Changelog for libisc1606-9.16.6-qubes.22.25.x86_64.rpm :

* Thu Nov 12 2020 Josef Möllers - Removed baselibs.conf as SLE does not distribute 32 bit libraries. [baselibs.conf]
* Fri Nov 06 2020 Josef Möllers - Added special make instruction for the \"Administrator Reference Manual\" which is built using python3-Sphinx [bsc#1177983, bind.spec]- Removed \"\" from named.service as that leads to a systemd ordering cycle [bsc#1177491, bsc#1178626, bsc#1177991, vendor-files.tar.bz2]
* Tue Oct 27 2020 Josef Möllers - Add /usr/lib64/named to the files and directories in bind-chrootenv.conf. This directory contains plugins loaded after the chroot().- Replaced named\'s dependency on time-sync with a dependency on time-set in named.service. The former leads to a dependency-loop.- Removed \"dnssec-enable\" from named.conf as it has been obsoleted. Added a comment for reference which should be removed in the future.- Added a comment to the \"dnssec-validation\" in named.conf with a reference to forwarders which do not return signed responses.- Replaced an INSIST macro which calls abort with a test and a diagnostic output. [bsc#1177913,bsc#1178078,bsc#1177790,bsc#1177603,bsc#1175894, bsc#1177915, bind-Print-diagnostics-on-dns_name_issubdomain-failure-in.patch, bind-chrootenv.conf,vendor-files.tar.bz2]
* Fri Sep 18 2020 Josef Möllers - Removed \"-r /dev/urandom\" from all invocations of rndc-confgen (init/named system/lwresd.init system/named.init in vendor-files) as this option is deprecated and causes rndc-confgen to fail. [bsc#1173311, bsc#1176674, bsc#1170713, vendor-files.tar.bz2]
* Tue Sep 15 2020 Josef Möllers - /usr/bin/genDDNSkey: Removing the use of the -r option in the call of /usr/sbin/dnssec-keygen as BIND now uses the random number functions provided by the crypto library (i.e., OpenSSL or a PKCS#11 provider) as a source of randomness rather than /dev/random. Therefore the -r command line option no longer has any effect on dnssec-keygen. Leaving the option in genDDNSkey as to not break compatibility. Patch provided by Stefan Eisenwiener. [bsc#1171313, vendor-files.tar.bz2]
* Fri Sep 04 2020 Reinhard Max - Put libns into a separate subpackage to avoid file conflicts in the libisc subpackage due to different sonums (bsc#1176092).
* Fri Aug 28 2020 Dominique Leuenberger - Require /sbin/start_daemon: both init scripts, the one used in systemd context as well as legacy sysv, make use of start_daemon.
* Tue Aug 18 2020 Josef Möllers - Upgrade to version 9.16.6 Fixes five vilnerabilities: 5481. [security] \"update-policy\" rules of type \"subdomain\" were incorrectly treated as \"zonesub\" rules, which allowed keys used in \"subdomain\" rules to update names outside of the specified subdomains. The problem was fixed by making sure \"subdomain\" rules are again processed as described in the ARM. (CVE-2020-8624) [GL #2055] 5480. [security] When BIND 9 was compiled with native PKCS#11 support, it was possible to trigger an assertion failure in code determining the number of bits in the PKCS#11 RSA public key with a specially crafted packet. (CVE-2020-8623) [GL #2037] 5479. [security] named could crash in certain query resolution scenarios where QNAME minimization and forwarding were both enabled. (CVE-2020-8621) [GL #1997] 5478. [security] It was possible to trigger an assertion failure by sending a specially crafted large TCP DNS message. (CVE-2020-8620) [GL #1996] 5476. [security] It was possible to trigger an assertion failure when verifying the response to a TSIG-signed request. (CVE-2020-8622) [GL #2028] For the less severe bugs fixed, see the CHANGES file. [bsc#1175443, CVE-2020-8624, CVE-2020-8623, CVE-2020-8621, CVE-2020-8620, CVE-2020-8622]
* Thu Aug 06 2020 Josef Möllers - Added \"/etc/bind.keys\" to NAMED_CONF_INCLUDE_FILES in /etc/sysconfig/named to suppress warning message re missing file. [vendor-files.tar.bz2, bsc#1173983]
* Tue Jul 21 2020 Josef Möllers - Upgrade to version bind-9.16.5
* The \"primary\" and \"secondary\" keywords, when used as parameters for \"check-names\", were not processed correctly and were being ignored.
* \'rndc dnstap -roll \' did not limit the number of saved files to .
* Add \'rndc dnssec -status\' command.
* Addressed a couple of situations where named could crash For the full list, see the CHANGES file in the source RPM.
* Tue Jun 30 2020 Josef Möllers - Changed /var/lib/named to owner root:named and perms rwxrwxr-t so that named, being a/the only member of the \"named\" group has full r/w access yet cannot change directories owned by root in the case of a compromized named. [bsc#1173307, bind-chrootenv.conf]
* Thu Jun 18 2020 Josef Möllers - Upgrade to version bind-9.16.4 Fixing two security problems:
* It was possible to trigger an INSIST when determining whether a record would fit into a TCP message buffer. (CVE-2020-8618)
* It was possible to trigger an INSIST in lib/dns/rbtdb.c:new_reference() with a particular zone content and query patterns. (CVE-2020-8619) Also the following functional changes:
* Reject DS records at the zone apex when loading master files. Log but otherwise ignore attempts to add DS records at the zone apex via UPDATE.
