Changelog for
zuluCrypt-6.0.0-lp156.8.2.x86_64.rpm :
* Tue Feb 20 2024 Asterios Dramis
- Use autosetup macro.
* Sun Feb 04 2024 Asterios Dramis - Fix build failure (directories not owned by a package).
* Fri Mar 25 2022 Asterios Dramis - Updated mhogomchungu_task-devel build requirement to mhogomchungu_tasks-devel.
* Tue Sep 28 2021 Asterios Dramis - Use \"-DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH=ON\" variable with cmake. Fixes build failure in x86_64.
* Mon Sep 13 2021 Asterios Dramis - Update to version 6.0.0:
* Add ability to show used LUKS key slots and their properties in zuluCrypt-gui.
* Fix a bug that caused zuluCrypt to not set user specified digest hash when creating LUKS2 volumes.
* Default to creating LUKS2 volumes if installed version of cryptsetup supports it.
* Make it buildable again on some systems.- Added new build requirements mhogomchungu_task-devel, nlohmann_json-devel, zuluplay-devel and pkgconfig(Qt5DBus).- Updated libuuid-devel build requirement to uuid-devel.- Added Recommends entries cryfs, ecryptfs-simple, encfs, gocryptfs and securefs supported by the package.
* Fri Jun 12 2020 Wojciech Kazubski - Update to version 5.7.1:
* Use cryptsetup instead of zuluplay to unlock TrueCrypt volumes if installed version of cryptsetup >= 1.6.0 (released on January 14,2013).
* Use cryptsetup instead of zuluplay to unlock VeraCrypt volumes if installed version of cryptsetup >= 1.6.7(released on March 23, 2015).
* The two changes above will hopefully solve long standing problems around unlocking TrueCrypt/VeraCrypt volumes that use preboot authentication.
* Use cryptsetup by default instead of dislocker to unlock BitLocker volumes if installed version of cryptsetup >= 2.3.0(released on February 3,2020). Users of cryptsetup >= 2.3.0 who prefer to use dislocker to unlock BitLocker volumes should create a text file at \"/etc/zuluCrypt/dislocker\".
* Sat Nov 30 2019 Asterios Dramis - Replaced \"cmake_libdir.patch\" with \"cmake_paths.patch\" with an additional fix to CMAKE_INSTALL_DOCDIR path.
* Fri Nov 29 2019 Asterios Dramis - Update to version 5.7.0:
* Fix a bug introduced in 5.6.0 that prevents unlocking PLAIN dm-crypt volume that use non default crypto options because the selection button in is zuluCrypt-gui always disabled.
* Update French translations.
* Dont resolve loop device paths to their backing file if they are partitioned.
* Fix a bug that prevented restoring a LUKS2 volume header.
* Identify authenticated luks2 volumes as luks2+.
* Add support for creating authenticated luks2 volumes (the support in Currently in zuluCrypt-cli only).
* Default to using 512bit keys when creating LUKS volumes. Version 5.6.0:
* Add ability to create volume keys using YubiKey\'s challenge-response feature.
* Add GUI options to clear dead mount points (these are unused mount folders located at /run/media/private/$USER). CLI users should call CLI components with \"--clear-dead-mount-points\"
* Fix a race condition bug introduced in version 5.5.0 that prevented volumes from getting mounted under certain circumstances. Version 5.5.0:
* Add support for unlocking bitlocker volumes using dislocker (
* Fix a build issue on some distributions.
* Add ability to create a plain dm-crypt volume at the end of a regular file(steganography).
* Various fixes and improvements.- Added a patch \"cmake_libdir.patch\" to fix CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR and CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR path.
* Fri Feb 22 2019 Asterios Dramis - Update to version 5.4.0:
* fix a bug that caused a wrong password to be used when creating a TrueCrypt/VeraCrypt volume from zuluCrypt-gui. Easiest way to notice this was that a just created volume could not be unlocked.
* fix a build issue on some distributions. From version 5.3.0:
* fix a build time error when build with certain new compilers and a runtime crush when build with other newer compilers.
* add more support for wayland sessions by not requiring GUI to run from root\'s account to perform some operations.
* add support for creating LUKS2 volumes(libcryptsetup >=2.0.0 is required)
* add support for unlocking of TrueCrypt and VeraCrypt volumes without mounting their file system. + unlocking of a TrueCrypt volume is done by command: zuluCrypt-cli -O -d /dev/sdXX -t tcrypt + unlocking of a VeraCrypt volume is done by command: zuluCrypt-cli -O -d /dev/sdXX -t vcrypt From version 5.2.0:
* add ability to select a file manager to use to open mount points. A file manager can be set through zuluCrypt-gui->menu->options->set file manager.
* dont run zuluCrypt-gui and zuluMount-gui from root\'s account when running in mixed mode.
* add arabic translation. From version 5.1.0:
* make it possible to unlock folder based encrypted volumes when running in mixed mode.
* add ability in zuluCrypt-gui to unlock VeraCrypt volumes that use PIM value.
* add ability in zuluCrypt-gui to unlock plain dm-crypt volumes that uses an offset.
* add ability in zuluCrypt-gui to create plain dm-crypt volumes using user configurable crypto options.
* add ability in zuluCrypt-gui to unlock plain dm-crypt volumes using user configurable crypto options.
