Changelog for python39-celery-5.4.0-lp153.qubes.4.12.noarch.rpm :

* Wed Jul 03 2024 Markéta Machová - Update to 5.4.0
* Add a Task class specialised for Django
* Add Google Cloud Storage (GCS) backend
* Added documentation to the smoke tests infra
* Bugfix: Missing id on chain
* Bugfix: Worker not consuming tasks after Redis broker restart
* Catch UnicodeDecodeError when opening corrupt beat-schedule.db
* chore(ci): Enhance CI with workflow_dispatch for targeted debugging
* Enable efficient chord when using dynamicdb as backend store
* feat(daemon): allows daemonization options to be fetched from app settings
* Fix DeprecationWarning: datetime.datetime.utcnow()
* Fix recursive result parents on group in middle of chain
* Hotfix: Smoke tests didn’t allow customizing the worker’s command arguments, now it does
* Make custom remote control commands available in CLI
* Print safe_say() to stdout for non-error flows
* Support moto 5.0- Drop support-moto-5.patch
* Fri Feb 09 2024 Steve Kowalik - Update to 5.3.6:
* Update get_custom_headers missing \'compression\' key
* Basic ElasticSearch / ElasticClient 8.x Support
* Fix eager tasks does not populate name field
* Fix: serialization error when gossip working
* Stamping bugfix with group/chord header errback linking
* Fixed issue: Flags broker_connection_retry_on_startup & broker_connection_retry aren’t reliable
* Use string value for CELERY_SKIP_CHECKS envvar
* Added initial support for python 3.11
* Fixed a small float value of retry_backoff
* Update CELERY_TASK_EAGER setting in user guide
* Fixed bug where retrying a task loses its stamps
* Warn when an unnamed periodic task override another one.
* Fix Task.handle_ignore not wrapping exceptions properly
* Align revoke and revoke_by_stamped_headers return values (terminate=True)
* Added signal triggered before fork
* Deprecate pytz and use zoneinfo
* recreate_module: set spec to the new module
* Do not recommend using easy_install anymore
* importlib_metadata remove deprecated entry point interfaces
* New control command revoke_by_stamped_headers
* Remove reference to old Python version
* Stamping a task left the task properties dirty
* Bugfix for nested group stamping on task replace
* Add broker_channel_error_retry option
* async chords should pass it\'s kwargs to the group/body.
* Fix honor Django\'s TIME_ZONE setting.
* Remove Python 3.4 compatibility code.
* Use importlib instead of deprecated pkg_resources.
* load_extension_class_names - correct module_name
* Include dont_autoretry_for option in tasks.- Drop patches, included upstream:
* 879af6341974c3778077d8212d78f093b2d77a4f.patch
* b260860988469ef8ad74f2d4225839c2fa91d590.patch
* sqlalchemy-2.0.patch
* tests.patch- Refreshed move-pytest-configuration-to-conftest.patch- Add patch support-moto-5.patch:
* Support changes in moto 5.
* Sun Jun 11 2023 ecsos - Add %{?sle15_python_module_pythons}
* Mon May 29 2023 Daniel Garcia - Add sqlalchemy-2.0.patch to support latest version of sqlalchemy. gh#celery/celery#8271
* Tue Mar 28 2023 Dirk Müller - add 879af6341974c3778077d8212d78f093b2d77a4f.patch b260860988469ef8ad74f2d4225839c2fa91d590.patch: better compatibility with newer billiard
* Mon May 02 2022 Markéta Machová - Update to version 5.2.7
* Depend on the maintained python-consul2 library. (#6544).
* Use result_chord_join_timeout instead of hardcoded default value.
* Upgrade AzureBlockBlob storage backend to use Azure blob storage library v12 (#6580).
* Exit celery with non zero exit value if failing (#6602).
* Raise BackendStoreError when set value is too large for Redis.
* Trace task optimizations are now set via Celery app instance.
* Add store_eager_result setting so eager tasks can store result on the result backend (#6614).
* Allow heartbeats to be sent in tests (#6632).