* The default value of \"max-stale-ttl\" has been changed from 1 week to 12 hours.
* Zone timers are now exported via statistics channel. Thanks to Paul Frieden, Verizon Media. Added support for idn2 to spec file (Thanks to Holger Bruenjes ). More internal changes see the CHANGES file in the source RPM This update obsoletes [bsc#1172958, CVE-2020-8618, CVE-2020-8619, bind.spec]
* Fri May 15 2020 Josef Möllers - Upgrade to version bind-9.16.3 Fixing two security problems:
* Further limit the number of queries that can be triggered from a request. Root and TLD servers are no longer exempt from max-recursion-queries. Fetches for missing name server address records are limited to 4 for any domain. (CVE-2020-8616)
* Replaying a TSIG BADTIME response as a request could trigger an assertion failure. (CVE-2020-8617) Also
* Add engine support to OpenSSL EdDSA implementation.
* Add engine support to OpenSSL ECDSA implementation.
* Update PKCS#11 EdDSA implementation to PKCS#11 v3.0.
* Warn about AXFR streams with inconsistent message IDs.
* Make ISC rwlock implementation the default again. For more see CHANGS file in source RPM. [CVE-2020-8616, CVE-2020-8617, bsc#1171740, bind-9.16.3.tar.xz]
* Fri May 08 2020 Josef Möllers - bind needs an accurate clock, so wait for the to be reached before starting bind. [bsc#1170667, bsc#1170713, vendor-files.tar.bz2]
* Sat Mar 21 2020 Thorsten Kukuk - Use sysusers.d to create named user- Have only one package creating the user
* Fri Mar 20 2020 Thorsten Kukuk - coreutils are not used in %post, remove Requires.- Use systemd_ordering instead of hard requiring systemd
* Fri Mar 20 2020 Josef Möllers - Upgrade to version 9.16.1
* UDP network ports used for listening can no longer simultaneously be used for sending traffic.
* The system-provided POSIX Threads read-write lock implementation is now used by default instead of the native BIND 9 implementation.
* Fixed re-signing issues with inline zones which resulted in records being re-signed late or not at all. [bind-9.16.1.tar.xz]
* Sat Feb 22 2020 Tomáš Chvátal - Update download urls- Do not enable geoip on old distros, the geoip db was shut down so we need to use geoip2 everywhere
* Thu Feb 20 2020 Josef Möllers - Upgrade to version 9.16.0 Major upgrade, see and CHANGES file in the source tree. Major functional change:
* What was set with --with-tuning=large option in older BIND9 versions is now a default, and a --with-tuning=small option was added for small (e.g. OpenWRT) systems.
* A new \"dnssec-policy\" option has been added to named.conf to implement a key and signing policy (KASP) for zones.
* The command (and manpage) bind9-config have been dropped as the BIND 9 libraries are now purely internal. No patches became obsolete through the upgrade. [bind-9.16.0.tar.xz]
* Wed Jan 08 2020 Josef Möllers - Upgrade to bind-9.14.9 bug fixes and feature improvements
* Tue Nov 19 2019 Josef Möllers - Upgrade to version 9.14.8:
* Set a limit on the number of concurrently served pipelined TCP queries.
* Some other bug fixing, see CHANGES file. [CVE-2019-6477, bsc#1157051]
* Fri Nov 08 2019 Josef Möllers - Upgrade to version 9.14.7
* removed dnsperf, idn, nslint, perftcpdns, query-loc-0.4.0, queryperf, sdb, zkt from contrib as they are not supported any more
* Added support for the GeoIP2 API from MaxMind
* See CHANGES file in the source RPM.
* obsoletes bind-CVE-2018-5745.patch (bsc#1126068)
* obsoletes bind-CVE-2019-6465.patch (bsc#1126069)
* obsoletes bind-CVE-2018-5743.patch (bsc#1133185)
* obsoletes bind-CVE-2019-6471.patch (bsc#1138687) [bsc#1111722, bsc#1156205, bsc#1126068, bsc#1126069, bsc#1133185, bsc#1138687, CVE-2019-6476, CVE-2019-6475, CVE-2019-6471, CVE-2018-5743, CVE-2019-6467, CVE-2019-6465, CVE-2018-5745, CVE-2018-5744, CVE-2018-5740, CVE-2018-5738, CVE-2018-5737, CVE-2018-5736, CVE-2017-3145, CVE-2017-3136,, bind-99-libidn.patch, perl-path.diff, bind-sdb-ldap.patch, bind-CVE-2017-3145.patch, bug-4697-Restore-workaro]und-for-Microsoft-Windows-T.patch, bind-fix-fips.patch, bind-CVE-2018-5745.patch, bind-CVE-2019-6465.patch, bind-CVE-2018-5743.patch, bind-CVE-2019-6471.patch, CVE-2016-6170, bsc#1018700, bsc#1018701, bsc#1018702, bsc#1033466, bsc#1033467, bsc#1033468, bsc#1040039, bsc#1047184, bsc#1104129, bsc#906079, bsc#918330, bsc#936476, bsc#937028, bsc#939567, bsc#977657, bsc#983505, bsc#987866, bsc#989528, fate#320694, fate#324357, bnc#1127583, bnc#1127583, bnc#1109160]
* Fri Jul 12 2019 removal of SuSEfirewall2 service from Factory, since SuSEfirewall2 has been replaced by firewalld, see [1]. [1]:
* Tue Apr 16 2019 Navin Kukreja - Add FIPS patch back into bind (bsc#1128220)- File: bind-fix-fips.patch