Changelog for python2-dropbox-10.4.1-lp153.11.6.noarch.rpm :
* Thu Sep 17 2020 Dirk Mueller - update to 10.4.1: * Fix bug with client copy * Fix bug with team client as_user and as_admin * Fix Python 3 linter issue * Update tox.ini to check python 3.7 and 3.8 * Update setup.py to support python 3.7 and 3.8 * Remove stone as submodule and add as dependency * Update Spec * Files Namespace * Add internal_error to SearchError union. * Add locked to LookupError union. * Add cant_move_into_vault to RelocationError union. * Add MoveIntoVaultError union. * Add SearchMatchFieldOptions struct. * Add optional match_field_options to SearchV2Arg struct. * Doc/example changes. * Sharing Namespace * Add is_vault to SharePathError union. * Add invalid_shared_folder to AddFolderMemberError union. * Team Namespace * Make members field of LegalHoldsPolicyUpdateArg struct optional. * Add app_folder_removal_not_supported to RevokeLinkedAppError union. * Doc/example changes. * Add auto_approve to InviteMethod union. * Add moved_from_another_team to InviteMethod union. * Add moved_from_another_team to MemberStatus union. * Add no_one to SharedLinkVisibility union. * Add optional new_team to MemberChangeStatusDetails struct. * Add optional previous_team to MemberChangeStatusDetails struct. * Add external_sharing_create_report_details to EventDetails union. * Add external_sharing_report_failed to EventDetails union. * Add content_administration_policy_changed_details to EventDetails * Add external_sharing_create_report to EventType. * Add external_sharing_report_failed to EventType. * Add content_administration_policy_changed to EventType. * union. * Add send_for_signature_policy_changed_details to EventDetails union. * Add external_sharing_create_report to EventTypeArgs union. * Add external_sharing_report_failed to EventTypeArgs union. * Add content_administration_policy_changed to EventTypeArgs union. * Add send_for_signature_policy_changed to EventTypeArgs union. * Add SendForSignaturePolicy union. * Add ExternalSharingCreateReportDetails struct. * Add ExternalSharingReportFailedDetails struct. * Add ContentAdministrationPolicyChangedDetails struct. * Add SendForSignaturePolicyChangedDetails struct. * Add ExternalSharingCreateReportType struct. * Add ExternalSharingReportFailedType struct. * Add ContentAdministrationPolicyChangedType struct. * Add SendForSignaturePolicyChangedType struct. * Tue Jun 16 2020 Steve Kowalik - Update to 10.2.0: * Added comments to legalHoldPolicy struct * Add more detailed comments to LegalHoldsListHeldRevisionResult * Fix misc typos in comments * Add optional EventTypeArg event_type to GetTeamEventsArg struct * Add invalid_filters to GetTeamEventsError union * Add deprecated tag to was_linked_apps_truncated, was_linked_devices_truncated, was_link_shared_folders_truncated parameters in JoinTeamDetails struct * Added the EventTypeArg union * Update comment for retain_team_shares arg of MembersRemoveArg * Fix bug in constructor for OAuth object (expires_in -> expiration) * Remove oauth examples from code and redirect to examples folder * Bug Fix to add timeout parameter to Refresh Token calls * added a new route property is_cloud_doc_auth indicating whether the endpoint is a Dropbox cloud docs endpoint which takes cloud docs auth token. * lock_file_batch, unlock_file_batch and get_file_lock_batch are no longer preview routes * Update query description on SearchArg Struct, SearchV2Arg Struct * Update move:2 and move_batch:2 route descirption * Deleted deprecated routes legal_holds/export_policy and legal_holds/export_policy_job_status/check * Added AccountState union * Added AccountLockOrUnlockedType struct * Added AccountLockOrUnlockedDetails struct * Added MemberSendInvitePolicy union * Added MemberSendInvitePolicyChangedType struct * Added MemberSendInvitePolicyChangedDetails struct * Added a new tag first_party_token_exchange to LoginMethod union * Added new tags account_lock_or_unlocked_details and member_send_invite_policy_changed_details to EventDetails union * Added new tags account_lock_or_unlocked and member_send_invite_policy_changed to EventType union * Added a new field file_size to FileOrFolderLogInfo and FileLogInfo struct * Added a new field file_count