* Simulate more exhaustive delivery info in apply().
* Start chord header tasks as soon as possible (#6576).
* --quiet flag now actually makes celery avoid producing logs (#6599).
* Update \"superuser privileges\" check (#6600).
* fnmatch.translate() already translates globs for us. (#6668).
* Upgrade some syntax to Python 3.6+.
* Fix checking expiration of X.509 certificates (#6678).
* Fix JSON decoding errors when using MongoDB as backend (#6675).
* Allow configuration of RedisBackend\'s health_check_interval (#6666).
* Tasks can now have required kwargs at any order (#6699).
* Initial support of python 3.9 added.
* Add Python 3.10 support (#6807).
* Fix docstring for Signal.send to match code (#6835).
* Chords get body_type independently to handle cases where body.type does not exist (#6847).
* Fix multithreaded backend usage (#6851).
* Fix Open Collective donate button (#6848).
* Make ResultSet.on_ready promise hold a weakref to self (#6784).
* Amend IRC network link to Libera (#6837).
* The Consul backend must correctly associate requests and responses (#6823).- Drop upstreamed relax-click.patch- Add upstream tests.patch
* Fri Aug 20 2021 Markéta Machová - Add relax-click.patch to fix requirements (boo#1189286)
* Fri Jul 02 2021 Markéta Machová - Add PyYAML dependency for tests
* Tue Feb 02 2021 Dirk Müller - consistently use >= in requires
* Tue Jan 26 2021 Markéta Machová - Update to 5.0.5
* Make –workdir eager for early handling
* When using the MongoDB backend, don’t cleanup if result_expires is 0 or None
* Detaching no longer creates an extra log file
* DummyClient of cache+memory:// backend now shares state between threads
* Ensure keys are strings when deleting results from S3- Require celery package when running tests to automatically pull dependencies
* Tue Nov 17 2020 Steve Kowalik - Update to 5.02:
* Fix _autodiscover_tasks_from_fixups (#6424).
* Flush worker prints, notably the banner (#6432).
* Breaking Change: Remove ha_policy from queue definition. (#6440)
* This argument has no effect since RabbitMQ 3.0. Therefore, We feel comfortable dropping it in a patch release.
* Python 3.9 support (#6418).
* Regression: When using the prefork pool, pick the fair scheduling strategy by default (#6447).
* Preserve callbacks when replacing a task with a chain (#6189).
* Fix max_retries override on self.retry() (#6436).
* Raise proper error when replacing with an empty chain (#6452)
* Specify UTF-8 as the encoding for log files (#6357).
* Custom headers now propagate when using the protocol 1 hybrid messages (#6374).
* Retry creating the database schema for the database results backend in case of a race condition (#6298).
* When using the Redis results backend, awaiting for a chord no longer hangs when setting :setting:`result_expires` to 0 (#6373).
* When a user tries to specify the app as an option for the subcommand, a custom error message is displayed (#6363).
* Fix the --without-gossip, --without-mingle, and --without-heartbeat options which now work as expected. (#6365)
* Provide a clearer error message when the application cannot be loaded.
* Avoid printing deprecation warnings for settings when they are loaded from Django settings (#6385).
* Allow lowercase log levels for the --loglevel option (#6388).
* Detaching now works as expected (#6401).
* Restore broadcasting messages from celery control (#6400).
* Pass back real result for single task chains (#6411).
* Ensure group tasks a deeply serialized (#6342).
* Fix chord element counting (#6354).
* Restore the celery shell command (#6421).
* Breaking Change Remove AMQP result backend (#6360).
* Warn when deprecated settings are used (#6353).
* Expose retry_policy for Redis result backend (#6330).
* Prepare Celery to support the yet to be released Python 3.9 (#6328).
* More cleanups of leftover Python 2 support (#6338).
* Bump minimum required eventlet version to 0.26.1.
* Update Couchbase Result backend to use SDK V3.
* Restore monkeypatching when gevent or eventlet are used.
* Allow to opt out of ordered group results when using the Redis result backend (#6290).
