screen Capture source to be sorted by name [Colerar] - Updated NVIDIA Audio/Video Effects SDK versions [pkviet] - Added more accurate logging for Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling status and support [derrod] - Added the ability to arrange filters via drag & drop [cg2121] - Clarified surround sound warning for YouTube 5.1 audio support [pkv] - Added warning if Lenovo Vantage is installed [notr1ch] - Added logging for scene changes in Studio Mode [Penwy] - Changed Video Capture Device sources on Windows to not show an audio device in the Audio Mixer if none is available/selected [Exeldro] - Added support for grayscale MJPEG in V4L / DirectShow sources [Staacks] - Improved settings interface of the \"Text (FreeType 2)\" source [gxalpha] - Added button to reactivate stopped capture in macOS Screen Capture [gxalpha] - Changed scene collection removal to retain a backup file (.bak) that can be easily reimported if needed [derrod] - Added IPv6 support for RTMP streaming output with IPv4 fallback (\"happy eyeballs\") for dual-stack streaming services. The preferred protocol can still be selected in advanced settings. [jgh-twitch] - Fixed virtual camera output when used with additional output channels (e.g., Downstream Keyer plugin) [tytan652] - Added ability to set FFmpeg Options for VAAPI [nowrep] - Added a Help menu item to view the Release Notes [WizardCM] - Added logging for \"Ignore streaming service setting recommendations\" [derrod] - Added logging for Video Capture Devices on macOS for portrait and studio light effects [gxalpha] - Added more logging for Video Capture Device names on Windows [norihiro] - Added more logging for QSV [RytoEX] - Added logging for WASAPI source names on Windows [prgmitchell] - Increased minimum output resolution to 32x32 to prevent certain encoder failure scenarios [RytoEX] - Reenabled dynamic bitrate for AMF encoders [derrod] - Enabled \"Paste Filters\" after copying from scenes or mixer [gxalpha] - Removed D3D9 code from QSV encoder plugin [RytoEX] - Changed QSV plugin settings new to Beta 1 to use translatable strings [RytoEX] - Exposed shader creation errors [exeldro] - Changed v4l2 sources to always use linear alpha blending [SludgePhD]
* Bug Fixes - Fixed a crash when using Touch Portal to control OBS [notr1ch] - Fixed a crash when selecting a window in PipeWire capture if one is already selected [GeorgesStavracas] - Fixed a crash on OBS shutdown on macOS [norihiro] - Fixed a crash with the auto-config wizard [norihiro] - Fixed a crash when trying to capture screen via PipeWire [columbarius] - Fixed a crash when rapidly changing scenes [PatTheMav] - Fixed a crash when quickly switching between NVIDIA Audio Filters [pkviet] - Fixed a crash when starting and stopping multiple DeckLink outputs [jpark37] - Fixed a crash caused by plugins deleting properties [ujifgc] - Fixed an issue that could cause hardware encoders not showing up as options on capable GPUs [notr1ch] - Fixed possible security certificate verification failure when trying to stream with RTMPS on macOS [PatTheMav] - Fixed checking for updates not working on Windows if the username contains special characters [derrod] - Affected users will have to manually update to OBS 30.0 - Removed legacy AMD encoder plugin [derrod] - Users upgrading from an older OBS version will continue to be able to use the old plugin - Fixed max bitrate not working in NVENC VBR mode [flaeri] - Fixed async sources (e.g. video capture devices) sometimes unnecessarily dropping frames while buffering is enabled [derrod] - Fixed order of IP binding/family setting [tytan652] - Fixed some issues with hotkeys with groups and duplicate sceneitems [derrod] - Fixed warnings being cut off in the UI in Simple Output Mode [gxalpha] - Fixed the installed version number visible in Windows Settings not being updated when using the auto-updater [derrod] - Fixed window capture showing the last frame of a closed window on Windows [Walker-WSH] - Fixed alignment helpers rendering below safe area indicators [cg2121] - Fixed some edge cases where certain undo/redo actions could behave in unexpected ways [derrod] - Fixed media source restarting playback when not necessary [CodeYan01] - Fixed frontend_save_callback in Python scripts [Penwy] - Fixed \"flip\" not working with \"stretch to bounds\" [Penwy] - Fixed OBS stealing focus when launching minimized [BenJuan26] - Fixed lossless recording not working if fragmented MP4/MOV was selected [gxalpha] - Fixed rendezvous mode with SRT [pkv] - Fixed browser source events not being sent to all frames [Exeldro] - Improved FFmpeg VAAPI AMD encoder video quality [nowrep] - Fixed virtual camera not deactivating correctly in some cases [Lain-B] - Fixed lag with VLC media source, particularly on macOS [usakhelo] - Fixed \"Show more\" in service settings selecting the first service in the list [gxalpha] - Fixed incorrectly positioned labels in a scenes-only multiview projector [norihiro] - Fixed detected framerate of videos encoded with Custom Output (FFmpeg) [jack-karamanian] - Fixed a bug where the \"Show fullscreen and hidden windows/applications\" option in macOS Screen Capture did not apply immediately [niw] - Fixed a bug where the Auto-Configuration Wizard didn\'t save YouTube stream key [Lain-B] - Fixed a bug where the OK button was enabled in the Add Source dialog if \"Add Existing\" was selected but no existing source was selected [gxalpha] - Fixed a bug where using VoiceOver to toggle the \"Use Different Colors\" GroupBox in the Accessibility settings, the Apply button would not activate [gxalpha] - Fixed a bug where the Auto-Configuration Wizard would show current frame rate in scientific notation if FPS was 100 or greater [gxalpha] - Fixed an issue where importing a Streamlabs Desktop scene collection would result in OBS performing seemingly random scene changes and scene item visibility changes [prgmitchell] - Fixed not being able to select a stream audio encoder if previous selection was invalidated [derrod] - Fixed source transform shortcuts in context (flip, rotate, etc.) when multiple scene items are selected [gxalpha] - Fixed source type version when dropping files onto the OBS UI [norihiro] - Fixed alignment of vertical audio mixer controls [cg2121] - Fixed a bug where HDR video could incorrectly produce black pixels when tonemapping [jpark37] - Fixed v4l2 source not working correctly with certain non-standard input frame rates [kkartaltepe] - Fixed hotkeys of different scene items for the same source not being saved correctly [derrod] - Fixed hotkeys being lost when moving a source in or out of a group [derrod] - Fixed a possible issue with logging high frame rate video capture devices on Linux [kkartaltepe] - Fixed a bug causing AMF AV1 to have low quality in Simple Output Mode [Penwy] - Fixed a race condition in the Vulkan graphics hook [sawillms] - Fixed an issue with Sparkle delta updates [PatTheMav] - Fixed some unexpected behavior when transforming sources in groups [Zulleyy3] - Fixed Stream Key label not displaying in UI [TianQiBuTian] - Fixed \"Use Stream Key\" button not hiding from UI when appropriate [TianQiBuTian]
* Mon Jun 19 2023 ecsos - Update to 29.1.3 - Fixed service selection resetting for services that are not shown by default - Fixed crash when properties are deleted in callback, e.g. with the Source Record plugin - Fixed keyboard shortcuts not being displayed for some context menu items - Fixed crash with Freetype 2 text sources with non-ASCII text - Fixed AMF encoder reconfiguration and dynamic bitrate not working - Fixed AMF preset fallback not taking the GPUs reported throughput into account - Fixed a bug preventing properties dialogs from being closed with the “Cancel” button - Fixed window capture/game capture compatibility notices being displayed erroneously - Fixed potential crash on exit with obs-websockets - Fixed a crash when unloading Lua scripts - Fixed unnecessary undo/redo entries being created for text sources - Fixed macOS capture showing a white background on macOS 14 Beta - vFixed macOS graphics thread timer accuracy - Fixed a bug where the checkable \"Source Toolbar\" menu item in the View menu wouldn\'t update when you used the \"Show Source Toolbar\" and \"Hide Source Toolbar\" hotkeys - Fixed a bug where switching between \"Fade\" and \"Fade to Black\" for a quick transition would not work properly - Fixed a bug in audio settings where Audio Channels, Sample Rate, and Low Latency Audio Buffer Mode would sometimes not save properly - Fixed a bug where the placeholder text for \"Group\" when adding a new group wouldn\'t be properly localized
