Changelog for zabbix54-ui-5.4.9-3.35.i586.rpm :
* Mon Oct 19 2020 ecsos - Update to 5.0.4 * New Features and Improvements - ZBXNEXT-6023 Added Windows service support for Zabbix agent 2 - ZBXNEXT-6019 Added Oracle Database plugin - ZBXNEXT-6139 Added GetHeaders method to CurlHttpRequest javascript object - ZBXNEXT-6116 Added SysAid media type - ZBXNEXT-6167 Added diaginfo runtime command to log internal diagnostic information - ZBXNEXT-6106 Added Host context menu to hosts listed on \'Web monitoring\' page - ZBXNEXT-6065 Added SolarWinds Service Desk webhook - ZBXNEXT-6117 Added media \"TOPdesk\" - ZBXNEXT-5540 Added LLD rules for stand-alone and CAPsMAN APs - ZBXCTR-10 Added iLert media type * Bug Fixes - ZBX-17993 Fixed ZabbixWeb Test Item for Admin is not working - ZBX-13384 Fixed minor template issues to follow guidelines - ZBX-18114 Fixed documentation for Agent2 PersistentBuffer - ZBX-17842 Updated VMware template to follow guidelines - ZBX-17848 Fixed fping interval detection, added log prints of detected options in debug mode, re-detect options every hour - ZBX-18341 Removed media_jira_with_CF_example.xml and moved example with custom fields example to readme - ZBX-18131 Added support of single-select, checkbox and radio button customfield types and \"__zbx\" tag filter for labels in Jira webhook - ZBX-18065 Add help flag to Zabbix Agent 2 - ZBX-17906 Fixed HTTP agent JSON output when using HTTP/2; thanks to Mike Noordermeer for the patch - ZBX-18206 Fixed incorrect housekeeping form behaviour - ZBX-18167 Fixed filter block in lld overrides popup - ZBX-18174 Fixed oracle errors for host macro updates when linking templates - ZBX-18188 Increased age and duration related macro resolution to seconds - ZBX-18152 Fixed incorrect selected menu option for template screens page - ZBX-18340 Added runtime command diaginfo option to command line help messages - ZBX-18250 Changed link to \"Web monitoring\" page in context menu with filtering parameters - ZBX-18170 Fixed LLD override for applications - ZBX-15904 Added check of required cache size for vmware event messages - ZBX-18121 Fixed SSH monitoring when compiled with libssh; thanks to MATSUDA Daiki for the patch - ZBX-17927 Fixed Agent2 user-defined parameter key testing - ZBX-18314 Fixed description of URI field in Template DB MySQL by Zabbix agent 2 - ZBX-18067 Fixed using outdated dynamic host when editing dynamic widgets on dashboard - ZBX-18261 Fixed performance of the \"Latest data\" screen with partitioned history tables - ZBX-18322 Enabled Memcached and MySQL plugins for Windows - ZBX-17982 Added non-trigger event types support to webhooks - ZBX-18190 Removed triggers for items Log growths, Log shrinks for MSSQL ODBC template - ZBX-18122 Fixed russian character in setup section and templates for Oracle ODBC and PostgreSQL agent2 - ZBX-18074 Fixed unresolved macros in item names in data overview table - ZBX-18195 Changed log level increase command for Agent 2 to match Agent 1 - ZBX-17984 Added support of ipv6 and unix sockets for memcached plugin - ZBX-18189 Fixed crash when performing housekeeping with disabled value cache - ZBX-18181 Fixed undefined index when importing host with non-existing interface - ZBX-14503 Updated JMX template to follow guidelines - ZBX-18196 Added overriding of triggers for IPMI Threshold sensors discovery - ZBX-18021 Changed Opsgenie media to handle extra options Tags and Teams - ZBX-18050 Removed proxy name from host breadcrumbs - ZBX-18202 Added new default item keys for item type \"Zabbix aggregate\" - ZBX-18124 Fixed discovered host group prototype saving during import - ZBX-17692 Fixed column sizes and paddings for items in graph edit form - ZBX-17812 Fixed incorrect copying of severeties in Problem widgets - ZBX-17886 Fixed SNMP type item test form not sending and resolving interface macros - ZBX-18183 Fixed displaying negative time in convertUnitsS() function - ZBX-18103 Fixed host connection macro in Slack media type - ZBX-18249 Fixed Oracle ODBC Template issues - ZBX-18072 Fixed Discord API version in Discord media type - ZBX-17952 Fixed compression availability not being checked when deleting history - ZBX-17981 Fixed Discord endpoint validation- Changes from 5.0.3 * New Features and Improvements - ZBXNEXT-6080 Add telnet support for net.tcp.service/.perf key and enable it on linux/darwin - ZBXNEXT-6101 Add native linux vfs.fs.inode[fs,] metric support to agent2 - ZBXNEXT-6102 Add native linux vfs.fs.get metric support to agent2 - ZBXNEXT-6103 Add native linux vfs.fs.discovery metric support to agent2 - ZBXNEXT-6100 Add native linux vfs.fs.size[fs,] metric support to agent2 - ZBXNEXT-6010 Added template \"Template DB Oracle