Changelog for python3-cfn-lint-0.54.4-sle154.qubes.4.100.noarch.rpm :

* Mon Dec 06 2021 Dirk Müller - update to 0.54.4:
* Update CloudFormation specs to `45.0.0`
* Add `AWS::DynamoDB::GlobalTable` to `AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping.EventSourceArn`
* Expand stateful resource types to include `AWS::SecretsManager::Secret`
* Add exceptions to rule [E3031]
* Update `aws-sam-translator` to `1.39.0`
* Update `Serverless/ManagedPolicies.json` and create automation to keep it up to date
* Update default configuration on rule [E3012]
* Add rule [E3043]
* Add `AWS::KMS::ReplicaKey` as a `Ref`/`GetAtt` for `AWS::KMS::Alias.TargetKeyId`
* `AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer.LoadBalancerAttribute` `AllowedValues` expansion
* Fix rule message string formatting for [E3013]
* Tue Aug 17 2021 Fusion Future - Update to 0.53.0: + Features
* Update aws-sam-translator to 1.38.0 (pull #2082)
* Signal the end of life for Python 3.5 (pull #2052)
* Allow configuration of top level sections in rule E1001 (pull #2090) + CloudFormation Specifications
* Update resource specs to 39.8.0 (pull #2087)
* Add StringMax to AWS::SNS::Topic.TopicName, AWS::IAM::Role.Name, AWS::SNS::Topic.TopicName, AWS::Lambda::Function properties Handler, Description, FunctionName, and AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion properties LayerName (pull #2089) + Fixes
* Update RetentionPeriodHours for AWS::Kinesis::Stream to 8760 (pull #2071)
* Expand expanding likely_stateful_resource_types to include AWS::DynamoDB::GlobalTable (pull #2079)- Changes from 0.52.0: + Features
* End support for Python 3.4 (pull #2048)
* New rule I3013 to validate retention period settings on applicable resources (pull #2054) + CloudFormation Specifications
* Update resource specs to `39.3.0` (pull #2047) + Fixes
* Update `ManagedPolicies.json` to include `AWSLambda_FullAccess` and `AWSLambda_ReadOnlyAccess` (pull #2062)
* Fix a warning in setuptools with `description-file` needed to be `description_file` (pull #2051)
* Update the `schema.json` for `.cfnlintrc` files to have the correct format for `custom_rules` (pull #2055)
* Update rule E1029 to `not` look at `TemplatyBody` since it can be a nested template (pull #2057)
* Update rule E3012 to think of a list as json (pull #2067)- Changes from 0.51.0: + Features
* A new sub class to make working with `Fn::Sub` easier (pull #2003) + CloudFormation Specifications
* Update resource specs to `39.1.0` (pull #2044) + Fixes
* Fix an issue with `networkx` package nesting in the graph function (pull #2035)
* Update rule E1029 to only alert when the value found is a parameter or a resource (pull #2031)- Drop command to remove source files containing online tests.- Rename original tarball filename in Source field.- Add skip-tests-require-network.patch to skip tests that requires network:
* test_update_resource_specs_python_2
* test_update_resource_specs_python_3
* Thu Jun 10 2021 Dirk Müller - update to 0.50.0:
* Update rule E2507 to validate resource configuration in an IAM policy
* Update aws-sam-translator to 1.36.0
* Update resource specs to 37.1.0
* Update Lambda EOL for dotnetcore2.1
* UPdate Lambda EOL for nodejs10.x and ruby2.5
* Fix an issue with rule E7003 when a Fn::Transform was in a mapping
* Fix an issue when finding duplicate keys where the 2nd error wasn\'t to the key
* Mon Mar 29 2021 John Vandenberg - Disable two test modules test_update_resource_specs
* that require internet.- Remove skip_python36 no longer needed- update to v0.48.1
* See for changes since 0.44.5
* Mon Feb 01 2021 Dirk Müller - update to 0.44.5: - Update resource specs to `25.0.0` - Add support for `AWS::SSO::PermissionSet` `InlinePolicy` - Update resource specs to `24.0.0` - Update `AWS::DataBrew::Recipe.Action` `Parameters` `Type` to `Map` - Fix an issue when we parse a json string in [E2507] and used the parsed json to append to the location - Update spec files as of 2021.01.08 - Update `AWS::Lambda::Function.MemorySize` to new service limits - Replace `ContentUri` to a s3 path when doing a SAM transform - Add `RouteSelectionExpression` to exludes on rule - Remove newlines from parseable format messages
