Changelog for
python39-ujson-5.6.0-qubes.bp154.2.4.x86_64.rpm :
* Wed Dec 07 2022 Yogalakshmi Arunachalam
- Update to version 5.6.0
* Added Update vendored double-conversion to 3.2.1 (#570) AATTjoemarshall
* Fixed Fix len integer overflow issue (#567) AATTmarioga
* Sat Sep 17 2022 Arun Persaud - update to version 5.5.0:
* Added + Add support for Python 3.11 and PyPy3.9 (#564) AATThugovk + Add separators encoding parameter (#557) AATTJustAnotherArchivist
* Fixed + Fix encoding of infinity (#80). (#562) AATTbwoodsend
* Fri Jul 08 2022 Dirk Müller - update to 5.4.0 (CVE-2022-31116, bsc#1201255, CVE-2022-31117, bsc#1201254):
* Replace wchar_t string decoding implementation with a uint32_t-based one
* Fix handling of surrogates on decoding
* CVE-2022-31117: Potential double free of buffer during string decoding
* Fix memory leak on encoding errors when the buffer was resized
* Integer parsing: always detect overflows
* Fix handling of surrogates on encoding
* Tue May 24 2022 Gayane Osipyan - update to version 5.3.0
* Test Python 3.11 beta (#539) AATThugovk
* Benchmark refactor - argparse CLI (#533) AATTErotemic
* Fix segmentation faults when errors occur while handling unserialisable objects (#531) AATTJustAnotherArchivist
* Fix segmentation fault when an exception is raised while converting a dict key to a string (#526) AATTJustAnotherArchivist
* Fix memory leak dumping on non-string dict keys (#521) AATTJustAnotherArchivist
* Fix ref counting on repeated default function calls (#524) AATTJustAnotherArchivist
* Remove redundant wheel dependency from pyproject.toml (#535) AATThugovk- Release 5.2.0
* Support parsing NaN, Infinity and -Infinity (#514) AATTErotemic
* Support dynamically linking against system double-conversion library (#508) AATTmusicinmybrain
* Add env var to control stripping debug info (#507) AATTmusicinmybrain
* Add JSONDecodeError (#498) AATTJustAnotherArchivist
* Fix buffer overflows (CVE-2021-45958) (#519) AATTJustAnotherArchivist
* Upgrade Black to fix Click (#515) AATThugovk
* simplify exception handling on integer overflow (#510) AATTRouquinBlanc
* Remove dead code that used to handle the separate int type in Python 2 (#509) AATTJustAnotherArchivist
* Fix exceptions on encoding list or dict elements and non-overflow errors on int handling getting silenced (#505) AATTJustAnotherArchivist- Release 5.1.0
* Strip debugging symbols from Linux binaries (#493) AATTbwoodsend- Release 5.0.0
* Use cibuildwheel to build wheels (#491) AATTbwoodsend
* Drop support for soon-EOL Python 3.6 (#490) AATThugovk
* Install Twine to upload to PyPI (#492) AATThugovk- Remove python-ujson-system-double-conversion.patch (upstreamed)
* Sat Dec 11 2021 Ben Greiner - update to 4.3.0
* Enable Windows on ARM64 target (#488) AATTnsait-linaro- Release 4.2.0
* Add a default keyword argument to dumps (#470) AATTgarenchan
* Add support for Python 3.10 (#472) AATThugovk
* Build 32-bit wheels for Windows (#481) AATThugovk
* Build PyPy3 wheels for manylinux (#475) AATThugovk
* Build wheels for musl aarch64 (aka ARM) Linux (musllinux_1_1_aarch64) (#478) AATTbwoodsend
* Build wheels for musl Linux (musllinux_1_1_x86_64) (#476) AATTbwoodsend
* Use declarative setup metadata (#477) AATThugovk
* Wheel building updates (#473) AATThugovk
* Rename master to main (#471) AATThugovk
* Replace README.rst with Markdown (#479) AATThugovk- Release 4.1.0
* Add gcov coverage testing for C code (#457) AATTbwoodsend
* Test Python 3.10-dev (#454) AATThugovk
* Remove unused variable (#459) AATThugovk
* Remove explicit handling of manylinux platform tag (#452) AATTbwoodsend
* dconv no longer uses global instances of StringToDoubleConverter and (#469) AATTdas-intensity
* Switch shebang for the manylinux-wheels script (#465) AATTbwoodsend
* Fix typos in error message (#449) AATTfilipsalomonsson- refresh python-ujson-system-double-conversion.patch- Update requirements: removes unmaintained blist
* Mon Feb 01 2021 Dirk Müller - update to 4.0.2:
* Travis CI: Test on 3.9 final, remove 3.8
* Toward matching Python standard library output for float
* Fix errors on reading long decimal floats
* Fix #429: Make empty dict/list indented serialization match stdlib json
* Fix dealing with None types
* Thu Nov 26 2020 Dirk Mueller - update to 4.0.1:
* Fix UnicodeDecodeError on arm64/aarch64
* Add support for Python 3.9
* Drop support for EOL Python 3.5
* Make PEP 384 compliant
* Mon Aug 03 2020 Steve Kowalik - Update to 3.1.0:
* PEP 489 Multi Phase Init support (#418) AATTWillAyd
* PyPy3 test fixes (#413) AATTmgorny
* Sun Jun 14 2020 Dirk Mueller - update to 3.0.0:
