Changelog for MozillaFirefox-devel-115.0.3-1087.1.noarch.rpm :

* Fri Jul 28 2023 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 115.0.3
* fixes for other platforms- remove bashisms from firefox startup script (boo#1213657)
* Thu Jul 13 2023 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 115.0.2
* Fixed a bug with displaying a caret in the text editor on some websites (bmo#1840804)
* Fixed a bug with broken audio rendering on some websites (bmo#1841982)
* Fixed a bug with patternTransform translate using the wrong units (bmo#1840746) MFSA 2023-26 (bsc#1213230)
* CVE-2023-3600 (bmo#1839703) Use-after-free in workers
* Fri Jul 07 2023 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 115.0.1
* fixes for other platforms
* Sun Jul 02 2023 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 115.0
* Support for importing payment methods saved in Chrome-based browser
* Hardware video decoding is now enabled for Intel GPUs on Linux
* The Tab Manager dropdown now features close buttons, so tabs can be closed more quickly
* Streamlined the user interface for importing data in from other browsers
* Users without platform support for H264 video decoding can now fallback to Cisco\'s OpenH264 plugin for playback.
* Undo and redo are now available in Password fields
* Changed: On Linux, middle clicks on the new tab button will now open the xclipboard contents in the new tab. If the xclipboard content is a URL then that URL is opened, any other text is opened with your default search provider.
* Changed: For users with a Firefox Colorways built-in theme, the theme will be automatically migrated to the same theme hosted on for Firefox profiles that have disabled add-ons auto-updates. This will allow users to keep their Colorways theme when they are later removed from Firefox installer files.
* Changed: Certain Firefox users may come across a message in the extensions panel indicating that their add-ons are not allowed on the site currently open. We have introduced a new back-end feature to only allow some extensions monitored by Mozilla to run on specific websites for various reasons, including security concerns.
* HTML5: The builtin editor now behaves similarly to other browsers with `contenteditable` and `designMode` when splitting a node, e.g. typing Enter to split a paragraph, and also when joining two nodes, e.g. typing Backspace at the start of a paragraph to join the paragraph and the previous one. When a node is split, the builtin editor creates a new node after the original one instead of before, i.e. creates the right node instead of the left node. Similarly, when two nodes are joined, the builtin editor deletes the latter node and moves its children to the end of the preceding node instead of deleting the former node and moving its child to the start of the following node.
* HTML5: WebRTC application developers can now specify a target in milliseconds of media for the jitter buffer to hold. Altering the target value allows applications to control the tradeoff between playout delay and the risk of running out of audio or video frames due to network jitter.
* HTML5: Change array by copy provides additional methods on `Array.prototype` and `TypedArray.prototype` to enable changes on the array by returning a new copy of it with the change.
* HTML5: The animation-composition property is now supported, allowing a declarative way to define the composite operation used when multiple animations affect the same property simultaneously.
* HTML5: Added the URL.canParse() function to allow easy and fast checking if URLs are valid and parseable.
* HTML5: IndexedDB is now also supported in private browsing without memory limits thanks to encrypted storage on disk. The temporary keys to decrypt the information are hold in RAM only and all stored information is purged at the normal end of a private browsing session from disk.
* HTML5: Supports conditions are now supported in CSS import rules AATTimport supports(...)
* Developer: In web development, we rely on third-party libraries which you may not be interested in while debugging. These can be ignored. Ignoring them means that breakpoints will not get hit and they are skipped during stepping. You can now choose to
*Hide ignore-listed sources
* in the Developer Tools source tree
* Developer: We have introduced a new option, `devtools.f12_enabled`, that can be utilized to prevent the accidental use of the F12 key, which opens the DevTools toolbox (bug).
* Enterprise: You can find information about policy updates and enterprise specific bug fixes in the Firefox for Enterprise 115 Release Notes. MFSA 2023-22 (bsc#1212438)
* CVE-2023-3482 (bmo#1839464) Block all cookies bypass for localstorage
* CVE-2023-37201 (bmo#1826002) Use-after-free in WebRTC certificate generation
* CVE-2023-37202 (bmo#1834711) Potential use-after-free from compartment mismatch in SpiderMonkey
* CVE-2023-37203 (bmo#291640) Drag and Drop API may provide access to local system files
* CVE-2023-37204 (bmo#1832195) Fullscreen notification obscured via option element
* CVE-2023-37205 (bmo#1704420) URL spoofing in address bar using RTL characters
* CVE-2023-37206 (bmo#1813299) Insufficient validation of symlinks in the FileSystem API
* CVE-2023-37207 (bmo#1816287) Fullscreen notification obscured
* CVE-2023-37208 (bmo#1837675) Lack of warning when opening Diagcab files
* CVE-2023-37209 (bmo#1837993) Use-after-free in `NotifyOnHistoryReload`
* CVE-2023-37210 (bmo#1821886) Full-screen mode exit prevention
* CVE-2023-37211 (bmo#1832306, bmo#1834862, bmo#1835886, bmo#1836550, bmo#1837450) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 115, Firefox ESR 102.13, and Thunderbird 102.13
* CVE-2023-37212 (bmo#1750870, bmo#1825552, bmo#1826206, bmo#1827076, bmo#1828690, bmo#1833503, bmo#1835710, bmo#1838587) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 115- Requires NSS 3.90- Add patches: mozilla-rust-disable-future-incompat.patch mozilla-bmo1775202.patch mozilla-partial-revert-1768632.patch- removed obsolete mozilla-buildfixes.patch
* Tue Jun 20 2023 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 114.0.2:
* Several crash fixes
* Web Extensions: Fixes for 114 regressions in Native Messaging support
* Tue Jun 20 2023 Wolfgang Rosenauer - do not enable LTO as it caused crashes now (boo#1212101)
* Sat Jun 10 2023 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 114.0.1
* Fix a startup crash (bmo#1837201, boo#1212101)
* Fri Jun 09 2023 Martin Sirringhaus - Only install vaapitest for wayland-enabled builds, where it gets built- Rebase mozilla-silence-no-return-type.patch- Rebase s390x-patches, and remove obsolete patches: mozilla-bmo1005535.patch mozilla-s390x-skia-gradient.patch
* Mon Jun 05 2023 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 114.0 MFSA 2023-20 (bsc#1211922)
* CVE-2023-34414 (bmo#1695986) Click-jacking certificate exceptions through rendering lag
* CVE-2023-34415 (bmo#1811999) Site-isolation bypass on sites that allow open redirects to data: urls
* CVE-2023-34416 (bmo#1752703, bmo#1818394, bmo#1826875, bmo#1827340, bmo#1827655, bmo#1828065, bmo#1830190, bmo#1830206, bmo#1830795, bmo#1833339) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 114 and Firefox ESR 102.12
* CVE-2023-34417 (bmo#1746447, bmo#1820903, bmo#1832832) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 114
* New: Added UI to manage the DNS over HTTPS exception list. (bmo#1596847)
* New: Bookmarks can now be searched from the Bookmarks menu. The Bookmarks menu is accessible by adding the
*Bookmarks menu
* button to the toolbar. (bmo#1736937)
* New: Restrict searches to your local browsing history by selecting
*Search history
* from the History, Library or Application menu buttons. (bmo#1736939)
* New: Mac users can now capture video from their cameras in all supported native resolutions. This enables resolutions higher than 1280x720. (bmo#1806604)
* New: It is now possible to reorder the extensions listed in the extensions panel. (bmo#1805924)
* New: Users on macOS, Linux, and Windows 7 can now use FIDO2 / WebAuthn authenticators over USB. Some advanced features, such as fully passwordless logins, require a PIN to be set on the authenticator. (bmo#1814487)
* New: Pocket Recommended content can now be seen in France, Italy, and Spain. (bmo#None)
* Changed: DNS over HTTPS settings are now part of the
* Privacy & Security
* section of the
* page and allow the user to choose from all the supported modes. (bmo#1610741)
* HTML5: DOM: Added support for ES Modules on DedicatedWorker and SharedWorker
* HTML5: WebTransport is now enabled by default and will be going to release with 114. As the original Explainer notes, it enables multiple use-cases that are hard or impossible to handle without it, especially for Gaming and live streaming. It covers cases that are problematic for alternative mechanisms, such as WebSockets. Built on top of HTTP3 (HTTP2 support will be coming later). The current implementation in Firefox is passing 505 out of 565 Web-Platform Tests.