* Mon May 29 2023 ecsos - Update to 29.1.2 - Adjusted GPU priority level when Hardware-Accelerated GPU Scheduling (HAGS) is enabled in Windows settings - This fixes OBS freezing and driver crashes that some users experienced when using NVIDIA Audio Effects filters - We will continue to work with NVIDIA to determine the root cause of these issues and revisit this change at a later date - Fixed a possible crash when interrupting stingers - Fixed a crash when double-clicking non-multiview projectors - Fixed a crash on opening settings when a non-existent service was selected - Fixed a crash when receiving multiple SIGINT signals - Fixed a crash when closing OBS while a background thread had not completed - Fixed the keyframe interval calculation for the VideoToolbox encoder - Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the \"Source Cleanup Error\" to show when switching scene collections - Fixed a reference leak with virtual camera when using source output mode - Fixed the missing files dialog disappearing behind the main window on macOS - Fixed an issue where selecting no audio tracks for streaming or recording could cause the output to fail to start - Fixed an issue where sources could become permanently invisible until transform is reset - Fixed audio monitoring when using PulseAudio - Fixed some translation texts missing - Fixed an issue with properties never being updated in some scenarios - Fixed button colors when using the scene list grid mode - Fixed Lua script file names not being set
* Tue May 09 2023 ecsos - Update to 29.1.1 - Fixed some Elgato devices being blocked on Windows - Fixed audio mixer warning about sources not assigned to any tracks while monitoring was set to \"Monitor Only (mute output)\" - Fixed FLAC being erroneously shown as compatible with MOV - Added an error message for NVENC AV1 to explain why it fails - Fixed an issue where captured video could appear to have tearing on Intel Macs - Fixed a data corruption issue that could occur when switching scene collections - Fixed a crash that could occur on macOS when connecting a service account- Changes from 29.1.0
* New Features + Added support for streaming AV1/HEVC over Enhanced RTMP - Enhanced RTMP V1 extends the RTMP protocol to support newer video codecs and HDR. More info at: - Currently only supported by/enabled for YouTube as a beta feature - HDR is not yet implemented + Added support for multiple audio tracks in Simple output recording + Added a DLL blocking feature for Windows. This allows OBS to block problematic DLLs from attaching to OBS and causing freezing or crashes, for example 3rd party overlay hooks and outdated video capture devices. - This blocks old versions of popular VTubing software virtual cameras that are known to cause freezes when accessing video capture device properties. If you are affected, please update to the latest version of your VTubing software. + Added settings to select the audio encoder for streaming and recording + Added an option to preload media sources used in Stingers to memory, to avoid frame skips during transitions + Added Update Channels on macOS and updated Sparkle for smaller and faster updates going forward + Added compatibility notices in the Window and Game Capture sources for Windows + Added the ability to zoom browser docks with Ctrl - and + and the right click menu + Added a setting to record in fragmented MP4 and MOV formats - These offer greater compatibility than MKV while providing similar resilience against data loss due to crashes, running out of space, etc. - Fragmented MP4 and MOV files can be remuxed to regular MP4/MOV in cases where the former may not be read correctly (e.g. in older editing software) + Added support for surround sound for AJA capture cards + Added ProRes 4444 (XQ) support for VideoToolbox encoder on macOS + Added lossless audio recording options (FLAC/ALAC/PCM including 32-bit float) + Added indicator if an audio source is unmuted, but not assigned to any audio tracks + Added AMD AV1 encoder to simple output mode
* Changes - Increased the minimum macOS version to macOS 11.0 - Output rescaling is ignored if the scaled resolution matches the current video output resolution - NVENC error messages now include more details - Changed the default FFmpeg AAC encoder to twoloop which has higher quality - Allow symbolic links for VST paths - Implemented QVBR for AMF encoders - Expanded support for subtitle tracks in VLC source (up to 1000) - The Hotkeys tab in settings is no longer loaded until switched to, resulting in the Settings window opening much faster for large scene collections - Switched various internal data structures to use hash tables for lookups, resulting in significant performance and loading/saving time improvements with large scene collections - Exported scene collection JSON is now pretty-printed and sorted, allowing for easier tracking via git or other versioning mechanisms - Added a \"What\'s New\" entry in the help menu to manually open the post-update changelog dialog - Clicking the \"Defaults\" button in properties will now ask for confirmation before resetting - Improved Windows OBS updater speed and reduced download size by using Zstandard compression - Added platform-specific \"What\'s New\" notifications to better communicate changes or issues not affecting all operating systems - Added option to force SDR Window Capture capture in Windows 10+ mode - Improved YouTube thumbnail preview by using bilinear scaling - Incompatible audio/video encoders will now be disabled based on the selected format - Added HEVC and HDR support to VA-API encoder - Added HDR capture support for DeckLink sources - Video-related items in the right click menu of audio sources in the Sources list will no longer appear - Native macOS dialogs now respect OBS being set to dark themes - Significantly improve screen capture performance on Intel dedicated GPUs on Linux - JACK inputs on Linux will now display \"OBS Studio\" in their name to clarify their origin. This may cause existing configured devices to stop working until updated by the user - The system color selection dialog is now used on macOS - Various improvements to the t-bar for a more predictable user experience - Plugins installed system-wide are no longer loaded when OBS is run in Portable Mode - Hardware Decoding of Media Sources can now use CUDA - Improved DeckLink performance - Python 3.11 is now supported in Scripting - Added FDK AAC support on Flatpak - Browser docks now provide a \"Copy page address\" option - Increased the maximum resolution of browser sources to 8192x8192 - OBS Websocket has been updated to 5.2 - Changed Add Source menu to sort case-insensitively - Improved default buffering behavior for most Elgato video capture devices on Windows - Added codec logging for the QSV encoder - Made hotkey edit layout margins symmetrical - Added logging if the active encoder is incompatible with dynamic bitrate