* Build Windows, macOS and manylinux wheels on CI and deploy to PyPI
* Breaking change: New reject_bytes option to raise on bytes, defaults to True to align with json library. Set to False for old behaviour (#266) AATTelelay
* Breaking change: Add an allow_nan keyword argument to dumps, defaults to True to align with json library. Set to False for old behaviour (#327) AATTsegfault Specify setuptools_scm config in pyproject.toml (#399) AATTBenjaminSchubert
* Remove python 2.x support
* Sat Mar 28 2020 Arun Persaud - update to version 2.0.3:
* Changed + Drop legacy distutils in (#397) AATThugovk + Update benchmarking (#395) AATThugovk
* Fixed + Decrease dict key reference (#394) AATTsuola + Remove double_precision and precise_float from help text (#389) AATTJTJL
* Sun Mar 15 2020 Benjamin Greiner - update to version 2.0.2 Fix serialization issue (#382)- reactivate Python 2 build
* Tue Mar 10 2020 version update to 2.0.1 Added Include license file in manifest (#288) AATTkszucs added \"static\" to C functions, where possible (#238) AATTWGH- bring back benchmark introduction (#234) AATTrdpate Add syntax highlighting to README (#255) AATTadamchainz Test on new Travis CPUs (#350) AATThugovk Test on GitHub Actions (#348) AATThugovk Test on Python 3.9-dev to avoid surprises (#349) AATThugovk Use Release Drafter to draft releases (#365) AATThugovk Deploy from GitHub Actions instead of Travis CI (#364) AATThugovk Autodeploy to PyPI from Travis CI (#357) AATThugovk Lint with pre-commit: Black, isort, Flake8 (#354) AATThugovk Changed Use Google\'s double-conversion lib to fix floating-point precision when converting doubles to and from strings, improves double encoding by 4-5x (eb7d894) AATTJahaja Reduce default buffer on stack size (#281) AATTncopa Update ultrajsondec.c (#260) AATTmarkpiekarz Indent dict values (#217) AATTorivej Test with pytest (#363) AATThugovk Less Travis (#361) AATThugovk Update links (#356) AATThugovk Tests: Remove unused, unmaintained blist (#362) AATThugovk Only deploy sdist from Travis CI (#359) AATThugovk Removed Drop EOL Python 2.5-2.6, 3.2-3.4 and add 3.7-3.8 (#298) AATThugovk Remove serialization of date/datetime objects (50181f0) AATTJahaja Remove double_precision encoding option and precise_float decoding option (eb7d894) AATTJahaja Remove generic serialization of objects/iterables (53f85b1) AATTJahaja Remove support for __json__ method on str (5f98f01) AATTJahaja Remove blist tests (3a6ba52) AATTJahaja Fixed Fix for sort_keys bug and a typo (870ee48) AATTJahaja Fix for overflowing long causing invalid JSON (409c6d4) AATTJahaja Following std JSON handling of None dict key (ac4637f) Fix for incorrect order when using OrderedDict (c9f8318) AATTJahaja Fix reference counting bug for dict values (#353) AATTrichafrank Fix a couple of memory leaks. (#257) AATTborman Correct JSON decoding implementation to die on trailing commas in Objects (#323) AATTtimdawborn fixup dconv_wrapper linkage (#312) AATTtclh123 Fix Warning: \'classifiers\' should be a list, got type \'filter\' (#351) AATThugovk Remove redundant license parameter (#341) AATTblag do not forcefully remove the build directory manually (fix #179) (#207) AATTanthraxx Merged pull request to fix memory leak. (#1) AATTAdriandorr http -> https (#299) AATThugovk- added patches fix unbundle double-conversion + python-ujson-system-double-conversion.patch- deleted patches - do_not_remove_build_directory_manually.patch (upstreamed) - no-unittest2.patch (upstreamed) - ujson-1.35-fix-for-overflowing-long.patch (upstreamed) - ujson-1.35-fix-ordering-of-orderdict.patch (upstreamed) - ujson-1.35-sort_keys-segfault.patch (upstreamed) - ujson-1.35-standard-handling-of-none.patch (upstreamed) - ujson-1.35-test-depricationwarning.patch (upstreamed) - ujson-1.35-use-static-where-possible.patch (upstreamed)
* Sun May 12 2019 John Vandenberg - Apply six patches from Gentoo:
* ujson-1.35-fix-for-overflowing-long.patch
* ujson-1.35-fix-ordering-of-orderdict.patch
* ujson-1.35-sort_keys-segfault.patch
* ujson-1.35-standard-handling-of-none.patch
* ujson-1.35-test-depricationwarning.patch
* ujson-1.35-use-static-where-possible.patch
* Fri Aug 10 2018 Do not depend on unittest2 it is not needed:
* no-unittest2.patch- Really execute the tests
* Wed Apr 26 2017 Implement single-spec version- Fix source URL- Run tests- Add do_not_remove_build_directory_manually.patch This avoids deleting build directories that the single-spec macro system needs.
* Fri Dec 16 2016 Replace filler words in description
* Fri Dec 16 2016 Initial packaging (version 1.35)