* Breaking Change Remove the deprecated celery.utils.encoding module.
* Breaking Change Drop support for the Riak result backend (#5686).
* Breaking Change pytest plugin is no longer enabled by default (#6288). Install pytest-celery to enable it.
* Breaking Change Brand new CLI based on Click (#5718).
* Bump Kombu version to 5.0 (#5686).
* Removed most of the compatibility code that supports Python 2 (#5686).
* Modernized code to work on Python 3.6 and above (#5686).- Update BuildRequires/Requires.- Add patch move-pytest-configuration-to-conftest.patch to fix testsuite.
* Wed Sep 30 2020 Tomáš Chvátal - Use really the upstream tarball
* Tue Sep 29 2020 Hans-Peter Jansen - Don\'t update to 5.0.0 because missing dependencies- Update to version 4.4.7 + Add task_received, task_rejected and task_unknown to signals module. + [ES backend] add 401 as safe for retry. + treat internal errors as failure. + Remove redis fanout caveats. + FIX: -A and --args should behave the same. (#6223) + Class-based tasks autoretry (#6233) + Preserve order of group results with Redis result backend (#6218) + Replace future with celery.five Fixes #6250, and reraise to include + Fix REMAP_SIGTERM=SIGQUIT not working + (Fixes#6258) MongoDB: fix for serialization issue (#6259) + Make use of ordered sets in Redis opt-in + Test, CI, Docker, style and minor doc impovements.
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Matthias Fehring - since version 4.3 celery depends on cryptography instead of PyOpenSSL
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Matthias Fehring - disable failing minor test test_pytest_celery_marker_registration for now
* Thu Jul 09 2020 Matthias Fehring - Update to 4.4.6:
* Remove autoscale force_scale methods (#6085).
* Fix autoscale test
* Pass ping destination to request
* chord: merge init options with run options
* Put back KeyValueStoreBackend.set method without state
* Added --range-prefix option to celery multi (#6180)
* Added as_list function to AsyncResult class (#6179)
* Fix CassandraBackend error in threads or gevent pool (#6147)
* Kombu 4.6.11- Additional changes from 4.4.5:
* Add missing dependency on future (#6146).
* ElasticSearch: Retry index if document was deleted between index
* fix windows build
* Customize the retry interval of chord_unlock tasks
* fix multi tests in local- Additional changes from 4.4.4:
* Fix autoretry_for with explicit retry (#6138).
* Kombu 4.6.10
* Use Django DB max age connection setting (fixes #4116).
* Add retry on recoverable exception for the backend (#6122).
* Fix random distribution of jitter for exponential backoff.
* ElasticSearch: add setting to save meta as json.
* fix #6136. celery 4.4.3 always trying create /var/run/celery directory.
* Add task_internal_error signal (#6049).- Additional changes from 4.4.3:
* Fix backend utf-8 encoding in s3 backend .
* Kombu 4.6.9
* Task class definitions can have retry attributes (#5869)
* Upgraded pycurl to the latest version that supports wheel.
* Add uptime to the stats inspect command
* Fixing issue #6019: unable to use mysql SSL parameters when getting
* Clean TraceBack to reduce memory leaks for exception task (#6024)
* exceptions: NotRegistered: fix up language
* Give up sending a worker-offline message if transport is not connected
* Add Task to __all__ in
* Ensure a single chain object in a chain does not raise MaximumRecursion
* Fix autoscale when prefetch_multiplier is 1
* Allow start_worker to function without ping task
* Update celeryd.conf
* Fix correctly handle configuring the serializer for always_eager mode.
* Remove doubling of prefetch_count increase when prefetch_multiplier
* Fix eager function not returning result after retries
* return retry result if not throw and is_eager
* Always requeue while worker lost regardless of the redelivered flag
* Allow relative paths in the filesystem backend (#6070)
* [Fixed Issue #6017]
* Avoid race condition due to task duplication.