* Bug Fixes - Fixed output silently not starting when using multi-track audio at higher frame rates - Fixed dynamic bitrate changes not working when using NVENC presets p6 or p7 - Fixed encoder settings not being updated if the encoder is changed in settings - Fixed a crash that could occur when using a video source that frequently changed its resolution (e.g. a VLC playlist) - Fixed a crash that could occur when using streams in the media source (introduced in v29) - Fixed an issue with negative gain in upward compressor - Fixed several bugs in FFmpeg custom output related to color conversion - Fixed UI unresponsiveness when searching for hotkeys and duplicate key assignments in large collections - Fixed an issue with RTMP timeouts that could cause a server to think OBS has cleanly ended the connection instead of it disconnecting due to an error, and not activating features like \"disconnect protection\" - Fixed properties being cut off until window is resized - Fixed portable Windows versions not restarting in portable mode after an update - Fixed updating of an install being blocked by unrelated OBS instances running - Fixed excessive config reads when sources are selected in the preview - Fixed audio track assignments of sources provided by third-party plugins being reset when the plugin could not be loaded - Fixed invalid rescaled resolutions being allowed when they shouldn\'t be - Fixed presets in the Expander filter not applying changes immediately - Fixed the virtual camera on Windows reporting the incorrect resolution to external apps, resulting in stretched images - Fixed the ability to drag and drop scenes after clicking Rename and not changing the name of the Scene - Fixed a crash on macOS that would occur when an external display with an active Projector was disconnected - Fixed an issue where remuxing a .ts file would fail - Fixed an issue with the VLC source where large videos (e.g. 4K) would get squashed horizontally - Fixed spacing helpers appearing incorrectly when a source is rotated and flipped - Fixed an issue where the preview would display incorrectly when zoomed too far in either direction - Fixed the macOS virtual camera potentially crashing external apps and recordings to be the wrong length - Various fixes for monitoring when using PulseAudio - Fixed a crash on shutdown with virtual camera on Linux - Fixed an issue in the V4L2 source on Linux where a capture device\'s frame rate could be invalid, resulting in incredibly large log files - Fixed the listing of PulseAudio monitoring devices incorrectly listing inputs - Fixed the preview having the ability to scroll infinitely out of view when scaled manually - Fixed the Async Filters list showing incompatible async filters for synchronous sources - Fixed an issue where the cursor would not properly disappear in certain games on Wayland - Fixed an issue where certain filters would not properly update when clicking the Defaults button - Fixed an issue with FFmpeg NVENC producing invalid DTS when using b-frames - Fixed an issue where network sources in the Media Source could cause rendering/UI freezes when they reconnect - Fixed AAC encoding of 2.1 audio - Fixed an issue where pressing...- Update cef_version to 5060- Update obs_amd_encoder, obs_browser.- Add AMF.patch tomake AMF encoder work on Linux.
* Sat Feb 04 2023 ecsos - Update tot 29.0.2 - Fixed a bug introduced in 29.0.1 which caused sources with an upward compressor filter to stop audio playback under certain circumstances [notr1ch/pkv]
* Fri Feb 03 2023 ecsos - Update to 29.0.1
* Hotfix Changes - Fixed the \"NVIDIA AUDIO Effects SDK is outdated\" message appearing on the noise reduction filter properties when the SDK wasn\'t installed - Fixed a crash that could happen if you use NVIDIA\'s audio effect filters and then later uninstall the SDK - Fixed the expander and upward compressor audio filters sounding distorted - Added \"Knee Width\" option to the upward compressor audio filter to improve quality - Fixed a bug where overriding the theme on Linux could cause the program not to start up - Fixed software rendering not working properly on Linux - Fixed a bug where the Stats window/panel would show an incorrect disk space calculation when pausing recordings - Fixed a bug on Windows where the \"Force SDR\" setting in window capture wasn\'t showing up - Fixed a bug on macOS where the virtual camera would show up red - Fixed a bug where Linux captures would not work correctly on X11 - Fixed a crash on Linux when using Wayland and trying to use the automatic scene switcher - Fixed a bug where alpha wouldn\'t output properly when setting OBS to use BGRA color format - Fixed a crash on startup when OBS was minimized - Fixed a bug where projectors could look washed out when projecting SDR content while using an HDR display - Fixed a bug on Windows where secondary displays could sometimes not show up in the display capture properties - Fixed a crash when using the virtual camera as an OBS source and changing the canvas resolution - Fixed a bug on macOS where the properties window would go behind the main window after opening a file selection dialog - Fixed a bug where profile encoder settings would not properly update when switching between services that require a different encoder - Fixed a bug in custom ffmpeg output mode where RTMP would force certain encoders
* Sun Jan 08 2023 ecsos - Update to 29.0.0
* Features - Added support for the AMD AV1 Encoder for the RX7000 series GPUs on Windows - Added support for the Intel AV1 Encoder for Arc GPUs on Windows - Note: CQP is available but not fully supported - Added support for the Intel HEVC Encoder on Windows - Added an upward compressor filter - Added a 3-band equalizer filter - Added support for native HEVC and ProRes encoders on macOS, including P010 and HDR - Added support for macOS Desk View - Added update channels for opting into receiving beta/release-candidate builds to Windows - Work is still underway to get everything ready on the server side, updating via the built-in updater may not be available until later in the OBS 30.0 beta-testing period - Websockets updated to 5.1.0, which has a number of bug fixes, UI improvements, and new stream reconnect events.
* Tweaks and Improvements - The Replay Buffer\'s memory limit is now set to 75% of installed system RAM rather than fixed to 8GB - Added media key support in Linux - Various improvements to NVIDIA Video and Audio filters, including a Mask Refresh slider and support for temporal processing, which provides better quality masking - Improved Display Capture screen naming & saving on Windows; indexes should now match regardless of Mode, and reconnected displays should show the correct monitor - Note: This does mean existing Display Capture sources will be blank until manually configured, to avoid showing the wrong display - Added support for encryption and authentication for SRT and RIST outputs - Disabled ScreenCaptureKit Display & App capture on macOS 12 due to various issues; users should either update to macOS 13 or use the existing Screen Capture source - Removed the automatic numbering on Multiview labels - Added the ability to mute individual browser docks - Added the ability to right click and \'Inspect\' individual browser docks - Changed the default Simple Output NVENC preset to P5 for better compatibility & performance - Added support for higher refresh rates in the Video Capture Device source on Windows - Added the Apple VT Hardware encoder to the Auto Configuration Wizard - Improved FFmpeg VA-API enablement by directly using Libva to check device capabilities - Various minor UX/accessibility tweaks in the UI - Raised the speed at which dynamic bitrate recovers after a drop - Audio should now be automatically captured for most capture card brands using the Video Capture Device source on Windows - Added a slide counter to the Source Toolbar when an Image Slide Show is selected
* Bug Fixes - Fixed issues with async filters (such as Delay) not rendering correctly - Various performance improvements to Decklink preview output - Fixed an issue where source Projector windows wouldn\'t close when a source was deleted - Fixed an issue where cursors would disappear or display incorrectly on screen captures on Windows - Fixed issues with CQP rate control for SVT and AOM AV1 encoders - Fixed an issue with CQP rate control for AMD HEVC and H264 - Fixed Virtual Camera not working with Webex and GoToMeeting - Fixed capturing UHD/4K YUV on the AJA Kona HDMI - Fixed a bug where slideshow sources wouldn\'t remove cleared files when removing missing files - Fixed slideshow counter on the source context toolbar showing \"1/0\" when empty, now shows \"-/-\" instead - Fixed chroma location for VAAPI - Fixed a case where macOS\' VideoToolBox HEVC encoder would be parsed as AVC - Allow SRT streams to disconnect after timeout - Fixed color space being incorrect for some video devices running in MJPEG video format on Windows - Fixed monitor names in the Fullscreen Projector & Multiview menus on Windows- Update obs_amd_encoder, obs_browser, obs_websocket and cef.
