Changelog for
python3-influxdb-5.3.1-lp153.29.6.noarch.rpm :
* Thu Apr 15 2021 Ben Greiner
- Skip python36: Extensive use of pandas in the test suite- Add influxdb-pr845-pandas-future.patch gh#influxdb/influxdb-python#845- Skip tests failing with pandas -- #influxdb/influxdb-python#884- Don\'t use extra mock
* Tue Feb 02 2021 Dirk Müller - update to 5.3.1:
* Add support for custom headers in the InfluxDBClient
* Add support for custom indexes for query in the DataFrameClient
* Amend retry to avoid sleep after last retry before raising exception
* Remove msgpack pinning for requirements
* Update support for HTTP headers in the InfluxDBClient
* Wed Jul 08 2020 do not depend on deprecated nose- added patches + python-influxdb-remove-nose.patch
* Tue Apr 14 2020 Marketa Calabkova - Update to 5.3.0
* Add mypy testing framework (#756)
* Add support for messagepack (#734 thx AATTlovasoa)
* Add support for \'show series\' (#357 thx AATTgaker)
* Add support for custom request session in InfluxDBClient (#360 thx AATTdschien)
* Add support for handling np.nan and np.inf values in DataFrameClient (#436 thx AATTnmerket)
* Add support for optional `time_precision` in the SeriesHelper (#502 && #719 thx AATTappunni-dishq && AATTklDen)
* Add ability to specify retention policy in SeriesHelper (#723 thx AATTcsanz91)
* Add gzip compression for post and response data (#732 thx AATTKEClaytor)
* Add support for chunked responses in ResultSet (#753 and #538 thx AATThrbonz && AATTpsy0rz)
* Add support for empty string fields (#766 thx AATTgregschrock)
* Add support for context managers to InfluxDBClient (#721 thx AATTJustusAdam)
* Clean up stale CI config (#755)
* Add legacy client test (#752 & #318 thx AATToldmantaiter & AATTsebito91)
* Update make_lines section in to split out core function (#375 thx AATTaisbaa)
* Fix nanosecond time resolution for points (#407 thx AATTAndreCAndersen && AATTclslgrnc)
* Fix import of distutils.spawn (#805 thx AATTHawk777)
* Update repr of float values including properly handling of boolean (#488 thx AATTghost)
* Update DataFrameClient to fix faulty empty tags (#770 thx AATTmichelfripiat)
* Update DataFrameClient to properly return `dropna` values (#778 thx AATTjgspiro)
* Update DataFrameClient to test for pd.DataTimeIndex before blind conversion (#623 thx AATTtestforvin)
* Update client to type-set UDP port to int (#651 thx AATTyifeikong)
* Update batched writing support for all iterables (#746 thx AATTJayH5)
* Update SeriesHelper to enable class instantiation when not initialized (#772 thx AATTocworld)
* Update UDP test case to add proper timestamp to datapoints (#808 thx AATTshantanoo-desai)- Drop upstreamed patch python-influxdb-fix-testsuite.patch
* Tue Mar 10 2020 Dirk Mueller - skip python 2.x build (pandas went py3 only)
* Wed Sep 11 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 5.2.3:
* Add consistency param to InfluxDBClient.write_points (#643 thx AATTRonRothman)
* Add UDP example (#648 thx AATTshantanoo-desai)
* Add consistency paramter to write_points (#664 tx AATTRonRothman)
* The query() function now accepts a bind_params argument for parameter binding (#678 thx AATTclslgrnc)
* Add get_list_continuous_queries, drop_continuous_query, and create_continuous_query management methods for continuous queries (#681 thx AATTlukaszdudek-silvair)
* Mutual TLS authentication (#702 thx AATTLloydW93)- Drop merged patches:
* python-influxdb-d5d1249.patch
* Fri May 10 2019 version update to 5.2.2 - Fix \'TypeError: Already tz-aware\' introduced with recent versions of Panda (#671, #676, thx AATTf4bsch AATTclslgrnc) - Pass through the \"method\" kwarg to DataFrameClient queries - Finally add a to communicate breaking changes (#598) - Test multiple versions of InfluxDB in travis - Add SHARD DURATION parameter to retention policy create/alter - Update POST/GET requests to follow verb guidelines from InfluxDB documentation - Update test suite to support InfluxDB v1.3.9, v1.4.2, and v1.5.4 - Fix performance degradation when removing NaN values via line protocol (#592) - Dropped support for Python3.4- added patches recent changes in master to fix tests + python-influxdb-d5d1249.patch fix module \'distutils\' has no attribute \'spawn\' + python-influxdb-fix-testsuite.patch
* Sun Jan 27 2019 Thomas Bechtold - update to version v5.1.0
* README: add PyPI status
* Escape tag values that ends with backslash (#537)
* Fix for DataFrameClient issue - seems does not process correctly DateTimeIndex dates (issue #479) (#495)
* Fix pandas example (#547)
* Fix wrong session mount (#571)
* set version to 5.1.0
* DataFrameClient should escape measurement names (#542)
* doc: clarify that send_packet takes a list (#545)
* specify the numpy dependency explicitly to prevent regression in test (#563)
* Parse column names in a dataframe to avoid breaking the line protocol (#584)
* adding back dropped database param
* Allow connecting to influxdb running on a path on the server (#556)
* Remove comment as issues have been resolved (#581)
* Remove UDP Precision Restrictions (#557)
* Update (#593)
* README: styling
* Tue Dec 04 2018 Matej Cepl - Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
* Wed Nov 22 2017 convert to singlespec
* Tue Nov 21 2017 spec file + \"hostname\" build dependency only for Leap 15 and above
* Tue Nov 21 2017 update to 5.0.0 for detailed change log, see add \"hostname\" build dependency
* Mon Apr 10 2017 remove unnecessary build requires
* Mon Jan 16 2017 Initial packaging (4.0.0)