* HTML5: CSS: The `infinity` and `NaN` constants are now supported inside the `calc()` function. (bmo#1830759)
* Developer: The
*Copy as cURL
* feature, available in the Network panel, has been enhanced. It now supports the - `-compressed` argument. (bmo#1776120)
* Developer: The Accessibility Inspector has been improved to accurately recognize all the ARIA roles like `banner`, `main`, `navigation`, and `contentinfo`, etc. This enhancement is particularly beneficial for web developers working with ARIA roles to improve web accessibility. (bmo#1572512)
* Developer: Firefox now provides support for the CSS Cascading Level 4 `supports()` syntax for `AATTimport` rules. This allows for the importation of other stylesheets based on support- dependency. In addition, the Inspector panel now accurately displays the conditions at the top of the imported rule.- requires NSS 3.89.1
* Wed May 24 2023 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 113.0.2 (boo#1211696)
* Fixed: Fixed a bug which could cause Firefox to freeze on some pages when loading them with the Developer Tools Web Console open (bmo#1828026)
* Fixed: Fixed a bug which would cause the bookmarks and history sidebars to not properly react to the browser window being vertically resized (bmo#1831535)
* Sat May 13 2023 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 113.0.1
* UI fixes for other platforms- upstream signing key updated
* Tue May 09 2023 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 113.0
* MFSA 2023-16 (bsc#1211175)
* CVE-2023-32205 (bmo#1753339, bmo#1753341) Browser prompts could have been obscured by popups
* CVE-2023-32206 (bmo#1824892) Crash in RLBox Expat driver
* CVE-2023-32207 (bmo#1826116) Potential permissions request bypass via clickjacking
* CVE-2023-32208 (bmo#1646034) Leak of script base URL in service workers via import()
* CVE-2023-32209 (bmo#1767194) Persistent DoS via favicon image
* CVE-2023-32210 (bmo#1776755) Incorrect principal object ordering
* CVE-2023-32211 (bmo#1823379) Content process crash due to invalid wasm code
* CVE-2023-32212 (bmo#1826622) Potential spoof due to obscured address bar
* CVE-2023-32213 (bmo#1826666) Potential memory corruption in FileReader::DoReadData()
* MFSA-TMP-2023-0002 (bmo#1814560, bmo#1814790, bmo#1819796) Race condition in dav1d decoding
* CVE-2023-32214 (bmo#1828716) Potential DoS via exposed protocol handlers
* CVE-2023-32215 (bmo#1540883, bmo#1751943, bmo#1814856, bmo#1820210, bmo#1821480, bmo#1827019, bmo#1827024, bmo#1827144, bmo#1827359, bmo#1830186) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 113 and Firefox ESR 102.11
* CVE-2023-32216 (bmo#1746479, bmo#1806852, bmo#1815987, bmo#1820359, bmo#1823568, bmo#1824803, bmo#1824834, bmo#1825170, bmo#1827020, bmo#1828130) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 113- removed obsolete mozilla-bmo1568145.patch
* Sun May 07 2023 Aaron Puchert - Fix i586 build by reducing debug info to -g1. (boo#1210168)
* Tue Apr 25 2023 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 112.0.2
* Fix a high memory usage issue with animated images in minimized (or completely covered) windows, especially when using animated themes (bmo#1828587)
* Fix an issue where Linux users with bitmap fonts installed may have had entire sections of text invisible to them on some sites (bmo#1827950)
* Fri Apr 21 2023 Manfred Hollstein - Include Leap 15.5 in check for which python version is required.
* Thu Apr 20 2023 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 112.0.1
* Fix a bug where cookie dates appear to be set in the far future after updating Firefox. This may have caused cookies to be unintentionally purged (bmo#1827669)
* Mon Apr 10 2023 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 112.0
* MFSA 2023-13 (bsc#1210212)
* CVE-2023-29531 (bmo#1794292) Out-of-bound memory access in WebGL on macOS
* CVE-2023-29532 (bmo#1806394) Mozilla Maintenance Service Write-lock bypass
* CVE-2023-29533 (bmo#1798219, bmo#1814597) Fullscreen notification obscured
* CVE-2023-29534 (bmo#1816007, bmo#1816059, bmo#1821155, bmo#1821576, bmo#1821906, bmo#1822298, bmo#1822305) Fullscreen notification could have been obscured on Firefox for Android
* MFSA-TMP-2023-0001 (bmo#1819244) Double-free in libwebp
* CVE-2023-29535 (bmo#1820543) Potential Memory Corruption following Garbage Collector compaction
* CVE-2023-29536 (bmo#1821959) Invalid free from JavaScript code
* CVE-2023-29537 (bmo#1823365, bmo#1824200, bmo#1825569) Data Races in font initialization code
* CVE-2023-29538 (bmo#1685403) Directory information could have been leaked to WebExtensions
* CVE-2023-29539 (bmo#1784348) Content-Disposition filename truncation leads to Reflected File Download
* CVE-2023-29540 (bmo#1790542) Iframe sandbox bypass using redirects and sourceMappingUrls
* CVE-2023-29541 (bmo#1810191) Files with malicious extensions could have been downloaded unsafely on Linux
* CVE-2023-29542 (bmo#1810793, bmo#1815062) Bypass of file download extension restrictions
* CVE-2023-29543 (bmo#1816158) Use-after-free in debugging APIs
* CVE-2023-29544 (bmo#1818781) Memory Corruption in garbage collector
* CVE-2023-29545 (bmo#1823077) Windows Save As dialog resolved environment variables
* CVE-2023-29546 (bmo#1780842) Screen recording in Private Browsing included address bar on Android
* CVE-2023-29547 (bmo#1783536) Secure document cookie could be spoofed with insecure cookie
* CVE-2023-29548 (bmo#1822754) Incorrect optimization result on ARM64
* CVE-2023-29549 (bmo#1823042) Javascript\'s bind function may have failed
* CVE-2023-29550 (bmo#1720594, bmo#1751945, bmo#1812498, bmo#1814217, bmo#1818357, bmo#1818762, bmo#1819493, bmo#1820389, bmo#1820602, bmo#1821448, bmo#1822413, bmo#1824828) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 112 and Firefox ESR 102.10
* CVE-2023-29551 (bmo#1763625, bmo#1814314, bmo#1815798, bmo#1815890, bmo#1819239, bmo#1819465, bmo#1819486, bmo#1819492, bmo#1819957, bmo#1820514, bmo#1820776, bmo#1821838, bmo#1822175, bmo#1823547) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 112- requires
* NSS 3.89
* Python >= 3.7 (for build)- removed obsolete mozilla-bmo1807652.patch- Fix Icons displayed incorrectly on GNOME/wayland via WMCLASS in desktop file
* Mon Mar 27 2023 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 111.0.1 (boo#1209688)
* Fixed a crash on macOS while pinch-zooming under some circumstances (bmo#1658986)
* Fixed a bug causing Firefox to freeze on startup for some Windows users (bmo#1823159)- fix build on Tumbleweed (mozilla-bmo1807652.patch)- exclude i586/i686 once again because it fails to link libxul due to its size
* Tue Mar 14 2023 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 111.0
* MFSA 2023-09 (bsc#1209173)
* CVE-2023-28159 (bmo#1783561) Fullscreen Notification could have been hidden by download popups on Android
* CVE-2023-25748 (bmo#1798798) Fullscreen Notification could have been hidden by window prompts on Android
* CVE-2023-25749 (bmo#1810705) Firefox for Android may have opened third-party apps without a prompt
* CVE-2023-25750 (bmo#1814733) Potential ServiceWorker cache leak during private browsing mode
* CVE-2023-25751 (bmo#1814899) Incorrect code generation during JIT compilation
* CVE-2023-28160 (bmo#1802385) Redirect to Web Extension files may have leaked local path
* CVE-2023-28164 (bmo#1809122) URL being dragged from a removed cross-origin iframe into the same tab triggered navigation
* CVE-2023-28161 (bmo#1811181) One-time permissions granted to a local file were extended to other local files loaded in the same tab
* CVE-2023-28162 (bmo#1811327) Invalid downcast in Worklets
* CVE-2023-25752 (bmo#1811627) Potential out-of-bounds when accessing throttled streams
* CVE-2023-28163 (bmo#1817768) Windows Save As dialog resolved environment variables
* CVE-2023-28176 (bmo#1808352, bmo#1811637, bmo#1815904, bmo#1817442, bmo#1818674) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 111 and Firefox ESR 102.9
* CVE-2023-28177 (bmo#1803109, bmo#1808832, bmo#1809542, bmo#1817336) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 111- ensure gcc11-c++ gets used on Leap 15.5- requires NSS >= 3.88.1- removed obsolete patches gcc13-fix.patch mozilla-bmo1810584.patch- rebased patches- update
* Tue Mar 07 2023 Martin Liška - Cherry-pick upstream changes for GCC 13 in gcc13-fix.patch.