* Sun Nov 06 2022 ecsos - Update to 28.1.2
* Hotfix - Fixed a Browser Source crash that could happen under certain circumstances - Fixed \"Always on Top\" not saving on exit
* Wed Nov 02 2022 ecsos - Update to 28.1.1
* Hotfix - Fixed NVENC preset not being migrated properly in simple output mode - Fixed the inability to start the encoder when NVENC is set to a bframe count higher than is supported by the device
* Tue Nov 01 2022 ecsos - Update to 28.1.0 - Added NVENC AV1 hardware encoder on Windows [Jim] Currently only works with the NV12 (OBS default) and P010 color formats Currently does not support the \"rescale\" feature in advanced output mode Only available for RTX 40 Series video cards from NVIDIA - Updated NVENC presets Presets have been split into 3 different settings: Preset, Tuning, and Multipass mode Presets are now P1-P7, lower numbers being lower quality, higher numbers being higher quality. Note that higher presets may incur higher GPU usage which could impact the performance of games running simultaneously with OBS. The number of simultaneous NVENC encoding sessions may be lower when using the highest presets. OBS will automatically map your current NVENC settings to the closest preset when upgrading. Tuning is used to determine whether to prioritize latency or quality. It has three settings: High Quality, Low Latency, and Ultra Low Latency. Multipass Mode is used to determine whether a second pass is used in encoding, and has three settings: Disabled, Quarter Resolution, and Full Resolution. Enabling this will give higher quality at the cost of more GPU resource usage. - Fixed a bug where Direct3D 9 games stopped capturing properly with game capture on Windows 11 22H2 - Moved \"Always on Top\" to the View menu - You can now select a specific source for the Virtual Camera - Fixed a crash on resolution change of Windows Virtual Camera - Fixed a Discord crash with Windows Virtual Camera - Fixed crashes with macOS applications loading the virtual camera - Fixed Steam version launching x86_64 version on Apple Silicon devices - Fixed Stats widget appearance issues - Fixed Blend Method in Studio Mode - Fixed case where video capture is darkened when both luma wipe and scale filtering are set
* Wed Oct 19 2022 ecsos - Enable libfdk, jack and sndio.
* Wed Oct 19 2022 ecsos - Update to 28.0.3
* Hotfix - Fixed a bug where the Linux Window Capture target would reset every time obs loaded - Fixed issue where green tint would sometimes occur when the OBS color range was set to Full - Fixed a performance issue with the Windows per-application audio sources - Fixed a bug where auto remux did not work with certain settings in simple output mode - Fixed a bug where transition items would be grayed out when switching scene collections - Fixed a bug where unpausing would cause recordings to stop when using certain encoders - Fixed a bug where m3u8 wouldn’t work with certain video encoders - Fixed dock title bar icons not loading on Linux and not being the right color - OBS will now warn you to restart when switching python installs in the scripting configuration dialog - Fix hang when Windows audio capture is active in the background and stopped by either closing OBS or switching scene collections- Update to 28.0.2
* Hotfix - Fix macOS updater not updating to newer versions - Fix YouTube Manage Broadcast dialog being too large for 768p displays - Fix broken prefix for obspython binary module on Linux - Fix hotkey settings screen not accepting all input on macOS - Fix memory leak with mpegts - Fix crash when left-clicking on non-multiview projectors - Fix I420 HLG support - Fix resource leak in v4l2-output - Fix source name edit textbox not accepting input on enter - Add support for reading NV12/YUY2 PQ/HLG - Fix spacing in scene and source tree - Fix Qt5-linked plugins crashing Qt6-based OBS builds on Linux - Update volume controls decay rate on profile switch - Fix crash when removing filter after changing a value - Fix frame sharing and colorspace issues for macOS Virtual Camera - Fix crashes and unusable property button for VSTs on M1 Macs - Fix Light theme Studio Mode labels and T-bar - Update media states when image source is de-/activated - Don\'t save/overwrite browser docks if CEF hasn\'t loaded - Fix DeckLink Output color range and space - Undeprecate traditional capture sources on macOS 12 - Fix startup crash on Intel Macs - Fix NVIDIA Audio Effects not updating according to user selection
* Sat Sep 03 2022 ecsos - Update to 28.0.1
* Hotfix - Fixed a bug causing MP4/MOV files to sometimes save in a corrupted state - Fixed a bug causing DeckLink device sources to sometimes not capture - Fixed the Windows auto-updater to only update on Windows 10 and above + Reverted a change causing video capture device settings to be reset when used - NOTE: This reverts the automatic saving of video capture device configuration settings. This will be reintroduced in a future version. - Added \"Resize output (source size)\" back to the source context menu
* Fri Sep 02 2022 ecsos - Update to 28.0.0
* Add 10-bit and HDR Video Encoding Support
* Add Support for Qt6
* New Features and Additions - Added a new, more optimal and up-to-date implementation of the AMD encoder on Windows - Added support for the ScreenCaptureKit Framework on macOS 12.5+, including support for direct audio capture without requiring third-party solutions on macOS 13+ - Added support for CBR, CRF, and Simple Mode to the Apple VT encoder on Apple Silicon (Note: CBR requires macOS 13+) - Added application audio capture on Windows to allow capturing the audio output from a single process - Added the ability to select a separate video mix for the virtual camera - Added support for NVIDIA Background Removal on Windows (requires NVIDIA Video Effects SDK Runtime to be installed) - Added \"Room Echo Removal\" to NVIDIA Noise Suppression filter on Windows (requires NVIDIA Audio Effects SDK runtime to be installed) - Added obs-websocket 5.0 as a first-party plugin - Added new default Theme \"Yami\" - Added the ability to automatically split recordings based on file size or duration, or manually via hotkey - Added Accessibility section to the settings window, providing the ability to change colors of certain UI elements (with presets or Custom) - Added native SRT/RIST outputs - Added support for sending chat messages to YouTube from within OBS - Added file integrity check option on Windows to validate and repair the current OBS installation - Added improved macOS permissions flow on startup - The Video Capture Device source on Windows will now save/remember settings changed in the \"Configure\" dialog - Added “What’s New” dialog on macOS and Linux
* Tweaks - Updated all dependencies to their latest versions - It is now possible to use any version of Python 3 on Windows and macOS rather than just 3.6 - Added multiview layouts without preview and program - Improved accessibility of the cropped selection border by changing it to a dotted line, and the recording/streaming inactive status bar icons with a visual slash - Added a rotation handle to sources selected in the preview - Added spacing distance helpers to sources selected in the preview - Added a keyboard shortcut to copy/paste scene item transformations - Added copy/paste to visibility transitions - In vertical studio mode, Program is now on top - Hotkeys now require strict modifiers (exact modifier matches) - Added scene names to preview/program labels in Studio Mode - Significantly improved reconnecting when streaming disconnects, including lowering the default reconnect delay to 2 seconds - Added unit suffixes to many places - Reverted OBS 26.0 transitions dock redesign - Added a toolbar to the audio mixer dock - Added the ability to reset the whole UI (View -> Reset UI) - Added the ability to relatively center multiple sources - Dark mode themes get respected in more places - Sources can now be shifted more quickly when using arrow keys in the preview by holding Shift - Switched rendering on Linux from GLX to EGL, which should result in a better experience - Cleaned up