Changelog for gitlab-runner-17.4.0-lp155.1.2.x86_64.rpm :

* Wed Oct 02 2024 Update to version 17.4.0:
* Update CHANGELOG for v17.4.0
* Merge branch \'docker-test-mac-address-config\' into \'main\'
* Merge branch \'sh-fix-issue-38016\' into \'main\'
* Update CHANGELOG for v17.4.0
* Fix docker+machine download url
* Remove the GitLab Hosted Runners as an example of security risks with DIND
* Change designation of Fleeting plugin for Azure from BETA to generally available
* fix bin path
* Resolve \"`gitlab-runner start` throws \"FATAL: Failed to start gitlab-runner: exit status 134\" when started prior to being logged in\"
* docs(kubernetes): mention AWS ASG Zone rebalancing
* Use latest docs docker image and linting configuration docs
* Add planning issue template
* Prevent script dump on job cancellation through UI
* Add troubleshooting step to resolve install error on Apple M1 to the Install GitLab Runner on macOS
* Revise install Step 3a in the Install GitLab Runner on macOS doc
* Revise install step 2 in the Install GitLab Runner on macOS doc
* Runner instance generally available
* Change the intro section in the Install GitLab Runner on macOS doc
* Fix tests panic
* Go mod tidy
* Add more akeyless tests and refactor accordingly
* Small akeyless fixes and refactoring
* Add akeyless dependencies
* Adding mock generated from go generate
* Removing auto genrated mock file
* Support fetching the akeyless token
* Adding go:generate mockery
* Removing build constraint to mock file
* Adding build constraint to mock file
* Fix goimports
* Adding build tag to test
* Support akeyless secrets
* Bump UBI base image from `9.4-1194` to `9.4-1227`
* Add reference to troubleshooting to install step 3c of the Install GitLab Runner on macOS doc
* Backfill test for waitForRunningContainer
* Add check for dependency resolution
* Copy in (some) podutils
* Copy edit GitLab Runner system services doc
* Fix fleeting plugin version constraint format documentation
* CTRT: Refactor install GitLab Runner
* Add GitLab Advanced SAST to CI/CD config
* Updated Ruby version from 3.3 to 3.3.x
* Update file
* Update file
* CTRT: Refactor the intro for Install GitLab Runner
* Applied suggestions from review
* Docker integration test for MacAddress setting
* Update allowed_pull_policies notes
* Clarify allowed_pull_policies default
* Doc details about enhanced behaviour when honoring images\' entrypoint
* Fix TestPrepareIssue2583 test
* Adapt TestWaitForPodRunning for new wait strategy
* Adapt services entrypoint logging
* Make ensurePodsConfigured a bit more succinct
* Forward entrypoint logs to the build log
* Rename captureServiceContainersLogs to reflect what it actually does
* Prepare powershell image for entrypoint logging checks
* Prepare an image with an interesting entrypoint
* Address GHSA-xr7q-jx4m-x55m Update to 1.64.1
* Update CHANGELOG for v17.3.1
* Update CHANGELOG for v17.3.1
* Update CHANGELOG for v17.3.0
* Merge branch \'release-dumb-init-failure-on-helper-image\' into \'main\'
* Add token newline troubleshooting item
* Change `Docker` to container in Kubernetes section of the Runner Advanced Configuration doc
* Add links to new autoscaling executors to the [[runners]] section in the Runner Advanced Configuration doc
* Add `Instance` and `Docker Autoscaler` executors to the default build dir section in the Runner Advanced Configuration doc
* Change text on the use of runner in offline environments in Runner Advanced Configuration doc
* Re-order sentences in the Helper image registry section of the Runner Advanced Config doc
* Add an example config for check interval
* Update the config.toml example in Runner Advanced Config
* Add link to debug trace docs page in the Runner Advanced Configuration doc
* Add `instance` and `docker-autoscaler` executors to the executors table
* Expand session server configuration example
* Update file
* Update file
* Update file
* Update file
* Update dumb-init version to 1.2.5 on GitLab Runner images
* Set default DUMB_INIT_VERSION for Helper ubi-fips
