Changelog for gDesklets-lang-0.36.3-20.1.noarch.rpm :

* Wed Apr 08 2015 Manually symlink the icons between pixmap and the application data directory. Relying on fdupes can result in the link being created the wrong way around.
* Sat Oct 01 2011 add libtool as buildrequire to make the spec file more reliable
* Fri Jun 17 2011 Update to version 0.36.3: + General: - Add \"Check for updates\" feature - Add icons in several places (menus, tabs, etc.) - Add metadata information about desklets + 15 pieces puzzle: Add two new images + Quote of the Day: - Add a database with \"Chuck Norris \'The Programmer\' Jokes\" - Add basic information about the current quote number and the number of quotes in the chosen database in the configuration window + Control: - Make it easier to have multiple instances of a control in a desklet - Add support for dbus- Update gDesklets-desktop.patch: we only need to fix the MimeType line, as everything else was fixed upstream (except for Categories, but we change them with %suse_update_desktop_file).- Add gDesklets-fix-install.patch: this fixes the installation to be complete, taken from upstream. Add call to autoreconf because the patch touches the build system.- Drop gDesklets-0.36.1-am111.patch: fixed upstream.- Pass --disable-static to configure to not have any .a file.
* Sat Feb 12 2011 Call relevant macros in %post/%postun: + %desktop_database_post/postun because the package ships at least one desktop file. + %icon_theme_cache_post/postun because the package ships themed icons. + %mime_database_post/postun because the package ships a mime type definition.- Move icons from the gnome icon theme to hicolor icon theme since that\'s where they should live.- Pass %{?no_lang_C} to %find_lang so that english documentation can be packaged with the program, and not in the lang subpackage.- Change Requires of lang subpackage to Recommends, since the english documentation is not there anymore.
* Tue Aug 10 2010 Remove gnutls-devel, libglade2-devel, libgnomeprintui-devel, libgnomeui-devel, libwnck-devel, perl-XML-Parser, swig BuildRequires.- Drop destdir.patch: this is not needed anymore.- Update gDesklets-desktop.patch to fix a warning in .desktop file (MimeType key is a list).- Update gDesklets-0.36.1-am111.patch to patch too, and drop call to intltoolize abd autoreconf.- Use %py_requires instead of a python Requires.- Use %configure and %makeinstall macros.- Install bash completion script.- Remove checks for old versions of openSUSE (10.2).- Remove AutoReqProv: this is the default now.
* Thu Aug 05 2010 Update to version 0.36.2: + Ability to enable/disable desklets \"on-the-fly\". + Improve build process and documentation. + Code cleaning, optimization and bug fixing. + 15 pieces puzzle: - Support for your own custom images - Two new images to be solved have been added - A click counter and a time counter have been added - No more \"unsolvable\" puzzles + Calendar: - Add many events - Bug fixes and code cleanup + Quote of the Day: - Add a database with Murphy\'s Laws + Config API: - Add ConfigToggle + Updated translations.- Drop gDesklets-0.36.1-python-2.6.patch: fixed upstream.
* Wed Aug 26 2009 make patch0 usage consistent
* Sun Aug 16 2009 Move start menu entry to \"System/Desktop Applet\" and make it show up only on GNOME desktop.
* Mon Jun 22 2009 Add gDesklets-0.36.1-am111.patch to fix build with automake 1.11
* Wed Jun 17 2009 Add patch gDesklets-0.36.1-python-2.6.patch to fix start with python 2.6 (bnc#440601)