source right-click menu - Added an option for low latency audio buffering to Settings -> Audio, primarily designed for outputs like Decklink and NDI (intended to avoid audio/video going out of sync with those outputs) - Improved descriptiveness of many tooltips (e.g. adding sources) - Added support for the H264 Format in the Linux V4L2 (video capture device) source - Added status overlay icons to the dock icon on macOS - The source properties window now defaults to a 50/50 split of preview and properties - Added the ability for sources, filters and encoders to show custom info/warning/error messages alongside their settings/properties - .url and .lnk shortcuts are now resolved when drag-and-dropping into OBS on Windows - Moved Twitch/Restream OAuth to a serverless edge compute platform to improve reliability and response times, especially for users in Asia - Updated obs-browser\'s CEF (Chromium) to version 103 (5060) on all platforms, fixing a rendering crash on Windows - Image sources will now honor the rotation in the EXIF metadata - Massively improved performance for legacy macOS Window Capture sources - Added support for custom FFmpeg options in media sources - Added support for audio capture to Video Output Device sources on macOS (if supported by the device) - Video Capture Devices on macOS will now default to the \"High\" preset - Improved macOS virtual camera performance on some setups - Added an output buffer when recording to a file to fix \"Encoding overloaded!\" warnings when writing to slower media like external drives or network shares - The M3U8 (HLS) recording format was removed from Simple output mode as it was a common cause of user confusion. This format is now only available in Advanced output mode
* Bug Fixes - Fixed performance issues with the log viewer - Fixed font scaling in the audio mixer - Fixed hotkeys not working when OBS was out of focus. Note: To use hotkeys while OBS is out of focus, it requires \"Accessibility\" permissions - Fixed hotkeys with modifiers not working on macOS - Fixed an issue where OBS wouldn’t respect custom icons on macOS - Fixed an issue drag-and-dropping into OBS wouldn’t have an undo action - Fixed an issue where OBS could become visible in screen recordings despite being set to hidden (Windows) - Fixed an issue with Apple VT encoder timestamps - Fixed the file path getting cut off at the end in the remux window - Fixed the scrollbar always being visible in the audio mixer - Various fixes for AJA input and output - Fixed a longstanding problem with RTMP output that could lead to OBS locking up after a connection drop - Fixed a memory leak with the YouTube Manage Broadcast dialog - Fixed an issue where right-side modifiers wouldn\'t be detected on Linux - Fixed an issue where OBS could hang after closing the properties dialog on Linux - Fixed an issue where certain videos would not be rotated correctly in the VLC source - Fixed an issue where transparent windows would be incorrectly captured in the Window Capture source on Windows when using Windows Graphics Capture mode - Fixed the virtual camera on macOS not loading on specific hardware - Removed the --disable-high-dpi-scaling command line option as it\'s not compatible with Qt 6 - Fixed an issue where hidden sources would still be active in audio monitoring on macOS - Fixed a crash when pressing Tab while renaming a Filter - Fixed an issue where AAC files would not loop in the Media Source - Fixed an issue where the QSV encoder would never stop recording if the frame rate was fractional - Fixed an issue where the QSV encoder would fail to start if any virtual render devices existed (eg. Citrix, Tencent) - Fixed a rare \"An encoder error occurred\" error when streaming or recording with the default FFmpeg AAC audio encoder- Update obs_amd_encoder source.- Update obs_browser source.- Insert obs_websocket source.- Inster obs_websocket_deps source.
* Mon Apr 25 2022 ecsos - Update to 27.2.4
* Hotfix Changes - Fixed a bug where sources could show up in the mixer while using studio mode even when those sources weren’t active [cg2121] - Fixed a bug where audio wouldn’t capture for people with older Windows versions [rcdrone] - Fixed an incorrectly colored icon on the Rachni theme [Monsteer]
* Fri Mar 04 2022 ecsos - Update to 27.2.3
* Hotfix Changes - Fixed a bug where the virtual camera on Windows wouldn\'t display properly- Update to 27.2.2
* Hotfix Changes - Fixed a bug where the preview would freeze, and the stream could disconnect - Fixed a random crash that could happen on shutdown when using scripts - Fixed a crash that could happen in Firefox/Chrome when using the virtual camera on Windows - Fixed a crash on startup related to audio capture on Windows - Fixed compilation on FreeBSD - Fixed an issue where menu options in the Edit menu (like \"Reset Transform\") would be wrongly grayed out, also causing certain shortcuts to fail - Fixed .cube LUT files not working on macOS/Linux with certain non-english languages - Fixed an issue where FFmpeg dependencies would still be breaking third-party plugins on macOS- Update to 27.2.1
* Hotfix Changes - Fixed an issue that triggered a full system freeze for some users. Made a legendary workaround to some sort of driver/kernel bug which was triggered by the browser source - Improved performance of the updated Chromium build of browser source - Fixed an issue where some users with certain older Windows versions would not be able to stream at a very high bitrate - Fixed an issue where some cameras wouldn’t decode correctly on Linux - Fixed an issue where common in-program shortcuts stopped working sometimes (such as Ctrl-F to make a source fit to screen) - Fixed a bug on Windows 8.1 where desktop audio capture stopped working - Fixed SRT and RIST from crashing OBS when a URL isn’t set or when disabling a Media source with a RIST URL - Fixed a memory leak in PipeWire capture on Linux - Fixed an issue where the resize grip would break if you dragged it all the way to the top in the filters window - Updated AOM/SVT encoders again because there seems to be some new good changes - Hiding OBS from capture is now logged - Fixed an issue on macOS where FFmpeg dependency filenames were unnecessarily complex, breaking some third party plugins - Fixed browser plugin not loading if OBS launched from certain paths on macOS- Update to 27.2
* New Features and Additions - Added AJA source for AJA devices - Added AJA output to tools menu for AJA devices - Updated CEF (Chromium) for the browser source from 75 (3770) to version 95 (4638) - Added the ability to set different blend modes to sources via the source right-click context menu (similar to Photoshop’s layer blending for example) - Added AOM AV1 and SVT-AV1 encoders (note that these are currently considered experimental, work best with CPUs that have many cores, and are only accessible for recording in advanced output mode) - Added an OBS hotkey for browser sources to allow refreshing a browser source via that hotkey - Added hotkey filter search - Added hotkey duplicate detection - Added a warning dialog when switching profiles that have settings changes that require a restart - Added a “Show active outputs warning on exit” option in advanced settings, which allows you to enable/disable the confirmation dialog on exit while recording/streaming - Added support for the RIST protocol - Added official Flatpak support for Linux - Added framework for future support of background hotkeys on Wayland - Added an option to general settings to hide OBS from all capturing, allowing you to capture your screen without OBS showing up