* Make image generation fail upon failure to download dumb-init ubi-fips
* Update install GitLab runner documentation for Amazon Linux
* Update the intro to the Shells table in Runner Advanced Configuration
* Add reference to docker executor in the [runners.docker] section
* Update the Global Section in the Runner Advanced Config doc
* Delete `experiment` label from `idleScaleFactor`
* Add intro to the [[runners.nachine.autoscaling]] section
* Update 3.18 and 3.19 alpine info
* Update file
* Update file
* Update file
* Change `executor` description in the advanced configuration doc
* Add link to the Git LFS page Advanced Config doc
* Change language to terminate in the Advanced Config doc
* Add link to the `services` docs page in Advanced Config doc
* Bump version to v17.4.0
* Magefile: fix package:rpmFips
* Dev: adding scripts/local-env
* Makefile.runner-helper: provide mapping from aarch64 to arm64
* Magefiles: docker/buildx: remove deprecated flag
* Fix punctuation and grammar
* Fix broken links
* Update the default container registry of the helper images
* Update the default container registry of the helper images
* Ensure unregister is called with at least one of --name or --token
* Remove redundant return
* Update CHANGELOG for v17.3.0
* Update CHANGELOG for v17.3.0
* Bump docker-machine to 0.16.2-gitlab.28
* Add rules to semgrep-sast job
* Remove unneeded notes in tabs
* Fix formatting in runner registration doc
* Work around a syntax highlighting problem
* Reorder assertions to group Contains and NotContains checks
* Install gitlab-runner using --init-user
* Set the default config file path
* Method to get specified user\'s home dir
* Plumb init-user into service configuration
* Add new init-user install flag
* Consolidate some code
* Add GIT_STRATEGY empty tests
* Remove Beta plugin warning for AWS
* Apply split Vale rules to project
* Employ a dedicated project directory for GitEmpty strategy
* Upgrade fleeting: fix tcpchan deadline for tunnelled connections
* Skip `TestRunCommand_configReloading` on windows platforms
* Remove funlen
* Fix default log format to FormatRunner
* Add unit test for deletion of log_level from config.toml
* Reset log format to default (text) when not set
* Reset log level to default (info) when not set
* Bump UBI base image from `9.4-1134` to `9.4-1194`
* Add runner path requirement
* Add debug log message for resolving Docker credentials
* Update
* Update azidentity dependency
* Update
* Add integration test for no additional newlines
* Remove previous logic to prevent additional newline
* Detect addition \
added by helper
* Update CHANGELOG for v17.2.1
* Update CHANGELOG for v17.2.1
* Update CHANGELOG for v17.2.0
* Update CHANGELOG for v17.1.1
* Update CHANGELOG for v17.0.2
* Update CHANGELOG for v16.11.3
* Add GIT_STRATEGY of \"empty\" to support clean build directories
* Merge branch \'hhoerl/37842-remove_git-\' into \'main\'
* Clarify where to install the fleeting plugin
* Re-enable Windows Docker git-lfs tests
* Custom executor script shouldn\'t end with \'.\' when no file extension
* Merge branch \'k8s-exit-container-on-context-cancellation\' into \'main\'
* Merge branch \'k8s-exit-container-on-context-cancellation\' into \'main\'
* Merge branch \'k8s-exit-container-on-context-cancellation\' into \'main\'
* Merge branch \'k8s-exit-container-on-context-cancellation\' into \'main\'
* Improve job cancellation in attach mode
* Docs maintenance: Add internal pages to ignore list
* [k8s] Fix `testKubernetesWithNonRootSecurityContext` integration tests
* [k8s] Fix `CaptureServiceLogs` integration tests
* Add missing requirement for network_mtu
* Add note about using Workload Identity Federation for GKE
* Bump version to v17.3.0
* Update CHANGELOG for v17.2.0
* Update file
* Adapt integration tests & docs to slightly differnt pull issue error
* Update docs for modifying Git LFS endpoints
* Rename some executor fields to better reflect what they are used for
* Push defaulting of more things into the constructor func