by ODBC\" - ZBXCTR-12 SiGNL4 update to close alerts in SIGNL4 when closed in Zabbix - ZBXNEXT-6004 Added host info to vmware event message log - ZBXNEXT-5903 Added vmware datacenters discovery - ZBXNEXT-6042 Optimized trigger, calculated item processing by resolving user macros during configuration cache synchronization * Bug Fixes - ZBX-18261 Fixed Latest data performance by allowing to filter items with data only if hosts are selected as well - ZBX-13789 Fixed SQL errors with Oracle backend due to incorrect use of the USING statement - ZBX-17785 Fixed dbstat query for postgresql v12 - ZBX-18204 Fixed lost password in ssh remote command operation form data - ZBX-18046 Improved error message generation performance of user macro and item key parser - ZBX-18105 Fixed use on uninitialised variable - ZBX-18014 Added ODBC empty query check - ZBX-18160 Fixed fatal error in items.php and host_discovery.php - ZBX-13383 Improved performance of the trigger and trigger prototype inheritance - ZBX-18092 Reimplemented item folding based on application names and improved summary for each application in latest data view - ZBX-13789 Improved performance of \"Problems\" widget with MySQL backend by removing DISTINCT modifier from SQL - statements with tables joined by primary keys - ZBX-18214 Added collecting of physical CPU utilization data on IBM AIX and modified system.cpu.util[] - ZBX-17974 Implement timeouts for WMI queries - ZBX-18149 Fixed discovered hosts showing links to host prototypes which should not possible - ZBX-18132 Added OpenSSL extension check in frontend setup and SAML authentication form - ZBX-18169 Fixed housekeeper not deleting history and trends for deleted items if storage period is not overridden - ZBX-17468 Fixed excess audit log record being added on host status update - ZBX-16998 Improved agent binary compatibility by removing __thread attribute when not building agent2 - ZBX-17815 Fixed connection timeout when persistent buffer enabled - ZBX-18106 Fixed map navigation tree widget copying - ZBX-18012 Fixed undefined index error in history manager and added error message in charts when Elasticsearch - requests fails - ZBX-18076 Fixed PHP notice in hostinterface API - ZBX-18000 Added red label for disabled media types in user profile - ZBX-17996 Fixed ip/dns field width in host interface - ZBX-18075 Fixed runtime error when creating a host via API - ZBX-17814 Fixed memory leaks in the agent persistent buffer - ZBX-17973 Fixed saving widget refresh rate in user profile - ZBX-15927 Removed problem calculation for dependent triggers when master trigger is in problem state - ZBX-17933 Fixed runtime error in maps - ZBX-18063 Fixed usage of unsupported parameter in API call - ZBX-18126 Fixed incorrect labels in action operations dialog - ZBX-18060 Fixed inaccessible user be displayed as accessible in slide show properties screen - ZBX-18147 Fixed wrong character set detection logic for Oracle DB - ZBX-18115 Added {$MSSQL.INSTANCE} macro and changed queries and item preprocessing for support MS SQL instance name - ZBX-17653 Fixed new widget placeholder behavior and dashboard height calculation in edit mode - ZBX-16819 Added link to hosts linked to each template in templates list - ZBX-18023 Fixed format of agent2 version number - ZBX-18071 Fixed slow SQL query when filtering items with latest data available - ZBX-17898 Fixed JavaScript errors on pasting widgets - ZBX-17569 Fixed calculating items not allowing negative values be corrected in the preprocessing - ZBX-18036 Fixed endpoint URL for Elasticsearch API requests - ZBX-18068 Fixed incorrect function call and redundant code - ZBX-8081 Fixed \'cmdline\' parameter truncation on Solaris 11.3 and later - ZBX-18014 Fixed memory leak when action message does not have to be sent - ZBX-15117 Fixed graph configuration with large amount of items - ZBX-18069 Fixed server exit when trying to execute IPMI script without IPMI pollers - ZBX-17820 Fixed classic graph widget default header - ZBX-18025 Fixed availability report link - ZBX-17977 Fixed port filter not preserved in Monitoring -> Hosts across refresh - ZBX-17960 Fixed undefined index in trends API - ZBX-18032 Fixed host address and port values are not preserved in item test form - ZBX-18031 Fixed missing \"loading\" state in Monitoring → Latest data and Monitoring → Hosts - ZBX-17925 Fixed graph image flicker during update in screens - ZBX-17825 Fixed dynamic item switching for graph prototype widget - ZBX-18054 Changed preprocessing for nginx.version - ZBX-17903 Fixed the trigger condition for net.if.status in \"Template Module Windows network\", changed the wmi query in the master item, filters and preprocessing