* Mon Mar 06 2023 Andreas Schwab - Limit memory use on riscv64
* Sat Mar 04 2023 Andreas Stieger - Fix 32 bit build bmo#1810584 (add mozilla-bmo1810584.patch)
* Fri Mar 03 2023 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 110.0.1 (boo#1208886)
* Fixed clearing recent cookies clears all cookies (bmo#1816279)
* Fixed WebGL crashes on Linux when ran inside a VMWare virtual machine (bmo#1807942)
* Fixed a bug with CSP serialization causing bugs with the MitID Digital ID in Denmark (bmo#1819096)
* Wed Feb 15 2023 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 110.0
* MFSA 2023-05 (bsc#1208144)
* CVE-2023-25728 (bmo#1790345) Content security policy leak in violation reports using iframes
* CVE-2023-25730 (bmo#1794622) Screen hijack via browser fullscreen mode
* CVE-2023-25743 (bmo#1800203) Fullscreen notification not shown in Firefox Focus
* CVE-2023-0767 (bmo#1804640) Arbitrary memory write via PKCS 12 in NSS
* CVE-2023-25735 (bmo#1810711) Potential use-after-free from compartment mismatch in SpiderMonkey
* CVE-2023-25737 (bmo#1811464) Invalid downcast in SVGUtils::SetupStrokeGeometry
* CVE-2023-25738 (bmo#1811852) Printing on Windows could potentially crash Firefox with some device drivers
* CVE-2023-25739 (bmo#1811939) Use-after-free in mozilla::dom::ScriptLoadContext::~ScriptLoadContext
* CVE-2023-25729 (bmo#1792138) Extensions could have opened external schemes without user knowledge
* CVE-2023-25732 (bmo#1804564) Out of bounds memory write from EncodeInputStream
* CVE-2023-25734 (bmo#1784451, bmo#1809923, bmo#1810143, bmo#1812338) Opening local .url files could cause unexpected network loads
* CVE-2023-25740 (bmo#1812354) Opening local .scf files could cause unexpected network loads
* CVE-2023-25731 (bmo#1801542) Prototype pollution when rendering URLPreview
* CVE-2023-25733 (bmo#1808632) Possible null pointer dereference in TaskbarPreviewCallback
* CVE-2023-25736 (bmo#1811331) Invalid downcast in GetTableSelectionMode
* CVE-2023-25741 (bmo#1437126, bmo#1812611, bmo#1813376) Same-origin policy leak via image drag and drop
* CVE-2023-25742 (bmo#1813424) Web Crypto ImportKey crashes tab
* CVE-2023-25744 (bmo#1789449, bmo#1803628, bmo#1810536) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 110 and Firefox ESR 102.8
* CVE-2023-25745 (bmo#1688592, bmo#1797186, bmo#1804998, bmo#1806521, bmo#1813284) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 110- requires NSS = 3.87 rust/cargo = 1.66- update
* Wed Feb 01 2023 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 109.0.1
* Fixed jank when loading pages containing a large number of emoji characters (bmo#1809081)
* Fixed an issue causing authentication prompts to not appear when loading pages in some enterprise environments (bmo#1809151)
* ixed inconsistent sizing of event listener checkboxes inside the Inspector developer tool (bmo#1811760)
* Mon Jan 16 2023 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 109.0 MFSA 2023-01 (bsc#1207119)
* CVE-2023-23597 (bmo#1538028) Logic bug in process allocation allowed to read arbitrary files
* CVE-2023-23598 (bmo#1800425) Arbitrary file read from GTK drag and drop on Linux
* CVE-2023-23599 (bmo#1777800) Malicious command could be hidden in devtools output on Windows
* CVE-2023-23600 (bmo#1787034) Notification permissions persisted between Normal and Private Browsing on Android
* CVE-2023-23601 (bmo#1794268) URL being dragged from cross-origin iframe into same tab triggers navigation
* CVE-2023-23602 (bmo#1800890) Content Security Policy wasn\'t being correctly applied to WebSockets in WebWorkers
* CVE-2023-23603 (bmo#1800832) Calls to console.log allowed bypasing Content Security Policy via format directive
* CVE-2023-23604 (bmo#1802346) Creation of duplicate SystemPrincipal from less secure contexts
* CVE-2023-23605 (bmo#1764921, bmo#1802690, bmo#1806974) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 109 and Firefox ESR 102.7
* CVE-2023-23606 (bmo#1764974, bmo#1798591, bmo#1799201, bmo#1800446, bmo#1801248, bmo#1802100, bmo#1803393, bmo#1804626, bmo#1804971, bmo#1807004) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 109- requires NSS 3.86- rebased patches
* Fri Jan 06 2023 Luciano Santos - Mozilla Firefox 108.0.2
* Fixes a crash that might occur when managing browser history (bmo#1806408).- Drop merged-upstream mozilla-bmo1805809.patch.
* Wed Dec 21 2022 Wolfgang Rosenauer - add mozilla-bmo1805809.patch to fix build for x86-32 (boo#1206600)
* Tue Dec 20 2022 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 108.0.1 (boo#1206507)
* Fixes the default search engine being reset on upgrade for profiles which were previously copied from a different location
* Tue Dec 13 2022 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 108.0 MFSA 2022-51 (bsc#1206242)
* CVE-2022-46871 (bmo#1795697) libusrsctp library out of date
* CVE-2022-46872 (bmo#1799156) Arbitrary file read from a compromised content process
* CVE-2022-46873 (bmo#1644790) Firefox did not implement the CSP directive unsafe-hashes
* CVE-2022-46874 (bmo#1746139) Drag and Dropped Filenames could have been truncated to malicious extensions
* CVE-2022-46875 (bmo#1786188) Download Protections were bypassed by .atloc and .ftploc files on Mac OS
* CVE-2022-46877 (bmo#1795139) Fullscreen notification bypass
* CVE-2022-46878 (bmo#1782219, bmo#1797370, bmo#1797685, bmo#1801102, bmo#1801315, bmo#1802395) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 108 and Firefox ESR 102.6
* CVE-2022-46879 (bmo#1736224, bmo#1793407, bmo#1794249, bmo#1795845, bmo#1797682, bmo#1797720, bmo#1798494, bmo#1799479) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 108- requires NSS >= 3.85 rustc/cargo 1.65
* Thu Dec 08 2022 Milachew - added translations to .desktop file.