* Test against executors created via the contructor func
* Add note about Runner install requirement
* Add mount propagation volume option for kubernetes executor
* Ensure that dialing fleeting instance can be canceled
* Docs maintenance: Fix 404 links
* Manually update linting configuration and update Vale version
* Add note that AWS and GCP Fleeting plugins is beta
* Bump golang to 1.22.5
* Enable FF_RETRIEVE_POD_WARNING_EVENTS by default and update doc
* Improve existing integration tests
* Always attempt to retrieve pod warning events
* Manually update Vale and markdownlint rules and fix docs
* Add note to runner autoscaling for runner manager on fault tolerant design
* Have the k8s executor successfully discover the windows version
* Add note to runner autoscaling for runner manager on preemptive mode
* Add note on the runner `tls_verify` setting to the docs
* Add note to runner autoscaling on use of credentials file
* Add note to runner autoscaling for runner manager on containers
* Don\'t export the kube client creator and config getter
* Clean up TestPrepare
* Use correct build image in TestPrepare tests
* Have a way to inject a kube config into the kubernetes executor
* Test services\' pull policies are templated into the build pod
* Make pull manager allow for different images
* Have a way to inject a kube client into the kubernetes executor
* Use `client-go/kubernetes.Interface` as our kube client
* Fix testKubernetesNamespaceIsolation integration test
* Fix testKubernetesGarbageCollection integration test
* Fix testKubernetesCustomPodSpec integration test
* Fix lint errors
* Fix testKubernetesSuccessRunFeatureFlag
* Fixed reservation/unavailability taskscaler instance churn
* Add integration tests to test the feature flag
* Update working dir ownership when umask is disabled
* Fix lint warning
* Add and document the new feature flag
* Fix link that is broken when published
* Shorten network names created by FF_NETWORK_PER_BUILD
* Update CHANGELOG for v17.0.1
* Update CHANGELOG for v16.11.2
* Merge branch \'hhoerl/37842-remove_git-\' into \'main\'
* Merge branch \'hhoerl/37842-remove_git-\' into \'main\'
* Fix periods example in [[runners.autoscaler.policy]]
* Add a Runner Docker image tag for the build\'s revision
* Update dependency danger-review to v1.4.1
* Bump docker+machine version to v0.16.2-gitlab.27
* Make directories for scripts and logs configurable for k8s Executor
* Docs: fix kubernetes executor runner api permission
* Adress CVE-2024-6104 in
* Update renovate config for UBI base image
* Bump UBI bases image from `9.4-949` to `9.4-1134`
* Update CHANGELOG for v17.0.1
* Update CHANGELOG for v16.11.2
* Remove git test
* Add note about `FF_ENABLE_JOB_CLEANUP` feature flag
* Document k8s executors for read-only root filesystem
* Fix some external links in the project
* Fix default runner alpine flavour version
* Replace sysvinit-adjacent commands with systemd equivalents
* Remove vendor exclude dir from golangci-lint check
* Keep volumes on runner update
* Suppress golangci-lint config deprecations and warnings
* Fix mock.AnythingOfTypeArgument deprecation error
* Upgrade fleeting and taskscaler to fix instance churn/runaway
* Fix mock.AnythingOfTypeArgument deprecation error
* Upgrade fleeting and taskscaler to fix instance churn/runaway
* Specify in which scenarios missing index has been seen
* Bump runner-linters
* Bump to Go 1.22.4
* Create issue template for bumping golang
* Fix parsing of --kubernetes-host_aliases command-line flag
* Use upstream spdystream again
* Set proper permission on entrypoint scripts
* Bump version to v17.2.0
* Update CHANGELOG for v17.1.0
* Set file permissions before creating runner rpm/deb packages
* Add exact commands to fix signed by unknown authority
* Fix mock.AnythingOfTypeArgument deprecation error
* Check if err is nil while attempting a retry for k8s executor
* Upgrade fleeting and taskscaler to fix instance churn/runaway
* Document troubleshooting steps for 500 error creating tags
* Update file