* add ability in zuluCrypt-gui to backup and restore VeraCrypt headers.
* add ability in zuluCrypt-gui to change VeraCrypt volume key.
* add ability in zuluCrypt-gui to create a VeraCrypt volume that uses a PIM value.
* add ability in zuluMount-gui to unlock folder based encrypted volumes when running in mixed mode. From version 5.0.2:
* add support for unlocking ecryptfs volumes in zuluMount-gui (ecryptfs-simple tool must already be installed)
* fix permission related problems in configuration files when running in mixed mode. From version 5.0.1:
* languages can be changed without requiring a restart.
* add ability to use custom icons. Icons can be changed in zuluCrypt-gui through \"menu->options->select icons\" and in zuluMount-gui through \"menu->select icons\". User specific icons can be added by placing them at \"$INSTALL_PREFIX/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps\". zuluCrypt-gui icons must be in \"zuluCrypt.ICON_NAME.png\" format and zuluMount-gui icons must be in \"zuluMount.ICON_NAME.png\" format.
* zuluMount-gui can now unlock cryfs,encfs,gocryptfs and securefs based encrypted volumes.
* add full support for German translation.- Added new build requirement pkgconfig(Qt5Gui).- Removed build requirements desktop-file-utils, hicolor-icon-theme knotifications-devel, tc-play-devel (not needed anymore).- Added zuluCrypt-rpmlintrc to silence \"polkit-untracked-privilege\" rpmlint error for now. polkit is not enabled anyway.
* Sun May 29 2016 Update to version 5.0.0:
* add support for creating LUKS volumes that only uses a detached header.The detached header will be created in the user home directory and the volume can not be unlocked without this detached header.The detached header can be reattached later on through zuluCrypt-gui->menu->Volumes->Restore Volume Header.
* its now possible to create a shared mount point when unlocking a volume in zuluCrypt-gui
* its now possible to unlock VeraCrypt volumes from favorite feature in zuluCrypt-gui
* add complete French translation to both zuluCrypt-gui and zuluMount-gui
* try to silently solve problems caused by other tools mounting zuluCrypt\'s encryption mapper.
* add support for creating a \"plain dm-crypt\" volume at a \"none zero offset\".This type of volume is useful as a \"poor man\'s version of a hidden volume feature in TrueCrypt and VeraCrypt\". Best thing about this type of hidden volume is that the outer volume can be anything including an \"exposed file system\". Currently,only zuluMount-gui can open this type of volume by clicking \"options\" followed by \"Set Volume Offset\" on the mounting dialog prompt.
* Qt5 is now the default Qt dependency. From version 4.9.0:
* add support for unlocking cryfs( encrypted volumes in zuluMount.
* various fixes and improvements From version 4.8.0:
* fix bug,private mount points were not created with proper permissions. From version 4.7.8:
* add support for usage of keys that are made up by a combination of a passphrase and a keyfile.\"hmac\" plugin should be used to unlock volumes generated by this combination.
* fix problems caused by updated versions of certain utilities we rely on. From version 4.7.7:
* add support for creating and opening VeraCrypt volumes that use dynamic mode.
* make zuluCrypt-gui window and zuluMount-gui window resizable with the new sizes surviving restarts. From version 4.7.6:
* add \"hmac\" plugin.This plugin produces a key as follows: key = hmac-sha256( passphrase,keyfile-contents ). this plugin can be used when unlocking a volume requires a passphrase and a keyfile.
* use \"tcrypt\" to refer to TrueCrypt volumes and \"vcrypt\" to refer to VeraCrypt volumes.
* add ability to create VeraCrypt volumes. From version 4.7.5:
* add abilities in zuluMount-gui to hide useless entries like windows recovery partitions from view. These entries can be set to show/hide through tray icon context menu.
* add ability to mount and unmount encfs volumes in zuluMount-gui. A folder with encrypted files can be unlocked by dragging it and then dropping it on zuluMount-gui main window.
* add ablity to create TrueCrypt volumes using a passphrase together with one or more keyfiles.Previous versions allowed creation of volumes using either a passphrase or a single keyfile.
* add support for opening of VeraCrypt volumes(cryptsetup > 1.6.6 required).- Added new build requirements device-mapper-devel, knotifications-devel, kwallet-devel, libuuid-devel, pkgconfig(Qt5Core), pkgconfig(Qt5Network), pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets).- Removed build requirements kdebase4-runtime-devel, libkde4-devel, libqt4-devel (not needed anymore).- Removed support for openSUSE <= 12.1 (removed build requirement update-desktop-files).- Removed no-copy-dt-needed-entries.patch (not needed anymore).
* Sat Jan 10 2015 Update to version 4.7.4:
* fix a bug that hanged zuluMount-gui on failed attempt at unlocking a plain dm-crypt volume at a none zero offset.a plain dm-crypt volume at a none zero offset can be used as a hidden volume ala TrueCrypt hidden volume feature. No protection of hidden volume though. From version 4.7.3:
* fix issues with Qt5 build
* show devices even when they have neither partitions nor recognizable file systems. This is useful for TrueCrypt system volumes or normal TrueCrypt volumes that are not in partitions.
* add an ability to change TrueCrypt volume key.
* add ability to create volumes with different crypto options