Changelog for ocqt51210-sqlite3-devel-3.34.0-3.3.x86_64.rpm :

* Tue Sep 24 2019 Juergen Weigert - CentOS 6 cannot run the valvfs.test test. It segfaults.
* Sun Mar 10 2019 Andreas Stieger - SQLite 3.27.2:
* Add the VACUUM INTO command
* Issue an SQLITE_WARNING message on the error log if a double-quoted string literal is used
* Add the remove_diacritics=2 option to FTS3 and FTS5.
* Add the SQLITE_PREPARE_NO_VTAB option to sqlite3_prepare_v3(). Use that option to prevent circular references to shadow tables from causing resource leaks.
* Enhancements to the sqlite3_deserialize() interface
* Enhancements to the CLI, mostly to support testing and debugging of the SQLite library itself
* Increased robustness against malicious SQL that is run against a maliciously corrupted database- drop sqlite3-btree02-100.patch
* Thu Jan 17 2019 Reinhard Max - btree02.test depended on Tcl internals that changed in 8.6.9. (sqlite3-btree02-100.patch)
* Wed Dec 05 2018 SQLite 3.26.0:
* Optimization: When doing an UPDATE on a table with indexes on expressions, do not update the expression indexes if they do not refer to any of the columns of the table being updated.
* Allow the xBestIndex() method of virtual table implementations to return SQLITE_CONSTRAINT to indicate that the proposed query plan is unusable and should not be given further consideration.
* Added the SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DEFENSIVE option which disables the ability to create corrupt database files using ordinary SQL.
* Added support for read-only shadow tables when the SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DEFENSIVE option is enabled.
* Added the PRAGMA legacy_alter_table command, which if enabled causes the ALTER TABLE command to behave like older version of SQLite (prior to version 3.25.0) for compatibility.
* Added PRAGMA table_xinfo that works just like PRAGMA table_info except that it also shows hidden columns in virtual tables.
* Added the explain virtual table as a run-time loadable extension.
* Add a limit counter to the query planner to prevent excessive sqlite3_prepare() times for certain pathological SQL inputs.
* Added support for the sqlite3_normalized_sql() interface, when compiling with SQLITE_ENABLE_NORMALIZE.
* Enhanced triggers so that they can use table-valued functions that exist in schemas other than the schema where the trigger is defined.
* Improvements to the \".help\" command in the CLI.
* The SQLITE_HISTORY environment variable, if it exists, specifies the name of the command-line editing history file.
* The --deserialize option associated with opening a new database in the CLI cause the database file to be read into memory and accessed using the sqlite3_deserialize() API. This simplifies running tests on a database without modifying the file on disk.
* Sat Oct 06 2018 SQLite 3.25.2:
* Add the PRAGMA legacy_alter_table=ON command that causes the \"ALTER TABLE RENAME\" command to behave as in 3.24.0 and earlier
* Fix issue with some expressions with windows functions in views- includes changes from SQLite 3.25.1:
* Avoid false-positive error checks on ALTER TABLE
* Further ORDER BY LIMIT optimization fixes for window functions
* Sun Sep 16 2018 SQLite 3.25.0:
* Add support for window functions
* Add support for renaming columns within a table
* Query optimizer improvements
* slightly better concurrency in multi-threaded environments
* The ORDER BY LIMIT optimization might have caused an infinite loop in the byte code of the prepared statement under very obscure circumstances, due to a confluence of minor defects in the query optimizer
* Sat Jun 30 2018 Enable the FTS3 extension
* Fri Jun 29 2018 Run tests during build
* Fri Jun 08 2018 Use \'src\' archive instead of \'amalgamation\' to be able to use some flags, such as SQLITE_ENABLE_UPDATE_DELETE_LIMIT- Remove \'sqlite-fts5-link.patch\' since patched file is not availaible in \'src\' archive. Add \'-lm\' flag to LIBS var instead
* Wed Jun 06 2018 update to 3.24.0:
* Add support for PostgreSQL-style UPSERT
* Add support for auxiliary columns in r-tree tables
* Add C-language APIs for discovering SQL keywords used by SQLite
* Add C-language APIs for dynamic strings based on sqlite3_str
* Enhance ALTER TABLE so that it recognizes \"true\" and \"false\" as valid arguments to DEFAULT
* Add the sorter-reference optimization as a compile-time option
* Improve the format of the EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN raw output, so that it gives better information about the query plan and about the relationships between the various components of the plan
* Added the SQLITE_DBCONFIG_RESET_DATABASE option to the sqlite3_db_config() API.
* Automatically intercept the raw EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN output an reformat it into an ASCII-art graph.
* Lines that begin with \"#\" and that are not in the middle of an SQL statement are interpreted as comments
* Add the --append option to the \".backup\" command
* Add the \".dbconfig\" command
* various performance improvements
* various bug fixes
* Wed Apr 11 2018 update to 3.23.1:
* Fix two problems in the new LEFT JOIN strength reduction optimization
* Fix misbehavior of the FTS5 xBestIndex method
* Fix a harmless reference to an uninitialized virtual machine register
* Fix the eval.c extension so that it works with PRAGMA empty_result_callbacks=ON
* Fix the generate_series virtual table so that it correctly returns no rows if any of its constraints are NULL
* Performance enhancements in the parser
* Mon Apr 02 2018 update to 3.23.0:
* Add the sqlite3_serialize() and sqlite3_deserialize() interfaces when the SQLITE_ENABLE_DESERIALIZE compile-time option is used.