* Upgrade to v1.17.9
* Upgrade to v7.0.70
* Remove dependency
* Remove dependency from main application
* Add Kubernetes configurable retry backoff ceiling
* Use the danger-review component
* Fix linter violation
* Update file
* Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s)
* Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s)
* Apply 4 suggestion(s) to 2 file(s)
* Update Docker Autoscaler executor docs
* Update 2 files
* Update file
* Support handling docker images with AATTdigest
* Bump docker+machine version to v0.16.2-gitlab.26
* Check links in more files
* Upgrade ubi fips base image from ubi8 to ubi9
* Upgrade ubi fips base image from ubi8 to ubi9
* Upgrade ubi fips base image from ubi8 to ubi9
* Fix blockquote format for version history
* Upgrade helper image git-lfs to 3.5.1
* Update docs linting Docker images
* Update runner registration documentation
* Enable tarzstd archive format for caches
* Fix docker client intermittently failing to connect to unix socket
* Use more consistent configFile setup
* Restructure documentation
* Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s)
* Apply ajwalker suggestion to combine into one function
* Add steps shim
* Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s)
* Fix external links in docs
* Fix lint failure
* Add version requirement to run-single config file usage
* Allow reading run-single configuration from a config file
* Fix trailing newline
* Remove trailing whitespace
* Bump to Go 1.22.3
* Move docs-related CI jobs to the same file
* Override helper images entrypoint on docker import
* Use lowercase for beta and experiment
* Docs: match example to text
* Override helper images entrypoint on docker import
* Add note about KMS Alias syntax
* Propagate exit codes through nested pwsh calls
* Fix jsonschema validation warning for kubernetes retry_limits
* Made beta and experiment lowercase
* Revert \"Merge branch \'runner-incept-needs-ci-prep\' into \'main\'\"
* Revert \"Merge branch \'runner-incept-needs-ci-prep\' into \'main\'\"
* Bump version to v17.1.0
* Update CHANGELOG for v17.0.0
* Add fleeting docs describing new plugin installation method
* Allow callers of Kubernetes log processor to wait for Goroutines
* Update mocks after running check_mocks
* Update mockery to 2.43.0
* Bump to Go 1.22.2
* Improve upgrade docs
* Clean up docs redirects, runner - 2024-05-02
* Fix jsonschema validation warning for docker services_limit
* Added missing apostrophe
* Log ETag of extracted cache archive if available
* golangci-lint: Migrate to new formats config
* Disable linting of appendAssign
* Rename deadline config to timeout in golangci-lint config
* Fix golangci-lint static analysis failures
* Upgrade runner-linters image to golangci-lint v1.58.0 and Go 1.22
* Updating docs tier badge rules
* Apply Fiona\'s suggestions
* Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s)
* Fix incorrect link
* Apply Fiona\'s suggestion
* Fix broken link and typo
* Add clarity on container per VM
* Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s)
* Update GitLab Runner Version
* Added tier badge info
* Fix stuck Windows 1809 jobs
* Restructure sentence
* Clarify MachineOptions location
* Formatting and sentence structure
* Update .html to .md
* Use a relative link for documentation
* Provide examples and clarify
* Clarify \"circular\" docs links
* Remove configuration from documentation
* Update integration tests accordingly
* Remove deprecated pre and post clone scripts
* Remove unsupported GitLab versions from Verify Runner group docs
* Require ci prep before incept
* Remove slsa_v02 from artifact_metadata
* Update Changelog
* Revert \"Merge remote-tracking branch \'origin/16-11-stable\'\"
* Add information regarding Beta feature
* Switch to Lychee for link checking
* Upgrade taskscaler library, fixes capacity calculation
* Upgrade fleeting library, fixes ssh connection hang
* Remove runner from config when unregister with token
* Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s)