* Tweaks - Updated dependencies to their latest versions - Volume meters will now show audio activity in grayscale when muted rather than showing no activity - Improve menu bar icons on macOS - A warning will now be shown when failing to start/stop YouTube streams - Improved consistency of transition duration suffixes - On Linux, the list of windows shown in Window capture will now show alphabetically - Twitch panels will now use light or dark mode depending on the OBS theme - Changed the Docks menu from being a submenu in the View menu to instead be its own top-level menu on the menu-bar - A more user-friendly dialog is now displayed when a file could not be written for recording - The filters preview/properties are now resizable - Added the ability for RTMP servers to request a silent reconnect when the server is going down (otherwise known as the “RTMP go away” feature) - Incompatible audio filters will now not be shown for sources that don’t support them - Added frontend event so scripts can know when OBS is shutting down - PipeWire capturing is now more robust, especially in multi-GPU setups - Sources will now be activated when viewing them in the filters dialog - Browser sources are no longer refreshed when their size changes (useful when programmatically resizing them)
* Bug Fixes - Fixed the cursor capture position on certain applications with window and game capture - Fix YouTube GoLive feature not working for existing broadcasts that are not auto-start broadcasts - Fixed the YouTube broadcast button state when stopping streams without auto-start, that have auto-stop enabled - Fixed an issue where the edit menu wouldn’t properly update its state depending on what was selected - Fixed the Paste Source context menu items from still being enabled if source has been destroyed - Fixed a bug where pressing “Cancel” on a properties dialog would cause settings to save in some cases despite hitting cancel - Fixed a bug where certain settings would show as available in the video capture device properties when they weren’t actually available - Fixed a crash where modifying the video capture device properties on Linux could cause a crash on some systems - Fixed Linux PulseAudio monitoring volume with signed 32bit and unsigned 8bit formats - Fixed Media Source not working with audio-only files - Fixed a couple memory leaks with QSV - Fixed an issue where audio monitoring could have significant latency on Linux - Fixed undo/redo not working for text changes on the context bar - Fixed an issue where the transform window would not consistently updated for selected sources/scenes - Fixed missing undo/redo action when resetting filter properties - Fixed missing undo/redo action when using “Add existing source” - Fixed an issue where stinger transitions could sometimes loop unintentionally - Fixed an issue where transforms/crops would not be included when copying/pasting sources - Fixed a couple potential freezes and crashes, especially with browser sources - Fixed an issue where devices would not always reinitialize properly when switching scene collections - Fixed various issues that would affect the websockets plugin - Fixed a bug where certain Twitch panel settings wouldn’t save properly - Fixed a bug on Linux where Window capture wouldn’t properly capture on software rasterization devices - Fixed various potential bugs and race conditions across the program and multiple plugins - Fixed network throughput to distant servers potentially being limited in low memory environments - Fixed a crash on Linux X11 that could happen when closing certain dialogs containing video previews - Fixed VST plugin windows disappearing when resized - Fixed a VST plugin crash that could occur under certain circumstances - Fixed an incorrect offset of scene labels on certain multiview configurations - Fixed a bug that would allow resizing sources that are locked - Fixed a performance issue with X11 window capture on Linux - Fixed a bug where projectors could not be resized with certain window managers on Linux - Fixed window flashing on macOS when starting the program minimized to tray - Fixed a bug where push-to-talk or mute delay would not save under certain circumstances - Fixed a bug where mouse hotkeys would not always function correctly on Linux
* Wed Jan 26 2022 ecsos - Add/Enable obs-amd-encoder.
* Wed Jan 26 2022 ecsos - Add/Enable obs-browser plugin.- Add BuildRequires: pciutils, libglvnd, x11, xkbcommon, nspr, nss.
* Sun Jan 23 2022 ecsos - Add missing build require fdk-aac and luajit. But luajit does not identified.
* Thu Oct 07 2021 ecsos - Update to 27.1.3 - Fixed a bug introduced in 27.1.2 where some sources wouldn\'t have their audio output properly- Changes from 27.1.2 - Fixed Browser Source transparency issue - Fixed an issue where the main window could not be resized for smaller monitors - Fixed hotkeys failing sometimes when the program was in focus - Fixed an issue where the Bandwidth Test checkbox for Twitch would be incorrectly disabled - Fixed an issue where the Bandwidth Test was unavailable for YouTube in the Auto Configuration wizard - Fixed a crash when opening the Auto Configuration dialog with a linked YouTube account
* Wed Sep 29 2021 ecsos - Update to 27.1.1
* Hotfix - Fixed an issue that caused an incorrect deployment of 27.1 on Windows, causing the Display Capture Source to look washed out [Jim]- Changes from 27.1.0
* New Features and Additions - Added YouTube integration [yuriy-chumak] - Allows the ability to connect your YouTube account without using a stream key - Adds various features when setting up your stream that allows you to set settings for each stream: your stream title, description, privacy settings, scheduling streams, and more - YouTube streams are created and managed via a new “Manage Broadcast” button next to “Start Streaming” [derrod] - Also features a chat dock for public and unlisted broadcasts (currently read-only) [derrod] - Bandwidth testing is now supported in the Auto-Configuration wizard when logged in [derrod] - Special thanks to the developers at YouTube for working with us directly on the initial implementation of this feature and helping to make it a reality - Added an 18-scene multiview option [XDelta] - Added a “Mask Only” option to the stinger track matte [Jim] - Added a feature to browser sources to allow limited control over OBS, which must be explicitly granted by the user [gxalpha] - Added an option to draw safe areas in the preview (same as the safe areas in the multiview) [cg2121]
* Tweaks - Added performance fixes for Windows 11 and Windows 10 Insider builds [rcdrone] - Names for displays on macOS Display capture are now human readable names [Developer-Ecosystem-Engineering] - Auto-Remux now works with Replay Buffer [gxalpha] - Optimized the media source, reducing unnecessary CPU usage [rcdrone] - The missing files dialog will now detect missing files for stingers as well [gxalpha] - Remove “Enter Fullscreen” from the menu on macOS because macOS already has a builtin fullscreen mode interface option [gxalpha] - Sources that are invisible/hidden will now have their text dimmed as well in the source list [gxalpha] - Added a “Missing Files Check” menu item to the “Scene Collections” menu [gxalpha] - Added source icons to the source toolbar [cg2121] - Image sources that use gif files now will animate in preview when using studio mode [cg2121] - Enabled Alpha option in the Freetype 2 Text Source’s Font dialog [norihiro] - Added the ability to disable the Missing Files dialog using a startup flag [tt2468] - Added Ctrl+R on Linux and Cmd+R on macOS to reload browser panels [WizardCM] - Re-enabled drag & drop for scenes & sources on Linux [GeorgeStavracas] - Minor UI improvements to various areas, including Source Toolbar, Transform dialog and more [Warchamp7] - Improved internal behaviour in the game capture source to avoid unnecessary re-hooking [rcdrone] - Wayland capture sources are now available without having to pass custom parameters to OBS from the command line [GeorgeStavracas/tytan652]