* Recognize TRUE and FALSE as constants. (For compatibility, if there exist columns named \"true\" or \"false\", then the identifiers refer to the columns rather than Boolean constants.)
* Support operators IS TRUE, IS FALSE, IS NOT TRUE, and IS NOT FALSE.
* Added the SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_SPILL option to sqlite3_db_status() for reporting the number of cache spills that have occurred.
* The \"alternate-form-2\" flag (\"!\") on the built-in printf implementation now causes string substitutions to measure the width and precision in characters instead of bytes.
* If the xColumn method in a virtual table implementation returns an error message using sqlite3_result_error() then give that error message preference over internally-generated messages.
* Added the -A command-line option to the CLI to make it easier to manage SQLite Archive files.
* Add support for INSERT OR REPLACE, INSERT OR IGNORE, and UPDATE OR REPLACE in the Zipfile virtual table.
* Enhance the sqlite3changeset_apply() interface so that it is hardened against attacks from deliberately corrupted changeset objects.
* Added the sqlite3_normalize() extension function.
* Query optimizer enhancements
* Various bug fixes
* Fix various issues reported by fuzzers, including: + CVE-2018-8740: NULL pointer dereference on CREATE TABLE as (bsc#1085790)
* Thu Feb 01 2018 update to 3.22.0:
* Add Zipfile virtual table to read and write a ZIP Archive.
* Improved handling of WAL mode databases
* various improvements, optimizations and bug fixes
* Wed Oct 25 2017 Update to version 3.21.0
* Take advantage of the atomic-write capabilities in the F2FS filesystem when available, for greatly reduced transaction overhead. This currently requires the SQLITE_ENABLE_BATCH_ATOMIC_WRITE compile-time option.
* Allow ATTACH and DETACH commands to work inside of a transaction.
* Allow WITHOUT ROWID virtual tables to be writable if the PRIMARY KEY contains exactly one column.
* The \"fsync()\" that occurs after the header is written in a WAL reset now uses the sync settings for checkpoints. This means it will use a \"fullfsync\" on macs if PRAGMA checkpoint_fullfsync set on.
* The sqlite3_sourceid() function tries to detect if the source code has been modified from what is checked into version control and if there are modifications, the last four characters of the version hash are shown as \"alt1\" or \"alt2\". The objective is to detect accidental and/or careless edits. A forger can subvert this feature.
* Improved de-quoting of column names for CREATE TABLE AS statements with an aggregate query on the right-hand side.
* Fewer \"stat()\" system calls issued by the unix VFS.
* Enhanced the LIKE optimization so that it works with an ESCAPE clause.
* Enhanced PRAGMA integrity_check and PRAGMA quick_check to detect obscure row corruption that they were formerly missing. Also update both pragmas so that they return error text rather than SQLITE_CORRUPT when encountering corruption in records.
* The query planner now prefers to implement FROM-clause subqueries using co-routines rather using the query flattener optimization. Support for the use of co-routines for subqueries may no longer be disabled.
* Pass information about !=, IS, IS NOT, NOT NULL, and IS NULL constraints into the xBestIndex method of virtual tables.
* Enhanced the CSV virtual table so that it accepts the last row of input if the final new-line character is missing.
* Remove the rarely-used \"scratch\" memory allocator. Replace it with the SQLITE_CONFIG_SMALL_MALLOC configuration setting that gives SQLite a hint that large memory allocations should be avoided when possible.
* Added the swarm virtual table to the existing union virtual table extension.
* Added the sqlite_dbpage virtual table for providing direct access to pages of the database file. The source code is built into the amalgamation and is activated using the - DSQLITE_ENABLE_DBPAGE_VTAB compile-time option.
* Add a new type of fts5vocab virtual table - \"instance\" - that provides direct access to an FTS5 full-text index at the lowest possible level.
* Miscellaneous microoptimizations reduce CPU usage by about 2.1%. Bug fixes
* Fix a faulty assert() statement discovered by OSSFuzz. Ticket cb91bf4290c211d
* Fix an obscure memory leak in sqlite3_result_pointer(). Ticket 7486aa54b968e9b
* Avoid a possible use-after-free error by deferring schema resets until after the query planner has finished running. Ticket be436a7f4587ce5
* Only use indexes-on-expressions to optimize ORDER BY or GROUP BY if the COLLATE is correct. Ticket e20dd54ab0e4383
* Fix an assertion fault that was coming up when the expression in an index-on-expressions is really a constant. Ticket aa98619ad08ddca
* Fix an assertion fault that could occur following PRAGMA reverse_unordered_selects. Ticket cb91bf4290c211d
* Fix a segfault that can occur for queries that use table-valued functions in an IN or EXISTS subquery. Ticket b899b6042f97f5
* Fix a potential integer overflow problem when compiling a particular horrendous common table expression. This was another problem discovered by OSSFuzz. Check-in 6ee8cb6ae5.
* Fix a potential out-of-bound read when querying a corrupt database file, a problem detected by Natalie Silvanovich of Google Project Zero. Check-in 04925dee41a21f.