* Support Google Secrets from projects other than the WIF pool one
* Make of PowerShell the default for Windows OS
* Update documentation
* Update unit and integration tests
* Remove `cmd` shell
* Interpret failed pods as system failures rather than script failures for Kubernetes executor
* Fix fleeting install subcommand for Windows
* Updated examples to avoid helm error
* Remove container on cancel to fix after_script not always executing
* Correctly set CI_JOB_STATUS to timedout/canceled when appropriate
* April: fixes trailing whitespace in GitLab Runner project
* Remove `gitlab-runner exec` command
* Implement new GCS Cache adapter that uses Google Cloud SDKs auth discovery defaults
* Upgrade fleeting-artifact to fix plugin installation
* Add ssh: handshake failed to troubleshooting
* Update autoscaler config option documentation
* Add cpuset_mems option to Docker executor
* Add docs for Runner Operator in disconnected network environments
* Update 4 files
* Fix failing unit tests
* Remove legacy shell quoting and FF_USE_NEW_SHELL_ESCAPE feature flag
* Cleanup code
* Remove deprecated terminationGracePeriodSeconds
* Fix dead documentation anchor links in README
* Remove license scanning template
* Fix buildlogger write race
* Add prerequisite info to runner registration token section
* Document the Beta status of the Google Cloud plugin for fleeting
* Add support for taskscaler scale throttle
* Add security risk on runner debug for Shell executors
* Print a warning when token rotation is disabled
* Add the ability to disable the automatic token rotation
* Fix jsonschema validation warning for monitoring struct
* Stop installing tar in ubi fips images
* Convert custom kubernetes error to retryError
* Mon May 13 2024 Update to version 16.11.1:
* Update CHANGELOG for v16.11.1
* Update CHANGELOG for v16.11.0
* Merge branch \'ajwalker/fleeting-ssh-connection-hang\' into \'main\'
* Merge branch \'ajwalker/remove-license-scanning-template\' into \'main\'
* Merge branch \'37485-ci_job_status\' into \'main\'
* Merge branch \'ajwalker/fix-fleeting-plugin-installation-windows\' into \'main\'
* Merge branch \'ajwalker/upgrade-fleeting-artifact\' into \'main\'
* Merge branch \'ajwalker/buildlogger-write-race\' into \'main\'
* Bump version to v16.12.0
* Update CHANGELOG for v16.11.0
* Taskscaler and fleeting now use logrus logger
* Bump Go version to 1.21.9
* Fix log timestamps fixed format
* Add Jfrog Artifactory Secretes engine as External Secrets option in Hashicorp Vault
* Optimize buildlogger masking options
* Add timestamps to logs behind feature flag
* Refactor logging so that each stream has its own masker
* Refactor SSH Client to pass stdout/stderr on run, rather than connect
* Remove Improved URL Masking feature flag
* Detach masking from trace buffer
* Give up on the trace finalUpdate if it keeps on failing
* Add autoscaler instance_ready_command option
* Runner: Updates docs-lint image for new SVG use
* docs: Remove period in the middle of a sentence
* Remove extra square brackets in podman section
* Fix test coverage report job
* Update
* Update
* Update
* Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s)
* Try to fix CI by removing quotes
* Check docker version before using deprecated arg
* Add fleeting subcommand to manage fleeting plugins
* move arg out
* Fix for armv7l (#36976)
* Update integration tests to reflect the ssh.Config change
* Rename ssh.Config to common.SshConfig
* Upgrade to v1.3.2
* Exclude ssh config from config.toml the validation
* Update file
* Update file
* Fix typo in note
* Poke dockerfiles/ci/go.fips.Dockerfile rebuild
* Revert \"Merge branch \'avonbertoldi/27443/graceful-shutdown-shell\' into \'main\'\"
* Extend GitInfo with RepoObjectFormat to store object format
* Use fork of moby/spdystream to fix race condition
* Re-enable SAST scanning
* Change beta to pre in version string
* Avoid errors when creating files in pwsh 2.0
* Thu Apr 11 2024 Update to version 16.10.0:
* Update CHANGELOG for v16.10.0
* Merge branch \'avonbertoldi/revert-unit-file-change\' into \'main\'
