Changelog for
python311-apipkg-3.0.2-150600.2.2.noarch.rpm :
* Mon Oct 02 2023 update to 3.0.2:
* Fix import path to make it vendoring-friendly
* remove py reference from tests- switch to gh tarball to get tests again
* Fri Apr 21 2023 add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
* Thu Apr 13 2023 Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
* Mon Feb 27 2023 Don\'t use fdupes -s, it hurts.
* Wed Nov 30 2022 Generate the file in %prep to remove completely hatch-vcs from pyproject to make it build and run tests correctly
* Wed Nov 30 2022 Remove python-hatch-vcs dependency
* Wed Nov 30 2022 Remove python-py dependency
* Tue Nov 29 2022 Remove python_module macro definition- Update to 3.0.1:
* restore tox.ini to support tox --current-env based packaging- 3.0.0
* add support for python 3.11 and drop dead pythons (thanks hukgo)
* migrate to hatch
* split up
* add some type annotations- 2.1.1
* drop the python 3.4 support marker, 2.1.0 broke it 2.1.0 will be yanked after release
* Sun Oct 17 2021 Update to v2.1.0
* fix race condition for import of modules using apipkg.initpkg in Python 3.3+ by updating existing modules in-place rather than replacing in sys.modules with an apipkg.ApiModule instances. This race condition exists for import statements (and __import__) in Python 3.3+ where sys.modules is checked before obtaining an import lock, and for importlib.import_module in Python 3.11+ for the same reason.- Release 2.0.1
* fix race conditions for attribute creation- Release 2.0.0
* also transfer __spec__ attribute
* make py.test hack more specific to avoid hiding real errors
* switch from Travis CI to GitHub Actions
* modernize package build
* reformat code with black- Drop pytest4.patch
* Tue Dec 08 2020 The now broken apicycle requires apipkg to be importable from elsewhere -- use src dir.
* Sun Dec 06 2020 Split package into multibuild, to avoid apipkg -> pytest -> py -> apipkg cycle.
* Fri Jul 19 2019 refresh pytest4.patch for pytest5
* Tue Feb 12 2019 Add patch to fix build with pytest newer than 4:
* pytest4.patch
* Sun Aug 05 2018 update to 1.5- fixed dependencies
* switch to setuptools_scm
* avoid dict iteration (fixes issue on python3)
* preserve __package__ - ths gets us better pep 302 compliance
* Thu Apr 27 2017 Fixed source URL
* Fri Apr 21 2017 Converted to single-spec- Enabled tests
* Fri Mar 11 2016 update to 1.4: - revert the automated version gathering - fix issue2 - adapt tests on Jython - handle jython __pkgpath__ missabstraction when running python from jar files - alias modules pointing to unimportable modules will return None for all their attributes instead of raising ImportError. This addresses python3.4 where any call to getframeinfo() can choke on sys.modules contents if pytest is not installed (because py.test.
* imports it). - introduce apipkg.distribution_version(name) as helper to obtain the current version number of a package from install metadata its used by default with the package name - add an eagerloading option and eagerload automatically if bpython is used (workaround for their monkeypatching)- Switch to use .tar.gz sdist instead of zip- Install LICENSE- BuildRequires python-setuptools