of LLD rule - ZBX-17994 Fixed the configuration example in documentation of Template App Nginx - ZBX-17682 Fixed button disable state in template item list and discovery list - ZBX-17821 Fixed default header for inaccessible iterator widget content - ZBX-17858 Fixed host group filter in templates general popup - ZBX-18001 Fixed graph prototype widget paging - ZBX-17924 Fixed php errors in \"System information\" window for MySQL - ZBX-17997 Fixed user media passwords appearing in plain text in audit log - ZBX-17968 Fixed z-index issue in floating widget header - ZBX-17827 Fixed broken layout of the notification popup window - ZBX-18009 Fixed non-masked secret macros in audit log - ZBX-17908 Fixed too wide popup error messages - ZBX-17782 Fixed PHP errors occurring during history search using Elasticsearch - ZBX-17917 Changed vm.memory.size keys on Solaris to get memory usage statistics from kstat - ZBX-18029 Fixed cpu counter wraparound handling on Solaris- Fix apache.conf to see frontend and not access denied.- Add missing things to apache.conf.- Add zabbix-conf.patch to move zabbix.conf.php from /usr/share/zabbix/conf to /etc/zabbix/web.- Add zabbix-enable_language.patch to enable other languages.- Add missing maintenance.inc.php to /etc/zabbix/web.- Update README.SUSE- Fix some rpmlint errors. * Tue Jul 21 2020 Boris Manojlovic - updated to latest 5.0.2 version- fixes CVE-2020-15803- New Features and Improvements + ZBXNEXT-6044 Added native support in agent2 for https key for net.tcp.service/.perf + ZBXNEXT-6034 Added native support of key \'ldap\' for item \'net.tcp.service/.perf\' to Agent2 + ZBXNEXT-5939 Added native support of item \'vfs.file.exists\' to Agent2 + ZBXNEXT-6007 Improved Zabbix server performance when evaluating action conditions for network discovery results from Zabbix proxy + ZBXNEXT-3205 Added regex context matching support to user macros + ZBXNEXT-5966 Updated SNMP templates for version 5.0 + ZBXNEXT-5847 Added logging of global script executions into audit log + ZBXNEXT-3588 Improved Zabbix server performance when evaluating trigger, discovery, autoregistration and internal actions + ZBXNEXT-1867 Added file type include and exclude parameters to item \'vfs.file.exist\' + ZBXNEXT-5955 Added support of custom fields and custom buttons in message card + ZBXNEXT-5921 Added IIS template + ZBXNEXT-5895 Added Template DB MSSQL by ODBC + ZBXNEXT-3209, ZBXNEXT-5932 Added support of user related macros {USER.ALIAS}, {USER.FULLNAME}, {USER.NAME} and {USER.SURNAME} for global scripts + ZBXNEXT-5905 Added \"Template App Etcd by HTTP\"- Bug Fixes + ZBX-18057 Fixed security vulnerability cve-2020-15803 (stored xss attack on url widget) + ZBX-17931 Fixed dependent discovery rule deletion when deleting master item + ZBX-17624 Fixed misleading error message in case of not available datastorage for vmware.hv.datastore.read and vmware.hv.datastore.write metrics + ZBX-17715 Fixed filtering and sorting of the latest data + ZBX-17802 Fixed runtime errors in trigger list + ZBX-17922 Removed mtime check when matching files on disk with the cached list, this should reduce chances of log files being scanned again after system time changes + ZBX-17860 Fixed host prototype import + ZBX-17920 Fixed browser error when user tries to access properties without permissions + ZBX-17252 Fixed building of zabbix daemons with link time optimization + ZBX-17693 Fixed headers and query fields in http item test form; thanks to mikhail okhotin for the patch + ZBX-17837 Fixed memory leaks when handling curlhttprequest errors + ZBX-17878 Fixed low-level discovery rule override operation object label not selecting the related field when clicked on + ZBX-17663 Fixed user not being redirected back to an url he was coming from before signing in using saml sso + ZBX-17900 Fixed the template description - the config file naming is in lowercase + ZBX-17905 Changed type of physical disk performance items from wmi to perf_counter_en and perf_instance_en in template module windows physical disks by zabbix agent + ZBXCTR-9 Removed username and password from 1st level configuration parameters and change connection; removed unused tests and handler + ZBX-17811 Fixed runtime error messages on database connection error + ZBX-17721 Fixed message on updating module + ZBX-17809 Fixed dashboard save button becomes disabled after widget paste + ZBX-17804 Fixed preservation of \"no refresh\" interval for new widget copy + ZBX-17781 Fixed runtime error in maintenance period popup window + ZBX-17720 Exclude disabled items from preprocessing configuration sync + ZBX-16940 Added \"number of cores\" item and changed trigger for \"cpu queue length\" item + ZBX-17851 