* Bump version to v16.11.0
* Update CHANGELOG for v16.10.0
* Build is now canceled if autoscaled instance disappears
* Update windows support section
* Add target to compile all test
* Upgrade fleeting library
* Document connection_max_age parameter
* Remove broken link to Kubernetes docs\' emptyDir
* Document how to troubleshoot Docker Machine issues
* Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s)
* Bump docker+machine version to v0.16.2-gitlab.25
* Runner: updates last two redirecting links
* Update plugin status, link timeline/epic
* Fix typo (Telsa -> Tesla)
* Enabling Vale for badges
* Add support for cgroup_parent setting on Docker executor
* [Experimental] Define monitoring threshold for job queue duration
* Finishes link fixes in Runner docs
* Enable feature cancel_gracefully
* Apply 2 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s)
* Fix Experimental -> Beta references
* Add runner token to header
* Updating SaaS to be .com
* service_linux.go: Remove non-existent from service file was removed more than a decade ago -
* Really silence error when execing on container that does not exists
* Update CHANGELOG for v16.9.0
* Update runner sizes
* Fix reference to project issue
* Implement integration test to verify behavior
* Implement unit tests to test general logic
* Apply idiomatic suggestions from review
* Use correct context when communicating with K8s API
* Add new option namespace_per_job to executor docs
* Add missing kubeAPI annotations and permission docs
* Add support for isolating jobs to individual namespaces
* Set saner default for --config option
* Stop adding `--user` to gitlab-runner run command
* Use curl instead of wget in install-deps script
* Don\'t install wget in ubi images
* Update CHANGELOG for v16.9.1
* Merge branch \'sh-skip-failing-cmd-test\' into \'main\'
* Merge branch \'avonbertoldi/incident-17638-dockerauthconfig\' into \'main\'
* Update CHANGELOG for v16.8.0
* Set UseWindowsLegacyProcessStrategy to false by default
* Update no-trailing-spaces configuration for consistency
* Remove unneeded trailing spaces
* Skip TestBuildGitFetchStrategyFallback on Windows cmd
* Fix unrelated failing windows test
* Add unit tests for build vars as file-type vars
* Call Value() instead of Get() when validating variables
* Restructure Kubernetes executor page part 2
* Restructure Kubernetes executor page
* Refactor network.newClient to use Go functional option pattern
* Fix get IP for Parallels executor on macOS intel
* Add-vale-plugin-to-runner-dev
* Update usage of GCP to Google Cloud
* Bump version to v16.10.0
* Update CHANGELOG for v16.8.1
* Use the actual keys now in the test
* This test now panics
* Return statement is not needed anymore
* Fix fallback_key for local cache
* GIT_LFS_VERSION is no longer required to be set
* Merge branch \'revert-b534d885\' into \'main\'
* Set saner default for --config option
* Stop adding `--user` to gitlab-runner run command
* Tue Apr 09 2024 Update to version 16.9.0:
* Update CHANGELOG for v16.9.0
* Retry package cloud push on HTTP error 520
* Fix warning event integration test
* Fix rpm gpg sign command invocation
* Add missing `syscall.EPIPE` network error to retry
* Apply kubernetes retry limits docs suggestions
* Fix kubernetes exec import
* Fix lint job for kubernetes/
* Fix verify stable resources job by adding release artifacts to docker jobs
* Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s)
* Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s)
* Correctly use volume driver for all volumes.
* Fix `retry_limits` docs example
* Fix `retry_limits` config.go docs
* Re-apply Kubernetes docs for retry limits
* Add tests for RetryRequestLimit, RetryRequestLimits and fix edge cases
* Add configuratble retry limits
* Fix service resource overwrites in kubernetes executor
* Kubernetes: updating the diff with review suggestions
* Docs: updating kubernetes docs with service overwrite section
* Kubernetes allow explicit cpu/memory service resources overwrites