* Sat Jan 02 2021 Benjamin Greiner - Update to 0.44.2 CloudFormation Specifications
* Expand Allowed Values for AWS::AmazonMQ::Broker.EngineVersion (pull ##1841)
* Update spec files as of 2012.12.30 (pull #1831)
* Update AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping.EventSourceArn to allow StreamARN and ConsumerARN (pull #1850) Fixes
* Reinitialize E3022 on every template (pull #1848)
* Update rule E3008 to allow for lists in getatt allowed values (pull #1850)- Changes in 0.44.1 Fixes
* Reinitialize the limits in rule E3021 (pull #1834)
* Add registry_schemas to be supported in the .cfnlintrc (pull [#1836])- Changes in 0.44.0 Features
* Cache all rules to speed up reloading rules when scanning multiple templates (pull #1789) CloudFormation Specifications
* Update FSx Storage Capacity to a minimum of 32 (pull ##1827)
* Update spec files as of 2012.12.14 (pull #1821) Fixes
* Loosen version requirements for python package six (pull #1825)- Changes in 0.43.0 Features
* Add support to validate private types from the CloudFormation Registry (pull #1732) CloudFormation Specifications
* Update allowed values for AWS::DocDB::DBCluster.EngineVersion (pull #1810)
* Updated specs as of 2020.12.3 (pull #1804) Fixes
* Fix an issue with RegexDict to return the longest matched value (pull #1815)
* Fix rule E3008 to not fail when using AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProvisionedProduct Outputs (pull #1809)
* Loosen version constraints on importlib_resources (pull #1808)- Changes in 0.42.0 Features
* Add support for modules (pull #1800 and pull #1801)
* Colored Output and Pretty Formatting (pull #1742) CloudFormation Specifications
* Update CloudFormation specs to 21.0.0 (pull #1799) Fixes
* Patch AWS::EC2::CarrierGateway for Tags (pull #1790)
* Make sure types are strings before assuming they are (pull [#1791])
* Add all for certain availability zone items (pull #1798)- Changes in 0.41.0 Features
* Remove rules W2509, E2004, E2505, E2510 and move logic to rules E3030, E3031, and E3008 (pull #1750)
* Remove rule E2530 and move logic to W2030 and E3030 (pull [#1749])
* Remove rule E3028 and move logic to E3018 (pull #1769)
* Remove rule E3029 and move logic to E3018 (pull #1770)
* Remove rule E3024 and move logic to E3018 (pull #1771)
* Update rule E3002 to error when a singular function is used when a list is needed (pull #1773)
* Update dates for Python 2.7 Lambda runtime support (pull #1777)
* Update rule E2503 to include more attributes for application load balancers and protocols (pull #1783 and pull #1784) CloudFormation Specifications
* Update CloudFormation specs to 20.3.0 (pull #1781)
* Expand Allowed Values for AWS::AmazonMQ::Broker EngineVersion (pull #1778) Fixes
* Update rule E2529 to allow for two subscriptions per log group (pull #1767)
* Allow SAM translation for AutoPublishAlias in Globals (pull [#1768])
* Allow numbers and booleans when doing a Fn::Sub parameter (pull [#1774])- Changes in 0.40.0 Features
* Add rule E3017 to validate when properties are required based on a value of another property (pull #1746)
* Add rule E3018 to validate when properties are unwanted based on the value of another property (pull #1759)
* Remove rule E3040 and replace with rule E3031 (pull #1754)
* Remove rule E3023 and replace with rule E3017 (pull #1758) CloudFormation Specifications
* Update CloudFormation specs to 20.0.0 (pull #1760)
* Add allowed values for AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping (pull [#1748])- Changes in 0.39.0 Features
* Allow ignoring of E0000 and E0001 (pull #1580)
* Update rule E3005 to include resource based conditions (pull [#1738])
* Update template limits to new standards (pull #1747) CloudFormation Specifications
* Update CloudFormation specs to 19.0.0 (pull #1751)
* Add ap-northeast-2d to the list of approved Availibility Zones (pull #1739)
* Add AllowedValues to AWS::CloudFormation::StackSet.PermissionModel from botocore (pull #1741)- Changes in 0.38.0 Features
* Expand likely_stateful_resource_types for explicit UpdateReplacePolicy/DeletionPolicy rule I3011 to include AWS::SQS::Queue (pull #1736) CloudFormation Specifications
* Update CloudFormation specs to 18.7.0 (pull #1734) Fixes