* Bug Fixes - Fixed a bug on Wayland on Linux where the cursor would capture slightly mispositioned [GeorgeStavracas] - Fixed a bug with Dynamic Bitrate that would cause it to malfunction when used with hardware encoders [R1CH] - Fixed a bug on Wayland where capture methods (ie window/desktop) that weren’t fully supported would appear anyway [GeorgeStavracas] - Fixed a variety of colour-related bugs in window capture and browser source [rcdrone] - Fixed a bug where track matte stingers would flash previous frames sometimes [Jim] - Fixed an issue where the projectors would list incorrect resolutions for DPI-scaled monitors [RytoEX] - Fixed a crash on exit that could occur when using 3rd party plugins that hold references to sources with audio monitoring enabled [R1CH] - Fixed a bug where the Game Capture source would occasionally still capture overlays with the “Capture third-party overlays” option disabled [kokole] - Fixed a bug where keyboard interaction did not work correctly on macOS [WizardCM] - Fixed a bug where the replay buffer could crash when plugins interact with it [exeldro] - Fixed an issue where the mask/blend filter looked incorrect on version 27 [rcdrone] - Fixed a bug where deleting a scene that’s used as a source wouldn’t Undo/Redo properly [exeldro] - Fixed a bug where the Auto-Remux would pop up blank sometimes [gxalpha] - Fixed a bug where performing a redo for creating sources would cause sources to be created in the wrong scene [gxalpha] - Fixed the “Deactivate when not showing” option in the Decklink source not working properly [cg2121] - Fixed a bug where themes were unable to use previously defined palette variables [WizardCM] - Fixed log viewer taking up unnecessary extra memory when closed [cg2121] - Fixed a crash that could occur when exiting OBS with decklink output active [R1CH] - Fixed an issue where saving screenshots or the replay buffer would fail if the output filename format contained a directory path [R1CH] - Fixed a crash that could occur when a connection was dropped during the Auto-Configuration Wizard’s bandwidth-testing stage [derrod] - Disabled \"Network Optimizations\" when using RTMPS because of incompatibility [R1CH] - Fixed an issue where setting a zero second auto reconnect delay would cause OBS to stop responding if disconnected [R1CH]
* Fri Jun 18 2021 ecsos - Update to 27.0.1
* Hotfix Changes - Fixed 16bpp PNGs rendering brighter than version 26 [jpark37] - Fixed blue chroma key value not keying correctly [jpark37] - Fixed a bug where various sources, including game capture, would get stuck on a black screen sometimes [Jim] - Fixed a context bar crash introduced by a 27.0 change [Jim] - Fixed a bug where you could generate invalid undo/redo actions by clicking “Move Up” or “Move down” without having any - source selected [WizardCM] - Fixed an issue where Psycho Visual Tuning would cause NVENC to fail to load when enabled for certain devices. Instead, they will now load without it if it’s unavailable [jpark37] - Fixed various settings (like lossless) for NVENC that could cause load failure [jpark37] - Fixed a bug where “Delete Scene” undo/redo action was not being translated [WizardCM] - Fixed filter changes not generating undo/redo actions [Programatic] - Fixed an issue that could result in lag for people dragging and dropping sources to reorder [exeldro] - Fixed a case on macOS where the VideoToolbox encoder would cause an encoder error when upgrading from 26 to 27.0 [RytoEX] - Audio sources and scenes without filters will no longer have the “Copy Filters” option enabled [RytoEX] - Added “Apply alpha in linear space” option to the media source which treats alpha as linear rather than non-linear (basically if you don’t know what that means, leave it alone) [jpark37]
* Wed Jun 02 2021 ecsos - Update to 27.0.0
* New Features and Additions - Added Undo/Redo [Programatic/Jim] - Added a new capture method for Display Capture, allowing the ability to capture displays cross-GPU. This fixes the black screen issues on laptops in particular (Requires Windows 10, 1903 or newer) [jpark37] - For users who have previously switched the “default” GPU to the integrated GPU, it is recommended to remove the override and instead use the new toggle in the Display Capture source - Added a missing files warning when loading scene collections [VodBox] - Also allows for bulk-update when folders have been moved (such as between computers) - Third party plugins will need to add support for this capability manually - Added source visibility transitions, which allow you to set a transition for a source when showing or hiding it [exeldro] - Added service integration and browser dock support to macOS and Linux [tbodt, cg2121] - Added support for Wayland on Linux. This includes a new PipeWire capture source when using Wayland (for Ubuntu users, 20.10 or newer is required for PipeWire capture) [GeorgeStavracas] - (Windows only) Added support for NVIDIA Noise Removal in the Noise Suppression filter (requires the NVIDIA Audio Effects SDK and a compatible GPU) [pkviet] - Added a Track Matte mode to stinger transitions, which supports a scene mask to display parts of the previous & current scene at the same time [Palakis] Added support for SRGB texture formats, applying color operations in linear space [jpark37]
* Improvements/Tweaks - When saving a file, the saved file path will be shown in the status bar [cg2121] - Media Sources & Stingers now support hardware decoding on macOS [eric] - Added an interact button to the source toolbar for the browser source [cg2121] - You can now refresh a browser dock in the right-click context menu [WizardCM] - Re-enabled Python scripting support on macOS by adding support for Python 3.8 and above [PatTheMav] - Added presets for 1080p and 4K in the macOS Video Capture Device source [vangdfang] - Added a virtual camera toggle to the system tray menu [cg2121] - Automatic rotation on Video Capture Devices can now be manually disabled [drewler] - Added launch parameter to disable high-DPI scaling (--disable-high-dpi-scaling) [Lordmau5] - Added Edit Script button to the script dialog [exeldro] - Added auto reset option to v4l2 source to handle dropouts with certain devices [esden] - Added frontend API functions for the virtual camera, value of the t-bar, and to reset video [cg2121, cpyarger, tt2468] - Improved startup time on Windows by not attempting to load plugin dependencies as OBS plugins [R1CH] - Improved performance when capturing OpenGL games with Game Capture on Windows [jpark37] - The transitions menu will now be disabled when currently in the middle of a transition [cg2121]
* Bug Fixes - Fixed an issue when importing a Scene Collection that has special characters, causing the import to silently fail [RytoEX] - Fixed a bug where DX12 games on Windows would capture game frames out-of-order [jpark37] - Fixed an issue where Media Source wouldn’t reconnect to remote streams [MegLi619] - Fixed an issue that would cause silent audio across all sources when a media source reaches max buffering [marcan] - Fixed VirtualCam crashing clients when using a custom placeholder image [R1CH] - Fixed VST paths on Linux [tytan652] - Fixed an issue with on High-DPI displays where the Canvas Resolution would be set to the scaled resolution in Settings and Auto-Config [Nirusu] - Fixed an issue where Video Settings would not be saved when using “Resize output (source size)” [WizardCM] - Fixed a crash with Window Capture on Windows that could occur if the window was destroyed [jpark37] - Fixed an issue where resizing sources within groups would not correctly resize the group [WizardCM] - Fixed an issue where drag and drop would require ignore uppercase file extensions [bershanskiy] - Fixed an issue with key modifiers in the Interact dialog for browser sources on Windows [Scrxtchy] - Fixed a crash on macOS when updating, caused by VirtualCam signature changes [PatTheMav] - Fixed a hang when attempting to reconnect to an RTMP server while streaming [Thulinma] - Fixed a crash that would happen on Linux when audio backends are disabled [Chiitoo] - Fixed bframes=0 not working with QSV encoder [Lin] - Fixed a potential deadlock when dragging sources to reorder [wangshaohui1314] - Fixed Window Capture on Windows being stuck on the last frame when a window no longer exists [wangshaohui1314] - Fixed a crash related to changing the “Capture Cursor” [jpark37] - Fixed a scene collections not importing correctly from other operating systems [RytoEX] - Fixed a minor performance bug with the decklink output [cg2121]
* Mon Apr 19 2021 ecsos - Cleanup spec file and add license file.