* Thu Dec 01 2022 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 107.0.1:
* Fix an issue with accessing some sites reliably in Private Browsing mode or Strict ETP due to anti-adblockers (bmo#1717806)
* Fix an issue where Color Management was not available for some users (bmo#1799391)
* Fix an issue with text overlapping in the Settings Menu for some locales (bmo#1800379)
* Fix an issue where the DevTools UI is not accessible when an alert dialog is displayed (bmo#1801840)
* Tue Nov 15 2022 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 107.0 MFSA 2022-47 (bsc#1205270)
* CVE-2022-45403 (bmo#1762078) Service Workers might have learned size of cross-origin media files
* CVE-2022-45404 (bmo#1790815) Fullscreen notification bypass
* CVE-2022-45405 (bmo#1791314) Use-after-free in InputStream implementation
* CVE-2022-45406 (bmo#1791975) Use-after-free of a JavaScript Realm
* CVE-2022-45407 (bmo#1793314) Loading fonts on workers was not thread-safe
* CVE-2022-45408 (bmo#1793829) Fullscreen notification bypass via windowName
* CVE-2022-45409 (bmo#1796901) Use-after-free in Garbage Collection
* CVE-2022-45410 (bmo#1658869) ServiceWorker-intercepted requests bypassed SameSite cookie policy
* CVE-2022-45411 (bmo#1790311) Cross-Site Tracing was possible via non-standard override headers
* CVE-2022-45412 (bmo#1791029) Symlinks may resolve to partially uninitialized buffers
* CVE-2022-45413 (bmo#1791201) SameSite=Strict cookies could have been sent cross-site via intent URLs
* CVE-2022-40674 (bmo#1791598) Use-after-free vulnerability in expat
* CVE-2022-45415 (bmo#1793551) Downloaded file may have been saved with malicious extension
* CVE-2022-45416 (bmo#1793676) Keystroke Side-Channel Leakage
* CVE-2022-45417 (bmo#1794508) Service Workers in Private Browsing Mode may have been written to disk
* CVE-2022-45418 (bmo#1795815) Custom mouse cursor could have been drawn over browser UI
* CVE-2022-45419 (bmo#1716082) Deleting a security exception did not take effect immediately
* CVE-2022-45420 (bmo#1792643) Iframe contents could be rendered outside the iframe
* CVE-2022-45421 (bmo#1767920, bmo#1789808, bmo#1794061) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 107 and Firefox ESR 102.5- requires
* NSS >= 3.84
* rust = 1.64
* Sat Nov 05 2022 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 106.0.5
* Addresses a crash experienced by users with Intel Gemini Lake CPUs (bmo#1702019)- Mozilla Firefox 106.0.4
* Fixed an issue with DRM Video playback (bmo#1797292)
* Fixed broken layout of datetime input when switching types (bmo#1797139)
* Tue Nov 01 2022 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 106.0.3
* Fixes for other platforms
* Thu Oct 27 2022 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 106.0.2
* Fix missing content on some PDF forms (bmo#1794351)
* Fix column width for the Notification sub-panel in Settings (bmo#1793558)
* Fix a browser freeze with accessibility enabled on some sites such as the Proxmox Web UI (bmo#1793748)
* Fix page reloading not working with Firefox View and not refreshing synced data (bmo#1792680, bmo#1794474)
* Sun Oct 23 2022 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 106.0.1
* Addresses a crash experienced by users with AMD Zen 1 CPUs (bmo#1796126)
* Sun Oct 16 2022 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 106.0
* support editing of PDFs
* introduced Firefox View
* major WebRTC update - Better screen sharing for Windows and Linux Wayland users - RTP performance and reliability improvements - Richer statistics - Cross-browser and service compatibility improvements
* detailed releasenotes MFSA 2022-44 (bsc#1204421)
* CVE-2022-42927 (bmo#1789128) Same-origin policy violation could have leaked cross-origin URLs
* CVE-2022-42928 (bmo#1791520) Memory Corruption in JS Engine
* CVE-2022-42929 (bmo#1789439) Denial of Service via window.print
* CVE-2022-42930 (bmo#1789503) Race condition in DOM Workers
* CVE-2022-42931 (bmo#1780571) Username saved to a plaintext file on disk
* CVE-2022-42932 (bmo#1789729, bmo#1791363, bmo#1792041) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox- added -msse2 flag to fix i386 build and workaround bmo#1795993- fixed used buildflags- renamed mozilla-i686-build.patch to mozilla-buildfixes.patch as it was extended with changes for other archs
* Sat Oct 08 2022 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 105.0.3:
* Fixes for other platforms
* Wed Oct 05 2022 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 105.0.2:
* Fixed poor contrast on various menu items with certain themes on Linux systems (bmo#1792063)
* Fixed the scrollbar appearing on the wrong side of `select` elements in right-to-left locales (bmo#1791219)
* Fixed a possible deadlock when loading some sites in Troubleshoot Mode (bmo#1786259)
* Fixed a bug causing some dynamic appearance changes to not appear when expected (bmo#1786521)
* Fixed a bug causing theme styling to not be properly applied to sidebars for some add-ons in Private Browsing Mode (bmo#1787543)
* Thu Sep 22 2022 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 105.0.1
* Reverted focus behavior for new windows back to the content area instead of the address bar (bmo#1784692)- added mozilla-i686-build.patch to avoid using avx2
* Sat Sep 17 2022 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 105.0 MFSA 2022-40 (bsc#1203477)
* CVE-2022-40959 (bmo#1782211) Bypassing FeaturePolicy restrictions on transient pages
* CVE-2022-40960 (bmo#1787633) Data-race when parsing non-UTF-8 URLs in threads
* CVE-2022-40958 (bmo#1779993) Bypassing Secure Context restriction for cookies with __Host and __Secure prefix
* CVE-2022-40961 (bmo#1784588) Stack-buffer overflow when initializing Graphics
* CVE-2022-40956 (bmo#1770094) Content-Security-Policy base-uri bypass
* CVE-2022-40957 (bmo#1777604) Incoherent instruction cache when building WASM on ARM64
* CVE-2022-40962 (bmo#1767360, bmo#1776655, bmo#1777574, bmo#1784835, bmo#1785109, bmo#1786502, bmo#1789440) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 105 and Firefox ESR 102.3- requires NSS 3.82 Rust 1.63 (1.61)- removed obsolete mozilla-glibc236.patch
* Fri Sep 09 2022 Guillaume GARDET - Adjust memory requirements to fix build on aarch64
* Wed Sep 07 2022 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 104.0.2 (boo#1203177)
* Fixed a bug making it impossible to use touch or a stylus to drag the scrollbar on pages (bmo#1787361)
* Fixed an issue causing some users to crash in out-of-memory conditions (bmo#1774155)
* Fixed an issue that would sometimes affect video & audio playback when loaded via a cross-origin iframe src attribute (bmo#1781759)
* Fixed an issue that would sometimes affect video & audio playback when served with Content-Security-Policy: sandbox (bmo#1781063)
* Thu Sep 01 2022 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 104.0.1
* Addresses an issue with Youtube video playback that was affecting some users (boo#1203003)
* Sun Aug 21 2022 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 104.0
* MFSA 2022-33 (bsc#1202645)
* CVE-2022-38472 (bmo#1769155) Address bar spoofing via XSLT error handling
* CVE-2022-38473 (bmo#1771685) Cross-origin XSLT Documents would have inherited the parent\'s permissions
* CVE-2022-38474 (bmo#1719511) Recording notification not shown when microphone was recording on Android
* CVE-2022-38475 (bmo#1773266) Attacker could write a value to a zero-length array
* CVE-2022-38477 (bmo#1760611, bmo#1770219, bmo#1771159, bmo#1773363) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 104 and Firefox ESR 102.2
* CVE-2022-38478 (bmo#1770630, bmo#1776658) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 104, Firefox ESR 102.2, and Firefox ESR 91.13- requires NSPR 4.34.1 NSS 3.81 rust 1.62
* Sat Aug 13 2022 Wolfgang Rosenauer - added mozilla-glibc236.patch (bmo#1782988, boo#1202323)
* Tue Aug 09 2022 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 103.0.2
* Fixed menu shortcuts for users of the JAWS screen reader
* Fixed an occasional non-overridable certificate error when accessing device configuration pages
* Tue Aug 02 2022 Andreas Schwab - The --disable-elf-hack option only exists on ARM and X86
* Mon Aug 01 2022 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 103.0.1
* Enabled hardware acceleration on newer AMD cards.