* Fix an issue with rule E3003 to handle Ref: AWS::Novalue (pull [#1720])
* Thu Nov 26 2020 Robert Schweikert - Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater
* Fri Oct 09 2020 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Update to 0.37.1
* Update CloudFormation specs to 18.6.0
* Add `AllowedValues` for `AWS::DMS::Endpoint.EngineName`
* Fix an issue with rule E2521 and E2520 to handle `Ref: AWS::Novalue`- from version 0.37.0
* Update CloudFormation specs to 18.5.0
* Get `AllowedValues` from Botocore during `--update-specs`
* Add string length requirements for `AWS::Config::ConfigRule.Description`
* Patch `AWS::StepFunctions::Activity` to include `Name` and remove `Arn`
* Fix an issue with rule `E3002` to better handle when conditions are used at the root level of a list
* Update core node libraries to remove `Ref: AWS::NoValue` from returned properties- from version 0.36.1
* Update CloudFormation specs to 18.4.0
* Add `ap-northeast-3` to `scripts/`- from version 0.36.0
* Update rule E2541 to validate that input artifacts are output artifacts from a previous action and that output artifact names are unique in the pipeline
* New rule E3007 to validate parameter and resource names are unique
* Update CloudFormation specs to 18.3.0
* Expand `AllowedValues` for `AWS::AmazonMQ::Broker.EngineVersion` and `AWS::Glue::Trigger.Condition.State`
* Expand `templated_exceptions` property types that require package command for rule E3002 and W3002
* Pin pyrsistent to `0.16.0` with Python versions less than `3.5`
* Fix an issue with SSM Spec patching that resulted in resource `PropertyTypes` not being added to the spec patches
* Update directives to use the resource name key as the start
* Tue Sep 08 2020 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Update to 0.35.1
* Update CloudFormation specs to 18.1.0
* Expand `AllowedValues` for `AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.MinimumProtocolVersion`, `AWS::Config::ConfigurationRecorder.ResourceTypes`, and `AWS::Glue::Connection. ConnectionInput.ConnectionType`
* Add localzone `us-west-2-lax-1b`
* Update rule E2503 to include `routing.http.desync_mitigation_mode`
* Update excludes for rule E1029 to include `ResponseMappingTemplate`
* Update rule E1019 and E1010 to handle resource attributes of type `Map- from version 0.35.0
* Update CloudFormation specs to 17.0.0
* Fix ElasticMapReduce and ManagedBlockchain InstanceType patching
* Include a regex pattern to check MetricValue is either a number or starts with `$`
* Add more types to `AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy. PredefinedMetricSpecification.PredefinedMetricType`
* Add more values to `AWS::Lambda::Function.Runtime`
* Add more values to `AWS::Budgets::Budget.BudgetType`
* Update rule E3031 to convert int or float to string before doing an allowed pattern match on it
* Add exceptions to rule E1029
* Update rule E8003 to look for string based parameters- from version 0.34.1
* Update CloudFormation specs to 16.3.0
* Update rule E3001 to catch when Resource `Type` is not a string
* Update rule E1029 to handle `${}` in Step Function State Machines and Definition Substitutions
* Update rule W4002 to only look at `Ref` and `Sub`- from version 0.34.0
* Add rule W4002 that checks if `Metadata` references a `NoEcho` parameter
* Update CloudFormation specs to 16.1.0
* Remove `AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.BlockDeviceMapping` from `OnlyOne`
* Add more `AllowedValues` to `AWS::Glue::Trigger.Predicate.Logical`
* Add more `AllowedValues` to `AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy.PredefinedMetric Specification.PredefinedMetricType`
* Add more `AllowedValues` to `AWS::S3::Bucket.TopicConfiguration.Event`
* Add more `AllowedValues` to `AWS::EC2::CapacityReservation.InstancePlatform`
* Fix an issue for applying `AllowedValues` to `AWS::RDS::DBInstance MonitoringInterval` and `PerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod`
* Fix an issue for applying `Maximum` and `Minimum` to `AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2:: ListenerRule.Priority`
* Update rule E3503 to not fail on if ValidationDomain or DomainName aren\'t present