* Exceptions must be old-style classes or derived from BaseException
* Fix windows build (#6104)
* Add encode to meta task in (#5894)
* Update to solve the microsecond issues (#5199)
* Change backend _ensure_not_eager error to warning
* Add priority support for \'celery.chord_unlock\' task (#5766)
* Change eager retry behaviour
* Avoid race condition in elasticsearch backend
* backends base get_many pass READY_STATES arg
* Add integration tests for Elasticsearch and fix _update
* feat(backend): Adds cleanup to ArangoDB backend
* remove jython check
* fix filesystem backend cannot not be serialized by picked
* Wed May 27 2020 Petr Gajdos - %python3_only -> %python_alternative
* Thu May 14 2020 Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 4.4.2:
* Various fixes for the 4.4 series- Remove no longer needed unpin-pytest.patch
* Fri Jan 24 2020 Marketa Calabkova - update to 4.4.0
* Python 3.4 drop
* Replace deprecated PyMongo methods usage
* Avoid serializing datetime
* fixed call for null args
* Fix termination of asyncloop
* Python 3.8
* Fix a race condition when publishing a very large chord header- Drop unneeded patch pytest5.patch- Reapplied unpin-pytest.patch
* Tue Nov 19 2019 Hans-Peter Jansen - use %pytest macro
* Wed Jul 31 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Add patch from git to fix build with new pytest:
* pytest5.patch
* Wed Jul 24 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Add ringdisabled to avoid pulling the test deps in rings to keep them from growing too much
* Wed Jul 24 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Switch to multibuild in order to not pull moto everywhere
* Fri Jul 19 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 4.3.0:
* See the changelog for in-depth details- Remove merged patches:
* python37-1.patch
* python37-2.patch
* python37-3.patch
* disable-pytest-log-capturing.patch
* celery-no-redis.patch
* relax-billiard-pin.patch- Rebase patch unpin-pytest.patch
* Wed Apr 24 2019 Marketa Calabkova - shelve (used in needs python3-dbm for one particular task
* Thu Feb 21 2019 John Vandenberg - Replace no-async.patch with three Python 3.7 patches merged upstream python37-1.patch, python37-2.patch & python37-3.patch- Replace sed invocation with unpin-pytest.patch for clarity
* Thu Feb 21 2019 John Vandenberg - Add missing dependency on pytz, needed by celery.utils- Remove unused build dependency on cl
* Fri Feb 15 2019 John Vandenberg - Add relax-billiard-pin.patch to allow billiard
* Thu Jan 31 2019 Add no-async.patch renaming async package to async_tools to make package 3.7 compatible.
* Thu Dec 06 2018 Tomáš Chvátal - Fix fdupes call
* Tue Dec 04 2018 Matej Cepl - Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
* Thu Aug 16 2018 Update to 4.2.1:
* Fix to build with newest kombu
* Many bugfixes around- Add patch to skip test that should not be run:
* celery-no-redis.patch
* Wed May 02 2018 Add patch to fix testrun with new pytest:
* disable-pytest-log-capturing.patch
* Thu Nov 30 2017 Add missing runtime deps (mostly same as build time ones...)
* Sat Sep 30 2017 update to version 4.1.0:
* Configuration: CELERY_SEND_EVENTS instead of CELERYD_SEND_EVENTS for 3.1.x compatibility (#3997)
* App: Restore behavior so Broadcast queues work. (#3934)
* Sphinx: Make appstr use standard format (#4134) (#4139)
* App: Make id, name always accessible from logging.Formatter via extra (#3994)
* Worker: Add worker_shutting_down signal (#3998)
* PyPy: Support PyPy version 5.8.0 (#4128)
* Results: Elasticsearch: Fix serializing keys (#3924)
* Canvas: Deserialize all tasks in a chain (#4015)
* Systemd: Recover loglevel for ExecStart in systemd config (#4023)
* Sphinx: Use the Sphinx add_directive_to_domain API. (#4037)
* App: Pass properties to before_task_publish signal (#4035)
* Results: Add SSL option for Redis backends (#3831)
* Beat: celery.schedule.crontab: fix reduce (#3826) (#3827)
* State: Fix celery issues when using flower REST API
* Results: Elasticsearch: Fix serializing document id.
