Changelog for
x2gobroker-authservice- :
* Mon Feb 12 2024 Jan Engelhardt
- Use sysuser-tools to generate `x2gobroker` user [boo#1219694]
* Sun Jun 13 2021 ecsos - Update to There are so many cahnges since, so please look in ChangeLog from upstream under doc.- Use most code for spec from upstream.- Add setBadness(\"permissions-file-setuid-bit\", 0) and setBadness(\"permissions-directory-setuid-bit\", 0) to rpmlint.
* Wed Sep 26 2018 Jan Engelhardt - Update to new upstream release
* Make hostname detection work for the default configuration (that defines localhost session profiles).
* Mon Dec 05 2016 Update to new upstream release
* sbin/x2gobroker-authservice: refactor pam.pam section a bit. Always initialize opam with pam and only rewrite it with pam.pam ifnecessary.
* sbin/x2gobroker-authservice: adapt script to correctly use the newer python-pam module, which now exposes functionality in pam.pam with backwards compatibility.
* Tue Dec 17 2013 Call insserv_cleanup in %post so that if init scripts growing new dependencies are taken care of.
* Sun Jun 09 2013 Update to new upstream release
* inifile broker: Allow explicit specification combinations of \" ()\" in host= session profile field.
* Add rootless=false to example session profiles for all Desktop sessions in x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf.
* Handle the rootless property automatically for know-by-name desktop sessions.
* Make enable-plain-output, enable-uccs-output functional.
* Add agent-query-mode \"NONE\". Disable X2Go Broker Agent calls completely.
* Add status={S,R} to session profile list items when returned through X2Go Session Broker. Handle taking over of running sessions and resuming sessions more reliably. Provide mechanism to suspend/terminate sessions through X2Go Server\'s (>= x2gocleansessions daemon.
* Wed May 22 2013 Update to new upstream release
* Convert unicode type host fields into single element lists. Fix UCCS+zeroconf tests.- Instead of /usr/lib/x2go, put files into %_libexecdir where they ought to be.
* Sun May 19 2013 Update to new upstream release
* Remove trailing slashes from ManagementServer URLs.
* In Apache2 vhost configuration example, move WSGI environment variable settings into VirtualHost setup.
* Security fix for setuid wrapper x2gobroker-agent.c. Hard-code path to during build via defining a macro in the Makefile.
* Handle URLs in plain WebUI that have slashes (and subpaths) in the backend name.
* In WSGI mode: only populate os.environ with variables matching »X2GOBROKER_
* Make X2GOBROKER_SESSIONPROFILES configurable via a SetEnv WSGI parameter in the httpd configuration possible. (Fixes: #210).
* Wed May 15 2013 Update to new upstream release
* Add a UCCS-like web frontend UI that allows unity greeter to offer X2Go session logins.
* Tue Apr 30 2013 Update to new upstream release
* Add WSGI support to the X2Go Session Broker. Allows plugging into Apache2 by using the mod_wsgi module.
* Add Apache2 configuration for WSGI support that shows how to setup a VirtualHost for X2Go Session Broker.
* For session profiles with autologin enable, add a dummy key session profile parameter that triggers key based auth in x2goclient.
* Separate logging logic of x2gobroker-authservice from the rest of the logging in x2gobroker.
* x2gobroker-pubkeyauthorizer: no logging-to-file support anymore.- Update to new upstream release
* Add a UCCS-like web frontend UI that allows unity greeter to offer X2Go session logins.