* Fri Jul 03 2020 Marketa Calabkova - Update to 0.33.2
* few new rules and specification update
* Mon May 04 2020 Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 0.30.1:
* Fix many various issues and support new regions- Drop merged patches:
* cl_drop-compatible-releases-operator.patch
* cl_fix-config-expand-paths-test.patch
* cl_fix-lambda-runtimes-EOL-dates.patch
* Mon May 04 2020 Tomáš Chvátal - Fix build without python2- Fix cfn-lint subpackage by moving it back to the python
*-cfn-lint it is setuptools entrypoint, no reason to split it out
* use update-alternatives to switch between binaries
* Thu Sep 05 2019 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Add upstream patch to fix EOL dates for lambda runtimes + cl_fix-lambda-runtimes-EOL-dates.patch- Add upstream patch to fix test_config_expand_paths test + cl_fix-config-expand-paths-test.patch- Add python to BuildRequires for suse_version < 1500
* Thu Jun 13 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Fix license string and test execution
* Wed Jun 05 2019 Todd R - Rename to python-cfn-lint. This package has a python API, which is required by python-moto.- Update to version 0.21.4 + Features
* Include more resource types in W3037 + CloudFormation Specifications
* Add Resource Type `AWS::CDK::Metadata` + Fixes
* Uncap requests dependency in
* Check Join functions have lists in the correct sections
* Pass a parameter value for AutoPublishAlias when doing a Transform
* Show usage examples when displaying the help- Update to version 0.21.3 + Fixes
* Support dumping strings for datetime objects when doing a Transform- Update to version 0.21.2 + CloudFormation Specifications
* Update CloudFormation specs to 3.3.0
* Update instance types from pricing API as of 2019.05.23- Update to version 0.21.1 + Features
* Add `Info` logging capability and set the default logging to `NotSet` + Fixes
* Only do rule logging (start/stop/time) when the rule is going to be called
* Update rule E1019 to allow `Fn::Transform` inside a `Fn::Sub`
* Update rule W2001 to not break when `Fn::Transform` inside a `Fn::Sub`
* Update rule E2503 to allow conditions to be used and to not default to `network` load balancer when an object is used for the Load Balancer type- Update to version 0.21.0 + Features
* New rule E3038 to check if a Serverless resource includes the appropriate Transform
* New rule E2531 to validate a Lambda\'s runtime against the deprecated dates
* New rule W2531 to validate a Lambda\'s runtime against the EOL dates
* Update rule E2541 to include updates to Code Pipeline capabilities
* Update rule E2503 to include checking of values for load balancer attributes + CloudFormation Specifications
* Update CloudFormation specs to 3.2.0
* Update instance types from pricing API as of 2019.05.20 + Fixes
* Include setuptools in requires- Update to version 0.20.3 + CloudFormation Specifications
* Update instance types from pricing API as of 2019.05.16 + Fixes
* Update E7001 to allow float/doubles for mapping values
* Update W1020 to check pre-transformed Fn::Sub(s) to determine if a Sub is needed
* Pin requests to be below or equal to 2.21.0 to prevent issues with botocore- Update to version 0.20.2 + Features
* Add support for List Parameter types + CloudFormation Specifications
* Add allowed values for AWS::EC2 EIP, FlowLog, CustomerGateway, DHCPOptions, EC2Fleet
* Create new property type for Security Group IDs or Names
* Add new Lambda runtime environment for NodeJs 10.x
* Move AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service Health checks from Only One to Exclusive
* Update Glue Crawler Role to take an ARN or a name
* Remove PrimitiveType from MaintenanceWindowTarget Targets
* Add Min/Max values for Load Balancer Ports to be between 1-65535 + Fixes
* Include License file in the pypi package to help with downstream projects
* Filter out dynamic references from rule E3031 and E3030
* Convert Python linting and Code Coverage from Python 3.6 to 3.7- Update to version 0.20.1 + Fixes
* Update rule E8003 to support more functions inside a Fn::Equals- Update to version 0.20.0 + Features
* Allow a rule\'s exception to be defined in a resource\'s metadata
* Add rule configuration capabilities