* Beat: Make shallow copy of schedules dictionary
* Beat: Populate heap when periodic tasks are changed
* Task: Allow class methods to define tasks (#3952)
* Platforms: Always return boolean value when checking if signal is supported (#3962).
* Canvas: Avoid duplicating chains in chords (#3779)
* Canvas: Lookup task only if list has items (#3847)
* Results: Allow unicode message for exception raised in task (#3903)
* Python3: Support for Python 3.6 (#3904, #3903, #3736)
* App: Fix retried tasks with expirations (#3790)
* Fixes items format route in docs (#3875)
* Utils: Fix maybe_make_aware (#3850)
* Task: Fix task ETA issues when timezone is defined in configuration (#3867)
* Concurrency: Consumer does not shutdown properly when embedded in gevent application (#3746)
* Canvas: Fix #3725: Task replaced with group does not complete (#3731)
* Task: Correct order in chains with replaced tasks (#3730)
* Result: Enable synchronous execution of sub-tasks (#3696)
* Task: Fix request context for blocking task apply (added hostname) (#3716)
* Utils: Fix task argument handling (#3678) (#3693)
* Beat: Provide a transparent method to update the Scheduler heap (#3721)
* Beat: Specify default value for pidfile option of celery beat. (#3722)
* Results: Elasticsearch: Stop generating a new field every time when a new result is being put (#3708)
* Requirements + Now depends on :ref:`Kombu 4.1.0 `.
* Results: Elasticsearch now reuses fields when new results are added.
* Results: Fixed MongoDB integration when using binary encodings (Issue #3575).
* Worker: Making missing \"
*args\" and \"kwargs\" in Task protocol 1 return empty value in protocol 2 (Issue #3687).
* App: Fixed :exc:`TypeError` in AMQP when using deprecated signal (Issue #3707).
* Beat: Added a transparent method to update the scheduler heap.
* Task: Fixed handling of tasks with keyword arguments on Python 3 (Issue #3657).
* Task: Fixed request context for blocking task apply by adding missing hostname attribute.
* Task: Added option to run subtasks synchronously with \"disable_sync_subtasks\" argument.
* App: Fixed chaining of replaced tasks (Issue #3726).
* Canvas: Fixed bug where replaced tasks with groups were not completing (Issue #3725).
* Worker: Fixed problem where consumer does not shutdown properly when embedded in a gevent application (Issue #3745).
* Results: Added support for using AWS DynamoDB as a result backend (#3736).
* Testing: Added caching on pip installs.
* Worker: Prevent consuming queue before ready on startup (Issue [#3620]).
* App: Fixed task ETA issues when timezone is defined in configuration (Issue #3753).
* Utils: \"maybe_make_aware\" should not modify datetime when it is already timezone-aware (Issue #3849).
* App: Fixed retrying tasks with expirations (Issue #3734).
* Results: Allow unicode message for exceptions raised in task (Issue #3858).
* Canvas: Fixed :exc:`IndexError` raised when chord has an empty header.
* Canvas: Avoid duplicating chains in chords (Issue #3771).
* Utils: Allow class methods to define tasks (Issue #3863).
* Beat: Populate heap when periodic tasks are changed.
* Results: Added support for Elasticsearch backend options settings.
* Events: Ensure \"Task.as_dict()\" works when not all information about task is available.
* Schedules: Fixed pickled crontab schedules to restore properly (Issue #3826).
* Results: Added SSL option for redis backends (Issue #3830).
* Documentation and examples improvements
* Thu Aug 24 2017 singlespec auto-conversion
* Mon Jul 10 2017 Drop redundant wording from description.
* Tue Jun 27 2017 update to version 4.0.2:
* Requirements: Now depends on Kombu 4.0.2.
* Tasks: Fixed problem with JSON serialization of group (``keys must be string`` error, Issue #3688).
* Worker: Fixed JSON serialization issue when using inspect active and friends (Issue #3667).
* App: Fixed saferef errors when using signals (Issue #3670).
