Changelog for
skrooge-1.12.5-lp156.9.4.x86_64.rpm :
* Sun Jun 07 2015 updated to version 1.12.5 stable
* Correction bug kde#348619: Freeze amount should freeze unit
* Correction bug kde#348621: Field order with tab key
* Correction bug kde#348620: Display of multiple operations with common fields
* Correction bug kde#348568: Payee with operations in 0 operation group
* Correction bug kde#345994: Bad unit on some operation after search
* Correction: Build for QT built with -reduce-relocations
* Thu May 14 2015 updated to version 1.12.0 (stable)
* Correction bug kde#345974: Skrooge alarms keep firing up regardless of specified alert amount
* Correction bug kde#346151: Fast edition don\'t fill operation sign
* Correction bug kde#345998: Add tooltip for all history actions
* Correction bug kde#345799: Moved then hiden column displayed
* New feature: Automatic point operations created during reconciliation
* New feature: \"Simple\" mode in \"Search and process\" page
* Performances: Better performances on selection change in \"operation\" page- update spec file to package appdata
* Wed Apr 29 2015 updated to version 1.11.0 (stable)
* Sat Nov 01 2014 updated to version 1.10.0 (stable)
* Correction bug kde#334626: When doing a transfer, my specification of + or - is ignored
* Correction bug kde#335943: Please add column \"number of operations\" to categories view
* Correction bug kde#336320: OFX file import duplicates the last 12 transactions
* Correction bug kde#338351: Reconciliation with additional currencies
* Correction bug kde#338993: Change main currency fails to update amounts
* Correction bug kde#338994: Currency rate not saved for transactions
* Correction: Open URL does not work in unit page
* Correction: Wrong date in message \"Operation \'XXX\' will be inserted in YYY days\"
* Correction: Auto repair of qif file not having sum of suboperation amount != operation amount
* Correction: Better error message on mny import when java is not installed
* Correction: Weboob0g backend is now compliant with weboob version 0h
* Correction: Correction in bitcoin quote download
* Correction: Remove duplicate in \"To Account\" field on operations
* Correction: Import of mode for mny files
* Correction: Better detection of transfers in mny import
* Correction: Automatic resize of columns in \"Search and Process\" edit panel to facilitate the creation/update of rules
* Correction: Missing template \"categories_month_table\"
* Correction: For credit card account, the binding of account is optional
* Correction: Remove useless \"Expand All\" and \"Collapse All\" on history table
* Correction: \"Add property\" and \"Delete\" is now working on sub operations
* Correction: \"Highlight\" is disabled on sub operations
* New feature: The future can be added or not in \"Current\" or \"Last\" periods
* New feature: Defered credit card management
* New feature: Capacity to apply a template on operations
* New feature: Capacity to automatically apply a template on operations from \"Search and Process\"
* New feature: Sort of table memorize the previous sort to be able to sort by column 1 and column 2
* New feature: New advice to inform the user when the monetary decimal symbol is not defined in KDE localization settings
* New feature: 2 options in graphs, one for limits visibility, one for average visibility
* New feature: New advice to detect similar payees
* New feature: New advice to detect similar categories
* New feature: Add in documentation how to use kdewallet with weboob backend
* Performances: Better performances in \"Possible schedule\"
* Performances: Better performances in dashboard- updated skrooge.spec:
* Add BuildRequires: libkactivities-devel
* Add macro %kde4_pimlibs_requires
* Mon Jul 14 2014 Add \"BuildRequires: libxslt-tools\" to fix build failures
* Thu May 01 2014 updated to version 1.9.0
* Correction kde#327148: Version 1.8.0 doesn\'t build
* Correction kde#328335: Wish for fixed table row header
* Correction kde#326764: When printing hard copy of report, only data in view in window is printed, not full report data
* Correction kde#329568: Simulator utility problem
* Correction kde#329825: When opening crypted file with false password skrooge falsely states the file is corrupted
* Correction kde#329876: Weboob import from paypal ignores dates and creates account \"0\"
* Correction kde#330354: Budget forecast duplicates operation creation
* Correction kde#330428: Sorting doesn\'t work on Reconciliation date in Accounts view
* Correction kde#331191: Obsolete term „Context“ in docbook
* Correction: Remove conflict on CTRL+C shortcut
* Correction: Import mny does not work with space in file name
* Correction: In case of failure during backup file creation a warning message is displayed instead of an error avoiding to save the file
* Correction: Refresh delta during reconciliation