Fixed possible deadlocks when deleting escalations + ZBX-16945 Changed type of items \"free swap space\" to calculated, \"free swap space in %\" to dependent, added item \"used swap space in %\" + ZBX-17853 Fixed graph filter to be reset when linked from graph screen and host inventory page + ZBX-17673 Removed redundant shared memory destruction + ZBX-17735 Made changes in system information widget to show number of templates on a separate line and number of hosts show only enabled and disabled hosts + ZBX-17406 Fixed null value for a field of compositedata in jmx discovery + ZBX-17823 Fixed displaying zero for history values less than one millisecond + ZBXNEXT-5763 Fixed resolving of macros in the item test form for formulas of the calculated items + ZBX-17245 Fixed agent2 not logging to system log code + ZBX-17759 Aliased enableremotecommands to allow/denykey=system.run[ *], added default denykey=system.run[ *] rule for backwards compatibility + ZBX-17891 Changed log, log.count monitoring to ignore file modification time + ZBX-17697 Fixed strict dfsg compliance issue in using minified jquery sources + ZBX-17729 Fixed user is always redirected back to login form when using saml sso if guest mode is enabled + ZBX-16461 Fixed recovery expression for \"link down\" trigger + ZBX-17480 Fixed context of {$temp_crit} macro in temperature trigger prototype + ZBX-17702 Fixed escalation cancellation message not being sent when action is disabled + ZBX-17751 Fixed host group multiselect in popups remembering selected groups when it should not + ZBX-17816 Fixed wrong query fields when linking template with host prototype + ZBX-17741 Changed setup description for template db mysql by zabbix agent 2 + ZBX-17644 Fixed host address field not being editable and macros not showing for username and password fields in item test popup form for ssh and telnet item types + ZBX-14539 Added validation of the calculated item formula in item.create, item.update, itemprototype.create and itemprototype.update methods + ZBX-17776 Fixed typo in \"recovery time\" field for discord and ms teams media + ZBX-17374 Fixed radio button state if mass update fails + ZBX-17744 Changed width of graphs in screens from 750x100 to 500x100 + ZBXNEXT-3035 Removed identical html ids in low-level discovery form, fixed type of calculation field not hiding in override popup, fixed incorrect field order during override create in api causing sql errors, fixed validation of delay, history and trends fields in override popup + ZBX-17790 Fixed preprocessing of mysql.created_tmp_files, mysql.created_tmp_disk_tables, mysql.created_tmp_tables, mysql.threads_created items in template db mysql, added triggers + ZBX-17792 Fixed zabbix sending invalid delete elastic search scroll request + ZBX-17141 Fixed discovery of block devices by using vfs.dev.discovery key instead of reading /proc/diskstats + ZBX-17654 Fixed \"memory utilization\" item in template_os_linux and template_os_linux_active by splitting it into master and depended relation + ZBX-17780 Fixed memory leak + ZBX-17694 Fixed high memory consumption when using dependent items + ZBX-17577 Fixed remove of selected items in multiselect + ZBX-17561 Fixed inherited macro becoming editable after remove + ZBX-17226 Fixed confusing error message being displayed if dbversion table cannot be found + ZBX-17737 Fixed value mappings not working for text based simple macros + ZBX-17625 Fixed javascript message box formatting + ZBX-17599 Fixed \"serverversion\" metric for older versions of apache + ZBX-17771 Fixed zabbix event url in mattermost + ZBX-17801 Shadow global auto_increment mysql variables only for proxy + ZBXCTR-7 Fixed typo in method usage for telegram media type * Thu May 21 2020 Boris Manojlovic - packaged 5.0.0 stable version; for full changelog please look at _DOCDIR_/rn50.html- renamed zabbix50-phpfrontend to zabbix50-ui * Thu Apr 23 2020 Boris Manojlovic - initial packaging of 5.0 alpha package- added zabbix_js to server package- fixed patch to apply cleanly for postgresql handling * Mon Dec 23 2019 Boris Manojlovic - updated to latest release 4.0.16- New Features and Improvements + ZBXNEXT-5271 Implemented \'delete missing\' option for imported template linkages- Bug Fixes + ZBX-17101 Fixed url validation before output + ZBX-16929 Fixed detection of invalid sender data request + ZBX-16804 Added missing get parameters in availability report + ZBX-16286 Fixed graph widget dimensions errors on high dpi screens + ZBX-16848 Fixed fatal error occurring in user profile and user edit forms when php fileinfo extension does not exist + ZBX-16684 Fixed incorrect double quotes in history plain text view + ZBX-16903 Fixed