* Mon Mar 22 2021 Klaus Kämpf - 26.1.2 macOS Hotfix Changes
* Browser sources on macOS now support hardware accelerated rendering on macOS 10.15 and above, reducing resource usage
* Fixed a crash on startup (by updating CEF to version 4183)- 26.1.1 Hotfix Changes
* Fixed macOS 10.13 crash on startup [PatTheMav]
* Fixed decklink devices not working correctly [DDRBoxman]
* Fixed browser source crashing on certain versions of macOS [eric]
* Fixed buttons not displaying text correctly on context bar when using Acri theme [Warchamp7]
* Fixed a bug with slideshow source where if you use randomize and have \"restart when visible\" active, it would not transition on activate [cg2121]
* Fixed a bug where duplicated scene items would not have their lock states duplicated [cg2121]
* Fixed a bug where the default canvas resolution would be scaled incorrectly if fractional scaling was enabled [RytoEX]
* Fixed jack on Linux deadlocking on close [marcan]
* Fixed jack on Linux going out of sync sometimes [marcan]
* Added webp to image formats that you can browse when using the image source [f3ndot]- 26.1 New Features and Additions
* Added Virtual Camera output on macOS [johnboiles/PatTheMav]
* Added Virtual Camera output on Linux (requires v4l2loopback-dkms) [catxfish/cg2121]
* Added the ability to use a separate audio track for the VOD when using Twitch [Jim]
* If using Simple output mode, enable \"Enable Advanced Encoder Settings\", and enable \"Twitch VOD Track (Uses Track 2)\". Twitch VOD output will then be on audio track 2
* If using Advanced output mode in the Streaming tab, enable \"Twitch VOD Track\" and select the track you\'d like to use for it Special thanks to Twitch for assisting during the development of this feature
* Added OpenBSD support [grayed]
* Added the ability to ingest captions coming from Decklink devices via \"Decklink Captions\" from the Tools menu [DDRBoxman]
* Added hardware decoding options for stinger transitions [WizardCM]
* Added an option to duplicate filters in the right-click context menu of filters [exeldro]
* Added ability to copy and paste a single filter between sources [cg2121]
* Added HLS support and ingests for YouTube [ushadow]
* Added a Replay buffer save event to the frontend API [hgonomeg]- 26.1 Improvements/Tweaks
* Updated dependencies on Windows and macOS (such as x264 and Qt) to their latest versions for the latest performance improvements [Jim]
* On Linux, the program will now detect other instances that are currently running and warn the user about running more than one copies at a time [clockley]
* When creating a new profile, you will be now be given the option to run the auto-configuration wizard [JohannMG]
* Changed the “Enforce Streaming Service Bitrate” to “Ignore streaming service setting recommendations”, moved it to the Streaming section of the Settings window, and made it so it now affects both Simple and Advanced output modes. [Jim]
* Maximum limitations for streaming services are now shown in the Streaming section of the Settings window [Jim]
* Streaming services may now apply resolution and framerate limits on streams to their services [Jim]- 26.1 Bug Fixes
* Fixed a bug where the \"Save Replay\" button would stay highlighted after being clicked [offthegrid-mike]
* Fixed a bug where the Media source would have unusual lag playing back certain media files (particularly WMV files) [Jim]
* Fixed an issue where Facebook streaming would allow you to select resolutions/framerates that aren\'t supported [Jim]
* Fixed certain connection issues with SRT/mpegts [pkviet]
* Fixed a bug where you could disable the Replay Buffer even if it was currently active [Scrxtchy]
* Fixed a bug where renaming a source would not return keyboard/mouse focus back to the list [jberenhaus]
* Fixed an issue where ‘Paste Filters’ on sources didn\'t work in all situations [WizardCM]
* Fixed an issue where Virtual Camera & Source Toolbar hotkeys would be duplicated when switching profiles [WizardCM]
* Fixed an issue with removing signal handlers in Lua [Scrxtchy]
* Fixed a potential hang when repeatedly selecting and deselecting display capture sources on Windows [exeldro]
* Fixed an issue where the replay buffer could use settings from CQP mode in CBR mode [R1CH]
* Fixed an issue where certain recordings could not be remuxed (typically from the QSV encoder) [R1CH]
* Wed Oct 14 2020 ecsos - Update to 26.0.2 - Fixed the coreaudio encoder not working properly after 26.0.1 - Fixed custom transitions showing up on the bottom of the list rather than at the top - Fixed a bug where deleting a custom transition could cause a crash- Changes from 25.0.1 - Improved UI performance, reducing CPU usage of the user interface (turns out this was due to the audio meters being redrawn) - Added Ctrl-Q as an exit shortcut on Linux - Fixed an issue where certain cursors weren\'t being displayed properly in window/display capture (notably runescape cursors) - Fixed an issue where screen readers would not speak the control names as you tab through the control dock - Fixed an issue where macOS window capture stopped being able to capture certain programs - Fixed an issue when using the srt protocol where it wouldn\'t reconnect properly when disconnected - Fixed an issue where window capture wouldn\'t work for certain programs on some laptops - Fixed an issue where games would crash if you used game capture with Vulkan API games while using certain other hooking programs (such as rivatuner/action) - Fixed an issue where projectors would be unintentionally removed under certain circumstances - Fixed coreaudio encoder not being available with newer itunes versions
* Thu Oct 01 2020 ecsos - Initial version 26.0.0