* Correction: Better PDF export from Monthly report
* Correction: Import CSV unit file with \",\" as separator
* Correction: Better KMyMoney import
* Correction: Imported \"Wallet\" accounts are in bank named \'\'
* Correction: Avoid wrong transfert in Grisbi import
* Correction: The option \"Import only operations since the last imported one\" uses a delay of 4 days to avoid missing operations due to value date
* Correction: Avoid error in import of homebank file without parent attribute on categories
* Correction: Correction for unit download with Stooq
* New feature: More option in \"Income & Expenditure\" dashboard widget
* New feature: New shortcuts for \"Expand all\" and \"Collapse all\"
* New feature: Operations can be split by date
* New feature: Imports (csv, qif) support date format like this: 31Dec2012
* New feature: Import CSV support now \"semicolon\", \"comma\" and \"tab\" as separator
* New feature: Monthly report is now able to display reports on months, quarter, semesters and years
* New feature: New \"responsive\" template for monthly reports
* New feature: In graph, sums are now all computed
* New feature: Pareto curve in graph
* New feature: New \"quarter\" and \"semester\" period in graph and \"Incomes & Expenditures\" dashboard widget
* New feature: Ability to reorder the suboperations in the split operation
* New feature: Better date filtering in operation page
* New feature: More operators is \"Search\" panel- removed parts in skrooge.spec supporting oS<12.3
* Sat Oct 12 2013 updated URL to in spec-file- updated to version 1.8.0- Bugfix & Enhancements:
* Correction kde#319706: OFX trntype not imported, rest okay
* Correction kde#320114: Wrong bank balance at dashboard
* Correction kde#320112: Importing CSV operations with mixed \" and \' text field separators
* Correction kde#320226: Monthly report does not work due to missing template
* Correction kde#320240: Impossible to enter exact amount for given unit in pop-up
* Correction kde#320242: Transaction confirmation pop-up doesn\'t use defined unit value for transaction date for suggested value
* Correction kde#320261: Dashboard \"Income & expenditure\": no values, strange colors
* Correction kde#320157: Skrooge not working when .skg file is located on Samba share
* Correction kde#320323: Add function (\"rest to\") In budget
* Correction kde#320298: Default automatic format detection while importing a file leads to wrong entries creation
* Correction kde#320070: Allow changing operation date through \"Search & Process\"
* Correction kde#320716: Skrooge does not import all operations using weboob
* Correction kde#320717: Use rdate instead of date in weboob backend
* Correction kde#319993: Please adopt application logo/icon for smaller resolutions ==> skrooge-mini can be choosen for small resolutions
* Correction kde#319990: Please fix icon alignment in Pages tab
* Correction kde#322306: Skrooge Crash using Forecast Schedule
* Correction kde#322069: Designer plugins should be unversioned .so files
* Correction kde#323380: Minor date bug when using the stock portfolio widgets
* Correction kde#320066: Crash importing KmyMoney exported file from Skrooge
* Correction kde#324972: Import fails without an error when account is defined in CSV
* Correction kde#325081: Add a « Yesterday » choice in the date picker
* Correction kde#325174: Importing from gnucash file doesn\'t import accounts fo types \'Mutual Fund\' nor \'Credit Card\'
* Correction kde#325223: Crash when exiting skrooge
* Correction kde#324008: Erreur when importing .mny file whith 1.7.6BETA. Error when analysing categories.json
* Correction kde#325675: Build error in skgfileplugin.cpp for openSUSE 12.2 KDE 4.9
* Correction: KMyMoney exports does not need a check of integrity anymore
* Correction: Addition of all icons in size 256 and 512
* Correction: Block drop of a bookmark under an other bookmark
* Correction: Bad date format detection when the second value is 9 (example: 3/9/04)
* Correction: Remove the \"Bank account \" string in the name of the account name created by an OFX import
* Correction: Icon for \"Amount entered\"
* Correction: Authorize long number for operations like 5490990004
* Correction: Default graph mode = line
* Correction: Better detection of duplicate operations after import
* Correction: JSON export based on QJson
* Correction: The setting \"Import only operations since the last imported one\" allows importation for the same date (< instead of <=)
* Correction: Impossible to change state of operation from suboperation view
* Correction: More permissive \"Open duplicate\"
* Correction: Better setting layout for import/export
* Correction: Import/Export minimum and maximum balance in KMyMoney importer
* Correction: Import minimum balance in Grisbi importer
* Correction: Import minimum balance in Homebank importer