validation of \"interfaceid\" field for http agent items with large ids + ZBX-16751 Fixed support for php 7.4 + ZBX-16879 Changed condition description message for tag value in actions and event correlations + ZBX-9084 Fixed high memory usage during startup + ZBX-16932 Fixed build fail on netbsd + ZBX-16111 Removed templateid from screen api output + ZBX-16919 Fixed server check warning width in chrome + ZBX-16944 Fixed \"type of information\" field in item form being marked as required when it is read-only + ZBX-16912 Fixed image map elements having a hand cursor when there is no context menu available + ZBX-15041 Fixed request not being cancelled along with popup window in widgets + ZBX-1977 Fixed axis labels calculation + ZBX-17034 Updated zabbix website links + ZBX-16874 Fixed map-type widget clipping in internet explorer + ZBX-16915 Fixed memory leak + ZBX-17008 Improved zabbix server performance when using maintenance + ZBX-16779 Fixed infinite loop when writing export to file fails + ZBX-16540 Splitted host_resources templates into 3 subtemplates: for cpu, memory and storage * Thu Nov 28 2019 Boris Manojlovic - updated to latest release 4.0.15- New Features and Improvements + ZBXNEXT-5493, ZBX-16540 Moved lld rules from parent templates to linked templates for module host-resources-mib snmpv2, module interfaces windows snmpv2, net arista snmpv2, os windows snmpv2 + ZBX-16871 Fixed not setting the default values of multiselects on initial load + ZBX-16776 Reworked custom item select to multiselect + ZBXNEXT-5532 Disabled guest user by default + ZBXNEXT-4825 Implemented in monitoring -> problems the button \"export to csv\" to export all pages- Bug Fixes + ZBX-16955 Fixed performance of history syncers and timer processes by not locking each other when suppressing events + ZBX-16842 Added range validation and optional conversion to is_double() + ZBX-16790 Fixed log rotation on windows + ZBX-16865 Fixed dynamic graphs not updating when changing host in combo box + ZBX-9146 Fixed json null value being treated as empty string for lld filters + ZBX-16828 Fixed array_db validation when validated value is not an array + ZBX-11659 Made user profile icon visible for guest user + ZBX-16849 Moved interface_type_priority definition to misc.c + ZBX-16844 Fixed the process of saving the scroll position on the latest data page in internet explorer + ZBX-16343 Fixed lld not to create items on wrong host if there are failed transactions + ZBX-16730 Fixed disappearance of successful modification message while saving the dashboards + ZBX-16679 Fixed username and password fields resetting and saving for item, item prototype and lld rule on type change + ZBX-16785 Improved performance of timer process when reading from \"problem_tag\" table + ZBX-16696 Fixed multiselect suggest box clipping when overflowing not allowed in parent containers + ZBX-16809 Fixed undefined offset error in action operation condition form + ZBX-16595 Optimized active logs checks monitoring when buffer flushing fails + ZBX-16682 Fixed wrong element label update in map constructor + ZBX-16815 Fixed widget form positioing when changing widget type from graph to any other type + ZBX-16706 Fixed unneeded padding for dashboard url widget + ZBX-16784 Fixed oracle performance by using \"between\" operator in sql queries + ZBX-16579 Fixed long text wrapping in the latest data history + ZBX-16767 Fixed possible null pointer arithmetic; thanks to mikhail grigorev for the patch + ZBX-16500 Fixed sla calculation when requested time window starts during the service time; fixed downtime time calculation + ZBX-16805 Fixed when the httptest api selects too many entries from the httpstep table when editing a specific web scenario + ZBX-10618 Fixed disappearing dependent trigger cells and rows in overview + ZBX-16596 Added handling of bom to detect encoding for vfs.file.contents, vfs.file.regex and vfs.file.regmatch + ZBX-16771 Fixed wrong tab number being remembered when several browser tabs are in use + ZBX-16548 Fixed sort order in plain text screen * Wed Oct 30 2019 Boris Manojlovic - updated to latest release 4.0.14- New Features and Improvements + ZBXNEXT-5481 Added support of {trigger.id} macro in trigger tags + ZBXNEXT-4746 Added \"template server cisco ucs snmpv2\" template + ZBXNEXT-5422 Quoted numbers are now accepted by jsonpath aggregate functions- Bug Fixes + ZBX-16605 Fixed accessibility of localstorage identifier if cookies are made unaccessible for client side scripts + ZBX-16754 Fixed trigger not firing for first collected value if it\'s timestamp is in future + ZBX-15211 Added key \'tests\' for bootstrap.sh when working with cmocka tests + ZBX-16542 Fixed