* Update rule E3012 to allow for non strict property checking
* Add rule E8003 to test Fn::Equals structure and syntax
* Add rule E8004 to test Fn::And structure and syntax
* Add rule E8005 to test Fn::Not structure and syntax
* Add rule E8006 to test Fn::Or structure and syntax
* Include Path to error in the JSON output
* Update documentation to describe how to install cfn-lint from brew + CloudFormation Specifications
* Update CloudFormation specs to version 3.0.0
* Add new region ap-east-1
* Add list min/max and string min/max for CloudWatch Alarm Actions
* Add allowed values for EC2::LaunchTemplate
* Add allowed values for EC2::Host
* Update allowed values for Amazon MQ to include 5.15.9
* Add AWS::Greengrass::ResourceDefinition to GreenGrass supported regions
* Add AWS::EC2::VPCEndpointService to all regions
* Update AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition ExecutionRoleArn to be a IAM Role ARN
* Patch spec files for SSM MaintenanceWindow to look for Target and not Targets
* Update ManagedPolicyArns list size to be 20 which is the hard limit. 10 is the soft limit. + Fixes
* Fix rule E3033 to check the string size when the string is inside a list
* Fix an issue in which AWS::NotificationARNs was not a list
* Add AWS::EC2::Volume to rule W3010
* Fix an issue with W2001 where SAM translate would remove the Ref to a parameter causing this error to falsely trigger
* Fix rule W3010 to not error when the availability zone is \'all\'- Update to version 0.19.1 + Fixes
* Fix core Condition processing to support direct Condition in another Condition
* Fix the W2030 to check numbers against string allowed values- Update to version 0.19.0 + Features
* Add NS and PTR Route53 record checking to rule E3020
* New rule E3050 to check if a Ref to IAM Role has a Role path of \'/\'
* New rule E3037 to look for duplicates in a list that doesn\'t support duplicates
* New rule I3037 to look for duplicates in a list when duplicates are allowed + CloudFormation Specifications
* Add Min/Max values to AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds
* Add Max JSON size to AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy PolicyDocument
* Add allowed values for AWS::EC2 SpotFleet, TransitGateway, NetworkAcl NetworkInterface, PlacementGroup, and Volume
* Add Min/max values to AWS::Budgets::Budget.Notification Threshold
* Update RDS Instance types by database engine and license definitions using the pricing API
* Update AWS::CodeBuild::Project ServiceRole to support Role Name or ARN
* Update AWS::ECS::Service Role to support Role Name or ARN + Fixes
* Update E3025 to support the new structure of data in the RDS instance type json
* Update E2540 to remove all nested conditions from the object
* Update E3030 to not do strict type checking
* Update E3020 to support conditions nested in the record sets
* Update E3008 to better handle CloudFormation sub stacks with different GetAtt formats- Update to version 0.18.1 + CloudFormation Specifications
* Update CloudFormation Specs to 2.30.0
* Fix IAM Regex Path to support more character types
* Update AWS::Batch::ComputeEnvironment.ComputeResources InstanceRole to reference an InstanceProfile or GetAtt the InstanceProfile Arn
* Allow VPC IDs to Ref a Parameter of type String + Fixes
* Fix E3502 to check the size of the property instead of the parent object- Update to version 0.18.0 + Features
* New rule E3032 to check the size of lists
* New rule E3502 to check JSON Object Size using definitions in the spec file
* New rule E3033 to test the minimum and maximum length of a string
* New rule E3034 to validate the min and max of a number
* Remove Ebs Iops check from E2504 and use rule E3034 instead
* Remove rule E2509 and use rule E3033 instead
* Remove rule E2508 as it replaced by E3032 and E3502
* Update rule E2503 to check that there are at least two 2 Subnets or SubnetMappings for ALBs
* SAM requirement upped to minimal version of 1.10.0 + CloudFormation Specifications
* Extend specs to include: > `ListMin` and `ListMax` for the minimum and maximum size of a list > `JsonMax` to check the max size of a JSON Object > `StringMin` and `StringMax` to check the minimum and maximum length of a String > `NumberMin` and `NumberMax` to check the minimum and maximum value of a Number, Float, Long