to FolderLogInfo struct * Add NoExpirationLinkGenCreateReportDetails, NoExpirationLinkGenReportFailedDetails, NoPasswordLinkGenCreateReportDetails, NoPasswordLinkGenReportFailedDetails, NoPasswordLinkViewCreateReportDetails, NoPasswordLinkViewReportFailedDetails, OutdatedLinkViewCreateReportDetails, OutdatedLnkViewReportFailedDetails structs to the EventDetails union * Add NoExpirationLinkGenCreateReportType, NoExpirationLinkGenReportFailedType, NoPasswordLinkGenCreateReportType, NoPasswordLinkGenReportFailedType, NoPasswordLinkViewCreateReportType, NoPasswordLinkViewReportFailedType, OutdatedLinkViewCreateReportType, OutdatedLinkViewReportFailedType structs to the EventType union * Add get_content, get_metadata, rename, unlock, and lock routes * Add corresponding args, results, and errors * Update AddPropertiesArg description * Add duplicate_property_groups to InvalidPropertyGroupError Union * Update property_groups description on AddPropertiesError Union * Update SharedLinkSettings example * Update auth type string patterns * Update host string patterns * Update style string patterns * Update select_admin_mode string patterns * Add team_exceeded_legal_hold_quota to LegalHoldsPolicyCreateError union * Change LegalHoldsListHeldRevisionsError and LegalHoldsPolicyReleaseError to extend LegalHoldsError * Remove is_preview from route add, resend_verification_emails, and delete * Add support for PKCE * Add support for Short-Lived Tokens * Add support for Scopes * These features are all in beta, please contact Dropbox support if you are interested in these features * Update Requirements.txt * Add Github action to auto-publish to pypi * DropboxOAuth2Flow consumer_secret parameter moved to end of constructor as it became optional with support of PKCE * Assertions in constructors have been mapped to their BadInputException * Fri Apr 03 2020 Marketa Calabkova - update to 9.5.0 * Add optional lockholder_account_id to FileLockMetadata struct * Add optional invalid_argument to SearchError union * Add get_thumbnail:2 route * Add add_creator_as_owner to GroupCreateArg struct * Add exporting to LegalHoldStatus union * Add MembersInfo struct * Add team_invite_details to ActionDetails union * Add optional indicators to JoinTeamDetails struct * Add optional shared_content_link to SharedLinkSettings * structs * Add many functionalities to EventType and EventDetails unions * Add InviteMethod union * Add LockStatus union * Add RewindPolicy union * Add FileLockingValue union * Fri Jul 26 2019 pgajdosAATTsuse.com- version update to 9.4.0 * auth Namespace: Added missing_scope into AuthError. * file_requests namespace: Added list and list/continue endpoints. Added count endpoint. Added delete and delete_all_closed endpoints. * files namespace: Added unsupported_file to DownloadError. Added upper bound 9999 to start field in SearchArg. Added unsupported_content_type to LookupError. Added cant_move_shared_folder to RelocationError. Added email_not_verified and unsupported_file to GetTemporaryLinkError. Added ExportInfo struct. Added fields (is_downloadable, export_info) to FileMetadata. Added include_non_downloadable_files to ListFolderArg. Added ExportMetadata, ExportArg, Export Result Structs. Added ExportError union. Added /export route. * seen_state namespace: Added mobile_ios, mobile_android and api into PlatformType. Deprecated mobile in PlatformType. * sharing namespace: Updated shared_link_already_exists under CreateSharedLinkWithSettingsError from void to SharedLinkAlreadyExistsMetadata. Updated docstrings for LinkPermissions Added banned_member to AddFolderMemberError. Added password field to LinkAudience. Added effective_audience and link_access_level fields to LinkPermissions struct. Added audience and access fields to SharedLinkSettings struct. Added LinkAccessLevel and RequestedLinkAccessLevel union. Added create_view_link and create_edit_link fields to FileAction union. * team namespace: Added profile_photo_url and suspended_on into MemberProfile. * team_log namespace: Added various new types. * team_policies namespace: Added TwoStepVerificationState union. * team_reports namespace: Added TemporaryFailureReason union. * Sat Feb 16 2019 John Vandenberg - Initial spec for v9.3.0