incorrect displaying of unacknowledged and resolved recent problematic triggers in trigger overview and dashboard widget + ZBX-16749 Improved performance and memory consumption of script.getscriptsbyhosts() method + ZBX-16725 Fixed detection of fping minimal interval + ZBX-16562 Fixed configuration.export method in api improperly formatting \"application\" property within \"httptests\" when exporting in json format + ZBX-15222 Fixed housekeeper to cleanup history not only for current item type of information but also for other previously selected types + ZBX-16481 Fixed spelling issues in the code + ZBX-15675 Added support for more than 64 cpus in windows agent + ZBX-16770 Fixed value mapping in template net hp comware hh3c snmp + ZBX-16534 Fixed stdout and stderr redirection after external log rotation + ZBX-16368 Fixed fping double call + ZBX-16317 Fixed log.h is not self-sufficient + ZBX-16711 Ensuring errbuf is emptied before every curl_easy_perform request + ZBX-16664 Fixed ipmi poller skips processing if one of the elements is missing information + ZBX-16671 Fixed server crashing when linking web scenario template + ZBX-16750 Fixed broken validation of peer certificate issuer and subject strings in tls connect, fixed logging + ZBX-16002 Added new macro event.recovery.name to display recovery event name in recovery alerts + ZBX-16512 Fixed false item insertion into the queue after maintenance + ZBX-15685 Fixed zabbix_sender failing to report the error due to closed connection + ZBX-16702 Fixed error in the elastic search clearing history + ZBX-10805 Fixed log items graphs drawing with numeric values like trapper items + ZBX-16604 Fixed occurrence of an undefined index in discovered graph configuration + ZBX-16611 Fixed memory and performance leaks in gtlc.js library + ZBX-15135 Fixed incorrect triggers being displayed in availability report when filtering by template + ZBX-16681 Fixed displaying of \"acknowledge\" menu option for \"not classified\" problems in the trigger overview page + ZBX-16428 Fixed sigbus crash when mmap memory is not accessible + ZBX-16680 Fixed freeing locked resources when zabbix agent cannot be started and has to exit with failure + ZBX-16666 Fixed trailing slash being set in cookie path + ZBX-16612 Fixed possibility of high cpu usage on windows + ZBX-16683 Fixed race condition between history syncer and escalator that caused recovery operations being delayed by step duration + ZBX-16383 Adjusted timer sleeping period to process maintenances each minute at 00 seconds + ZBX-16575 Getting disk controller type from linked controller label value + ZBX-16561 Fixed jsonpath parsing for comma characters inside quoted string + ZBX-16677 Fixed empty sql query dbexecute_overflowed_sql call during host availability update + ZBX-15897 Fixed overall health check in template hp ilo snmpv2 * Thu Aug 29 2019 Boris Manojlovic - updated to latest release 4.0.11- New Features and Improvements + ZBX-9522 Improved frontend messaging usage across multiple browser tabs- Bug Fixes + ZBX-16501 Fixed log out form being resubmitted when user is already logged back in another tab + ZBX-16072 Added more strict validation of host, template and proxy names to prohibit leading and trailing spaces + ZBX-16128 Fixed incorrect action id in audit log + ZBX-16354 Fixed incorrect sorting by name with capital letters + ZBX-16346 Fixed compilation for oracle instant client v18.5 and higher + ZBX-16424 Fixed unable to create/update web scenario from internet explorer/edge + ZBX-16471 For consistency reason changed translation string \'resolved by user.\' to \'resolved by inaccessible user.\' + ZBX-16469 Fixed problem that caused impossibility to edit trigger description in problems screen + ZBX-16362 Fixed keyboard event handling in graph widget hintbox + ZBX-16474 Fixed \'request-uri too long\' error in problems mass update page + ZBX-16184 Updated zabbix sender man page + ZBX-16462 Fixed syntax error in sql query used to calculate sla in monitoring->services + ZBX-16031 Reworked event update controller, making partly closed set of events closable + ZBX-16283 Fixed read-only shared dashboard without widgets missing placeholder label + ZBX-16316 Fixed dashboard widget and slideshow menu popup not updating current refresh rate and fixed a js error in slideshows + ZBX-16346 Fixed compilation for oracle instant client v18.5 and higher + ZBX-16424 Fixed unable to create/update web scenario from internet explorer/edge * Mon Aug 26 2019 Marketa Calabkova - restructured for easier maintenance because of bsc#1144018 and FATE#324346 * many thanks to Boris Manojlovic, Kristyna Streitova, Matthias Gerstner and Tomas Chvatal for their help * skipped renaming of binaries * updated Apache config file * added logrotate to rotate logs * and other changes- added README-SSL.SUSE to tell users how to configure SSL * Wed Aug 14 2019 Boris Manojlovic - updated to latest release 4.0.11- New Features and Improvements - ZBXNEXT-4502,ZBXNEXT-5176 Added support of full jsonpath functionality - ZBXNEXT-5205 Blocked zero item history/trends period being overridden by global configuration- Bug Fixes + ZBX-16376 Fixed preprocessing steps having incorrect order and duplicate step numbers + ZBX-16344 Fixed possibility to add graph widget overrides + ZBX-16388 Fixed lld to update preprocessing step number in case it is incorrectly generated + ZBX-16337 Fixed debug log message for suppressed escalations; thanks to kotaro miyashita for the patch + ZBX-16287 Fixed compiler warnings in host.c; thanks to glebs ivanovskis for the patch + ZBX-16103 Reduced pcre recursion limit + ZBX-16289 Fixed async dashboard widget update + ZBX-13266 Improved performance of the sql queries with lot of ids in the condition + ZBX-16277 Fixed compilation zabbix agent for windows with options available for windows vista and newer + ZBX-16239 Fixed compilation warining related to prototypes of module api functions + ZBX-16256 Eliminated possible infinite fetch loop with oracledb + ZBX-15343 Fixed js memory leak in hintboxes in graph widget + ZBX-16329 Fixed duplicate value checking in trigger action conditions + ZBX-15562 Reworked history.get api method; fixed output as well as other known issues in history api + ZBX-16135 Fixed error messages in xml export files + ZBX-16213 Fixed postgresql bad performance on history tables + ZBX-16176 Preserve trailing spaces in history values + ZBX-16169 Improved performance of map navigation tree widget + ZBX-16288 Fixed when unknown resource logged in audit log when working with dashboards + ZBX-16134 Fixed duplicate triggers can be created using api and xml import + ZBX-15969 Fixed displaying of very small values that are more than 2 decimal points in latest data + ZBX-16280 Fixed when plain text widgets do not display as html when option is selected + ZBX-16012 Fixed confusing error message \"cannot read json.\" in http agent item + ZBX-16270 Fixed memory leak in ipc service when queueing multiple messages to client + ZBX-16204 Fixed undefined offset in ccontrollerwidgetproblemhostsview + ZBX-15962 Added mounted filesystems to vfs.fs.discovery of windows agent + ZBX-16315 Fixed zabbix server not to cause foreign key constraint failure on zabbix proxy when changing and sending configuration at the same time + ZBX-16153 Fixed 500 internal server error when trying to preview pie/exploded graph without items + ZBX-9867 Improved zabbix daemon termination by not using signal unsafe functions in signal handler; improved zabbix server and zabbix proxy process termination by stopping data collection and waiting for history syncers to finish * Mon Jul 01 2019 Boris Manojlovic - updated to latest release 4.0.10- New Features and Improvements + ZBXNEXT-2880 Added access to vmware datastore at vmware vcenter level + ZBXNEXT-5163 Added display of maintenance information in configuration section for hosts in maitenance + ZBXNEXT-5036 Added preloader for popup menus + ZBXNEXT-287 Added ssl support for agent http checks + ZBXNEXT-5179 Added option to specify absolute path in loadmodule; thanks to glebs ivanovskis for the patch- Bug Fixes + ZBX-16315 Fixed zabbix server not to cause foreign key constraint failure on zabbix proxy when changing and sending configuration at the same time + ZBX-9867 Improved zabbix daemon termination by not using signal unsafe functions in signal handler; improved zabbix server and zabbix proxy process termination by stopping data collection and waiting for history syncers to finish + ZBX-16152 Fixed not data loss on saving host prototypes by user with insufficient permissions + ZBX-15952 Fixed errors when trying to create a graph widget for key system.cpu.util[,iowait] with y axis placed on the left side of the graph + ZBX-15899 Added output sanitization to prevent invalid utf-8 sequences in regexp-based text replacement + ZBX-16073 Fixed horizontal scrolling in map + ZBX-15943 Fixed discovered hosts are not removed from table \"dhosts\" after removing and adding the corresponding discovery check + ZBX-15875 Fixed colors for the multiselect disabled elements + ZBX-10948 \'it services --> service time --> note\' infinite stretching + ZBX-16142 Fixed missing sys/ioctl.h from src/libs/zbxsysinfo/openbsd/net.c; thanks to andrea biscuola for the patch + ZBX-16166 Fixed zabbix fping feature detection does not work with fping builds since 10 feb 2017 + ZBX-16178 Fixed distributive can contain untracked backup file include/config.h.in~ + ZBX-16170 Fixed crash in global event correlation + ZBX-16096 Fixed \"system.cpu.util\" reporting incorrect cpu utilisation due to guest time sometimes not being fully included in user time by \"/proc/stat\" + ZBX-15882 Fixed widgets flickering on refresh + ZBX-15974 Improved trigger expression list in trigger modal form + ZBX-14441 Fixed windows agent \"eventlog\" key for reading big event log files of windows 2003 + ZBX-16109 Fixed hidden error in graphs for php 7.3.5 + ZBX-16093 Fixed regular expression file systems for discovery does not contain apfs + ZBX-16080 Fixed setup page to not to use bclib + ZBX-15797 Fixed dashboard map widget sub-map link behaviour + ZBX-15049 Fixed to host group limited global scripts to be usable in sub group + ZBX-16138 Fixed return value type and added preprocessing steps for items in remote internal checks tamplates; fixed unsigned write cache value for remote internal checks + ZBX-15963 Fixed http agent support of non-http scheme in url field + ZBX-16151 Fixed theoretical possibility of large numbers in json data being truncated, added boolean value support to json parser + ZBX-15778 Fixed wrong filtering by \"age less than\" and \"show suppressed problems\" in trigger overview + ZBX-15585 Fixed web scenarios pair manager issue when fields are duplicating on post type toggle + ZBX-16150 Fixed inactive, unmounted, unaccessible vmware datastore causes unknown column nan insertion in field list + ZBX-16122 Fixed api validation of trigger dependency * Tue Jun 11 2019 Boris Manojlovic - updated to latest release 4.0.9- Bug Fixes + ZBX-15905 Reverted changes that introduced error with write permissions in assets directory * Fri May 31 2019 Boris Manojlovic - updated to latest release 4.0.8- New Features and Improvements + ZBX-16069 Upgraded jquery version v1.10.2 -> v3.3.1 and jqueryui v1.10.3 -> v1.12.1- Bug Fixes + ZBX-16032 Changed application filtering to partial name search + ZBX-15915 Fixed linking error if round() is undefined + ZBX-16074 Added file revision number generation for compilation on ms windows + ZBX-15833 Fixed scrollbar in overlay popups + ZBX-16058 Fixed error in ipmi poller causing growing queue + ZBX-16047 Fixed division by zero error in svg graph widget if selected time period is so small that calculated step between 2 milestones is 0s + ZBX-15936 Removed \"change password\" button when cloning media types + ZBX-11272 Changed sorting by type, fixed information disclosure and formatting of recipient name in action log screen item and dashboard widget; added new sortfields to alert api + ZBX-15416 Fixed locale validation in user create and update api methods + ZBX-15877 Fixed tab key navigation for safari and edge browsers + ZBX-15891 Fixed trigger dependencies are ignored when changing only trigger state + ZBX-13029 Fixed api validation messages for linktrigger + ZBX-15967 Fixed buffer offset for reading hardware info from long dmi files + ZBX-16018 Fixed detection of logical functions (or / and) inside the context of user macros + ZBX-14782 Deliver human friendly uptime in dashbord + ZBX-11325 Fixed transparency of draggable interfaces; changed cursor type for all draggable and sortable elements + ZBX-16048 Fixed global search box loosing the search phrase after searching + ZBX-10729 Fixed map element link coloring when linked problem is acknowledged + ZBX-15101 Fixed several object ids allowing them to be 64 bit integers, added asterisk for map navigation tree name field and changed the error message to more generic one + ZBX-16050 Fixed http poller crashes + ZBX-15871 Fixed problem events to be filtered by \"suppressed\" instead of \"related to maintenance\" + ZBX-10550 Added warnings when zabbix components have different versions + ZBX-11284 Removed sid url argument for form cancel buttons + ZBX-11429 Fixed macro not being retained in trigger expression editing wizard + ZBX-15816 Increased header value input field max length + ZBX-15677 Fixed the process of compiling the dummy.c module + ZBX-15981 Fixed invalid xpath for vmware \"eventlog\" key with \"skip\" option + ZBX-15704 Fixed sending log meta information without obvious needs + ZBX-15905 Added versioning of browser cached files + ZBX-15956 Reduced configuration cache fragmentation when reloading time based triggers + ZBX-15998 Improved performance of \"remove host\", \"remove from host group\", \"unlink from template\" operations when processing network discovery events and using mysql database + ZBX-15935 Fixed infinite loop and 100% cpu usage when using openipmi 2.0.26 or newer + ZBX-16005 Fixed \"{{item.value}.regsub(, |