* Fixed a crash on Firefox shutdown caused by a bug in the audio manager
* Wed Jul 27 2022 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 103.0 MFSA 2022-28 (bsc#1201758)
* CVE-2022-36319 (bmo#1737722) Mouse Position spoofing with CSS transforms
* CVE-2022-36317 (bmo#1759951) Long URL would hang Firefox for Android
* CVE-2022-36318 (bmo#1771774) Directory indexes for bundled resources reflected URL parameters
* CVE-2022-36314 (bmo#1773894) Opening local .lnk files could cause unexpected network loads
* CVE-2022-36315 (bmo#1762520) Preload Cache Bypasses Subresource Integrity
* CVE-2022-36316 (bmo#1768583) Performance API leaked whether a cross-site resource is redirecting
* CVE-2022-36320 (bmo#1759794, bmo#1760998) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 103
* CVE-2022-2505 (bmo#1769739, bmo#1772824) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 103 and 102.1- requires NSS >= 3.80 rust = 1.61 rust-cbindgen >= 0.24.3
* Wed Jul 13 2022 Guillaume GARDET - Move %limit_build set before mozilla config to actually set the value of %jobs to MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS to fix build on aarch64
* Wed Jul 06 2022 Andreas Stieger - Firefox 102.0.1:
* Fixed: Fixed bookmarks sidebar flashing white when opened in dark mode (bmo#1776157)
* Fixed: Fixed multilingual spell checking not working with content in both English and a non-Latin alphabet (bmo#1773802)
* Fixed: Developer tools: Fixed an issue where the console output keep getting scrolled to the bottom when the last visible message is an evaluation result (bmo#1776262)
* Fixed: Fixed
*Delete cookies and site data when Firefox is closed
* checkbox getting disabled on startup (bmo#1777419)
* Fixed: Various stability fixes
* Sat Jun 25 2022 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Firefox 102.0
* You can now disable automatic opening of the download panel every time a new download starts
* Firefox now mitigates query parameter tracking when navigating sites in ETP strict mode
* Improved security by moving audio decoding into a separate process with stricter sandboxing, thus improving process isolation
* MFSA 2022-24 (bsc#1200793)
* CVE-2022-34479 (bmo#1745595) A popup window could be resized in a way to overlay the address bar with web content
* CVE-2022-34470 (bmo#1765951) Use-after-free in nsSHistory
* CVE-2022-34468 (bmo#1768537) CSP sandbox header without `allow-scripts` can be bypassed via retargeted javascript: URI
* CVE-2022-34482 (bmo#845880) Drag and drop of malicious image could have led to malicious executable and potential code execution
* CVE-2022-34483 (bmo#1335845) Drag and drop of malicious image could have led to malicious executable and potential code execution
* CVE-2022-34476 (bmo#1387919) ASN.1 parser could have been tricked into accepting malformed ASN.1
* CVE-2022-34481 (bmo#1483699, bmo#1497246) Potential integer overflow in ReplaceElementsAt
* CVE-2022-34474 (bmo#1677138) Sandboxed iframes could redirect to external schemes
* CVE-2022-34469 (bmo#1721220) TLS certificate errors on HSTS-protected domains could be bypassed by the user on Firefox for Android
* CVE-2022-34471 (bmo#1766047) Compromised server could trick a browser into an addon downgrade
* CVE-2022-34472 (bmo#1770123) Unavailable PAC file resulted in OCSP requests being blocked
* CVE-2022-34478 (bmo#1773717) Microsoft protocols can be attacked if a user accepts a prompt
* CVE-2022-2200 (bmo#1771381) Undesired attributes could be set as part of prototype pollution
* CVE-2022-34480 (bmo#1454072) Free of uninitialized pointer in lg_init
* CVE-2022-34477 (bmo#1731614) MediaError message property leaked information on cross- origin same-site pages
* CVE-2022-34475 (bmo#1757210) HTML Sanitizer could have been bypassed via same-origin script via use tags
* CVE-2022-34473 (bmo#1770888) HTML Sanitizer could have been bypassed via use tags
* CVE-2022-34484 (bmo#1763634, bmo#1772651) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 102 and Firefox ESR 91.11
* CVE-2022-34485 (bmo#1768409, bmo#1768578) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 102- requires NSPR >= 4.34 NSS >= 3.79 rust = 1.60- switch out skia-patches with webrender-patches for big endian removed:
* mozilla-bmo1504834-part2.patch
* mozilla-bmo1504834-part4.patch
* mozilla-bmo1626236.patch added:
* one_swizzle_to_rule_them_all.patch
* svg-rendering.patch- add some more returns to the no-return-patch
* Fri Jun 10 2022 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 101.0.1:
* Fixed context menus not appearing when right-clicking Picture-in-Picture windows on some Linux systems (bmo#1771914)
* Various stability fixes
* Sun May 29 2022 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 101.0
* Reading is now easier with the prefers-contrast media query, which allows sites to detect if the user has requested that web content is presented with a higher (or lower) contrast
* All non-configured MIME types can now be assigned a custom action upon download completion
* allows users to use as many microphones as you want, at the same time, during video conferencing. The most exciting benefit is that you can easily switch your microphones at any time (if your conferencing service provider enables this flexibility) MFSA 2022-20 (bsc#1200027)
* CVE-2022-31736 (bmo#1735923) Cross-Origin resource\'s length leaked
* CVE-2022-31737 (bmo#1743767) Heap buffer overflow in WebGL
* CVE-2022-31738 (bmo#1756388) Browser window spoof using fullscreen mode
* CVE-2022-31739 (bmo#1765049) Attacker-influenced path traversal when saving downloaded files
* CVE-2022-31740 (bmo#1766806) Register allocation problem in WASM on arm64
* CVE-2022-31741 (bmo#1767590) Uninitialized variable leads to invalid memory read
* CVE-2022-31742 (bmo#1730434) Querying a WebAuthn token with a large number of allowCredential entries may have leaked cross-origin information
* CVE-2022-31743 (bmo#1747388) HTML Parsing incorrectly ended HTML comments prematurely
* CVE-2022-31744 (bmo#1757604) CSP bypass enabling stylesheet injection
* CVE-2022-31745 (bmo#1760944) Incorrect Assertion caused by unoptimized array shift operations
* CVE-2022-1919 (bmo#1761275) Memory Corruption when manipulating webp images
* CVE-2022-31747 (bmo#1760765, bmo#1765610, bmo#1766283, bmo#1767365, bmo#1768559, bmo#1768734) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 101 and Firefox ESR 91.10
* CVE-2022-31748 (bmo#1713773, bmo#1762201, bmo#1762469, bmo#1762770, bmo#1764878, bmo#1765226, bmo#1765782, bmo#1765973, bmo#1767177, bmo#1767181, bmo#1768232, bmo#1768251, bmo#1769869) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 101- requires
* NSS 3.78.1
* rust-cbindgen 0.23.0
* rust 1.59
* Fri May 20 2022 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 100.0.2 MFSA 2022-19 (bsc#1199768)
* CVE-2022-1802 (bmo#1770137) Prototype pollution in Top-Level Await implementation
* CVE-2022-1529 (bmo#1770048) Untrusted input used in JavaScript object indexing, leading to prototype pollution
* Wed May 18 2022 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 100.0.1:
* Fixed: Fixed an issue with subtitles in Picture-in-Picture mode while using Netflix (bmo#1768818)
* Fixed: Fixed an issue where some commands were unavailable in the Picture-in-Picture window (bmo#1768201)
* Sun May 01 2022 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 100.0
* subtitle support in PiP
* spell checking supports multiple languages in parallel
* more details here MFSA 2022-16 (boo#1198970)
* CVE-2022-29914 (bmo#1746448) Fullscreen notification bypass using popups
* CVE-2022-29909 (bmo#1755081) Bypassing permission prompt in nested browsing contexts
* CVE-2022-29916 (bmo#1760674) Leaking browser history with CSS variables
* CVE-2022-29911 (bmo#1761981) iframe Sandbox bypass
* CVE-2022-29912 (bmo#1692655) Reader mode bypassed SameSite cookies
* CVE-2022-29910 (bmo#1757138) Firefox for Android forgot HTTP Strict Transport Security settings
* CVE-2022-29915 (bmo#1751678) Leaking cross-origin redirect through the Performance API
* CVE-2022-29917 (bmo#1684739, bmo#1706441, bmo#1753298, bmo#1762614, bmo#1762620, bmo#1764778) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 100 and Firefox ESR 91.9
* CVE-2022-29918 (bmo#1744043, bmo#1747178, bmo#1753535, bmo#1754017, bmo#1755847, bmo#1756172, bmo#1757477, bmo#1758223, bmo#1760160, bmo#1761481, bmo#1761771) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 100- requires NSS 3.77
* Tue Apr 12 2022 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 99.0.1
* Fixed an issue with text rendering in Bengali (bmo#1763368)
* Fixed a selection issue in the Download panel with drag and drop (bmo#1762723)
* Fixed: Fixed an issue preventing Zoom gallery mode for users who go to URLs instead of URLs (bmo#1763801)
* Mon Apr 04 2022 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 99.0
* You can now toggle Narrate in ReaderMode with the keyboard shortcut \"n.\"
* You can find added support for search—with or without diacritics—in the PDF viewer.
* The Linux sandbox has been strengthened: processes exposed to web content no longer have access to the X Window system (X11).