* Prefork: Fixed bug with pack requiring bytes argument on Python 2.7.5 and earlier (Issue #3674).
* Tasks: Saferepr did not handle unicode in bytestrings on Python 2 (Issue #3676).
* Testing: Added new celery_worker_paremeters fixture.
* Tasks: Added new app argument to GroupResult.restore (Issue #3669).
* Tasks: Fixed type checking crash when task takes
*args on Python 3 (Issue #3678).
* Documentation and examples improvements- additional changes from version 4.0.1:
* [Security: CELERYSA-0003] Fix Insecure default configuration
* Tasks: Added new method to register class-based tasks (Issue #3615).
* Tasks: Argument checking now supports keyword-only arguments on Python3 (Issue #3658).
* Tasks: The task-sent event was not being sent even if configured to do so (Issue #3646).
* Worker: Fixed AMQP heartbeat support for eventlet/gevent pools (Issue #3649).
* App: app.conf.humanize() would not work if configuration not finalized (Issue #3652).
* Utils: saferepr attempted to show iterables as lists and mappings as dicts.
* Utils: saferepr did not handle unicode-errors when attempting to format bytes on Python 3 (Issue #3610).
* Utils: saferepr should now properly represent byte strings with non-ascii characters (Issue #3600).
* Results: Fixed bug in elasticsearch where _index method missed the body argument (Issue #3606).
* Canvas: Fixed ValueError in chord with single task header (Issue #3608).
* Task: Ensure class-based task has name prior to registration (Issue #3616).
* Beat: Fixed problem with strings in shelve (Issue #3644).
* Worker: Fixed KeyError in inspect stats when -O argument set to something other than fast or fair (Issue #3621).
* Task: Retried tasks were no longer sent to the original queue (Issue #3622).
* Worker: Python 3: Fixed None/int type comparison in apps/ (Issue #3631).
* Results: Redis has a new redis_socket_connect_timeout setting.
* Results: Redis result backend passed the socket_connect_timeout argument to UNIX socket based connections by mistake, causing a crash.
* Worker: Fixed missing logo in worker splash screen when running on Python 3.x (Issue #3627).
* Deps: Fixed celery[redis] bundle installation (Issue #3643).
* Deps: Bundle celery[sqs] now also requires pycurl (Issue #3619).
* Worker: Hard time limits were no longer being respected (Issue #3618).
* Worker: Soft time limit log showed Trues instead of the number of seconds.
* App: registry_cls argument no longer had any effect (Issue #3613).
* Worker: Event producer now uses connection_for_Write (Issue #3525).
* Results: Redis/memcache backends now uses result_expires to expire chord counter (Issue #3573).
* Django: Fixed command for upgrading settings with Django (Issue #3563).
* Testing: Added a celery_parameters test fixture to be able to use customized Celery init parameters. (#3626)
* Documentation improvements- additional changes from version 4.0: see change source url to update the BuildRequires for test:
* remove mock, nose and unittest2
* add case, pytest and netcfg- remove specfile reference to openSUSE 11.1 / SLE11- update kombu and billiard required versions- remove anyjson Requires, not needed anymore- call fdupes to fix duplicate files
* Wed Jan 13 2016 Update to 3.1.19:
* Requirements: Now depends on Kombu 3.0.29.
* Requirements: Now depends on billiard
* Results: Fixed MongoDB result backend URL parsing problem (Issue celery/kombu#375).
* Worker: Task request now properly sets priority in delivery_info.
* Beat: PyPy shelve may raise KeyError when setting keys (Issue [#2862]).
* Programs: celery beat --deatched now working on PyPy.
* Results: Redis result backend now ensures all pipelines are cleaned up.
* Results: Redis result backend now allows for timeout to be set in the query portion of the result backend URL.
* Results: result.get now properly handles failures where the exception value is set to None (Issue #2560).
* Prefork pool: Fixed attribute error proc.dead.
* Worker: Fixed worker hanging when gossip/heartbeat disabled (Issue #1847).
* Results: MongoDB result backend now supports pymongo 3.x (Issue [#2744]).