* Update State and ExecutionRoleArn to be required on AWS::DLM::LifecyclePolicy
* Add AllowedValues for PerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod for AWS::RDS::Instance
* Add AllowedValues for the AWS::GuardDuty Resources
* Add AllowedValues for AWS::EC2 VPC and VPN Resources
* Switch IAM Instance Profiles for certain resources to the type that only takes the name
* Add regex pattern for IAM Instance Profile when a name (not Arn) is used
* Add regex pattern for IAM Paths
* Add Regex pattern for IAM Role Arn
* Update OnlyOne spec to require require at least one of Subnets or SubnetMappings with ELB v2 + Fixes
* Fix serverless transform to use DefinitionBody when Auth is in the API definition
* Fix rule W2030 to not error when checking SSM or List Parameters- Update to version 0.17.1 + Features
* Update rule E2503 to make sure NLBs don\'t have a Security Group configured + CloudFormation Specifications
* Add all the allowed values of the `AWS::Glue` Resources
* Update OnlyOne check for `AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm` to only `MetricName` or `Metrics`
* Update Exclusive check for `AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm` for properties mixed with `Metrics` and `Statistic`
* Update CloudFormation specs to 2.29.0
* Fix type with MariaDB in the AllowedValues
* Update pricing information for data available on 2018.3.29 + Fixes
* Fix rule E1029 to not look for a sub is needed when looking for iot strings in policies
* Fix rule E2541 to allow for ActionId Versions of length 1-9 and meets regex `[0-9A-Za-z_-]+`
* Fix rule E2532 to allow for `Parameters` inside a `Pass` action
* Fix an issue when getting the location of an error in which numbers are causing an attribute error- Update to version 0.17.0 + Features
* Add new rule E3026 to validate Redis cluster settings including AutomaticFailoverEnabled and NumCacheClusters. Status: Released
* Add new rule W3037 to validate IAM resource policies. Status: Experimental
* Add new parameter `-e/--include-experimental` to allow for new rules in that aren\'t ready to be fully released + CloudFormation Specifications
* Update Spec files to 2.28.0
* Add all the allowed values of the AWS::Redshift::
* Resources
* Add all the allowed values of the AWS::Neptune::
* Resources
* Patch spec to make AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.LambdaFunctionAssociation.LambdaFunctionARN required
* Patch spec to make AWS::DynamoDB::Table AttributeDefinitions required + Fixes
* Remove extra blank lines when there is no errors in the output
* Add exception to rule E1029 to have exceptions for EMR CloudWatchAlarmDefinition
* Update rule E1029 to allow for literals in a Sub
* Remove sub checks from rule E3031 as it won\'t match in all cases of an allowed pattern regex check
* Correct typos for errors in rule W1001
* Switch from parsing a template as Yaml to Json when finding an escape character
* Fix an issue with SAM related to transforming templates with Serverless Application and Lambda Layers
* Fix an issue with rule E2541 when non strings were used for Stage Names- Update to version 0.16.0 + Features
* Add rule E3031 to look for regex patterns based on the patched spec file
* Remove regex checks from rule E2509
* Add parameter `ignore-templates` to allow the ignoring of templates when doing bulk linting + CloudFormation Specifications
* Update Spec files to 2.26.0
* Add all the allowed values of the AWS::DirectoryService::
* Resources
* Add all the allowed values of the AWS::DynamoDB::
* Resources
* Added AWS::Route53Resolver resources to the Spec Patches of ap-southeast-2
* Patch the spec file with regex patterns
* Add all the allowed values of the AWS::DocDb::
* Resources + Fixes
* Update rule E2504 to have \'20000\' as the max value
* Update rule E1016 to not allow ImportValue inside of Conditions
* Update rule E2508 to check conditions when providing limit checks on managed policies
* Convert unicode to strings when in Py 3.4/3.5 and updating specs
* Convert from `awslabs` to `aws-cloudformation` organization
