Changelog for srt-1.4.3-32.21.x86_64.rpm :

* Tue May 11 2021 Ferdinand Thiessen - Update to version 1.4.3
* API/ABI/Integration Changes
* fixed/changed cast to bool instead of int in srt_getsockopt and srt_getsockflag API functions
* Fixed ABI compatibility around SRTO_BINDTODEVICE value depending on ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_BONDING.
* Made SRT versioned SO named with major and minor
* New Features and Enhancements
* New API function srt_clock_type() to retrieve SRT internal clock type.
* New SRTO_MININPUTBW socket option to control the minimum allowed value of the input bitrate estimate.
* Run the accept hook (listener callback) before opening an accepted socket providing an opportunity to set some ‘PRE’ options (like SRTO_RCVBUF).
* Fixed wrong check of common FEC configuration.
* Added handshake data check to prevent rogue handshakes.
* Fixed crash and hang up related to CSndLossList.
* Fixed miscalculations on extreme loss conditions in FEC.
* Fixed Data race when TLPKTDROP while checking loss for ACK candidate.
* Fixed handshake IP parsing in IPv4-IPv6 connections.
* Fixed race starting and joining TSBPD thread.
* SRTO_RETRANSMITALGO becomes readable.
* Fixed sender hang up
* Fixed SRTO_MINVERSION not rejecting too old SRT version.
* Fixed a bug repeating a conclusion HS with rejection- Drop upstream merged 0001-Fix-build-with-GCC-11.patch
* Wed Feb 10 2021 Christophe Giboudeaux - Add patch to fix build with GCC 11 (boo#1181883)
* 0001-Fix-build-with-GCC-11.patch
* Wed Oct 07 2020 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 1.4.2 New Features and Enhancements
* Added support for C++11. Reworked timing and synchronization objects. Three sources of timing are now available (selected via a build option): + POSIX gettimeofday() - default build mode (affected by discontinuous jumps in the system time); + POSIX CLOCK_MONOTONIC. CMake build option: - DENABLE_MONOTONIC_CLOCK=ON. See --enable-monotonic-clock in; + C++11 std::chrono::steady_clock, std::thread, std::mutex, etc. CMake build option: - DENABLE_STDCXX_SYNC=ON. See --enable-stdcxx-sync in
* Added SRT Source Time API support. It allows setting a source timestamp on a packet that corresponds to a packet creation/reception time. See the Time Access section of the API docs.
* Added an improved retransmission algorithm which reduces the retransmission overhead on a link. Set option SRTO_RETRANSMITALGO=1.
* Added SRTO_BINDTODEVICE option to bind a socket to a specified NIC. SRTO_BINDTODEVICE option reflects the system option SO_BINDTODEVICE for an SRT socket.
* Customizable rejection reason code. SRT library now lets the application provide a code with rejection reason (in a listener callback) if connection request has been rejected by the application. See Rejection Codes in the Access Control guide.
* Added new rejection reason: on timeout. See SRT_REJ_TIMEOUT in
* Extended SRT statistics with pktSentUniqueTotal, pktRecvUniqueTotal. Statistics documentation now has a summary table for better navigation.
* Added srt_getversion() API function.
* Moved socket options documentation to a separate file It now has a summary table for better navigation.
* Socket options SRTO_INPUTBW and SRTO_OHEADBW are now readable.
* The logging functionality has been improved by means of defining new and more fine-grained Functional Areas (FA) to which log messages are assigned. This is done to prevent too many debug log messages from the library influencing performance with the debug logging turned on. Fixed Issues
* Fixed bug: finding the listener\'s muxer only by port number was wrong.
* Fixed wrong reject reason on async connect.
* Fixed CSndLossList::insert with negative offset.
* Fixed default binding for IPv6-target rendezvous.
* Fixed HS TSBPD flags check.
* Improved CRcvLossList protection from concurrent access.
* Fixed error reporting on connect/accept.
* Correctly handle IPv4 connections on IPv6 listener.
* Fixed Moving Average for receiver and sender buffers.
* Protecting RCV buffer access.
* Fixed local storage depleted issue #486.
