Changelog for
rsibreak-0.11-lp155.2.10.x86_64.rpm :
* Wed Jul 24 2013 BuildRequire only libkde4-devel, instead of kdebase4-workspace-devel
* Mon Sep 19 2011 Recommend the -lang package
* Tue Sep 13 2011 Removed test for obsolete openSUSE version (fix for RPMLINT warning)- Split doc package (fix for RPMLINT warning)- Split lang package (fix for RPMLINT warning)- Cleaned up spec file formatting
* Mon Aug 29 2011 few fixes for RPMLINT warnings
* translated desktop files
* do not obsoletes itself
* add %fdupes macro for fix files duplicated- clean up the specfile formatting
* Sat Jan 15 2011 Update to 0.11
* add button to defer break
* Fix detection of additional screens
* Make popup time configurable
* Require Qt 4.6.0 and KDE 4.4.0
* Fix timers when lock button is pressed
* Add the possibility to remove the lock button
* Remove buggy screenshot to show RSIBreak in the systray at startup and when launching a second time
* Add notification settings to the config
* Don\'t restart timers when leaving config and timers has not been changed
* Slideshoweffect: make the visibility of small images optional
* Make popup visibly more attractive
* Make timers work for Qt=>4.4
* Fix plasma category
* Use KIdle library from kdelibs, instead of directly asking X
* Mon Feb 15 2010 fix build with gcc-4.5
* Fri Jul 24 2009 New upstream version 0.10: - Use kdelibs function for display duration of a time. - Fixed all effects to work on xinerama - Fixed Plasma effect to work for KDE < 4.3 - Fixed Slideshow effect - Fixed Welcome screen for KDE < 4.4 - Fixed bug which resulted in multiple popups telling that the timer has been reset - Renamed No Full Screen effect to Popup effect - Renamed Gray effect to Black effect if no compositing is available
* Sun Jul 12 2009 New upstream version 0.10 beta 1: - Fixed several porting bugs - Rewrote most off the full screen break effects - Some memory leaks fixed - Genral stabilization and improved user experience
* Fri May 08 2009 fix build with cmake 2.6.4
* Sun Apr 26 2009 document and limit doc directory work-arounds