* Remove suppression of logging that was removed from samtranslator >1.7.0 and incompatibility with samtranslator 1.10.0- Update to version 0.15.0 + Features
* Add scaffolding for arbitrary Match attributes, adding attributes for Type checks
* Add rule E3024 to validate that ProvisionedThroughput is not specified with BillingMode PAY_PER_REQUEST + CloudFormation Specifications
* Update Spec files to 2.24.0
* Update OnlyOne spec to have BlockDeviceMapping to include NoDevice with Ebs and VirtualName
* Add all the allowed values of the AWS::CloudFront::
* Resources
* Add all the allowed values of the AWS::DAX::
* Resources + Fixes
* Update config parsing to use the builtin Yaml decoder
* Add condition support for Inclusive E2521, Exclusive E2520, and AtLeastOne E2522 rules
* Update rule E1029 to better check Resource strings inside IAM Policies
* Improve the line/column information of a Match with array support- Update to version 0.14.1 + CloudFormation Specifications
* Update CloudFormation Specs to version 2.23.0
* Add allowed values for AWS::Config::
* resources
* Add allowed values for AWS::ServiceDiscovery::
* resources
* Fix allowed values for Apache MQ + Fixes
* Update rule E3008 to not error when using a list from a custom resource
* Support simple types in the CloudFormation spec
* Add tests for the formatters- Update to version 0.14.0 + Features
* Add rule E3035 to check the values of DeletionPolicy
* Add rule E3036 to check the values of UpdateReplacePolicy
* Add rule E2014 to check that there are no REFs in the Parameter section
* Update rule E2503 to support TLS on NLBs + CloudFormation Specifications
* Update CloudFormation spec to version 2.22.0
* Add allowed values for AWS::Cognito::
* resources + Fixes
* Update rule E3002 to allow GetAtts to Custom Resources under a Condition- Update to version 0.13.2 + Features
* Introducing the cfn-lint logo!
* Update SAM dependency version + Fixes
* Fix CloudWatchAlarmComparisonOperator allowed values.
* Fix typo resoruce_type_spec in several files
* Better support for nested And, Or, and Not when processing Conditions- Update to version 0.13.1 + CloudFormation Specifications
* Add allowed values for AWS::CloudTrail::Trail resources
* Patch spec to have AWS::CodePipeline::CustomActionType Version included + Fixes
* Fix conditions logic to use AllowedValues when REFing a Parameter that has AllowedValues specified- Update to version 0.13.0 + Features
* New rule W1011 to check if a FindInMap is using the correct map name and keys
* New rule W1001 to check if a Ref/GetAtt to a resource that exists when Conditions are used
* Removed logic in E1011 and moved it to W1011 for validating keys
* Add property relationships for AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy into Inclusive, Exclusive, and AtLeastOne
* Update rule E2505 to check the netmask bit
* Include the ability to update the CloudFormation Specs using the Pricing API + CloudFormation Specifications
* Update to version 2.21.0
* Add allowed values for AWS::Budgets::Budget
* Add allowed values for AWS::CertificateManager resources
* Add allowed values for AWS::CodePipeline resources
* Add allowed values for AWS::CodeCommit resources
* Add allowed values for EC2 InstanceTypes from pricing API
* Add allowed values for RedShift InstanceTypes from pricing API
* Add allowed values for MQ InstanceTypes from pricing API
* Add allowed values for RDS InstanceTypes from pricing API + Fixes
* Fixed README indentation issue with .pre-commit-config.yaml
* Fixed rule E2541 to allow for multiple inputs/outputs in a CodeBuild task
* Fixed rule E3020 to allow for a period or no period at the end of a ACM registration record
* Update rule E3001 to support UpdateReplacePolicy
* Fix a cli issue where `--template` wouldn\'t be used when a .cfnlintrc was in the same folder
* Update rule E3002 and E1024 to support packaging of AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion content- Rebase cl_drop-compatible-releases-operator.patch
* Mon Jan 21 2019 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Initial build + Version 0.12.1- Add patch to drop compatible releases operator from, required for SLES12 as the setuptools version is too old + cl_drop-compatible-releases-operator.patch