* Firefox now supports credit card autofill and capture in Germany and France. MFSA 2022-13 (bsc#1197903)
* CVE-2022-1097 (bmo#1745667) Use-after-free in NSSToken objects
* CVE-2022-28281 (bmo#1755621) Out of bounds write due to unexpected WebAuthN Extensions
* CVE-2022-28282 (bmo#1751609) Use-after-free in DocumentL10n::TranslateDocument
* CVE-2022-28283 (bmo#1754066) Missing security checks for fetching sourceMapURL
* CVE-2022-28284 (bmo#1754522) Script could be executed via svg\'s use element
* CVE-2022-28285 (bmo#1756957) Incorrect AliasSet used in JIT Codegen
* CVE-2022-28286 (bmo#1735265) iframe contents could be rendered outside the border
* CVE-2022-28287 (bmo#1741515) Text Selection could crash Firefox
* CVE-2022-24713 (bmo#1758509) Denial of Service via complex regular expressions
* CVE-2022-28289 (bmo#1663508, bmo#1744525, bmo#1753508, bmo#1757476, bmo#1757805, bmo#1758549, bmo#1758776) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 99 and Firefox ESR 91.8
* CVE-2022-28288 (bmo#1746415, bmo#1746495, bmo#1746500, bmo#1747282, bmo#1748759, bmo#1749056, bmo#1749786, bmo#1751679, bmo#1752120, bmo#1756010, bmo#1756017, bmo#1757213, bmo#1757258, bmo#1757427) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 99- requires NSS >= 3.76.1- remove obsolete patch
* mozilla-bmo1756347.patch
* mozilla-bmo1757571.patch- update
* Thu Mar 24 2022 Andreas Stieger - MozillaFirefox 98.0.2:
* Fixed: Fixed an issue preventing users from typing in Address Bar after opening new tab and pressing cmd + enter (bmo#1757376)
* Fixed: Fixed an issue causing some users to crash in out-of- memory conditions (bmo#1757618)
* Fixed: Fixed an issue in session history which caused some sites to fail to load (bmo#1758664)
* Fixed: Fixed an add-on specific compatibility issue (bmo#1759162)
* Wed Mar 23 2022 Simon Vogl - Change mozilla-kde.patch to follow the GNOME registry behavior for new MIME types to avoid opening downloaded files without any inquiries (bsc#1197319)
* Tue Mar 22 2022 Guillaume GARDET - Add patch to fix start-up on aarch64:
* mozilla-bmo1757571.patch
* Thu Mar 17 2022 Dirk Müller - exclude slow cpus for building
* Thu Mar 17 2022 Martin Sirringhaus - Add cpu-flag `asimdrdm` to aarch64 constraints, to select newer, faster buildhosts, as the others struggle to build FF.
* Mon Mar 14 2022 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 98.0.1:
* Yandex and have been removed as optional search providers in the drop-down search menu in Firefox
* Tue Mar 08 2022 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 98.0
* Firefox has a new optimized download flow
* other changes as documented here MFSA 2022-10 (bsc#1196900)
* CVE-2022-26383 (bmo#1742421) Browser window spoof using fullscreen mode
* CVE-2022-26384 (bmo#1744352) iframe allow-scripts sandbox bypass
* CVE-2022-26387 (bmo#1752979) Time-of-check time-of-use bug when verifying add-on signatures
* CVE-2022-26381 (bmo#1736243) Use-after-free in text reflows
* CVE-2022-26382 (bmo#1741888) Autofill Text could be exfiltrated via side-channel attacks
* CVE-2022-26385 (bmo#1747526) Use-after-free in thread shutdown
* CVE-2022-0843 (bmo#1746523, bmo#1749062, bmo#1749164, bmo#1749214, bmo#1749610, bmo#1750032, bmo#1752100, bmo#1752405, bmo#1753612, bmo#1754508) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 98- requires NSS 3.75- add mozilla-bmo1756347.patch to fix i586 build
* Fri Feb 18 2022 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 97.0.1
* Fixed: Fixed an issue where TikTok videos would fail to load when selected from a user\'s profile page (bmo#1750973)
* Fixed: Fixed an issue which led to Picture-in-Picture mode being unable to be toggled on Hulu (bmo#1753401)
* Fixed: Works around problems with WebRoot SecureAnywhere antivirus rendering Firefox unusable in some situations (bmo#1752466)
* Fixed: Fixed an issue causing users to see the Restore Session screen unexpectedly when starting Firefox (bmo#1749996)
* Mon Feb 14 2022 Luciano Santos - Remove bashisms (\"source\" and \"function\" keywords) from to ally with the #!/bin/sh shebang. If the end user has either dash-sh package or busybox-sh to handle Bourn Shell scripts rather than having bash-sh package, the script would fail. Using \".\" instead of \"source\" and \"create_langpack_link()\" function definition is enough to keep both sides sane, behavior-wise.
* Tue Feb 08 2022 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 97.0 MFSA 2022-04 (bsc#1195682)
* CVE-2022-22753 (bmo#1732435) Privilege Escalation to SYSTEM on Windows via Maintenance Service
* CVE-2022-22754 (bmo#1750565) Extensions could have bypassed permission confirmation during update
* CVE-2022-22755 (bmo#1309630) XSL could have allowed JavaScript execution after a tab was closed
* CVE-2022-22756 (bmo#1317873) Drag and dropping an image could have resulted in the dropped object being an executable
* CVE-2022-22757 (bmo#1720098) Remote Agent did not prevent local websites from connecting
* CVE-2022-22758 (bmo#1728742) tel: links could have sent USSD codes to the dialer on Firefox for Android
* CVE-2022-22759 (bmo#1739957) Sandboxed iframes could have executed script if the parent appended elements
* CVE-2022-22760 (bmo#1740985, bmo#1748503) Cross-Origin responses could be distinguished between script and non-script content-types
* CVE-2022-22761 (bmo#1745566) frame-ancestors Content Security Policy directive was not enforced for framed extension pages
* CVE-2022-22762 (bmo#1743931) JavaScript Dialogs could have been displayed over other domains on Firefox for Android
* CVE-2022-22764 (bmo#1742682, bmo#1744165, bmo#1746545, bmo#1748210, bmo#1748279) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 97 and Firefox ESR 91.6
* CVE-2022-0511 (bmo#1713579, bmo#1735448, bmo#1743821, bmo#1746313, bmo#1746314, bmo#1746316, bmo#1746321, bmo#1746322, bmo#1746323, bmo#1746412, bmo#1746430, bmo#1746451, bmo#1746488, bmo#1746875, bmo#1746898, bmo#1746905, bmo#1746907, bmo#1746917, bmo#1747128, bmo#1747137, bmo#1747331, bmo#1747346, bmo#1747439, bmo#1747457, bmo#1747870, bmo#1749051, bmo#1749274, bmo#1749831) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 97- requires NSS 3.74- requires rust 1.57
* Mon Feb 07 2022 Dirk Müller - remove memoryperjob and use %limit instead. this allows to adapt to more worker types, and lowers the time the package is stuck in \"scheduling\". raising memory above 8 to lower risk for LTO jobs to run OOM- add hack to disable -Wl,--gc-section which avoids a binutils segfault on x86- change mozilla-reduce-rust-debuginfo.patch: use -g1 everywhere
* Sun Jan 30 2022 Dirk Müller - disable ccache, this adds about 1 minute of build time and over 2 GB of disk space usage without benefit on OBS builds- build with rust-simd like upstream does- use -g1 for debuginfo generation as this is what upstream does as well and it saves ~ 2GB of writes- use %limit on x86_64 to scale down to less capable workers- disable install stripping so that debuginfo is useful- use autopatch- cleanup constraints to specify only jobs, physicalmemory and memoryperjob to be more flexible on which host to build on
* Fri Jan 28 2022 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 96.0.3 (bsc#1195230)
* Fixed an issue that allowed unexpected data to be submitted in some of our search telemetry (bmo#1752317)
* Mon Jan 24 2022 Martin Liška - Enable -fimplicit-constexpr for GCC 12+.
