Changelog for
python3-pyldap-3.0.0.post1-lp153.1.3.noarch.rpm :
* Thu Apr 11 2019 John Vandenberg
- \'Update\' to v3, which is a helper to migrate dependent packages to python-ldap v3
* Thu Aug 24 2017 update to 2.4.37:
* fixed errno-related regression introduced in 2.4.35 (in pyldap, this was included in
* added more checks to
* renamed to and code-cleaning
* added test for errno-related regression to
* gracefully handle KeyError in LDAPObject._ldap_call() when using errno (in pyldap, this was included in
* added new stand-alone module slapdtest (formerly Tests/ for general use (still experimental)
* re-factored and
* set env var LDAPNOINIT=1 in and to avoid interference with locally installed .ldaprc or ldap.conf
* by default back-mdb is now used for slapd-based tests which requires fairly recent OpenLDAP builds but implements full feature set
* env vars can be set for to tweak path names of executables, temporary and schema data to be used
* new class SlapdTestCase
* fixed errno-related regression introduced in 2.4.35
* fixed errno-related ldap.TIMEOUT regression
* use errno in a safer way
* set errno as LDAPError class item
* do not use strerror() which is not thread-safe and platform-specific
* LDAPObject._ldap_call() sets LDAPError info to value returned by platform-neutral os.stderror()
* faster implementation of ldap.schema.tokenizer.split_tokens() (thanks to Christian Heimes)
* removed unused 2nd argument of ldap.schema.tokenizer.split_tokens()
* fixed method calls in ReconnectLDAPObject (thanks to Philipp Hahn)
* an empty info message is replaced with strerror(errno) if errno is non-zero which gives more information e.g. in case of ldap.SERVER_DOWN (thanks to Markus Klein)
* removed superfluous ldap_memfree(error) from LDAPerror() (thanks to Markus Klein)
* re-factored - python test - added tox.ini
* new test scripts and on former raw scripts (thanks to Petr Viktorin)
* new test-cases in based on former raw scripts (thanks to Petr Viktorin)
* new test-cases in
* moved a script to Demo/
* compability fix in ldap.controls.deref to be compatible to recent pyasn1 0.2.x (thanks to Ilya Etingof)
* Fixed checking for empty server error message (thanks to Bradley Baetz)
* Fixed releasing GIL when calling ldap_start_tls_s() (thanks to Lars Munch)
* LDAPObject.unbind_ext_s() invokes LDAPObject._trace_file.flush() only if LDAPObject._trace_level is non-zero and Python is running in debug mode
* LDAPObject.unbind_ext_s() now ignores AttributeError in case LDAPObject._trace_file has no flush() method
* added dummy method ldap.logger.logging_file_class.flush() because LDAPObject.unbind_ext_s() invokes it
* added \'strf_secs\' and \'strp_secs\' to ldap.functions.__all__
* fixed regression introduced with 2.4.26: ldif.LDIFParser did not fully parse LDIF records without trailing empty separator line
* added ldap.controls.sss to py_modules in
* LDAPObject.unbind_ext() now removes class attribute LDAPObject._l to completely invalidate C wrapper object
* LDAPObject.unbind_ext() now flushes trace file
* ldap.ldapobject.SimpleLDAPObject: added convenience methods read_rootdse_s() and get_naming_contexts()
* added functions ldap.strf_secs() and ldap.strp_secs()
* added function ldap.filter.time_span_filter()
* Refactored ldif.LDIFParser
* ldif.LDIFParser.version ís now Integer
* ignore multiple empty lines between records
* Fixed ldap.dn.is_dn()
* Fixed #69 Segmentation fault on whoami_s after unbind (thanks to Christian Heimes and Petr Viktorin)
* Fixed result3() being used instead of correct result4() (see #66, thanks to David D. Riddle)
* Tests/ honors env var $TMP instead of just using hard-coded /var/tmp
* Tests/ now expects schema to be in /etc/openldap/
* Tests/ now independent of module ldap
* Tests/ now has more test-cases including change records
* added some more test scripts for sub-modules ldap.dn, ldap.filter and ldap.functions (not complete yet)- convert to singlespec
* Thu Jul 14 2016 fake changelog entry to make people happy (bsc#988796)
* Tue Feb 23 2016 Use HTTPS links
* Wed Feb 10 2016 Aligned desciption with project\'s web site- Removed obsolete stuff:
* build flag -DLDAP_DEPRECATED
* outdated URL in package description
* removing of CVS files
* Mon Jan 18 2016 Update to upstream release 2.4.25
* Sat Oct 24 2015 Update to upstream release 2.4.22
* Fri Sep 25 2015 Update to upstream release 2.4.21
* Tue Jul 07 2015 Update to upstream release 2.4.20
* Sun Jan 11 2015 Update to upstream release 2.4.19