* Correction: New \"weboob0g\" backend compliant with the Weboob 0.g
* Correction: When a file is selected for the icon of the bank, the file name is displayed in the name of the bank
* Correction: In simulation page, the interest are computed with only operations with type=currency, not with shares
* Correction: Error when importing skg file by double clicking when skrooge already open
* Correction: No more password panel when the user loads an invalid Skrooge file
* Correction: In report, the forecast based on budget is displayed even when no operation in account
* Correction: Shortcuts in \"Show\" menus
* New feature: Notifications and error messages are now based on KMessageWidget
* New feature: The restore file is now base on KMessageWidget
* New feature: Option to auto download from backend on opening file (default=false)
* New feature: Import Microsoft Money documents (.mny) protected or not
* New feature: Tarballs are not uploaded on
* New feature: Addition of russian banks
* New feature: Reopen last page closed
* New feature: Max and min limits on accounts
* New feature: Better and new advices based on limits of accounts
* New feature: Sound emmission on operation creation
* New feature: Import \"Budgetary allocation\" and \"Fiscal year\" from Grisbi files as properties
* New feature: Information message explaining how to exist full screen mode
* New feature: Addition of date of last reconcilation on account
* New feature: Amount owned on unit table
* New feature: Download date on unit table
* New feature: New account type: Pension
* New feature: New set of categories for french people
* New feature: Addition of \"Configure notifications...\" in configuration menu
* New feature: Download and add bills as property by using boobill (weboob)
* New feature: Rename of property
* New feature: Export HTML and ODT from tables
* New feature: Automatic process to recover a corrupted file
* Performances: Better performances in dashboard
* Performances: Better performances in monthly report
* Performances: Better performances in import of multi files (or from backend) by applying \"search & process\" rules only one time
* Performances: Better performances in kmy export
* Performances: Better performances by avoid to refresh autocompletion on widgets after light transactions
* Tue May 14 2013 updated to 1.7.1- Bugfix & Enhancements:
* Fixed kde#319565: Bad performances on ubuntu 13.04
* Fixed kde#316604: Income and Expense widget on the dashboard does not respect suboperations in split operations
* Fixed kde#316796: Reports crash when closed normally
* Fixed kde#279967: When automatically started at login, Skrooge is always displayed on all desktops
* Fixed kde#319145: Multiple currency support still buggy
* Enhancement in Group Operations (allow grouping more than 2 operations, or already grouped operations)
* Hide internal properties in \"Search & process\", in operation page and in the function \"Add property\"
* Enhancement in QIF import with mixed date format
* Correction: The advice action \"Remove groups with only one operation\" does not remove the operation but the group
* Better performances in kmymoney import and all other imports
* Skroogeconvert now supports files without path (example: skroogeconvert -in t.csv -out t.kmy)
* Better performances of skroogeconvert in case of skg import or export
* Global performances gains by using the right index on unit table
* Renamed \"Undo document\" to \"Revert document\"
* Reduce the number of messages when using backend import
* Better support of import/export with url
* Better merging of operations in QIF import
* Monthly reports and main page use the general font of KDE- New Features
* New file format (AFB120 CFONB) can be imported
* Open report from dashboard widgets
* More modification functions in \"Search & Process\" panel for Payee, Account, Tracker
* New \"capitalize\" function in \"Search & Process\" panel
* New attributes \"Unit\" and \"Transfer\" in \"Search & Process\" panel
* All update functions are now available for properties in \"Search & Process\" panel
* New icon in tab bar to create new page
* More attributes in line and column in reports (graph)
* Abillty to force the date format for qif and csv imports
* More functions in tool menu
* More tips of the days
* Dispay option \"Hide pointed operations\" in operation page
* Ability to group tables on user defined properties
* Ability to group tables on hidden column
* Addition of the new currency \"Bitcoin\" with automatic download of the rate
* In dashboard and monthly report, banks can be clicked to open corresponding operations
* In report, the graph correction can be done by multiply or divide
* Sat Mar 02 2013 updated to 1.6.0
* Revamped Dashboard
* Enhancement in import mechanism (now extensible with additional backends)
* Fri Feb 22 2013 Sascha Manns
- added account-qml to file list