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 96.0.2
* Fix an issue that caused tab height to display inconsistently on Linux when audio was played (bmo#1714276)
* Fix an issue that caused Lastpass dropdowns to appear blank in Private Browsing mode (bmo#1748158)
* Fix a crash encountered when resizing a Facebook app (bmo#1746084)
* Fri Jan 14 2022 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 96.0.1
* Fixed: Improvements to make the parsing of content-length headers more robust (bmo#1749957, boo#1194677)
* Sat Jan 08 2022 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 96.0
* MFSA 2022-01 (bsc#1194547)
* CVE-2022-22746 (bmo#1735071) Calling into reportValidity could have lead to fullscreen window spoof
* CVE-2022-22743 (bmo#1739220) Browser window spoof using fullscreen mode
* CVE-2022-22742 (bmo#1739923) Out-of-bounds memory access when inserting text in edit mode
* CVE-2022-22741 (bmo#1740389) Browser window spoof using fullscreen mode
* CVE-2022-22740 (bmo#1742334) Use-after-free of ChannelEventQueue::mOwner
* CVE-2022-22738 (bmo#1742382) Heap-buffer-overflow in blendGaussianBlur
* CVE-2022-22737 (bmo#1745874) Race condition when playing audio files
* CVE-2021-4140 (bmo#1746720) Iframe sandbox bypass with XSLT
* CVE-2022-22750 (bmo#1566608) IPC passing of resource handles could have lead to sandbox bypass
* CVE-2022-22749 (bmo#1705094) Lack of URL restrictions when scanning QR codes
* CVE-2022-22748 (bmo#1705211) Spoofed origin on external protocol launch dialog
* CVE-2022-22745 (bmo#1735856) Leaking cross-origin URLs through securitypolicyviolation event
* CVE-2022-22744 (bmo#1737252) The \'Copy as curl\' feature in DevTools did not fully escape website-controlled data, potentially leading to command injection
* CVE-2022-22747 (bmo#1735028) Crash when handling empty pkcs7 sequence
* CVE-2022-22736 (bmo#1742692) Potential local privilege escalation when loading modules from the install directory.
* CVE-2022-22739 (bmo#1744158) Missing throttling on external protocol launch dialog
* CVE-2022-22751 (bmo#1664149, bmo#1737816, bmo#1739366, bmo#1740274, bmo#1740797, bmo#1741201, bmo#1741869, bmo#1743221, bmo#1743515, bmo#1745373, bmo#1746011) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 96 and Firefox ESR 91.5
* CVE-2022-22752 (bmo#1740534, bmo#1741210, bmo#1742770) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 96- removed obsolete patches
* mozilla-bmo1745560.patch
* mozilla-bmo1744896.patch
* mozilla-sandbox-fips.patch- requires NSPR >= 4.33 NSS >= 3.73.1
* Tue Dec 28 2021 Bjørn Lie - Add upstream patches:
* mozilla-bmo1745560.patch: Fix build against wayland 1.20.
* mozilla-bmo1744896.patch: Create WaylandVsyncSource on window creation
* Mon Dec 20 2021 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 95.0.2
* Addresses frequent crashes experienced by users with C/E/Z-Series \"Bobcat\" CPUs running on Windows 7, 8, and 8.1.- updated constraints for ppc and x86-64
* Fri Dec 17 2021 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 95.0.1 (bsc#1193845)
* Fixed frequent MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_OCSP_RESPONSE_FOR_CERT_MISSING error messages when trying to connect to various domains (bmo#1745600)
* Fix for a WebRender crash on some Linux/X11 systems (bmo#1741956)
* Fix for a frequent Windows shutdown crash (bmo#1738984)
* Fix websites contrast issues for some Linux users with Dark mode set at OS level (bmo#1740518)
* Sat Dec 04 2021 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 95.0
* You can now move the Picture-in-Picture toggle button to the opposite side of the video. Simply look for the new context menu option Move Picture-in-Picture Toggle to Left (Right) Side.
* To better protect Firefox users against side-channel attacks such as Spectre, Site Isolation is now enabled for all Firefox 95 users.
* MFSA 2021-52 (bsc#1193485)
* CVE-2021-43536 (bmo#1730120) URL leakage when navigating while executing asynchronous function
* CVE-2021-43537 (bmo#1738237) Heap buffer overflow when using structured clone
* CVE-2021-43538 (bmo#1739091) Missing fullscreen and pointer lock notification when requesting both
* CVE-2021-43539 (bmo#1739683) GC rooting failure when calling wasm instance methods
* MOZ-2021-0010 (bmo#1735852) Use-after-free in fullscreen objects on MacOS
* CVE-2021-43540 (bmo#1636629) WebExtensions could have installed persistent ServiceWorkers
* CVE-2021-43541 (bmo#1696685) External protocol handler parameters were unescaped
* CVE-2021-43542 (bmo#1723281) XMLHttpRequest error codes could have leaked the existence of an external protocol handler
* CVE-2021-43543 (bmo#1738418) Bypass of CSP sandbox directive when embedding
* CVE-2021-43544 (bmo#1739934) Receiving a malicious URL as text through a SEND intent could have led to XSS
* CVE-2021-43545 (bmo#1720926) Denial of Service when using the Location API in a loop
* CVE-2021-43546 (bmo#1737751) Cursor spoofing could overlay user interface when native cursor is zoomed
* MOZ-2021-0009 (bmo#1393362, bmo#1736046, bmo#1736751, bmo#1737009, bmo#1739372, bmo#1739421) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 95 and Firefox ESR 91.4- requires NSS >= 3.72
* Thu Dec 02 2021 Andreas Stieger - remove x-scheme-handler/ftp from firefox.desktop boo#1193321
* Thu Nov 25 2021 Bjørn Lie - Drop unused libidl-devel BuildRequires.
* Tue Nov 23 2021 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 94.0.2:
* Update preference design for Firefox Suggest for improved clarity
* Resolved general instability/crashes on Linux caused by a file descriptor leak when backgrounding tabs using WebGL (bmo#1741997)
* Fri Nov 05 2021 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 94.0.1:
* fixes for other platforms
* Sat Oct 30 2021 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 94.0
* MFSA 2021-48 (bsc#1192250)
* CVE-2021-38503 (bmo#1729517) iframe sandbox rules did not apply to XSLT stylesheets
* CVE-2021-38504 (bmo#1730156) Use-after-free in file picker dialog
* CVE-2021-38505 (bmo#1730194) Windows 10 Cloud Clipboard may have recorded sensitive user data
* CVE-2021-38506 (bmo#1730750) Firefox could be coaxed into going into fullscreen mode without notification or warning
* CVE-2021-38507 (bmo#1730935) Opportunistic Encryption in HTTP2 could be used to bypass the Same-Origin-Policy on services hosted on other ports
* MOZ-2021-0003 (bmo#1736886) Universal XSS in Firefox for Android via QR Code URLs
* CVE-2021-38508 (bmo#1366818) Permission Prompt could be overlaid, resulting in user confusion and potential spoofing
* MOZ-2021-0004 (bmo#1659155) Web Extensions could access pre-redirect URL when their context menu was triggered by a user
* CVE-2021-38509 (bmo#1718571) Javascript alert box could have been spoofed onto an arbitrary domain
* CVE-2021-38510 (bmo#1731779) Download Protections were bypassed by .inetloc files on Mac OS
* MOZ-2021-0005 (bmo#1719203) \'Copy Image Link\' context menu action could have been abused to see authentication tokens
* MOZ-2021-0006 (bmo#1724233) URL Parsing may incorrectly parse internationalized domains
* MOZ-2021-0007 (bmo#1606864, bmo#1712671, bmo#1730048, bmo#1735152) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 94 and Firefox ESR 91.3- removed obsolete patches
* mozilla-bmo1602730.patch
* mozilla-bmo1725828.patch
* mozilla-bmo1729124.patch- requires NSS >= 3.71 rust >= 1.53- fix Plasma detection (boo#1191825)- fix Link error \"undefined hidden symbol:\"
* Tue Oct 26 2021 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Drop unused pkgconfig(gdk-x11-2.0) BuildRequires- (re-)enable LTO on Tumbleweed
* Wed Oct 20 2021 Martin Sirringhaus - Rebase mozilla-sandbox-fips.patch to punch another hole in the sandbox containment, to be able to open /proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled from within the newly introduced socket process sandbox. This fixes bsc#1191815 and bsc#1190141
* Mon Oct 18 2021 Guillaume GARDET - Add patch to fix build on aarch64 (bmo#1729124)
* mozilla-bmo1729124.patch
* Fri Oct 01 2021 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 93.0
* supports the new AVIF image format
* PDF viewer now supports filling more forms (XFA-based forms)
* now blocks downloads that rely on insecure connections, protecting against potentially malicious or unsafe downloads