* Fixed restrictions on pre-bind only options.
* Avoid reporting packets rebuilt by FEC as lost.
* Improved inserting a serial element into sender\'s loss list.
* Fixed handling of stale loss report.
* Fixed closing the crypto control.
* Added CSync class as a high-level CV wrapper.
* Renamed legacy UDT_EPOLL_
* symbols.
* Eliminated ref_t. Some more convention fixes.
* Crypto: Reset the passphrase in memory on close for security reasons. Deprecated or Renamed
* Removed deprecated option names: SRTO_SMOOTHER (use SRTO_CONGESTION), SRTO_STRICTENC (use SRTO_ENFORCEDENCRYPTION). version 1.4.1: Improvements
* Improved periodic NAK report timing
* Use monotonic clock in CTimer::sleepto()
* Initial reorder tolerance set to maximum value (SRTO_LOSSMAXTTL)
* Added pktReorderTolerance to stats
* Use busy wait only to refine below 1 ms
* Added SRTO_LOSSMAXTTL to srt_getopt()
* Update SND loss list on lite ACK Fixes
* Fixed catching exception from CUDTUnited::connect_complete()
* Fixed missing vertical FEC/CTL packet
* Fixed bandwidth measurement on non-monotonic or retransmitted packets
* Fixed srt_getopt(...): optlen is not set in some cases.
* Fixed EPoll update_usock
* Fixed checkTimers interval (100ms -> 10 ms)
* Fixed SRT Stats backward compatibility (CBytePerfMon fields order)
* Fixed FEC crash when a large number of dropped packets occur
* Fixed FEC crash (access item out of range)
* Fixed FileCC crash. Prevented 0 pktsInFlight to be used in the calculation for loss percentage version 1.4.0: New Features and Enhancements
* Updates to epoll API. Added edge-triggered epoll wait.
* srt-live-transmit default chunk size set to 1456
* Added forward error correction (FEC) packet filter
* Added Packet filter API
* File congestion control improvements Fixed Issues
* Free addrinfo if bind fails (potential memory leak)
* Fixed SRTO_LOSSMAXTTL option on accepted socket
* Fixed blocking srt_connect call (state update)
* Fixed potential sender\'s sockets list overflow
* Use MONOTONIC clock in Garbage Collector thread- Drop CVE-2019-15784.patch (fixed upstream)
* Fri Dec 13 2019 Dominique Leuenberger - Drop pkgconfig(zlib) BuildRequires: this is only needed on win32/mingw (and even there it rather seems like working around a bug in some other package, as there is no explicit call to zlib functions).
* Fri Aug 30 2019 Alexandros Toptsoglou - Backported commit 47e5890 and 64875fa to fix CVE-2019-15784 (boo#1148844) and avoid a potential array overflow.
* Added CVE-2019-15784.patch
* Thu Aug 29 2019 Alexandros Toptsoglou - Update to version 1.3.4: + Various bugfixes and feature enhancments.
* Mon Aug 19 2019 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 1.3.3: + Various bugfixes and feature enhancments.- Update to version 1.3.2: + Various bugfixes, feature enhancments, build fixes and documentation updates.- Drop srt-no-rpath.patch: Fixed upstream.
* Tue Nov 13 2018 Antonio Larrosa - Fix install prefix in cmake so the pkgconfig file has correct information on where to find srt\'s libraries and include files.
* Mon Oct 29 2018 Dominique Leuenberger - Add pkgconfig(zlib) BuildRequires: until openssl 1.1.1, zlib was pulled in into our buildroot, avoiding srt having to care for it explicitly. Since this is changed now, we have to worry for our dependency on our own. The dep comes from: CMakeLists.txt:set (SSL_REQUIRED_MODULES \"openssl libcrypto zlib\")
* Wed Aug 08 2018 Trim marketing from description.
* Fri Jul 13 2018 Update to version 1.3.1: + Various bugfixes.
* Thu Jul 12 2018 Update summaries.
* Fri Jun 29 2018 Add baselibs.conf: build 32bit support libs.
* Thu May 31 2018 Update Summary and Descriptions fields.
* Mon May 21 2018 Inital packaging.