* Results: RPC/amqp backends did not deserialize exceptions properly (Issue #2691).
* Programs: Fixed problem with celery amqp‘s basic_publish (Issue [#2013]).
* Worker: Embedded beat now properly sets app for thread/process (Issue #2594).
* Documentation: Many improvements and typos fixed.
* Wed Apr 29 2015 update to version 3.1.18:
* Requirements: Now depends on Kombu 3.0.25.
* Requirements: Now depends on billiard
* Django: Now supports Django 1.8 (Issue #2536).
* Results: MongoDB result backend now compatible with pymongo 3.0
* Tasks: Fixed bug only happening when a task has multiple callbacks (Issue #2515).
* Commands: Preload options now support --arg value syntax.
* Compat: A typo caused celery.log.setup_logging_subsystem to be undefined.
* init scripts: The celerybeat generic init script now uses /bin/sh instead of bash (Issue #2496).
* Django: Fixed a :exc:`TypeError` sometimes occurring in logging when validating models.
* Commands: Worker now supports new --executable argument that can be used with --detach.
* Canvas: Fixed crash in chord unlock fallback task (Issue #2404)
* Worker: Fixed rare crash occurring with --autoscale enabled (Issue #2411).
* Django: Properly recycle worker Django database connections when the Django CONN_MAX_AGE setting is enabled (Issue #2453).- additional changes from version 3.1.17:
* Admonition: Do not enable the CELERYD_FORCE_EXECV setting!
* Requirements: Now depends on Kombu 3.0.24.
* Requirements: Now depends on billiard
* Requirements: celery[librabbitmq] now depends on librabbitmq 1.6.1.
* Task: The timing of ETA/countdown tasks were off after the example LocalTimezone implementation in the Python documentation no longer works in Python 3.4. (Issue #2306).
* Task: Raising celery.exceptions.Ignore no longer sends task-failed event (Issue #2365).
* Redis result backend: Fixed unbound local errors.
* Task: Callbacks was not called properly if link was a list of signatures (Issuse #2350).
* Canvas: chain and group now handles json serialized signatures (Issue #2076).
* Results: .join_native() would accidentally treat the STARTED state as being ready (Issue #2326).
* Canvas: The chord_size attribute is now set for all canvas primitives, making sure more combinations will work with the new_join optimization for Redis (Issue #2339).
* Task: Fixed problem with app not being properly propagated to trace_task in all cases.
* Worker: Expires from task message now associated with a timezone.
* Cassandra result backend: Fixed problems when using detailed mode.
* Mongodb Result backend: Pickling the backend instance will now include the original url (Issue #2347).
* Task: Exception info was not properly set for tasks raising celery.exceptions.Reject (Issue #2043).
* Worker: Duplicates are now removed when loading the set of revoked tasks from the worker state database (Issue #2336).
* celery.contrib.rdb: Fixed problems with rdb.set_trace calling stop from the wrong frame.
* Canvas: chain and chord can now be immutable.
* Canvas: chord.apply_async will now keep partial args set in self.args (Issue #2299).
* Results: Small refactoring so that results are decoded the same way in all result backends.
* Logging: The processName format was introduced in Py2.6.2 so for compatibility this format is now excluded when using earlier versions (Issue #1644).- increase required version of python-kombu to 3.0.25- increase required version of python-billiard to reenable the tests, expect for SLE11. And add -q to avoid spamming the build log- add the license to package documentation
* Wed Nov 12 2014 Update to version 3.1.16 + Worker: 3.1.15 broke -Ofair behavior (Issue #2286). + Canvas: celery.signature now properly forwards app argument in all cases. + Task: .retry() did not raise the exception correctly when called without a current exception. + Worker: The enable_events remote control command disabled worker-related events by mistake (Issue #2272). + Django: Adds support for Django 1.7 class names in INSTALLED_APPS when using app.autodiscover_tasks() (Issue #2248). + Redis/Cache Backends: Chords will now run at most once if one or more tasks in the chord are executed multiple times for some reason.