* Improved web compatibility for privacy protections with SmartBlock 3.0
* Introducing a new referrer tracking protection in Strict Tracking Protection and Private Browsing
* TLS ciphersuites that use 3DES have been disabled. Such ciphersuites can only be enabled when deprecated versions of TLS are also enabled
* The download panel now follows the Firefox visual styles MFSA 2021-43 (bsc#1191332)
* CVE-2021-38496 (bmo#1725335) Use-after-free in MessageTask
* CVE-2021-38497 (bmo#1726621) Validation message could have been overlaid on another origin
* CVE-2021-38498 (bmo#1729642) Use-after-free of nsLanguageAtomService object
* CVE-2021-32810 (bmo#1729813) Data race in crossbeam-deque
* CVE-2021-38500 (bmo#1725854, bmo#1728321) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 93, Firefox ESR 78.15, and Firefox ESR 91.2
* CVE-2021-38501 (bmo#1685354, bmo#1715755, bmo#1723176) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 93 and Firefox ESR 91.2
* CVE-2021-38499 (bmo#1667102, bmo#1723170, bmo#1725356, bmo#1727364) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 93- removed obsolete mozilla-bmo1708709.patch- require NSS >= 3.70- allow to override wayland detection by defining MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND explicitely as 0 or 1- fix aarch64 build by updating constraints- add mozilla-bmo1725828.patch to fix widevine (bsc#1190842)- add mozilla-bmo531915.patch to fix build for i586
* Sat Sep 25 2021 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 92.0.1
* Fixed: Fixes an issue where audio playback was not working on some Linux systems (bmo#1730499)
* Fixed: Fixes issues with the findbar close button on different operating systems (bmo#1728368)
* Mon Sep 06 2021 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 92.0
* More secure connections: Firefox can now automatically upgrade to HTTPS using HTTPS RR as Alt-Svc headers
* Full-range color levels are now supported for video playback on many systems MFSA 2021-38 (bsc#1190269)
* CVE-2021-29993 (bmo#1708544, bmo#1708767, bmo#1712240, bmo#1712242, bmo#1729259) Handling custom intents could lead to crashes and UI spoofs
* CVE-2021-38491 (bmo#1551886) Mixed-Content-Blocking was unable to check opaque origins
* CVE-2021-38492 (bmo#1721107) Navigating to `mk:` URL scheme could load Internet Explorer
* CVE-2021-38493 (bmo#1723391, bmo#1724101, bmo#1724107) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 92, Firefox ESR 78.14 and Firefox ESR 91.1
* CVE-2021-38494 (bmo#1723920, bmo#1725638) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 92- updated appdata- remove mozilla-disable-wasm-emulate-arm-unaligned-fp-access.patch (does not apply anymore; unclear if obsolete)- bring back mozilla-silence-no-return-type.patch and run post-build-checks everywhere again- requires NSS 3.69.1
* Tue Aug 31 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Add mozilla-bmo1708709.patch: On [wayland] popup can be wrongly repositioned due to rounding errors when font scaling != 1 (bmo#1708709); patch taken from upstream bug report and rebased to apply cleanly against current version.
* Sun Aug 29 2021 Martin Liška - Bump using with GCC (tested locally).
* Fri Aug 27 2021 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 91.0.2:
* Fixed: Firefox no longer clears authentication data when purging trackers, to avoid repeatedly prompting for a password (bmo#1721084)
* Wed Aug 18 2021 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 91.0.1
* Fixed an issue causing buttons on the tab bar to be resized when loading certain websites (bmo#1704404)
* Fixed an issue which caused tabs from private windows to be visible in non-private windows when viewing switch-to-tab results in the address bar panel (bmo#1720369)
* Various stability fixes MFSA 2021-37 (bsc#1189547)
* CVE-2021-29991 (bmo#1724896) Header Splitting possible with HTTP/3 Responses
* Mon Aug 09 2021 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 91.0 MFSA 2021-33 (bsc#1188891)
* CVE-2021-29986 (bmo#1696138) Race condition when resolving DNS names could have led to memory corruption
* CVE-2021-29981 (bmo#1707774) Live range splitting could have led to conflicting assignments in the JIT
* CVE-2021-29988 (bmo#1717922) Memory corruption as a result of incorrect style treatment
* CVE-2021-29983 (bmo#1719088) Firefox for Android could get stuck in fullscreen mode
* CVE-2021-29984 (bmo#1720031) Incorrect instruction reordering during JIT optimization
* CVE-2021-29980 (bmo#1722204) Uninitialized memory in a canvas object could have led to memory corruption
* CVE-2021-29987 (bmo#1716129) Users could have been tricked into accepting unwanted permissions on Linux
* CVE-2021-29985 (bmo#1722083) Use-after-free media channels
* CVE-2021-29982 (bmo#1715318) Single bit data leak due to incorrect JIT optimization and type confusion
* CVE-2021-29989 (bmo#1662676, bmo#1666184, bmo#1719178, bmo#1719998, bmo#1720568) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 91 and Firefox ESR 78.13
* CVE-2021-29990 (bmo#1544190, bmo#1716481, bmo#1717778, bmo#1719319, bmo#1722073) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 91- requires
* rustc/cargo >= 1.51
* NSPR >= 4.32
* NSS >= 3.68- force-disable webrender on BE platforms
* Sat Jul 24 2021 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 90.0.2:
* Changed: Updates to support DoH Canada rollout (bmo#1713036)
* Fixed: Fixed truncated output when printing (bmo#1720621)
* Fixed: Fixed menu styling on some Gtk themes (bmo#1720441, bmo#1720874)
* Mon Jul 19 2021 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 90.0.1 (boo#1188480):
* Fixed: Fixed busy looping processing some HTTP3 responses (bmo#1720079)
* Fixed: Fixed transient errors authenticating with some smart cards (bmo#1715325)
* Fixed: Fixed a rare crash on shutdown (bmo#1707057)
* Fixed: Fixed a race on startup that caused about:support to end up empty after upgrade (bmo#1717894, boo#1188330)
* Sun Jul 11 2021 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 90.0 MFSA 2021-28 (bsc#1188275)
* CVE-2021-29970 (bmo#1709976) Use-after-free in accessibility features of a document
* CVE-2021-29971 (bmo#1713638) Granted permissions only compared host; omitting scheme and port on Android
* CVE-2021-30547 (bmo#1715766) Out of bounds write in ANGLE
* CVE-2021-29972 (bmo#1696816) Use of out-of-date library included use-after-free vulnerability
* CVE-2021-29973 (bmo#1701932) Password autofill on HTTP websites was enabled without user interaction on Android
* CVE-2021-29974 (bmo#1704843) HSTS errors could be overridden when network partitioning was enabled
* CVE-2021-29975 (bmo#1713259) Text message could be overlaid on top of another website
* CVE-2021-29976 (bmo#1700895, bmo#1703334, bmo#1706910, bmo#1711576, bmo#1714391) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 90 and Firefox ESR 78.12
* CVE-2021-29977 (bmo#1665836, bmo#1686138, bmo#1704316, bmo#1706314, bmo#1709931, bmo#1712084, bmo#1712357, bmo#1714066) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 90- requires NSPR 4.31 NSS 3.66- Gtk2 support removed (was only for Flash plugin before)
* Wed Jun 23 2021 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 89.0.2 (boo#1187648):
* Fix occasional hangs with Software WebRender on Linux (bmo#1708224)
* Sat Jun 19 2021 Andreas Stieger - Mozilla Firefox 89.0.1 (boo#1187475):
* Updated translations, including full Spanish (Mexico) localization and other improvements (bmo#1714946)
* Fix various font related regressions (bmo#1694174)
* Linux: Fix performance and stability regressions with WebRender (bmo#1715895, bmo#1715902)
* Enterprise: Fix for the `DisableDeveloperTools` policy not having effect anymore (bmo#1715777)
* Linux: Fix broken scrollbars on some GTK themes (bmo#1714103)
* Various stability fixes
* Sat May 29 2021 Wolfgang Rosenauer - Mozilla Firefox 89.0
* UI redesign
* The Event Timing API is now supported
* The CSS forced-colors media query is now supported MFSA 2021-23 (bsc#1186696)
* CVE-2021-29965 (bmo#1709257) Password Manager on Firefox for Android susceptible to domain spoofing
* CVE-2021-29960 (bmo#1675965) Filenames printed from private browsing mode incorrectly retained in preferences
* CVE-2021-29961 (bmo#1700235) Firefox UI spoof using `